So that the husband always loves and does not go to the left. Conspiracies to stop your husband from walking So that your husband doesn’t walk to the left

landscaping 08.12.2023

Married women often fear that their spouse may cheat on them. To reassure and protect themselves from their significant other’s infidelity, women quite often resort to conspiracies. There are a huge number of variants of such rituals; those who have tried them in practice assure that such slander works. If you want your husband to remain faithful to you, you don’t have to go to magicians; you can use simple but effective spells on your own.

Take two rings - yours and your husband's, tie them tightly with a red thread. Place the tied rings in a glass glass with holy water and say three times:

“Like rings tied in one place, so are the servant of God (husband’s name) and the servant of God (your name) together. Separation will bypass us, happiness will come to our family. Illnesses, quarrels, bad conversations, sworn enemies, damned deeds - everything is past the threshold, into the dense forest they are on their way. Our love is strong, indestructible, strong at all times. Amen".

Leave the rings in the glass, hiding them away from prying eyes. After three days, remove from the water and place on a church candle. Light the candle and wait until it burns out completely. While the candle is burning, read prayers to yourself. Such a ritual will forever discourage an unfaithful man from having affairs and will strengthen his love for his wife.

Conspiracies to get rid of your rival

In cases where your spouse has, several simple rituals will help you get rid of your rival. To cool or dry, wait until the waning moon phase and begin the rituals.

A conspiracy so that your husband does not see other women except you

Prepare a church candle, red paper and a photo of your spouse.

Place a photograph in front of you on the table, light a candle over it and read these words:

“The blue sea is wide, behind it is a stone cliff, in that cliff there is a stove. Heroes burn in that furnace with fire, fiery swords burn. I, the servant of God (name), invite fire. Stand as a wall of fire around my husband, God’s servant (name). Burn the girls, burn the women, the young, the widows, if anyone covets the love of my husband, the servant of God (name). Don’t stab me alone, God’s servant (name), don’t burn me, don’t cut me with swords, let me into the heart of God’s servant (name). Amen".

After the candle burns out, wrap the stub with the photo in paper and hide it securely at home.

A conspiracy so that the husband does not yearn for another

One of the most powerful methods of turning a spouse away from another woman is considered to be a conspiracy to drink or eat.

For three days in a row, talk and feed or give your husband something to drink. The result will not take long to arrive.

“The young spring has arrived, the warmth has arrived, the red sun has melted the snow and spread it out. Just as snow melts from the earth like water, so the longing of the servant of God (name) for the servant of God (name of rival) goes away. Let him not think about her, don’t want to see her, don’t burn with love in his heart for her, don’t remember her with a kind word. Let her not wander around the house, let her bypass him when he meets her, let him not show mercy to her, let her not be loved, let her be forgotten forever. Let him not call her by name, the white body does not desire her. My words are a high wall; neither eagles nor falcons can fly over them. I speak, I consolidate, I separate the servant of God (name) from the servant of God (name). Amen".

Lapel on card nine of spades

The ritual is performed on any day, regardless of the time of day. Prepare for the ceremony a new deck of 36 cards, two wax candles, not church candles, one black candle, and a photograph of your spouse.

Place a deck of cards on the table, light candles - two on the sides of the deck, a black candle opposite the deck. Read the plot nine times in a row:

“36 servants of the underworld, 36 warriors of the demonic army, endowed with dark power, not defeated in dark deeds, shameful secrets, blasphemous speeches you have uttered, human hearts filled with passion, you are tormenting. In the black, severe hour I call you from underground, from fiery hell I call you, just as the earth calls out for the sun, so I call out the 36 demonic servants, especially the nine black, sharp, peak ones. You have been given, nine, evil deeds, eternal separations, you have been creating quarrels and separations for a long time. Come to me, stand in front of me, the truth is behind me. Amen".

After shuffling the cards several times, take out the nine of spades and read another conspiracy over it:

“I call separation, firm separation, strong separation. Let what has become a single whole fall into two parts; let the paths that are intertwined into one separate into two. Nine demonic, black, evil, bring love sickness to (husband’s name) and (rival’s name). So that there would be no sweetness between them, they would not do love affairs, they would scratch and swear. Nine of spades, bring separation and demonism between them. My word is strong, the power of demons is even stronger. Amen".

Drip black candle wax onto the photo and attach the nine of spades card face down. Place the entire deck on top of the photo and leave it until the morning. At dawn, bury it under a tree, no matter which one, reading:

“(Husband’s name) and (rival’s name) are given over to separation, crushed by separation. Amen".

Having completed the ritual, leave the tree silently, without looking back.

Spells to make a husband love his wife

Sometimes it happens that feelings, especially in long-term relationships. If you want to renew or strengthen your spouse's love for you, use several spells.

Make a husband miss his wife

Prepare any thing - clothes, an object, anything, so that you can give it to your man, and say the following words:

“I give you the thing, I take your peace for myself. In the middle of a dark night, in the middle of a clear day, you will have no peace without me. Amen".

Salt spell for husband's love

Speak on salt and add salt to food for your husband:

“People love salt, take care of it, praise it, so let my husband (name) love me, take care of me, praise me, he can’t get enough of it, he can’t stop talking enough, he’d always hang around me, he wouldn’t be anywhere without me. Amen".

Lock spell

Talk about a new lock that has never been used. Close the lock with the key and whisper:

“A lock cannot be opened without a key, so the love of my husband (name) for me (name) does not end. Amen".

Close the lock and throw away the key so that no one finds it.

Simple and effective conspiracies against cheating husbands

Conducted against male infidelity are very popular. You can resort to them to protect yourself from the intrusion of strangers into your marriage, and from your mistress when cheating has occurred.

So that a man doesn’t even think about cheating

Take two thin church candles and a few hairs from your spouse. Seclude yourself in a room so that no one can disturb you, light candles. Burn your hair in a candle flame and collect the remaining ashes. Read the following words above the candle:

“Pure fire, sinless fire, as I burn the hair of God’s servant (name), so will his thoughts, directed at other women, burn. Let other women become ashes for him, they don’t cause a heartbeat in his chest, only I will rule in his heart, thoughts, bed, to me, the servant of God (name), he will run, to me he will fly. Amen".

Repeat these words on the second candle. After the ritual, extinguish the candles, hide them among the husband’s clothes, and add the ashes from the hair to the dish prepared for the spouse.

In case of betrayal

If you know about your husband’s betrayal, but have forgiven him, you can get rid of your mistress in the following way.

Pour running cold water into any container and read the spell over it:

“The brownie does not betray his home, does not cheat on him, does not wander around other houses, even if my husband, the servant of God (name), forgets the way to others, hates his rival, stops loving him. Let my husband forget where her doors are; let him be faithful to me, his wife, the servant of God (name). Amen".

Repeat this spell three times a month, use the water to cook for your husband.

Pancake spell

To protect your marriage from your husband’s infidelity, you can bake him pancakes with a slander. Knead the dough and say:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Let the servant of God (name) eat - eat his fill, drink - get drunk with house-water. As he finishes his pancakes, his longing for me, God’s servant (name), consumes him. Wherever he is, let him yearn for his family, let him love and have mercy on me alone, his wife. Let his heart languish, he cannot sit without me, he cannot sleep, he does not look at others. From now on and forever. Amen".

Friday conspiracy

For three Fridays in a row, before you start eating, say the following words:

“Your head is bright, thoughts of betrayal are empty. Your heart, servant of God (name), does not yearn for another, wherever you go, it will return to me. Don’t look at others, don’t burn with desire for them, just for me, God’s servant (name), go crazy. Amen".

Night plot

After spending the night with your husband, cross him when he falls asleep and mentally say:

“The green berry is good, but unripe, there is no joy from it either to the soul or to the body. Just as such a berry is sour, so any woman to the servant of God (name), except me, is not sweet. Amen".

Spell on things before washing

Before washing your spouse’s things, read the following hex over them:

“I, the servant of God (name), your legitimate wife, the servant of God (name). You and I swore to each other, made promises, ate together, slept together. How our words were carried by the wind, so that you would love me again. Just as all the dirt is washed off from your clothes, your desire to look at others is erased. Amen".

It is probably rare to find relationships in which exceptional fidelity reigns. Men, by their nature, cannot always avoid temptation; women know this and often torment themselves with worries about whether the man they love is cheating or not. If you have doubts about your husband’s fidelity or, God forbid, you have had to deal with betrayal, you can turn to conspiracies for magical help. However, remember - use any witchcraft intervention for good purposes, then you will not harm yourself or anyone else.

Do you think with horror that your husband might also one day want to have fun with someone else? Are you afraid that the family will collapse and everything that was between you will disappear in an instant? Your fears are completely justified, and for them to pass, you need to know about ways to prevent male infidelity. Today we will talk about how to avoid it, what a wife should do, how to behave, what mistakes many women make. You will also find out which husbands do not cheat on their wives and when they never cheat.

  • Deeply believers. According to Orthodox canons, adultery is a serious sin for which a person will be punished. Therefore, a true Christian will be faithful to his wife to the last.
  • Obsessed with your health. If the fear of catching an STD haunts your man everywhere, then you can rest assured: he will definitely limit himself to you.
  • Honest men. Faithful husbands are rare, but they do occur. The desire to never betray your significant other may be due to moral principles or strong love for your wife and fear of hurting her.
  • Happy people. If everything is in order in your family, your husband is completely satisfied with you as a woman, housewife, mistress, life friend, then most often there is nothing to fear.

Naturally, if your man falls under one or more types from our list, this is not a cast-iron guarantee that he will always be faithful.

According to British scientists, those with low intelligence and those who are slim and without a beer belly change the most.

What woman wouldn't a man want to cheat on?

It is unlikely that he will have a desire to commit adultery if you:

  1. Give him enough attention- say compliments that he is the best, what would you do without him, constantly praise him.
  2. Take care of him– do laundry, clean the house, make it cozy, prepare food, iron things. He should feel that you are irreplaceable in all plans.
  3. Satisfy your partner in the intimate sphere of life. If he suggests some experiments, don’t immediately be offended by him like a little child and refuse, feel free to talk about these topics! Obviously, if he doesn’t want you, then sooner or later there will be someone else who is ready to sing odes to him.
  4. Don't limit his personal space. Is your husband in a bad mood? Don’t bother interrogating him, he’ll tell you what and how, he wants to tell you. You also need to take into account that men are not women; they don’t tend to cry even when it comes to business. They value their freedom very much, and if someone claims it, even their wife, they shut down. Representatives of the stronger sex do not tolerate being questioned: where were you, what did you do, why didn’t you call, they are not 5 years old!
  5. Do you understand my husband?. If this is not the case, then sooner or later betrayal will certainly take place, even if not physical, but spiritual. But those girls who listen to their chosen one, try to satisfy his needs, do not upset their husband, do not be rude, do not throw tantrums, can live in peace.
  6. Never relax. You must always take care of yourself: do not forget to visit a beauty salon, get a manicure and pedicure, and get rid of hair on your legs and armpits in a timely manner. A torn, greasy robe should be thrown away; instead, it is better to wear short shorts and tops at home.
  7. Don't curl around your husband like a top. Interest in your person can keep him from wanting to go left, even if he likes some other ladies. He simply will not consider them as a mistress, why should he, because he has someone to solve.

We recommend reading free book Alexey Chernozem "What to do with male infidelity." You will learn why men cheat and leave for their mistresses, how to react correctly to betrayal in order to preserve the relationship and prevent it from happening again in the future, and also how to survive all this.

The book is free. To download, click on this link, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the pdf file.

If you follow these 7 rules, you can guarantee success in 85-98% of cases. But this is only if your husband is not an inveterate womanizer. Then nothing will help here! We already discussed once before. It says here whether they are all the same, what the guys themselves think about it, and several interesting films are also given.

A very unusual opinion about the reasons for her husband’s infidelity; the hosts and guests of this show see the root of the problem in the incorrect design of the bedroom:

Read here. Here you will find several starting rules and prohibited actions that can ruin everything.

What can I do to prevent him from walking to the left?

First of all, to protect your family, you need to behave correctly. You must become everything to him so that he cannot live even a day without you. At the same time, care is needed indirectly; it is necessary to act in the “shadow”. Don't run after him and don't demand gratitude for what you do for him. He cares about you too!

Also forget about nagging and irritation. Have you given flowers for a long time? Don’t reproach your husband, but rather give a hint, for example, like this: “yesterday my husband gave my boss such a bouquet, everyone was jealous of her!” If your husband is a sufficiently attentive and intelligent person, he will definitely notice this.

It is also very important to never cry about the fact that a man is doing something wrong: he doesn’t bring enough money into the house, spends too much time with friends, hangs out on the couch for hours and is idle. Instead, praise him for the smallest signs of caring for you. Did he buy something from the store? Say thank you for your pleasure. If you bully your loved one, then very soon he will find himself in the arms of another, more affectionate girl.

If you have problems in bed, never blame your spouse. When something doesn’t work out, offer a way out of the situation, look for solutions. Constantly putting pressure on a man, saying that he is not like that, sooner or later the husband will prove the opposite to you, but with another woman.

We should not forget that over time the husband may get tired of the relationship. To prevent this from happening, they need to be diversified somehow. We have a separate article on our website about this. You will definitely need to take care of your joint leisure time.

If you feel like you smell something fried, then it is likely that your spouse has lost interest in you. Your task is to return him. Some of our tips will help you with this.

A little mysticism wouldn't hurt

For those who believe in a Higher Power, several conspiracies to prevent a loved one from going out can help:

  1. Take a little mane from the horse, sew it inside any man's clothing and read the following words three times: “The gelding does not want a single mare, even the most beautiful one. He’s not interested in anyone, not a smart girl, not a beauty, he only likes his wife.” Then say “Amen.”
  2. On the first day of the week, when your husband is at home, go to the apartment door or gate and say, looking at the windows: “Drive others away from you, let no one please you, you will find all the best in me. Only I will be in your heart and will be able to open the door into it, Amen.”
  3. Remove the wick from the wax candle and light it on both sides. While it burns, you will need to read the following text: “This fire is marked with gold and is eternal, this is our love with my husband, it is not ready to change. Amen. After repeating these words, put out the light and store the remains of the candle out of the reach of your husband.

A very interesting program with Evgenia Malysheva about what to do to prevent your husband from cheating. It is noteworthy that the advice is given based on the real experience of different couples:

If you really love your husband and it is mutual, you are very lucky. To prevent him from cheating, you just need to follow our advice, which will help keep the relationship perfect and not let the light go out. And when a man carries you in his arms, you will not have to doubt his infidelity!

Husband and wife are one Satan, as people say. Family life can sometimes be monotonous and boring. This cannot but affect the relationship between spouses. The husband and wife begin to quarrel more often, discord sets in in the family, and one of the spouses begins to go “to the left.” To get out of this situation, use a conspiracy against betrayal.

A conspiracy against male infidelity helps preserve the family and improve mutual understanding in the family between spouses. Family is not just husband and wife. A family consists of children who suffer from the loss of feelings and mutual understanding between their parents.

How to prevent betrayal? What to do when your husband goes for a walk?

Each family is individual. It is not always possible to maintain a good relationship after many years of married life together at the level of a newly formed one. If you have already tried a lot of methods and nothing helps, you can use a conspiracy.

Prayer against cheating spouse

“I have a seal of fidelity, no one can take this seal: neither with hands, nor with charming words, nor with a dissuasive spell, nor with a three-tongued curse, nor with a gray-haired grandfather, nor with a cunning knowledge, nor with a sorceress, nor with an evil sorceress, nor with a shaman, nor with cunning deception , no clear eyes, no black curls, no white chest, no Adam’s garden, no front, no back. My seal cannot be broken, my slave (name) cannot be lured, he will not betray me forever and ever. He will admire me forever, as he will fear the fire of betrayal. Just as a child cries for its breast, a foal cries for its mother. No one will come between us; only one thing can separate us: if one of us dies, he will take the seal with him. Angels, archangels, take the seal and follow me. Century after century, from now on and forever. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

Pancake Ritual

To prevent your husband from going out, you can use the following plot. This ritual is not difficult to perform. You just need to cook pancakes for your husband. When kneading the dough, say the following prayer:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Let the servant of God (name) eat - he is full, he drinks - he gets drunk, and when he has eaten, let homesickness consume him and not let him leave the threshold, let his family yearn for his family, let (name) have mercy on his lawful wife. And when he walks the streets, he doesn’t go into other people’s yards, he doesn’t look into other people’s windows. So that homesickness would torment him both during the day, noon, and at night, midnight. From now on and forever and ever. Amen".

Bake pancakes from the charmed dough. Feed your spouse cooked pancakes. Serve the pancakes with tea, spelled with the following words:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Help me, Lord, Let the servant of God (name) drink tea, let the servant of God fall ill without me, let him, without a home and without me, the servant of God (name), not be able to wait an hour or a minute to pass. No sleep, no breathing. From now on, forever and ever. Amen".

An ancient ritual using a series

In ancient times, conspiracies using a series were often used. They performed the ritual in the bathhouse. But, in the modern world, you can get by with a simple bathroom.

“A series of grass, pull the servant of God (name) here, here he is fed, here he is warm, here he is smeared. Let the servant of God (name) stick to the house, let his legs and arms grow to the house, and tie him tightly with roots. I greet him and take him home. As iron is strong, as grass is green, as the sun is red, so is my conspiracy strong. On that is the life-giving cross. Amen, amen, amen."

To fulfill the spell, you need to prepare dry string grass - 3 tablespoons. The herb is brewed with boiling water and infused, after which it is filtered. The finished broth is cast as a spell and poured over your spouse. You'll have to use your imagination a little and be smart to fulfill this requirement. You can prepare a bath for your husband and pour the charmed decoction into it.

Ceremony on wedding rings

To perform such a ritual, you need to take one thread each from your spouse’s clothing and your item, as well as wedding rings. Twist the prepared threads and tie the rings with them. Say the following words seven times:

“Just as these rings are together, so God’s servant Anatoly (or your husband’s name) and God’s servant Lyudmila (or your name) will be together. Let neither insults, nor quarrels, nor crooked conversations, nor illnesses, nor evil people, nor the damned demon separate us. As she said, so it will be for many years and forever. Amen".

Church candle ritual

If you want your spouse to never have the desire to cheat on you, you can use the following ritual. For such a ritual, you need to buy two thin candles bought in the church and your husband’s hair.

  • At midnight, for the full moon, two candles are lit.
  • Over the first one I pronounce the first part of the plot, then they set fire to your husband’s hair and put out the candle.
  • The remaining spell is recited over the second burning candle until it burns out completely.
  • When the ceremony has already been completed, the candle that has not burned out must be brought to the church and placed for the repose of your deceased close relative of your husband.

The words are pronounced as follows:

“Not the coming moon, not the departing moon, but the clear, full moon, become for me the servant of God (your name) as a witness and assistant to my conspiracy! Just as a hot and fast flame easily burns hair, so let it just as quickly burn out fornication and lust from the heart of the servant of God (name of spouse)! Let him miss and yearn only for his home, and for his lawful wife, the servant of God (your name)! Let the fire burn and tame all his unclean thoughts and lustful desires! Just as a clean candle melts, with a clear flame and a quiet light, so let the heart of the servant of God (spouse’s name) melt for me only, for his beloved wife! Let him only admire me, desire me, cherish and pamper me! So that he loves me with love, both carnal and spiritual, so that he lives with me only in affection and fidelity! Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen!"

Whichever of the above conspiracies you use, it is important to remember that conspiracies, rituals, and various love spells are a serious ritual that can cause irreparable harm not only to your spouse, but to you as well. A conspiracy should be carried out if it is really necessary in the current situation.

Building a good relationship between a man and a woman is quite difficult. It often happens that a husband begins to deceive his wife and go to the left. A modern woman can read a conspiracy against her husband’s infidelity herself, without turning to specialists and magicians for help. You just have to figure out how safe it is and what consequences may ultimately arise.

Conspiracies against cheating husband, so as not to go to the left

Of course, all rituals and spells to prevent a husband from cheating must be carried out in the absence of the husband without prying eyes.

Ritual for a married person

A conspiracy for married couples is a separate category of magical influence. Its essence is to give the unfaithful companion a second chance, with the help of the Lord’s strength and prayer.

  1. You need to take an icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary, it must be ancient and must be consecrated in the church 7 times.
  2. These words should be read while the man is sleeping in his bed, preferably in the morning, before sunrise, 3 times every hour.
  3. You need to pronounce the words several times clearly and distinctly, but very quietly, if the guy hears at least one phrase, the ritual will lose its power.

Spell text:

“Mother Theotokos, baptized in church, born under God, I ask for your help, return my husband to the family.”

Ritual for husband's hair

Biological material has always carried a special human energy. To complete this conspiracy you will need a few hairs from your husband, a fresh egg and some free time. It is advisable to perform the ritual on Thursday evening of the double number.

Stage one

  1. Make a hole in a chicken egg, pour the contents into a vessel and place in a dark place for several hours.
  2. You need to insert the man's hair or pre-cut nails into the empty shell of the egg.

Throw a pinch of salt into the vessel into which the egg (yolk, white) was poured and recite the following hex on the resulting mixture:

“The salt is spoken, the flesh is hot, as soon as I scatter it at the crossroads, I bring the servant of God (spouse’s name) home to the family.”

Stage two

  1. Fill the hole made with black candle wax.
  2. Spill the yolk and white at night at an empty crossroads of three roads.
  3. Wrap the enchanted egg in a red plain woolen rag or fabric.
  4. You need to put the bundle in a secluded and clean place where other household members do not look.

It is worth remembering that cracks and any defects on the egg can provoke even more quarrels and discord, so everything must be done with extreme caution and attention.

Spell for a wedding ring

The ring is considered a strong and very important attribute of family ties, so love spells are cast on them too often.

All you need is:

  1. Your and your husband’s wedding jewelry, pre-blessed in holy water from the church.
  2. Silk thread of red (pink) color.
  3. A little honey.
  4. A scarf or stocking from your wedding.

How to carry out the ceremony - step by step

  1. The wedding bands need to be connected with a red or pink strong thread.
  2. Lubricate the thread with honey.
  3. Wrap in any item that was left over from the wedding (towel, tablecloth, scarf, veil, glove).

Speak on them for four days:

“Neither grief, nor misfortune, nor hard times will separate us.”

After you complete these steps, buy a candle and put rings on it, wait until it burns out completely and at this time pray for the health of your loved ones and for the repose of the departed. When the cheating stops, you can return the ring to the guy.

Fidelity ritual with wormwood

Rituals and rituals with herbs have come to us since the times of the Slavic Pantheon of Gods. In those days, people treated the power of nature with special trust and reverence.

Wormwood is used as a remedy for negative energy. This plant will help the wife to cleanse her husband from the influence of her rival and put family relationships in order.

  1. You need to collect wormwood, you can use fresh stems with leaves or take a dry twig that has already been prepared in advance.
  2. You need to divide and spread the plant in the outer four corners of the house, and sprinkle a few crumbs under the mattress in the place where your husband sleeps.
  3. The plant will protect the wife from infidelity, and the unfaithful husband from his mistress. When the ritual is performed, each time you release the plant from your hands, you need to read to yourself:

“Mother Wormwood, save your relatives from harm.”

Poppy love spell - revenge on husband from betrayal

This ritual is performed on a consecrated poppy. The ritual belongs to the category of aggressive magic. To teach a lesson and take revenge on an unfaithful guy, you need to:

  1. Take a handful of sacred poppy.
  2. Speak a conspiracy against him.
  3. Next, place the bundle of poppy seeds in the marriage bed at the husband’s head.
  4. So he should lie for three days.
  5. Pour the charmed grains at the doorstep of the house.
  6. It is recommended to repeat this action at the same time for 12 days in a row. Then don’t sweep the threshold for a month.

Poppy spell text:

“Thirty-three crows are flying, carrying 33 stones. They will sit on the threshold and begin to peck stones and curse my rival. My poppy, poppy, don’t grow, don’t sprout, beware of me and my house. Whoever brings me something bad will take this stone for himself. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen."

Ritual for salted linen

A conspiracy to accidentally cheat on a loved one can be carried out in different ways, for example, on the husband’s underpants or shirts. This ritual will not take much of your time, but will forever discourage a man from wanting to go outside. A lapel from a mistress is done like this:

  1. The spouse's shirts, T-shirts and underwear should be thoroughly washed by hand; when they are already clean, rinse them in water and add salt in advance.
  2. Think to yourself what you would like to get as a result, in this situation, for everything to return to the better, to maintain the fidelity of your loved one, or to make his life with a homewrecker hell on earth.
  3. After the underwear has dried, let your husband put it on, and try to do this exactly at the moment when he is called on an urgent “business trip” or on business.

Lapel love spell ritual

There is another way to make a man forget about his mistresses; it is to discourage his loved one’s desire for intimacy with others and force him to look at his wife with old feelings:

  1. Change a few rubles, preferably three, into small coins.
  2. Bury the oldest and newest coin under the nearest tree from your house; it is advisable that this tree constantly catches the man’s eye.
  3. Give the rest to people, just passersby or those in need. This needs to be done in the evening. But remember we perform the ritual on the waning moon.
  4. Take your husband's shirt or T-shirt and turn it inside out, hang it on a nail or hook in the north part of the house. Repeat the spell against accidental betrayal:

“Your sins, my mischiefs, away from us, come back to your family dear. Your shirt is more dear to me than the one that warms you in sin.”

How to make a ritual for food and water

If you happen to find out that a man cheated, you can try your luck and check in practice whether love spells work on food and products. To do this, you need to start cooking one of your husband’s favorite dishes, adding salt several times.

You need to sprinkle salt and read prayers on food so that no one finds out, otherwise it won’t be difficult to remove the love spell. After you serve your cooking, as soon as he starts eating, silently quickly repeat the plot to accidentally cheat on your loved one:

“I have to restrain you, punish my rival, and not see my grief. There is no forgiveness for her, without repentance, just as you could not be faithful, you cannot change your life and desire it.”

After which you need to take a spoonful of food from his dish and give it to a stray cat. This spell belongs to white magic and does not contain anything sinful or negative.

What to read for Easter so that your husband doesn’t cheat

This ritual of how to talk your husband out of cheating for a long time is valid for only one year, and after exactly 12 months it will lose its properties. This magic could change the situation and your loved one will soon stop cheating.

How to perform the ritual

Paint exactly 7 eggs the night before Easter and read the words above each of them:

“Who are you to me, betrothed, not an enemy, let her words fly at midnight and into the ravine, help me, a traitor, to regain his strength, he will forget about her, on the same day.”

Place eggs on 7 graves of women with different names. And if you know the name of your rival, then on the graves of women where the names begin with a similar letter, you don’t need to read anything.

How to remove the spell and return your loved one using a personal item

Personal belongings and objects, like a sponge, absorb all a person’s energy, so performing a strong ritual on them will be very easy and effective. To do this you will need your favorite thing, it could be:

  • book;
  • button;
  • hair;
  • wardrobe item;
  • Toothbrush.

The more time the object was next to the man, the easier it will be for you to make sure that your husband does not cheat.

  1. Take this item and thoroughly treat it with holy water.
  2. In the process, ask for help from the Saints as best you can and repent for going against fate.
  3. Take a strong bag, put this thing in it and bury it under an oak tree so that you have strength.
  4. The next night - under the birch tree - for beauty.
  5. Then under an acacia or rowan tree - for protection from evil spirits and bad influences.
  6. On the last night under the willow - so that the rival shed tears.
  7. It is important that the item is sealed and kept under each tree for exactly 12 hours.

Each time you bury the bundle, say the words:

“Just as the servant of God (name) wants to live, so he wants his wife, let him not be pursued by death, he will love me like food, curse her like the plague.”

Then collect a handful of earth under each of these trees and pour it on the grave of a girl with the same name as her mistress. Your husband will love you very much and will forget about intimacy with other representatives of the fair sex.

How to talk your husband out of cheating using your shared photo

If you have a common photo of you and your loved one alone, you are very lucky; it will help make your husband’s thoughts tied only to you.

  1. Take a red thin wool thread and literally sew your hands in the photo together with a needle.
  2. All this must be done carefully, because if a man finds out, you will have to confess and love will leave your home forever.
  3. Place the image under the pillow, it is important to go to bed on one common pillow, without this you will not be able to tie your wife to a man.
  4. Keep the object of the ritual for 3 years, and then bury it under a tree that will never be cut down.

Lapel ritual for an incoming feeling

There is another very strong ritual, but before you perform it, you must check how much your husband loves another woman, and whether he is really cheating on you. Prepare consecrated salt and add it discreetly to your husband during meals, while reading the Lord’s Prayer, and be sure to add the words:

“Heavenly powers, earthly waters, holy stones, help bring back love and reveal deception, help clear thoughts, give a sign.”

If while you were saying this in your mind, your husband coughed, then you can be sure that his love for you has cooled. This means that you need to renew your former passion and turn away your mistress, and appease your husband’s new feelings for another woman.

What to do to stop your husband from walking to the left

how to make sure your husband never cheats

Prikhodko Natalia

Preacher of IgLa (poem by Vladimir Egorovich Rogov)

Take his photo and wrap it in your hair, tie it tightly with a thread from your underwear, and say:

“Just as a knot will never be untied, so your heart will never be deceived by what is destined for you - I, and no, the lost one for you.”

Burn everything you have spoken and add a little ashes to your food, after which your life together will improve.

No couple is immune from infidelity in a relationship. It is believed that men are polygamous by nature, so women in relationships are much more likely to worry that a man might cheat on them. Of course, the best way to insure against infidelity is to build an honest and trusting relationship with your loved one. But sometimes you can insure yourself in a magical way. It is precisely for these cases that there is a conspiracy against cheating on a husband.

How does the conspiracy against cheating husband work?

Any magical conspiracy is nothing more than an influence on the will of a person. How to make a person think and act exactly as you want. It is for these purposes that a magical ritual is used. It helps to inspire another person with what you want to receive from him. In principle, a conspiracy to prevent a husband from cheating is a fairly simple and harmless procedure. The fact is that this conspiracy does not enter into an intrapersonal conflict.

The fact is that when a man gets married, he, as a rule, wants to remain faithful, some part of it. This means that the conspiracy against betrayal will work on that part of it that supports the idea of ​​jealousy.

Of course, it may also be that a man does not adhere to the idea of ​​fidelity at all and considers it normal to cheat on his wife. In this case, the situation is more complicated. Because here the idea of ​​fidelity, imposed by the conspiracy, comes into conflict with the true opinion of the husband, who considers betrayal to be an absolutely normal phenomenon. This state of affairs, the intrapersonal conflict, can have negative consequences, which can be expressed in a sharp change in mood; in this case, a man’s character can deteriorate greatly. In this case, the wife may even regret that she brought such a conspiracy on him. But even if this happened, you can always do another ritual that will help correct the created state of affairs.

In what situations can a spell be used?

If we consider situations in which it is worth using a conspiracy, there may be several of them:

  1. A wife can use a conspiracy against cheating if she initially notices an increased interest in other women in her husband. There are some men who don’t even hide how much they are interested in other women sexually. So that such a husband does not cheat and is always faithful to his wife, a conspiracy is used.
  2. The conspiracy against betrayal can be read by a wife if the fact of betrayal has already occurred. If a woman has found the strength in herself and decided to forgive her unfaithful husband, then she can make sure that the past betrayal becomes a real lesson for him, and this is exactly what a correctly performed magical ritual will help with.
  3. Such a conspiracy against betrayal can be carried out not only by the wife herself. A mother can do this to her son before his marriage, for example. If the mother is aware that her son likes to date more than just one girl at a time, then if she knows that he is capable of cheating, then she can protect her future daughter-in-law.
  4. You can perform such a magical love ritual if your husband goes somewhere far away. At a distance, the degree of love and flirtation between spouses, for obvious reasons, decreases, and the man’s attention dissipates. This leads to the fact that the likelihood of betrayal increases several times. It is in such a situation that it will be very useful to cast such a conspiracy on your loved one.

Spell on underwear

A conspiracy against betrayal is, of course, a magical ritual that involves working with sexual energy. For this reason, it is very good to cast a similar spell on your loved one’s underwear. It is necessary to perform such a ritual during the period when the moon is waxing. Stock up on your husband's underpants in advance, no matter what shape or color they are. You will also need a candle to carry out the ritual.

Stay alone indoors. No one should disturb you, neither animals nor other people. Also turn off all electrical appliances in the room and light a candle instead. First you need to get ready for the ritual. You need to tune yourself, mind and soul. Take a deep breath and exhale to make your head clearer. After this, begin the ritual. Hold your loved one's underwear. Then you need to read the following ritual:

“From now on, the servant of God (husband’s name), no matter who you desire, and all your desires will return to the servant of God (your name). All other women will fight off these desires and they will all return to me. You won’t have a mistress, you won’t fall in love with your mistress, you’ll spend all your libido on me. Our love will become stronger when you release all your passion on me, our love will become better when you turn all your attention to me. You should only be with me, you will love only me passionately. I can’t force it, but I can easily start talking. My strong words penetrate the soul, my well-aimed words hit like an arrow. You don’t feel desire for any girl except me. You will not turn out to be a traitor, only a faithful and honest husband. Our relationship is pure, our relationship is passionate, all your thoughts are at home, with me. My words are strong, my words penetrate your soul.”

After this, for a couple of minutes, holding the underwear in your hands, think about your loved one. Then quickly put out the candle and leave the room. It is necessary to arrange it so that it is this underwear that your loved one puts on the next morning. It is also advisable to have sex with your husband the next evening. This practice is very effective, by the way, it is not so easy, it can be removed if desired. With the help of this practice, it is good to attune your husband to the feeling of home and family. So that he has a certain longing for home and for you, which simply will not give him the opportunity to change. It is very good to carry out this practice if your husband leaves home for a long time.

Spell on a flower and a tree

This conspiracy, so that the husband does not offend his wife by cheating, must be carried out in the summer. Specifically during the period when poppies and trees bloom. A similar ritual is performed on wormwood. With the help of this magical love ritual, you will make sure that your husband will not go on the side. These rituals must be performed on a clear summer day; according to the lunar calendar, it should be a waxing moon.

Go to a place outside of nature, where poppies bloom and trees grow. The poppy is red and in this case it will symbolize the passion with which you will work through the conspiracy. First, approach the flower, look at it more carefully, imbue it with a feeling of respect and admiration, in this way you will establish contact with it, and the flower will respond. If there is contact, then you can read the plot:

“Handsome, slim, plump, you remind me of my man. I turn love spells to you so that my man can turn his wife to me once and for all. Only my wife, let the servant of God (husband’s name) love me, let him only caress his wife with his eyes and hands, let him not offend his wife, he passionately desires his wife, he doesn’t want anyone else, only his wife. I can’t force it, but I ask my man to speak of love and passion for me. Nothing will happen against the power of nature. A strong spell for a strong and beautiful flower and a faithful man. I’m turning the situation around on myself.”

After this, go to the masculine tree, hug it and you need to read the following plot:

“I want to admit that I love the servant of God (the man’s name), I do rituals for him, I read prayers so that he will love me alone. You are a mighty, beautiful tree, make sure that he can only show nobility towards me, there are no others for him, no matter who he communicates with in life. So that he could admire me alone in life, so that he could bewitch him forever. For him there is only me and he doesn’t need to do anything, without me it’s like without air. I tell you my fate, I tell you prayers so that he loves me, loves his wife, no one else. The words are strong, the rituals are reliable.”

Ask the tree for sincere care, like your father, and let your husband treat you just as tenderly. If you were sincere in the rituals, then a change in your relationship with your husband will come very soon. You can check this by how he takes care of you and protects you.

Food spell

Food conspiracies work very well. You can cast a magical love spell on salt in advance, and then use this salt to salt your loved one’s food during a romantic dinner.

For salt in the appropriate atmosphere and the corresponding lunar day, you need to read the following plot:

“My eye is loving and all-seeing. I look at my husband and talk to him from going out to his side. He won’t want to, he won’t be able to, he won’t love him, he is only faithful to his wife, all his thoughts are about her. My boyfriend, my husband, my beloved. Your fate is bitter with others, but with me alone you feel good.”

This must be a completely new pack of salt. You can completely salt the food you are preparing for your loved one. But it is important to make sure that no one else eats this salt or food with the charmed salt. By the way, such a ritual is the best way to punish a man for treason. If you love him, then forgive him and whisper to yourself during dinner:

“It’s easy to punish, but I won’t give it to someone else, punish me and leave it with me, I prepared food for you, I spoke to you, I will become your beloved.”

Conspiracies work even better if carried out on church holidays, Maundy Thursday, Easter.

This ritual is performed on the full moon; if it also coincides with Sunday, the power will be even greater. Go out into an open space, such as a balcony, look at the moon and say these words:

“Moon, help me preserve fragile, better love. Help me tell the servant of God (the man’s name) that I love him alone, and I want fidelity from him. Let him hear my heart from a distance, let him keep our love. Help him open his heart and let me into it, thoughts about me, feelings about me. I ask for what is mine, I fight for what is mine, let what is mine remain with me. The moon will give me wisdom."

Even if you have a very difficult state of mind, such a ritual can still be performed. It works very well, it's white magic. This magic helps to find out the true feelings of all participants in the situation. After such a ritual, your soul usually becomes much calmer.

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