What does the sun lasso mean? Sun tarot combinations

Reservoirs 05.12.2023

In this article we will look at the nineteenth arcana - the Sun (Tarot). The value of this card is difficult to overestimate. Just look at the image and you will be filled with a feeling of happiness. Whatever the Tarot deck, the design on the nineteenth lasso radiates prosperity and a feeling of carefree joy. What does this card promise when turned upside down? Or in combination with other Tarot arcana? We will analyze this in detail below. According to the fortune telling procedure, we will tell you what the dropped Sun card says about a person, about what awaits him or her in work, love, family and friendships. But even those uninitiated in this can understand that the lasso promises happiness. After all, in this world the Sun gives life to all living things. Many ancient peoples deified our luminary. And the ancient Greeks believed that the Sun was Apollo, the patron of the arts, the favorite of the muses.

What is depicted on the nineteenth lasso

Tarot decks differ markedly from each other in illustrations. But the Sun map looks almost the same in all of them. It, of course, depicts our luminary. It has a human face and the obligatory rays fanning down. This symbolizes the descent of spirit onto matter. There is always an image of a joyful child on the card. In some decks there are two of them - a boy and a girl. Quite often we see on the Sun map a white horse saddled by a child. This may be an allusion to the unicorn - a symbol of the Power that Innocence has harnessed. A happy and favorable meaning for the questioner (Sun, Tarot) is also emphasized by a brick or stone wall in the background. It symbolizes cover from troubles and misfortunes. Blooming sunflowers are sometimes depicted behind the wall. The whole picture exudes joy and serenity.

Fortune telling about a person's character

In the medieval Florentine Tarot deck, the Sun card depicts a young maiden with a spinning wheel. The meaning of this illustration is this: if you work and be content with little, without complicating your life with ambition and ambition, success and good luck will await you. The images of the boy on the nineteenth lasso are also an allusion to the Gospels. Remember: Jesus Christ placed a little child before his disciples and commanded them to be innocent in heart, like children. And the Gospel of Matthew says: “Be simple as doves and wise as serpents.” The meaning of “Sun” (Tarot) for a person who received such a card is as follows: he has achieved the highest wisdom and perceives life simply and clearly, like children. And he is ready to give joy and peace to others. He has fresh feelings, not clouded by doubts and not influenced by social patterns. His solar energy pours out onto other people. People are drawn to such a person, they love and respect him. He can enjoy the work of his hands.

The inner meaning of the Sun lasso when the card appears directly

A clearly visible path lies before a person. He knows what he wants and how to achieve it. What he has worked so hard on is ready to bear fruit. A person can receive gifts from fate. Even if he considers them undeserved, let him not doubt and use them. It's time to enjoy the results of your labor. The meaning of the card (Sun, Tarot) is so favorable that you should not be afraid to be a little proud of the result of the work done. There is no pride in this. If the result of the work is excellent, then the person has the right to a feeling of satisfaction. Unlike the Moon, which emits reflected light, the Sun symbolizes clarity of knowledge, the highest wisdom. The luminary is located halfway between Earth and Heaven. The person who received the “Sun” (Tarot) card (we have already clarified its meaning) is a mediator between God and people.

What the questioner needs to understand

First of all, take note of the passage from the Gospel of St. Matthew. You need to stop soul-searching, discard all unnecessary doubts and go towards the goal directly and without equivocation. A child's heart will help a person to know the hidden truth. But the Sun lasso is not at all an order to exclude rationalism! After all, children are in the process of constantly learning about the world. What does the card we are considering want to say? What is its significance? The Sun (Tarot) teaches a person to follow the dictates of not only the mind, but also his heart. Sometimes you need to stop and understand: we live not only to work, but also to enjoy the result. Just as the Sun is an intermediate link between the worldly and the heavenly, the Tarot card symbolizes the “golden mean” of rational work and carefree joy. Only then will the fullness of human existence be achieved.

Arcana Sun (Tarot): meaning in relationships in an upright position

This card is undoubtedly lucky. In a relationship chart, it symbolizes cloudless happiness and a cordial union without any problems. The lasso also means the beginning of a new love, which promises to be long and mutual. If a person is married (or married), this situation means a stable and warm relationship. If the Sun falls in an upright position, and even next to the Jester, then such a tandem speaks of extraordinary sincerity and admiration for the beloved. The card adjacent to the Two Swords symbolizes that the partners have earned a happy relationship thanks to their spiritual qualities. And the Sun and Justice promise a quick marriage. The nineteenth lasso can mean the birth of something new. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to expect the appearance of a baby in the near future if the Sun (Tarot) card falls out. The meaning of a lasso in a relationship can be as follows: making a fateful acquaintance; starting a common cause that will be successful; career advancement.

Reversed card

The Arcana Sun (Tarot) has such a favorable meaning that even its indirect position does not bode well. Success will just come a little late. Or not to the extent expected. The same can be said about the inverted Sun in combinations with other cards. With Justice - a possible postponement of marriage, with the Two Swords - temporary adjustments in personal relationships with a partner, with the Jester - minor quarrels. Some other combinations are more dangerous. Thus, the inverted Sun (Tarot) in combination with the Devil acquires a very bad meaning for personal relationships. Perhaps the couple’s happiness is hampered by bad habits, passion or jealousy of one of the partners. If the lasso falls inverted with the Moon, it means that groundless suspicions are spoiling life, premonitions of trouble are weighing on you, which, nevertheless, will not come true. The proximity of the inverted Sun to the Chariot indicates: do not take risks! And the Priestess with this lasso convinces: moderate your curiosity.

Fortune telling about financial situation and career growth

The meaning of the Sun Tarot card predicts resounding success and universal recognition of achievements in work. Your superiors will appreciate your diligence, skills and enthusiasm. Perhaps this will move you forward in your career. As for the financial issue, here too, when the cards are laid out, the Sun promises you material well-being. If you had problems with money, they will end very soon. The inverted Sun carries approximately the same meaning. Tarot interprets the meaning of the nineteenth lasso, which fell upside down, as follows: at work there are behind-the-scenes games against you, but success will still come to you, although not to the full extent. Or you will have to fight for triumph. In financial matters, the inverted Sun also portends problems that, with diligence, can be solved and material well-being achieved.

Health fortune telling

Our luminary gives life to all living things. Therefore, you just have to rejoice when the direct Sun card (Tarot) appears. This lasso has a positive meaning in work, love, material well-being and physical condition. The card promises recovery, and sometimes miraculous salvation from death. This lasso literally charges with energy, gives vigor and vitality. But inverted, not everything is so rosy. If the lasso falls upside down, this may mean health problems, moreover, caused by the sun. This could be a burn, heatstroke, skin cancer, or even a stroke. A person should avoid stuffiness, heat and direct sunlight for some time (especially in the summer in the south).

This is the most successful Tarot card. The sun has the most favorable meaning in relationships, love, career growth and health. But there is also a fly in the ointment in this honey bath. This luminary has no equal and can easily become arrogant. Yes, the darling of fate, who is patronized by the Sun itself, can relax and taste the delights of life. But don’t turn this into a “modus vivendi.” It is all the more dangerous to be filled with arrogance towards other people. This is especially true for work colleagues who can easily sit on you, even if you got a lucky Sun (Tarot) card. The meaning of the lasso for personal relationships is generally very favorable. You love and are gifted in return. But you shouldn’t ruin the life of yourself and your partner with petty nagging and groundless jealousy.

The meaning of the Sun Tarot card in combination with other arcana

This sign is so successful that even if ominous images appear nearby, this will not be a cause for concern. The combination of the Sun and the Magician is especially favorable. If the Priestess and the Moon open up the world of the occult to a person, then this alignment marks the imminent birth of a brilliant idea. The combination of the Sun and Star is also favorable. It indicates a surge of creativity, inspiration. Neighborhood with the Priestess means that you will obtain the necessary information, useful knowledge. Judgment and the Sun predict that your merits will be noted by others. But the most favorable alignment is obtained in the vicinity of the World card. You are a real darling of fate. Take advantage of the fact that you are on the crest of fame and fortune.

Tarot card combinations for personal relationships

When fortune telling for family happiness, the Sun and Lovers alignment is considered the most favorable. It promises cloudless relationships and mutual understanding between partners. Also a good combination of the nineteenth lasso with the Emperor and the Hierophant. Family happiness and spiritual comfort await a person. But not all combinations with the Sun (Tarot) card have a favorable meaning in love. For example, the presence of the Tower in a reading indicates possible suffering. The Sun and the Devil testify that a person is vain. And the Hanged Man, Moon and Sun mean a tarnished reputation and eclipse of feelings.

Almost all the negative Arcana are left behind - we have already analyzed their meaning in detail, and now it is time to talk about a very pleasant, cheerful Arcana, bringing good news, a feeling of happiness and well-being in all areas of life. This is the Arcanum Sun of the Tarot, the meaning of which we will now deal with. As usual, you can expect a detailed analysis and interpretation of the card in your personal life, work, health and psychological issues.

General description of the card, plot and meaning in the layout

In many Tarot decks on the Sun Arcana, children are depicted playing, but in Rider-Waite on this card we see a joyful child sitting on a white horse and holding a red banner. The upper half of the map is occupied by the face of the daylight and a field of bright sunflowers. The mood of the card is as sunny as it gets.

Key words and ideas of the card in the layout

  • Sun
  • Warm
  • Joy
  • Happy childhood
  • Safety, comfort
  • Family hearth
  • Favorable outcome of the case
  • Excellent health
  • Great mood
  • Positive outlook
  • Rest, vacation in warm countries

Meaning of the card in the upright position

The traditional meaning of the 19th Arcana of the Tarot is all the good that can happen to a person. This is a general concept that includes a feeling of warmth, light, security, a positive outlook on the situation and the successful resolution of all problems. There is no need to say too much about this card as it speaks for itself. Just imagine the dazzling, warming sunlight and write down your intuitive associations associated with it - all of them will be included in the symbolic field of the Arcana. This is an ancient archetype familiar to each of us, so there is simply no need to supplement its interpretation. It is believed that this is the best, joyful, bright and kind card of the deck.

The meaning of the card in an inverted position

It cannot be said that the inverted Sun completely loses its positive meaning. Not at all. Rather, the reverse Arcana will look like a small cloud that temporarily obscured the sun, but soon it will be blown away by the wind and the person will again be able to enjoy the light and warmth. If we are talking about success, then under the reverse 19th Arcana it will be associated with certain efforts; if we ask about dreams and plans, they will only be partially realized. The only thing that can signal danger is the proximity of frankly negative cards, for example, a nearby Tower in some cases indicates a fire or a fire, and the Devil indicates a strong sexual attraction, in the literal sense of the word “heat of passion,” burning a person to the ground.

The meaning of the Sun card - video

The meaning of the Sun card in love and personal relationships

Let's discuss the possible meaning of the Sun Tarot card in relationships. It’s nice that you can’t expect any trick from this Arcanum, which means that even an inverted position will not bring with it any tragedy or catastrophe.

Straight position

The main meaning of the Tarot Sun in love is happiness, enjoyment of relationships, harmony, warmth, trust, full understanding, generosity, generosity, sincerity, happy family. If we describe a partner, then this is a deeply decent person with good intentions and bright feelings. Often under the 19th Arcana there are marriage proposals, love declarations, engagements, weddings, the beginning of a life together, and sometimes news of pregnancy.

Inverted position

As we have already said, a reverse Arcana does not become bad, so most tarot readers agree that the meaning of the Tarot Sun in a relationship, if it came upside down, is similar to the direct one, but at the same time its warmth is partial. This can be a strong union, but without formal marriage, successfully overcoming a series of difficulties, and sometimes even a divorce, which brings relief to both ex-spouses - in such a situation people often remain good friends.

What does the Sun mean in health matters?

If we diagnose health with Tarot cards, the appearance of the Sun in the layout should make us happy, because this is most often an exclusively positive sign.

Straight position

Cheerfulness of spirit, high level of vital energy, excellent physical shape and excellent state of mind. There is no reason to worry. If we tell fortunes to an already ill person, the Sun predicts a complete recovery for him.

Inverted position

Sunstroke, burns, sometimes professional burnout, temporary health problems, seasonal depression, increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

The meaning of the Sun card in fortune telling for personality analysis and the psychological state of a person

You will probably be able to describe the character of the person who received the Sun card yourself. But, since our article must include all sections devoted to interpretation, check out our version of interpretation.

Straight position

A bright, joyful, kind and generous person, very active, energetic, sincerely ready to help other people. Such people are often creative and know how to attract others, who often call them “the life of the party” and “little suns.” The psychological state is cloudless happiness.

Inverted position

The meaning of the inverted Sun Tarot can be as follows: either this is a person with the qualities of the direct Arcana, but at the same time they are invisible at first glance and are revealed only upon close acquaintance, or this is a person who, on the contrary, boasts of his talent or beauty, which is why he becomes arrogant , arrogant. The state of mind is a slightly clouded joy, a feeling of incomplete satisfaction.

The meaning of the 18th Arcana when divining for work, finance, business

Now let's touch on the meaning of the Tarot Sun in work and money. However, it will be quite predictable.

Straight position

A bright streak in life, complete satisfaction with your work and its results, a warm atmosphere within the work team, professional growth, self-realization, successful business, wealth, successful investments, a period of prosperity and well-being, creative professions.

Inverted position

Similar to the direct Sun, only success comes to a person either not fully, or after making certain efforts. Wealth acquired through one’s own labor, partial success of a project, slow career growth, a job that satisfies “almost everything” - and this “almost” does not spoil life at all. The situation of the reverse Sun can be described with the phrase “Everything is good, but it could be a little better.”

The meaning of the card in combination with the Major Arcana

Let's see what shades of meaning the Tarot Sun takes on in combination with other Trumps of the deck.

  • : Creative breakthrough
  • : Brilliant idea
  • : Luminary of science, higher education
  • : Having a child, becoming a mother
  • : Happy family, become a father
  • : Strong marriage
  • : Mutuality of feelings
  • : Interesting journey
  • : The meaning of the Arcana Sun Tarot with Strength - Breaking a bad habit
  • : Find yourself
  • : Change for the better
  • : Acquittal, triumph of justice
  • : Sunstroke
  • : Burnout in any area
  • : Good conditions
  • : Mask of pomp, a beautiful “wrapper” for a pacifier
  • : Don't show your suffering
  • : To be under a lucky star
  • : Tarnished reputation
  • Court: Recognition of merit, talent
  • World: Make your plans come true

What does the card mean when combined with the Minor Arcana?

Now let’s analyze in detail the combination of the Sun Tarot card with other cards of the magic deck.

With the suit of Staves

  • : Optimism, cheerfulness
  • : Lack of complete clarity
  • : Success
  • : Someone in the house warms others with their warmth
  • : Conversation on the merits, objective consideration of the situation
  • : Success in the professional field
  • : Minor difficulties
  • : Enjoyment of fame, love, good news
  • : Doubts about the successful outcome of the case
  • : Tired of fame, attention
  • : The birth of an idea
  • : Reach boiling point
  • : Believe in your capabilities
  • King: Share enthusiasm with others

With the suit of Cups

  • : Mutuality of feelings
  • : Fair agreements, enjoying the relationship
  • : Wedding celebration, birth of a child
  • : Lose optimism
  • : Show coldness
  • : Resume lost connection
  • : To be mistaken
  • : Avoid attention
  • : Fulfillment of a cherished dream
  • : Cloudless family happiness
  • : Get pregnant, unlock your potential
  • : Meaning of the Sun Tarot card with the Knight of Cups - Giving love, light, forgiveness
  • : Happy woman
  • : Recognized man

With the suit of Swords

  • : Insight, discovery
  • : Be like a dog in the manger
  • : Darkened Joy

Tarot card Sun - 19 lasso - belongs to the group of positive ones, foreshadowing joy, pleasure and victory. The sun, with its rays, is capable of defeating darkness, driving away people's fears. It is also a symbol of power, which is responsible for the individual’s ability to think rationally and achieve what he wants. In different decks, the image of the Sun looks different, but invariably marks success in business. Despite the positive meaning of the card, you should pay attention to the arcana that appear next to it in order to understand what to focus on when solving a problematic issue.

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      The image of the Sun card is quite different in different decks. But still it has some common features characteristic of this lasso.

      • In White's deck, the first thing visible on the card is the sun, which takes up almost the entire top half of the card. It illuminates and warms with its rays a child sitting on a horse.

        A child is nothing more than a person’s ability to enjoy life, perceiving it as it is, accepting all the events that fate sends to him. This is an optimistic view of the world, as well as a feeling of complete security, similar to what everyone experiences in early childhood. In Waite's map, behind the child, sunflowers rise skyward from behind a brick fence.

        The place depicted on the lasso resembles the biblical paradise. But not everyone is given the opportunity to get into it. Paradise symbolizes a person's desire to be where he wants. But to have what you want, you need to overcome various barriers and obstacles. The sun and sunflowers are symbols of a successful way out of the situation.

        Thoth deck image

        Presents to the fortuneteller two children who are dancing on the green mountain of creativity. It is a symbol of partnership and healthy relationships between people.

        The card gives off a feeling of freedom that fills children. Their energies are ready to unite for a common creative process and will not be scattered on desires to rule, be jealous and fight fruitlessly. On the contrary, the wings of the united union of these children are called to act in the name of the great light. Each of them enjoys playing their role at the moment.

        The idea of ​​the card in the Thoth deck is not to look into the distant future. Everything is fine here and now.

        Tarot card Tower - meaning in combination with other cards

        Image in the Manara deck

        The sun is symbolized by a girl who soars upward towards the heavenly body. The color scheme of the lasso is distributed as follows: the white top island represents spiritual development, the red bottom - the energy of passion.

        From the card you can read the theme of romantic love, which comes into contact with the divine. A girl soaring in the sky strives to communicate with God, who can send her a lover. Through the sacrament of love and marriage, relationships move to another level.

        The meaning of the card: strive to understand the world of your neighbor and find a positive addition to yourself in it. To achieve sublime love, one must give oneself completely.

        Image in the "78 Doors" deck

        The lasso depicts a fertile valley sown with wheat. A circle is visible on the field, which is perceived as a symbol of the Sun. Small children are dancing in its center. The number of rays around them is twelve. This indicates the zodiac circle and is interpreted as follows: “To each there is a time and place.”

        The sun personifies the solar deities and symbolizes the power that supports man and gives him life. Dancing children are clear proof of this. They represent innocence and purity.

        The meaning of the card: be optimistic and enjoy the gifts of the Universe.

        Value in layouts

        The sun is a card symbolizing prosperity and victory. This is a sign that the person has become accustomed to the changes that have arisen in life, and adaptation has been successful.

        In Aleister Crowley’s interpretation, the appearance of the Sun lasso means that something new is maturing in the fortuneteller’s worldview. Old settings are discarded. The phoenix burns in order to be reborn from the ashes and, turning into a firebird, fly into the sky to meet new ideas.

        If the lasso falls in the “Card of the Day” layout, then this indicates that the person has won victory over himself, getting rid of bad habits or negative character traits.

        In matters relating to material well-being, it can be argued that no financial turmoil threatens the questioner. The sun often indicates a business trip, which in the future should bring new acquaintances and promising connections.

        Regarding love relationships, the 19th lasso predicts a possible marriage proposal that will lead to a happy marriage. The partners complement each other perfectly and a harmonious union awaits them.

        Sometimes the card acts as a warning that the fortuneteller should change his view of the world and enjoy simple things. Then positive changes will not keep you waiting.

        Upright and inverted positions

        You should always pay attention to the position in which the lasso falls during the layout:

    1. 1. In the upright position, the card predicts achievements in any field of activity. This means good health, great success and respect from others. Sometimes the Sun means a holiday after an individual achieves something important: an award, recognition, triumph. It is also a sign of the birth of a child or the success of children. If the lasso appears in the “Oracle of Love” scenario, then the fortuneteller basks in the rays of love. The sun predicts idyll, harmony and a strong love union
    2. 2. In an inverted position, the card is not bad in the literal sense, but this position means that the positive influence of the Sun on the situation is weakened. Success will be achieved, but only with significant effort. For example, in order to achieve recognition in the manufacturing sector, an individual will need to master a new profession. Lovers who want to achieve mutual understanding will have to seriously take up their spiritual development. If the card falls in this position in the Manara layout, then this means the need for creative self-expression.

    In the “78 Doors” deck, the inverted position of the Sun signals that the individual should reconsider his goal, otherwise disappointments are inevitable. The advice is to control your movement, own information and manage events. Sometimes a lasso in this position indicates excessive conceit and selfishness.

    Important combinations

    To reliably interpret the layout, you need to know not only the meaning of each card, but also understand how its combination with others affects the prediction.

    With the Devil card

    It indicates that the fortuneteller is blinded by material wealth and is capable of falling into a trap. But there is still time to stop and look around. There are unreliable partners nearby who mislead, creating the illusion of deceptive well-being

    With Leaning Tower

    Signals about possible health problems that will be temporary. There is a high likelihood of developing depression. If the issue is related to finance, then an unreliable enterprise is predicted. It is not recommended to invest in it. You should not borrow money.

    With the Emperor

    The alignment indicates the existence of a person surrounded by the questioner who is prone to abuse of power. This is not necessarily a person with negative qualities, but his ability to suppress others will lead to the fact that the fortuneteller will have difficulty achieving his goal. Advice - be able to defend your positions and avoid adventurous deals.

    With the minor arcana

    Meanings of combinations of the Sun with Wands:

    1. 1. With Ace - peace of mind, self-confidence.
    2. 2. With a Two - confusion, lack of a clear goal.
    3. 3. With Troika - good luck in everyday matters.
    4. 4. With a Four - the emergence of a positive personality.
    5. 5. With a Five - constructive criticism from others.
    6. 6. With the Six - quick implementation of the plan.
    7. 7. With a Seven - vanity and minor difficulties.
    8. 8. With Eight - happy news, a good moment.
    9. 9. With Nine - doubts and uncertainty.
    10. 10. With a Ten - excessive care from loved ones.
    11. 11. With the Page - the emergence of a new idea.
    12. 12. With a Knight - patience is at its limit.
    13. 13. With the Queen - a rise in strength.
    14. 14. With the King - willingness to help one's neighbor.

    With Cups:

    1. 1. With Ace - mutual love, warm relationship.
    2. 2. With Deuce - profitable agreements.
    3. 3. With Troika - wedding, guests.
    4. 4. With a Four - pessimism.
    5. 5. With a Five - depression, sadness.
    6. 6. With the Six - the revival of old feelings.
    7. 7. With a Seven - delusions and rejection of the situation.
    8. 8. With an Eight - avoidance of care and attention.
    9. 9. With Nine - an unexpected solution to the problem.
    10. 10. With the Ten - serene family happiness, harmony.
    11. 11. With Page - new life, pregnancy.
    12. 12. With the Knight - bring light and warmth to loved ones.
    13. 13. With the Queen - happiness in your personal life.
    14. 14. With the King - victory, recognition, success.

    With Swords:

    1. 1. With Ace - a brilliant plan, a way out of the situation.
    2. 2. With a Two - difficult relationships with loved ones.
    3. 3. With Troika - everyday problems, vanity.
    4. 4. With Four - the sick will recover, the lost will find.
    5. 5. With the Five - a struggle for power.
    6. 6. With a Six - lack of respect, decreased activity.
    7. 7. With Seven - stolen ideas, other people's achievements.
    8. 8. With an Eight - self-doubt, pessimism.
    9. 9. With Nine - ignorance, inability to conduct a dialogue.
    10. 10. With Ten - breaking ties.
    11. 11. With the Page - criticism, illness.
    12. 12. With the Knight - shaky order in the house.
    13. 13. With the Queen - loss of material value.
    14. 14. With the King - spiritual studies, passing exams.

    With Pentacles:

    1. 1. With Ace - sudden pregnancy.
    2. 2. With a Two - solving problems with varying degrees of success.
    3. 3. With Troika - a successful contract.
    4. 4. With Four - completion of the matter.
    5. 5. With a Five - loss, disappointment.
    6. 6. With a Six - bonus, success, reward.
    7. 7. With Seven - well-deserved rest, pension.
    8. 8. With Eight - skill, art.
    9. 9. With Nine - harvest, completion of affairs.
    10. 10. With Ten - the birth of a child, a new craft.
    11. 11. With Page - brilliant education.
    12. 12. With a Knight - an additional source of income.
    13. 13. With the Queen - excellent health, pregnancy.
    14. 14. With the King - success, travel.

    There are many different layouts and decks of tarot cards. It is sometimes difficult for a beginning esotericist to interpret the combination of arcana with other cards. Professionals advise starting with simple fortune telling. Most often this is an interpretation of one lasso, which is taken from the deck. For example, if the Sun is the card of the year, then success and rapid achievement of goals will await the fortuneteller over the course of 12 months.

Many sources claim that the Sun is the best Arcana card. It does not contain secret ambiguity or exorbitant sublimity that could be alarming (and which is present, for example, in a card such as the World).

This is the very flowering of life, the happiness of being, tangible success. A person will receive some significant gift from life, which he can simply enjoy. According to the Sun, a person can receive gifts beyond what is deserved and expected, which he may not have considered himself worthy of. These gifts must simply be accepted and enjoyed without asking questions, without questioning, without trying to understand their real meaning. Achieving the goal. A celebration of the accomplishment of something important. The sun makes it possible to enjoy both what was achieved and received by right, and what was given free of charge (although this does not mean karmically undeserved).

The Sun is the new perspectives of existence that opened up before a person after the dream of the Arcanum Moon, when he has the desire and strength to directly engage in the life of the world in its entirety, freed from illusions, fears and doubts. Life turns its sunny side towards the questioner, a bright and successful streak begins, a period of activity, success and happiness.

Without a doubt, the Sun is one of the best cards in the deck. When answering almost any question, she gives a favorable answer, which means the achievement of something important, the long-awaited fulfillment of desires.

When the situation unfolds, the Sun portends an unusually calm and successful resolution. The plans will certainly come true, although perhaps not as quickly as we would like. Nevertheless, the overall outcome of the situation will be extremely successful, and it will soon be forgotten that we had to wait some time for the fulfillment of hopes. This Arcanum shows the absence of darkness in some matter, and this is very rare.

In a narrow practical sense - a trip to warm countries, vacation.

The sun brings a holistic, healthy and unclouded state of mind.

A rich and wise soul who now knows what happiness is, trust in reality, the ability to accept life as it is. You have to live in constant distrust of the world and fear of life in order to understand what it is - the gift of the Sun, the taste for life, the serene pleasure of everyday existence. The ability to live with a child’s heart, wise in its kindness and willingness to rejoice in goodness, enjoy every day, bring warmth and light to the lives of others.

High spirits, contentment and security. Optimism, clarity of judgment, knowledge and understanding. Personal strength, self-confidence, confidence in one’s own position. The ability to clearly see your path, without doubt, yearning and tossing, overcoming anxiety and fears, trusting yourself. Reconciliation with one’s “shadow” side - brought to the bright light of the mind, the previously unconscious is no longer scary and the person is ready for further self-improvement (despite the fact that he very clearly distinguishes right from wrong and is able to look directly at his thoughts and actions).

The Sun often reports that a person has managed to smooth out some significant internal contradiction that was causing tension. In our minds, it corresponds to the forces that help us gain clarity, overcome concerns and deep fears, and overcome delusions. This is energy that resists those influences of the unconscious collective field that give a person doubts about the correctness of his actions. The sun helps to profess one's originality, lovingly accept oneself as a unique person, denotes a person who lives not by reflected light - he has found the ultimate source of inner light, radiating his wisdom and love into the world, filling himself with the light of transformation.

Usually this card appears when a person has done a lot of and most likely intense spiritual work, and has somehow realized the highest within himself. Now he receives, as if as a gift, the fruits of his labor and must taste them with feeling and sense. The feeling of joy and fullness of being, the freshness of feelings and perceptions is the result of spiritual enlightenment, which is often preceded by a crisis.

Arcanum The Sun often literally “peeks out from behind the clouds.” It describes the state of a person who has experienced being “born again” and now admires how blue the sky is, a state that usually occurs after a “thunderstorm.” And if you follow the logic of the Major Arcana of the Tarot - after the difficult emotional journey of the Moon, through layers of dark and difficult experiences, a veil of fears and doubts, along the unsteady path of painful compromises, sliding between the swamps.

The lesson of the Sun is somewhat similar to the lesson of Temperance. It would seem that nothing could be simpler. Inhale the scent of roses. Live here and now.

This is the ability to perceive life with the simplicity of a sage and a child, to rejoice in every favorable circumstance, to enjoy its simplest gifts without empty questions and worries. The difference from Temperance is that the Sun does not emphasize patience, restraint and inner peace. It proclaims the sacred truth of happiness. It's not always simple. No wonder the famous psychotherapist Bert Hellinger remarked: “Happiness is scary. It takes courage to feel it."

This card suggests that there is a center in life around which everything revolves - a child, a project, a relationship or some other aspect - and from which a person finds passion and meaning.

In addition, it brings light to the situations under consideration, making the secret obvious, revealing hidden facts and motives, bringing unexpected awareness of the truth, revelations about what is happening. This is a direct and bright light (which is greatly enhanced by the presence of Justice or the Ace of Swords in the layout).

The sun is a source of heat and light and serves as a kind of material symbol-intermediary between God and man.

It is the lowest aspect of the divine and the highest aspect of the earthly. The sun is a symbol of spiritual rebirth, the path to which is open to everyone. It heralds the miracle of Personal Transformation, including the next unity granted to the forces of consciousness and subconscious, masculine and feminine. The formation of a new spiritual personality, whose sensual aspirations are purified (a child on a white horse, psychologically the horse is Eros, controlled by a chaste “like a child” knight). The triumphal scarlet banner and crown are symbols of the victory won and the beginning of a real revival. Something new and transformative is brewing, demanding the completion of the alchemical process, the “great work.” It will no longer be the unsteady instinctive light of the moon, but complete clarity and understanding of some deep issues of the mysticism of life.

The card symbolizes the transition between the light of this world and the spiritual light of the heavenly world, higher awareness, spiritual wisdom. The union of the earthly and spiritual has almost been achieved - the last wall separates it. This is an injunction to continue, to take the last steps on the path of initiation, the Sun says that from now on a person will see it absolutely clearly.

The sun symbolizes the highest level of consciousness, decisive steps in self-awareness, achieving purity and clarity of mind and heart. If the Priestess and the Moon are the female path to wisdom, then the Magician and the Sun are the male path, they emphasize the ability to think logically and rationally, to bring the hidden to the light of God.

The test of the Sun is the preservation of a pure and bright perception of the world, not clouded by any blackness. This Arcanum recalls the old truth that true luck comes only to those who, like children, perceive life simply and wisely, act easily and joyfully in their simple day. Resisting oppressive influences, maintaining innocence, warmth and virtue according to the word of Christ “Be like children.” Refusal of the pursuit of “wisdom of experience.” The sun is an allegory of the seeker’s self-identification, his joy of living here and now, as well as the hope that life will move to a higher level of existence. This is not one of the first, but one of the final major Arcana. Then there is only Judgment and Peace.

The fall of the Sun may herald liberation from a significant karmic debt. According to this Arcanum, the oldest and most painful wounds are healed.

We managed to find approximately the following text describing the stage in spiritual development, symbolized by the Sun:
“In esotericism they say about people like you: “Initiated.” You have gained some sacred truth and, along with it, self-confidence and essential satisfaction with life. You have already overcome the fears and main disagreements in your life, become optimistic, and become a charismatic and bright person. You have reached the highest level of self-awareness, you see your bad and good sides, you know how to overcome shortcomings and deepen your virtues. You have a rich, wise and experienced soul that has experienced a lot in this and previous incarnations. You knew happiness and were able to leave your mark on our land. You know what the mission with which you came to earth this time is, and you do not refuse to fulfill it, because by realizing it, you are realizing yourself. You have already paid off your karmic debts, made peace with your shadow side, worked out everything you had to work out in this incarnation. Your character did not break under the blows of fate and you did not succumb to trivial temptations. Now you can earn good karma for yourself, and also help others with this. Be kind to them."

Good luck in business.

Successful overcoming of difficulties.

Understanding your purpose, working according to your calling, enjoying your work (which, of course, is best achieved by representatives of creative and public professions). It is believed that the Sun also patronizes businesses related to education, enlightenment, children and play, as well as animals (horse breeding, dog breeding).

Ability to inspire and persuade others, lively and fun creative environment, teamwork. Control over the situation, the presence of power, authority (if not due to a high position, then due to personal charisma). Self-realization, self-development and self-education. Joining any professional groups, associations (or even creating them!).

Professional triumph, award, recognition, well-deserved honors. These are new beginnings (the birth of an idea, a project) and achieving a goal. Successful career, professional growth. Great successes, achievements in any field of activity (and especially in the field of art and public relations). Staying in the spotlight.

The Sun is a very favorable card in professional matters, it says that what you have worked hard and hard on is ready to be illuminated with the light of complete clarity and completion.

Among Russian tarot readers, there is an opinion that in combination with unfavorable Arcana, the Sun may hint that business will encounter difficulties due to government policy.

The sun is a symbol of wealth, high social status and material security.

Success in business ventures and financial investments.

Stopping money problems.

Increasing standard of living.

Material well-being and prosperity. Enjoyment of well-being.

The Sun is a very favorable card in the sphere of personal relationships, both in the meaning of “happiness” and in the meaning of “reconciliation”.

Sometimes this is a very important reconciliation with oneself, which is necessary for happiness with another person. The Sun also carries the message that the questioner will finally lovingly accept his partner as he is, without trying to somehow change his nature or correct his shortcomings, and can count on the same unconditional acceptance on his part.

If the situation is tense, the difficulties will be resolved, the essence of the problem will become clear, the best human qualities will be shown in its solution, people will become closer to each other, everything will become simpler and clearer. The card speaks of a real opportunity to truly make peace, overcome contradictions, forget quarrels and disagreements. Even if all the bridges are burned and it is no longer possible to restore relations, the card still indicates “warming” and trust.

Openness and harmony in the interaction between two people. Consent and warmth in relationships, enjoyment of mutual love, sexual satisfaction. True understanding, joy and happiness. Partners pamper each other with attention and tenderness, receiving affection and love in return, enjoying life together and feeling like one. This is a card of trust and kindness, loyalty and devotion. A strong protected union, a very strong connection. Sincere and selfless feeling, generosity, generosity and willingness to give more than to take, the joy of giving to a loved one, the ability to give oneself without losing oneself at all. A feeling of personal relevance, importance for a partner, one’s enormous value and desirability.

The Sun describes a good partner, courageous, energetic, creative and decent. For those who have not yet met their half, it tells them that this half will be the best! The sun confidently foreshadows a new relationship, great love, the appearance of a loved one who will have a great influence on the life of the questioner.

The Sun's advice is to be someone's “sun”! Do not skimp on warming your heart with warmth, delighting with friendliness and affection, filling with positive energy, helping another person to believe that life is beautiful, “even when it is difficult and when it is dangerous.” Comfort, approve, love and support.

The sun is considered the significator of a fateful meeting, declaration of love, engagement, wedding, successful marriage. This card predicts a joyful union (marriage), a happy married life and/or the imminent birth of a child. Alchemically it relates to the harmony of the masculine and feminine principles. This is their dance and the right attraction - suitable partners will find each other. The sun is a symbol of liberated partnership, when all energies are available for creative processes and are not wasted on fighting with something or for something. The freedom gained is expressed in a state of joy in which a true alchemical transformation of both souls can take place.

Joy about the children’s success, the well-being of children in general.

In an inverted form, the Sun can, according to one of the authors, indicate a “joyful divorce” - both are grateful to each other, are quite happy about the end of the relationship and sincerely wish happiness in later life. Also relationships with a large age difference, where there is more demonstrativeness than genuine feelings and intimacy.

Excellent health, vitality.

Full of strength, activity and vigor.

Excellent physical and spiritual condition, complete well-being. Recovery (and sometimes literally victory over death, because the Sun is the source of life). Good state of mind.

The sun can serve as a reminder that we do not live to work, but to live.

Reversed may indicate exhaustion, professional burnout. Heatstroke, sunburn (in very severe cases - skin cancer). Sometimes - heart problems, but usually caused by overheating or physical activity beyond one's years.
An interesting observation is that an inverted Sun can indicate seasonal depression (what is called SAD in Western psychiatry - seasonal affective disorders). The sunny day shortens, time changes, the rhythm of life changes and a person feels a loss of spirit and strength. Perhaps this may generally relate to a person’s increased sensitivity to the solar cycle and activity (eclipses, flares, magnetic storms, etc.).

In an inverted position, the card symbolizes difficulties in contacts with people, problems in marriage and partnership, misunderstandings, false ideas about success, excessive fuss, and activity that does not produce results. Sometimes an inverted position foreshadows health problems, family troubles, temporary separation from a loved one, or a postponed wedding. While not a bad card in the strictest sense, the Nineteenth Arcanum reversed means that all the positive influence of the Sun in this position is weakened: success but only after considerable effort, partial success, delayed triumph, hopes and dreams regarding matters of the heart will come true, but not completely , the fulfillment of hopes will be postponed for some time (but this does not mean that everything is lost), ends meet will be possible. In rare cases, authors emphasize emptiness, loneliness, loss of meaning and other direct negations, but most agree that the Sun, no matter how you slice it, remains the Sun. This card never carries a negative meaning.

Even in an inverted form, it retains its meaning, except perhaps pointing to a cloud that has flown towards the Sun, but this cloud will dissipate (or it has meaning and the ability to “throw up your hands”).

In theory, in combination with very unfavorable cards such as the Tower, one can literally assume such things as combustion, fire, explosion.

And Mary Greer’s interpretation is interesting, which emphasizes precisely the “fear of happiness” according to Hellinger: a person is afraid to give himself joy and accept good things, he lacks faith that he is worthy of all this, it is “too good to be true.”

Like the World, the Sun smooths out and softens the negative influence of other cards in the layout, changing its meaning for the better.

With the Jester - serenity, carelessness and spontaneity.

With the Magician, you have the opportunity to realize all your creative plans without any risk and with financial success.

With the Empress, the situation is truly wonderful, luck is on the side of the questioner, you need to seize this moment.

With the Emperor there is a greater tendency to voluntarism, excessive volitional pressure on people (either from the questioner or some person in his environment).

With the Hierophant - a favorable combination, a clear vision of the purpose and meaning of one’s actions and aspirations, a blessing from fate.

With the Hermit - the period of loneliness is over, it’s time to share your inner wealth with others.

With Death - a favorable combination, rebirth is completed, the view on the changes taking place in life is wise, and the positive filling of the cleared space will not take long to arrive.

With the Devil - blindness by the pursuit of material wealth. Deceptive prosperity in the financial sphere. Sexual dissatisfaction.

With the Tower - a good combination, insight, rebirth. There may be temporary problems with health or money (it is better to refrain from investments and debt obligations). There is a high likelihood of depression.

With the Star - a wonderful combination, victory is very close, all that remains is to make the last effort to achieve the goal.

With the Moon - disorientation, illusions.

With Peace - the completion of something, a great achievement. This is a colossal combination of cards in terms of positive energy, bringing good luck and protection to a person on all planes of existence, from the most earthly to the highest, cosmic level.

With Ace of Wands - marriage

With the Two of Wands - personal strength, vitality.

With the Six of Wands - approval received, position achieved.

With the Ace of Swords - childbirth, successful birth.

With the Six of Swords - depression, loss of strength.

With the Eight of Cups - fatigue

If in the horoscope they are in tension (square, opposition), then the loss of this card symbolically speaks of a period when the aspect functions as if it has been worked out and a usually unattainable lightness of being appears.

In addition, the card symbolizes favorable life circumstances, but does not contribute to favorite secret affairs - you will have to lead a life “in the light”, and at the same time with a smile of gratitude for simple human joys. This card gives and requires the ability to perceive earthly life as it is, appreciating what is, even if it is not exactly the joys you want, so this is not such a simple lesson. Those who love moonlight are tormented and scorched by the sun.

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