Nut milk: preparation methods and the whole truth about the healthy drink. Nut milk - beneficial properties and recipes Nut milk recipe

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How I love homemade nut milk, you can add it to porridge, smoothies, healthy desserts, soups and your favorite sauce! You only need 5 minutes to prepare nut milk.

If you know that you have a sensitivity to cow's milk or want to improve the condition of your facial skin, then I recommend that you replace your regular milk with homemade nut milk. Start with the first step, add it to smoothies and morning porridge.

I noticed that many girls are afraid of the combination “nut milk”, imagining long hours in the kitchen. But in fact, nut milk is very easy to make, all you need is a blender, nuts, a strainer (or cheesecloth), clean water and 5 minutes of time!

Nut milk has a very mild taste and is an ideal addition to smoothies, desserts, breakfasts, baked goods and other dishes. You can use it for cooking, and...

You can also drink the milk yourself, sweetening it with ground cinnamon, honey and, if desired, natural cocoa. Also try mixing nut milk with a ripe frozen banana in a blender for a dessert smoothie!

Total cooking time: 5 minutes


  • 1 cup raw or dried nuts (walnuts, almonds, pine nuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, Brazil nuts)
  • 2.5 cups water for soaking nuts
  • 3.5 cups water for preparing milk

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the nuts in a container with 2.5 cups of water and leave in the refrigerator overnight.
  2. The next day, drain the water from the nuts.
  3. Grind the finished nuts with 3.5 glasses of water in a blender for 40-60 seconds.
  4. Strain the finished milk using a strainer or gauze.
  5. Add nut milk to smoothies and healthy desserts! If you wish, you can sweeten the nut milk by mixing it in a blender with 1-2 teaspoons of honey or 2-3 dates until smooth.
  6. Milk is stored in a glass bottle in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

P.S. From the remaining cake you can make healthy candies, granola or crackers! For example, to make candy, mix the nut cake with dates in a food processor or blender, then put it in the freezer for 30 minutes.

Have delicious milk!

I will be very glad if you share the result or recipes for the goodies you made from the cake.

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Nut milk is a product for the production of which water and a variety of nuts are used. Thanks to prolonged whipping, the drink acquires a uniform consistency. For nut milk, you can take any nuts, but the most popular options are: almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, walnuts and pine nuts.

Nut milk stands out for its nutritional value and unusual taste. It has been used for a huge amount of time in monasteries as a dietary food.

Benefits of nut milk and treatment

The benefits of nut milk are due to its rich composition of vitamins and minerals. This product contains B vitamins, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the whole body and, first of all, on the activity of the nervous system. Thanks to this, you can get rid of insomnia, fatigue and stress. Nut milk contains vitamin PP, which is necessary for the normal course of redox processes, and it is also needed for fat metabolism in the body.

Given the presence of ascorbic acid, the immune system is strengthened, which allows the body to better resist the negative effects of viruses and infections. Walnut milk also contains vitamin A, which improves vision. It also contains magnesium and potassium, and these minerals are needed to normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system. In addition, this drink also contains iron, which is involved in hematopoiesis and intracellular metabolism. Thanks to the combined action of phosphorus and calcium, bone tissue is restored and strengthened. Nut milk also contains sulfur, which is necessary for the normal functioning of metabolic processes in the body.

This drink is easily absorbed by the body compared to other versions of this product. It is also worth noting that, unlike cow's milk, this drink can be combined with vegetables, with the exception of potatoes, as well as with fruits, but not with bananas.

Nut milk in cosmetology

Almond milk is very popular in cosmetology. It can be used to remove makeup and improve skin condition. Through regular use, you can improve metabolic processes, restore fluid balance in cells and soften the skin.

Use in cooking

Nut milk is a great drink on its own, although it can also be used in many cocktails. This product is also included in recipes for various sauces and fermented milk products. In general, nut milk can be used in the same way as cow’s milk, which is more familiar to many.

How to make nut milk at home?

Since there are many varieties of this drink, let's consider the most popular and healthy option - almond milk. Almost anyone can make it at home. To do this you need to take 1 tbsp. almonds, 2 tbsp. spoons of honey, 3 tbsp. water, a little cinnamon or vanilla. Almonds should be soaked overnight, peeled in the morning and then crushed using a blender, while gradually adding water. Then add honey and your chosen spice. After this, once the liquid is thoroughly mixed, it must be filtered through cheesecloth. That's it, the nut milk is ready.

Harm of nut milk and contraindications

Nut milk can be harmful to people with individual intolerance to the product.

Hi all!

Nut milk, from any nut or seed, is quick and easy to make at home, and is not only delicious and healthy for any age, but also has many uses. Any nut milk is delicious on its own or when you add it to homemade granola and muesli, as a base for smoothies, ice cream, various soups, sauces, cakes, pastries, or you can drink a glass of milk with raw biscuits. Nut milk is lactose-free, gluten-free, non-genetically modified, and contains no saturated fat.

Raw nuts and raw seeds, and their milk respectively, have many beneficial properties and their regular consumption, as recent research shows, is an important part of a healthy diet. Although more recently, nuts were considered unhealthy due to their relatively high fat content. However, most of the fat in nuts is healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

But, more about that another time, and today we’re sharing tips on how to prepare one of the most delicious and healthy drinks at home – nut milk.

  1. The most important thing about making nut milk at home is to use any raw, unroasted nuts or seeds.
  2. If you do not trust the purity of the purchased raw nuts or seeds before making milk from them at home, For mold removal and bacteria, leave them for 20 minutes in water with the addition of 1 or 2 tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide (per 1 cup of raw nuts). Then rinse well under running water several times. After this, the nuts/seeds can be soaked. Follow the table below.
Name Soaking Time for Nuts and Seeds
almond 8-12 hours
Brazilian nut 2 hours
hazelnut 2 hours
cashew nuts 2 hours
walnuts 6-8 hours
pecans 24 hours
macadamia nuts 2 hours
green buckwheat 6-8 hours
flax seeds (flax seeds) 4-6 hours
chia seeds 6-8 hours
hulled hemp seeds
(hemp seeds)
no need to soak
unhulled hemp seeds 8-12 hours
pumpkin seeds 4-6 hours
sesame seeds (sesame seeds) 4-6 hours
sunflower seeds 4-6 hours
  1. When soaking, raw nuts/seeds must be completely covered with water because... They swell when they absorb water.
  2. If you don't have time or can't use the soaked nuts/seeds right away, you can leave them in water in the refrigerator for a few days, but you need to change the water every day. This will keep them fresh and ready to use for several days.
  3. After the soaking time is over, the nuts/seeds should be washed well and the water in which they were soaked should be discarded. Never use water in which nuts/seeds were soaked. It contains harmful enzymes that were “pulled out” from the nuts during the soaking process. Removing these enzymes reduces acidity and inherent bitterness, and makes the nuts/seeds easier to digest.
  4. Be careful not to over-soak, because good and useful minerals will begin to wash out into the water. Follow the table above.
  5. When soaking, add a pinch or two of sea salt to the water - will improve taste qualities of nuts/seeds.
  6. Chia seeds And flax-seed when soaked they become jelly-like. Therefore, it is better to soak them immediately before use and NOT rinse them after soaking, because... The adhesive substance that forms when soaked is very useful.
  7. To make nut milk, it is advisable to purchase a powerful blender. Place nuts/seeds in a blender along with water. Start the blender at low speed first and gradually increase to high speed. As a rule, the milk will be ready within 30-60 seconds. If you don't have a blender like a Vitamix or Blendec, you may have to wait 1-2 minutes until the nuts are completely ground. The more powerful your blender, the smoother your nut milk will be.
  8. When preparing nut milk at home, instead of plain water, you can use coconut water, herbal tea, or add cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg, ginger, vanilla or lemon extract, coconut pulp paste ( coconut butter), stevia . This method will give a completely different taste to your milk. Don't use coconut oil. It hardens when cooled and can create small grains in the milk.
  9. You can sweeten or add flavorings directly to the milk, after straining and removing the pulp.
  10. When you make nut milk, after straining through a sieve, gauze or special bag for nut milk, what remains is the nut pulp. Don't rush to throw it away! You can use nut pulp for bread, crispbreads, if you don’t have time to make cookies, you can add it to salads - extra fiber never hurts anyone. Especially for diabetics! 😉
  11. If you cannot use the raw nut pulp on the same day, it can be stored raw in the refrigerator, in a tightly sealed container, for up to two to three days. But, if you're making nut milks with any flavors, there's a good chance the pulp will ferment quickly. You can dry the nut pulp in a dehydrator and later use it as flour. Store in a tightly sealed container in a cool, dry place for several months. Or you can simply freeze the raw nut pulp.
  12. Store homemade milk in an airtight glass container or jar for 3-5 days in the refrigerator. Always label the content and the date it was made.
    Homemade nut milk can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 months. Pour the nut milk into ice cube trays and place in the freezer. Frozen milk cubes are great for smoothies on hot summer days.
  13. In the summer, when it's hot, you can make nut milk by adding a little ice to the water to quickly cool it down, or chill it just before serving for 30 minutes to one hour in the refrigerator.

That's all. We hope these tips help you make nut milk at home using any nut or seed!

All the best and have a nice weekend everyone!

Hazelnut nut milk is a healthy and delicious alternative to animal milk. Prepared at home from two basic ingredients: hazelnuts and purified drinking water, the milk does not contain preservatives or sugar, has an incredibly delicious creamy taste with nutty notes, and looks just like regular milk, even milk foam forms when whipped. Despite its external similarity, hazelnut milk boasts a whole complex of useful vitamins and microelements in its composition. However, in order to preserve all the beneficial properties of the drink, nuts for making milk must be used raw, not pre-roasted. For the same reason, it is recommended to prepare nut milk in small portions and store it for no more than 3 days.

In its most basic form, hazelnut milk has a neutral taste. This option is universal, and if you want to diversify the taste of the drink, just add some dates, carob or cocoa, salt, spices, honey or other sweeteners to your taste.

To prepare hazelnut milk you will need: hazelnuts and purified drinking water.

Also, if desired, you can add a little ground cinnamon, salt or sweetener to taste to the finished milk.

Soak the nuts in cold water for 8-10 hours. During the infusion process, the nuts will absorb some of the water, so it is better to use purified drinking water for both cooking and soaking.

Rinse the soaked, softened and expanded nuts thoroughly and strain.

Place the nuts in a blender bowl, pour in 400 ml of drinking water and blend for 3-4 minutes.

If the blender is not very powerful, first add 150-200 milliliters of water to the nuts and beat for 2-3 minutes. When the nuts are ground to fine crumbs, add the remaining water.

During the beating process, the mixture will turn white and a lush “milk foam” will appear on the surface.

Strain the milk through cheesecloth or a thin cloth. Squeeze out the remaining nut cake, save it and use it to make salads, smoothies and baked goods.

If desired, add a little salt to the finished milk (so the milk will be a little more like regular milk) or a pinch of ground cinnamon, any sweetener to taste - to obtain a sweet version of the drink.

Hazelnut milk is ready. Store the drink in the refrigerator in a clean, airtight container for up to 3 days.

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The next summer Orthodox holiday is approaching, the main dish of which, judging by the name, is nuts.

On the eve of the Nut Savior I decided to tell you the health benefits of nut milk and how you can prepare it at home.

Benefits and uses of nut milk

Nut milk is a healthy alternative to cow's milk. It does not contain lactose, and therefore can be drunk even by those who cannot tolerate regular milk of animal origin. Another plus of nut milk is that it is absolutely delicious. It is approved not only by those who have given up animals and their derivatives, but also by adherents of raw food and Ayurvedic nutrition.

Nut milk is considered very healthy as it contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes in their raw form, without heat treatment. It is also better absorbed by the human body.

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You can pour nut milk over granola, add it to smoothies, coffee and tea, cook with it and just drink for pleasure. You can also create delicious and healthy cocktails using nut milk by adding honey, cocoa, cinnamon, dates or vanilla.


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How to make nut milk

To make nut milk, you only need water and any unroasted nuts. The most delicious milk comes from hazelnuts, almonds and Brazil nuts. You can also use walnuts or pine nuts. Plant milk is also made from raw seeds: sesame, poppy or pumpkin seeds.

To make the milk truly tasty, it is better to soak the nuts in cool drinking water for a period of 4 hours to the whole night.

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Soaking time for different types of nuts:

  • Almonds in order to become saturated with moisture, you need the greatest amount of time - 8-12 hours.
  • For hazelnut, macadamia and peanuts it will be enough 8 ocloc'k.
  • Walnut you need everything 4 hours.
  • A cashew - 2 hours.
  • From pistachios and brazil nuts You will get excellent milk even without soaking.

Ideal proportions for making nut milk - nuts and water 1 to 4. That is for 4 glasses of milk(about 1 l) needed 4 cups water and 1 cup nuts.

The ratio may change in one direction or another. For example, for more aromatic and thick milk, you can take more nuts and less water - about 1 to 3.

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Place the nuts and water in a blender and blend thoroughly until smooth. After which the mixture is filtered through a sieve, cheesecloth or a special bag for nut milk.

Store nut milk in the refrigerator in a closed bottle. 3-4 days.

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