How to marinate and grill eggplants. Grilled eggplants are a delicious combination with barbecue! Grilled eggplant at home

The buildings 22.03.2024
The buildings


  • eggplant - 1 piece;
  • Greek yogurt - 200 grams;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • parsley;
  • cheese - 100 grams;
  • salt;
  • olive oil - 3 tablespoons.

Magnificent eggplants in 5 minutes. Step by step recipe

  1. Wash the eggplant and cut off the stems. Take a good eggplant: it should have gloss, a fairly black color and elastic fruit.
  2. Cut the eggplant into small rings 1 centimeter thick. Salt them and leave for half an hour to remove all the bitterness.
  3. We all know that eggplants absorb oil very strongly, and this will later become noticeable on our figure. But we will cope with this problem.
  4. After half an hour, on a hot grill pan over low heat, fry the eggplant rings on both sides until golden brown: they should become soft. There is no need to lubricate the grill with any oil. If you don’t have a grill pan, use a regular frying pan, but then grease it with vegetable oil.
  5. If you fry in a regular frying pan with oil, then after frying, pat the eggplants dry with a paper towel to remove excess fat. Let it cool.
  6. But there is another way to cook eggplants. You can bake eggplants in the oven: it will be even tastier.
  7. While the eggplants are cooling, there is time to prepare a very tasty hot sauce.
  8. Wash the parsley and chop finely with a knife. If you use a food processor or blender, you will get porridge, but we need separate particles. You can add any greens: dill, cilantro, basil, etc. Peel the garlic cloves and pass through a press. You can add more or less garlic to your taste.
  9. I grated the cheese on a fine grater. You can grate it on a coarse one too. The main thing is that the type of cheese is not very hard.
  10. Add a pinch of salt. Mix parsley, garlic, cheese and Greek yogurt in one bowl. And if you don’t have Greek yogurt, you can use regular thick sour cream. There shouldn't be any mayonnaise here. Everything is quite low-calorie and healthy.
  11. Add olive oil to the resulting sauce. Mix the resulting dressing.
  12. Spread the eggplant rings with a thick layer of sauce and place them in a circle.

You can make an appetizer in the form of a salad by cutting the eggplants into cubes and simply mixing them with dressing. Here you have gorgeous eggplants ready in 5 minutes. You can sprinkle some herbs or pomegranate seeds on top. Serve fresh vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers. I advise you to whip up this dish: the appetizer is very tasty, aromatic, and filling. Bon appetit!

Everyone knows the amazing dark blue fruit called eggplant. Whether grown yourself or bought in a store, this vegetable (which, by the way, is actually a berry) has many beneficial properties and a unique, delicious taste. There are many ways to cook “blue ones,” and one of them is grilled eggplant.

Little secrets

Benefits of Grilled Eggplant

As mentioned above, such a dish has one undeniable advantage: it is prepared without vegetable oil (or with a minimal amount of it). Therefore, there will be no harm to health from the presence of chemicals and preservatives in the oil. In addition, this method of cooking implies almost complete preservation in vegetables of all useful microelements and vitamins that the human body so needs (and there are a lot of them in the “little blue ones”: potassium, pectin, magnesium, sodium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, group vitamins B, C, PP, as well as anthocyanins).

Thanks to all these substances, “little blue” (both fresh and grilled) provide great help to humans: they lower cholesterol levels, are good for the heart, and prevent the occurrence of cancer. And also, since this is the most dietary dish of all possible variations, it is actively recommended by nutritionists. For this reason, grilled eggplants are so dearly loved by all of us.

Real jam!

There are plenty of ways to cook eggplant on the grill. Experienced chefs say that you can do this on a grill, on skewers, or in the oven. And if you have a special frying pan, you can also use it on the stove! In any case, it will turn out very tasty and unusual - this is evidenced by numerous reviews of this dish.

Before the beginning

It is very important before you start baking to prepare the vegetables in advance: wash them all thoroughly, dry them, remove the stalks (notabene: first wash and only then remove the stalks, and not vice versa). Reviews from housewives indicate that compared to other fruits, eggplants (as well as zucchini or peppers) take longer to cook, therefore, when planning to combine “little blue” and some other ingredients, you should take this point into account. You can either whole (if they are very small) or cut into pieces (in this case you should not make the slices too small).

For grilled eggplants on a grill or skewers, you should take care of the fire in advance so that by the “X hour” it will already have burned out. By the way, when placing vegetables on a skewer, you should be very careful, as juice may leak from the fruit. Eggplants should be baked on a wire rack for no more than ten minutes, and even less if they are cut into pieces. The main thing is not to forget to turn the vegetables.

Recommendations for cooking grilled eggplants in a frying pan include the following nuances: you need to fry the fruits until stripes of golden brown color appear on them, and before putting the “little blue” ones on the frying pan, it is best to grease it with olive oil. But only just a little! It is better to take the frying pan itself with a Teflon coating.

Bake in the oven

Judging by the reviews, it turns out very tasty if you grill eggplants and zucchini together, and you can also add sweet peppers to them. All vegetables need to be cut into rings (peppers - strips) and placed in a pre-prepared marinade (a tablespoon of lemon juice, a tablespoon of sea salt, a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar, chopped garlic clove). Leave for ten minutes. Grease a baking sheet with oil, place vegetables, sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake for fifteen to twenty minutes at two hundred degrees. Grilled eggplants in the oven are ready!

Cooking on the grill

The recipe for grilled eggplants on the grill is very simple: cut the required number of “blue” ones (prepared for use) diagonally into circles so that they are large enough. Add salt, place on a grill (you can use skewers instead) and bake over hot coals. This dish goes well in combination with spicy garlic sauce.

You can also cook eggplants on the grill or on the grill, after marinating them. For the marinade you will need sunflower or olive oil (you can use both in equal proportions), wine vinegar (no more than two tablespoons), not too salty soy sauce, garlic and spices to taste. You literally need two or three cloves of garlic, which should be chopped. Along with vinegar, soy sauce and spices, garlic should be added to the oil heated in a frying pan. And then place the eggplants cut into rings into this mixture. You can put them in a plastic bag and tie them, or you can leave them in a bowl under the film. The further process of preparing grilled eggplants on the grill is no different from the above, you just need to wait until the “little blue” ones are marinated (about an hour or two).

Eggplants in a frying pan with cumin

The “blue ones” need to be cut into rings, salted on both sides and left to soak for about twenty minutes. During this time, chop the garlic (or take dried ground) and sprinkle the eggplants. Lightly sprinkle each piece with lemon juice.

Mix cumin leaves with a small amount of vegetable oil and ground black pepper, dip each eggplant ring into the mixture. In a grill pan, fry the eggplants on both sides until cooked.

Dish with fresh mint

For a quick breakfast for a family of three or four people, the following recipe is perfect: two relatively large eggplants must be cut lengthwise (the pieces should not be very thin or very thick). Heat the grill pan and place the “blue ones” on it. There is no need to add salt at this stage! Fry until cooked on both sides, place in a prepared bowl, add olive oil, salt, add chopped garlic clove and mint leaves. Stir and you are ready to eat!

Grilled eggplant with tomatoes and cheese

First of all, the “blue” ones are prepared - cut into elongated rings, they are fried in a frying pan on both sides. Then they are laid out in the required dishes. Tomatoes (small ones) need to be cut into two parts, fried on both sides and chopped using a blender (you can also use a meat grinder). Pour the resulting tomato mixture onto the eggplant rings, sprinkle on top with herbs (any to taste) mixed with lemon juice. Add salt. Add small pieces of mozzarella.

Grilled eggplants are one of those dishes that, no matter how you cook them, will always be delicious. Therefore it is worth experimenting. And Bon Appetit!

Eggplant is a great vegetable, but when cooked it absorbs a lot of oil, making the dish very high in calories. But I found a way to cook eggplants that requires almost no oil... Today we will bake eggplants on the grill.

You can use an outdoor grill, but I use a multi-oven grill. It will take very little time, and will be tasty and healthy. I will decorate the dish with feta cheese with herbs and garlic. The appetizer is simple and very tasty.

To prepare grilled eggplants, we need eggplants, garlic, Adyghe cheese, garlic, dill, homemade yogurt (although you can take it from the store), salt and a little vegetable oil.

Wash the eggplants, cut them into rings, add salt and put them under pressure to remove the bitterness.

Peel the garlic for the filling.

Drizzle the eggplants with oil and place on the grill pan. Place in a preheated multi-oven at 200 degrees for 5 minutes.

The eggplants were quickly fried.

Grate the Adyghe cheese, add garlic and finely chopped dill. Stir and add yogurt. The filling is ready.

Place the filling on one eggplant circle and cover with another circle on top.

The appetizer is ready. These eggplants are especially good cold.

Grilled eggplants are low in calories and very healthy.

Bon appetit!

Grilled eggplants and other vegetables are an incredibly tasty dish. Moreover, it is ideal both for those who for some reason do not eat meat or poultry, and for an easy addition to kebabs.

Today we will talk about how delicious and easy it is to cook eggplant on the grill. During the season of this vegetable they will be very useful.

How to marinate eggplants for grilling

To get the unforgettable taste of vegetables on fire, you need to marinate them in advance. The recipe for this marinade is ideal not only for eggplants, but also for bell peppers, zucchini, carrots and others. We need to take the following components:

  • 100 ml of olive oil, which is suitable for frying (you can take sunflower and olive oil in equal parts);
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of white wine vinegar;
  • 3 tablespoons of medium-salty soy sauce;
  • a pair of garlic cloves;
  • a little dry basil or other aromatic herbs.

Chop the garlic. Heat the oil a little in a frying pan and add the remaining ingredients to it. Cut the blue ones into fairly large pieces. Pour the mixture over them and cover the bowl with cling film.

The best option is to place the pieces in a bag and tie it tightly. This will allow the eggplants to marinate faster. If you have a marinator, use it. In this device you can quickly marinate vegetables, meat and poultry.

Cooking eggplants on the grill

Today we will cook grilled eggplants seasoned with tomato sauce. Great picnic snack!

So, we start by marinating the blue ones. Cut them into pieces of the desired size and leave them in the marinade for at least an hour.

Grind the tomatoes using a blender. It is better to remove the skin first. This is quite simple to do - cut the tomato crosswise. Fill it with boiling water to the top and leave for a minute. Then fill the tomato with ice water. Now the skin can be easily removed.

Grind the tomato pulp in a blender bowl along with garlic and salt. Remove the eggplants from the marinade and place them on the grill. There should be no open fire, only smoldering coals! As soon as one side is browned, turn the vegetables over. Pour the finished eggplants with tomato sauce, decorate with herbs and serve. You can also place rye toast separately.

Recipe for blue ones on the oven rack

This quick dish can be prepared quickly and easily at home. We will add other vegetables to the eggplants - zucchini and bell pepper.

  • vegetables - eggplant, pepper and zucchini, 1 piece each;
  • lemon juice – 1 tablespoon;
  • sea ​​salt – 1 tablespoon;
  • balsamic vinegar - 1 tablespoon:
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • hard cheese – 130 grams.

Time required – 30 minutes. Energy value – 189 kcal per 100 grams.

Mix lemon juice and sea salt. Add vinegar and finely chopped garlic. We cut the vegetables like this - zucchini and blueberries into circles of medium thickness.

Peppers - in boats of similar sizes. Place them in the marinade for a couple of minutes. Place vegetables on a greased grill.

Grate the cheese and sprinkle on eggplants, zucchini and peppers. Turn on the “Grill” mode and cook the vegetables for about 15 minutes.

Using a grill pan

Eggplants can be cooked very quickly and easily in a grill pan. Choose a marinade from the recipes above. Cut the vegetable into circles and let it brew for about 1 hour.

Fry the mugs in a hot frying pan until done. You can serve this sauce with prepared vegetables - sour cream is mixed with garlic and herbs.

Another dressing option is tomato paste with the addition of garlic, salt and spices. A more complex version of the dish - add zucchini cubes, onions and tomatoes to lightly fried blueberries.

Add a drop of water, cover with a lid and simmer until done. Makes an excellent stew.

Preparation for the winter

  • eggplants – 2 kg;
  • sunflower oil – 200 ml;
  • vinegar (9 percent) – 120 ml;
  • garlic – 6 cloves;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Time costs – 1 hour 20 minutes. Calorie content – ​​300 kcal per 100 grams.

Let's start with the blue ones. Wash them thoroughly and cut into circles. Grill in the oven or outdoors until done. Place the finished pieces tightly in a jar. First put garlic on the bottom.

Mix oil, vinegar, salt and spices. The mixture is brought to a boil. Then we pour our vegetables into it. Filled jars need to be sterilized for about 30 minutes, and then sealed with lids (sterilized).

In general, eggplants are very capricious vegetables when preserved. Therefore, all utensils must be thoroughly sterilized.

To cook eggplant deliciously, you need to know a few secrets:

  1. When slicing, it is important to use only stainless steel knives. This way the vegetables will not turn black too much.
  2. The little blue ones are washed first, and only then the stalks are cut off. Otherwise, the eggplant will absorb water.
  3. Sprinkle the bitter blue ones with coarse or regular salt (plenty). Let the juice simmer and wash the vegetables thoroughly.
  4. Eggplants for grilling are most often not cleaned. If you don't like the taste of the skin, you can easily remove it by roasting the whole eggplant over a fire. The procedure must be carried out carefully until the pulp has cooled. You can use this eggplant to make a warm salad of baked vegetables.
  5. When frying in a pan in oil, these vegetables absorb a lot of oil. To avoid this, you must first fry the pieces in a dry non-stick frying pan. Then add oil, garlic, spices and salt.

Now you know how to deliciously cook eggplants on the grill both at home and outdoors. Bon appetit!

Excellent food cooked on a barbecue or grill is not only meat or fish. You can cook anything over an open fire: mushrooms, vegetables, fruits. At the same time, fruits and vegetables baked on charcoal do not lose juice or vitamins, which distinguishes cooking over an open fire from other options for heat treatment of food.

One of the most popular “kebab” vegetables, of course, is eggplant. There are many simple ways to cook these vegetables over a fire. They can be baked whole, fried, grilled, or rolled into bacon or lard rolls.

The easiest and most common way is to cook eggplants on the grill.


For this simple dish you will need several eggplants, a good piece of lard (preferably cooked in Hungarian style, with paprika) and some simple marinade.

Cooking technique:

  • First you need to wash the vegetables, remove the stalk and peel. Cut into “washers” one centimeter thick, add salt, and place in a marinating container (dish, bag, etc.).
  • After 20–30 minutes, add a couple of good spoons of sour cream to the bowl, chop a few cloves of garlic (to taste). Marinate for about thirty minutes.
  • Immediately before cooking, assemble skewers or wooden skewers (pre-soaked in water). We alternate eggplant “washers” with pieces of lard on skewers.
  • You need to grill shish kebab on the grill over small coals, turning the skewers from time to time. Cooking time is about 20 minutes, since the “little blue” ones do not reach readiness quickly.

Grilled eggplants: an original appetizer

The grilled eggplant recipe looks much more “solid” and creative when the vegetables are baked under mozzarella-type cheese or any other type that melts well.

In addition to blueberries and cheese, this dish will need champignons, garlic, herbs, and sour cream for serving.

Cooking technique:

  • Prepared eggplants are cut into “washers” one centimeter thick or thin plates lengthwise.
  • Pieces of eggplant and champignons, cut in half or whole, are laid out on the grill grate, salted and peppered.
  • Vegetables and mushrooms are baked for 10–15 minutes.
  • Next, the baked products are laid out on a dish and immediately sprinkled with pieces of mozzarella or other grated cheese.
  • Hot eggplants with mushrooms and cheese melting on their surface are complemented with chopped garlic and herbs. You can serve sour cream as a sauce for the dish.

Rolls with bacon or lard

If you want to cook something non-standard from eggplants, you can pay attention to an excellent, quick snack in the form of rolls.

Bacon and lard (no matter what type - smoked, salted) are suitable as an addition to them. And also tomatoes, bell peppers, and basically anything that is on hand and will stick well on the skewers.

Cooking technique:

  • Prepared eggplants need to be cut lengthwise into plates less than a centimeter thick, so that they can then be easily twisted on a skewer.
  • Also cut lard or bacon thinner.
  • Eggplant slices are fried on both sides on a wire rack.
  • Next, lard, bacon, and other available ingredients are placed into the plates. The roll is rolled up and pierced with a skewer.
  • Before serving, the rolls are sprinkled with herbs and grated cheese.
  • The dish can be served with sour cream or sauces with a mayonnaise base.

Rolls prepared in the described way can be used as a delicious appetizer or as a main dish.

Whole eggplants

Alternatively, you can cook whole eggplants over coals. To do this you will need ordinary food foil. In addition to eggplants, tomatoes, 100–200 grams of any hard cheese, about 100 grams of butter, garlic, and herbs to taste will also be used.

Cooking technique:

  • Peeled and washed eggplants are cut lengthwise, but not completely, into thin slices several times. Each vegetable opens up like a book.
  • Eggplants are salted and peppered.
  • Prepare a mixture of oil and garlic. The peeled cloves are passed through a press and mixed with pre-softened butter.
  • The inside of the eggplants is coated with this mixture.
  • Tomatoes and cheese are cut into thin circles and slices, which then need to be placed in turn on all the slices of each eggplant.
  • Vegetables prepared in this way are wrapped in foil.
  • So, in foil, they are baked over small coals until they become soft. Vegetables need to be turned over from time to time.
  • Cooking time is about twenty minutes.
  • The finished baked eggplants are then removed from the foil and served. They can be sprinkled with herbs (parsley, dill, cilantro).

Grilled eggplants in foil - a very simple dish, just ideal for cooking outdoors

For variety, you can cook eggplants as part of a large vegetable platter.

Eggplants are well complemented by onions, zucchini, sweet peppers, tomatoes, zucchini and other available vegetables.

Cooking technique:

  • First, all the vegetables need to be thoroughly marinated, because simply frying them is not enough: they will turn out tasteless and dry.
  • Any acidic medium is suitable for marinade - vinegar, lemon juice, wine. You need to marinate for several hours. Various spices are suitable for flavoring the marinade: basil, thyme, rosemary, garlic and others.
  • Washed and dried vegetables are cut into circles and rings and marinated in the prepared dressing.
  • After a couple of hours, the prepared vegetables are placed on a wire rack and baked until cooked.
  • Vegetables are served with herbs, sour cream, sauces with a mayonnaise base.

Alternatively, you can make a wonderful salad from baked vegetables. To do this, you need to mix the prepared assorted vegetables with pine nuts or peeled pistachios, a small amount of soft cheese (mozzarella), and olive oil in a deep bowl.

The finished salad should be acidified with a small dose of vinegar, stirred and served warm.

In addition to the methods described above for cooking eggplants over an open fire or coals, many others are also popular. Eggplants and other vegetables make an excellent casserole. Grilled stuffed eggplants are also highly valued by gourmets. The filling used here is minced meat or vegetables, garlic-cheese paste, eggs, herbs, and spices.

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