Greenhouse combined with a house. Greenhouse house, or how not to pay for vegetables and fruits

Landscape design and planning 03.11.2023
Landscape design and planning

Often, owners of summer cottages are concerned about the issue of saving territory. A successful solution to this dacha problem would be to place a greenhouse on the roof of an outbuilding. And even better - arrange it right in the attic of the house.

Greenhouse on the roof of the bathhouse.
Greenhouse on a brick garage.
Greenhouse-winter garden on the roof.

Economic Benefits of a Rooftop Greenhouse

This solution will help the cottage owner solve many issues:

  1. This is additional protection from rain on the roof of the building.
  2. Organizing a greenhouse in the attic will increase the thermal insulation of the house.
  3. Heat loss, which is almost impossible to completely get rid of, will be used expediently.
  4. Saving land on the site will allow you to grow more crops. And if the seedlings were previously grown in a room on a windowsill, then moving the boxes to the greenhouse will make life more comfortable and the house cleaner.
  5. Carbon dioxide rising from living spaces is necessary for gas exchange and photosynthesis in plants.
  6. There is no need to spend money on lighting, because plants have access to light throughout the day - trees and buildings do not interfere with the development of plants, since the structure rises above everything that provides shade on a sunny day.
  7. By placing the greenhouse on the roof, the owner saves on the foundation, communications for plumbing, heating and ventilation.

An important factor is that the greenhouse, located on the ground, is in direct contact with the soil in early spring, when it is still completely frozen. There is no such problem on the roof. Therefore, plant roots receive more heat and seeds germinate faster.

The carbon dioxide that humans emit is needed by plants for photosynthesis.

Methods for equipping a greenhouse on the roof

There are several options for organizing this know-how.

Type "Second roof"

A greenhouse is installed directly on the building itself, using the roof as its foundation, if it is not sloping. To do this, you will need to build the walls up. It is best to make them from a transparent material, such as glass. You should also take care of the second roof, which, like the walls, allows light to pass through.

You can also use the second option: make the second roof gable or single-pitch. Of course, working in such a greenhouse will not be as comfortable as where the walls have been built up, but in economic terms, this option wins.

Drawing of greenhouse equipment on a flat roof.

Attic type greenhouse

This option is that the owner simply redoes the roof itself, replacing it with a transparent one. Boxes with soil and plants are installed in the attic.

It is important to remember that each building has its own purpose. And if the attic in the house was equipped with the expectation of playing only the role of a mezzanine for storing rarely used items with low weight, then it is quite possible that it will not be able to withstand the load that is intended for the greenhouse.

Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the load-bearing beams and the floor itself. There is another option: lay a new floor in the attic, bringing it outside a little further than the walls. Its edges need to be installed on new support posts. Then the greenhouse will not create additional load on the walls and ceiling of the building.

Drawing for strengthening the greenhouse structure.

If the house was originally planned as a building with an attic, which it was decided to use as a greenhouse, then there should be practically no problems with the conversion.

Greenhouse on the roof or attic, planned before the building is built

It is optimal to provide for the equipment of the greenhouse before the construction of a house or outbuilding begins. Indeed, in this case, during the preparation of the project, it is possible to calculate the load-bearing capacity of the floor so that subsequently there is no sagging of the beams and the occurrence of other undesirable moments.

Rooftop greenhouse equipment

The owner who decides on this know-how should take care of such factors as:

  • greenhouse water supply;
  • floor waterproofing;
  • ventilation;
  • light flow control.

Water supply

A greenhouse needs water, because plants require constant water. You can, of course, carry it up in buckets, although this is difficult. But in any case, you need to make sure that the stairs to the greenhouse are comfortable and durable.

It is best, of course, to carry the water upward. This is not so difficult to do if the house itself already has running water.

If there is water only in the column, the inclusion of which is impossible to manipulate while in the greenhouse, then you can place some container there, which you fill with a watering hose, and then water the plants from it.


And here the question arises: what could happen if the hose suddenly breaks or is pushed out of the tank, the container with water itself tips over, or simply begins to slowly leak unnoticed? The answer is devoid of optimism. Therefore, it is important to take care of waterproofing the greenhouse floor.

You can coat it with hot bitumen mastic. There is another option: put roll waterproofing on it.


It is worth considering that warm air always rises. Therefore, the temperature in the greenhouse will be much higher than if it were on the ground. Consequently, the problem of its ventilation is far from the last.

Constantly improving technologies for the construction of greenhouse structures, manufacturing plants are providing ever new ideas to farming enthusiasts. Today, greenhouses and greenhouses can be seen in a variety of expressions and with completely different functions.

A greenhouse, which is attached to the wall of a house or an ordinary outbuilding, is a great idea for constructing a structure for growing various types of plants for pleasure, interest and profit. In this case, we build the roof slope at a specific angle, taking into account the climate in the region. The angle of inclination should not be too large, but its inclination should be enough to prevent snow and raindrops from accumulating on the top of the building. Such a structure can be attached to a residential building or to a summer structure.

The greenhouse attached to the house is an unfinished form that is, as it were, a continuation of the house. It is best to build such a greenhouse on the south side of the building, where the sun's rays are most frequent.

The wall of the house protects the greenhouse very well from the wind. Energy supply, water supply, heat supply, in an attached greenhouse near the wall of your house will cost you less.

An attached greenhouse can be covered with:

  • Glass:
  • Polyethylene;
  • Polycarbonate.

The frame of this greenhouse can be built from wood or a metal profile. The Maxidom chain of stores will help you decide on the choice of material.

A practical greenhouse in a country house: what can be grown in it

Growing cucumbers in the kitchen or basement of a private house is a very real thing. By building a greenhouse, you can get juicy, environmentally friendly, natural and healthy berries and vegetables in early spring and throughout the year. How to organize such a greenhouse in the basement, or on the ground floor with your own hands? The main problem that will need to be solved is the lack of daylight. And if growing champignon mushrooms may be in the dark, then cucumbers really need a sufficient amount of light.

A greenhouse in a country house in the basement will require you to solve non-standard problems, since the basement has its own characteristics. It's dark, damp and cold there.

Since the outside temperature is low in winter, you should insulate the basement. If there are drafts in a leaky basement, then a good crop will not grow there. Once the equipment is installed, you need to think about the soil. For the basement, it is better for you to choose small quartz or granite gravel. When you have prepared the soil, you should consider lighting. For normal, proper growth, cucumbers need at least 10 hours of light every day. An important issue in the proper cultivation of plants is the disinfection of space as a preventive measure for crop diseases from various ailments.

In the basement you can grow:

  • Cucumbers;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Greenery;
  • Potato;
  • Zucchini;
  • Pepper;
  • Eggplant.

Each culture requires separate care and its own microclimate. Therefore, before planting any crop in such a greenhouse, analyze whether you can provide it with everything necessary.

Built-in greenhouse on the second floor of the house: design features

In addition to the basement, some people use the second floor of a country house to grow plants. This is also not a bad option, even because there is already daylight in this space. In addition, you cannot allow free space to go to waste.

A greenhouse on the second floor of the house will help you obtain a variety of vegetables at any time of the year. Proper care of such a greenhouse can give you a real winter garden.

But this method also has its drawbacks. It is not allowed to equip a greenhouse in an old-style building. A greenhouse means constant dampness and humidity. The greenhouse structure must be completely sealed, otherwise the first floor will constantly suffer from moisture penetration. If the house has an extension, it is better to equip a greenhouse there.

Features of the greenhouse on the second floor of the house:

  • The advantage is the fact that such a house already has heating and lighting, you just need to adjust them;
  • Plants are best grown in small, sealed, sealed trays. Then it will be convenient for you to process and water them;
  • Large, large climbing plants are not suitable for such a pleasure;
  • Provide the room with ventilation, otherwise the plants will not grow.

Low, compact flowers are best suited for growing on the second floor of a house.

House in a greenhouse: Sweden on its own site

With each new season, farming enthusiasts never cease to amaze us. Their discoveries benefit people all over the world. More recently, a family from Sweden patented their discovery, who built a greenhouse around their house, and thereby killed, as they say, two birds with one stone.

A house in a greenhouse “Sweden”, this is how we can now call a new discovery in the field of greenhouse construction. And now everyone has the opportunity to enjoy many benefits all year round.

Similar designs began to grow like mushrooms all over the world, and the scope of application of such technologies has grown significantly. Now it is possible not only to reduce the cost of heating premises in a private home, but also to make it more comfortable.

Greenhouse houses can be equipped with:

  • Place for growing plants;
  • Botanical Garden;
  • Pool;
  • Beach;
  • Terrace for relaxation;
  • Outdoor dining;
  • Playground for children;
  • Place for walking;
  • Aviary for animals.

Owners of private houses constantly have more and more new ideas about the use of such a building, but one thing is obvious - this new breakthrough has many advantages and only positive reviews.

Greenhouses in a private house on the roof: advantages

Roof greenhouses have appeared a long time ago, but they are not often used due to the complexity of installation. It is almost impossible to adapt old buildings for this type of occupation, and therefore this technology is used mainly in the construction of new, modern buildings.

Greenhouses in a private house on the roof are a great idea for those who want to grow healthy crops at home. But you must be prepared to face a number of difficulties.

By equipping such a greenhouse correctly and organizing the cultivation of vegetables, fruits or flowers in it, you will provide yourself with healthy products throughout the year.

Advantages of a greenhouse on the roof of a house:

  • The ability to save space on your garden plot and in the yard;
  • Lighting comes entirely from the sun;
  • Heating can be done seamlessly with the overall heating system of the house;
  • The design is easily ventilated;

This option may have a common area with the roof of the house, or may occupy only part of it.

What is a house in a greenhouse (video)

Greenhouse structures are particularly diverse and have many options. Those who know how to save space and have learned to value and protect every free meter of land are constantly developing new greenhouse technologies. Nowadays, greenhouses can be seen not only on personal plots and dachas, but also on the roofs of houses, and even around the building itself.

Ecology of consumption. Estate: Scientists from the Netherlands who created an unusual greenhouse house. The essence of the idea is to combine energy-efficient technologies and a garden complex in one home.

City dwellers are often deprived of the opportunity to purchase truly fresh vegetables and fruits, only picked from the garden. And many country residents do not always have the opportunity to grow whatever they want on their plot. For example, heat-loving plant species. This is due to the limited area of ​​the site or unsuitable climatic conditions. The solution may be to install a thermos greenhouse.

Thus, the researchers want to test the idea of ​​​​building an autonomous house that can feed its residents.

For a bold experiment (its completion is scheduled for 2018), a house was built using frame technology, with a glass roof and transparent walls on the third floor.

The house is oriented to the cardinal points. The slope angle of the transparent roof is designed in such a way that the plants receive the maximum degree of solar insolation. If necessary, the windows are covered with curtains. In addition to the greenhouse, the house was equipped with a rainwater collection system, which is used for irrigation and technical needs, a solar collector, and a ground heat exchanger.

Tests have shown that the idea works, and a variety of vegetables and fruits can be grown in the greenhouse all year round. For example, watermelons, tomatoes, peppers, beets, zucchini and cauliflower.

In order to bring the experimental conditions as close as possible to the natural environment, a family of four settled in the house (based on the results of a competitive selection). According to the conditions of the experiment, people should live in their usual rhythm. Despite theoretical training and detailed instructions, the townspeople had a hard time. The lack of practical experience of life “on earth” had an effect.

So, people had to adjust their work schedule to the garden. Getting up early in the morning, distributing responsibilities, doing weeding, fertilizing, deciding who does watering and on what day, caring for plants, monitoring the operation of the ventilation system, etc.

According to Helly Scholten (the wife of the head of the family), they once left home for a few days in the summer, and when they returned, they discovered that the plants planted in the vertical garden had died due to the heat and lack of moisture.

This served as a lesson to the family and made them view the experiment not as a fun game, but as serious work that requires a lot of effort and knowledge. Things went well. Now the Dutch are fully self-sufficient in vegetables and fruits, and even have a surplus.

The project developers emphasize that although the house is experimental, the technology is being tested on it, and ways are being sought to improve the home, combined with a greenhouse. In the future, the researchers plan to put the production of house kits on stream, so that everyone can have their own personal garden. published

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An old saying goes: those who live in a glass house should not throw stones. But they didn't say anything about fruits and vegetables. For one family in Sweden, living in a glass house is a reality. They actually built a greenhouse around their house!

Greenhouse around the house

Charles Sasilotto and Marie Grammar wanted to find a way to escape Sweden's cold winters in an environmentally friendly way. They decided that there was nothing better than building a greenhouse over their house. Now they use a glass dome to heat their home and even grow their own food.

Charles, an engineer by profession, was inspired by his mentor Benet Warne, a Swedish eco-architect. About 10 years ago, he built a greenhouse for about 80,000 euros, but the environmental and economic benefits were greater than the amount he spent.

Called Naturhus (Nature House), it is covered with 4mm thick safety glass. Don't worry, it's pretty safe, just like Charles. He says that even if it can be broken, the glass will fly into small pieces and will not harm anyone.

Sunlight that comes through a window will heat the house during the day, and the residual heat can linger through the night. An added benefit is that they have now been able to grow their own garden that stays green all year round.

Greenhouse Benefit

Due to the severity of Swedish winters, fruit and vegetable growing has a very limited time frame (April to early October). But with a greenhouse they can grow them anytime!

They have a lot of grown food such as grapes, herbs, cucumbers, figs and tomatoes, which usually do not grow in the Scandinavian winter. They grow plants along with fruits and vegetables, which are known to help purify the air and remove toxins.

Being an engineer, Charles even built a road to collect rainwater for himself and his plants. He also designed and built a sewage system, including a composter for his garden. So they created their own little ecosystem.

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