Famous people named Darina Schmidt. Darina: the meaning of the name, fate and character for a girl

landscaping 17.11.2023

1. Slavic name meaning “gifted, gift of God.” Form of the name Daryon.

2. derived from the Persian (Farsi) Darin - “pearl”.

Famous people named Darina

Darina Shmidt ((born 1983) director, artist, animator, screenwriter).

Darina celebrates her name day

Harmonious patronymic for the name Darina

Sometimes it has a good effect - Darina Vladimirovna, Darina Leonidovna, Darina Sergeevna.

But there are contraindications, consult a specialist.

Darina and character depending on the season

The winter child is harsh and capricious.
The spring child is creative and capricious.
The year old child is passionate and active.
The autumn child is smart and obstinate.

Darina and character depending on date of birth

This is true for any name, not necessarily Darina:

Aries, April's child is assertive and active.
Taurus, the May child is a hard worker.
Gemini, June baby is outgoing.
Cancer, July baby - vulnerable and sexy.
Leo, the August child is confident and creative.
Virgo, September child - orderly.
Aquarius, the February child is willful and dreamy.

Spring and May child with any name - contains creative, hardworking and stubborn potential. A name can strengthen or weaken an innate given.

Therefore, there are contraindications, consult a specialist.

Psychoacoustics named after Darin

Many parents are interested in the sound, so that the name “looks” good with the middle name. And so that the soul likes it, there is a feeling of goodness, calmness, harmony.

Melody is the first thing a name emits, but this is the tip of the iceberg.

They greet you by their clothes, but what's inside?

Name is a sound, a sign (symbol), information.
Child- a unique fusion of parental DNA, God's spark, and surrounding culture. This is a unique psychic pattern of information and energy.
World— lives according to the laws of nature, and as a rule, a specialist knows and can give results in a narrow area of ​​his professionalism.

Here comes the name Darina, once, twice, three times. Gradually, the baby becomes attached to the name and becomes mentally attuned to the entire volume of information about the name in the culture. Absorbs. Changes.

Previously, before computers, in Tradition, as mothers now turn to doctors,
fathers turned to wise people for help in choosing a name.

Knowledge of the psychoacoustics of a name brought good results and gave protection to the child!

What can stimulate the name Darina

Materiality, love, stability, health energy, creativity, intuition, intelligence, sexuality and family, spirituality, kindness and cordiality, joy and strength.

How to give maximum evolution, truth, love through the name Darina?

Go only from the child’s individuality.

Check only through the channel of direct knowledge (meaningful spiritual intuition).

Learn only through sober experience, honest feedback.

No ideology!

Where to start checking the name Darina

Talk to the child's soul, ask the child's opinion, listen.

Make a promise to your child - to choose only a good name, only a useful one.

Listen to the child's answer. Agree with your child not to give a name with harmful psychoacoustics.

Next, try to use real (working) knowledge. After all, it was not without reason that Stalin changed his name and date of birth with the help of the legendary mystic of the 20th century - Gurdjieff.

People with power, money, famous directors, athletes, top models, actors, scientists and inventors use spiritual names and pseudonyms as a tool for developing personality and soul qualities.

Download and study the book. Sergei Mikhailovich Bobyr, one of the pillars of modern Russian spirituality, helps you choose a name that suits the child’s psyche and character.

For example, Steven Spielberg, Jennifer Lopez, Gisele Bündchen, George Bernard Shaw, Henry Ford, Alfred Nobel, Sigmund Freud, Stalin received an additional average of plus 40% of strength due to the psychoacoustics of the name.

If you ignore the individual psychoacoustics of the name, then with a 79% probability you will weaken the child’s psyche and vitality by 32% of the original power.

Darina has sacred meaning for the descendants of the ancient Slavic people. It endows its owner with a persistent character and a unique destiny. Plus, the name is not the most common, which makes it even more special.

What does it mean and where does it come from?

There are many legends and speculations surrounding this name. It is ancient and has many forms among different peoples. The Irish had similar names (Darren, which means “rocky mountain”), in ancient Persia (Darius, meaning “winner”), among Muslims (Darina with an emphasis on the last syllable), in the vastness of Europe (Daren, Darrin, Deri).

In the post-Soviet space, Darina is very often associated with Daria, considering them to be different forms of the same name. However, this is not entirely true. Daria has ancient Persian roots and means “victor”. But the name Darina, according to studies of its origin, is the brainchild of ancient Slavic culture and its meaning states that the woman owner of this name is “gifted by God,” “gift of life” or “gift of the gods.”

There are not so many Slavic names, and those that exist are not particularly common. However, they carry a deep meaning, are not often found and have a strong primordial Slavic energy, which is best suited for the descendants of the Slavs. If a person bears the name Darina in an unchanged form, it will transfer its sacred meaning of a divine gift to him.

Day Angel

Unfortunately, Darina cannot celebrate her name days according to the church calendar, since this form of the name is not in the calendar. In church, you may be asked to christen the baby with the closest and most consonant name - Daria. Then the girl Darina will be able to celebrate her Angel Day in March, April or August.

Important! Some churches oppose the second name, insisting that a person’s name both in the world and before God should be one. In this case, the owner of the name will not be able to undergo the baptismal ceremony. Try contacting other churches where the clergy will understand your position.

Short and diminutive forms

Darina's short form may sound like:

  • Dara;
  • Dasha;
  • Rina.

The diminutive form of the name Darina can be as follows:

  • Darinochka;
  • Daryusha;
  • Darenka;
  • Daryasha;
  • Darinka;
  • Darochka;
  • Daryushka;
  • Darinushka;
  • Darinchik;
  • Dashulya;
  • Dashuta;
  • Dashenka.

Name in different languages ​​of the world

This name is very common around the world, so it has an analogue in almost every culture. In many of them, its spelling and sound remain virtually unchanged:

  • Darina (Darina) - in Latin, English, Italian;
  • Darja - in Czech;
  • Dariusz (Dariush) - in Polish;
  • Darius (Darius), Daria (Daria) - in German;
  • Dario (Dario) - in Spanish;
  • Dário (Dariu), Darinho (Darinya) - in Portuguese;
  • Darija - in Serbian;
  • Darina (Daryna), Dariya - in Ukrainian;
  • Dar"ya, Dariya, Adar"ya - in Belarusian.

Looking at the worldwide prevalence of the name Darina, many wonder what nationality it is. It is difficult to say for sure, since in many languages ​​both the Slavic and Persian forms of this name are mixed. Surely one conclusion can be drawn - Darina has ancient Slavic roots, but Daria has ancient Persian roots. All other foreign name forms are a mixture of both forms, and sometimes it is difficult to determine which of them became the basis.

Coming to Rus' at the time of its Baptism from Byzantium, the name Daria is Orthodox, but Darina is not. It existed in the vastness of modern post-Soviet countries long before the introduction of Christianity in Rus' and dates back to the pagan period. This is the answer to the question of many people, which is whether the name Darina is Orthodox or not and whether it is possible to baptize a child under this name.

Did you know? Darina has a common root with some other Old Slavic names-Daromira and Darolub. Moreover, each of them is a name form made up of other words that are significant for the Slavs.

Character Traits, Temperament and Behavior

From a young age, Darinka has been pleasing her parents with her extraordinary charisma and activity. She loves fun, active games and noisy companies. The girl will be happy to join her parents on any holiday, go with them to the sea or on a trip, and attend various concerts and performances. The main thing is that the lesson is not boring.

However, it cannot be said that Darinka is a child who does not cause trouble. She can be reckless at times, too carried away and very noisy. Sitting still and reading books is not for her. Of course, she loves reading if the book captivates her with an interesting plot or bright characters, but the girl will not while away her days and evenings just by reading. And she prefers fairy tales to scientific literature, and as an adult, novels and action-packed detective stories.

By temperament, the bearer of this name is usually sanguine. She is cheerful, cheerful and passionate. Sometimes she is temperamental, jealous and touchy. But you can’t call her vindictive.

Her extroverted personality type makes her the life of the party and an excellent friend. She loves communication, can keep up a conversation on many topics and is constantly looking for new acquaintances. You could even say that Darina loves to be “in the rays of glory.”

And it’s not surprising, since she usually grows up to be a very cute child, for whom such a sonorous and melodious name suits. And Darina knows about her cuteness and charisma. Therefore, from an early age she gets used to what others like. And over the years, this habit becomes an urgent necessity.

Important! As she grows up, a girl named Darina never develops self-criticism. She is used to shining, she is used to having her problems solved by the “powers of this world” - her father, mother, grandfather or godfather, depending on who happens to be next to her.

As Darina grows older, it is very difficult for her to accept responsibility for her own actions and realize that sometimes the reason for certain consequences lies precisely in her, that this is the result of her actions. No, the girl with this name is still trying to make sure that someone else is to blame for everything, but not her.

Darina has difficulty accepting criticism, and she often gets hung up on little things. Due to excessive pickiness towards others (they are responsible for everything, and, therefore, there must be demand from them), a woman is prone to scandals and quarrels, demanding that people meet her expectations.

In addition to such negative traits, what gives a woman special charm is her kind character. She is very responsive, will not pass by those in need and will always come to the aid of a friend in trouble. Sometimes even she is reliable when it comes to helping someone, and may even act not in her own interests.

That's why Darina always has a lot of girlfriends. She loves to spend time with them, and they love her - for her cheerful disposition, for her kind character. Sometimes this woman commits rash acts, as emotions get the better of her. Prone to adventures and unjustified risks.

Study, professions and career

As a child, Darinochka’s teaching was difficult. Sitting with books is simply boring for her, because her mischievous soul requires fun and entertainment. But, if her parents help her find interest in her studies and reward her for every successful grade, then such attention will play a role, and the girl will begin to study diligently.

Darina can easily achieve a lot in life, but sometimes it takes favorable circumstances for this to happen. Sometimes she lacks perseverance and diligence. It will be a big plus if someone helps a woman with this name in realizing her aspirations. And, if she can organize herself and cultivate perseverance and perseverance, she will be able to achieve great heights, since she is naturally endowed with a good memory and an analytical mind.

Important! As a passionate person, Darina easily gets excited when starting a new business, and often burns out just as easily and quickly.

Darina feels like a leader. She is good at organizational work, and leadership positions allow her to be in the spotlight. At school and university, she can be the head of the class and group, and in the career field the girl will strive to occupy a leadership position.
A woman can find herself in professions related to communication and creativity; they should not be boring and active. For example, these could be industries such as:

  • trading business (trade manager);
  • advertising (creative director);
  • policy;
  • personnel production (recruitment manager);
  • scientific field (university teacher);
  • psychology;
  • sociology;
  • theater and art (actress and dancer);
  • sport (professional trainer).

Health and hobbies

Darina's is usually good. The only weakness is the upper respiratory tract - it often happens, which affects the bronchi and lungs. If you do not treat in time and do not protect yourself from diseases, serious complications can occur.

The woman named Darina is recommended to pay more attention to sports. However, Darina usually comes to this herself, as her thirst for movement and attention takes over. She can do fitness, tennis, running, and athletics. Therefore, girls with this name are always beautiful, fit, and have a athletic, athletic build.

The main thing is that Darina does not become addicted to smoking as an adult, as this can have a detrimental effect on her health, in particular on her lungs. As for hobbies and hobbies, this young lady cannot stop at anything for a long time. She loves creativity and is often endowed with various talents. This could be dancing, drawing, photography and many other areas.

Important! In order for a hobby to really captivate Darina for many years, it is required that the activity brings not only pleasure, but also profit, and also that it favorably emphasizes the girl in the eyes of others-flattered her social pride.

Love relationships, family, compatibility

Attractive to the opposite sex, Darina, however, may not marry for a long time. This girl carefully selects her life partner. Often, when choosing a husband, she is pragmatic, making sure that he is a good person, a reliable ally and an exemplary father.

The girl successfully shares love, sex and an advantageous position for later life. She does not always love the one with whom she shares a bed. And it is not at all necessary that her husband satisfies all her fantasies in bed. However, one cannot say about this young lady that she is characterized by excessive passion.

She's pretty mediocre when it comes to sex. And he can choose a man who is older, wealthier and more prominent as a husband. She can even make a list of pros and cons of all the candidates for the role of her spouse. And only after much thought and weighing will she choose the one whom she considers the best candidate for the faithful.

Darina remains faithful in her family. She is a devoted wife and an exemplary mother. Her house is always in order, she keeps it clean and kindly raises her children, who simply adore her. The woman also establishes warm friendships with her husband’s friends and maintains good relations with her mother-in-law.

Did you know? Darina is a derivative of the Slavic male name Daren, which meant “gifted” or “presented”.

Darina can have a strong marriage with:

  • Alexander;
  • Ivan;
  • Evgeniy;
  • Yuri.
But with some men the family will not be strong. Among them:
  • Paul;
  • Dmitriy;
  • Alexei;
  • Oleg.

Did you know? Traditionally, the Slavs gave children ordinal names, for example, Pervak, Vtorak, Tretyak, Devyatko.

The meaning of the letters in the name and numerology

Of great importance in deciphering the name Darin is its literal meaning:

  • D- a family-oriented person. In addition, he is prone to preliminary reflection and thinking about the situation, and is always ready to help. True, sometimes he shows excessive capriciousness.
  • A- suggests that a person with this letter in his name really needs comfort - both physical and spiritual. This is a symbol of new achievements and beginnings.
  • R- a person is able to see the very essence of things, not paying attention to external tinsel. He is self-confident and brave, always ready for action. Sometimes he takes unjustified risks, and his judgments are too dogmatic.
  • AND- has a soft and romantic personality. Lightness, tenderness, subtle spirituality. A sensitive, kind and peaceful person.
  • N- the person has keen critical thinking. He does not take everything on faith, does not accept opinions instilled by society indiscriminately, and often protests. He is interested in his health and is diligent in his work.
In numerology, the name Darina is the bearer of the soul number 5. “Fives” are ardent champions of freedom and independence. Such a person prefers to act based on his own experience rather than on someone else’s opinion.

These are active people who, like air, need vigorous activity - travel, interesting work and adventure. They love to play, love the feeling of excitement, and often take risks. However, responsibility is not about them. They live easily, trying to shift their problems onto others.

Did you know? Borsch-also an interesting ancient Slavic name. True, among our ancestors it did not mean a dish at all. It was a plant personification that meant “plant tops.”

Name Astrology

The following astrological signs-talismans correspond to the name Darin:

  • zodiac sign - Aries, Taurus;
  • planet - Mars and Venus;
  • name color - red and green;
  • stone - emerald, bloodstone;
  • totem animal - mosquito, pigeon;
  • lucky day of the week is Friday;
  • tree - rowan;
  • plant - anemone, periwinkle.

Name in history: famous and successful people

Famous and successful women bear the name Darina, including:

The melodious and beautiful name Darina endows a woman with his characteristic lightness, benevolence and charisma. A woman with this name truly seems to be gifted by God, as she embodies leadership qualities, sociability, and the ability to be a keeper of the hearth.

This Old Slavonic female name means “gift”, “bestowed”, “presented”, “gift of fate”, “gifted”.

Other forms of this name: Darka, Darinka, Darya, Darko, Dada, Daro, Dara, Darena, Darena, Daryushka, Darinushka, Darinna, Rina, Dariana, Driona, Darinusik, Darinushka, Daryana, Odarina, Daren, Darin, Darrin, Derron , Derry, Daria, Todora, Theodora, Theodora, Bozhidara, Dariella.

Name meaning for different ages

    Little Darina loves herself very much. Parents should not spoil her too much, otherwise the girl may think that she is the center of the universe.
    For their parents, Darina becomes a test of strength and will add a lot of gray hair to them. The bearer of this name has a pretty character, but she is a rather restless child.
    Darina does not like to spend time doing homework, so her progress at school is poor. But this girl doesn’t refuse to have fun and doesn’t get tired.

    As an adult, the girl begins to get involved in sports, playing tennis and swimming.
    Darina is sociable, cheerful, and loves to brag.

    Having matured, she turns into a very pretty coquette. She plays with men, but she feels when she needs to stop so as not to go too far.

Origin of the name

This Old Slavic name has several versions of its origin.

According to one of them, this name is derived from the word “gift”. There is a related name, identical in meaning, but slightly different in spelling - Darena.

According to the second version, this name comes from the Irish male name Darren, which means “rocky mountain” or “short”.

According to the third version, the name Darina came from Persia and its roots originate from the spiritual Persian name Darayavaush (Darius), which can be divided into two components: “dar” - “possessing, possessing” and “vaush” - “kind, good”.

After the events of the October Revolution in 1917, this name began to be pronounced as Daryana. A little later, in our days, the name began to be used more and more often in the form Daria. Thus, it turns out that the name Darina is a form of the name Daria.

Darina does not have an angel day in the Orthodox and Catholic calendars. Usually, at christenings, girls with this name are baptized under the name Daria.

Character and destiny

Positive traits: the name Darina largely determines the number 5, indicating independence and spiritual freedom.

As a rule, such people value their accumulated experience, do not seek to listen to outside advice, love traveling and often even organize it themselves.

Negative traits: in childhood, a child with this name can cause a lot of problems for parents, as he has an overly restless character.

She is very seductive, smart, cunning, deftly and skillfully manipulates people. In life, he often achieves success not through hard work, but with the help of parents, girlfriends, or simply the ability to make a good impression.

The ability to get out of a situation with minimal losses is one of Darina’s main traits.

True, sometimes she does not consider the feelings of others. Darina uses any means to achieve her goals.

You will waste your nerves and time if you try to dissuade Darina from going down the planned path. A stubborn girl won't even listen to your arguments.

The bearers of this name can be considered extroverts. She willingly tells her friends about new events that have happened in her life, strives to help those in need of help, and shows concern for the elderly.

Darina has many friends who are attracted by her sociability, easy approach to life and ability to get out of any circumstances.

Very cheerful. Loves entertainment and dressing up. A fashionista, she can even reach the point of extravagance.

Relationship and marriage

By the age when the girl’s maturation is completely completed, Darina acquires a special charm and charm. As a rule, she has an excellent figure. She knows perfectly well how to present herself so that she looks like the cherry on the cake.

Darina cannot be called a simpleton. She has a sharp mind and fox cunning. She behaves demandingly with men and is not shy about showing her whims.

She will most likely be jealous of her chosen one for everything that moves and get angry with him over little things.

When Darina is in a bad mood, it is better to leave her alone. It is very difficult to win her favor and become a close friend. When communicating with her, it is best to keep some distance.

She will marry the one she loves. In family relationships, Darisha is hampered by too much pride.

She gives birth to children late. He tries to limit himself to one child, and usually it’s a girl.

Sex is one of the topics that is taboo for her. It can be both tender and passionate, and inexcitable and restrained.

Darina is becoming a good housewife. With special zeal he cleans and prepares dinner. But Darina doesn’t like to work outside the home.

Choice of profession and career

In a team, he happily shifts his responsibilities to others, resorting to the usual methods of manipulation.

Because of this, friction may arise in relations with colleagues, which, however, worries Darina little.

If she has not settled down in one place, she will begin to look for a new, warmer and more comfortable place with a light heart. Darina can be advised to choose a creative job.

The bearer of this name often takes on different things, as if she knows how to skillfully bring them to life, but often gives up everything halfway.

In order for Darina to be able to be a successful person in life without much effort, a successful combination of circumstances is important, where her seductiveness and skill in manipulating people will come to the rescue.

Thanks to his innate courage and masculinity, he can choose the profession of an acrobat, driver, stuntman, sapper, racer, test passenger.


Darina's health is rather weak. Particular attention should be paid to the lungs and bronchi.

Astrological correspondence of the name

    Patron planet – Mars.

    Patronizing zodiac sign – Taurus and Libra.

    A good time of year is spring.

    Lucky day of the week is Wednesday.

    Color – red and brown.

    Totem animal – giraffe and mosquito.

    Totem plant – rowan and anemone.

    The talisman stone is bloodstone.

Match with patronymic

Avdeevna, Alexandrovna, Alekseevna, Albertovna, Andreevna, Antonovna, Artemovna, Bogdanovna, Vadimovna, Valentinovna, Valerievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Danilovna, Denisovna, Dmitrievna, Evgenievna, Egorovna, Igorevna, Ilinichna, Innokentievna, Kirillov on, Konstantinovna, Lvovna, Maksimovna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Olegovna, Pavlovna, Platonovna, Rodionovna, Romanovna, Ruslanovna, Robertovna, Rostislavovna, Sergeevna, Stanislavovna, Fedorovna, Filippovna, Eduardovna, Yuryevna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna, Yakovlevna.

Famous people named Darina:

Darina Shmidt– director, artist, animator, screenwriter.

Daria Melnikova- Russian model, actress. She is best known for her role as Zhenya in the TV series “Daddy’s Daughters.”

Daria Sagalova– Russian actress, founder of her own dance school. She became famous for her role as Sveta Bukina from the TV series “Happy Together”.

There are several versions about the origin of the name Darina. History has conveyed information about its ancient Persian roots during the reign of King Darius (Darayavaush, where “dara” is “possessing” and “vaush” is “good, kind”). In this version, the meaning of the name Darina is defined as “winner.”

There is also an interpretation as a translation from Greek “conquering, strong.” Proponents of Irish origins argue that Darina is a form of the name Daren (meaning “rocky mountain”). It is still very popular among Europeans in the forms Darrin, Darin, Daren, Deri, Derron.

In the post-Soviet space, the most popular is the Old Slavonic version of the name Darina (“gifted by life”, “gift of God”). Within this version there is also its interpretation as a diminutive form of address to Bozhidara, Theodora, Theodora, Daria (Daria).

This ancient origin of the name Darina confirms its vitality and popularity throughout the world. Today, the full name Darina is used in different countries in various derivatives, abbreviations, and diminutive versions.

Character traits

The beauty of the sound of the name Darina is a reflection of the defining qualities of its owners:

  • charisma,
  • the desire to succeed always and in everything,
  • ease of decision-making, often bordering on haste.

According to numerology, the name Darin corresponds to the number “5”, indicating spiritual freedom and personal independence. It is also a symbol of enthusiasm, a philosophical attitude to life, and wit.

Childhood, youth “given life”

Little girl Darina is distinguished by her restlessness, goodwill towards everyone around her, and sociability with her peers.

  • She grows up as a capable child, but due to her restless nature, she cannot concentrate on one thing and therefore gets tired quickly.
  • As she gets older she becomes more diligent.
  • Due to her well-developed memory, studying is easy for her, but without the slightest “stress” for the sake of excellent grades.

Coming of age she becomes a real beauty with high self-esteem.

  • Possessing excellent external data, an analytical mind, and quick wits, Darinka is devoid of self-criticism.
  • She will blame circumstances for all failures, rather than look for the cause within herself.

With age The girl named Darina is increasingly beginning to show signs of perseverance and increased demands on others.

  • Communication with her is complicated by rejection of criticism, nit-picking over little things, and readiness for scandals.
  • However, all this is smoothed out by Darinochka’s charm, her constant readiness to help, and sincere responsiveness to other people’s problems.
  • Therefore, she is always surrounded by numerous girlfriends with whom she likes to have fun.

What can influence the nature of the “gift of God”?

The character of a woman who proudly bears the name Darina largely depends on the time of year of her birth.

  • Those named after Darina in winter are more phlegmatic and restrained in conversations than those born in summer.
  • “Autumn” Darina is also not talkative, but is more flirtatious, feminine, and surrounded by an aura of mystery.
  • “Spring” owners named Darina are more romantic, can spend a long time in their dreams, and are excellent conversationalists.
  • If you gave the name Darina to your daughter who was born in the summer, you can be sure that she will be cheerful, sociable, and self-learning.

Business qualities

In the professional sphere, the name Darina manifests itself depending on how well her individual qualities harmonize with her functional responsibilities.

Darina Sergeevna Shmidt (director, artist, animator, screenwriter, editor)

  • Most often, women named Darina command respect from colleagues due to their attractiveness, charm, lively mind, intelligence, conscientiousness, and accuracy.
  • At work, Darina is guided by an innate sense of duty and her own high self-esteem.
  • In most cases, she can enjoy the patronage and significant support of strong, influential people.
  • Women named Darina have a reputation as good workers, but do not strive to make a career.
  • As a rule, they avoid performing painstaking, monotonous duties.
  • If they are not satisfied with something at one workplace, they will change it to another without regret. In this case, the amount of earnings does not matter.

Darina can maximize her potential as:

  • translator,
  • secretary-referent,
  • personal assistant to a businessman or politician,
  • tourism specialist,
  • restaurateur,
  • cosmetologist,
  • teacher

Love, family

The external charm, femininity, and talent for easy communication of a girl named Darina cannot leave the stronger sex indifferent.

  • The energy that personifies the name Darina, even in her youth, attracts men like a magnet.
  • She, easily carried away, drives each of them into a frenzy with her whims and demands.

Darina takes her choice of life partner very seriously and is in no hurry to get married. Darinushka can sacrifice personal freedom and give in only to a determined, strong, courageous person.

Darenka is also not averse to accepting marriage proposals from older public men. It is for them that the bright, sparkling Darina can become an adornment and pride in any society.

  • In relation to his chosen one, he behaves very demandingly, is often unreasonably jealous, and creates violent scandals. That's why will suit her a very loving husband, whose calm and prudence can withstand her unpredictable emotional outbursts.
  • In the house Darina always has order and cleanliness.
  • She is very hospitable hostess, a caring daughter for her parents and a mother for her own children.
  • Darina has very warm relationships with her husband’s relatives and his friends.

A favorable alliance with:

  • Alexander,
  • Ivan,
  • Ilgiz,
  • Mikhail,
  • Oleg,
  • Salavat,
  • Yuri.

And undesirable with Alexey, Aslan, Dmitry, Pavel.


Darina’s weak “link” since childhood has been her respiratory organs. Impulsivity of nature under unfavorable circumstances can provoke the emergence of neurological problems.

Astrological characteristics

  1. Darina's zodiac sign is Aries (March 21-April 20), which gives her the most pleasant qualities.
  2. She is ruled by the planet Mars, as well as the colors red and purple.
  3. The treasured plants are rowan and anemone, and the totem animal is the mosquito.
  4. Darina’s happiest time of year is spring, and the day is Wednesday.
  5. The day of her angel is missing in the calendar.

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