Tarot cards 8 staffs pregnancy. Tarot reading: pregnancy - online

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Supporters of the ban on fortune telling give the following arguments:

  • Reviewing the probabilities of events may upset the balance towards failure of conception or termination of pregnancy. Tarot cards require an expenditure of personal energy. Conception is an even more energy-intensive procedure. In situations of problematic conception, it is precisely part of the energy spent on fortune telling that may simply not be enough.
  • It is harmful for a pregnant woman to tell fortunes to herself, since hormonal changes lead the woman to an unstable psychological state. Minor problems reflected in the alignment will seem insoluble and will further undermine the psyche.
  • If fortune telling is carried out by an unscrupulous specialist, he can use the woman’s imbalance for mercantile purposes or simply cannot cope with the mental characteristics of the pregnant woman and harm the pregnancy of the child.
  • Fortune telling is always an intervention in a woman’s information field. During pregnancy, the child's gender is closely related to the mother's gender and intervention can affect the developing fate of the child. There is another point of view:
  • Fortune telling allows you to identify “blind” zones, problems that are not recognized by a person, but prevent the conception or successful birth of a healthy child. The earlier such obstacles are identified, the easier it is to eliminate them.
  • Predicting imminent success can consolidate and speed up the development of events (although even here the opposite effect is possible if a person relaxes and lets everything take its course).

These pros and cons of fortune telling suggest that you can tell your own fortunes about pregnancy before it occurs (preparing a favorable life situation for conception) or at the very minimum period, at the yes/no stage. Later, it is better either not to guess at all, or to entrust this matter to an experienced, trusted specialist.

Features of pregnancy fortune telling

The period of Christmas fortune-telling has long been recognized as the best time to review the likely events of the coming year and plan your life. During the year, the time of fortune telling should be tied to the end of one’s own cycle and the second phase of the lunar cycle, and the night of the full moon is ideal for this fortune telling. Fortune telling should be repeated no more than once a month.

Decks suitable for the layout:

— classic decks: Rider White Tarot, Lenormand Tarot;

— Visconti Tarot (suitable if this deck has been previously worked out, it reveals deep meanings);

— Tarot 78 doors (a modern classic Tarot, aesthetically more adapted to today’s world);

— Tarot of the Goddesses (a women’s deck, working with which evokes calm and tranquility, connecting to the female egregor, this is working with the feminine side of the Divine);

— Tarot of White Cats (the deck is good for beginners, it is quite easy to “communicate”, clearly shows events, is interpreted literally according to the picture, however, you should not require it to study metaphysical issues either).

You should not take decks for the layout that are configured to resolve issues related to conflicts, hierarchy, and magical influences, for example, the Tarot of Shadows.

Most popular layouts

Layout “Conception” 7 cards.

The layout is made around the significator (the woman’s card, which is used for fortune-telling; it does not require interpretation) into seven cards according to the scheme:

It has several variations of questions on key points, the classic one:

  1. Mother's readiness to conceive
  2. Problems during the conception stage
  3. did conception happen?
  4. Fetal health
  5. Health of a pregnant woman during pregnancy
  6. Course of labor
  7. Health of the newborn.

Or this option:

  1. How favorable is your life situation for conception?
  2. Is there (will there be) conception?
  3. Gender of the child?
  4. How will pregnancy go?
  5. What will the birth be like?
  6. Health of a newborn in the first year of life?
  7. What will change in your life situation after giving birth?

Reading the layout: If the first (head) three cards show pregnancy or the possibility of its occurrence in this cycle, then the entire layout is read in full.

Pregnancy cards

Symbols of pregnancy are:

A number of cards may indicate a low probability of pregnancy (for example, in a situation where the egg is fertilized, but the uterine epithelium is not ready for the development of the placenta):

- Wheel of Fortune;

— Ace of Wands;

— Nine of Cups;

- Six of Cups;

— Coin cards.

In this situation, maintaining pregnancy depends on the little things, the woman’s daily actions: maintaining peace, bed rest, quitting smoking. If you want to keep the child, you need to take care of your health; lack of self-care can shift the wheel of fortune towards egg rejection in the early stages.

No Pregnancy Cards

If absence symbols appear in the head cards, then the main reason for the lack of the desired result should be looked at on card 7, and cards 4,5,6 will be explanatory. Cards showing a negative result are:

- Death;

- Devil;

- Moderation;

— Eight of Cups;

- Any card of swords (only the Ace of Swords is controversial, sometimes it falls out at the birth of the first-born heir).

Gender of the child

The following cards will help determine the sex of the child:

Layout “Pregnancy” 12 cards.

The annual pregnancy layout is made on 12 cards, which are laid out clockwise, starting at 12 o'clock (this card corresponds to December, the rest to other months in accordance with the month number, 01 - January, and so on). The layout is done on the major arcana. The Moon shows in which month conception is most likely, the Sun means childbirth, cards following the Sun indicate the health of the child. Features of the interpretation of the layout:

There is no moon or sun The future is hidden. It is better to postpone attempts to clarify the issue for at least one lunar cycle. The September card, as the date of the end of pregnancy, can give a hint about what the obstacle is (birth program, karmic problem, magical influence, everyday factors)
The Moon is missing, but the Sun is there Indicates the stage of conception, physiological disruptions or psychological difficulties that impede the successful functioning of the reproductive systems of the father or mother.
There is a moon, there is no sun Successful conception, some difficulties during pregnancy and/or childbirth. May fall out when labor is planned by cesarean section or lasts longer than usual or requires stimulation.
The Sun and Moon are too close to each other, within 1-4 months Not a very good alignment, you need to look at the cards following the Sun.
The Sun is 5-8 months from the Moon There are dangers for the normal course of pregnancy in those periods where the Sun is located, the nearest cards will show the nature of dangerous situations, may indicate premature birth
The Sun is 9-10 months from the Moon Timely good birth
Sun at 11-12 months Possible post-term pregnancy. The reasons must be looked at in the 9th month of the normal period from the Moon.

Instead of the Sun card, childbirth in the layout can also mean Death. This means a shift in focus from mother to child. The child becomes not the fruit of the parents’ labors, but the new center of the world. With the birth of such a child, the old life will end for all family members and a completely new stage will begin.

Tarot cards are a tool for the manifestation of intuitive knowledge, which can be compared to a child’s passive vocabulary. This is a way of clarifying situations and complexities that are already present in the fabric of reality, but have not yet manifested themselves in such a way as to become noticed. Working with the Tarot on issues of conception and pregnancy helps eliminate problems and program your life for the correct, easy and comfortable course of events.

Tarot fortune telling pregnancy online interests many girls who are looking forward to the birth of their children. The history, as well as the origin of these cards, is based on various legends:

  • Egyptian says that in Ancient Egypt there was a temple in which there were twenty-two rooms. On their walls were depicted illustrations with certain symbolism, which became the basis for the Tarot arcana. There is also a possibility that they originated from the Egyptian Book of the Dead.
  • Kabbalistic says that Kabbalah, namely its symbolism, is the basis of the Tarot.

As many people know, Tarot cards answer a wide variety of questions and predict the future in all areas of human life. Questions about conception, planning and progress of pregnancy, and questions about children are no exception. In recent years, free online fortune telling for pregnancy and children using Tarot cards has become especially popular.

If you are interested in the question: “Will I have children?”, and you decided to read fortunes on Tarot cards to get the answer, then you should remember that Tarot cards predict pregnancy for a period of about one year, i.e. the result will be valid only for 12 months from the date of fortune telling.



















Card No. 1 - Reveals the deep reason for the desire to become a mother. It shows whether you really want a child, or whether this desire is only the influence of some external factors.

Card No. 2 - Answers the question whether you will be able to become a mother.

Card No. 3 - Indicates what will have to be sacrificed for the birth of a child.

Card No. 4 - Shows what changes a child will bring to your life, whether you will be able to lead a normal lifestyle.

Card No. 5 - Predicts how the birth of a child will affect the material sphere of life. What will happen to career, finances, etc.

Card No. 6 - Provides information about how the birth of a child will affect the relationship with a partner. It talks about the father’s attitude towards the birth of a child, how ready he is to take on such responsibility.

Card No. 7 - Answers the question whether it is worth thinking about pregnancy now, whether it is the right time for this.

Card No. 8 - Shows what awaits you when you become a mother.

As many people know, magical pictures answer a wide variety of questions and predict the future in all areas of human life. Questions about conception, planning and progress of pregnancy, and questions about children are no exception. In recent years, free online fortune telling for pregnancy and children using Tarot cards has become especially popular.

However, here it is worth listening to the opinion of experts who strongly recommend using the “Possible Pregnancy” fortune telling on Tarot cards only if there really is a problem of conceiving and giving birth to a child - you cannot use this free online fortune telling just for the sake of idle curiosity and entertainment.

Tarot for pregnancy online

If you decide to tell your fortune, then use reliable services that will give you reliable answers to your questions:

  • when will conception occur?
  • what gender will the baby be born;
  • How will the pregnancy go?
  • whether there will be complications during childbirth;
  • how the relationship between spouses will develop after the birth of a child, and so on.

Does a deck of magic pictures tell the truth or a lie? You have the right to independently assess the veracity or fiction of the decoding of the meanings of the layouts made by you, another person or online. Moreover, after a while you will be able to check the accuracy of the information received from the cards.

Fortune telling online for pregnancy Tarot

The main point is that they represent an ancient symbolic system. Their existence dates back centuries. They pass through the entire chain of historical development. You must learn to interpret the meanings of the entire deck, as well as establish the correct order in their layout.

A more correct statement would sound not about the truthfulness of the meaning of Tarot cards, but about the ability of the person who tells fortunes from them to correctly interpret the layouts. If this is not given, it is recommended to use other methods of divination. They are available to all girls completely free of charge.

Tarot online free for pregnancy

Magic decks allow you to perform fortune telling based on different techniques. One of the most common variants of layouts is the hexagram, which allows you to identify those areas that are based on self-deception. Here you need to select 7 pictures from a double set of higher arcana.

The layout looks like this: in the center there are three cards vertically, and on each side of them two cards horizontally:

  • on the left, top - indicates the beginning;
  • on the left, bottom - deciphers a person’s plans for the future.

Pregnancy fortune telling online free Tarot

If you are performing a magic ritual, pay attention to the central row of the layout:

  • The first one from the top talks about thoughts regarding upcoming changes, as well as events that will happen if you don’t fulfill your plans.
  • The middle one, in the center, deciphers the reasons for the first layout.
  • The bottom one, in the center, talks about what a person needs to do.

The dropped cards in the right row are also important:

  • The top one talks about a person’s thoughts about who he has become.
  • The lower one explains what his fortuneteller is doing if he realizes his mistake.

Tarot cards pregnancy online

One of the interesting and useful ways of fortune telling with magic cards is to determine your self-knowledge. They also allow us to determine the difference between personal and environmental perceptions of women. Today, the layout for identifying self-knowledge is popular.

  • Any four elements from the deck are arranged in two rows of two.
  • The first one in the top row from left to right is the area of ​​coincidence of the personal representation with the surrounding representation. The second card from the right reflects the personal “I”.
  • Bottom row: first - reveals the inner unknown side of a woman. The second one from the right reflects an area that is unconscious to others.

The layout will allow a woman to find out whether she is mentally ready for pregnancy or whether the birth of a child should be postponed for some time.

Every woman at some point in her life understands that her true purpose is to give life to another person. In pursuit of the fulfillment of this desire, both medical technologies and non-scientific knowledge can become assistants, because it is the weaker sex who is most likely to believe in otherworldly magical powers. Appeal, which in most cases comes through cards, both ordinary and Tarot. The main thing when using cards is to remember that once the cards reveal their secret, fate cannot be changed.

Tarot cards for pregnancy

Through Tarot cards you can get answers to all important questions in one way or another, lift the curtain of the future and see what lies ahead in each area of ​​life. And if men who resort to the Tarot layout are most often interested in their financial situation. For women, the priority is different; it is important for them to know about their family well-being.

Most often they are interested in issues related to children: the planning and course of pregnancy, the sex of the child, the state of his health. That is why, when turning to Tarot cards independently or with the help of a specialist, in 95% of cases a woman will ask a question regarding pregnancy.

But a woman who asks for answers and help from Tarot cards should realize that she should seek help if in fact there is some problem with conception, and in no case for the sake of entertainment or to satisfy curiosity. Also, the second mandatory point is that the answer of the cards is valid and relevant for approximately one year from the moment of fortune telling. The third pattern, as a rule, cards from the major arcana become a symbol of pregnancy and successful childbirth.

Tarot cards indicating a possible pregnancy


In its upright position it personifies abundance and fertility. If, having asked your question regarding the possibility of pregnancy or its course, you get an empress - this is evidence of an imminent pregnancy and an easy birth.

Ace of Cups

It is a symbol of abundance and fullness; it also appears quite often as a harbinger of an imminent pregnancy.

Queen of Cups

One of three cards that are a symbol of pregnancy. Represents fertility and beauty.

Basically, these three cards are a sign that a woman will soon become a mother, but do not be upset if this does not happen, remember that your destiny is in your hands and it depends only on your actions and desires.

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Do you want to find out about the timing of a possible pregnancy by making a pleasant surprise for your loved one? In this article you will learn the features of drawing up a Tarot layout for pregnancy, as well as a lot of other useful information. Enjoy reading!

Is it possible to predict pregnancy using Tarot cards?

Fortune telling with Tarot cards for pregnancy is a specific ritual that allows you to reveal all the secrets of conceiving a child. By enrolling in courses with specialists from the Russian Tarot School, you can learn the art of fortune telling, which allows you to determine the timing of conception, birth of a child and other nuances associated with pregnancy.

Which Tarot cards indicate pregnancy?

Would you like to make a reading on the Major Arcana Tarot for pregnancy? We present to your attention Tarot cards indicating pregnancy. A list of meanings for the classic Rider-Waite Tarot deck is provided below.

  • Jester - an early pregnancy is possible
  • Page of Pentacles, Page of Cups - expect a new addition to the family
  • Ace of Cups - signals the planned conception of a child
  • Ace of Pentacles - conception has occurred
  • Ace of Swords - indicates continuation of the family line
  • The sun - indicates the desire to have a child
  • 8 Staffs, 10 Cups - conception is planned
  • Moon - predicts imminent conception
  • Empress - birth, pregnancy, fertility
  • Emperor - symbolizes paternity (when divining a man)

Note. In some Tarot readings, pregnancy is indicated by 6, 9 Cups, Judgment, Peace

Arcana indicating problems with conception.

  • Moderation: Changes in the female body that do not allow conception of a child
  • Swords (Queen, Four): Difficulty conceiving, possibility of abortion, insufficient patency of the fallopian tubes
  • Eight of Cups: There is no conception of a child yet
  • Devil, Death, Tower: Lack of desired fertilization

Decks suitable for fortune telling on pregnancy issues

You can tell your fortune for pregnancy using Maria Lenormand's deck. During the reading process, pay attention to the combination of different meanings, without being guided by intuitive feelings.

You can do a pregnancy reading using the 78 Doors Tarot. The deck is clear, accessible even to novice tarot readers, and will help clarify points of interest on a subconscious level. With the right approach to the cards, Tarot can even tell you about the gender of the child - it all depends on the specifics of the layout.

  • Take the Small Lenormand deck (36 cards), select the 29th card from it (Ace of Spades “Woman”)
  • Move the selected card to the center of the table, then shuffle the deck, removing some of the signs with your left hand. Formulate a clear mental question
  • Gradually remove one card from the deck, placing them on the table in the following sequence: 1 card is located to the left of the significator (past events), 2 - above it (current moment), 3 - to the right of the “Woman” (possible prospects), 4 - underneath (actions)
  • Shuffle the deck again. Draw a card, placing it to the left of the “action”. Subsequent cards should be placed above the “past”, to the right of the “current moment”, below the “possible prospects”

Important point! Look at the location of the Child card, its combination with other cards - it will help give an answer regarding the desired pregnancy

A brief description of the combinations is as follows:

  • Child - Horseman: Portends an imminent pregnancy
  • Child - Storks: Childbirth
  • Child - Stars: Happy, desired pregnancy
  • Child - Moon: Imminent onset of motherhood

If the above card does not fall out, this is not a cause for concern or sadness. Wait for the right period - everything will be fine.

Tarot spread "Conception"

Allows you to find out the features of conceiving a future child. The Tarot layout for pregnancy is shown below.

Before fortune telling, tune in, get rid of extraneous thoughts from your head, and retire to the room. Shuffle the deck thoroughly and arrange the arcana in the above order.

The detailed interpretation of the meanings is as follows.

  • S - your card (significator)
  • 1 - Displays the health status of the fortuneteller
  • 2 - Indicates the presence/absence of conception
  • 3 - Probability of problems with conception/gestation
  • 4 - Tells about a woman’s well-being for nine months
  • 5 - Fetal health status
  • 6 - Features of the birth process
  • 7 - Health of the newborn baby

Tarot spread for pregnancy with 12 cards

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the popular pregnancy layout “Mirror of Fate” (12 cards). A detailed diagram and interpretation are given below.

Shuffle the cards, separate the Major Arcana from the Minor Arcana. Lay out the cards in a circle into 12 positions (months of the year). The countdown starts from the position of the Moon - it is considered 1 month. (Example: The Moon falling in May will indicate conception in that month).

Pay attention to each meaning of the card, including intermediate options - this will help you make a detailed forecast for conception/gestation.

The interpretation of the meanings is as follows:

  • Moon - conceiving a child
  • The sun - the birth of a baby
  • Additional cards between the Sun, Moon - the course of pregnancy
  • Arcana coming after the Sun - baby’s health, consequences of childbirth, other postpartum events

If the birth of a child (Sun) falls on the 10th month, reduce the resulting value to 9. This means that the fetus will be full-term. 11, 12 months - displays the health of the child, the mother in the postpartum period, indicates events after childbirth, the state of vitality.

The sun is in the 11th (12th) month. Possibility of developmental delays, painful, lengthy labor. Pay attention to the values ​​that fall in the 9th month - the possibility of disruption of the normal course of pregnancy, complications, etc.

The sun is in the 7th (8th) month. Displays premature birth. For completeness of information, pay attention to the values ​​of 5, 6, 7 months. Avoid injury, stress, excessive frustration.

The sun is out of position for the 9th month. Indicates the course of labor.

The sun is in the 9th “place” - the postpartum state of a woman, see childbirth by 8th, 10th value.

Other Major Arcana not used in the reading will help clarify events.

Note! If there is neither the Moon nor the Sun in the scenario, conception is postponed indefinitely. The presence of the Moon without the Sun - problems with fertilization (sperm, problems with women's health, constant stress, phobias, psychological blocks, etc.)

“Possible pregnancy” layout

The chart below makes a prediction for the next 12 months. Shuffle the cards, tune in, read the detailed interpretation of the positions below.

  1. The cause-and-effect relationship of the desire to become a mother. Will indicate the depth and truth of intentions
  2. Will help you find out if you will become a mother
  3. Indicates events that will have to be sacrificed for the sake of pregnancy
  4. What will the birth of a child entail, the expectant mother’s readiness for drastic changes
  5. Material sphere and child - career development, financial sphere of life, etc.
  6. The birth of a child and relationship with a significant other (a man’s readiness for the birth of a baby, his sense of responsibility for the decision made, etc.)
  7. Is it the right time to plan a pregnancy?
  8. You became a mother - what awaits in the future?

Let this information help you plan your pregnancy correctly and get answers to all your questions. Follow the updates on the website. See you soon!

The easiest way to get an answer to a question about a possible pregnancy is to purchase a test strip. But sometimes Tarot cards help predict a pleasant event no worse than modern methods. They can also be used to track an existing pregnancy.

Which cards indicate an interesting position?

Before making a Tarot reading for pregnancy, it is useful to find out which Arcana will signal conception. As for cards from the Major Arcana category, the Jester most often comes up with a similar question. Moreover, it does not matter with which deck the fortune telling is performed. The Fool is an Arcanum, symbolizing the beginning of the journey. Usually it depicts a young man or child with a knapsack in his arms. In traditional readings, this card indicates that the problem of interest to the questioner is related to the child. As for Tarot readings for pregnancy, the presence of a Jester in fortune telling is almost a 100% probability.

Another good card is the Sun. This Arcanum suggests that a woman has every chance of conceiving and giving birth to the desired child. You should also pay attention if the Empress card appears in fortune telling. This Arcanum is especially positive in Tarot readings for pregnancy - after all, it means fertility and productivity. The Empress herself, depicted on the Arcana, is the mother.

The Arcanum Moon can also indicate conception. This card usually indicates some mysterious processes, concealment of the truth. Pregnancy is also a kind of hidden secret - until the child is born.

Minor Arcana

Also, Pages of any suit of the Minor Arcana serve as a sign of conception - with the exception of the Page of Swords. Although these cards show the chances of an “interesting position” and are less likely, they are still favorable. Therefore, if the Page of Pentacles, Staffs or Cups falls out, you should think about checking it using a test.

As for Aces of any suit, they are all favorable for conception:

  • The Ace of Cups portends good conditions for conception;
  • indicates that fertilization has occurred;
  • The Ace of Swords often foreshadows the birth of a child;
  • The Ace of Wands indicates sexual intercourse more than the pregnancy itself.

The Queen of Cups is also a favorable card. The 10 of Cups, which appears in a Tarot reading for pregnancy, can also be regarded as a positive response from the deck.

Cards that indicate absence of pregnancy

The following Arcana should be regarded as a negative answer regarding a possible pregnancy:

  • Arcanum Moderation - nothing has changed in the body.
  • Queen of Swords or Four of Swords. Also, these Arcana indicate possible problems with conception, diseases of the female genital area, abortion, and obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
  • Eight of Cups. There was no fertilization.

Tower, Death, Devil - these cards in the Tarot layout for pregnancy definitely do not speak in favor of conception. In addition, they may indicate an unfavorable course of pregnancy. The pregnancy may be interrupted. Therefore, a woman needs to be especially careful and take these Arcana as warnings.

Features of fortune telling

You can do a Tarot reading for pregnancy and conception at any time. But the period of Christmas fortune-telling is still considered the most optimal. At this stage, you can look at the likely events of the coming year and plan your life.

If fortune telling is carried out throughout the year, then it is necessary to tie it to the beginning of the menstrual cycle. In terms of time, any evening of the full moon, when the luminary has already appeared in the sky, is ideal for Tarot readings for pregnancy and conception. At this time, the energy field is most activated, and fortune telling will be the most reliable. But it is not recommended to guess from midnight until three o'clock in the morning. During this interval, evil spirits are activated. Tarot cards about pregnancy can be asked no more than once a month.

Suitable decks

The following decks are most suitable for fortune telling:

  • Classic: Rider-Waite, Lenormand, Marseille.
  • Deck "78 Doors".
  • Tarot of the Goddesses. One of the most “feminine” decks, fortune telling on which evokes a feeling of calm, tranquility, and connection to light energy.
  • White Cat Tarot. These cards are very good for beginners. They are easy to communicate with and clearly show current events. You can interpret the answer directly from the picture.

Selecting a significator

Before making a reading, some tarot readers prefer to choose a significator card. This is the Arcanum with which the questioner designates herself. The significator does not have to be from the same deck on which the fortune telling is performed. It can be taken from other cards as well. Not only in Tarot readings and fortune telling for pregnancy, but also in the presence of any other questions, the significator is usually chosen among the figured Arcana. A woman can choose one of the Ladies as her designation. The significator is placed separately in fortune telling. It can be placed either in the center of the layout or on the side - as the fortuneteller likes.

Cards to determine the gender of the child

Arcana indicating that a woman will give birth to a boy:

  • Among the Major Arcana are the Emperor, Hierophant, Hermit, Magician.
  • Minor Arcana, foreshadowing the birth of a son - Ace of Swords, Ace of Wands, Pages and Knights of Swords and Wands.

The birth of a girl is indicated by cards:

  • Major Arcana: Empress, Priestess, Star, Moon.
  • Minor Arcana - all Queens, Ace of Cups and Pentacles, Pages of Cups and Pentacles.

Fortune telling "Conception"

The cards are laid out as follows:

  • 1 - general physical condition of the questioner, her body’s readiness for pregnancy.
  • 2 - whether conception occurred.
  • 3 - possible difficulties in maintaining pregnancy.
  • 4, 5 - how the pregnancy will proceed.
  • 6 - fetal health status.
  • 7 - how the birth will proceed.
  • 8 - baby's health.

Fortune telling "Pregnancy"

Questions for the cards in this pregnancy tarot layout are as follows:

  • 1 - Does the questioner think she is ready for the birth of a child?
  • 2 - Will she be a happy mother?
  • 3 - will the child’s father provide support and help?
  • 4 - Will the woman feel tied down by having a baby?

You can also pull out additional cards that will further clarify the situation:

  • 5 - what things will you have to give up for the sake of motherhood?
  • 6 - will the child receive a good education in the future?
  • 7 - will the baby have health problems? And if so, which ones exactly?
  • 8 - will your parents help?

5 card spread

In this fortune telling, the cards have the following meanings:

  1. The questioner's readiness to conceive.
  2. Difficulties at the stage of conception.
  3. Has conception occurred?
  4. What will be the health of the fetus?
  5. What will the mother's health be like during pregnancy?

Fortune telling "12 months"

Uses this 12 card pregnancy tarot spread. The arcana are laid out in 12 positions in a circle. Only the Major Arcana are used. The 12 positions in this layout represent 12 months of the year. It is necessary to start counting from the Moon. It indicates the first month of pregnancy. For example, if the Moon chart falls in August, it means that conception will occur in August. Then they look at which month the Sun fell. Thus, the Moon shows conception, the Sun - birth. Maps located between the Moon and the Sun indicate the course of pregnancy. The arcana following the Sun indicate the state of the child’s health after childbirth, as well as their consequences for the woman’s health. The thirteenth card is the advice of the Tarot deck - is it worth planning a pregnancy, or is it better to wait for now?

The interpretation options for this layout are as follows:

  • If the Sun falls on the 10th month, then the period is reduced to the 9th month. Childbirth will occur in the 9th month. The duration of bearing a child will be the fullest. The 11th and 12th months indicate the state of health of the newborn and the mother after childbirth, or the events that will occur after the birth of the baby.
  • If the Sun falls on the 11th or 12th month, then delays in fetal development or a long, difficult birth are possible. Additional information can be obtained from the card that falls in the 9th month.
  • The sun falls in the 7th or 8th month - there is no need to reduce anything. The card indicates that premature birth is possible. It is necessary to look at those Arcana that fall on the 5th, 6th, and 7th months. They may indicate possible dangers. Possible stress, injuries, falls. In other words, something that can trigger premature birth.
  • If the Sun is absent in the 9th month, then the card that fell in this position shows how the birth process will go.
  • If the Sun is clearly located in the 9th month, then you need to look at the charts for the 8th and 10th month. They will indicate the condition before and after childbirth.
  • If there is neither the Sun nor the Moon in the fortune telling, then pregnancy is not planned. Or for now this information is hidden from the questioner. In this case, it is necessary to analyze those cards that are located in the month in which fortune telling is performed (it is conventionally taken as the 1st), as well as on the 9th. In these positions, cards can indicate the presence of existing problems that interfere with conception: bad heredity, diseases, negative energy (damage, evil eye).
  • There is no Sun in the scenario, but there is the Moon - a difficult birth, entanglement in the umbilical cord, and lack of energy in the child are possible.
  • There is no Moon, but the Sun is present - in this case, the Tarot for pregnancy foreshadows difficulties with conception. They can be associated both with physiological problems and with stress, blocks, and the lack of willingness of the husband and wife to accept the soul of the child.
  • The Sun and Moon are too close to each other (1 to 4 months between them). It is necessary to look at those cards that follow the Sun. A miscarriage is possible (they will be indicated by Death, Tower, cards of the Swords suit). These Arcana will tell you what exactly caused the miscarriage. Those located after the Sun will indicate the consequences. If the reason is not clear, then you can additionally get a few more clarifying Arcana.

Tarot is a good tool for predictions. But in any scenario, the cards show only the highest probability of events. Therefore, when wondering about pregnancy, you should not forget about contacting a doctor and more modern diagnostic methods.

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