On what soil does willow grow? Alphabetical index of plants from “A” to “Z”

Landscape design and planning 24.10.2023
Landscape design and planning

It is probably difficult to find a person who would be unfamiliar with such a plant as the weeping willow. This amazing plant is called differently: willow or vine, willow or willow, etc. Willow prefers areas with high humidity, so the shrub can often be seen near swamps and rivers. Sometimes willow can be found in the forest belt, but this is not so common.

Description of general information

The willow family has about 300 species. These are mainly various shrubs. Most of the species are grown for specific purposes.

A distinctive feature of the willow is its transparent crown, the branches of which are very thin and neatly fall down. During the flowering period, small inflorescences form on the branches. Many species of willow representatives can reach a height of up to 15 meters. But there are also shrubs that rise up to 40 meters. There are quite a few species of dwarf plants.

Willow looks great alone, but she is also good in a group. In landscape design, mainly dwarf varieties are used to form rock gardens. It is not uncommon to see willow as a hedge. Almost all types of willows tolerate pruning well.

Many bodies of water can be decorated with willow, taking into account the fact that such an atmosphere is ideal for it. Green leaves with a delicate silver tint harmonize perfectly with water.

Willow has a massive root system. This allows you to strengthen the slope with the help of shrubs or prevent soil erosion.

Caring for willow is absolutely not difficult.

Pictured is a weeping willow

How many benefits are there in willow?

Willow is not only an excellent ornamental tree, but also a wonderful remedy, often used in medicine. I mainly use the bark, which helps with the following diseases:

  • Low blood pressure.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Neuropathic disorder.

Willow bark preparations can reduce fever, relieve pain from rheumatism, and relieve intestinal disorders.

Wonderful preparations for rinsing the mouth during the inflammatory process are made from willow bark.

Tinctures from the bark help with profuse sweating. The decoction is recommended for use as baths for the treatment of eczema. To make the result more effective, a decoction of birch buds is also added.

Traditional medicine uses willow bark in the following situations:

  • Fever.
  • Colds.
  • Rheumatism.
  • Intestinal disorder.
  • Stomach colic, intestinal problems.
  • Gout.
  • Diseases of the spleen.

The product has a diuretic effect and is also a hemostatic agent.

Decoctions help combat the following problems:

  • Angina.
  • Inflammatory process in the oral cavity.
  • Varicose veins
  • Beli.
  • Fatigue in the muscles.

A specialist in this field can tell you how to prepare the decoction, how much ingredients to add, and how to use it correctly.

Main types of willow, their description

It is quite difficult to list the huge number of willow species, so the emphasis is on the main varieties:

  1. White willow. The height of the tree can reach about 25 meters. On a massive trunk, only the side branches are lowered down. Leaves of a gray shade appear simultaneously with earrings. The flowers of the tree are very small and yellow in color. Flowering begins in mid-spring. The tree feels great on the shore of a body of water, in a sun-filled area. White willow will delight with its beauty for a long period, about 100 years.

  2. Weeping white willow. The tree does not reach large sizes. A distinctive feature of the species is the rich yellow color of the bark. The leaves are a soft green hue. The crown of the weeping white willow is wonderful, the branches are lowered very low. Thanks to this, it can be planted in the garden near a flower bed.

  3. Babylonian willow. The tree is quite voluminous and weeping. It reaches up to 15 meters high. Refined branches touch the ground, foliage glistens in the sun. Prefers moist areas and grows quickly.

  4. Shaggy willow. The leaves of the shrub have a round shape and a silvery tint. It does not grow higher than 2 meters. The whole bush seems to be covered with fluff. Prefers moist and nutritious soil. It blooms beautifully and easily tolerates frosty winters. Looks great near artificial ponds.

  5. Goat willow. It can reach up to 10 meters in height, more tree-like than shrubby. The crown is rounded, the leaves grow densely, they are round in shape and large in size. The color palette is rich green. At the beginning of spring, the willow will bloom, and the aroma of honey will be felt.

  6. Haruko Nishiki. A low tree whose branches reach down to the ground. The plant is quite lush, often used in landscape design. The leaves are spotted, white, and over the years, the spots on the leaves disappear.

  7. Whole leaf willow. A voluminous bush reaching a height of about 3 meters. An easily recognizable plant, its distinctive feature is its arched leaves. Externally, it looks a little like a fern. It blooms at the end of spring, the inflorescences are red in color, and emit an amazing aroma of freshness, reminiscent of hyacinth.

  8. Creeping Willow (Armando). A low shrub often used in landscape design. This willow can be grown not only in the garden, but also on the loggia or veranda. The crown is so thick and lush that the trunk is almost invisible. Tolerates frosts well. It blooms with pink inflorescences that have a fluffy structure.

The first thing you should pay attention to when planting willow is the soil. The plant loves sandy or loamy soil. Willow is unpretentious, but you can still pamper it by adding humus or compost to the soil.

If it is possible to plant a willow in moist soil, then this should be done. Some gardeners claim that planting willow in fairly heavy soil, for example, near a house, will bring positive results. In such conditions it will also grow well.

Dry and sandy soil is least suitable for planting willow.

Caring for planted shrubs is not painstaking; you just need to follow simple rules for watering, fertilizing and pruning.

The optimal conditions for willow habitat are the banks of reservoirs, so at home the plant will need abundant watering.

If there is a place on your summer cottage that is constantly buried during the snow melting period, then it is in this place that the willow will be very comfortable.

The amount of water during irrigation is increased during periods of drought or during sultry and hot summers. It is recommended not only to water young seedlings, but also to regularly spray the crown with them. One adult willow should have several buckets of water, no less. The tree will “drink” as much as it needs.

Tree feeding is an integral part of tree care. Their application guarantees a chic appearance of your plant. In spring, the soil around the tree must be well loosened and mineral fertilizers added.

Also, mineral fertilizers, along with organic ones, should be applied throughout the season. The dosage and frequency will depend on the type of willow and its age.

If you do not prune the willow, its branches will grow chaotically, it will lose its decorative appearance, and the branches will be sparse. Therefore, haircuts are mandatory. Amateur gardeners get nice trees or shrubs after pruning, while professionals get plants of extraordinary beauty.

The first 4 years after planting the seedling, cutting is not required. The tree grows, gains strength, becomes stronger and develops. When the branches have grown about a meter, you can do the first pruning.

Mostly, pruning is carried out in the spring, but it can be done in the summer. The main thing is not to touch the tree during the flowering period. The tips of the branches are cut off by about 30-35 centimeters. It is recommended to make the cut above the bud pointing upward.

Regular pruning of branches will allow you to form a gorgeous tree with a dense crown in a few years.

The most optimal way to propagate weeping willow is by cuttings. The tree grows from a cutting quickly enough.

Cuttings can be harvested in late autumn or early spring, so to speak, in the off-season. Shoots should be chosen young, no more than 2 years old. In this case, the chances that the twig will be accepted are much greater.

The cutting is cut from the middle of the branch. The length of each should be about 20-30 centimeters.

Prepared cuttings can be planted both in a container and in a greenhouse. If they are planted in a container, a distance of approximately 20-30 centimeters should be maintained between them. Planting in a greenhouse involves preparing a small trench, the distance between seedlings is also 20-30 centimeters.

Care for the planted cuttings is provided constantly and as long as required. Carefully monitor the humidity level in the room (greenhouse). It is necessary to constantly loosen the soil, remove the shoots of neighboring plants, if any, otherwise it will simply kill the young growth.

The planted cuttings quickly take root and begin to grow actively. But you shouldn’t hastily replant them in open ground. The young animals must stay in the greenhouse during the winter. Only after a year can the seedlings be replanted. Grown trees using cuttings quickly take root in a new place and grow actively.

It is recommended to plant seedlings in the spring, as soon as the snow has thawed. Prepare the hole. If the tree is short, the following volumes are sufficient: 50*50*50 centimeters. For a tall variety you will need more. The soil needs to be loosened well and fertilizer or humus added to the hole. Only after this is a cutting with a good root system buried. The first time after transplantation, the willow needs frequent and abundant watering.

In nature, willow reproduces by seed. Seeds can remain viable for only a few days.

Ripe seeds are carried by the wind, or they are spread by birds. Seed material can fall into water, where it remains viable for more than one year. If the young sprout does manage to germinate, it will develop quickly, but other plants and active shoots may interfere with it. Sometimes it carries seeds over long distances. Many people have noticed that near ponds, in a large area, there are many willows growing, and at different distances. It's all thanks to the wind and birds.

It is very difficult to grow varietal willows using seeds; in this case, only cuttings are suitable. There are varieties that can only be propagated by grafting. But it is more practical to purchase such a seedling in a specialized store.

In most cases, the weeping one is not susceptible to disease. But the plant can be affected by rot, which occurs during rainy periods or with excessive watering. With the advent of warm and sunny days, the fungus may disappear on its own.

The most common fungal disease is scab; the problem arises as a result of the appearance of a fungus. Especially scab weeping willows. The disease is simply identified; spots appear on the leaves and shoots. It can be noticed as soon as the tree wakes up after winter. If measures are not taken, the foliage will quickly turn black and die. Scab develops best in a moist environment.

Another disease to which weeping willows are most susceptible is diplodin necrosis of the trunk and branches. The problem can be identified in the spring. Most often, young shoots and twigs are affected; the bark on them darkens significantly, and then dies off completely, acquiring a grayish tint.

If you see that the leaves of your willow are acquiring gray spots, the tree must be treated with a product containing copper.

When a tree is attacked by pests, this is also reflected on the foliage. In this case, you cannot do without insecticides.

Pests that attack willow

Weeping willow is not often attacked by pests, but their occurrence is not excluded. There is no point in listing how many pests there are; we will discuss only the most common ones:

  • Willow silkworms. The caterpillars wrap the leaves, creating a cocoon in them. They feed on young shoots.
  • Willow aphid. It multiplies quite quickly, affecting not only the infested tree, but also nearby plants. It feeds on the juice of young leaves and shoots.
  • Spider mite. Like many pests, it feeds on the sap of young leaves. Lives on the inside of the leaf. Over time, the leaves turn brown and fall off. If no action is taken, the tick can overwinter in tree bark or fallen leaves and begin active pest control in the spring.
  • Willow grass. A white-winged butterfly that feeds on tree sap in its caterpillar stage.
  • Various rodents. Capable of nibbling rhizomes. They are especially dangerous for planted cuttings.

In order for the tree to grow strong and healthy, preventive measures should be taken in a timely manner and proper care should be provided.

With fluffy, silver-tinged inflorescences - “seals” are simply adorable! But this is not the only trump card of the willows. Their bright shoots and beautiful leaves are also very good. Willow- a symbol of spring - one of the first woody plants to bloom their delicate leaves under the rays of the spring sun. It does not require special attention, this tree will generously respond to care with a lush crown, it will surprise you with its graceful curve, weeping branches with silvery smoky leaves.
The range of willows is incredibly diverse. In addition to the weeping willow (Salix caprea Pendula), as well as the white willow (Salix alba Tristis), which reaches a height of 15–20 m, there are many species and decorative forms suitable for planting on a personal plot. The most famous of them is the decorative form of goat willow (Salix caprea Mas). It was obtained by the method of selection of goat willow, the distinctive feature of which is very long, delicately fragrant inflorescences-catkins. In addition, it is one of the first to bloom among willows. And if the winter was mild, then flowering begins in April!
In addition to furry cats, some willows attract attention with their wonderful silver-gray young leaves. They are exceptionally beautiful, for example, in the willow (Salix elaeagnos). Only in summer the color of its foliage changes to dull green. The complete opposite of her - willow hairy (Salix lanata) and willow creeping silver (Salix repens var.argentea), which retain their decorative gray-green foliage until autumn. Only male specimens of willows are decorated with fluffy “seals”. Female inflorescences are usually green and inconspicuous.
A delightful play of colors can be observed in whole-leaved willow, which is often formed in the form of a trunk. Its young leaves are colored white, green and pink. But over time, the leaves lose their pink tint. Annual pruning helps the tree maintain its small size. Pruning of shoots should be carried out in early spring, even before the leaves bloom, leaving only a few buds. Shrub willows and weeping goat willows can be kept in shape by regular pruning once every two to three years. When pruning the latter type, leave, like the whole-leaved willow, only a few buds on the skeletal shoots.
Shrub willows should have a shoot about 10cm high above the ground. After such a haircut, the plants will actively grow. But dwarf ornamental willows do not need pruning. If you prefer a fast-growing tree to dwarfs, you can opt for the Matsuda willow. Its slightly wavy light green young leaves create a wonderful spring mood in the garden.
All in all decorative willows completely unpretentious to care for, all these harbingers of spring need is a sunny place and moderately moist soil. Let's list these beauties:
1. Weeping willow (Salix caprea pendula) , it can be perfectly integrated into your flower garden. Under it place a carpet of crocuses and. This low tree often grows near bodies of water.

2. Alpine willow (Salix alpina) feels just great between the blocks. It blooms in early spring, before the leaves appear.

3. Willow (Salix integra Hakuro Nishiki) captivates in spring with its original three-color leaves.

4. Willow (Salix elaeagnos) , its distinctive feature is the young leaves of a silvery color. It is often confused with rosemary-leaved willow, which is very similar to it.

5. Hairy willow (Salix lanata) perfect for a small garden.

6. Sakhalin willow (Salix Sekka) has unusually twisting shoots. Due to the original shape of the crown, in Germany it is called the “dragon tree”.

I think I would never have decided to plant a willow on the site if my friend had not been a landscape designer. Day and night we chose the appropriate variety (imagine, there are many of them), and finally I became the happy owner of a renovated yard. During the time spent with the pros, I learned a lot and I hasten to tell you about the most popular varieties of willow with photos and descriptions.

Being one of the most ancient plants on the planet, willow is found on the imprints of Cretaceous rocks. It was born in Eurasia, but also grows in temperate latitudes of North America. Some types of willows grow in the tropics and subtropics, where humidity is high.

The expanses of Russia are wide and vast; in different regions there are different names for the plant: willow, willow, willow and others.

In botany, willow means a deciduous shrub or a rounded tree of small size. Willow leaves are lanceolate or broadly oval, up to 12 cm long and up to 8 cm wide. The upper side has a dark green color, and the lower side has a green-gray tint.

The flowering period occurs in April and continues until the leaves appear. The famous willow catkins are actually male inflorescences up to 6 cm in length. The plant is resistant to low temperatures. Most varieties of vine are suitable for weaving.

Species diversity

Conventionally, willow varieties can be divided into 2 large categories: shrubs and tree-like plants.

  • Willow shrubs are unpretentious, so you can find them everywhere: on the banks of reservoirs, along roads, near swamps and drying rivers. These are the first plants to appear in places of massive deforestation and fires, in the places of which only blackened earth remained. You can also find willow bushes on mountain slopes much higher than sea level. Their branches have been used by wicker weavers for a long time, and the plants themselves quickly recover, sending out new shoots.
  • Most varieties of willow trees are similar to the usual mighty trees, rising to a height of several floors. S. Nikolskoye (Smolensk region) boasts a silver willow - the record holder of the Non-Black Sea strip of the Russian Federation, whose age exceeds 120 years, and the trunk is more than 5 meters in girth.

There are enough varieties of willows that a detailed description of each would take up too much space, so we will focus on the most common and well-known.

Twig Willow

One of the main varieties used in basketry is a tree that reaches a height of up to 10 meters, or a bush-type plant with many straight, thin branches. New shoots are short, almost glabrous, and over time they become bare or have short hair. The flowering period continues throughout the spring.

Habitat is the European part of the Russian Federation. The only exceptions are the northern and southern regions. Cultivation is carried out on sandy soils and loams. It grows on the banks of living river beds and covers the old parts of the floodplain.

It does not like marshy areas or wetlands, but areas subject to periodic waterlogging can serve as habitat. Loves plenty of light. It begins to grow and develop quickly, producing a lot of shoots. It tolerates spring frosts well, but is susceptible to rotting and wormholes.

The woody part of willow is light in color and may have a pinkish or reddish tint. Soft and light wood dries easily and can be processed.

purple willow

A dense bushy plant with thin and flexible shoots reaches 5 meters in height. Lives about 30 years. It has narrow long leaves of dark green color. It is widespread in the southern and middle latitudes of Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and the Baltic states.

Cultivation of purple willow can be carried out in almost the entire forest zone, except for the northern parts, where the plant is susceptible to frost. This species loves light and does not react well to the proximity of groundwater and flooding.

White (silver) willow

The height of a mature tree is about 25 meters, and the diameter of the crown reaches 20 m. It has a lush crown of cascading stems, on which are attached leaves that shimmer with silver. Yellow flowers on the willow appear in mid-spring. Looking like pieces of fur perched on branches, they are called “seals.”

Silver willow is widely used by landscape designers when creating harmonious compositions.

The fast-growing plant copes well with frost, excess moisture, pruning, is unpretentious to conditions, and grows in most soils.

A light-loving variety that combines several of the most popular varieties of decorative willows:

  • The Tristis variety rises 20 m above the ground. It boasts a wide crown reaching 20 meters in diameter. It has a yellow crown and branches. The honey plant blooms in April.
  • The cascading shoots of Argentea create a weeping crown, and the tree itself rises up to 25 meters above the ground. During the flowering period, the crown is showered with yellow catkins. The two sides of the leaf have different colors: dark green on top, whitish below.
  • A special feature of Limpde is the yellow color of the stems. The cone-shaped crown has a diameter of 12 m, and the tree itself reaches 40 m in height. In addition to its decorative purpose, the variety is a honey plant. The flowering period begins in April. Resistant to low temperatures.

goat willow

The plant is considered universal and unpretentious in terms of growing conditions: it tolerates shade and frost, grows on different types of soil, in places with high humidity. It is often planted near ponds and rivers, but does not tolerate heavy swampiness. Often appears as undergrowth or the second layer of mixed forest plantations.

Distributed as a tree up to 10 m in height (Europe, Iran, Japan, Korea, Asia Minor) and a low shrub several meters high. The flowering period begins much earlier than the appearance of leaves. It has a high growth rate.

There is a well-known species bred by breeders that has absorbed the qualities of twig and goat willow - pointed willow, which is a tall bushy plant. Reaching 5 meters in height, it has narrow-lanceolate leaves and bare shoots.

Pointed and goat willow wood is used in wicker weaving because the wood is of excellent quality and is perfect for craftsmen.

Where is willow used?

Tree and shrub species, united by a common name - willow, have many different uses.

  • Wood varieties are excellent for making crafts, and in steppe regions they are common as a building material.
  • Shrubs are used as a fuel cell.
  • Due to the rapid growth of the species, willow is used in the pulp industry and is involved in the production of plastic.
  • Many of the species discussed above produce rods used in wicker weaving.
  • Leafy branches are used to feed livestock.
  • Medicinal use.
  • The bark is used in tanning, and the fiber is used in the production of burlap, rope and mats.
  • Due to its early flowering, willow is a valuable honey plant.
  • The use of decorative varieties of willow in landscape design involves single plantings or planting several trees (they try to avoid large groups). Weeping willows are especially impressive in combination with a lawn, alpine slides or next to a pond.
  • Willow roots serve as a measure to strengthen cliffs to protect against landslides.

And you are deciduous trees or shrubs, some species of which may differ from each other in external characteristics. The genus “Willow” has approximately 600 species, some of which are found in cultivation.

Types and varieties of willow

Typically, willows are distinguished by a through, transparent crown, flexible, thin shoots and pointed, narrow, elongated leaves. Willows have small flowers. Most willows reach a height of up to 15 m, but there are also tall trees - up to 40 m in height, and also dwarf willows.

Willow brittle

The tree is about 15 m high and up to 8 m wide. Brittle willow sometimes has a curved shape with two trunks. The crown is round, openwork, asymmetrical. Brittle willow grows quickly. The leaves are elongated, long, lanceolate; green above, bluish below; in autumn green-yellow.

Brittle willow has green-yellow flowers that bloom in May. The shoots of brittle willow are brownish or yellowish, brittle, glossy, and easy to take root. Winter-hardy. In nature, brittle willow grows from Europe to Asia.

Goat willow

A large, fast-growing shrub or small tree up to 12 m in height and up to 6 m in width with a curved short trunk and a rounded crown. Goat willow branches grow vertically, the side shoots are raised and spread out. Goat willow leaves are broadly elliptical or rounded, green, gray below, slightly pubescent.

The flowers are yellow-silver with a honey aroma. Goat willow becomes brittle after 20 years of growth. Under natural conditions, the tree is found in Central Asia and Europe. Willow is propagated by seeds, and decorative forms of willow are propagated by goat grafting.

Purple willow

Large tree about 10 m tall. The shape of purple willow can be different - funnel-shaped, dome-shaped, umbrella-shaped. The shoots take root easily and are densely growing. The leaves of the purple willow are green above, bluish below, narrowly lanceolate; yellow in autumn.

Purple willow flowers have a pleasant aroma, are slightly curved, reddish, then turn yellow. The root system of purple willow is deep. Tolerates pruning well. Winter-hardy. Purple willow is found in nature in central Europe and Central Asia.

creeping willow

In nurseries you can find the weeping variety "Armando" in standard form.

In early spring, the fluffy inflorescences of creeping willow "Armando" have pink and silver woolly scales. This beauty will not leave anyone indifferent. Then yellow anthers appear, and the willow is already different. After flowering, the shrub needs to be heavily pruned to encourage the growth of new young weeping shoots.

The leaves of the creeping willow "Armando" are shiny, green, and underneath they are gray-green. This variety of willow can be grown in the garden and in a container on the balcony.

Creeping willow "Argentea" is a prostrate bush with small, silky leaves. The rounded leaves sometimes have a blue tint. The round yellow inflorescences are small and few in number; they appear on the bush before the leaves bloom. It is possible to form creeping willow "Argentea" in standard form. In this case, you get a beautiful, miniature weeping tree.

White willow

Large plant up to 25 m in height and up to 15 m in width. The trunk of the white willow is powerful, the bark is gray. At first the crown is narrow-columnar, then spreading, widely rounded. The branches “look” up, and the side shoots hang down a little. The leaves of white willow are silver-gray when blooming, then gray-green.

The flowers of this willow are yellow and fragrant, blooming in late April. White willow grows in sun and partial shade and is winter-hardy. It grows quickly and lives up to 100 years. It can be found in nature throughout Europe.

White willow has a weeping form (‘Pendula’). The weeping willow is distinguished not only by its beautiful crown, but also by the color of its shoots: in summer the bark is red-brown, and in spring it is bright yellow. The leaves of the weeping willow are also very decorative - light green, narrow, pointed.

Babylonian willow

This beautiful weeping tree is one of the most beautiful decorations in the parks of southern Russia. Originally from the regions of Northern and Central China.

The tree is no more than 15 m in height, with a large, weeping crown about 9 m in diameter, formed by thin, flexible, yellow-green, bare, shiny branches hanging to the ground.

The leaves of Babylonian willow are pointed, narrowly lanceolate, finely serrated along the edge. Young foliage is green, slightly shiny, bluish underneath. Flower catkins of Babylonian willow are thin, short-petioled. The Babylonian willow blooms after the leaves bloom.

Grows quickly. Very effective in single group plantings near ponds and on the lawn.

Holly willow or pussy willow

Shrub or tree up to 8 m in height with an oval crown. Willow shoots are flexible, purple-red, with a bluish bloom.

The foliage of willow is linear-lanceolate, long, pointed; shiny, green above, bluish below. This willow is one of the most unpretentious species of willow in terms of growing conditions. Willow willow propagates by cuttings and twigs.

Willow whole leaf

In the natural flora it is found in the south of Primorye and Japan. Spreading shrub up to 3 m in height with curved stems at the base. The leaves of willow allifolia are narrowly oblong, oval at both ends, almost sessile.

Due to the soft green tone of the leaves and their arrangement, the shoots of this willow, extending obliquely and arched to the sides, are similar to the leaves of a fern, which gives the willow an unusually beautiful appearance. All-leaved willow blooms in May. During flowering it smells of hyacinth.

Looks beautiful near ponds in group and single plantings.

All-leaved willow "Hakuro-nishiki" (Hakuro nishiki) is a beautiful spreading bush or tree with drooping branches. Young foliage has spots of white and pink. On older leaves, the pink color disappears, and only some white streaks remain.

Rosemary willow

Semi-dwarf wide shrub up to 2 m in height and width. Initially, the side shoots grow vertically, then arcuate. This willow grows slowly. The leaves are green above and white below.

It begins to bloom in April, the flowers are fragrant, yellow. Frost-resistant, wind-resistant. Under natural conditions, rosemary willow is found in Central and Central Asia and Europe.

Iwa Matsuda

Distributed in Korea and China.

Tree up to 13 m in height, with a wide pyramidal crown, smooth trunk. The shoots are straight, thin, young - pubescent, yellow-olive, then bare, brown. The leaves of the Matsuda willow are narrow-lanceolate and long-pointed.

Photophilous, grows quickly, demanding soil moisture. Matsuda willow is propagated by lignified cuttings.

It has a decorative shape - with serpentine-curved, green shoots, growing in the form of a small shrub with an openwork crown.

Willow is considered one of the oldest trees on the planet. Siberia and Central Asia are considered the homeland of willow, but it also grows in the USA. This beautiful tree is widespread in northern and temperate latitudes, although sometimes it grows in subtropical areas.

The tree has many varieties. Below are the most basic and common types of willow:

  • rod-shaped;
  • purple;
  • goat;
  • crying;
  • spherical;
  • dwarf;
  • five-stamen;
  • American;
  • wavy-leaved;
  • Russian;
  • holly.

Now about each tree in order.

twig willow

This type of willow is considered one of the most common. It is a shrub with many branches, reaching a height of about 5 meters. The bark is purple with a bluish tinge. The buds are brown. The earrings open almost in line with the leaves. Grows in the middle zone of the country.

For planting, it is better to choose frost-resistant plants so that they do not freeze in winter. Therefore, before laying a fence, it is first worth marking the territory. You need to dig a hole with a diameter of 50 centimeters and the same depth. If the soil is rough, it is worth adding sand to it. Planting should be done at intervals of 20 centimeters. After planting, the plant must be watered frequently.


Purple willow leaves are divided into alternate and opposite, up to 12 cm long. They grow upward and are pointed. More often, this type of tree can be found in the southern and central zones of the country, and in the mountainous areas of the Urals and Crimea. It can also be found in America, Asia and Africa. The tree loves light, but does not tolerate groundwater and flooded areas. It cleans well from bark. It is valued because it has few branches.

Determining a place to plant purple willow is not difficult: you need to choose a place with constant access to light. This tree loves moisture, so you will have to get automatic watering for the grass. This willow differs from others in that it is not picky about the soil. It is worth planting in early spring.


Goat willow is a versatile species for landscaping. Grows up to 10 meters high. It has smooth green-gray bark. The branches of the plant are dense and spreading. The leaves are oval-shaped and serrated with a green surface on top and a light gray fuzzy bottom. This tree grows in the European part of the country and Asia Minor. The habitat is non-swampy soil or forest edges.

In the steppe zone it can be found next to forest valleys.

It is better to plant goat willow in early spring, when it has optimal conditions to get used to the place and gain root mass. At first, the tree will have to be watered frequently. During drought it is better to do this more often. In the second year of growth, it can be watered once a week.


The weeping willow grows to large sizes. Its bark is yellowish in color. Leaves are green in color. The branches are down. The habitat of this tree is reservoirs in central Russia.

This plant should be planted in sandy soil and fertilized with compost. The tree grows faster from cuttings. The best time to plant weeping willow is in late fall. Shoots should be selected that are at least two years old. The cuttings must first grow in a home greenhouse, and when spring comes, they must be transplanted to an area where holes of a certain size are dug, approximately 50 centimeters. The soil should be loosened and fertilized. Do not forget to water the plant often and care for it.


The globular willow grows up to 20 meters and has many massive branches. In winter, the foliage of this plant changes its green color to olive. The plant is attached to moisture, so it is found near the coast and dams. Resistant to cold. The leaves are elongated and slightly rough. To keep the willow spherical, it should be trimmed frequently. The globular willow grows in almost all parts of the country, but is observed even in Australia, Africa and America. This tree lives up to 80 years.

It should be planted in April. Seedlings are usually purchased from a nursery. When planting a willow tree, they dig a hole 30 centimeters deep and place seedlings there with fed soil in the form of peat and fertilizers. This will allow the plant to grow strong and healthy. The main thing is not to forget to water the seedlings regularly.


Dwarf willow has many varieties throughout the world. It grows in both Europe and America. It is also found in mountainous areas. The tree is resistant to cold, but does not tolerate heat. Therefore, comfortable weather for the living conditions of a dwarf willow will be a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius. The foliage of this plant is small and does not cause any special problems when harvesting. The main advantage of this mini-species is that this tree reaches a height of one to two meters.

When planting willow shoots, they are planted in soil fed with mineral fertilizers. During drought, it is necessary to water the plant more often. It is not particularly sensitive to cold weather and can grow even in alkaline soils.

Now breeders are effectively breeding new dwarf varieties of willows, and believe that they are the future.

Five-stamen willow

The five-stamen willow, which will be described below, performs well in weaving. It grows in meadows and peat bogs in Siberia, as well as in European parts of the country, in particular in the lowlands. It can also be found in the Far East and in the Ural mountains. The tree reaches a height of more than 10 meters. The bark of the plant is brown, and the shoots and leaves seem to shine in the sun. The willow leaves themselves resemble a laurel leaf, having an oval shape with denticles along the edges. The upper part of the leaf has a greenish tint, and the bottom is pale matte. This wood is mainly used for weaving furniture.

When planting in spring, it is necessary to moisten the soil with peat and compost and plant cuttings of the plant in the hole. Usually planted to a depth of forty centimeters between rows fifty centimeters wide. To do this, they pierce the ground with a rod, and lower the plant in the place where the willow will grow. Then the soil is compacted. Cuttings are planted vertically and from south to north. This method is practiced by many gardeners.

American willow

American willow is considered the most cultivated in the forested regions of Russia. It is a hybrid of purple and five-stamen willow.

After the end of the growing season, the downward inclined end of the branch does not straighten. The leaves are narrow and elongated up to 15 centimeters. In autumn, the bark has a purple tint with varying degrees of saturation. At the bottom the vine is greenish in color. The advantage of this plant is that it retains universal qualities for willow crafts. Widely distributed in European regions of Russia.

A plant such as American willow should be planted in May. The cuttings are lowered into holes 30 centimeters deep vertically and from south to north and compact the soil. Here, as with the five-stamen willow, a metal rod is lowered into the soil. This method is practiced by many gardeners.

Wavy-leaved willow

The wavy-leaved willow is a cross between a twig and a five-stamened willow. It grows as a bush almost 5 meters high. The shoots of this plant are thin and flexible brown in color. The leaves are lanceolate and have jagged edges. The leaf blade has a wavy shape.

Young leaves are completely drooping, while mature leaves are bare and slightly inclined downwards. Almost always, an annual twig produces a little more than 2 meters in length, shades the soil, thereby helping to combat regrowth. The elasticity of the rod is the same as that of the five-stamen willow. Excellent for removing bark. The habitat of a tree such as wavy-leaved willow is located near the coastal zone in the middle zone of the country, as well as in Europe.

To plant a willow tree, you will need soil with loam. The location should be chosen where there will be constant sunlight. This tree will not grow in the shade. You can also use a place where groundwater is located.

To properly plant this plant, you need to follow the following rules:

  • dig a hole with a diameter of 50 centimeters and a depth of 30-40 centimeters;
  • pour sand or crushed stone at the bottom of the pit;
  • pour fertilizer from peat and soil;
  • bury a third of the hole with earth and place a seedling there;
  • compact the soil into a pit to make watering easier.

Russian willow

Russian willow is considered less suitable for weaving. This tree reaches a maximum height of 10 meters, and the shrub grows up to 6 meters in height. The branches are elongated, the color is gray-green. The leaves are narrow, lanceolate in shape. The plant flourishes most in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. It can be found along rivers and lakes, as well as near the coast. The twig is of low quality and brittle and is mainly used in its bare form without bark.

This plant should be planted in May. The cuttings are lowered into holes 30 centimeters deep and the soil is compacted. As with the five-stamen and American willow, a metal rod is lowered into the soil. Cuttings are planted vertically and from southeast to northwest. This method is practiced by many gardeners.

Holly willow

Few products are made from holly willow. The plant itself reaches about 10 meters in height, and the bushes grow up to 5 meters. It has elongated thin shoots of a dark brown hue. The shape of the leaves is pointed, and has teeth along the edges, with a shine on top and a greenish tint below. The European region of the country is recognized as the place of distribution of this plant, and in Siberia and Central Asia it is less common.

This tree can be seen in coastal areas, where it forms dense thickets. Resistant to frost and drought. It is distributed more often than other willows throughout our country.

The twigs of a tree such as Norway willow are used for weaving various furniture, except baskets.

When planting a willow tree, it is necessary to prepare the area, freeing it from foreign objects. Then you need to dig grooves with a diameter of 30 centimeters and a depth of 40 centimeters. After this, plant the seedlings, sprinkling the soil with mineral fertilizers. Don't forget to water the willow, especially during the dry season.

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