We make our own pool on our own property. Manufacturing technology, tips and tricks

Reservoirs 28.10.2023

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In summer it is always nice to swim in cool water. However, it may not always be possible to go to a river or lake. In this case, the best solution would be to build a swimming pool with your own hands at the dacha or on the territory of a private house. So, you will always have your own body of water at hand, near which you can have a great time and relax. In this article we will look at how to build a swimming pool with your own hands.

Features and types of pools

There are many variations on the theme of pools for a summer house or country house. But they can be conceptually divided into several main types.

Inflatable pools. Let's start with the simplest option. Its main advantage is its low cost and ease of installation. In addition, this model is mobile.

When packed and assembled, it can easily fit into the trunk of a car. This means that you can take it with you outdoors, use it for a bathhouse, or simply install this pool in your house with your own hands without any problems.

Among modern models in this category you can find containers of various sizes- from mini-pools for summer cottages like children’s “paddling pools” to large inflatable structures that are designed for 10 tons of water or more.

The disadvantages primarily include fragility of inflatable pools: They wear out in just a few years. And also one cannot help but mention their vulnerability to various types of mechanical influences.

Frame pools

They are also quite simple designs. Their main advantages include mobility and high installation speed, which, in principle, is characteristic of any prefabricated structures. At the same time, they are more resistant to mechanical damage, unlike inflatable ones. However, an inflatable pool will cost owners much less than a frame one. At the same time, the service life of these pools is, by and large, also limited, like every mobile structure.

Portable swimming pools for saunas

These structures consist of a PVC cover, walls and bottom. Taking into account the depth, they can simply be located on a flat surface - depth up to 0.8 m, partially - up to 1.3 meters, or completely (more than 1.6 m) deep into the ground.

Their the shape can be absolutely any, but, as a rule, there is an oval, round, figure-eight shape. If these structures have a square or rectangular shape, then their corners are certainly rounded.

Such pools are good because they easy to install(especially those that don’t need to be deepened) and easy to connect. Their disadvantage is the tightness of the connecting seams. However, if you purchase a bath pool from a trusted company, it will serve you well for many years.

Stationary pools

We need to start with the obvious disadvantages of these designs: of all varieties, they are the most expensive- in terms of not only the construction of the pool, but also its further maintenance.

But that's where all the shortcomings end. Since stationary outdoor pools are fundamental structure, so to speak, for centuries.

Stationary pools can have a concrete bowl or a ready-made one. A concrete bowl allows the owner to build any kind of pool at home, even the most bizarre shape. At the same time, pool bowls made of composite materials greatly facilitate the process of arranging a pool on the site.

Gallery: swimming pool at the dacha (25 photos)

Choosing a location and optimal size

Since it is the stationary pool that is considered “real,” then in the future the conversation will focus on this design. So, when you have decided on the type, you need to think about the size and installation location of the artificial reservoir itself. For the most part, the choice of location will depend on the wishes of the owner. As a rule, a pool is installed close to the recreation area, near the bathhouse, behind the house. But when choosing a location, certain factors must be taken into account:

  • The presence of nearby vegetation. It is advisable that there are no bushes, much less trees, near the reservoir. Plants are constantly drawn to moisture, and their root system is very strong and can easily break through a concrete thicket.
  • Direction of the wind. Since this garden pool is outdoors, there is a high probability of all kinds of debris getting into it. To ensure that while swimming you do not encounter dry leaves, scraps of paper, etc., it is better if the pool is located in an area protected from the prevailing wind direction.
  • Priming. A lot depends on the properties of the soil. To begin with, it is desirable that the soil be clayey. In this case, you will additionally receive natural waterproofing. And also during the construction of a stationary bowl, you will need to dig a pit. When the soil at the chosen location is rocky, then excavation work can be very labor-intensive and complex, especially if you build a pool with your own hands in the country without the help of special equipment.

When it comes to the size of the future reservoir, in this case there are no special requirements. It will depend according to your preferences and availability of free space. For example, for swimming in one lane, a width of 2.5 m and a length of four meters is sufficient. When two paths are planned, the width can be increased to 5 meters.

The optimal depth of the reservoir is 1.5 meters. But even in this case, everything depends on the purposes for which you are building it. When you have children and the main purpose of the pool is to entertain them, you don’t need to make it very deep. And vice versa, when you are a diving enthusiast, depth plays an important role.

Construction stages

By and large, the process of building a swimming pool at the dacha is divided into the following stages:

As you can see, there is quite a lot of construction work. Moreover, any of the stages is very important, since not only the appearance of the entire structure, but also the operating time depends on it.

Bowl creation and excavation work

Let's move on directly to the main question - how to make a pool at the dacha with your own hands. If you have decided on the installation location and dimensions, then you can begin excavation work. First to the site apply markings. What can you use a rope stretched over pegs for?

Then we begin excavation work. This is the most labor-intensive stage during construction. You need dig a pit required depth and size. Moreover, it must be taken into account that the depth, length and width need to be approximately 50 cm larger.

This additional space is required for the installation of formwork. When the dimensions of the structure you have planned are very impressive, then you need to think about using special equipment.

Then, when the pit is dug, you can start creating the bowl. This stage of work includes the following activities:

  1. The walls and bottom of the pit are thoroughly compacted.
  2. A sand cushion is made. For this purpose, a layer of sand 25–40 cm thick is poured onto the bottom and carefully compacted.
  3. A layer of waterproofing is applied over the entire surface of the walls and on top of the pillow at the bottom. Now on the market you can see many materials that are an excellent barrier to water. The most cost-effective option is to use bitumen mass and roofing felt. These materials have proven themselves well and have been used for a long time.
  4. First, a layer of roofing material is laid over the entire surface (on the walls and bottom, while the walls must be covered with material up to the very top). Afterwards, several (preferably 4–5) layers of bitumen mass are applied.
  5. The next step is the installation of the drainage system. This must be done before installing the formwork. How many holes to make for draining and in what place depends on the shape and size of the bowl.
  6. Then we build the formwork, it can be made from scrap materials, and we begin pouring concrete. Moreover, it is imperative to use reinforcement.
  7. The formwork is removed after the concrete mass has hardened.

Lighting and decoration

Then you need to finish the bowl. But first you need additional apply a layer of waterproofing.

You also need to seal all the cracks that have formed so that water does not seep in and damage the bowl. To do this, you can use mastic, film or impregnating materials.

After installing the waterproofing, finishing work begins. As a rule, it is used to cover the bowl. tile. This material can easily withstand prolonged exposure to water, is very easy to clean and has an attractive appearance.

In addition to tiles, you can also use modern materials, for example, PVC film. Today, manufacturers produce a huge range of this material. It is durable and strong. At this point, the construction of the pool is actually completed.

In artificial reservoirs, water becomes polluted quite quickly and can be a favorable environment for the appearance of harmful bacteria. At the same time, dust, tree branches and fallen leaves constantly get into the outdoor pool.

For small pools you can build a lid, which will keep most of the debris out. Small particles that fall into the reservoir can be easily removed using a fine-mesh net. Algae that has formed on the walls clean with a soft bristle brush.

The water in this pool is desirable replace at least once a week. For example, use it to water the garden. The following methods are used to purify water in large pools:

  • Electrophysical disinfection - the use of equipment for saturating water with silver ions and ozonizers. Ultraviolet lamps can be used to filter and purify water; they disinfect water by killing mold spores and microbes.
  • Chemical treatment - performed using special substances. As a result, the pH level is normalized and the water is disinfected. The action of chemicals prevents the appearance of algae and eliminates the smallest particles of fat.
  • Physical cleaning - removing small and large debris using a net. Constant cleaning with a water filter. Cleaning the internal surface with a vacuum cleaner and brush.

Features of pool water purification

The simplest way to purify water is a water filter. There are three types of systems with varying degrees of filtration. Sand filter based on finely crushed quartz, removes harmful microparticles up to 25 microns in size.

Cartridge filters suitable for medium-sized artificial reservoirs with a diameter of no more than five meters. These filters are equipped with a special valve to get rid of small debris and a water purification system from harmful elements up to 15 microns in size.

Diatomite filters- These are highly efficient and modern water purification systems. Fossil powder, kieselguhr, mountain flour, etc. are used as a cleaning agent. These particles remove the smallest elements up to one micrometer in size.

Products used as chemical cleaning compounds are: based on active oxygen, bromine and chlorine. Chloride compounds are quite effective, but require strict dosage. If doses are exceeded, there is a high risk of skin damage and poisoning.

Bromine-based preparations are safer and do not have a distinct odor. Cleansing with active oxygen is the most convenient and at the same time completely safe for health. The drug is added to the water immediately after filling the pool, taking into account the total volume of liquid.

A swimming pool on a personal plot or in a country house is great place to relax on hot summer days. And building it with your own hands is not very difficult. You can build a pond from scrap materials, but it is much more reliable to make it from concrete.

Apply markings, make calculations, dig a pit, fill the bowl and complete the finishing. This main stages of work. With a little financial investment and effort, you will have a great vacation spot for the whole family.

During the hot season, it is always nice to spend time in cool water. But it may not always be possible to go to a river or other body of water. In this case, the best option would be to build a swimming pool at your dacha or on the site of a country house. You will always have your own pond at hand where you can relax. In this article we will talk about how you can inexpensively make a pool in your country house.

Types of designs

Before answering the question of how to build a swimming pool at your dacha with your own hands, you must decide on the type of structure itself. The choice of material and work technology will depend on this. As an option we can offer the following types of pools:

  • Frame. Such designs can be purchased ready-made. A frame pool is a metal structure with a stretched fabric (usually PVC film). The kit may include a ladder, cleaning system, pumping station, etc. This design is installed for the season. The pool is already equipped with waterproofing; you just need to assemble the structure and pump water into it;
  • Plastic products. This option is a bowl made of polymer materials. The container can be purchased ready-made or ordered from a specialized company. Similar models, like the previous version, are installed for the season. It is better not to leave a plastic container for the winter;
  • Stationary. This type can be considered a real pool. Of course, its creation will require a lot of physical and financial effort from you, but as a result, a large body of water will appear in your dacha or garden plot where you can swim.

One of the options can be considered inflatable structures. But such pools are not so comfortable due to their small size. And the quality of inflatable structures is often poor. Having pumped up the pool in the evening, in the morning you may find in its place a piece of rubberized material lying helplessly on the ground.

Choosing the optimal size and location

Since it is the stationary pool that can be considered “real,” then further discussion will focus on this option. If you have decided on the type, then you should think about the installation location and the size of the artificial reservoir itself.

The choice of location largely depends on the wishes of the owner. Many people install a pool behind the house, near the recreation area. But when choosing a place it is important consider some factors. Namely:

  • Priming. Much will depend on its properties. Firstly, it is better that the soil is clay. In this case, you will receive additional natural waterproofing. Secondly, when creating a permanent pool, you will have to dig a pit. If the selected area has rocky soil, then the work can be quite complex and time-consuming, especially if you do it yourself;
  • Predominant wind direction. Since the pool will be located in an open area, there is a high probability of various debris getting into it. So that when swimming you do not encounter debris from scraps of paper or dry leaves, it is better that the artificial pond is protected from the prevailing wind direction;
  • Presence of nearby vegetation. It is better that there are no bushes and especially trees near the reservoir. Plants are always drawn to moisture, and their roots are quite strong and can easily break through the concrete thicket of the pool.

If we are talking about the size of an artificial reservoir, then there are no special requirements. Everything will depend on the availability of free land and your preferences. For example, for swimming along one lane it is quite suitable width two and a half meters and a length of 5 meters. If there are two tracks, then the width increases to 4 meters.

The optimal depth of the pool can be considered 1.4 meters. But even here everything will depend on the purposes for which you are building a reservoir. If you have children and the main purpose of the pool will be to entertain them, then you should not make it too deep. Conversely, if you are a diving enthusiast, then depth will play a very important role.

Stages of pool construction

In general terms, the process of constructing a permanent pool can be broken down into the following stages:

  1. Selecting the type of reservoir and drawing up its design. At the same time, a suitable site for construction is selected.
  2. Marking on the ground. Excavation.
  3. Arranging formwork and pouring the pool bowl.
  4. Applying a waterproofing layer to the surface and finishing the bowl.
  5. Equipping the pool with equipment and lighting.

As you can see, there is a lot of work. Moreover, each stage is important, because not only the appearance of the structure and the duration of its operation will depend on it.

Excavation and bowl creation

Now let's move on to considering the question itself - how to make a pool with your own hands. When you have decided on the size and installation location, then Let's start excavation work. First of all, we apply markings to the area. To do this, you can use pegs and a stretched rope.

Next, we move on to excavation work. This is one of the most labor-intensive stages of construction. You have to dig a pit of the required size and depth. It is worth considering that the width, length and depth must be made approximately half a meter larger. This additional space is necessary for the installation of formwork. If the size of the pool you are planning is quite impressive, then you should think about using special equipment.

After the pit is ready, you can start creating the bowl future pool. This stage of work includes the following activities:

  1. The bottom and walls of the pit are carefully compacted.
  2. A pillow is made from sand. To do this, a layer of material 20-30 cm thick is poured onto the bottom and compacted thoroughly.
  3. A waterproofing layer is applied over the cushion at the bottom and over the entire surface of the walls. Today on the market you can find many materials that become an excellent barrier to water. The use of roofing felt and bitumen mass can be considered the most budget-friendly. Such materials have been used for a long time and have proven themselves well. A layer of roofing material is laid over the entire surface (on the bottom and walls, the latter should be covered with material to the very top with a margin). Then several (preferably 3-4) layers of bitumen mass are applied.
  4. The next step will be the installation of the drainage system. This must be done before installing the formwork. How many drain holes to make and where to place them will depend on the size and shape of the pool bowl.
  5. Next, we install the formwork, which can be made from scrap materials. After installing the formwork, we begin pouring concrete. In this case, it is necessary to use reinforcement. In order for the bowl to serve for a long time, it is necessary to use concrete of the appropriate grade and with additives.

After the concrete mass hardens the formwork is removed. Next, you need to treat the entire surface of the resulting bowl with a solution of concrete and water or iron it. At this point, the main stages of creating a pool can be considered complete. Next comes the finishing and equipping of the structure.

Finishing and lighting

Now you need to finish the pool bowl. But before this, an additional layer of waterproofing is applied. It is very important to seal every crack to prevent water from damaging the bowl. For these purposes you can use impregnating materials, film or mastic.

After waterproofing, you can begin finishing work. Ceramic tiles are most often used to cover the pool bowl. This material can easily withstand prolonged exposure to water, is easy to clean and has an attractive appearance.

In addition to ceramic tiles, you can also use modern materials, for example, PVC film. Modern manufacturers produce a wide range of similar materials. It is strong and durable. And if we talk about colors and designs, then there is always plenty to choose from.

The finishing work itself can be completed, but it is better to equip the pool additional equipment. This kit usually includes:

Don’t forget to arrange the area around the new artificial pond. As a rule, it is also covered with ceramic tiles. But here it is important to choose an option with an anti-slip coating. This way you will reduce the risk of injury.

As a conclusion

A swimming pool in a country house or on a personal plot is a great place to relax on hot summer days. And making it with your own hands is not so difficult. You can build an artificial pond from scrap materials, but it is better and more reliable to make it from concrete. Make calculations, make markings, dig a pit, fill the bowl and finish. Here are the main stages of work. With a little effort and financial investment, you will have a wonderful vacation spot for the whole family.

When summer comes and it gets hot, everyone wants to take a dip in cool water. It is not always possible to get to a body of water, and dreams of resorts with clear water remain only dreams for the time being, so it is better to have your own place for swimming near your home.

Having your own pool in the country, even after working in the garden, adds a zest to your ordinary holiday and takes it to a new level. In addition, regular swimming is a great contribution to health. This article will tell you how to make a swimming pool with your own hands in the courtyard of a private house.

After taking the time to obtain the necessary information, you can safely get down to business. A quality holiday with water treatments will appeal to all family members, without exception.

Types and types of pools

When choosing which pool to make, you need to think about how much space is available for this structure and in what season it will perform its functions. Frame pools are installed on the ground, not inside it. They are made mainly from PVC. Externally, the structure can be made of durable plastic or metal. These pools are round in shape; square or rectangular options are less common.

It is impossible to make plastic pools yourself; they are bought ready-made. Made from polypropylene or fiberglass. A permanent pool in a country house with your own hands implies permanent installation without the possibility of moving it to another place. It can be framed or built into the soil. For its normal functioning, auxiliary systems will be required: water supply, its purification and subsequent drainage. This is done using special equipment.

Choosing a location for installation

The first and very important decision on which the success of the entire project depends is the correct choice of location for the future pool. There must be a water source nearby to fill the pool. This could be a well, borehole or water supply. Placing a pool under trees is not the best solution; the water will not warm up well and debris will appear on its surface. It is desirable to have a power source nearby and a place where water will periodically drain, for example, a vegetable garden or a ravine. But the best options would be a drainage system and sewerage.

When installing a swimming pool in a private house, you need to take into account some space around it so that you can walk freely. The area on which it will be located must be flat or with a slight slope. Clay and sandy soil is considered the best for installation. Its advantages:

  • Clay is a plus for waterproofing.
  • Such soil is stable, and it is unlikely that the bottom of the reservoir will crack.
  • Protects against ground moisture. Without contact with underground water, the pool lasts much longer.

There are also some minor parameters for choosing the installation location, which it is also advisable to take into account: You should choose the sunny side so that the water warms up without human intervention. But this issue can be resolved if artificial heating is provided in the pool model. It is better to place a pool in the garden in places protected from the wind. A sunny area near a fence is suitable.

A pond that is deep enough and where small children can access it is better to fence it with a small fence for their safety.

Pit preparation

Digging a pit manually is not an easy task; it requires a lot of time and effort, but it allows you to do excavation work cheaper than using an automated method. A pit is made in the ground according to the dimensions of the project, but 20 cm must be added to each value. The depth is calculated depending on the purpose. If you plan to jump into the water from the side, it should be 2.5 meters, and if you go down the stairs - from one and a half to two meters. The walls of the pit are given a slope so that they do not crumble. The bottom should also have a slight slope towards the water drainage.

A drainage system is required to drain groundwater after snow or rain. It is a pit (you can make two) with a discharge pipe. It is covered with sand, crushed stone and compacted. You can make concrete yourself by calculating the number of components of the mixture. In this case, it is desirable to automate the process using a concrete mixer, which facilitates and speeds up mixing. There is also the option of purchasing ready-made concrete, especially if there is nothing obstructing large equipment on the way to the construction site.

To concrete the bottom, experienced builders advise first laying the reinforcement on a sand bed, using supports. After this, concrete is poured, which should cover all the reinforcement.

Instructions for making swimming pools

Made from polypropylene and fiberglass

Polypropylene is a material for building a swimming pool; it is a white solid substance that became known thanks to the achievements of chemists in the mid-20th century. Being environmentally friendly, it does not interact with substances when in contact with water and is absolutely not dangerous to humans. It is impossible to slip on it, such is the structure of the surface of this material. Installing a pool with it is cheaper than with other materials. During construction, sheets of greater thickness are taken for the walls, and thinner ones for the bottom, but it is preferable that they are no thinner than 8 mm, so that the polypropylene does not change shape when welded.

To weld the material you need a heat gun. The polypropylene is heated with hot air at a given temperature and a soft rod is placed in the seam, it melts and connects the sheets. Internal joints are cooked this way, and for external joints, nozzles are used. After this, vertical stiffeners are made, with a distance of 50–70 cm. They are also made of polypropylene and welded using a rod.

Now you need to fill the space between the welded pool bowl and the soil with a concrete mixture. To prevent deformation, half a meter of water is poured into the pool. The same environmentally friendly and non-hazardous material is fiberglass, consisting of polyester resin and reinforcing materials. The pool is not assembled or welded from it, but is bought ready-made in the store. It does not deform and withstands the influence of the external environment well. Usually made in blue or blue colors. It is important that this version of the pool is mobile and allows for transfer to another location.

First you need to choose the type of pool on the site, its size and depth. Next, you need to make a good drainage system for the outflow of snow and rainwater. A hole up to 2 meters deep is dug in the center of the pit, which is filled with crushed stone. Sand is poured on top. After this, the most important stage of work begins, namely the installation of the pool tank using lifting devices. The space between the bowl and the pit is filled with soil.

When purchasing a tank, it is important to look at its characteristics, namely at what temperatures it can be used.

For example, when the ground freezes, if the bowl is not designed for this, it can be pushed out of the pit.

Made from monolithic concrete

Concrete pools are famous for their long service life, which is 3 times longer than the two previous representatives. Heavy concrete is used for production. In this case, a drainage system is also needed. Before digging a pool pit, markings are applied to the ground, 60–80 cm larger than the planned dimensions. When the pit is ready, pipes are laid under the drain, if such a water intake is chosen.

You need to lay roofing material on the bottom in 2 layers for waterproofing. Then there is a sand cushion, followed by gravel. According to the manufacturing technology, this time you will need formwork along the height of the walls and reinforcement; the rods can be welded or connected with knitting wire at each intersection.

To build walls, you need moisture-resistant plywood or boards, but plywood will be more convenient. Reinforcement is installed in the formwork, which is fastened to a horizontal reinforcing layer. The reinforcement frame is placed from two rows of rods along the walls and the lower ends of these rods are connected to the mesh at the bottom.

Reinforcement is needed for rigidity and resistance to the mass of water. You can make walls from foam blocks, but it is somewhat more expensive. When the concrete is completely dry, you can begin waterproofing. For this purpose, sheets of roofing felt are used. Bitumen and liquid rubber are also suitable.

To improve the quality of waterproofing, first level the walls manually or using a sander.

For internal waterproofing, the bowl is first checked for cracks. The surface is plastered using special waterproof compounds for swimming pools. Next you need to choose the type of waterproofing. When gluing walls, bitumen-based materials are used (glass insulation, Rubitex). Mastics are used for coating.

The process of building a stationary pool made of monolithic concrete ends with finishing work. You can also make your own pool from blocks. The bottom is concreted as in the previous case, and the walls are erected from blocks in one row.

Made of wood with PVC film

You can make a country pool made of wood with your own hands quickly and inexpensively. A frame is made from ordinary 100 by 50 timber. It is better if the design is rectangular in shape, it is more convenient. The racks are placed in the corners in the drilled holes, the empty spaces are covered with crushed stone. After installing the vertical posts, horizontal boards are nailed. If they are unedged, then they should be cleared of bark and treated against insects. A PVC film bag is inserted inside.

We improve the area around the pool

An artificial pond always attracts attention. To make a small pool seem deeper, the inner surface is painted a light color, and the area nearby is made darker. To create decor, garden figurines and flower pots are placed nearby. We must not forget about the recreation area. Here you can place a children's playground, sun loungers, garden furniture, and a gazebo.

Water filtration and purification

Previously, the problem of cleaning an outdoor pool from microorganisms and debris was solved by changing the water. Nowadays, it has become expensive to change water, and purification using filters is used. They differ in filter material and can be chemical, mechanical, electrophysical, or combined.

The larger the pool, the more expensive it will be in price and maintenance. If the pool is small, you can purchase a filter pump, a filter station with quartz sand, or use homemade water purification devices.

Building a pool with your own hands is a painstaking task, but not too difficult; just study the step-by-step instructions. A summer resident can do this, even if he has no experience in building a swimming pool. The courtyard of a private house will look respectable, and relaxation will become more comfortable.

If your dacha area is more than 10 acres, then place an outdoor pool on it. In summer it will be especially useful as a relaxation option and will replace spending time at sea. Today we will consider the option of building a mini pool and a small selection of photos.

Planning the construction of a swimming pool at the dacha

Initially, you should decide on the location of the pools. The construction process, selection of materials, size and size of the pool will depend on this. If the soil is rocky, gravel or sandy, and the groundwater is deep, then there is no need to further strengthen the protection against water. On such soil you can install any country pool, even if its walls are made of brick or concrete.

Clay soil requires stronger reinforcement using impermeable and heat-insulating materials to prevent groundwater from deforming our dacha structure. For such soil it is necessary to build DIY pool in the form of a rectangle.

  • Before construction, decide on the size and shape of the pool. And also with the type of soil and area of ​​the territory.

  • Prepare a design template for the future pool and the required materials for construction.
  • Mark the contours on the ground and determine the area for drainage.

  • Using the template, start digging a hole, the base of which should have a slope towards the drain. The pit should be larger than the pool itself by 0.5 m in width and 40 cm in depth.

  • Lay a drain pipe and a sewer pipe on a slope before pouring concrete into the hole.

A pit is a well 1 meter by 1 meter, the base of which should be 35 cm below the bottom of the pool. Fill the bottom of the pit with crushed stone, and lay out a drainage pipe. Place stones or crushed bricks on top of the pit and cover the pit with a lid. A cover must be installed on the edge of the drain to prevent debris from entering.

At the same moment, concrete the walls.

Finishing a swimming pool at the dacha

Decorating the area next to the pool

It is not recommended to plant many plants near pools to prevent foliage from getting into it. Change the water in the pool once every 3 weeks or earlier as it becomes clogged.

You can decorate it with tiles, and plant a lawn next to it, on which sun loungers and tables are placed. Provide water slides for children.

Beautiful pools in the photo

Game with a pool, photo

Read more useful information in the section.

A swimming pool on a country plot or dacha has ceased to be a curiosity. They install it step by step and thoroughly on their own or invite craftsmen. If you want to make a personal pond with your own hands, arm yourself with instructions and detailed photos.

In general, all types of pools that can be installed on a summer cottage are conventionally divided into:

  • frame;
  • foundation pits

The first ones are good because they are removed for the winter, and can also change their location every season. They are located completely or partially on the surface of the earth. Such frames are expensive, although some owners manage to make them with their own hands. Pit pools require a lot of work as they require digging a hole.

Some examples of ponds for summer cottages:

  • inflatable pool - similar to a frame one, easy to install and inexpensive, but has a short service life;
  • fiberglass - looks like a monolithic bowl, the installation of which requires digging a pit. Transportation causes certain inconvenience due to the dimensions of the structure;

Plastic pool
  • plastic – durable and lightweight. Its structure resembles fiberglass, which is why it has difficulties in delivery and installation;
  • concrete is a suitable option for those who are planning to install a high-quality pool on a suburban area. It can be made from individual blocks or as a monolithic structure. Difficult to install, but definitely reliable and durable.

Attention! If installed incorrectly, a concrete pit pond may leak water or fill poorly. To prevent this from happening, you need to lay all the pipes correctly and take care of high-quality waterproofing.

Main stages of construction: digging a pit, insulation, pool filter

Instructions for installing a concrete pool:

  • Choosing a location. It is good if it is in an open, sunny area, away from trees: their roots can destroy the bowl, and the foliage will become a constant source of debris.
  • Determination of sizes. The optimal depth for a pond in which adults will swim is from 1.5 m. In this case, the waterproofing layer must be taken into account. The length and width can vary and be, for example, 4x4 m or 4x5 m.

Pool pit
  • Calculation of the thickness of the walls and bottom, which depends on the depth of the reservoir, the level of groundwater and soil quality.
  • Design of a drainage system, location of communications, steps and lighting.
  • Marking boundaries. To do this, just drive in pegs at the site of the future reservoir.
  • Excavation work. You can dig a pit manually if the pool is small, but it is better to use special equipment. The hole should be wider and deeper than the project suggests. For example, the walls need to be increased by 04.-0.5 m.

Advice. To prevent the soil from crumbling, dig a pit taking into account the slope of the walls towards the center. Provide a place for drainage, as well as the possibility of draining water, for which the bottom should have a slope towards the drainage system.

  • Bottom leveling and waterproofing. You need to pour a mixture of sand and gravel in a layer of 0.3 m and compact it tightly. Then apply roofing material in 2-3 layers, overlapping the walls by 15-20 cm. Bitumen or liquid rubber are also suitable.
  • Installation of formwork along the edges of the pool. For it, you can take boards or plywood, which will allow you to make a pool of any shape. Before starting work, you need to carefully take care of the drainage system.
  • Reinforcement of the walls of the future reservoir with rods with a diameter of 0.8-1.4 mm.

Interior decoration of the pool bowl
  • Pouring concrete into the space between the formwork and the ground.
  • Removing the formwork after the concrete mixture has hardened and ironing the walls - treating them with cement and grouting with water. This will add strength to the structure.
  • Reinforcement and filling of the pool bottom. Installation of metal stairs.
  • Decorating the surface of the bowl with PVC film, mosaic or tiles.

Advice. You can first reinforce and fill the bottom with concrete, and then the walls. If you plan to descend into the pool along concrete steps, then the formwork for them needs to be prepared separately, after the bowl is ready.

To build a pool from individual concrete blocks you need:

  1. Dig a pit, level its bottom and fill it with concrete.
  2. Lay walls of blocks, reinforcing every 3rd row.
  3. Build a staircase into one of the walls.
  4. Waterproof and decorate the pool bowl.

A polypropylene pond can be equipped in two ways:

  • buy a ready-made bowl and install it;
  • purchase a sheet of polypropylene and make a container of the desired shape and size from it.

Construction of a concrete pool

In any case, the installation of such a pool consists of the following steps:

  1. Digging a hole whose dimensions exceed the size of the bowl.
  2. Waterproofing the bottom and filling it with concrete.
  3. Installation of the bowl.
  4. Installation of drain and nozzles for water supply.
  5. Insulation of pool edges and pipes.
  6. Connecting communications and pouring concrete.

Attention! To make the walls even, you need to make formwork inside the bowl and pour concrete in stages, to a height of 0.3-0.35 cm per day.

Any pool must be equipped with a filter, otherwise the water will soon become dirty and unsuitable for swimming. You need to pass it through a cleaning device using a pump 2-3 times a day, even if no one has swum in the pond. Today there are 3 main types of filter units:

  • sand ones are quite voluminous and are used mainly in public swimming pools. They look like a container filled with sand, where gravel, silver sand, etc. can be added;

Choose the right pool filter
  • cartridge - purify water using propylene membranes. They are small in size and can be installed outside the reservoir itself. Clogged cartridges need to be changed frequently;
  • Diatomaceous earth filters are the most expensive filters, consisting of several cartridges. Water is purified from most microbes using diatomite soil with silicon dioxide.

Advice. The main criterion for choosing a filter is performance (volume of water passed through). It is indicated by the manufacturer.

Pool skimmer: purpose, types

Like a filter, a skimmer purifies water from bacteria, but only processes the top layer of the surface. It also dampens waves when several people are swimming. The skimmer looks like a metal or plastic tank with a water intake pipe. It is equipped with a filter for deep cleaning of debris, insects, and leaves.

The skimmer can be:

  • hinged - often used for frame or inflatable pools;
  • built-in - used during the installation of a pit reservoir.

Pool skimmer

Typically, manufacturers include a drawing with the device, according to which the skimmer can be assembled. It must be installed at the stage of pouring the walls with concrete. It is necessary to provide boxes for openings. A plywood shield is prepared under the skimmer, which is then installed into the pool bowl together with the attached device.

Advice. One skimmer cleans 25 sq. m of water. If the volume of the pool is larger, you will need several devices.

As you can see, setting up a pool is quite a troublesome task. However, by studying the instructions and selecting the necessary materials, you will be able to cope with this task.

Ideas for building a swimming pool at the dacha: video

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