Is it possible to make individual heating in an apartment: subtleties and nuances of the process. Individual heating in the apartment - gas or electric? Individual heating in a high-rise building

Landscape design and planning 26.10.2023
Landscape design and planning

I made a small selection that could help TSOs legally refuse “autonomous operators” or write a letter to the local administration explaining to the population the refusal of central heating. The consumer is becoming more and more legally savvy and is actively engaging supervisory authorities, including the prosecutor’s office. Heat supply organizations, accordingly, need to take a more “subtle” approach to the client in order to defend their interests.

Federal Law No. 190 “On Heat Supply” regulates the entire system of relationships in heat supply and is aimed at ensuring a sustainable and reliable supply of thermal energy to consumers. Paragraph 15 of Article 14 of the law reads: “ Prohibited transition to heating residential premises in apartment buildings using individual apartment sources of thermal energy, the list of which is determined by the rules for connecting to heat supply systems approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, if there is a properly connected connection to the heat supply systems of apartment buildings, except for cases specified in the heat supply diagram.».

The above article came into force on January 1, 2011, and the list of individual residential heat energy sources prohibited for use was approved in April 2012 (clause 44 of the Rules for connection to heat supply systems, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2012 No. 307).

If the heat supply scheme has already been approved in the municipality, then most likely this scheme has a list of houses where switching to individual heating is possible (but the shutdown procedure must also be followed, see below). Accordingly, we write a refusal to all residents of houses not included in the list.

That is, at the stage of developing heat supply schemes and public hearings, TSO must actively defend its interests.

It is also necessary to take into account that these schemes will be updated annually. Currently, the rules for connecting to heat supply systems have been approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2012 No. 307 “On the procedure for connecting to heat supply systems and on introducing amendments to certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation” and the requirements for heat supply schemes, the procedure for their development and approval, approved by the resolution Government of the Russian Federation dated February 22, 2012 No. 154. According to these legal acts, the municipal heat supply scheme is updated annually, which will be notified through the media. Until March 1, 2014, proposals and comments from heat supply and heating network organizations and other authorities(that is, active citizens will be able to make their proposals) on updating the city’s heat supply scheme, including the creation of a list for switching houses from central heating to heating using individual heat supply sources.

Refusal from centralized heating is, at a minimum, a process of replacing and moving utility networks and equipment that requires changes to the technical passport. In accordance with Article 25 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, such actions are called the reconstruction of residential premises (residential building, apartment, room), the procedure for which is regulated by both Chapter 4 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and the provisions of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation on the reconstruction of the intra-house heating system (that is, obtaining a reconstruction project , permit for reconstruction, commissioning certificate, etc.).

In accordance with Part 1 of Article 25 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 1.7.1 of the Rules and Standards for the Technical Operation of the Housing Stock, approved by the Resolution of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Construction and Housing and Communal Sector dated September 27, 2003 No. 170 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), replacement heating equipment is a reconstruction of a living space.
Part 1 of Article 26 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation establishes that the reconstruction of residential premises is carried out in compliance with the requirements of the law in agreement with the local government body on the basis of a decision made by it.

According to clause 1.7.2 of the Rules, refurbishment and redevelopment of residential buildings and apartments (rooms), leading to a violation of the strength or destruction of the load-bearing structures of the building, disruption of the operation of engineering systems and (or) equipment installed on it, deterioration of the safety and appearance of the facades, Violation of fire safety devices is not allowed.

Heating devices serve as part of the heating system of a residential building; their dismantling without the appropriate permission from the authorized bodies and technical design can lead to a violation of the heat supply procedure for an apartment building. That is, if from the moment of construction an apartment building is designed for centralized heat supply, then the installation of individual heating in apartments violates the existing intra-house heat supply circuit.

The reconstruction of the premises is carried out in agreement with the local government body on whose territory the residential premises are located upon an application for the reconstruction of the residential premises. The form of such an application is approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 28, 2005 No. 266 “On approval of the application form for the reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential premises and the form of the document confirming the decision to approve the reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential premises.”

Simultaneously with this application, the documents specified in Article 26 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation are submitted, including the prepared and executed design and technical documentation for the installation of an autonomous heat supply system (an autonomous heat supply source can be electric, gas, etc.). This project is being carried out by an organization that has a certificate of admission to perform this type of work, which is issued by self-regulatory organizations in the construction industry.
I would also like to emphasize that when installing heating equipment in a residential area, its quality characteristics must be confirmed by a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, a fire certificate, a permit from Rostechnadzor and a certificate of conformity.

Since the in-house heating system of an apartment building is part of the common property of such a house, and reducing its size, including by reconstructing the heating system by moving risers, radiators, etc. at least in one apartment, possible only with consent all owners premises in an apartment building (Part 3 of Article 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

That is, in order to equip an apartment with an individual source of thermal energy, in addition to coordinating this issue with local authorities, it is also necessary to obtain the consent of all homeowners in the apartment building for this reconstruction.

The absence of all of the above documents can be interpreted as an unauthorized disconnection from the centralized heat supply.

Unauthorized reconstruction of heat consumption systems is nothing more than a misadjustment of the networks and internal systems of the entire multi-apartment residential building. These works can lead to disruption of hydraulics, improper distribution of heat, overheating or underheating of premises, and, ultimately, to violation of the rights of other consumers of heating services.

Switching to autonomous heating of a single apartment in an apartment building leads to a change in the heat balance of the house and disruption of the building's engineering system, to a significant increase in gas consumption, which the existing gas pipes (their cross-section) are not designed for. In addition, when the majority of consumers in apartment buildings are disconnected, the boiler room's capacity reserve increases, which negatively affects the work of the heat supply organization and the provision of heat supply services to other consumers (for example, an increase in the tariff for other consumers follows, which infringes on their rights).

According to the current building codes and regulations (SNiP 31-01-2003 “Residential multi-apartment buildings”, clause 7.3.7), the use of apartment-by-apartment heat supply systems can only be provided in newly constructed buildings, which are initially designed for the installation of individual heat generators in each apartment. It is allowed to transfer existing multi-apartment residential buildings to apartment-by-apartment heat supply from individual heat generators with closed combustion chambers using natural gas during a complete design reconstruction of the building's engineering systems, namely:

General heating system of the house;
general gas supply system at home, incl. in-house gas equipment, gas inlet;
smoke removal and air supply systems for gas combustion.
In addition, to install a heat generator, the volume of the apartment’s kitchen must be at least 15 cubic meters. m.

In addition, the dismantling of heating appliances does not indicate that thermal energy was not consumed by citizens, since the energy was transferred to the house, where it was distributed through transit risers throughout the apartments and common areas of the house, thereby heating the entire house.

Owners of apartment building premises who have switched from centralized heating to individual heating only pay for their own consumption. However, housing legislation (Articles 30 and 39 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation) does not exempt citizens who are disconnected from central heating from paying for heat losses from the heating system of an apartment building and the consumption of thermal energy for general house needs.

Taking into account the above facts, abandoning centralized heat supply and switching to autonomous heat supply is possible and advisable only for an apartment building as a whole, but then the appropriate decision must be made by the owners of apartment buildings, develop a project for the reconstruction of internal engineering systems, and coordinate it with the relevant services. To do this, it is necessary to hold a meeting of the owners of residential premises, at which a decision must be made to transfer all apartments in the building to individual heating supply with disconnection from the centralized heating supply, and to determine the source of financing for these works, including design ones.
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In accordance with SP 41-108-2004, combustion air must be taken directly from the outside of the building by air ducts. The installation of smoke exhausts from each heat generator individually through the facade wall of a multi-story residential building is prohibited.

Considering these facts, the installation of gas heat generators for heat supply is only possible in all rooms of an apartment building, with forced supply (water circulation) to the heating and hot water supply circuits.

If it is possible to install individual gas heating equipment, at a general meeting of premises owners a decision is made to transfer all apartments in the building to individual heating, local government bodies issue a resolution on the transfer of all apartments in the building to individual heating, and management companies, homeowners' associations and other balance holders of apartment buildings The capacity of supply and internal gas pipelines must be calculated and an adjusted gas supply project for the residential building as a whole must be developed.

It should be noted that disconnecting an apartment building from the centralized heat supply is impossible in the event of serious violations in the heat supply scheme of the municipality that arose when the apartment building was disconnected from the centralized heat supply. This conclusion can be given by the local heat supply organization.

Also, mass installation of individual boilers cannot be allowed where the diameter of the gas pipes is designed only to connect kitchen stoves, since there simply is not enough gas pressure. -According to hydraulic calculations, the boiler consumes more gas than a gas water heater or stove, since it operates in a constant mode for a significant period of time, designed to heat the apartment and supply hot water.

In conclusion, I would like to once again draw attention to the fact that the norms of the current legislation regulate in sufficient detail the procedure for refusing centralized heating of residential premises, as well as the legal consequences of consumers’ failure to comply with the legal requirements for its implementation.

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P.S. This material does not discuss the advantages/disadvantages of centralized and decentralized heat supply in any way; anyone who wants to argue on this topic can do so on a specially created page in the Encyclopedia of Heat Supply in the Holivar category by following the link

In severe cold weather, comfort in an apartment building depends on the operation of the central heating system. Of course, you can use additional heaters to create a certain temperature regime, but rising prices for energy resources force you to save your family budget. But equipping radiators with thermostats will not solve the problem in this case.

The solution is to install an individual heating system, which will create a favorable microclimate and allow you to set a different temperature in each individual room. It is possible to resolve the issue legally, but only after long and painstaking work on collecting a package of documents, obtaining permission from special authorities and approving the project.

Watch a video about individual apartment heating

Advantages of individual heating in an apartment

Economical energy consumption due to the installation of an automatic system, as well as reduced payment for heating the room.

An autonomous system provides uninterrupted heating.

It becomes possible for residents to regulate the heat supply themselves and change the operating mode.

Most boiler models are equipped with additional devices that provide hot water supply.

An individual heating system can be used in parallel with the central line, switching on if necessary.

Read also: Water supply for a private house

Individual heating in the apartment: features

Disconnection from centralized heating does not relieve apartment owners from servicing the pipeline. Moreover, the owners must freely allow service company workers to monitor the condition of the pipes, because the system is the property of the entire house.

An equally important point is the preliminary development of project documentation. An autonomous heating system is not allowed to be installed in all houses. The technical compliance of the room and the gas main is supported by the required number of air ducts and space for installing the boiler. The installed equipment must be safe in operation for the health of all residents of the apartment building.

The efficiency of using autonomous heating will increase if you protect the room from heat loss. Before you begin replacing the system, you need to take measures to insulate the walls, floors, window and door openings. Residents of the first floors are recommended to insulate the floor, and the last - the ceiling.

It should be noted that unauthorized disconnection from the central highway is illegal and entails legal liability.

Choosing a boiler for individual heating in an apartment

According to the developed project and technical characteristics of the gas main, a boiler is selected. Of the existing types of equipment, gas units with a closed combustion chamber are more popular. In addition to the heating function, they provide hot water supply. In terms of energy efficiency, equipment differs into the following types:

Read also: Supply ventilation in an apartment: types, principle of operation

- ordinary;

— convection:

- condensation.

Many years of experience in using condensing-type boilers in European countries has shown their efficiency. The advantageous characteristics are overshadowed only by the high cost, which is unaffordable for the majority of the population.

Experts advise not to purchase cheap units. The initial affordable cost has a reason - high fuel consumption. In conditions of the energy crisis, it is irrational to install such equipment and throw away a lot of money for heating the room.

Selecting autonomous heating elements

The functionality and effectiveness of the system largely depends on the selected elements. If the connection is carried out in accordance with the developed standards, then the apartment owners carry out the wiring themselves.

The best option for individual heat supply is polypropylene pipes. The connection of fragments is carried out by soldering. The material has proven itself well during its use in our latitudes. As for radiators, aluminum models are more suitable, since the system provides stable pressure. If there is a possibility of water hammer, then bimetallic batteries should be installed.

Tired of huge utility bills, untimely shutdowns of heat and sudden temperature changes, many are wondering: how to install individual heating in an apartment? It is quite possible to install a personal heating and hot water supply system. You just need to know some subtleties and aspects, without which nothing will work.

The real installation of individual heating in an apartment building begins not with calling specialists, but with collecting all the necessary permits. Many services do not want to sign papers of their own free will. You can understand them, because they are losing money. But the law is on the side of apartment owners. If it is technically possible to disconnect from the general heating, and the location of the pipes in the house provides for such a possibility, each time you visit the office, you can refer to the Federal Law “On Heat Supply” No. 190, as well as to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 307 of April 16, 2012, which talks about the procedure for installing and connecting heat supply systems.

The legislator does not prohibit the use of modern boilers and systems that meet the requirements and standards. You can read more about a variety of modern heating systems. Today, there are many examples where the owners of living space won the courts and installed the desired engineering systems for themselves, which save money on utility bills by 3-5 times.

The documents with which the installation of individual heating in an apartment begins are usually an impressively sized folder, for the registration of which you will have to go through many authorities. But it's worth it. After all, comfort, economy and convenience are the decisive factors in this matter.

List of required documents:

All of the above only partially answers the question of how to install individual heating in an apartment building; the success of the planned enterprise also depends on the choice of equipment.

Choosing a boiler for individual heating

Traditionally, boilers for individual apartment heating are chosen based on their power and reliability. For those residents of apartment complexes where gas is installed in the premises, the choice of boilers leans towards gas equipment. Although owners of apartments with electrical equipment can also install a gas boiler.

A gas boiler

To establish a comfortable temperature regime in the apartment, the required boiler power is calculated. Competent calculations can only be made by specialists who can assess the climatic conditions of the region, correctly measure the heated area, and select the equipment of the apartment according to all the necessary aspects.

When installing the system, you will have to choose not only boilers, radiators and the pipes themselves. It will be necessary to determine in advance whether single-pipe or two-pipe wiring is best done in this particular area. Single-pipe wiring is suitable for one-room apartments and a small number of radiators. But large areas require an increase in the number of pipes.

Modern individual gas heating in an apartment building is carried out with the participation of the main element of the system - a gas boiler.

On the market you can find products of both foreign and domestic production. Only those who live in Russia should pay attention to the fact that spare parts for repairing European versions are more difficult to find, and not every master will understand the structure of an imported unit. And domestic boilers are repaired without any problems.

Gas is one of the cheapest types of fuel. A gas-fired boiler will cost less to operate than its electric “brother.”

The advantages of a gas boiler include the following aspects:

With all the advantages, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the boiler will need a chimney to operate, and constant monitoring of the tightness of the equipment. According to norms and standards, a gas boiler is placed in an individual residential building in the kitchen or bathroom. To install it, the room must have wide doors, a window on the window, and a tap from which water can be turned on at any time.

Electric boiler

Today, individual heating electric boilers are considered the easiest to use devices for autonomous heating in an apartment. They are divided into floor and wall devices. They are much easier to install than all other systems, and their maintenance does not take much time.

Also, electric boilers for individual heating, the price of which is slightly higher than gas boilers, are considered safer and quieter devices. When heating with electricity, you can set different modes for each room. Among heating boilers there are devices that operate on different types of fuel. They belong to the combined type of boilers, and can operate in different modes as efficiently as boilers operating on a single fuel option.

System installation: selection of batteries and components

When the documents are completed and the choice of equipment is made, the next question arises: how to properly install heating in an apartment, the answer to which only a qualified technician can give in full. But at the initial stage, the home owner begins to develop a heating project, so we will consider heating batteries for the apartment and all the components for them.

The most suitable option for heating an apartment is considered to be batteries consisting of sections. The power of the radiator and the amount of heat that it can give off for heating depend on the number of sections. The material from which the section is made may have different thermal conductivity.

Let's take a closer look at the thermal conductivity of one section depending on the material:

Thus, thin heating radiators will give off more heat than, for example, cast iron ones, but not all radiators meet quality standards. The number of sections can be calculated by taking into account the following operating conditions:

In many apartments, the loggia plays the role of a separate living space. How to install heating on a loggia? To do this, it must be insulated by installing windows there and laying insulation on the walls, floor and ceiling. Then pipes are stretched from the nearest radiator to the loggia, to which the battery sections are connected.

The standard connection of bimetallic heating radiators includes the installation of an installation complex with brackets and two taps to completely shut off the water. With a small number of sections, bimetallic batteries are connected according to the proven “supply and return” circuit. For radiators with a large number of sections, the wiring is done “diagonally”.

Starting the heating system

If all the previous conditions are met, how to turn on the heating in the apartment and at the same time avoid serious mistakes? The most common method is a test water supply. Of course, if a leak occurs somewhere, you will have to change some parts of the system. But overall, the method is worth the risks.

To successfully test a set of equipment, you need to know how a heating battery works and on what principle heat exchange is carried out. The water heated by the boiler moves through the pipes, entering the battery, giving off heat to the radiator. The radiator material, heated by hot water, radiates heat into the surrounding space.

So how to turn on the heating battery in an apartment?

It is necessary to open all the taps in stages, making sure in practice that there are no leaks anywhere and the entire complex is homogeneous. It is convenient to divide the system with several limiters, by turning which you can let water flow into the radiators of a separate room, or completely disconnect the selected room from the rest of the complex.

Also, specialized stores sell liquid for radiators, the price of which varies depending on the brand. This antifreeze is used to protect the system from corrosion and to ensure good pump operation. More details about coolants can be found in our article. When using the liquid in a room that is periodically cooled to low temperatures, draining the antifreeze is not required. If a leak occurs, the liquid vapor can be harmful to the human body. However, it is not flammable and is quite safe when used correctly.

Having examined individual heating in an apartment from all sides, we can come to the conclusion that it has a huge number of advantages.
It’s quite nice to wake up in the fall and spring in a warm room, and not put your feet out of bed on an icy floor, as happens when using central heating. You don’t have to depend on your neighbors for repairs when they change pipes and turn off all residents for the whole day. When a person uses his own boilers and components, the cost of servicing an apartment is greatly reduced, and the equipment itself pays for itself in several years.

In the context of regular increases in prices for housing and communal services tariffs and seasonal shutdowns of hot water supply, apartment owners are thinking about installing individual heating in an apartment building. Modern installations are automated, do not take up much space and allow you to set a different temperature in each living room. To make the right decision, you need to weigh the pros and cons of different devices and make a choice in favor of one device or another. When choosing a unit for generating heat and providing hot water, owners first of all make calculations for installation, energy costs and maintenance of the device. It is easier to coordinate and install an individual boiler room in a private house than in a multi-family apartment. The law allows changes to be made to the centralized heating system if certain conditions are met, but in practice this is not easy to do.

Gas installation

When choosing a boiler, several basic parameters should be taken into account. Gas equipment is more dangerous to operate compared to electric boiler rooms. Coordination and connection of the boiler to an individual heating and hot water system takes a lot of time and takes place in several stages. Installation of the system and commissioning is carried out by employees of specialized organizations after agreement with the gas supply organization. The user of the agreed and installed equipment is obliged to use the device correctly and maintain good technical condition.

Before making the final choice in favor of one heating boiler or another, it is necessary to make calculations. In addition to the cost of the gas boiler and additional equipment, the owner pays:

  • insert into the pipe. The cost of the service varies and depends on the owner of the gas pipeline;
  • connection project;
  • fire inspection certificate after installation. If deviations from the project are identified, the reconstruction of the heating system is considered unauthorized;
  • contract for mandatory service in the future.

It is important to know! The approval procedure, installation and further operation of autonomous heating are more expensive for owners of a gas heat generator compared to the cost of connecting electrical equipment. Natural gas has an undoubted advantage over electricity - the cost of the energy resource.

You cannot install any equipment you like or that is suitable for the price. The selected equipment must comply with current standards and technical conditions. The boiler, according to the law on individual heating in an apartment building (clause 44 of Government Decree No. 307 of April 16, 2012 and part 15 of Article 14 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 190-FZ “On Heat Supply”) must be:

  • with a sealed combustion chamber;
  • the device’s automation should be triggered if incorrect burner operation is detected;
  • the coolant temperature does not exceed 95C, and the pressure is 1 megapascal.

It is unacceptable and dangerous to use an autonomous gas installation in the following cases:

  • if the apartment in a multi-storey building in which reconstruction is planned, or the building is in disrepair;
  • there is not enough draft in the ventilation shaft.

Stop operation immediately and seek help from specialists if the boiler is in a faulty condition and you smell gas.

Electric boiler

The cost of electrical equipment is comparable to the cost of gas equipment. The costs of installing and connecting autonomous electrical appliances are lower than for gas equipment. You can save on materials and not install radiators throughout the apartment, so there is no need to lay pipes as with gas heating. To heat the room, it is enough to install electric convectors and select the optimal temperature for each room. You can also install the boiler yourself if you have enough knowledge, which will allow you to avoid turning to specialized organizations for help. But when choosing equipment with a power of 10 kW or more, permission from power engineers is required.

It is important to know! The cost of electricity is higher than the price of natural gas, therefore, in order to save money, it is recommended to switch to two-tariff meters and run the electric boiler during periods of reduced prices at night. Modern energy-saving boilers are also offered for purchase and use. Despite the high costs of paying for electricity, a device powered by electricity has greater efficiency and is less noisy compared to a gas one.

Like gas boilers, electric boilers are single-circuit (for heating only) and double-circuit (heat hot water). The equipment itself is compact and does not require constant monitoring by the owner. An acceptance certificate after installation and additional maintenance of in-house electrical equipment are not required.

When choosing an electric boiler, take into account the stability of the network and voltage. If there are frequent power outages in an area, it is recommended to use stand-alone liquid fuel generators. If the calculation of payment for the energy consumed by the mini boiler house does not suit you, it is better to abandon the presented option and switch to an alternative.

How to install individual heating in an apartment

In an apartment, switching to an autonomous heating system with subsequent disconnection from the central heating system is impossible without obtaining permission. The rules for approval and transition to individual heat supply in an apartment are regulated by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Final approval is carried out by the local administration after submitting a package of documents:

  1. Application according to the approved form, completed by the applicant.
  2. Connection project completed by specialists and permission from gas suppliers. The project must comply with the building codes and rules of heat supply organizations in force at the time of application.
  3. Documents for the apartment. If the property right is registered in the Unified State Register of Real Estate, then the provision of a title certificate is not required.
  4. Registration certificate for residential premises (at the discretion of the applicant); Consent of all family members living in the same apartment under a social tenancy agreement with the applicant for reconstruction. The legislator also draws attention to the fact that the central heating system is in the common joint ownership of the residents of the house and the reduction is carried out only with the consent of all owners of residential premises. Seek consent in advance and obtain written permission from your neighbors.
  5. Consent from the architectural department of the administration, if the building in which reconstruction is planned is a historical monument. The law allows you to apply for approval without this document.

The list of documents is closed and additional data cannot be requested by administration employees. Documents are submitted by the applicant directly to the relevant department or through the MFC. The decision on reconstruction is issued to the applicant within 3 days from the date of adoption. After connecting the boiler room equipment, the acceptance commission issues a certificate, which reflects the correctness of the work performed and compliance with the project. Otherwise, the installed equipment is considered unauthorized interference.

Reasons for refusal

If approval fails, the applicant is given a written refusal indicating the violations identified. The following reasons may be grounds for refusal to transfer to apartment-by-apartment heat supply;

  • If the applicant did not submit a complete package of documents, or during interdepartmental interaction it turned out that information about the applicant’s rights is not available from the authorities.
  • The data was mistakenly sent by the applicant to another department.
  • The project submitted for consideration does not comply with current legislation.

Important! The refusal is issued within 3 days from the date of issue and can be appealed to the judicial authorities. From the established judicial practice, we can conclude that the court sides with the administration, which refused to carry out reconstruction and install individual heating in the apartment.

In court hearings, administration officials refer to the fact that switching the apartment to individual heating and interfering with the general building system will lead to a decrease in temperature in other residential premises. The deterioration of living conditions due to refurbishment is unacceptable and violates the rights of neighbors.

Therefore, before contacting the authorities for permission, make sure that the equipment chosen for further connection complies with the law and the technical design, collect a package of documents according to the list and obtain written consent from all neighbors.

The reorganization is recognized as unauthorized

If, after receiving a refusal, the owner installed a heat-generating installation or carried out work with violations, then the reconstruction is considered illegal. In court, the administration can hold the property owner accountable and issue a fine in accordance with Art. 7.21 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation from 2,000 rubles to 2,500 rubles. The homeowner will also be required to return the home to its original condition within a time period determined by the court. The implementation of the court decision is monitored by administration employees and if the owner or tenant of the residential premises refuses, the unauthorized reconstruction can be eliminated by:

  1. Put the housing up for public auction with the condition that the new owner will carry out the specified reconstruction. After the sale of the property, legal costs are withheld, the remainder of the amount is transferred to the previous owner.
  2. If the person who illegally interfered with the heating system lives in the apartment under a social tenancy agreement, then the agreement is terminated and eviction is carried out.

Remember: when choosing individual or central heating, you should proceed not only from savings, but also from the legality of the approval procedure. Therefore, weigh the pros and cons before choosing one of the options. You should not decide to switch to apartment heating without proper permission from the authorities. This can be costly.

If the residents of an apartment building for some reason are not happy with the heating of their apartment, then surely someone has thought about it: is it possible to install individual heating in the apartment?

At first glance, this is a completely impossible task. However, in reality there is nothing supernatural about this.

You just need to approach the problem intelligently and competently, and any apartment in an apartment building will be able to acquire its own individual heating system.

If a person was faced with the question: is it possible to make individual heating in an apartment, then it is obvious that there were a number of reasons that were a prerequisite for the occurrence.

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Individual heating of an apartment - what it is, why and what for

Most often, people decide to abandon general heating due to the fact that:

  • they are not satisfied with the quality of heating - lack of heat, discomfort in the cold season
  • they want to regulate the level and timing of heat supply to the apartment themselves
  • they want to reduce heating bills

How to prepare a legal framework

So, the apartment owner has decided on the technical parameters of the equipment.

There remains one, but very significant question - obtaining permission to install this equipment in your apartment.

Only the interdepartmental commission responsible for the use of the housing stock can answer: is it possible to install individual heating in an apartment in an apartment building?

This is where you will have to apply for the appropriate permission.

First of all, you need to prepare the following package of documents:

  • application for installation of individual heating
  • consent of all apartment owners
  • protocol of a meeting of all residents of the house with consent to install individual heating in a specific apartment
  • title documents for the apartment
  • technical passport of the apartment and its copy
  • if the house is an architectural monument, then the conclusion of the relevant authority on the legality and possibility of redevelopment

In addition, you will need a lot of various technical documentation, starting with the apartment redevelopment project and ending with copies of the purchased equipment.

To collect all the necessary documents and permits, you will have to go around more than one service and organization. If you intend to install an electric boiler, then you must apply for permission to the city electrical networks. Permission to install a gas boiler is issued by the city gas service. Its specialists will inspect your home to ensure there is a working chimney.

Permission to disconnect from the communal heating system is given by the city heating network. The apartment refurbishment project will be approved by the design department. In addition, this project must be coordinated with the SES authorities and the fire department.

When the entire package has been assembled, all necessary permits have been received and approved, you can safely purchase equipment and enter into agreements with professional contractors who will quickly, correctly and safely install individual heating in your apartment. However, that's not all. The last step will be to receive the acceptance certificate.

Problems of high-rise buildings

Owners of apartments located on the top floors of multi-story buildings often wonder: is it possible to install individual heating in an apartment on the top floor?

In fact, residents of upper floors have fewer problems with disconnecting from central heating, since to disconnect they only need to make jumpers to the lower risers and that’s it. Whereas in apartments located on the lower floors, when the central heating is disconnected, a disruption of the heating in adjacent rooms may occur.

Installing individual heating in a multi-apartment apartment will require a lot of both material and moral costs. You will have to spend a lot of time going through all the authorities and carrying out technical work. But all your efforts will pay off thanks to further savings and improved comfort in your apartment.

You can switch to autonomous heating only for the whole house:

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