The most popular questions in the Maggi diet. Diet Maggi: the secret of harmony "iron lady"

Landscaping and planning 30.06.2020
Landscaping and planning

I tried the diet for the first time 3 years ago, when I lost weight from 84 to 57 kg (I lost weight not only on a diet, and mostly not on it) .. Over the past year, I gained weight and decided to sit down again. There were no holidays

What I really like about this diet: you clearly know what and when to eat, that it will end in 4 weeks, that there will be results and that the weight will not return (if you do not continue to eat more than normal). The diet is quite satisfying and varied (vegetables, fruits, fish, meat, chicken, cottage cheese). Perhaps in the first week it will be difficult, but in the 4th week of the products it will seem even too much)

Brief diet rules:

This diet is not based on the calorie content of food, but on the chemical reactions that take place in the body, so this regimen must be strictly observed without any changes. You can remove any product in this mode, but you cannot replace it with anything.
You can’t split up meals, everything that is written, for example, for breakfast, you need to eat in one meal, you can’t break it into several!
If the mode does not indicate the amount of any product, then it is possible in any amount, until saturation (but not a feeling of heaviness).
Important Notes:
- Vegetables are boiled in water without meat broths/maggi cubes, you can add salt, pepper, seasoning (without sugar and starch), onion, garlic;
- Salads and dishes are prepared without OIL in a dry frying pan;
- You can drink a glass of diet soda at any time, where 0 kcal, protein and carbohydrates;
- It is allowed to drink tea or coffee without sugar and milk at any time, it is possible with a sugar substitute (NO HONEY);
- If you feel hungry, you can cucumbers or carrots or lettuce, but with the observance of time (2 hours) after eating;
- When meat is on the menu: purchased minced meat and offal are not allowed (a lot of fat)
- It is necessary to strictly observe this regime with the same products and quantity, and not to change lunch with dinner and vice versa;
- It is impossible, having stopped at some period of the regime, to resume it from the same moment, you need to return to the beginning. The same is true if a mistake was made.

The diet has 2 options: the actual egg and cottage cheese. I won’t talk about the curd version, because. I can’t judge without personal experience (girls say that it is more satisfying, but somewhat more expensive, and also well suited for those who don’t like/can’t eat eggs).

Twice I sat on the egg version: it is closest to the original version of the diet. They say. that this is the diet of Margaret Thatcher, and also doctors recommended it for some groups of patients. I do not presume to say, because. did not do research.


FIRST WEEK (on it I was a little hungry at the beginning):
Daily breakfast: 1/2 orange or grapefruit and 1-2 eggs

Dinner : fried / boiled / stewed / baked lean meat (not chicken and any other poultry) can be minced, pork or beef fillet. EXCEPT lamb and lean meats, lettuce
Dinner: boiled/fried/stewed/baked skinless chicken
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, lettuce (cucumber, lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, carrots), 1 grain flour toast or 1-2 bread rolls, 1 orange or grapefruit.
Dinner: low-fat cheese (up to 20% - look at the bju on the label, not dry matter or price tag, but the label where kcal and other things are indicated - fat per 100g should be no more than 20g) or grained cottage cheese in any quantity, 1 toast, tomatoes.
Dinner: any one type of fruit and in any quantity (orange, tangerine, melon, peach, apple, strawberry, cherry, cherry, persimmon, kiwi, pomelo) (except dates, bananas, figs, dried fruits, grapes, avocados, mangoes)
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, boiled vegetables (you can: zucchini, green beans, carrots, green peas, broccoli, cauliflower, frozen vegetable mixes without: rice, potatoes, corn, red beans)
Dinner: boiled / fried / baked fish, lettuce, 1 orange or grapefruit.
Dinner: any one kind of fruit in any quantity.
Dinner: fried / boiled / baked meat, lettuce.
Dinner: boiled chicken (can be fried, be sure to remove the skin!) steamed tomatoes or boiled vegetables (carrots + green peas or zucchini + beans) 1 whole grapefruit (you can orange)
Dinner: boiled or steamed vegetables (carrots + green peas or zucchini + beans)

SECOND WEEK (this week was the biggest weakness)

Daily breakfast: 1/2 orange or grapefruit and 1-2 boiled eggs (tangerines, pomelo, etc. are not allowed)

Dinner: fried / boiled / stewed / baked lean meat (not poultry) can be minced, pork or beef fillet. EXCEPT lamb and lean meats, lettuce
Dinner : 2 boiled eggs, lettuce, 1 orange or grapefruit
Dinner : fried / boiled / stewed / baked lean meat (not poultry) can be minced, pork or beef fillet. EXCEPT lamb and lean meats, lettuce
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 1 orange or grapefruit
Dinner: fried / boiled / stewed / baked lean meat (not poultry) can be minced, pork or beef fillet. EXCEPT lamb and meat with a fatty layer, cucumbers 1-2pcs
Dinner : 2 boiled eggs, 1 orange or grapefruit
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, any white cheese (not higher than 20% fat content) or grained cottage cheese 5-9%, boiled vegetables (you can: zucchini, green beans, carrots, green peas, broccoli, cauliflower, frozen vegetable mixtures without: rice, potatoes , corn, red beans)
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs
Dinner: fish boiled / fried / stewed / baked
Dinner: 2 eggs
Dinner: fried / boiled / stewed / baked lean meat (not poultry) can be minced, pork or beef fillet. EXCEPT lamb and meat with a fatty layer, 1-2 tomatoes, 1 orange or grapefruit
Dinner: a mixture of fresh fruits (orange, tangerine, melon, peach, apple, strawberry, sweet cherry, cherry, persimmon, kiwi, pomelo) (except dates, bananas, figs, dried fruits, grapes)
Dinner: boiled / fried / stewed / baked skinless chicken, 1-2pcs tomatoes, boiled vegetables (you can: zucchini, green beans, carrots, green peas, broccoli, cauliflower, frozen vegetable mixes without: rice, potatoes, corn, red beans) , 1 orange or grapefruit
Dinner: boiled / fried / stewed / baked skinless chicken, 1-2pcs tomatoes, boiled vegetables (you can: zucchini, green beans, carrots, green peas, broccoli, cauliflower, frozen vegetable mixes without: rice, potatoes, corn, red beans) , 1 orange or grapefruit

WEEK THREE (this week I felt like a bloated penguin)

(attention breakfast is changed, eggs and grapefruit/orange are not eaten)

Throughout the day, any fruit / berries in any quantity, at any time, in combination with any other fruit except: grapes, mango, dates, banana, figs, dried fruits.
Throughout the day, any boiled vegetables and any fresh vegetable salads, except in combination with potatoes and red beans.
Throughout the day, any fruits listed above, any boiled vegetables, salads in any quantity, at any time.
Boiled or fried fish in any quantity, salad (only Beijing cabbage or lettuce leaves) in any quantity, boiled vegetables.
Boiled or fried low-fat meat, except lamb, or chicken, boiled vegetables.
Saturday and Sunday
Throughout the day, one kind of fruit in any quantity, at any time (only apples or only pears, or only peaches, or only apricots).

FOURTH WEEK (very pleased and satiated)

The mentioned products are distributed throughout the day without a fixed time, but without supplements. Can be divided into 4-5 meals with a time interval of 2-3 hours

4 slices grilled or boiled meat or 1/4 boiled chicken
3 tomatoes, 4 cucumbers
1 can tuna without oil (or washed with water)
1 toast
1 orange or grapefruit
2 slices fried or boiled meat (maximum 200 grams)
3 tomatoes, 4 cucumbers
1 toast
Apple or pear, or 1 slice of melon, or orange, or grapefruit
1 tablespoon cottage cheese, or any white cheese (fat-free)

2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers
1 toast
1 orange or grapefruit
1/2 boiled or fried chicken
3 tomatoes, cucumber
1 toast
1 orange or grapefruit
One of the listed fruits
2 boiled eggs
3 tomatoes
salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, peppers, without dressing)
1 orange or grapefruit
2 boiled chicken breasts
1/8 kilogram of cottage cheese or cheese
1 toast
2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, curdled milk
1 orange or grapefruit
1 spoon of cottage cheese
Can of tuna without oil
Small plate of boiled vegetables
2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers
1 toast
1 orange or grapefruit

Please note that there is almost no sour milk on the diet, there are no sugar-containing products, cereals at all. It was hard for me without my beloved buckwheat and adored kefir with cinnamon at night.

In the menu above, 1-2 weeks are close to the original version, week 3 is good for carbohydrates (fruits), and many also lose volume (I lost kg), week 4 is a kind of way out of the diet.

The diet has a clear schedule and you don’t have to puzzle over what to cook, what to buy, what time to eat, how to combine it all, etc. For me, this is a huge plus: just stick to the diet and enjoy life (and lost kg). I've never had so much time cooking before.

On the menu at first glance it seems that you can cook very meager dishes, but this is not so. There are a lot of options for cooking, and if you also experiment with spices / herbs, it’s generally yummy. Below is part of the photo of my resulting diet.

Week 1 given hard, especially in the evening you want to eat. On the second week you get used to it, but still there are hungry days). 3 week transferred differently. Fruit days were hard for me, especially apples - after them I want to eat even more. There was also a constant feeling of a stuffed stomach (but there was no satiety) and bloated, like a balloon with water. I was very happy to finish it, despite the good results. 4 week- eatery. Although I don’t like bread, I was very happy with toasts and made awesome and healthy sandwiches, which I took note of for a post-diet diet)

I had several temptations throughout the diet, then they were treated to sweets, then there were guests, where I made a cake and a pie, then they brought sweets at work. There was even a barbecue with delicious chicken, pita bread with suluguni, pie, etc., but .. the goal is more important) I'm proud of myself) I smelled some forbidden dishes) I had to cook for myself and my young man, so I had to spin. In general, I cooked the same as for myself, but added side dishes, sauces, cooked large portions.

During the diet, I used the corresponding application on the phone (there are slight differences from the diet, details in the review), as well as the calorie counting application. Please note that there are days on the diet when there are very few calories (up to 600, but on average you can get about 1000 -1200).

At week 2 I took tests and they were not very good, keep this in mind (due to lack of carbohydrates).

For the diet, I lost 5.3 kg. My height is 165 cm, weight was 65.8 kg. New weight 60.5 kg.

Gone are a few volumes (for many it takes more) OG-2cm, OT-2cm, OD-4cm, OB-2cm, the volume in the region of the breeches is -4cm, the volume of the legs is 3cm (with each). In the photo on the left, day 2, 2 weeks, on the right, after the diet.

Not a very good angle in the photo, but it is still clear that the tummy is gone, the skin has become more elastic.

Cellulite went away very well (true, true), and she herself became more toned.

I also went in for sports as much as I could (volleyball, badminton, running, fitness, spinning a hoop), did body wraps and smeared my skin with oils and moisturizer.

Friends already after the first week said that there are results. Below is a table for the loss of kilograms, the results by week were considered as the difference in morning weighings on Mondays.

4 weeks went by very quickly. Yes, at the beginning it seemed that there was an eternity ahead, but time flies very quickly, and the results are pleasing.

Of course, you can start the diet on any day, just stick to the menu based on the fact that the first day is Monday.

What else should you pay attention to:

  • a delay in CD is possible (it is worth drinking fish oil);
  • possible problems with the stool. you can use the methods you have tested (candles, teas);
  • not very good tests (consult a doctor and take vitamins);
  • skin rashes are possible (chicken eggs and citrus fruits provoke). You can eat quail eggs (1 chicken \u003d 4 quail), you can reduce the number of yolks;
  • weakness is possible, especially in the first two weeks (vitamins to help);
  • some difficulties are possible if the work is of a mental nature. There is a lack of carbohydrates and sugar. It's hard to force yourself to concentrate.

In any case, this is a proven, effective diet, which I will return to, because. the ideal has not been reached. Of course, the best results are achieved when combined with physical activity, massages. This diet helps to get used to small portions, move to PN, improve metabolism and develop good habits. It was hard for me without the usual 5 meals a day, but cucumbers became snacks (it didn’t work out with carrots).

For me, this is a fairly cheap diet, because. no semi-finished products, no side dishes, no sweets, no sauces, etc., only fruits, vegetables, meat and chicken, which already form the basis of any diet. Yes, in some seasons, fresh vegetables are expensive, but they still need to be eaten. The ideal time is summer-early autumn, when there are a lot of seasonal fruits, vegetables, and herbs.

By the way, there is a very good group on VKontakte where girls motivate each other and give advice on any issues, share recipes, tips, etc. On this diet, many tummy deflates very well, in some photos it’s just hard to believe that only a diet gives such results.

UPD! Addition: 2 weeks later I went on a diet again, I had to prepare for the temptations for a week before the trip. Lost 1.5 kg in a week. Weight during the rest almost did not return (+ -300g)

Feedback on the EggDiet app. It helped me a lot.

Another great helper. A useful application without a diet

Diet Maggi, contrary to the name, has nothing to do with the bouillon cubes of the same name. Allows you to noticeably lose weight using a varied diet.

Features of the Maggi diet

The requirements for the choice of products, the time of each meal and the methods of preparation will have to be strictly observed for 28 days. In this case, there will be a significant loss of body weight. For example, obese people, whose “overweight” exceeds 20 kg, become 10-15 kg lighter.

Such impressive results are due to the optimal combination of products. The Maggi diet menu is saturated with protein-containing components and sources of coarse fiber. The ingredients for each meal are selected so that their interaction in the digestive tract contributes to the breakdown of fats and the removal of toxins. Therefore, you can not replace products and eat at an arbitrary time.

The essence of the Maggi diet is the complete absence of amateur performance (if the diet is prescribed to eat cheese and tomato for lunch, then this should be done, and at a strictly defined hour).

The Maggi diet helps to get rid of the main bad eating habits (add sugar to drinks, stretch the stomach in large portions, eat fatty and sweet foods), and in return get healthy ones - eat breakfast regularly, drink plenty of water, lean on vegetables and fruits, eat only "good » fats.

Benefits of the Maggi Diet

  • Diverse menu.
  • Weight is reduced quickly (after 3-4 days) and without a debilitating feeling of hunger.
  • Persistent result (subject to the recommendations for exiting the Maggi diet);
  • Affordable and simple products.
  • There is no need to eat tasteless food, as salt and seasonings are allowed.
  • No need to count calories, weigh portions.
  • You do not need to take additional vitamin and mineral complexes.

Cons of the Maggi Diet

  • Requires strict adherence to the prescribed diet for all 28 days.
  • It is difficult to combine diet with work.
  • The basis of the Maggi diet is one of the most allergenic foods - eggs and citrus fruits.
  • Accompany various disorders of the stomach (diarrhea, constipation, flatulence).
  • Restricted carbohydrate intake slows down the metabolism.

Contraindications for the Maggi diet

  • kidney failure;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Allergy to the main components of the Maggi diet;
  • The egg version is not recommended for high cholesterol.

Maggi Diet Rules

It is forbidden to rearrange the products declared in the menu, change them to similar ones (with the exception of oranges and grapefruits). In case of any “failure”, you will have to return to the starting position

We need to decide on the main product. Throughout the month, you will have to eat either cottage cheese or eggs. You cannot alternate them.

Coffee, tea without sugar is drunk at any time, and these drinks are allowed to be sweetened with sweeteners.

Drink as much clean water as possible (about 3 liters).

Prepared without fat, oil and meat broths.

If the menu does not indicate a specific number of vegetables or fruits, then they are consumed until they are completely saturated.

Any method is suitable for cooking meat (boiling, stewing, on coals, baking in the oven, in a dry frying pan, steaming), but without the use of fat and oil.

Weight loss and alcohol are incompatible concepts - the body during this period is rebuilt, cleansed. Increased appetite and additional stress on the liver will harm the process of losing weight.

Physical activity (especially strength training) promotes weight loss and counteracts a slowdown in metabolism.

You can use the technique no more than 2 times a year.

Allowed foods of the Maggi diet

The basis of the diet is eggs. For those who cannot tolerate this product, there is a curd option.

The next most important are boiled vegetables (beets, carrots, zucchini, eggplant, cauliflower, etc.). Fresh are also welcome - any greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, lettuce, raw carrots.

The "mandatory program" of nutrition contains fresh fruits - citrus fruits, apples, peaches, apricots, pears, kiwi, as well as melons and watermelons.

From animal products in priority - poultry meat, veal, lean pork, fish. Dairy products are low fat.

Dishes can be salted, peppered, any natural seasonings can be added.

It is forbidden to eat fresh bread, pastries, mayonnaise, honey, potato dishes, high-calorie fruits (dates, grapes, figs, avocados, mangoes).

Snacks on the Maggi diet

The weight loss system is designed for 3 meals a day, so the inclusion of additional products is not welcome. If the feeling of hunger becomes unbearable and threatens to break down, then you can use a snack. Eat one of the low-calorie fresh vegetables - cucumber, a few lettuce or cabbage leaves, carrots. Fruit snacking is not recommended. It is important to observe the interval: at least 2 hours after the main meal.

Way out of the Maggi diet

The body has time to get used to the intake of food in small portions. You can not immediately overload it with a large number of products. For the first couple of weeks, do not add fatty and sugary foods, synthetic seasonings and alcohol to the diet. Otherwise, in the metabolic system, which has adapted to the intake of a large amount of fiber and weaned from "bad" fats and carbohydrates, a sharp failure will occur. For a smooth exit, separate meals are suitable with the obligatory crushing of the diet into 5-6 parts.

Maggi's daily diet menu for 28 days

The morning meal of the first fourteen days consists of two eggs and a large orange. Drinks - tea or coffee.

In the afternoon: fresh fruits (they can be eaten as much as you like, but one kind).

In the afternoon: skinless chicken fillet.

In the evening: 1 loaf or toast, 2 egg whites, salad (without dressing) of fresh vegetables - cucumbers, bell peppers, carrots, tomatoes, lettuce, a large orange.

In the afternoon: ripe tomatoes, cheese, 1 loaf or toast.

In the evening: meat fillet or minced meat.

Lunch: fruit.

Dinner: steamed veal.

Afternoon: boil or stew vegetables and sit them down with 2 egg whites.

In the evening: fish, large orange, lettuce.

Afternoon: fruits.

Dinner: meat fillet or minced meat, lettuce.

Afternoon: chicken fillet, ripe tomato, steamed vegetables, large orange.

In the evening: steamed vegetables.

Afternoon: cabbage leaves, grilled meat.

Evening: large orange, lettuce, 2 egg whites.

In the afternoon: lettuce, meat fillet or minced meat.

Evening: large orange, 2 egg whites.

Lunch: fresh cucumbers, meat.

Evening: orange, 2 egg whites.

In the afternoon: 2 eggs, steamed vegetables, cheese in any quantity.

Dinner: 2 egg whites.

Lunch: fish.

Evening: 2 egg whites.

In the afternoon: meat fillet, orange, ripe tomato.

Dinner: fruit mix from different fruits (citrus fruits, apples, peaches, melons).

1 4

Both for lunch and dinner: chicken, ripe tomato, boiled vegetables, a large orange.

Fresh fruits in any combination and quantity.

Stewed vegetables in any combination and quantity.

Steamed vegetables, allowed fruit, vegetable salads.

Fish, cabbage leaves, stewed vegetables.

Chicken or meat fillet, boiled vegetables.

20 and 21

One of the permitted types of fruit.

Starting from this day, use the products indicated in the list (in random order and at any time of the day).

  • tuna without oil (1 canned);
  • chicken or meat (200 g);
  • 1 loaf or toast;
  • cucumbers and tomatoes (4+3);
  • big orange.
  • meat fillet (200 g);
  • 1 loaf or toast;
  • fruit optional (1 piece);
  • cucumbers and tomatoes (4 + 3).
  • boiled vegetables (200 g);
  • a piece of cheese or a spoonful of cottage cheese;
  • 1 loaf;
  • cucumbers and tomatoes (2+2).
  • big orange.
  • half a chicken;
  • cucumber and tomatoes (1+3);
  • 1 loaf or toast;
  • big orange.
  • 2 eggs;
  • lettuce leaf, 3 tomatoes;
  • big orange
  • chicken (400 g);
  • cheese (200 g);
  • bread or toast;
  • cucumbers and tomatoes (2+2);
  • a glass of curdled milk;
  • big orange.
  • 1 spoon of cottage cheese or a piece of cheese;
  • tuna without oil (1 canned);
  • baked vegetables (200 g);
  • cucumbers and tomatoes (2+2);
  • bread or toast;
  • big orange.

The cottage cheese version has a similar composition of products, with the difference that instead of eggs, cottage cheese will be present in the diet (1 egg is replaced by 100 g of 10% cottage cheese).

Recipes for the Maggi diet

Eggplant with garlic

Cut 2 medium sized eggplants in half, arrange on a wire rack and place in the oven. Bake eggplant for about an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees, then grate each half of the vegetable with garlic and cut into small slices.

Roll "Appetizing" minced meat

Scroll 1 onion and a piece of beef (about 500 g) a couple of times in a meat grinder, add a raw egg, salt and pepper, knead thoroughly. Spread the minced meat on cling film with a layer of 1.5 cm, put a mixture of chopped eggs, chopped herbs, 3 cloves of garlic on top. Roll up the roll, wrap it tightly in foil. Bake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

A slim figure is not only beauty and attractiveness, but also health. In an overweight person, there are violations of the cardiovascular system, respiratory failure and the chances of diabetes mellitus increase. Obese people are irritable and insecure, because in the first place they themselves do not like their appearance. To solve the problem of excess weight, the Maggi egg and curd diet was developed, which helped many people regain their desired shape and find a beautiful body.

Features of the diet for weight loss Maggi

It is believed that the Maggie diet for weight loss was developed by the best nutritionists in the UK specifically for Margaret Thatcher. Of course, since the diet became known to the public, it has undergone many changes and additions. There is no confirmed fact that Margaret Thatcher herself observed it. However, its effectiveness should not be doubted, since with its help thousands of women have gained the desired weight.

Proper weight loss of the Maggi diet is based on:

  • high protein content;
  • the minimum amount of carbohydrates;
  • constant control of the drinking regime.

The standard diet is designed for 4 weeks. During that time, the body gets used to protein foods and is able to lose weight by 7-20 extra pounds.

The Maggi protein diet is considered the best weight loss system.

General description of the Maggi diet:

  • strict observance of the menu is necessary;
  • not allowed to replace products;
  • the menu lacks first courses, cereals and sweets;
  • allowed fruits from the list of acceptable.

Approved Products

Maggi's power system is not considered too strict. Following it, a person is allowed to consume a large number of products. The Maggi egg diet for 4 weeks allows a person to create new eating habits and preferences, which contributes to the formation of a more correct and healthy diet after the end of the diet.

Allowed products of the Maggi diet:

  1. Eggs. staple of the diet. Eggs are a storehouse of protein, which is easily absorbed by the body and contributes to a set of muscle mass. It is not without reason that this is a favorite product of bodybuilders, because the yolk contains biotin (Vitamin B7) - one of the main fat-burning enzymes. It promotes the breakdown of carbohydrates, is involved in the production of collagen and is responsible for skin elasticity.
  2. Cottage cheese. Do not use curd masses and glazed curds that contain a lot of sugar and other harmful impurities. Get dietary cottage cheese in a supermarket with a fat content of 1-5%, since completely fat-free cottage cheese consists of harmful components.
  3. Meat. It is based on protein and amino acids, which affect the burning of fats. Promotes the formation of a beautiful muscular relief.
  4. Fruit. Rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Due to the high content of fibers and water, fruits are well satiated and relieve the feeling of hunger. List of allowed fruits of the Maggi diet:

The main product of the diet are eggs or cottage cheese.

  • grapefruits;
  • oranges;
  • apples;
  • peaches;
  • tangerines;
  • melons;
  • watermelons;
  • kiwi;
  • pomelo;
  • pineapples.
  1. Vegetables. The measured consumption of seasonal vegetables improves metabolism, cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, and promotes weight loss. They are low in calories, contain a lot of fiber and improve gastrointestinal motility. List of allowed vegetables:
  • string beans;
  • pumpkin;
  • carrot;
  • cucumber;
  • zucchini;
  • tomato;
  • broccoli;
  • cauliflower;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • spinach;
  • celery.
  1. Lean fish. Use tuna and avoid very oily fish varieties. Shrimp works well, as all seafood supplies the body with healthy fats.

Eggs and citrus fruits are considered the basis of the diet, so before starting, make sure that you are not allergic to the main components. For the duration of the Maggi diet, it is forbidden to fry vegetables, meat or fish in vegetable oil.

With the Maggi diet, eggs give a feeling of fullness

Partially or completely prohibited products

The diet includes the least high-calorie foods, while providing a person with the necessary supply of micro and macro elements. This nutrition system is designed for people with a pronounced excess of adipose tissue. The secret of the diet is a calorie deficit, it is he who affects the reduction of adipose tissue. The most optimal option for a calorie deficit is the Maggi nutrition system combined with physical activity. This will not only help reduce body fat, but also help create a beautiful muscle relief on the body.

Before starting a diet, it is important to read the list of prohibited foods. Nutritionists excluded them because of the high content of sugar, carbohydrates and starch, which will prevent the transformation of the figure.

List of prohibited foods of the Maggi diet:

  • meat first courses;
  • cereals and pasta;
  • vegetable and butter;
  • milk, fat sour cream and cheese;
  • smoked meats and sausages;
  • semi-finished products;
  • canned food;
  • mutton;
  • sweets and pastries;
  • bananas, dates, grapes, figs;
  • corn, potatoes;
  • seasonings;
  • mayonnaise and ketchup;
  • any bread (except whole grain bread);
  • sugar.

Before starting a diet, it is advisable to consult with your family doctor. In the presence of certain diseases, the doctor will prohibit following such a diet to avoid complications.

During the diet, it is forbidden to consume fatty dairy products.

For the duration of the diet, bad habits are excluded. Smoking on an empty stomach increases the chance of developing gastritis and pancreatitis. When it is not possible to completely quit smoking, reduce the number of cigarettes and do not smoke in the morning and before bedtime. The waiver also applies to alcoholic beverages. By themselves, they are high in calories and stimulate the appetite. Alcohol disturbs digestion, increases the acidity of the stomach and causes dehydration. However, there is an opinion that it is possible to drink a small amount of wine on days when meat is present in the diet.

What are the varieties of the Maggi diet?

The whole diet is based on protein foods, citrus fruits and an active lifestyle. Over time, such nutrition has constantly changed and changed depending on the physiology of the person and the result that he wanted to achieve.

This led to the formation of several varieties of diet:

  1. Egg diet "Maggi". It is a classic option, it got its name because of the main protein ingredient and the same type of breakfast that accompanies the diet for all 4 weeks.
  2. Curd diet "Maggi". By its action, the curd version of the Maggi diet for 4 weeks does not differ from the classic version. The only difference is that if for individual reasons you do not want to eat eggs, you can replace them with low-fat cottage cheese.
  3. Protein diet "Maggi". This option allows you to eat eggs or cottage cheese for breakfast as desired. This makes it possible to dilute the diet as much as possible without disruption.
  4. Two-week diet "Maggi". This option is considered by some nutritionists to be the most appropriate and reliable; it is he who is attributed to Margaret Thatcher. It is distinguished by an increased number of eggs, they are eaten not only for breakfast, but also for lunch.
  5. Weekly diet "Maggi". Suitable for women and men who do not need significant weight loss. This option is most suitable if you want to slightly improve the figure and remove the extra 3-4 kg. A diet for one week is suitable for both cottage cheese and egg.
  6. Diet "Maggi" for a month. An effective opportunity for people with an extra 10-15 kg to reduce weight and transform. Such a long-term diet develops a new habit of proper nutrition and normalizes metabolism.

The first week of the diet is the most stressful for the body.

The main factor in all these types of diet is the correct exit from the diet. Only he can guarantee the long-term preservation of the result.

If a person, for individual reasons, cannot consume one product from the Maggi daily diet, he is excluded from the list without replacing it with another possible product.

What are the benefits of the Maggi diet?

Dishes for the Maggi diet have the following advantages:

  • do not harm digestion;
  • improve metabolism;
  • saturate and relieve the feeling of hunger as much as possible;
  • consist of a variety of products;
  • suitable for all age groups.

What are the disadvantages of the Maggi diet?

Cons of the Maggi diet:

  • you need to give up bad habits;
  • it is necessary to strictly observe meals and each menu in order;
  • in some cases, allergic reactions to eggs and citrus fruits are possible;
  • the result is more effective with additional physical activity;
  • there are no first courses;
  • complete ban on sweets.

With strict adherence to the diet, you will see results in four weeks.

Contraindications to the Maggi diet

Diet is prohibited:

  • pregnant women;
  • women during lactation;
  • women and men over 60;
  • with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver;
  • with hormonal disorders;
  • a person with thyroid disease;
  • when using antibiotics;
  • hypertensive and hypotensive patients.

During the Maggi diet, moderate physical activity is mandatory. For non-athletic people, daily exercises and walks in the fresh air are suitable.

The basic rules of the Maggi diet

The cottage cheese and egg version of the Maggi diet must be carried out in strict observance of the ten rules.:

Nursing mothers and pregnant women are prohibited from using the Maggi nutrition system.

Detailed menu

Recipes for the Maggi diet are not difficult to prepare. Their advantage is the ease of cooking and the absence of harmful ingredients. The combination of products is selected according to a special system, it will not work to replace one product with another, then the diet will not bring results. Recipes for meat dishes and vegetables for every day do not require culinary skills, so even a man can cook them.

Week 1

The first week of the Maggi diet is the hardest. There is a restructuring of the body and getting used to the new diet. The diet menu of the first week requires willpower and perseverance. We advise you not to overload the stomach a few days before the start, so as not to cause additional stress on the body.

2 weeks

The Maggi diet undergoes changes in the second week. The food system includes more eggs, the body begins to get used to the restructuring. The second week often brings the woman into shock, she begins to realize that only a smaller part of the diet has passed. Be sure to praise yourself and motivate the results of other people.

3 week

The third week of the Maggi diet is starting to show results. The girl notices changes in weight and understands that the most difficult part is over. The menu of the third week of the diet makes it possible to mentally tune in to the final stage.

4 week

New changes are noticeable in the menu for 4 weeks. Products are listed in the total quantity for each individual day. The daily diet should be divided at the discretion of 4-5 servings. Supplementing products or increasing the number of permitted products is prohibited. The fourth week of the Maggi diet will show the final changes in weight. The 4-week diet is coming to an end, but you don’t need to relax, because the right way out of such a diet lies ahead.

How to get out of the Maggi diet?

Proper exit provides an opportunity not to return the dropped kilograms after returning to a normal diet.

Leaving the Maggi diet will not return the lost kilograms if you follow the following rules:

  1. Include in the menu for the next 7-10 days some foods from the diet list (eggs, cottage cheese, citrus fruits and vegetables).
  2. Switching to proper nutrition is the least likely to regain lost weight.
  3. Gradually and in small portions, add sugar, sweets and other forbidden foods so that your body does not experience stress.
  4. Keep an eye on your drinking regimen.
  5. Do not eat later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.

The Maggi diet has nothing to do with the bouillon cubes of the same name. This is a whole system for fast weight loss with a diet of natural and healthy products that will be consumed in a certain sequence. The complexity of the Maggi egg diet is that mistakes and breakdowns are unacceptable. At the slightest deviation, you will need to start all over again. But for those who have reached the victorious end, stunning results await. You will need to change your wardrobe, perhaps not even by one size.

Basic Rules:

  1. If any one product is excluded from the diet, then it is forbidden to replace it with another food.
  2. You can drink tea, coffee, chicory. You can not add milk, cream, sugar to them. Sugar substitutes are allowed.
  3. If an error occurs or there was a breakdown, the diet should be stopped or started from the first day.
  4. Weigh yourself daily in the morning after going to the toilet.

During the diet, as well as after it, sports, swimming pool, massage and other beauty treatments are welcome. They will help keep the skin in good shape and maintain muscle mass.

How much weight can you lose on the Maggi diet

For 4 weeks of strictly following the Maggi egg diet, you can lose from 5 to 15 kilograms. But with the slightest breakdowns and violations, the weight can suddenly stand in one place. That is why they approach weight loss correctly, deliberately, and prepare in advance. You also need to remember that kilograms go faster with a lot of weight. The slimmer the person, the more modest the results will be.

Prohibited Products

Vegetables for the diet are boiled in water, but broths should not be consumed. The same goes for chicken, meat products.

You can not use:

  • oil and any other fats;
  • sweet fruits (grapes, bananas, dates);
  • sugar and its derivatives;
  • potatoes, beans;
  • mushrooms.

The use of any alcoholic beverages is contraindicated. They not only have a high calorie content, but also whet the appetite. At the time of the diet, it is also recommended to stop smoking, as nicotine inhibits all processes in the body.

Approved Products

Products are consumed fresh, baked, boiled. You can use grilled or fried without oil. The basis of the diet is chicken eggs, which are consumed daily. In addition, you can eat some other products:

  • any vegetables, except for prohibited species and conservation;
  • any fruits and berries, it is advisable to give preference to citrus fruits, apples, kiwi;
  • low-fat dairy products, cheese;
  • low-fat fish, seafood;
  • lean meats.

For dressing dishes, it is allowed to use all kinds of seasonings: salt, pepper, balsamic vinegar, herbs, soy sauce. When using mixtures, it is advisable to carefully read the composition. It should not contain sugar. On certain days, dried rye bread is allowed. It can be replaced with various types of bran. They are very useful for the body, contribute to weight loss.

Important! Be sure to drink clean water 1.5-2 liters per day. If you need to get rid of the feeling of hunger, it is recommended to drink a warm liquid.

Video: "Dietitian on a Diet": Testing the Maggi Diet

Menu for the Maggi diet for all days

Breakfast is the same every day. Lunch and dinner consist of different products. In no case should you violate the regimen, change meals in places, since the effect of the diet is due to chemical reactions occurring in the body. With strong bouts of hunger, you can eat allowed vegetables, but the interval between the food you eat and the snack should not be less than 2 hours.

Menu of the first week

1-2 eggs and half a grapefruit are consumed daily for breakfast, which can be replaced with an orange. If the exact number of products is not indicated, then they can be eaten in unlimited quantities.

Dinner: one kind of fruit
For dinner: meat, greens or lettuce

Dinner: chicken
Dinner: 1 grain toast, 1 any citrus, fresh vegetable salad, 2 eggs

Dinner: tomatoes, cottage cheese or cheese (no more than 20% fat), a slice of bread
Dinner: skinless meat or poultry, lettuce

Dinner: fruits of 1 kind
Dinner: meat or poultry, greens

Dinner: 2 eggs, boiled vegetables or fresh salad
Dinner: a piece of fish, 1 citrus, herbs

Dinner: fruits of 1 kind
Dinner: meat, lettuce

Dinner: chicken, 1 grapefruit, fresh tomatoes
Dinner: baked or boiled vegetables

On a note: Chicken eggs can be replaced with quail eggs at the rate of 1:2. They are also boiled, but 3-4 minutes is enough.

Menu for the second week

Breakfast remains the same: 1-2 eggs, half a citrus

Dinner: boiled or stewed meat, greens
Dinner: citrus, lettuce, 2 eggs

Dinner: meat, greens
Dinner: 2 eggs, half a grapefruit

Dinner: 1-2 cucumbers, a piece of meat
Dinner: 2 eggs, whole grapefruit

Dinner: 2 eggs, cheese or cottage cheese, fresh or boiled vegetables
Dinner: 2 egg steam omelette

Dinner: steamed or baked fish
Dinner: 2 egg omelet (no oil)

Dinner: meat, tomatoes, 1 orange
Dinner: salad of different fruits

Dinner: chicken, tomato, any citrus
Dinner: chicken, vegetables

Menu of the third week

Breakfast from any products allowed during the day. All products are used in any quantity. Meals 4-5.

All kinds of unsweetened fruits are allowed

Boiled and fresh vegetables (permitted types)

Any allowed vegetables and fruits

Boiled or stewed fish, boiled vegetables and herbs

Lean meat or poultry, vegetables

Saturday and Sunday
Two fruit days from the permitted species. The number of meals, the size of portions is not limited by anything

Sample menu for the fourth week

Divide the entire daily diet into 5 parts. You can eat products in any order. The interval between doses should not be less than 2 hours.

For a day: a quarter of boiled chicken, 1 citrus, 1 slice of grain bread, 3 tomatoes

For a day: 200 g boiled meat, a slice of bread, 4 cucumbers, 1 any fruit, 3 tomatoes

For a day: 50 g cottage cheese, a plate of boiled vegetables, 2 tomatoes, 1 grapefruit, 1 slice of bread or 20 g bran, 2 cucumbers

For a day: 0.5 skinless chicken, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 orange, 1 slice of bread, 1 citrus

For a day: 2 eggs, vegetable salad, small orange, 3 tomatoes

For a day: 0.5 chicken breast, 150 g cottage cheese, a glass of kefir, a slice of bread, 2 pcs. cucumber and tomato, 1 grapefruit

For a day: 1 can of tuna in its juice, a plate of boiled vegetables, a slice of bread, 2 pcs. tomatoes, 2 pcs. cucumber

Logout and weight retention

Low-carb and protein diets, such as the Maggi egg diet, are famous for their ability to burn fat quickly. But if you immediately return to normal nutrition, then the weight will easily return back.

  1. Keep a calorie count. Increase the amount consumed gradually, adding 50 units per week.
  2. Do not overeat, do not stretch the stomach.
  3. Drink 2 liters of water daily.
  4. Chew food thoroughly, slowly, do not eat on the go.
  5. Give preference to slow carbohydrates in the form of cereals, grain bread. Refined sugar should be avoided.

Helps maintain the results of the diet physical activity: dancing, swimming, running, cycling. Useful walking. If the weight begins to grow, you can arrange a fasting day.


Eggs are very allergenic, they often cause a reaction. If you are intolerant to this product, you should abandon the diet.

Main contraindications:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • liver disease;
  • childhood;
  • pregnancy.

If the diet is completed to the end, but there is a desire to repeat it, then it is recommended to immediately switch to the fourth after the first week. Longer adherence to the system is not recommended.

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