How to hide the joints of the wallpaper. Dispersed wallpaper at the junction how to fix

Decor elements 16.06.2019
Decor elements

Such concepts as interior design and wallpaper are simply inseparable and always go in step. Wallpaper has always been, still is and always will be an integral part of interior design. various styles. It is only important to properly fix them on the wall, and this is our material.

Docking canvases

What you need to know in advance

In the process of preparing for the repair, each person devotes a lot of time to thinking about how to arrange everything, various pictures of the future interior are drawn in his imagination, filled with brand new furniture, with aligned ceilings, a new ideal flooring and, of course, beautiful wallpapers.

But wallpapers become beautiful only if they were glued perfectly, in accordance with all norms and rules. Not a single seam should be visible on such a finish, but if you are wondering how to hide the joints between the wallpaper, then there are reasons for this, and in this article we will try to figure out what causes such a defect and how fight him.

Causes of a defect in the joints on the finish

The photo shows an example of an imperfect finish.

The answer to the question why joints are visible on the wallpaper may be one of the reasons presented in the following list:

  • Cloths of glued material have diverged at some distance from each other;
  • The adhesive composition got on the front side of the canvas just in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe seam;
  • The edges of the canvases in this area are slightly twisted along with the plaster mixture;
  • One edge of the canvas has a darker shade;
  • Sheets have poorly stained or obliquely cut edges.

The cloths parted at the junction

When moistened, which occurs after applying glue to the wrong side of the canvas, the wallpaper of the following types tends to swell:

  • Vinyl;
  • Paper;
  • Textile.

And this means that in the process of absorbing the glue, they increase their size slightly. So, for example, if you take a paper sheet with a width of 52 cm and wet it, then its parameters will certainly change, and the width after wetting will become 2 or even 6 mm larger.

Even some types of non-woven wallpaper swell a little after being treated with glue, which should certainly be taken into account in the work.

In the process of gluing the walls, the joints will not be visible at all due to the swelling effect described above. But in the process of drying, the material will tend to its previous dimensions, and, accordingly, will reduce its width. It is this behavior of the material in the process of work that leads to the fact that the joints of the wallpaper become visible.

The scheme of the correct wall finishing end-to-end

There are several ways to answer the question of how to remove the joints on the wallpaper:

  • In the process of work, avoid excessive soaking of the material.
    In order to comply with this condition, one should understand when the canvas has reached the necessary moisture, and start the gluing process without waiting for the moment when the canvas reaches that stage of soaking, in which its dimensions will already be difficult to predict;

Do not forget that paper is not a material created from synthetic fibers, but a product made from cellulose and wood, and therefore it can be soaked unevenly.

This property determines that after drying, an uneven divergence of the seam can be observed, because it will diverge in certain areas, and converge in others. Thus, the impression will be created that the edge of the material has a wavy shape.

  • Apply glue to the canvas in sufficient quantity, avoiding redundancy given substance on the wallpaper.
    This is a separate art to apply glue so that he has time to grab the canvas even before it starts to narrow. Often, the canvas simply begins to narrow when there is a lot of glue under it, which does not allow it to grab the material, while maintaining its dimensions;
  • Fix the position of the edges of the material.
    In order to use this method, you can use the tip of a plastic spatula, a specialized rubber roller or special glue for gluing joints and borders, although the price of such glue is quite high.

Fixing with special glue

  • Before wallpapering, paint over the joints with paint.
    In some cases, the master, who glues the wallpaper with his own hands, and is unsure that the joints will not open, paints over the places of the alleged seams with paint of the appropriate shade. Thus, the joints on the surface are not so noticeable.

Adhesive ingress on the front side of the finish

If the adhesive from the joint gets on the front side of the canvas, it can change its color or ruin the coating. If, to remove the glue, the joint is still rubbed with a rag, then you can completely ruin the finish. Instructions on the package wallpaper glue very often stipulates that it is unacceptable to get it on the front side of the material.

In order to avoid such an effect, it is necessary to ensure that there is not a lot of glue, and then its excess will not protrude in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints.

Advice. If the glue does get on the front side, try to wash the place with a damp, clean rag, but do not rub it hard.

Twisting the edge with putty

This problem is the result of:

  • Incorrect execution of plastering technology;
  • Use of low quality materials.

Often such a defect is observed in textile wallpaper due to the fact that not only the base is narrowing, but also textile fabric this finish.

edge color difference

Often the joints become visible due to the fact that in the process of gluing they did not take into account that the wallpaper with different parties has different colors or shades.

In order to avoid such an effect as the joint of the wallpaper different color manufacturers recommend reversing gluing from two different rolls.

Not dyed or cut edges

Docking wallpapers of various colors

In order to answer the question of how to arrange a joint different wallpapers in the event that the edge of the canvas is not dyed or cut obliquely, you will have to turn to the children's pencil case. Before starting wallpapering, try to find a pencil or felt-tip pen of the desired shade, and after the canvas dries, you can eliminate the defect simply by finishing the edge by hand.

True professionals in working with wallpaper are able to close the edges of the canvases without additional tricks in such a way that this effect will not be noticeable.


Working with a rubber roller

Trying to solve the problem of joints, one should also not forget that each type of material from different manufacturers may have its own individual specifics. So on some surfaces it will be very difficult to find joints, while on others they will be visible anyway.

Well, even more interesting ways to deal with ugly joints will tell you the video in this article.

When conducting repair work everyone imagines that the result will be a beautiful, renovated apartment. And a lot of it depends on the quality of wallpapering. But often it turns out quite the opposite. The next morning after pasting the walls with wallpaper, it turns out that they have parted or peeled off at the joints. The first question, which this moment I'm interested in how to fix everything and how to glue peeled wallpapers and joints? This article will describe the causes of such troubles and how to fix them.

Why do seams appear on wallpaper?

Absolutely all wallpapers, regardless of whether they are paper or textile-based, have the ability to swell when exposed to moisture, in this case glue. And it can be seen even with the naked eye. So, for example, if the wallpaper is half a meter wide and wet with glue, they increase by several millimeters. Consequently, nothing is noticeable during pasting, and after drying, the paper acquires its original appearance. As a result, gaps appear between the sheets and a bare wall is visible. To prevent this, it is not recommended to strongly soak the used piece of wallpaper. When the sheet is sufficiently wet, it must be immediately pasted.

It is important to follow the instructions and give them the time for impregnation that is indicated. When sticking sheets, you must strictly observe the impregnation time of each sheet and prepare only the amount that you can stick on in the same period of time.

paper borders

And you can do it differently. If you have imagination, you can use paper borders. The main task in this case is the selection of the border itself, which will be suitable both in color and in the structure and material used in its production. You can also mask the areas of discrepancies with all kinds of ribbons, curtains. And then make from the same material, for example, a frame for a photograph or a picture. It will turn out very beautiful and original. No one will even understand that this was done later, everyone will assume that everything was originally supposed to be so.

Be wary of pencils and markers, with a strong application, the pigment may show through on the wallpaper.

Currently, there are many technologies that can be used to correct various wall defects, including the resulting gaps between sheets of wallpaper. But it is better to immediately follow all the rules when carrying out work and take into account all the features of the acquired type of wallpaper, than then look for ways to hide the joints or make them invisible. Write your wallpaper repair options in the comments.

Before starting the repair, each master mentally imagines the result of his work, since it cannot be achieved without the intended goal. Of course, perfectly pasted wallpapers make a significant contribution to the harmonious new environment!

However, in the actions of even the most sophisticated professional, there are blunders. A day after sticking high-quality wallpaper, for example, it happens to observe a terrible panorama - the stripes parted in places and bare wall surfaces gape at the former joints or areas are covered with noticeable spots. Such a situation can greatly upset any person, forcing him to frantically analyze what happened and look for ways to correct this horror.

Consider in order what can be done to correct the consequences that disfigure the surroundings.

What causes the seams between sheets of wallpaper to diverge?

The reasons for this unpleasant "behavior" decorative coating lots of. Consider the most common and significant of them.

1. The joints between the wallpaper sheets diverge - this is the most common defect that appears after repair work. This behavior is typical for any variety of paper and fabric wallpaper. The reason for this reaction of the wallpaper material is its ability to absorb moisture, which provokes swelling of the structural fibers of paper or fabric. When an adhesive mass is applied to the wallpaper, water from it penetrates into the base of the sheets, causing them to expand. Immediately after the sticker, it seems that the joints fit perfectly, but this is often not the case.

Attention! A 0.5-meter-wide wallpaper coated with water-based glue increases by three to six millimeters after a 15-minute exposure. Moreover, this behavior of cellulose manifests itself unevenly, for example, on a 16 cm section, wave-like discrepancies of 1.1 and 3.1 mm can simultaneously form!

Therefore, the reason for the formation of discrepancies and gaps lies precisely in this. After about a day, the surfaces dry out and the microfibers return to their original state, restoring the previous width of the wallpaper sheet.

It is possible to prevent or significantly reduce this process by preventing strong soaking. A piece of wallpaper must be pasted immediately after the appearance of visible signs of sufficient moisture content of the material. Sticking should be reasonably consistent - no more than 2 sheets with glue applied to the surface in a queue.

Warning! It is unacceptable to organize work in separate stages. For example, you can not first cover all the sheets of wallpaper with glue, and then stick them one by one!

2. The second common defect in wallpaper joints is the appearance of spots and streaks along the contact lines of the canvases. Such flaws are especially noticeable on plain wallpaper light shades and colors.

There are three reasons for this imperfection:

  • poor-quality wallpaper, or rather, poor dyes and impregnations that were used in the production;
  • low-grade glue containing extraneous ballast in the composition;
  • features of the water used to obtain the working adhesive mass. For example, an increased amount of compounds (oxides, sulfates, carbonates, etc.) of iron will appear as yellow-brown stains, and copper - green-blue.

To prevent the appearance of "dirty drawings", you should purchase proven, high-quality materials, and if there is any doubt about its purity, it is better to boil water before use.

3. Other reasons that provoke shortcomings in the joints of the wallpaper include: a mismatch in the assortment of purchased rolls, a cut that is not perpendicular (the ends of the sheet are beveled in places), improper storage or rough transportation, etc.

Advice! When buying wallpaper, you should very carefully check the identity of the serial number on all packages. These are usually multi-valued markings of numbers and letters, and with a white inspection it is very easy not to notice the difference in one character!

To avoid an unpleasant surprise the next day after the repair (wallpapering), qualified specialists recommend:

  1. Avoid buying cheap wallpaper and glue - you should not expect a high-quality result from them!
  2. Try to choose an ornament without pronounced horizontal elements. Even the slightest irregularity will catch the eye and attract attention.
  3. It is necessary to store and transport wallpaper only in a horizontal position, otherwise bends, tears and dents will form on the ends of the rolls.
  4. Dilute glue granules in water with a temperature of no more than 30 C. Due to the temperature difference, the paste will be absorbed unevenly and flow out of the sheets.
  5. It is necessary to prepare the surface of the wall correctly, otherwise the glue will “leave” into the wall.
  6. During the drying period of pasted wallpaper, avoid drafts and rapid temperature changes - this leads to the appearance of deformations and uneven drying.

What are the ways to remove defects in wallpaper joints?

When a defect appears (divergence of wallpaper joints), a logical desire arises to immediately eliminate the shortcomings, so much so that there are no noticeable consequences. It can be done, but the technology will be different for different types wallpaper.

1. So, the easiest way is to restore wallpaper for painting. The technology is as follows: before applying the paint, all open seams are sealed with a special sealant, and then, they are carefully tinted in accordance with color design walls. After complete evaporation of moisture (drying), you can start applying the paintwork.

2. Now another option, more complex - re-gluing the wallpaper joints. You will need tools for this:

  • PVA glue;
  • a container with a spray bottle filled with warm water (≈23 C);
  • brush, brush, sponge;
  • rubber roller.

You need to start by wetting the edges of the canvases with water and moving them towards each other. For about four minutes, the wallpaper material will be saturated with moisture, and after that PVA glue should be applied. The glued place is carefully leveled with a rubber roller in the direction from the center to the seam. In this way, air bubbles are expelled and wrinkles are smoothed out.

Clue! Absolutely all paper wallpapers are capable of significantly deforming when wet. Therefore, paper microfibers must not be allowed to swell too much to avoid uneven shrinkage and potential tearing!

3. Puff wallpapers (vinyl, duplex, non-woven) are repaired using the same technology as paper ones, but with certain nuances. Firstly, only the wrong edge of the glued sections is exposed to moisture. Secondly, you need to remember the ability of such wallpaper to restore its original shape as it dries. Thirdly, you need to smooth the area with a rubber roller with pressure, in all directions.

4. More serious, complex joints require special restoration techniques. Consider one of the most effective methods. Requires a set:

  • wallpaper cuttings;
  • tinting (powder, paste, liquid);
  • decorative edging;
  • sandpaper.

First, you need to rub into a small crumb wallpaper trimmings. sandpaper. Mix the resulting powder with PVA glue. In order to mask the unaesthetic gap, you need to apply the prepared paste on it. This procedure requires attention and accuracy. To match the color of the putty to the wallpaper, use the appropriate tinting material, which can be purchased at most hardware stores.

Little trick! The edges dark wallpaper you can tint with a pencil of the desired color before correcting!

We decorate the joints on the wallpaper

1. You can fix the deformed joint on pasted wallpapers by another method. Its essence lies in the formation of "patches" of their remaining fragments of the material. After that, a suitable piece is trimmed for an exact match of the ornament and glued onto the reconstructed area.

2. "Creative" option - very interesting way in which you will need to show artistic skills. Having fantasized a little, we select a paper border that exactly matches the wallpaper in terms of structure, quality and color. Alternatively, you can arrange a defective place with curtains, braid or all kinds of ribbons, and to create the effect of an original idea, decorate a nearby picture, photo frame, socket or switch in the same way. This will give the impression to the guests that during the renovation it was intended.


You should not be very upset if defects occur at the joints of the wallpaper after a recent repair. Thanks to the latest technologies you can fix almost any disadvantages, including the joints between the wallpaper strips. But in order not to be overloaded with additional repair concerns, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the entire set of instructions, since the gluing of each type of wallpaper is specific and has individual characteristics.


The reasons that the seams on the wallpaper may be visible may be different. The first is that the canvases have diverged from each other, this happens if the wallpaper changes its size during gluing, and after drying it returns to its original shape. The glue got on the front side of the canvas - and therefore the seam parted. The edges of the wallpaper have non-painted ends. Now, wallpapers are mainly sold that are glued end-to-end, and not overlapped as before. After gluing such wallpaper, the seams are invisible. If you opted for wallpaper with a pattern, then when gluing such wallpaper, it will be necessary to select it.

For gluing any wallpaper without a flaw, you need to prepare the surface. The walls must be smooth, primed and dry at the time of gluing. If you are installing vinyl wallpaper, please note that they are divided into light and heavy. Heavy wallpaper will help hide small wall irregularities, but it will take more glue and time to stick them. Coat all types of vinyl wallpaper with glue before sticking and leave to soak for a while. The wall is also smeared with glue. Sticking of such wallpapers starts from top to bottom, and from the side front door. With a dry roller or a special spatula, the wallpaper is smoothed so that there is no air left under them. Vinyl wallpapers do not change their shape, and therefore, after drying, the joints become almost invisible. To be safe, you can use special glue for joints, it is sold in tubes with sharp spouts for more convenient application. It is applied when 2 canvases are glued - additionally between the joints, and then the seam is passed with a roller.

Non-woven wallpaper is glued in a slightly different way. They need a special glue, and, like for vinyl wallpaper, a flat surface. The glue is applied only to the wall, and the wallpaper itself remains dry, because if you apply glue to the wallpaper, they will narrow after drying and cracks will form. Such wallpapers can be glued for painting, after which the seams will not be visible at all.

The most difficult is the gluing of paper wallpaper. Before pasting, such wallpapers need to be soaked a little, that is, smeared with glue and let the glue soak a little. The wall also needs to be coated with glue. The peculiarity of paper wallpapers is that when they get wet, they lose their shape, and when they dry on the wall, open seams can form. You can stick such wallpaper with an overlap, and after drying there will be no divergence of the joints, but it is likely that the joints will remain in the form of tubercles. You can also use special docking paper. It is glued between the canvases at the junction of the wallpaper, but it will not give a hundred percent guarantee that the joints will not disperse when the wallpaper dries. The last option is to paint over the joints with paint to match the wallpaper, after drying, even if the seams open, it will not be visually so noticeable. The latter method is mainly used by beginners.

Repair is a serious and complicated matter, especially if you have to glue wallpaper. Improper conduct of this work can lead to a deplorable picture. The wallpaper flies off or there are voids between the canvases of 2-5 mm, and this can be corrected only by carrying out all the actions again.


Paper wallpaper have the very low price and hence the quality. It's hard to glue them on. The paper is deformed and torn, so you should be extremely careful when joining the canvases. This type of wallpaper overlaps, one canvas should overlap the other by about 5 mm, otherwise cracks may form after drying. Apply glue to the canvas and immediately start gluing, wallpaper can soften and do something with them will be problematic. After gluing, carefully iron the seams with a soft cloth.

Vinyl wallpaper are considered the most durable, they are easy to work with, so often their width is 120 cm. They need to be glued without overlap, butt to butt. After drying, they do not decrease in size, and when applying glue they do not get wet. After processing the canvas with glue, wait a few minutes for it to become a little softer, then glue it to the wall and smooth it with a rubber roller.

Vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base, glue with a slight overlap of about 1 mm. Due to the mixed composition, they are slightly reduced in width and length, but still not as much as paper ones. Apply wallpaper paste to the wall, not to the canvas. Smooth out the seams with a roller or cloth.

But non-woven wallpaper something similar to paper ones, they also decrease in size, only a little less. Glue the seams with an overlap of about 2 mm, but no more, otherwise the joints will be conspicuous. Smooth the fabrics with a cloth Special attention give seams.

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Start gluing from the window, moving smoothly towards the doors. Close the windows, if there is even a slight draft, the wallpaper may bubble or fall off.

Useful advice

If you have wallpaper with an ornament or pattern, first check the already cut canvases on the floor, whether the pattern converges or not, and only then apply glue.


  • wallpaper without joints

joints need to glue depending on the type wallpaper. If you do something wrong, after the glue has completely dried, there may be unexpected results. The canvases change their size somewhat and there may be gaps or very noticeable seams. To avoid this, you must first find out what material the wallpaper is made of, buy the appropriate glue and only then proceed with gluing.


Glue paper wallpaper with an overlap of about 5 mm. Roll out the canvas wallpaper on the floor and grease with glue, then apply evenly to the wall and smooth. FROM paper types wallpaper there are many problems during sticking, they are not very good quality and therefore are much cheaper. If you apply glue to the canvas and forget a little when you start applying it to the wall, it may deform. Try to glue carefully and strictly follow the recommendations that are in the instructions attached to the roll.

Vinyl-non-woven wallpaper is of average quality and reasonable price. You can stick them even in the children's room, as they do not have toxicity. In terms of strength, they are superior to paper, but they are still inferior to vinyl. Glue the canvases wallpaper with an overlap of about 1-2 mm. If you apply glue directly to the wall, you can glue butt. Vinyl-non-woven wallpaper can be stained water-based paint.

Vinyl wallpaper is the easiest to glue. They need to be glued end-to-end without leaving extra space between the canvases. Use special glue, as this material is quite heavy. There is one more nuance - the glue must be applied to the wall, and not to the wallpaper. Pasting process wallpaper will take quite a bit of time. They do not tear, do not stretch, fit well on the wall, but dry for a long time. Make sure that there are no drafts in the room, if you do not want to find all the work on the floor in the form of fallen wallpaper.

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The canvases can be glued end-to-end or overlapped, depending on the type of wallpaper and on the wall. Gluing wallpaper starts from the window and ends at the door. In this video, the wallpaper is glued end-to-end. When pasting the first strip of wallpaper, it is very important to make sure that it is vertical. No need to equalize the wallpaper in the corner of the room or door frame. These landmarks are rarely strictly vertical, even in well-built homes.

Useful advice

If you are thinking about how to properly glue wallpaper end-to-end, then remember that in order to perform this kind of work, as in any other case, you need to prepare the surface that you are going to paste over before starting work. How to glue wallpaper end to end. Selected to start roll material it is accurately marked and cut in compliance with the height and width of each individual panel, while it is very important that the panels are cut evenly and with high quality.


  • how to stick wallpaper stk butt video

Wallpapering is one of the ways to decorate walls in an apartment or house. If you have already bought new wallpapers and are going to start work, you should know how to glue them correctly so that the joints are not visible.

How to prepare a wall before pasting?

In order to stick wallpaper with high quality and without joints, you should carefully prepare the walls for this. If there are still old wallpapers on the surface, first of all you need to get rid of them. In case of difficulty, the wallpaper can be wetted with soapy water. To prepare it, you will need a sufficient amount of soap and water. Pour water into the container, and then dissolve the soap in it. You can grate large pieces of old laundry soap on a coarse grater, so things will go much faster. The finished liquid should be applied to the old wallpaper and wait until it dries completely. After that, it will be much easier to clean the surface of the walls.

If the walls were painted before pasting the new wallpaper, it is necessary to remove the paint with sandpaper. It is desirable to knock down the most protruding hillocks, then putty the cracks, remove excess plaster from them.

How to paste wallpaper?

The first thing to do when pasting wallpaper is to measure the height from the floor to the base of the ceiling. The resulting height should be noted on the wallpaper and a ten-centimeter allowance should be added, but only if the wallpaper does not have a solid pattern, and it does not matter in what order they are pasted over. If the wallpaper has a pattern, then the allowance should be larger so that it is possible to align the image on the wall. More rolls are usually used for pasting wallpaper with a pattern.

The first roll should be glued on the side where there is a window, it is better to start from the corner. Before pasting, it is also necessary to draw a straight vertical line on the wall using a level and a whitewashed rope. After that, apply glue to the wallpaper and fold it in half so that the glue is absorbed. Immediately after this, it is necessary to apply the adhesive solution to the wall surface in the place where the already lubricated strip will be glued.

You should start gluing the wallpaper from above, leaving a margin, while it is important to align the strip along the drawn white line. It is not recommended to glue the wallpaper immediately on the entire surface, as bubbles may appear, and the whole process will only go down the drain. First, glue half of the strip, smoothing it over the wall and expelling excess air. After that, it will be possible to glue the second half.

If glue remains on the edges, they should be removed as soon as possible with a dry cloth. The top allowance is also removed with a spatula and a sharp knife. It is necessary to glue subsequent strips of wallpaper from this sheet in the same way.

How to deal with corners?

Corners are the biggest problem when wallpapering, as many homes have uneven walls. So that the joints are not visible, when pasting, it is worth leaving stocks at the edges of the wallpaper in place of the corner. First, one side of the corner is pasted over, the strip is clearly aligned and the excess is cut off. After that, you can glue the corner on the other side.

Starting repairs, we mentally imagine the ideal result of our efforts, how everything will look harmonious and beautiful, and especially new wallpapers. But, unfortunately, not everything always goes smoothly and from time to time such incidents as the appearance of joints occur with wallpaper.


Without a doubt, wallpaper is the most commonly used and popular way of decorating walls in residential areas. However, after gluing them, joints may be visible. Why do they appear?

  • First of all, it is typical for budget options . But, there are also misses with expensive non-woven wallpaper. Choosing wallpaper with vertical stripes or a checkered structure, you can easily hide the joints. But wallpapers that have a glossy surface, vinyl, plain, textured or fine structure - always have noticeable joints.
  • Another reason for the appearance of joints is improper transport or storage. At the time of purchase, carefully consider whether there is any damage to the edges of the strips. Crumpled ends instantly become visible at the joints. If you have already removed the packaging, be sure to keep the wallpaper upright!
  • As a rule, joints occur on paper wallpaper . This is due to the fact that the paper stretches under the influence of glue, and when dried, it decreases in size. Therefore, after applying the glue, immediately stick the wallpaper to the wall, without waiting for them to swell. Otherwise, the wallpaper will settle unevenly and gaps will appear.
  • Wallpaper application technique can also be the culprit for the appearance of joints. If you cover the adhesive in excess or vice versa, then the risk of joints is extremely high. It will take much longer to set a thick layer of glue than a thin one, while, paper base already dry, the glue under it will still be wet and it will not hold the reduction in width of the wallpaper. Therefore, gaps will appear between the canvases, which, unambiguously, will spoil the whole appearance.

Joints on the wallpaper can occur for various reasons. But, first of all, this is a non-compliance with the technique of pasting the walls. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to study all the subtleties.

After applying glue to a strip of wallpaper, it is best to fold it and roll it over it with a rubber roller. So all excess glue will evenly disperse over the surface. Then, when you have glued the canvas to the wall, carefully roll the seams with a rubber roller, then they will be firmly fixed on the plane.

In order for there to be a perfect joint between the wallpapers, first prepare the walls for installation: take care of their puttying, sanding and applying a primer. Without this, the base under the wallpaper will become dusty and will absorb glue, which is why the canvas simply will not stick to the walls. It is advisable to prime the surface 24 hours before installation.

Rare wallpapers initially suggest the presence of joints, which are almost impossible to hide. These are glossy and vinyl, as well as silk-screen printing. Expensive and exclusive options will not save you from the appearance of joints.

Therefore, when choosing wallpaper, pay attention to wide canvases, and try to place the joints between them in places where you will have furniture or other interior items.

How to fix seams in wallpaper


  1. Do not buy cheap wallpaper and glue - you will not get high results from them!
  2. Choose an ornament without pronounced horizontal elements. Any unevenness will be evident.
  3. Dilute glue granules in water with a temperature not exceeding 30°.
  4. When drying the wallpaper, avoid drafts and rapid temperature changes.

Responsible for repairs excellent result will delight your loved ones for a long time to come!

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