Unedged board: types, grades, wood species, dimensions and scope. What is an unedged board How to find out the number of edged lumber in a cube

Decor elements 17.06.2019
Decor elements

Lumber, the width of the section of which is much greater than the thickness, is called a board.

Difference between edged and unedged board

Sawing logs into boards - difficult process. Even a perfect timber log has a slight narrowing from the butt to the top, and this must be taken into account when cutting. The method of sorting lumber also depends on the volume and nature of orders for the sawing unit.

If at such an enterprise there are orders for a beam of a large section, then such blanks will be made first of all, as the most "inconvenient", and only then the remains will be unraveled onto the board.

The modern technology of sawing wood into lumber with a band saw allows you to quickly reconfigure the saw to a different size and use all the possibilities to maximize the use of valuable raw materials. When fulfilling, for example, an order for the manufacture of boards with a thickness of 50, the operator will not miss the opportunity to cut several boards of smaller thickness along the edges of the log.

The board obtained after the dissolution of the logs is called edged. Along the edges of such a board, a wane is preserved - the remains of the bark and outer layers of the tree. After sorting best boards cut around the edges and get a cut board.

Those boards that are obtained in the form of residues from cutting logs into large bars are also cut off at the edges (for many such residues, one edge is already cut off). After manufacturing, the board is immediately subject to proper storage - with the possibility of ventilation.

Edged board

Edged board belongs to the highest grades. Such boards are the optimal technological form of lumber, they are easy to store, transport, process. In this form, wood is easier to count and sort.

The board, suitable for industrial processing in terms of grade, enters forced drying, after which it should have a moisture content of no more than 8-12%. A lower percentage of moisture is obtained by woodworkers for specific needs.

Forced drying of the board is carried out on request, since the storage and transportation of such material requires increased costs.

The board of air (natural) drying has the greatest distribution in construction. It can be used for auxiliary needs - temporary retaining walls, strengthening of soil slopes, arrangement of formwork, scaffolding and decking. The edged board is suitable for the construction of frames, battens, decking, draft structures of partitions, floors.

lumber higher grades goes to the manufacture of commercial moldings - platbands, plinth, lining, block house, floorboards and many other types. Along with timber, the board is used for all wooden building structures.

Unedged board

Unedged boards of lower grades remain. Savings on trimming along the edges become profitable taking into account the further use of such material - such a board is usually used near the place of dissolution. The use of unedged boards is limited to secondary and service purposes - rough flooring, temporary structures, non-critical and temporary fences.

A significant disadvantage and even a threat to unedged boards is the danger posed by insect pests that live under the bark and in the bark. Therefore, any use of unedged boards must begin with the removal of the bark.

Obviously, such dangers and risks associated with unedged board will eventually allow its distribution to be completely phased out and the current demand for edged lumber will increase. Reputable suppliers do not allow the joint sale of unedged and edged boards - this practice is also used in our company, perhaps there are no pests in our materials.

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To date, one of the most popular lumber on the market is unedged board, which is associated with its low cost, strength, and the possibility of being used in the most different areas construction. Next, we will take a closer look at this material, and also consider how edged and unedged boards differ, and for what purposes it is used.

Material Features

Differences from edged board

The differences between the edged and unedged boards are in the edges - they are even on the edged board, while on the unedged board they have an irregular, natural shape. Rough edges are called wane and are often covered with bark.

This difference between edged boards and unedged boards is associated with production technology. The fact is that the first is obtained by, while the unedged one is made by sawing logs. As a result, the edges remain unfinished, hence its name.

Accordingly, a board with a wane along the entire length may have an unequal width. That, in fact, is all that a cut board differs from an unedged board.

True, it should be noted that there is one more minor difference between edged and unedged boards - the first can be planed, i.e. have smooth surface. Moreover, the planed lumber is preliminarily dried. Unedged lumber is not subjected to any mechanical processing before sale.


The popularity of the material under consideration is associated with its following advantages:

  • much more low price , since there is less waste in its manufacture, in addition, the manufacturing process is simpler and faster;
  • not inferior to edged analog in strength, therefore it can be used in cases where perfect appearance lumber. True, some designers skillfully use natural feature wane, resulting in a beautiful and unusual furniture or even finishing material;
  • when sawing logs of the same diameter, unedged lumber is always wider than edged lumber.

If necessary, the wane can always be trimmed.
The output of edged boards from unedged boards is on average 80%.

Material types


According to GOST for unedged board No. 8486-86 and 6564-84, given material there are several varieties:

Variety Peculiarities
Selected (carpentry) A feature is the absence of knots and other defects, so this lumber is used for the manufacture of furniture and other joinery.
First grade It is a quality wood that does not contain rot, wormholes and blue spots. The only thing may contain a small amount of knots.
Second grade In addition to knots, it may contain minor cracks that do not affect the strength of the material. Most often used as a structural material.
Third grade In addition to knots and cracks, it contains blue spots, wormholes and some other defects. Therefore, it is used in construction to a limited extent.

For carpentry and construction, only dry wood is suitable, the moisture level of which does not exceed 18%, while 8-12% moisture is the best option.

wood species

The performance of this lumber depends not only on the grade, but also on the type of wood from which it is made.

As a rule, it is made from the following breeds:

  • pines and spruces - are the most common material due to their good performance and availability;
  • larch - this wood costs twice as much as pine, however, it is resistant to moisture and decay. Therefore, it is great for outdoor work;
  • oak - is the most durable and durable tree, but at the same time, oak boards are the most expensive. They can be used as a material for critical structural elements, which will be subjected to the greatest load;

  • cedar - this wood is soft, but at the same time strong enough, as a result, it is easy to handle with your own hands. Another feature of this tree is its bactericidal properties, so it is recommended to use it in residential areas.
  • alder - also belongs to soft woods, moreover, it is not subject to decay. It should be noted that alder boards have the lowest thermal conductivity.

Regardless of the type of wood, before using the material in construction, it must be treated with wood impregnation that protects against moisture, rotting and other negative influences.
The only thing to keep in mind is that impregnations exist for external and internal use.
This information about the composition is usually contained in the instructions for use on the package.

Thus, when choosing lumber, one should focus not only on its cost and quality, but also on the scope.


Another important point, which should be guided by when choosing - these are the dimensions of the unedged board. Most often it is made in the following sizes:

If lumber is needed for any purpose custom sizes, manufacturers can make it to order.
However, this will affect the cost of the tree.

Application area

When choosing lumber, it is impossible to say which one is better - edged board or unedged, as they are used for different purposes.

The latter is most often used in the following cases:

  • when installing the crate and wall cladding;
  • unedged wide board often used in the arrangement of formwork;
  • as flooring for scaffolding;
  • for wall cladding of frame structures;
  • as elements of load-bearing structures;
  • in the construction of draft floors, etc.

Generally given type boards can be used wherever its appearance does not matter. However, as mentioned above, in skillful hands this seemingly completely unpresentable material becomes quite appropriate and presentable.

In particular, unedged board furniture looks interesting. Of course, its use will be appropriate only in certain interior styles. Best of all, it fits into rustic design trends, as well as hunting and eco-style.

This material looks no less interesting as a finish. For example, it can be used as siding for country house. True, in this case, the boards are not fixed to the wall all in a row, but carefully selected.

In the photo - an example of facade cladding with siding

Therefore, as we see, this lumber can be used even where, it would seem, its use is unacceptable. Here, perhaps, is all the basic information regarding unedged boards, which will help you choose the right lumber.


The use of a board with uncut edges allows you to save on construction in cases where the appearance of the lumber does not matter. However, in some cases, its use is an interesting design technique that expands the scope of this material. The only thing to consider when choosing it is the above information.

Check out additional useful information on the topic voiced, you can from the video in this article.

Wood has been successfully used by man as a building material for a long time. It is characterized by attractive appearance, reliability, environmental friendliness, durability.

Unedged board occupies a special position among numerous wood products. Today it is one of the leaders in finishing works ah inside and outside the premises, wall insulation, flooring, flooring, partitions. In addition, this type of material is very popular due to its advantages:

  • reasonable price due to the simplicity and speed of manufacture;
  • wider board as opposed to edged;
  • application for any needs, including where a perfect appearance is not needed;
  • prevalence and market availability.

A photo of an unedged board gives an idea that the material does not look very aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, it is often used in the construction of temporary buildings, toilets, fences, various warehouses and sheds. It is made by sawing logs obtained from hardwood and coniferous trees on the special machines(sawmills, etc.) along the longitudinal direction of the fibers.

At the same time, the boards are very wide and not very thick. But the main thing is their uncut edge, covered with bark and having an uneven natural shape.

At the same time, there is the so-called "carpentry" type of board, made from first-class tree species (for example, Siberian larch) and of good quality.

Set parameters

Its application depends on the characteristics of the unedged board. Most often, these products are distinguished by length and thickness. The first parameter depends on the size of the sawn log and, basically, it happens from two to six and a half meters. However, it all depends on the height of the tree, and the board can be much longer.

The second ranges from 16 to 90 millimeters and depends on the type of wood being sawn and the purpose of the board during construction. The width for this type of timber does not matter and is not a standard, since the edge is not adjusted to the established dimensions when sawing it.

Unedged board grades

Higher. Knots and other defects are mostly absent. It has a cost much higher than the material of other varieties. It is often used in the manufacture of furniture, joinery (doors, skirting boards, platbands). However, due to its production for export purposes, it is very difficult to find it on sale.

Another name for it: grade 0 board.

First. It is distinguished by the presence of only healthy dense knots, firmly fixed in the board. The presence of cracks in the edge is permissible within no more than 25%. Also, the surface should not have signs of decay, traces of the presence of bugs, visible fungal infections.

The humidity index should not exceed the limits of 22%. Deviation from the norm is allowed no more than three percent. The choice of this variety will be optimal for any species. construction works.

Second. Possible presence at one running meter no more than two knots. There may be resin pockets, spots of various shapes from fungal coloration.

There is uncircumcised bark (wane), but it should occupy only 10% of the total area of ​​​​the product. The presence of such a defect worsens the appearance, but does not have a noticeable effect on strength. The moisture content is assumed to be the same as that of the first grade.

The third. All of the second grade faults described may be present in greater numbers, but the humidity should be the same as the two above.

Fourth. There are no wood moisture requirements. There is rot on the surface up to 10% of the total area.

The fifth is very similar to timber waste. Most often used in the form of a fence board.

Choosing a quality board when buying

By purchasing wooden material, it is necessary to pay attention to all factors that may affect its quality.

The fewer knots, the better. Under the influence of loads, the board tends to stretch, and a large number of them can bend it, and over time make it quite fragile. In addition, due to their excessive abundance, the appearance of the material becomes unattractive.

No cracks, gouges or chips. The reasons for their appearance are poor sawing, the influence of low temperature, and improper shrinkage. In this case, not only the picturesque properties of the tree are lost, but its subsequent processing is also complicated.

Changes in shape: warping and winging. They are very noticeable on a wide unedged board. In the first case, its cross section changes in such a way that it acquires the shape of an arc along its entire length.

In the second, the material seems to “twist” in a spiral. The reason for this may be poor processing or violation of wood shrinkage. One way or another, this makes it of poor quality, interferes with use and reduces the service life.

You can avoid purchasing bad lumber by contacting trusted companies, where experienced and conscientious specialists will help you with this.

Photo of unedged board

Lumber is an integral part of any construction, repair or finishing work, and a variety of types allows you to choose the most optimal option that meets the tasks. One of the most common and popular types of such materials are edged and unedged boards, which are the primary product of sawing logs, the main differences of which are in the degree of processing.

Edged and unedged boards are environmentally friendly, reliable and affordable lumber used in the construction of small architectural forms, the construction of flooring and roofing, the manufacture of furniture, as well as many other purposes. To determine which type is needed for a particular purpose, you should understand the main advantages and disadvantages of this lumber.

Edged board is one of the most used varieties of lumber. It is obtained by sawing logs with subsequent processing, during which all four sides are thoroughly cleaned. The result is a cleaned surface with a section that is a regular rectangle. The dimensions of the edged board may differ and depend primarily on the loads that the selected material is expected to experience.

As a basis for the manufacture of edged boards, various types of wood are used, mainly coniferous and hardwood. Experts believe that the highest quality and most durable lumber is made from conifers such as, for example, pine. High content resin causes excellent strength, waterproofing, as well as other performance characteristics. In addition, such material perfectly resists decay, the formation of harmful fungi, mold and other microorganisms.

In addition to finishing facades, it will be a great option for cladding. interiors. High-quality polished, varnished and treated with special compositions edged board is considered one of the best interior solutions used in modern design.

When choosing such a material, special attention should be paid to its surface. The presence of bumps, bends or any deformation means that the wood was not properly dried, and this significantly reduces its quality and performance. As a result, the material loses its strength properties and can be destroyed during subsequent processing and use.

Unedged board

Not edged boards made by sawing a ridge or log longitudinally, that is, along the fibers. As a result of such sawing, the element has four sides, two of which are processed to a clean surface, and the edge ones have wane or bark residues.

The width of such boards can be different, and the edges can be sharp. There are also semi-edged options, where part of the edge is not filed, and one end is often narrower than the other. In addition, the raw part of the edges may also be covered with bark residue. The presence of knots significantly reduces strength characteristics material.

Unedged products often find their application as auxiliary material in the process of construction, the manufacture of formwork and platforms, decking, temporary partitions, fences, as well as load-bearing elements of various designs. Unedged materials are also used as semi-finished products for the manufacture of edged products.

If you are going to use an unedged board, you should consider several important factors. First, you need to make sure that there are no deformations, traces of inaccurate sawing, potholes and chips. Existing defects significantly reduce strength, and can also cause destruction during subsequent processing.

And yet, unedged lumber deserves attention, as it is a reliable and environmentally friendly solution in many sectors of the construction and economic activity. Due to stable demand in the market, there is a significant increase in woodworking production.

Comparative characteristics

More detailed comparative characteristics edged and unedged boards can be found on the website http://lesinter.ru. It should be remembered that when choosing between edged and unedged boards, you need to focus on a number of key parameters, such as the type of wood, thickness, width, appearance and surface finish. Despite the fact that the cost of unedged lumber is quite small, when buying, you need to pay attention to the presence of various defects. It is on such criteria that the final price per cubic meter depends.

How to choose suitable wood materials for construction work? First of all, you need to consider the nature of the building. The quality and, accordingly, the cost of materials depend on various factors. An important role is played by the cutting option, from which wood materials come out. different kind. These are edged and unedged boards, slabs, etc. Let's stop on an unedged board.

What is an unedged board?

This is lumber with an unsawn edge. This cutting method significantly reduces the price of the product. When choosing, you need to pay attention to quality. The basic principle of choosing this lumber is the absence of warping and wingedness, in which there are changes in shape along the length. If the lumber has an arcuate appearance or, as it were, twisted with a screw, it means that it was dried in violation of the rules. Also, due to improper drying, cracks may appear in the wood.

What is the difference between edged and unedged boards?

As a result of sawing logs, different lumber is obtained. During preliminary sawing of logs on both sides, an unedged board is obtained, with further sawing, edged boards of the same width are obtained at the output.

When sawing a whole log, lumber with bark remains comes out from under the machine. The main difference between an unedged board is not quite an aesthetic appearance and uneven width along the entire length. For these reasons, there are differences in prices - edged lumber is much more expensive. You should not choose any products with large quantity knots, such material is fragile. All defective lumber is low-grade and has a corresponding price.

What is an unedged board used for?

Lumber can be used for various purposes:

  • roof sheathing or sheathing;
  • construction of sheds for household needs or baths;
  • production of decking and other purposes where appearance is not important;
  • when building fences. This lumber is often used to enclose construction sites.

Unedged high-quality lumber is also used to create doors, stairs, and furniture. They make lining, skirting boards and others Construction Materials. Even a low-quality board with an unequal width can be useful, from knotted products they equip the formwork for the foundation, they equip the insulation of the facade of the house.

How to calculate the cube of the board?

Certain standards have been developed for unedged boards. Their volumes are summarized in special tables, which are called the cubature of the board. Knowing the length of the product, its volume is determined by the values ​​of the width and thickness. It is important to remember that all parameters are measured in the same quantities. Wood dimensions are calculated in meters.

Many online stores of building materials offer a cubic capacity calculator. With it, you can see the weight of the proposed order and find out information about the price.

How to measure a board?

If it is not possible to use a cube or an online calculator, you can independently measure the thickness, width and length. Unedged wood materials do not have a uniform width. Therefore, their average width is measured in the middle without taking into account the bark. To obtain arithmetic averages, rounding up to 0.01 m is carried out. Shares over 0.005 m and more are considered as 0.01 m, smaller ones are not taken into account. For a small batch, this method of measurement is quite acceptable.

If you need an unedged board, visit TAM.BY, where you can buy lumber from companies at an attractive price.

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