Small architectural forms of their own. Small architectural forms in the garden - a big effect of small structures

reservoirs 25.06.2019

Small architectural forms for dachas and playgrounds - this is the final chord of the symphony of landscape design, to be convinced of this, just look at the photo. Even if you have a small backyard with unsightly buildings, you can always turn the area into a luxurious, if not fabulous, place to relax in the bosom of nature with the help of the right design solutions.

Types of small architectural forms

Architectural structures of this kind have long been perceived as classics, because, due to their availability, they are resorted to almost everywhere: as soon as you find yourself in a park area or in a country garden, you catch your eye:

Country plot with a gazebo and a pond

  • unusual sculptures;
  • mesmerizing fountains;
  • openwork arbors in which you want to hide from the external fuss, holding your breath;
  • magnificent arches strewn with flowering plants;
  • forged bridges;
  • refined rotundas;
  • decorative flowerpots;
  • colorful terraces;
  • trellises for flowering plants;
  • decorative lights;
  • other architectural masterpieces and compositional solutions.

Decorative composition with a waterfall

Today, all these masterpieces can be found in some parks and on the territory of private households in our country.

Against a backdrop of rich decor country houses It may seem that such elements of landscape design are very expensive, but this is not so! Absolutely any owner of a personal plot has access to such beauty, because you can not install expensive fountains, majestic amphitheaters or unusual labyrinths, but use a budget, but very original gazebo, decorating it with picturesque curly flowers, elegantly “throw” a bridge over a well-maintained artificial reservoir, and finally, use an amazing arch in the exterior.

Attention! Remember, site styling is possible even on a limited budget, because the main thing is your desire, imagination and, of course, diligence!

Setting up a seating area in the garden

If we talk about the tasks that are embedded in such solutions, then there are several of them:

  1. Decorative. It is created by picturesque fences, amazing gazebos and sculptures, the magic of fountains and the water surface of the pools.
  2. Active recreation and sports. This task can be accomplished using sports grounds, courts and swings, playgrounds and sandboxes.
  3. Mass use. Having built extraordinary benches and benches, installing garden lamps and sculptural masterpieces, you can radically transform a park area or an unsightly household plot.

We improve the territory of the garden

The choice of this or that architectural element depends on the scale and style of the territory, the initial design, the time that you can freely spend on the arrangement, financial capabilities, flight of fancy and other factors.


Gazebo at their summer cottage

Most often, you can see light structures of a simple, less often capital type, built with a base. For their manufacture, materials can be used that are different in origin, texture and quality: natural wood and stone, brick and metal. An arbor from a combination of seemingly incongruous materials at first glance looks spectacular, especially when surrounded by picturesque flower beds. The shape of the gazebo, according to the ideas of the architects, can vary from classical to round and even hexagonal.

Made in the same stylistic direction with the territory of the garden, a colorful gazebo, in addition to its decorative function, can become an island of salvation from the sun and heat, fuss and city noise. This is a great place for solitude and just enjoying the natural colors.

Rotundas and gazebos

These architectural forms are almost never found in a simple summer cottage where we grow flowers and grow berries. Rotundas, like gazebos, carry a certain style and functional purpose, which is more inherent in design and imposing spaces. Covered buildings, decorated with stucco and stately columns, are considered an excellent place for tea drinking and quiet pleasant conversations.



These solutions come from Europe, where they were placed mainly on a hill. Belvederes are equipped with amazing support columns and a well-maintained observation deck. They are constructed from natural stone, wood, concrete and metal, and their style can be classical, Greek, modern and so on.


Architectural solutions in a classic design, they are perfectly located in open space, on hills, near a reservoir and even in the border area suburban area. Today, one can often find transformed gazebos of incredible beauty, where architectural elements from different styles simultaneously predominate.


Very popular buildings made of plastic, wooden beams and other building materials, with powerful pillars and a through roof. Pergolas serve more as a decorative element of the exterior than a practical function. With their help, you can focus on the bright elements of the garden and emphasize the special beauty of a particular style. A beautiful, massive and rich-looking pergola will become not only a pleasant addition for the owner of a personal plot, but also a favorite place for warm meetings with friends, joint tea parties in the warm season.



This type of architectural structures refers to supports. Arches are most often created for "living walls" and for growing climbing vegetation. Often there are arched structures made of wood, brick and natural stone in gardens, park areas and arboretums. Braided with luxurious greenery, majestic arches dilute landscape design territory, regardless of its area and dimensions of the architectural structure.

Arch with flowers


Logged and paved, wooden and forged, curved and even, equipped with elegant railings and without them, hovering over the water, and vice versa, heavier - all this is said about the bridges that “throw” over well-maintained reservoirs, streams and ponds. An amazing addition to any square, park or garden, artificial forest, giving the territory an element of naturalness and magic. Each of us, if you have not yet admired the water surface, being on a decorative bridge, then probably dreamed about it.

Bridge over an artificial reservoir

Attention! Often the bridges are complemented by forged benches, park lamps, which in the evening very effectively reflect the picturesque beauty of the area and highlight the small architectural forms inscribed in it.

garden sculptures

These elements symbolize majesty and tact, indicate the good taste of their owner. Classical and modern sculptural works are most often present in museum and historical squares and parks. Hewn from natural stone or created from concrete, they can have the most different shape and dimensions - monumental columns, huge lions and gentle angels. If a professional is engaged in the placement and selection of sculptures, then you can be sure that he will be able to achieve incredible success in landscaping the recreation area.

garden sculpture

Such majestic sculptures cannot be found on personal plots. Popular are stylized plaster figurines of gnomes and fairytale heroes, miniature copies of historical buildings and castles with decorative lighting. Such solutions look amazingly beautiful against the backdrop of a bright lawn, under the shade of well-groomed trees or dense vegetation.

Small architectural forms (SAF) are structures for decorating and providing comfortable rest in the garden. You can make small architectural forms with your own hands, which will give the garden originality.

Small architectural forms are used for zoning the site, arranging recreation areas and creating additional amenities.

Types of MAF by purpose

All MAFs have their own functional purpose and at the same time have an aesthetic appeal, they create comfort and coziness in the recreation area located in the garden. The functional purpose of small architectural forms can be divided into three groups:

  1. Site zoning. Often, when creating landscape design, it is necessary to divide the site into zones. This will help to perform such elements of landscape architecture: decorative fences, trellises, pergolas, retaining walls, parapets, bridges, stairs, fountains, sculptural compositions, topiaries, arches, flowerpots, etc.
  2. Arrangement of places for recreation. garden plots near the house primarily serve as a place of rest. Various shady awnings, gazebos (observation platforms on a hill with or without a canopy), gazebos with garden furniture, swings, barbecues, etc. make it comfortable.
  3. Creation of additional amenities on the site. Such MAFs include lanterns, drinking fountains, trash cans.

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Types of MAF according to the use of plants and materials of manufacture

Small architectural forms for the garden come with plants without them.

Among the MAFs, which imply the mandatory use of vegetation, arches, pergolas and trellises are distinguished. This category also includes flowerpots, bosquets (planted in a certain sequence and trimmed shrubs and trees that form "green rooms") and trellises (supports with climbing vegetation).

Small architectural forms can be made from different materials: concrete, wood, metal, natural stone, brick, plastic, etc.

These materials have their pros and cons.

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MAF made of wood

Wooden MAFs are the most popular in landscape decoration. Wood has undoubted advantages: environmental friendliness, strength, lightness, ease of processing and maintenance, low cost.

In most cases, wood is used to create such elements of garden architecture:

  • buildings in the recreation area (gazebos, terraces, patios, garden furniture, benches, swings, etc.);
  • structures for vines (arches, trellises, trellises, pergolas);
  • sculptures, figurines;
  • houses for animals and birds (feeders, booths, birdhouses, etc.).

These and many other small architectural forms of wood can be made independently. The easiest option is a flower bed in the form of a cart. To make such a flower bed, you will need minimum set woodworking tools:

  • saw;
  • jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • a hammer;
  • roulette;
  • ruler;
  • square;
  • pencil.

It is not necessary to buy wood specifically. Material can serve as unnecessary wooden crafts: boxes, shovels, barrels, etc. You can also use a used old cart. To do this, it is enough to treat the wood with antiseptics, paint or varnish. You can fill the ground and plant flowers right in it, or you can put wooden barrels with flowers in it. It will be interesting to look at metal cans instead of wooden barrels.

A decorative garden cart can serve not only as a flower bed, but also as a beautiful wood storage next to the barbecue.

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MAF from concrete

Among the advantages of this material should be noted strength, durability, no need for serious maintenance and elegant look. At the same time, MAFs made of concrete also have their drawbacks: big weight, high cost, customization (in most cases), irrelevance in some styles. On personal plots you can find such small architectural forms made of concrete:

  • vases for flowers;
  • drinkers and bird feeders;
  • fountains, grottoes, bridges, arches;
  • benches;
  • sculptures.

You can still try to make some simple MAFs made of concrete yourself. For this you will need:

  • concrete mixer;
  • welding machine;
  • hose for water supply;
  • shovel;
  • wheelbarrow;
  • buckets;
  • access to water and electricity;
  • cement M300 or M400;
  • sand;
  • fittings.

Let's start making, for example, a garden sculpture made of concrete:

  1. Weld the frame from the reinforcement, most accurately conveying the shape of the desired sculpture. You can make a hollow or monolithic sculpture. To create a hollow sculpture, the frame must be wrapped with a fine metal mesh.
  2. cook concrete mortar in this proportion: 1 cement + 2 sand + a small amount of PVA glue + water. The consistency of the solution should be thick enough, suitable for modeling.
  3. Start throwing the solution in layers. Each subsequent layer must be applied after the previous one has set. Doing last layer, try to convey the smallest details sculptures.
  4. After the sculpture has dried, you can start painting it.
  5. Set the figure to the desired location. A monolithic sculpture weighs several times more than a hollow one, so special fixtures may be required.

A suburban area is an area intended not only for garden work but also for relaxation. I want it to be beautiful in every way - luxurious, well-groomed plants and decor that forms a single whole with the site and pleases the eye. A gazebo, a bench, a bridge on the site will help create a special atmosphere, small architectural forms made of wood, metal, concrete create special zones in the garden that resemble a fairy-tale kingdom.

Fashion trends in landscape design come to us from Europe, the use of small architectural forms to decorate private gardens has been practiced there for a long time, but for us this is a new trend that is quickly becoming popular.

A cozy place to relax is created using a boardwalk located under the trees. Flowers in pots and vases make it even more attractive

Statues, decorative bridges and benches, which used to be found only in city parks, today any summer resident can ennoble his site using these wonderful elements of landscape design.

You can make the garden original by giving the usual elements an unusual shape. An example is such a bench in the shape of a butterfly

The choice of architectural forms, of course, largely depends on the budget, but you can always use small forms in the exterior - the market today offers an extensive range in a wide price range. So not only oligarchs can afford small forms.

What can be achieved using small architectural forms? A lot - to give the site individuality, divide it into zones, change the design, place accents, use small forms to create a specific style. They perform two important functions: they make the territory of the site more aesthetic and provide comfort.

Benches in the garden are the most commonly used small forms. They can be both simple and surprisingly unusual solutions - for example, like this bench using mosaics

Any small form, with the exception of sculptures, has a practical purpose: they protect from dust and wind, they are a support for plants, bridges allow you to cross water bodies, it is pleasant to eat and relax in gazebos, and they are also great places to relax.

Consider the main types of small forms that can transform a garden area into a cozy relaxation area.

A beautiful forged bridge thrown over an artificial pond is a wonderful decorative element that gives the garden a special grace.

Pavilions - a cozy place for a meal and pleasant conversations

For the construction of gazebos, many materials are used - natural and fake diamond, metal, brick, wood. For roofing - bituminous tiles, metal tiles, slate, boards - in general, any roofing material. The purpose of the gazebo is to provide the owners with a comfortable stay, often accompanied by eating or drinking tea.

An openwork gazebo made of wood protects from the sun and wind, the roof is made of soft shingles gives the building an aesthetic appearance

Small forms, decorated with forging, always look advantageous. Such a gazebo on the site is not only a good place for relaxation, but also garden decoration

Pergolas and arches - we zone the garden with the help of loaches

Arches and pergolas are supporting varieties of small architectural forms. Arches are designed for zoning space, entwined with vines and other climbing plants, they create very cozy picturesque corners in the garden.

Stone classical arches today are practically replaced by forged, metal and wooden ones. The budget option - plastic arches, is also widely used in the decoration of sites. The arch is a decorative element that came to us from ancient times, which has not lost its relevance even today due to the ability to perfectly decorate the territory.

2 in 1 - pergola arch. Although it is not entwined with greenery, it looks very good surrounded by delphiniums and other flowers.

Arched structures are often used in conjunction with pergolas. - a building with a through roof made of beams, which rests on pillars. For the manufacture of pergolas, mainly plastic and wood are used.

Pergolas are often integral with garden benches- turns out very nice place for relaxing in a flowery environment, sheltered from the sun

Pergolas cannot be called functional structures, their main function is decorative, but a pergola entwined with ivy or roses can become the best place for relaxing in the summer, in the shade of plants, where you will admire the beauty of nature. In a small area, a pergola can become the main focus, a formative component of the chosen style (mainly classical).

Garden sculptures: modernity and classics

Classical sculptures made of plaster and marble, small architectural forms made of concrete - images of angels, ancient gods or statues of lions surrounded by luxurious colonnades are not suitable for every garden. The best place for them is a large garden or a regular park.

Such sculptures would be appropriate in a large garden, at the porch of an impressive house. A small fountain classical style can be installed in a smaller area

Such cute plaster figurines are inexpensive, and their use in garden decor creates a positive mood.

You can also purchase a more expensive original modern sculpture design work and place it in a specially designated corner of the garden.

Such a thoughtful elf can be placed in a quiet corner of the garden, a place for solitary reflections

Flowerpots and containers - a budget way to decorate your garden

Artistically designed containers for flowers are also small architectural forms. They are available to anyone and can noticeably ennoble the space of your garden. If you choose containers for plants, taking into account their size, material, shape, color, painting and other external characteristics, and place them in places where you want to focus your attention, the garden will sparkle with bright colors. Plus, containers are also the most affordable garden decor.

The container with flowers is located inside the decorative cart - a very interesting small form in country style

Even if you have small plot, where buildings are not particularly beautiful, with the help of small architectural forms, you can turn it into a place with your own hands where you will enjoy spending time in the bosom of nature.

The summer cottage, as well as the adjoining suburban area, are not only a place intended for gardening and other household work, but also for relaxation and contemplation of natural beauty. In this regard, the owners of the suburban area strive to make it attractive in all respects - well-groomed green plants form a harmonious symbiosis with country architecture. Taking this into account, experts urge the owners of a suburban area to pay attention to the fact that green spaces alone, which, at first glance, are the dominant element of a summer cottage area, are not able to create a holistic, complete look for a backyard territory, which means that special architectural structures, called "small architectural forms of landscape design". It is they who will allow you to easily create a peaceful atmosphere of relaxation and unity with nature, no matter what territory you have, whether it is small cottage or a luxurious country estate. After all, it is not for nothing that these, as many believe, “excesses” are the final chord of the symphony of landscape design, recognized as a necessity in any territory, to one degree or another intended for recreation.

Small architectural forms: historical background

The history of small architectural forms has its roots in the Renaissance, when many specialists worked on the construction of Italian park ensembles, from gardeners to great sculptors and architects. At the same time in Japan, sages who preached the search for truth in contemplation, argued that the stone is an integral part of the garden, in fact, its basis.

The stone, present in the Japanese garden in its natural beauty, and also used to create sculptures, carried a sacred and sometimes symbolic meaning. Japanese garden, even characterizing an area of ​​​​several square meters, never did without small architectural forms made of stone, whether it be a decorative fountain or a small pagoda.

While in Japan they were kind to the stone and saw in it a mysterious hidden power, in Russia they idolized the tree and, undoubtedly, knew how to work with it. In the Old Russian garden, one can find many images of fabulous birds and animals, epic heroes depicted on carved pillars, as well as other products of Old Russian artisans. Thus, small architectural forms surrounding the space around the house made it possible to bring the garden space to the desired stylistic concept, which at present makes it possible to clearly distinguish between existing stylistic trends.

On the role and purpose of small architectural forms

Despite the fact that in Europe small architectural forms are an integral element of any garden, which allows us to call them "classics of the genre", in Russia they have only recently begun to gradually come into fashion. In view of the fact that the MAF is decorated luxurious gardens celebrities and estates of high-ranking personalities, there is an opinion that this pleasure is available only to people with high social status. However, this is fundamentally wrong, since decorating a garden with small architectural forms is available even to a simple summer resident who decides to diversify the design of his site, ennobling it with a vending building.

AT this case it all depends on the type of building you like and the material from which it is constructed. Although the LFA's extensive list does not include expensive structures such as sculptures, fountains, amphitheatres, and labyrinths, there are more a budget option, having equipped an original pergola on your site, an unusual bridge over an artificial reservoir or a gazebo in which you can spend warm summer evenings.

The main groups of MAF in accordance with their functional purpose

The main function of a small architectural form is an aesthetic addition to the underlying building suburban area, it should harmoniously combine not only convenience and original design, but also the shape and materials from which this or that small architectural form is made must be in harmony with the surrounding landscape. Since LAFs are a component of landscape design, characterized by both aesthetic and functional purposes, experts propose to divide all LAFs into the following functional groups:

MAF for delimiting the territory

Situations arise when it becomes necessary to visually and aesthetically delimit the territory, for example, to separate the area intended for recreation from the working area, or buildings characterized by economic purposes, and hide working equipment from prying eyes. The following elements can be attributed to small architectural forms of this purpose:

  • Various kinds of decorative fences;
  • bridges and arches;
  • Stairs;
  • Fountains;
  • Decorative retaining walls;
  • Sculptures, flowerpots and topiaries.

Arches, balustrades, bridges and other structures designed to enclose the territory delimit the functional areas of the garden, perfectly emphasizing the style and personality of your site. Topiary is a specific architectural form, made in the form of a sculpture carved from trees and shrubs. Like arches, they perform only a decorative function, dividing the space into separate parts.

MAF necessary for arranging recreation areas

In addition to household needs, LFAs play an important role in creating places for recreation in the garden. Such elements are:

  • Garden and country furniture;
  • Sports grounds and children's playgrounds;
  • Pergolas and benches;
  • And, finally, barbecues, swings and other MAFs for relaxation.

MAFs Designed for Convenience

In order to make the stay of people in a particular functional area more comfortable, experts suggest equipping the following LAFs on their site:

  • Lanterns and other lighting devices;
  • drinking fountains;
  • Urns.

Small architectural form photo

Varieties of MAF depending on the use of plants

In the process of creating some MAFs, plants are used, which makes it possible to divide all MAFs into varieties in accordance with the use of plants, among which there are:

  • MAF, the design of which does not provide for the presence of plants;
  • MAF, providing for the presence of plants.

Since small architectural forms without the use of plants were discussed above, we will not dwell on their classification in detail, and proceed to the description of the second group.

So, there are the following small architectural forms, the design of which involves the use of plants:

  • Trellis, which is a metal support or wooden support for climbing plants. Most often, support is light garden lattice for plants. Growing up, they create a green screen that protects from the sun on a hot afternoon and performs a decorative function. The construction of such screens is carried out in the case when it is necessary to cover from prying eyes outbuildings characterized by unsightly appearance. By combining several gratings, you can create a kind of shady corner or a green gazebo. To equip such a gazebo, you can use a lattice with a wide variety of patterns, since in summer time they will be completely covered by blooming plants.
  • Pergolas are also a supporting variety of small architectural forms. With the help of pergolas entwined with vines and other climbing plants, you can create cozy picturesque corners, one of the purposes of which is the zoning of space. From a constructive point of view, a pergola is a canopy, integral part which is a lattice, entwined with climbing plants and replacing the roof. The pergola is based on several arched structures, which are interconnected by special jumpers. dropping off climbing plants near the pergola, in the future you will become the owner of a green corridor leading, for example, from the gazebo to the patio. According to landscape designers, a pergola can successfully replace a cozy green gazebo, which has no walls, and pillars braided with lianas contribute to the creation of a limited space. inner space, attracting romantic mystery and solitude.
  • Arches, the design of which is a semicircle, are often used as an element that helps to highlight one or another part of the territory. In order to hide from the scorching sun on a hot summer day, an arch entwined with flowering vines can be placed along garden path. And if you equip several arches at the same time not far from each other, you get a blooming shady tunnel, where you can also take a walk on a hot afternoon.

  • Bosquets - another type of small architectural forms using plants are bosquets, which are the so-called "green rooms", the walls of which are formed with the help of specially trimmed trees and shrubs. The spread of this type of MAF in landscape design was its historical popularity: in the 16-17th century, the design of gardens in France could not do without the construction of bosquets.

Varieties of MAF depending on the material of manufacture

Depending on what material was used in the manufacturing process of a particular MAF, there are:

  • Small architectural forms made of wood and others natural materials eg vines. Combining with the surrounding natural space, they are able to recreate an atmosphere of naturalness and unity with natural environment. Wood is considered the material that professionals prefer to give priority to when choosing safe materials for playgrounds and play complexes, as it is subject to the highest requirements regarding environmental safety. In addition to small architectural forms for playgrounds, gazebos are made of wood, garden bridges, awnings and various benches.

  • Small architectural forms made of concrete and natural stone.

  • Small architectural forms made of metal, in view of the specific properties this material, in any case, are a unique element of any design project and decorate the most sophisticated backyard area. Metal often becomes a material for the manufacture of gazebos, unique flower girls and street lamps, barbecues, barbecues and other small architectural forms that are distinguished by their durability.

Original design ideas for popular garden highlights


Representing covered structures, in most cases gazebos are built on solid concrete or wooden bases. The most popular materials for the manufacture of gazebos are wood, metal or brick, as well as combinations of these materials. The shape of the arbors is no less diverse than the materials used: they can be round, square, and hexagonal. Despite the fact that in narrow circles designers are still arguing about the purpose of arbors, their role in design garden plots is obvious - this is the most successful place for relaxation and evening tea drinking on fresh air. In addition to a cozy corner in which you can hide from the scorching sun, the gazebo can become original decoration suburban homestead territory, which contributes to the most frequent installation of small architectural forms of this type.

Gazebos and rotundas

These small architectural forms are not a common element in a simple country house. In most cases, they are echoes of the classic stylistic trends, differing in impressiveness and the need to follow certain design standards. Gazebos and rotundas are indoor MAFs designed for solitary contemplation or private tea parties.


The historical roots of these MAFs go back to medieval Europe, where their installations selected the most picturesque gardens located on hilly terrain. The highest hill was chosen as the most successful place for the construction of a belvedere - an observation deck, surrounded by supporting columns along the perimeter. Despite the fact that stone, metal, concrete or wooden gazebos are an actual addition to a modern garden, it is necessary to be a true professional in order to harmoniously combine gazebos with a modern landscape.

decorative lanterns

As in ancient Japan, modern gardens decorative lanterns installed at certain, most significant compositional points are popular. Their combinations with stones, trees and shrubs, as well as man-made water sources are also welcome, for example, for example, a good place for a decorative light source would be to place it at the foot of a mountain, near a well, near the entrance to a garden or near a pond. Illuminating the garden and making it the safest, lanterns are a compositional element of architecture, creating a soft contrast with natural environment. In order to competently fit the lanterns into the surrounding space, it is necessary to clearly compare their sizes with the sizes of the decorated territory. In modern landscape design, there are several types of lanterns, the main attention of which deserves the following:

  • Decorative lanterns on stands, the constituent elements of which are the base, the pedestal and the holder for the lamp itself;
  • Lanterns that do not have a stand, as well as a pedestal and a decorative top, are located directly on the ground;
  • Decorative lamps, the constituent element of which is a pedestal, consisting of several legs (two, three or more).

Lamps, the dimensions of which are proportional to the surrounding area, can become a harmonious addition to a small garden, giving it a charming originality and highlighting the most advantageous compositional points with light.

garden furniture

Since speaking of garden furniture as a small architectural form for a garden, we mean a certain detail garden interior with more or less permanent habitat and constructive form, in this section we will talk not about weightless tables and chairs that are installed on the terraces and removed in case of any inclement weather, but about solid built-in garden furniture that will become a real decorative element of the garden. Forming the most comfortable zones in the garden, they become an indispensable element of the backyard. Most often, a garden bench acts as such structures, without which it is difficult to imagine a garden, to one degree or another intended for relaxation and cozy gatherings. Since it is considered a place where you can admire bright flower beds, bewitching overflow of water in the pond and the mysterious life of its inhabitants, it is important to choose the right place for its location. It can comfortably sit at the end of a shady alley or suddenly find itself around the bend of a winding garden path, invitingly inviting to relax and watch the natural beauty. It can become an integral element of the garden, forming its general stylistic concept, or a separate element for relaxation, located in a shady pergola entwined with flowering vines.


Sculptures also belong to small architectural forms, installed by oneself. However, their choice is often associated with some difficulties, which sometimes only professionals can handle. When choosing sculptures for a garden, it is important to follow the general stylistic concept of the garden. With this in mind, you will not be able to harmoniously synthesize a rock frog with the strict forms of a regular garden, despite the fact that you liked it so much.

But, if you are the owner of a garden with a small pond, made in a landscape style, it will become a harmonious addition to it. Decorating fountains and other man-made reservoirs cannot do without the use of stone sea monsters or lovely mermaids, and an antique-style statue is suitable to create a compositional center of a rockery or mixborder. And for lovers of romance, we advise you to arrange a cozy corner, entwined with ivy and blooming roses, where lovely cupids and mysterious forest nymphs will delight your eyes and give you a romantic mood.

And this is not all small architectural forms with which you can turn your site into cozy place recreation. The main thing to remember in order not to get lost in their diversity is a strict adherence to the stylistic concept of your garden, adhering to which you can choose and install any small architectural forms with your own hands.

In the evenings, by the light of lanterns, it is good to gather in a friendly company at a table in a cozy gazebo.

All this would not have been possible without small architectural forms. It is these elements that create comfort in the yard and delight the eye.

Small architectural forms (for short they are called MAF) are well-known structures and decorative elements that create the general mood of the space and at the same time fulfill useful features. The design of small architectural forms is widely used in the design of garden plots.

Benches, flowerpots, fountains, bridges, lanterns and gazebos are all elements of small architectural forms. Small architectural forms complement the design of the landscape, enlivening it and setting the necessary accents.

With their help, it is easy to navigate what this or that functional area is intended for: you can sit on a bench, hide from the scorching rays of the sun in the gazebo, cross the space along the bridge. Lanterns illuminate the garden, and you can plant your favorite plants in flowerpots. These forms are practical and emphasize the individuality of the site.

In landscape design, all small architectural forms should combine visual appeal and comfort of use.

Designers vigilantly ensure that the forms they choose fit together and harmonize with the surrounding area. Then the personal plot will turn out to be well-groomed, functional and will look spectacular.

For greater originality, decorators use in design projects not only typical MAFs bought in hardware stores, but also those that are made by themselves.

Special respect is given to the ability of craftsmen to turn even junk material into a masterpiece. Such design elements are more memorable.

The world of small architectural forms is truly diverse, as evidenced by the abundance of photos on the Internet. Specially developed classifications help to navigate in this world.

A decorative windmill surrounded by flowers is an excellent decoration of the site

MAF classification

Small architectural forms differ in their purpose and are divided into three types:

  • universal(for widespread daily use) - flowerpots, lanterns, benches, trash cans, etc.;
  • decorative(to decorate the environment) - statues and sculptures different forms, fountains, gazebos, mosaic bases of the pool, bridges and artificial streams;
  • leisure(for children and sports games) - sandboxes, swings, slides, wall bars.

There is another way to separate the MAF for its intended purpose, according to this method, two groups are obtained:

  • small architectural forms designed to evoke visual and aesthetic pleasure, please the eye and create a cozy atmosphere;
  • applied architectural forms responsible for comfortable conditions accommodation and recreation.

Among the small architectural forms of the second group, there are several subspecies:

  1. LAFs that delimit the space visually divide the site into several parts: they separate the recreation area from the work area, hide inventory and tools behind a partition or canopy. These include: fences, stairs, bridges, retaining walls, arches, fountains and flowerpots.
  2. MAF, equipping recreation areas: gazebos, garden furniture, benches, swings, barbecues and barbecues, children's and sports grounds.
  3. LFAs responsible for the convenience of the territory for people: lanterns and lamps, urns, drinking fountains.

Small architectural forms are also distinguished by the use of vegetation:

  • MAF using plants (vases, pergolas, bosquets);
  • MAF without plants.
Read about how to build a playground yourself.

Learn to strengthen the soil and decorate the site with.

Another one large group MAF is allocated based on the material of manufacture of a particular form:

  • concrete;
  • metal alloys;
  • ornamental stone;
  • natural materials (wood, vine).

Sometimes several materials are used (for example, a wrought iron gazebo finished with natural stone).

Types of MAF


These rounded ceilings are installed to divide the area into several zones. An arch is a kind of gate through which you can go from one area to another.

Bosquet is a territory with decoratively trimmed trees and bushes that have clear geometric shapes.


Such small architectural forms are appropriate over water bodies. However, sometimes they are also installed above the so-called dry streams made of decorative stones.

Bridges are built of stone, poured out of metal or sawn out of wood coated with varnish or special water-repellent impregnation.

The bridge is a monumental structure, which is thoroughly installed for a long time. It is necessary to properly fit it into the environment.

One of the great additions to landscape design is bridges in the garden.


If you want to emphasize the natural landscape on your site with all the natural irregularities, then for a comfortable transition from level to level, you can lay out single steps or entire stairs.

Stairs are made of brick, stone, paving slabs, poured out of concrete.

When installing stairs, you must consider whether it will be in harmony with the track. Everything should be made from similar materials.

Sometimes railings are installed to stairs in open space, for example, cast from metal. And you can plant low-growing plants along the edges of the stairs. They will make such a ladder part of the surrounding landscape.

Stairs in the garden - a great solution to connect two sections of different heights


The special pride of any owner of the site will be his own. It can be built in the middle of an already planned pond, or you can think of a separate drainage system even when creating a design project. Then the waterfall will turn out to be an autonomous reservoir.

The bed of the fountain, organized in the pond, is made of a flexible permeable material, such as a rubber film. A free-standing waterfall can be made of stone with concrete waterproofing.

The fountain can be decorated with various water overflow effects and lighting

retaining walls

With a complex relief of the site, slopes and slopes require additional strengthening. For this they raise. They are made of stone, brick, logs or concrete.

Building a wall that protects the slope from sliding and weathering is a very time-consuming task and will require the help of professional workers.

Depending on preferences retaining wall can be built from wood, wild stone, brick or concrete


Pergolas are needed so that you can hide in the garden from the weather. The roof of such an impromptu house shelters from rain and snow, and the walls protect from gusts of wind. At the same time, you are in the fresh air, inhale the aromas of the plants growing around and hear the birds singing.

Good places to place a gazebo are a quiet corner of the garden or the bank of a pond, depending on your goals.

Read about the use of stones in landscape design.

If you are going to be in the gazebo, secluded with a book, it is better to place it away from home. If you plan to meet there noisy company and fry kebabs, it is best to build a gazebo closer to home.

Arbors are wooden or metal, with or without walls, but always with a roof. Arbors shrouded in greenery look spectacular.

Arbor - a paradise in the garden

Sculptures and figures

Garden sculptures do not carry a functional load, but they are the highlight of the architectural ensemble. They are installed in places that are easily accessible to the eye: tall sculptures - in the lowlands, smaller ones (figures) - on the hills.

Sculptures will add zest to your garden, making it more alive.

Sculptures made of marble, gypsum and ornamental stones are invariably popular. The most popular figures are garden gnomes.

Funny figures will delight the owners with their appearance and give the site individuality.


Decorative flowerpots are designed to emphasize the beauty of flowers. They come in all sorts of shapes and colors. The main thing is to choose a flowerpot so that it is combined with the plants that will bloom in it.

Flowerpots are portable and stationary, depending on your preferences, varieties of flowers and climate. Sometimes, in case of bad weather, it is convenient to bring flowerpots with flowers into the house. And sometimes it is more reliable that the flowerpot is dug into the soil.

Flowerpots are often made independently, for example, or plastic bottles.

Choose the shape and material of flowerpots in accordance with the general style of the garden


The most common example of garden furniture is. But such a bench is needed not only to sit on it, but also for decorative purposes.

The bench is a key node of the site - many paths converge near the bench, stairs or a bridge can lead to it. Benches are placed in the gazebo or near the house.

They are made from a variety of materials: wood, metal and stone. There are also multi-colored benches made of plastic.

Benches make the garden cozy and relaxing


Even the most thoughtful landscape design will lose if it's bad. It is important to choose this accessory wisely.

The key point when choosing a flashlight is the type of its power supply: electricity or solar panels. You need to think in advance which type of food is preferable for you.

Lanterns are installed along the paths, near the hammock and swing, at the gate and in front of the house.

Properly selected ones will help you relax longer in your favorite area, enjoying its beauty even in the dark.

There are countless options to make the landscape design of your site unique. To do this, it is enough to choose the right small architectural forms.

Before installing them on your site, you should make sure that all accessories are combined with each other and fit your landscape. Do not lose sight of the material from which they are made. Then you will be satisfied with the work done and love to relax in your garden even more.

Aug 5, 2015 Elena Timoshchuk

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