Arched roof - design features and installation technology. Production of a truss system for a semicircular and lancet roof Projects of houses with an arch

Encyclopedia of Plants 04.03.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

Today, among the habitual hardened master of roofing structures, an arched roof has taken a firm place. This roof design makes the house not only original and interesting, but also protects it from excessive wind load. In addition, it is the arcuate overlap that makes it possible to let in maximum light into the room if transparent polycarbonate is chosen as the roof. About the advantages and disadvantages of such a domed roof and the principles of its installation in the material below.

The use of arched roofs is now widespread throughout the world. Now in Russia they began to introduce such a design into the architectural field. In particular, such a roof is justified on such objects:

  • Swimming pools and indoor sports grounds;
  • Stop pavilions and sheds for transport;
  • Greenhouses and conservatories;
  • Arched country house;
  • Capital buildings, such as powerful hangars, production workshops, etc.

Important: by the way, frameless roofs from a metal profile have been developed today for the construction of hangars. Such structures have great rigidity and strength, which allows you to mount large rooms without the use of a complex truss system.

Pros and cons of a semicircular roof

It is worth knowing that arched roofs carry a lot of advantages both for the house itself and for its owner. The main positive aspects of such an arcuate overlap are:

  • Reducing the wind load on the floor of the house. That is, moving along a sloping roof, the wind does not experience resistance, which means it does not tear off the roof and does not loosen the truss system.
  • Unhindered convergence of snow crusts from the roof. Such a moment is important, since precipitation in the form of snow puts additional pressure on the floor.
  • The ability to fill the room with natural light (subject to the use of a transparent roof).
  • Significant savings in attic space. The absence of a complex truss system ensures this.

But the semicircular roof has some disadvantages. These include:

  • Some complexity of installation. Especially if the master decides to make the supporting frame out of wood.
  • The impossibility of using any vending material as a roofing material.

Arched Roof Coating Materials

As a rule, light roofing materials with a certain elasticity are used to cover the arches of the roof. In particular, as a roof can be used:

  • Sheets of galvanized steel. Such a material, with its flexibility, is able to form both a coating and a supporting rigid frame at the same time. Moreover, steel with galvanized coating is resistant to corrosion.
  • Plastic roll slate. The coating is made of polymers and has excellent elasticity. Such a roofing material has a smooth surface and a strong structure, which allows the master to use this material as an arched one.
  • The profile flooring is arched. In this case, the coating has the structure of a standard profiled sheet. The only difference between these two types of coatings is their shape. Arched already has an arched shape. Its advantage is that such material can be mounted on the roof frame already in whole fragments.

Important: arched corrugated board must be ordered from the manufacturer according to the parameters of the arched roof (span width, height of its walls and arc height).

  • The beam is glued. With careful installation and a properly selected profile, you can also make a wooden timber roof. And although this option is not profitable in terms of durability, nevertheless, from the aesthetic side, such a roof looks environmentally friendly and attractive.
  • Drywall or plywood. From above, the materials will need to be covered with any roofing material such as shingles, etc.
  • Light-conductive coatings(polycarbonate). Today it is the most popular for overlapping arches.

Roof frame materials

As for the materials for creating the roof frame, a variety of materials can be used. However, they should be divided into materials for use in capital industrial construction or for use in private work. So, for capital construction, you can use:

  • Reinforced concrete. For the installation of such arches, complex special equipment is required, and the work will be very labor-intensive. Therefore, private masters do not work with such material.
  • Frameless profile sheets. It was written about them above that such material simultaneously performs both the function of a rigid frame and the function of a roofing covering.

In private construction, for the arch frame, you can use:

  • Wooden arched rafters. The creation of such roof elements is up to the carpenter. Or you can order such rafters in a carpentry workshop. Most often they look like arcs or semi-arcs glued from thin boards.
  • metal steel profile(square tube). A material that is durable and resistant to stress, but requires some effort in profile bending.
  • aluminum pipes. Ideal for arched roof frame. Aluminum is not subject to corrosion, is quite simple to work with and easy to erect the frame. And with the strengthening of such legs with spacers, the roof can withstand any roofing material.

Important : for the device of an arcuate greenhouse, you can use pipessPVC.

Do-it-yourself arched roof on an aluminum profile

To build a semicircular roof with your own hands, it is necessary to prepare aluminum pipes with a cross section of 5 cm and a length of 5-6 m. And to cover the roof, in our case, we will take translucent polycarbonate of any shade. But it is worth remembering that although such a coating is modern and attractive, it is still better to use it for constructing a roof-canopy over a car, a pool roof or an extension roof. Since in the summer indoors under such a roof it will be very hot.

Important: polycarbonate tends to expand when heated under the sun. Therefore, when attaching the roofing sheets, it is necessary to leave a technical gap for the expansion of the roof.

Calculation of the roof arc

  • To calculate the length of one arc and its radius, you need to take a sheet of graph paper and put on it on a scale the width of the span of the arch (the distance from one wall of the house to another) and its desired height above the span.
  • Having measured everything and received the data, they are transferred to a sheet of graph paper.
  • Now, in the center of the span in the diagram, we install a compass and, resting its second end with a pencil on the edge of one wall according to the diagram, draw an even circle.
  • Inside the circle, you need to draw an even hexagon.
  • The resulting lengths of the sides on the scale will be the lengths of one arc, which will have to be added. In our case, for an arched roof, add three such lengths.

Important: arch arcs can be made not from a single pipe, but from its parts. In this case, two semi-arcs can join in the upper part of the arch, forming a steeper or less steep bend.

Frame installation

Pipes must be bent using a special bend, pre-forming cuts on the profile. It is important to remember that the more notches there are on the profile, the less steep the bending radius will be. And accordingly, the fewer notches, the greater the bending radius. Notches on the profile must be placed with the same pitch.

  • The resulting arcs are attached with special brackets to the Mauerlat made of wood. And reinforce the design with special stiffeners. You can use a tree or a metal profile for this.
  • Along the entire perimeter of the arcs installed in increments of 50-70 cm, a crate is attached. For polycarbonate, the crate pitch can also vary within 70 cm. But it is better to make it equal to the width of one sheet. So the installation of polycarbonate will be more convenient.
  • When attaching roof sheets, it is necessary to make holes in them for self-tapping screws in advance. Moreover, the holes should be a few mm larger with the expectation of expanding the coating.

Important: for mounting polycarbonate, you need to use special self-tapping screws with tight washers and decorative covers.

  • The gables of the roof are covered with any convenient material. The one from which the box of the house is built will look beautiful.

Tip: if you are not confident in your abilities when calculating the parameters of the arc, then use the services of professionals or at least use a special program to calculate the parameters of the arch.

Hobbit Hall in Russia by Roman Leonidov Architectural Bureau.

A small house, whose area is comparable to the Moscow "kopeck piece", Roman Leonidov came up with as one of the options for expanding his dacha near Moscow. A spacious house has already been built on the architect's site, and a small separate house was intended for a sunny lawn in front of it - the architect has been drawing various options for its development for some time.

An individual residential building for permanent or temporary residence of a family of three is a single volume, including an entrance hall, a bathroom, a kitchen-dining room and two bedrooms. From the dining room there is an exit to the terrace, covered with a landscaped canopy. Adjacent to the ends of the house is a storage room for garden tools, which is accessed from the terrace. The house has an important feature: each room is lit by natural light. Structurally, the building is a simple frame of bent glued beams. The walls do not carry any load and are made of frame structures filled with thermal insulation or sound insulation (for internal partitions).

Name: Hobbit House (Hobbit Hall)
Location: Moscow region, Russia
Architecture: Architectural Bureau of Roman Leonidov
Total area: 45 m2

Project graphics.

arched houses

We offer a new, original solution for recreation, housing and commercial purposes.

The production of mobile houses is…




The advantage of such houses:

  1. Any family can afford such a house.
  2. It looks beautiful, interesting, original and creative.
  3. Very simple and economical in maintenance (maintenance).
  4. The cottage is warm and very comfortable.
  5. It is easy to move from place to place, as well as transport.
  6. Suitable for both temporary and permanent housing.
  7. Individual architectural solutions and dimensions are possible.
  8. It will fit well into any interior of a summer cottage or recreation center.
  9. Delivery method by manipulator.
  10. Such a house can be used in different directions, namely:

For fishing. The use by fishermen of their own house on a paid lake; - for owners of paid lakes. Renting a house daily and seasonally; - for owners of camp sites; - for investors who want to start building a campsite using a house; - for summer camps. Holiday villages; - for the guard of the territory of the park, parking lot; - for a guest house on his site;

As a separate playhouse for children; - for a bath or sauna; - for a bathroom with a washbasin and shower; - for an outdoor cafe with mini-houses or a roadside cafe; - for a hunter; - for camping; - for private companies wishing to promote and develop ecological tourism; - for pilgrimage hotels offering a minimum set of services; - as a residential or construction house, to start building a large house, which, upon completion of construction, can be used as a guest and landscape design of the site, or for other purposes mentioned above.

What do you get by purchasing an arched house?

  1. Property for spending a comfortable stay in a warm and dry environment, with a beautiful view. 2. Long service life of 20 years with a two-year warranty. 3. The possibility of trouble-free movement. 4. Possibility of landscaping for recreation centers and private estates. 5. Possibility of secondary sale. 6. Possibility of fast production, in stock or up to three weeks. 7. Bath with a launch period of three weeks.

It is also possible to lay an infrared warm floor, which will allow you to warm up the room in a short time in cold weather and enjoy being close to nature in warmth.

Arched house

The Belarusian company has developed a unique construction start-up for the production of houses with unusual architecture. Their project of a low-rise building has already become the winner of the national architecture competition and the winner of Active House 2017 in the nomination for the best design. Tamago 115, which has a rounded roof instead of walls, is not only a product of architectural thought. The project is based on an invention that makes it possible to build energy-efficient buildings of domed, hipped and hemispherical shapes. We met with the creators of Tamago and found out why they call it the “antibiotic from construction”, when the prototype will be built and how much such housing will cost.

Invented another wheel

It all started with the fact that Konstantin Urbanovsky, a designer and businessman rolled into one, figured out how to make a lancet arch (it is a figure of two semicircular arches intersecting at a certain angle) from two prefabricated wooden beams. What for? To be able to build buildings with a domed roof without involving special equipment.

The main part of the technology is the UrbanBlock elements from which the beam is assembled. They are made of waterproof plywood. Each lamella is machine cut and has a small radius. The slats are assembled into blocks and fastened with metal studs and bolts. It turns out a small part, weighing about 20 kg. These blocks are assembled into a "thorn groove" into a radius ("bent") beam of the desired length. If the beams are joined, then the required arch is obtained. The block sizes are unified, and, in fact, this is a constructor. Serial connection of elements allows you to create a self-supporting frame of the house.

Unlike Russian domed houses under the trademarks "Dobrosfera" and "Skydom", which are assembled from rectilinear elements, structures from UrbanBlock are devoid of the main drawback - visible "ribs" of the structure.

Dome from "Dobrosfera"

It was decided to patent the development of Konstantin Urbanovsky. It turned out that the invention is unique and no one in the world has thought of this before. “It's like inventing a wheel,” jokes Yana Urbanovskaya, founder of the young Tamago company. - Now the blocks have the status of an invention, we are engaged in patent protection in 151 countries, as well as obtaining international certificates. They decided to test the technology on small architectural forms - in the spring of 2017, a gazebo was assembled near Gomel near the experimental production. On it, the inventor's team studied the possibilities of the design. She performed very well.

Arbor from UrbanBlock

Next, we developed an architectural design of the gazebo, which was based on these lancet arches, - says Dmitry Alkhimovich, CEO of the company. - It turned out to be a very reliable and attractive design. As a result, we realized that this is a promising direction, and registered the Tamago company (translated from Japanese - “egg”). We continued to work on the architecture and study the scope of the UrbanBlock technology. It turned out that they are practically limitless. You can build buildings of absolutely any shape: hemispheres, domed, conical, tent-shaped buildings, combinations of various shapes and sizes.

Project of a house of 76 square meters

The project has several directions. The first is private housing. It includes projects of houses, baths, arbors. The second is objects for the urban environment. Tamago offers innovative solutions for the modernization of urban facilities. For example, we already have options for building attic floors on the roofs of Khrushchev houses.

A separate area is the projects of public catering facilities. It is worth noting that the interest in the project is serious - the well-known architect Lev Agibalov works in the development team.

house in a container

The development of the idea is in the creation of factory production of house kits that can be sent to the client in a container. That is, a person orders a house, it is made, the selected options are added and sent. On site, it is assembled by turnkey installers.

Project Tamago 115

Domokomplekt is a real designer with a certain set of details. All elements are numbered and indicated in the assembly instructions. There is no need to cut anything. After assembly, only garbage remains in the form of packaging. Ordered, assembled and live - complete set, with all communications, finishes and even built-in furniture.

House area - 115 square meters

In the world there are examples of the implementation of such an idea, but isolated ones, - says Dmitry Alkhimovich. - The problem is that a traditional house is assembled from long and large-sized elements, so sometimes it is physically impossible to load it into a container. Our house kit can be called small-piece, and when disassembled, it fits compactly into a sea container. The unified element (UrbanBlock) makes it easy to calculate the required quantity for the ordered frame with an accuracy of one. The modular dimensions of the elements - 600−1200 mm - allow for manual installation without the use of lifting mechanisms, which significantly reduces the cost of installation.

The creators call their project "an antibiotic from construction." - As soon as a person says “I want a house”, he immediately becomes a participant in a quest in which you first need to find an architect, then talk to the builders, periodically swear at the failure to meet deadlines and the quality of work, get upset because of the ever-increasing budget. Sheer stress. Our product allows you to bypass all these people. I just came and, as in a car dealership, chose the right one from several projects, ordered the necessary options: roofing - shingles, tiles or metal, gray, white or any other color, furniture. Builders are needed only at the stage of making the foundation. Assembly is carried out by certified installers. It will be possible to assemble a house depending on the size in 2-4 weeks. And it will be a fully finished housing.

When will the first house be built?

Today, the construction startup team is working on the implementation of the house under the Tamago 115 project. It will work out all stages of production and assembly - now work is underway on the creation of all technological maps. To bring the production of houses to the flow, every detail, the action must be described.

The presentation of the house should take place in August 2018 in Milan. A site for it has already been chosen - in the Molodechno region on the banks of the Udranka River, in a picturesque place near the forest. A Swedish insulated slab will be made for the prototype (although it can also be built on a cheaper pile foundation).

Only in-line mass production makes it possible to reduce costs. The house will not be cheap because high-quality materials and high-tech engineering equipment are used in its assembly. New technologies will allow you to get high energy efficiency at home, thus reducing utility costs to a minimum. House of the future, gadget. This house should be a reflection of rationality.

Today, the finished house Tamago 115 is estimated at 1,200 euros per square meter, says Yana Urbanovskaya. - And this price is normally perceived by potential customers in Estonia, Poland, Germany, Finland and Russia. However, this cost can really be reduced to an acceptable 500-600 euros in industrial production.

Active, energy efficient

In addition to the highest awards of the national architectural competition, the project already has international success - it won the Active House 2017 competition (Active House is an international alliance that promotes energy efficient technologies) in the nomination for the best design.

Next autumn, we are expected at the Milan Active House exhibition, but with a finished house, - says Dmitry Alkhimovich. - To win this competition, we need to assemble a house that will meet the highest European energy efficiency criteria.

The developers claim that their houses are able to produce more energy than they consume. This is possible thanks to the use of energy-efficient technologies and the architecture itself. - Everyone knows that the smaller the area of ​​cooled planes in a building, the less heat loss it has. In this regard, domed houses seriously outperform traditional rectangular buildings with a triangular roof. Their energy consumption is at least 20% less only due to the architecture.

The houses are planned to be equipped with supply and exhaust mechanical ventilation with a heat exchanger, an air-to-water heat pump for heating and photovoltaics on the roof to generate electricity. The latest engineering solutions will be applied, taking into account their development in the near future. That is, they will not become obsolete in the next five years.

High energy efficiency indicators are also achieved by a solid layer of mineral wool insulation in the walls-roof of the building - 30–35 cm.

Differences from the usual "framework"

If we superimpose the projections of a traditional house and Tamago 115 on top of each other, then we see that the useful area in them is almost the same, - Dmitry Alkhimovich explains the difference. - But if we compare construction volumes, the amount of building materials and types of construction work, then for a vaulted house these figures are 15-20% less. The fact is that internal load-bearing walls are not needed for the arched structure, the placement of partitions inside the vaulted shell is free. In its design there are no roof overhangs, mauerlats, a drainage system, roof and load-bearing wall joints. And this is a significant savings in materials in the construction of the supporting structure. There are no costs for finishing the facade.

For the construction of a frame house, more materials will be required for the post-beam structural system, plus struts, stiffening diagonals, beams ... If we set ourselves a goal and build a Tamago using similar materials that are used for budget frame houses - 15 cm of insulation, cheap bituminous roofing, budget window systems, the cost of our house will be even lower. But we are not going to build cheap houses and we do not plan to compete with manufacturers of frame houses.

Who's new?

Developers from Tamago say that in our country they are interested in the new architectural form, they like houses, but they don’t want to become “pioneers” in large numbers.

There is a stereotype of how a traditional house should look like, and it is difficult to step over it, says Dmitry.

But we already have the first Belarusian customer - he will put up a house in Tarasovo near Minsk. He has a plot on a mountain with a height difference of 10 meters. So "Tamago" will be visible from afar.

In addition to houses, the production of gazebos will also be established - there is already a demand for them.

Tamago at the Budprogress exhibition

However, it cannot be said that the manufacturer of domed houses relies only on Belarusian customers. Tamago is initially focused on the European market - there is a demand for such an architecture. The company plans to enter our market already as a European brand.

Now there are no conditions in the country to be engaged in the production and design of houses for our market. So we'll start there and then we'll come here. UrbanBlock elements will be produced in Belarus, and they will be delivered to dealer and logistics centers in Europe (the first one is planned to be created in Estonia). There they will be completed with materials and equipment from manufacturers that operate on the dealer's market. From the professional community, the Tamago project received approval. Now the developers of the unique technology are looking for an investor to implement their plans.

Arched house for a summer residence - an inexpensive building - a catalog of articles on the site

Most owners are not inclined to invest a significant amount in a country house - after all, this is not a country house in which the family lives permanently, but a temporary shelter used mainly in the summer.

The comfort of such a structure is easier to achieve: minimal amenities are required, but there is no need to equip full-fledged heating, winter insulation, air conditioning, etc. There are many options that meet the requirements, one of them is an arched house. This building is inexpensive, easy to build and original in configuration.

What is an arched house

The semicircular building looks like a small hangar from the outside. For some summer residents, facade design is not important, while others minimize this similarity with the help of additional structures and finishes. But, in any case, construction is cheaper and faster than the construction of a traditional house (made of bricks, blocks, wood, etc.).

The first thing you can save on is the foundation. For an arched house, light materials are used, so a regular columnar foundation is sufficient for it. A screw or slab of small thickness is also possible - all this is considered from the point of view of the characteristics of the site.

The main material for the construction of the structure is metal. This does not mean that an arched house cannot be built from wood (using, for example, wooden glued arches) or other materials. But metal is the most convenient even in terms of the variety of products: - profiles, pipes, corrugated board - all this can be welded and fastened into a durable, lightweight structure.

You can also purchase a ready-made set of an arched house - with a frame of arcs, floor slabs, insulation, roofing panels, fasteners, etc.

Warming of the arched house

An important stage in the construction of an arched house is insulation. It would seem that there is no need to insulate a house for summer living. But the metal conducts heat well, quickly heats up and cools down, as a result of which it will be cold in the house at night or in rainy weather. In the sun, the metal structure will quickly warm up, and inside the room it will be both hot and stuffy. Therefore, thermal insulation is necessary. In addition, it will also perform the role of sound insulation, and this is very useful, since metal conducts well not only heat, but also sound. In this case, thermal insulation can be used both rolled (mineral wool, for example) and slab (polystyrene foam, etc.).

Finishing a country house of an arched type from the inside

Everyone chooses finishing materials based on their capabilities and preferences. The simplest thing that can be recommended is to sheathe the house from the inside with clapboard or drywall (with subsequent painting, wallpapering, etc.).

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Fasteners professional sheet insulation

Arched House - Affordable Housing Starting at $1,000

These arched structures can be used not only as dwellings, but also as workshops, nursing homes, garages.

arched house, costing from $ 1000

Very often, looking at real estate catalogs, we involuntarily sigh, realizing that we are not able to afford it. An alternative to expensive housing is offered by a company specializing in the construction of arched houses. Such housing is being built very quickly, and, at the same time, its price range ranges from $1,000 to $5,000.

Arched Cabins designs and builds galvanized steel arched houses. The standard kit, which can be purchased for the construction of such a dwelling, includes floor plates, a frame of arches, insulation material 13 mm thick (for cold climates, the thickness can be 25 mm) and panels for a gable roof with all fasteners.
The sizes of such arched houses vary from 3.7x7 meters to 4.5x10 meters. The corrugated outer skin of the buildings is designed for strong gusts of wind and snow pressure (13 kg per 1 sq. m.). The developers claim that this is not an ordinary metal canopy that will bend at the first snowfall.
These arched structures can be used not only as dwellings, but also as workshops, nursing homes, garages. The cost of arched houses ranges from $1,000 to $5,000.

The Belarusian company has developed a unique construction start-up for the production of houses with unusual architecture. Their project of a low-rise building has already become the winner of the national architecture competition and the winner of Active House 2017 in the nomination for the best design. Tamago 115, which has a rounded roof instead of walls, is not only a product of architectural thought. The project is based on an invention that makes it possible to build energy-efficient buildings of domed, hipped and hemispherical shapes. We met with the creators of Tamago and found out why they call it the “antibiotic from construction”, when the prototype will be built and how much such housing will cost.

Invented another wheel

It all started with the fact that Konstantin Urbanovsky, a designer and businessman rolled into one, figured out how to make a lancet arch (it is a figure of two semicircular arches intersecting at a certain angle) from two prefabricated wooden beams. What for? To be able to build buildings with a domed roof without involving special equipment.

The main part of the technology is the UrbanBlock elements from which the beam is assembled. They are made of waterproof plywood. Each lamella is machine cut and has a small radius. The slats are assembled into blocks and fastened with metal studs and bolts. It turns out a small part, weighing about 20 kg. These blocks are assembled into a "thorn groove" into a radius ("bent") beam of the desired length. If the beams are joined, then the required arch is obtained. The block sizes are unified, and, in fact, this is a constructor. Serial connection of elements allows you to create a self-supporting frame of the house.

Unlike Russian domed houses under the trademarks "Dobrosfera" and "Skydom", which are assembled from rectilinear elements, structures from UrbanBlock are devoid of the main drawback - visible "ribs" of the structure.

Dome from "Dobrosfera"

It was decided to patent the development of Konstantin Urbanovsky. It turned out that the invention is unique and no one in the world has thought of this before. “It’s like inventing a wheel,” jokes Yana Urbanovskaya, founder of the young Tamago company. - Now the blocks have the status of an invention, we are engaged in patent protection in 151 countries, as well as obtaining international certificates. They decided to test the technology on small architectural forms - in the spring of 2017, a gazebo was assembled near Gomel near the experimental production. On it, the inventor's team studied the possibilities of the design. She performed very well.

Arbor from UrbanBlock

“Further on, we developed an architectural project for a gazebo based on these lancet arches,” says Dmitry Alkhimovich, CEO of the company. - It turned out to be a very reliable and attractive design. As a result, we realized that this is a promising direction, and registered the Tamago company (translated from Japanese - “egg”). We continued to work on the architecture and study the scope of the UrbanBlock technology. It turned out that they are practically limitless. You can build buildings of absolutely any shape: hemispheres, domed, conical, tent-shaped buildings, combinations of various shapes and sizes.

Project of a house of 76 square meters

The project has several directions. The first is private housing. It includes projects of houses, baths, arbors. The second is objects for the urban environment. Tamago offers innovative solutions for the modernization of urban facilities. For example, we already have options for building attic floors on the roofs of Khrushchev houses.

A separate area is the projects of public catering facilities. It is worth noting that the interest in the project is serious - the well-known architect Lev Agibalov works in the development team.

house in a container

The development of the idea is in the creation of factory production of house kits that can be sent to the client in a container. That is, a person orders a house, it is made, the selected options are added and sent. On site, it is assembled by turnkey installers.

Project Tamago 115

Domokomplekt is a real designer with a certain set of details. All elements are numbered and indicated in the assembly instructions. There is no need to cut anything. After assembly, only garbage remains in the form of packaging. I ordered, assembled and live - the set is complete, with all communications, decoration and even built-in furniture.

House area - 115 square meters

“There are examples of the implementation of such an idea in the world, but isolated ones,” says Dmitry Alkhimovich. — The problem is that a traditional house is assembled from long and large-sized elements, so it is sometimes physically impossible to load it into a container. Our house kit can be called small-piece, and when disassembled, it fits compactly into a sea container. The unified element (UrbanBlock) makes it easy to calculate the required quantity for the ordered frame with an accuracy of one. The modular dimensions of the elements - 600-1200 mm - allow for manual installation without the use of lifting mechanisms, which significantly reduces the cost of installation.

The creators call their project "an antibiotic from construction." - As soon as a person says “I want a house”, he immediately becomes a participant in a quest in which you first need to find an architect, then talk to the builders, periodically swear at the deadlines and quality of work, get upset because of the ever-increasing budget. Sheer stress. Our product allows you to bypass all these people. I just came and, as in a car dealership, chose the right one from several projects, ordered the necessary options: roofing - shingles, tiles or metal, gray, white or any other color, furniture. Builders are needed only at the stage of making the foundation. Assembly is carried out by certified installers. It will be possible to assemble a house depending on the size in 2-4 weeks. And it will be a fully finished housing.

When will the first house be built?

Today, the construction startup team is working on the implementation of the house under the Tamago 115 project. It will work out all stages of production and assembly - now work is underway to create all technological maps. To bring the production of houses to the flow, every detail, the action must be described.

The presentation of the house should take place in August 2018 in Milan. A site for it has already been chosen - in the Molodechno region on the banks of the Udranka River, in a picturesque place near the forest. A Swedish insulated slab will be made for the prototype (although it can also be built on a cheaper pile foundation).

Only in-line mass production makes it possible to reduce costs. The house will not be cheap because high-quality materials and high-tech engineering equipment are used in its assembly. New technologies will allow you to get high energy efficiency at home, thus reducing utility costs to a minimum. House of the future, gadget. This house should be a reflection of rationality.

“Today, the finished house Tamago 115 is estimated at 1,200 euros per square meter,” says Yana Urbanovskaya. - And this price is normally perceived by potential customers in Estonia, Poland, Germany, Finland and Russia. However, this cost can really be reduced to an acceptable 500-600 euros in industrial production.

Active, energy efficient

In addition to the highest awards of the national architectural competition, the project already has international success - it won the Active House 2017 competition (Active House is an international alliance that promotes energy efficient technologies) in the nomination for the best design.

“Next autumn, we are expected at the Milan Active House exhibition, but with a finished house,” says Dmitry Alkhimovich. — To win this competition, we need to assemble a house that will meet the highest European energy efficiency criteria.

The developers claim that their houses are able to produce more energy than they consume. This is possible thanks to the use of energy-efficient technologies and the architecture itself.
- Everyone knows that the smaller the area of ​​cooled planes in a building, the less heat loss it has. In this regard, domed houses seriously outperform traditional rectangular buildings with a triangular roof. Their energy consumption is at least 20% less only due to the architecture.

The houses are planned to be equipped with supply and exhaust mechanical ventilation with a heat exchanger, an air-to-water heat pump for heating and photovoltaics on the roof to generate electricity. The latest engineering solutions will be applied, taking into account their development in the near future. That is, they will not become obsolete in the next five years.

High energy efficiency rates are also achieved by a solid layer of mineral wool insulation in the walls-roof of the building - 30-35 cm.

Differences from the usual "framework"

“If we superimpose the projections of a traditional house and Tamago 115 on top of each other, we see that the useful area in them is almost the same,” Dmitry Alkhimovich explains the difference. - But if we compare construction volumes, the amount of building materials and types of construction work, then for a vaulted house these figures are 15-20% less. The fact is that internal load-bearing walls are not needed for the arched structure, the placement of partitions inside the vaulted shell is free. In its design there are no roof overhangs, mauerlats, a drainage system, roof and load-bearing wall joints. And this is a significant savings in materials in the construction of the supporting structure. There are no costs for finishing the facade.

For the construction of a frame house, more materials will be required for the post-beam structural system, plus struts, stiffening diagonals, beams ... If we set ourselves a goal and build a Tamago using similar materials that are used for budget frame houses - 15 cm of insulation, cheap bituminous roofing, budget window systems, the cost of our house will be even lower. But we are not going to build cheap houses and we do not plan to compete with manufacturers of frame houses.

Who's new?

Developers from Tamago say that in our country they are interested in the new architectural form, they like houses, but they don’t want to become “pioneers” in large numbers.

“There is a stereotype of how a traditional house should look like, and it is difficult to step over it,” says Dmitry.

- But we already have the first Belarusian customer - he will put up a house in Tarasovo near Minsk. He has a plot on a mountain with a height difference of 10 meters. So "Tamago" will be visible from afar.

In addition to houses, the production of gazebos will also be launched - there is already a demand for them.

Tamago at the Budprogress exhibition

However, it cannot be said that the manufacturer of domed houses relies only on Belarusian customers. Tamago is initially focused on the European market - there is a demand for such an architecture. The company plans to enter our market already as a European brand.

“Now there are no conditions in the country to be engaged in the production and design of houses for our market. So we'll start there and then we'll come here. UrbanBlock elements will be produced in Belarus, and they will be delivered to dealer and logistics centers in Europe (the first one is planned to be created in Estonia). There they will be completed with materials and equipment from manufacturers that operate on the dealer's market. From the professional community, the Tamago project received approval. Now the developers of the unique technology are looking for an investor to implement their plans.

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