Heroes of the fairy tale puss in boots comparison. Encyclopedia of Fairy Tale Heroes: Puss in Boots

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Fairy tale "Puss in Boots" summary which can be useful to schoolchildren in foreign literature lessons, is one of the most famous works of the writer Ch. Perrault. An indicator of the book's popularity is its repeated adaptations both in feature films and in cartoons. In fact, at first glance, uncomplicated, but at the same time surprisingly instructive and at the same time funny tale is read in one breath and is postponed for a long time in memory thanks to the original plot and colorful characters.


The work "Puss in Boots" is very popular not only among children, but also among adults. The summary of the story should begin with a description of the circumstances of how main character turned out to be with the miller's youngest son, it is distinguished by a dynamic plot and witty humor. At the beginning of the book, the death of a poor miller is described, who left a small inheritance to his sons. The two elders received the best part, and the youngest got a cat, which he wanted to eat, and from wool to make clothes for himself.

However, the clever animal spoke to him and promised to help. The tale "Puss in Boots", a brief summary of which should be continued by describing the character of the protagonist, tells how a cunning beast begged for leather boots from its owner, in which he began to go hunting, get excellent game and supply it to the royal kitchen, declaring, that this is a gift from a certain Marquis of Karabas.

Action development

The story "Puss in Boots", a summary of which should repeat the structure of this, in principle, a simple tale, consists of three parts. The second of them is devoted to another trick of the hero, who, with the help of another trick, got a luxurious outfit for his master, and then persuaded the people he met to tell the king that all the forests and fields belong to the great and wealthy Marquis Karabas. Thus, he made the king believe that his guest was indeed an influential and noble nobleman.

Climax and denouement

Charles Perrault is one of the most popular children's writers. "Puss in Boots" is a story familiar to every child. The most interesting episode in the work is the scene in which the hero outwitted the terrible cannibal by persuading him to turn into some kind of small animal. He, wanting to show off to an unexpected guest, turns around with a mouse, and the cat eats him. After this incident, the king drove up to the castle, and the cat told him that the building belonged to the Marquis Karabas. The king married the miller's son to his daughter, and the cat became an important nobleman.

Fairy tale for children "Puss in boots"

Section 1. About the author and his tales.
Article 1 Information about the author.

Article 4. History of the title "Marquis" in the fairy tale "Puss in Boots".
Article 5. The poem "Marquis de Carabas" by Nikolai Gumilyov.
Article 6. Poetic version of the tale "Puss in Boots" by Alexander Schneider.
Article 7. Fairy tale "Puss in Boots" V.A. Zhukovsky.

Section 2. The main and secondary characters of the fairy tale "Puss in Boots". Their characters.
Article 1. The main character is a cat. His character.
Article 2. The youngest son of a miller is the owner of the cat.
Article 3. Other sons of the miller.
Article 4. King.
Article 5. Scene on the lake.
Article 6. Cannibal.
Article 7. Scene in the castle.
Article 8. Princess.
Article 9. Peasants - mowers, reapers, plowmen and other servants.
Article 10. Finale of the tale. Morality.

Section 3. Staging of the fairy tale "Puss in Boots".
Article 1. Cartoon "Puss in Boots" (USSR. 1968 release. Soyuzmultfilm).
Article 2. Cartoon "Puss in Boots" (Russia, 1995 release)
Article 3. Fairy tale "Puss in Boots" on the disc. (USSR. 1971).
Article 4. Cartoon "Puss in Boots" (Japan. 1969).
Article 5. Cartoon "Puss in Boots in the Wild West" (Japan. 1969).
Article 6. Cartoon " Trip around the world Puss in Boots "(Japan. 1976).
Article 7. Film "The New Adventures of Puss in Boots" (USSR, 1958).
Article 8. Cartoon "Puss in Boots" (USA, 1988).
Article 9. Staging of the fairy tale "Puss in Boots" in the Theater for Young Spectators named after Yu.P. Kiseleva.
Article 10. Puss in Boots and the characters of the cartoon "Shrek" (America).

Article 1. Information about the author.
King of fairy tales - so enthusiastically speak of the brilliant French author of the most interesting fairy tales Charles Perrault. Charles Perrault was born in Paris on January 12, 1628 in a bourgeois bureaucratic family. Parents wanted to give their son the most better education, therefore, when Charles was 8 years old, he was sent to study at a Parisian college, where throughout his training he was known as a diligent and diligent student. After graduating from college, the boy takes law lessons to begin a career as a lawyer. Having started his labor activity a lawyer, Charles is fond of reading fairy tales, for which fashion appears in Paris. Soon he himself began to write fairy tales, and his family members became the first grateful listeners. Soon he had the idea to publish a book with fairy tales, but he did not dare to release a book under his real name. The author's name on the book was Pierre de Armankourt (the name of his son). While still working as a lawyer, Charles Perrault feared that his love of writing fairy tales would be perceived negatively by society, which would naturally reflect badly on his career as a lawyer. However, to say that Charles Perrault was only a storyteller would be wrong. He was also a famous poet and publicist, as well as the first clerk of the French finance minister Colbert. In addition, Charles Perrault was an academician at the French Academy, where he worked on the "General Dictionary French". In addition, within these same walls, the well-known polemic of Charles Perrault with Nicolas Boileau-Depreo, on the topic of literature, took place at that time.
Charles Perrault took plots for his fairy tales from folk tales, giving them the proper meaning and flavor. However, in addition to fairy tales, Charles Perrault writes poems such as "The Age of Louis the Great", "Great Men of France", "Memoirs", as well as poems, the first collection of which was published in 1695. His son also begins to write fairy tales. In general, in the biography of Charles Perrault there are several unclear points about which historians still argue. For example, who really is the author of famous fairy tales. The collection "Tales of Mother Goose, or Stories and Tales of Bygone Times with Teachings" was published in its original version under the name of Charles' son - Pierre de Armcourt, although several decades later, the authorship was attributed to Charles Perrault alone. The famous French storyteller died at the age of 75.

Article 2. The role of Charles Perrault's fairy tales in society.
The magical world of fairy tales! How do the heroes appear there? Where do they come from? The great merit of Charles Perrault is that he was able to choose from folk tales, half-forgotten and twisted, those stories that became interesting to people. However, look what characters are present in his tales - these are the Cat, and the Ogre, and the Goose, and the Sleeping Beauty, and the Little Finger Boy, and many other amazing creatures. It was he who discovered them for us, and it doesn't matter what they were - good or evil, brave or cowardly! The main thing is that the little ones still adore all the fairy tales and are ready to listen to an infinite number of times over and over again. More than one generation was fond of his stories. Many brave boys and adorable girls grew up on the fairy tales of Charles Perrault. Who among them does not know about the cunning Puss in Boots, who defeated the Ogre and managed to get a huge castle for his master, and even marry him! Based on his fairy tales, ballets, numerous performances were staged, films and cartoons were shot. And although the author himself was very worried that they would laugh at his work, very soon these fears passed when fairy tales began to be published and the Parisian world began to talk about him.
All the fairy tales of Charles Perrault carry the indescribable flavor of France. Literally everything is saturated with this: both the names of the heroes and the dishes mentioned in the stories. And what are fabulous outfits worth? After all, what is Cinderella's dress alone worth? Surely, his style was embodied in reality by more than one French fashionista of that time! His tales also carry the customs of that time. So, according to the tale of Puss in Boots, the attitude of the high society of France towards the commoners is very clearly visible. This same attitude is well reflected in the Cinderella tale. But in the fairy tale boy-s-finger you can see how many families in those distant times had to get rid of extra mouths. The author also put a certain amount of humor into his works. This can be seen in the fairy tale "Cinderella", in which Charles ridicules the connections and the secular vulgarity inherent in that time.
Charles Perrault's tales are taught today to be kind, sympathetic, noble and courageous. The fact that his works were able to survive for more than one decade suggests that fairy tales teach him a lot and will still be in demand by more than one generation of children!

Article 3. The plot of the fairy tale "Puss in Boots".
The uniqueness of Charles Perrault's fairy tale "Puss in Boots" lies in the fact that the main character, the cunning Cat, rather nimbly turns the cat's affairs, arranging not only his own fate, but also the fate of his master. The clever rogue Cat, deciding that his well-being directly depends on the career and well-being of his not entirely successful owner, begins to weave intrigues. So, it all starts with the fact that this rogue with a dexterous maneuver takes the guy's boots, ostensibly to give his appearance a solidity, and goes, so to speak, to reconnoiter the area! And here, oh, luck, there are huge wheat ahead, where the peasants work. Having intimidated them with violence, the rogue cat goes on, and now he meets the king with his retinue. Having forced its owner to undress and plunge into the water, staging a drowning, the cat comes up with a heartbreaking story on the move that allegedly his owner, the famous Marquis of Karabas, was robbed by a gang of robbers. And not just robbed, but took all the clothes and shoes! Thus, the cat obtains beautiful palace clothes and boots for the unlucky owner! Having intimidated the servants and leaving the king with the "Marquis Carabas", the shaggy rogue runs further along the road and then on his way he comes across a huge castle in which an evil Ogre lives! Here, the imagination and ingenuity of the Cat is revealed in all its glory. How can you think of such a clever move right away to make the Ogre turn into a mouse! After all, how could he have thought that mice are the most tasty prey for dexterous cats! But the cannibal, because of his oversight, paid with the most dear to him - his life. Along the entire route, the king and the princess never cease to amaze and admire the wealth of agricultural land that they meet along the entire route and allegedly belong to the Marquis Karabas! Having met the royal carriage that soon arrived with its owner, who had already fallen in love with the princess, and the king, the cat cleverly organizes a wedding feast, and he himself became an important person at court. Of course, is it possible to assign a modest role to such a successful rogue like him ?! This is how the servant cat, thanks to its ingenuity and ingenuity, for a short time, was able to "crank" a clever maneuver and achieve something in life! So, having inherited a simple cat, you can very abruptly change your future destiny! The plot is pretty instructive in real life too!

Article 4. History of the title "Marquis" and the name "Karabas" in world literature.
According to the plot of the tale, it is known that the youngest son of a miller, thanks to a clever cat, becomes an important palace nobleman - the marquis. And even adopts a new name - de Carabas. Or rather, de Caraba. There is a certain secret meaning, which Charles Perrault invested, obtaining similar titles at the royal court! One can see the irony of getting such appointments. And in France itself there were times when for the almost complete absence of any military or other merit. One could become a famous titled nobleman. And this fact was reflected in his work by the great storyteller Charles Perrault.
The title and name of "Marquis de Carabas" was taken up by many storytellers of the world. So, for example, in 1816 another French poet Pierre Jean Beranger also uses this title in his work, albeit slightly modified. If Charles Perrault has a modest son of a miller, according to the cat's clever idea, to become a marquis, then Beranger's marquis is such a French rake who loves to walk and have fun. However, this French poet does not change the social origin of his marquis, and his de Carabas is also the son of a miller. In this work, one can also see some irony of this author in obtaining titles at the court of King Louis ...

Some of the most famous fairy tales are the works of Charles Perrault. The famous French poet and literary critic introduced the fashion for fairy tales in aristocratic society. One of them is "Puss in Boots", a summary of which is presented below.

History of creation

Before starting to study the summary of the tale "Puss in Boots", you should familiarize yourself with the history of its writing. She was included in the collection "Tales of Mother Goose", which was published in 1697. The stories included in the book are an adaptation of folk tales (except for "Rike-khokholok").

Charles Perrault published a book under the authorship of his son, so as not to give rise to discussion of the fact that the famous critic began to deal with fairy tales. According to some researchers, Perrault heard these stories from his wet nurse. By releasing this collection, he actually introduced this genre to the rank of "high literature".

The book was a resounding success. Some ladies, following Perrault's example, began to write fairy tales too. This collection was published in Russia in 1768. Operas and ballets were created based on the plots of Perrault's fairy tales, and later these stories were filmed.

Paternal inheritance

But the cat turned out to be not simple, but magical. He knew how to speak the human language and promised his master that he would help him. The cat turned out to be very cunning and first of all asked the young man for leather boots. Having received the necessary shoes, he began to go hunting in them and bring the best game to the royal kitchen, saying that this was a gift from the noble Marquis Carabas.

The personality of the marquis

The second part of the summary "Puss in Boots" tells about who this mysterious and wealthy Marquis Karabas is. For several months, the cat has been supplying the finest game to the king's table. One day the cunning man learned that the king and his daughter were going for a walk.

While his owner was swimming, the cat hid his clothes and began to shout that the Marquis Karabas was drowning. Just at that moment, a royal motorcade was passing by. The king recognized the one who supplied him with the game and immediately sent his guard to help. The young man was given luxurious clothes and he became like a real marquis.

The miller's son was handsome and stately, so it is not surprising that the princess fell in love with him. Meanwhile, the cat ran in front of the cortege and ordered all the peasants to say that the forests and fields are the property of the Marquis Karabas. Thus, the king decided that this young man was an influential and wealthy nobleman.

Meeting with the cannibal

The third part of the summary "Puss in Boots" tells about how the main character by cunning took possession of the castle of a rich cannibal, in whose possession there were forests and fields. He, besides being very rich, knew how to transform into various animals.

The cat learned about all this in advance and asked to report it to the owner of the castle. He cunningly persuaded the cannibal to turn into a mouse, which he later ate. Hearing that the royal carriage stopped at the castle, the cat came out to meet them and announced that this was the castle of its owner, the Marquis of Carabas.

The king was amazed at the youth's wealth. A sumptuous feast was given in honor of the guests. The king said that he agreed to the marriage of his daughter to the marquis. The young man married a royal daughter, and the cat, who helped his master find happiness, became an influential nobleman. And since then he hunted mice just for fun. It was a summary of "Puss in Boots" by Perrault, a tale of how, thanks to the resourcefulness and cunning of his cat, a poor young man became a noble marquis and married a princess.

Continuing to look at the site, I often wonder, and who, in fact, are positive characters here, and who are negative? And I cannot give a clear answer to this question. It would seem that the most negative heroes, in consequence, do very good deeds, and the heroes, it would seem, are positive - quite the opposite.

Books The cat is the character of Charles Perrault's fairy tale "Puss in Boots"
The cat is the character of Charles Perrault's fairy tale "Puss in Boots"

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Cat - main character fairy tale, resourceful and intelligent, saves the owner from hunger and poverty.

A source: Fairy tale "Mister Cat, or Puss in Boots"

The owner, the miller's youngest son, inherited the Cat. Having asked for a bag and boots from the owner, who wanted to eat it and sew a muff out of despair from the skin, the Cat catches game and presents it to the king on behalf of its owner, the Marquis de Caraba.

Upon learning that the king and his daughter would be riding in a carriage for a walk, the cunning Cat invites the owner to swim in the river, and he himself began to shout that he was drowning. The king orders to save him, gives him clothes, invites him to his carriage.

The cat runs in front of the carriage and makes the peasants tell the king that the land on which they work belongs to the Marquis de Caraboux. The king admires the wealth of the "marquis". Having passed into the Ogre's castle, the Cat, with flattery, achieves that he turns into a lion, then into a mouse. As soon as the Ogre has turned into a mouse, the Cat swallows him and politely invites the king to the castle of the Marquis de Caraba. The king offers the marquis the hand of his daughter. So the poor man becomes the king's son-in-law, and the Cat becomes a great nobleman. p>

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Probably negative characters are liked because they are firstly beautiful, secondly they all have a sad story, thirdly they must be smart, fourthly, he must be unhappy and lonely. But I think that the negative characters are mysterious, brave, but it's a pity that sometimes these characters often die at the end of the film or at the end of the anime ... But some of the characters realize their guilt and begin to fight for the good side.

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A play, a musical, an anime - as soon as the legendary tale of a resolute cat has not been transformed! It is not surprising, because the brave and wise character has become a real support for the new owner. The red-haired tomboy conquered the princess for the miller's son, defeated the villain and did all this with the help of a bag and a pair of boots.

History of creation

For the first time, the story of a cunning animal was published in the collection of short stories "Pleasant Nights", the author of which is believed to be Gianfrancesco Straparola. The book was published in the 16th century in Italy. True, the story in the tale was about a cat that does not need boots at all. The rest of the plot develops according to the usual scenario: inheritance, king and victory over the cannibal.

In 1634, a similar work was published in the collection "The Tale of Fairy Tales" by the writer Giambattista Basile. The magical story has its own characteristics, but the main outline remains unchanged.

It was only in 1697 that the story of the Puss in Boots was included in the collection "Tales of Mother Goose", published under the name of Charles Perrault's son. Such caution was simply explained - Charles did not want the critic's name to be associated with fairy tales.

There is a legend that Perrault heard the tale as a child from his own wet nurse. Later, the story was finalized and inserted into the book. Naturally, Perrault made his own changes in history. For example, the writer described in detail the man-eater's castle, which repeats the architecture of another building - the castle of Ouaron in France.

In 1815, the next volume of "The Tales of the Brothers Grimm" was supplemented by the story "The Poor Farm Laborer and the Cat". As you can see, the cat changed sex again, but did not lose the desire to help the mill workers. In any case, the story of the incredible cunning of the character fell in love with children all over the world.


Illustration for the fairy tale "Puss in Boots"

Where and when the cat was born, who taught the animal to speak is unknown. Most the pet spent life in the house of an old miller, hunting mice and basking in the sun.

After the death of the miller, the three sons decided to divide the household left over from their father. The eldest and middle son took the mill and the donkey, and the cat became the property of the younger heir. The new owner of the beast was unhappy with the share he received, because he considered the pet a cunning and cunning creature.

Hearing that the newfound owner plans to let the cat eat and sew a sleeve out of the skin, the beast realized that it was time to act. The animal asked the miller's son to buy him boots and a bag. Like, the cat will show that it is capable of much.

The gift of persuasion worked, the hero got what he wanted. Putting on his boots, the cat threw cabbage into the sack and went into the forest. Having found a suitable clearing, the beast pretended to be dead. The production was not long in coming. Instantly killing the naive rabbit trapped in the trap, the cat went to the royal palace.

The cunning beast got to the king's reception and, posing as a servant of the Marquis de Carabas, presented the booty to the ruler of the state. A couple of days later, the cat again visited the palace. This time the beast brought two partridges as a present. Offerings on behalf of the marquis were received by the king for three months without interruption.

In a short time, the animal won the king's trust and found out the sovereign's travel schedule. Before the grandee's next trip, the cat came to the unlucky owner and asked him to swim in the river through which the royal escort route passed. The unsuspecting son of the miller agreed.

Guessing the right moment, the cat ran out of the bushes in front of the king's carriage. The ruling person recognized an old acquaintance. In feigned confusion, the cat announced that its owner, the Marquis de Carabas, was drowning. The young man was dragged out of the river, dressed in luxurious clothes, introduced to the king and the princess accompanying the monarch.

A naive girl at first sight fell in love with a handsome young man. The king invited the miller's son to ride together. The cunning cat, seeing that the situation was developing well, continued to implement his own plan. The animal ran in front of the carriage and, threatening the peasants, made the people say that the lands and fields belonged to the Marquis. The king was impressed by the wealth of his new acquaintance.

Soon the cat reached its final destination - the man-eater's castle. The beast begged the powerful giant to accept him, and during the conversation, playing on the man's vanity, persuaded the villain to turn into a mouse. As soon as the cannibal reincarnated, the cat swallowed the enemy.

At that moment, the king drove up to the gate of the castle, accompanied by the disguised son of a miller and a princess. The cat also presented this beautiful structure as the property of a young man.

The impressed monarch agreed to the marriage of the pseudo-marquis and the princess. The cat, who proved to be capable of much more than just catching mice, received the title of nobleman. Well, the characteristic that the beast deserved has justified itself.

Screen adaptations

The first appearance on television screens was organized by Puss in Boots. In 1922, under the command of a famous cartoonist, a cartoon of the same name was released.

In 1938, at the Soyuzmultfilm studio, the USSR's first film adaptation of Charles Perrault's fairy tale was created. Under the leadership of the Brumberg sisters, the black and white Puss in Boots appeared. The drawn musical lasts 12 minutes and completely coincides with the original piece.

In 1958, the four-legged hero became a character in a full-length film. The film "New Adventures of Puss in Boots" is based on the play "Laughter and Tears". Soviet actors reincarnated as princes, sorcerers and sorcerers. The role of the cunning cat was performed by Maria Barabanova.

The first anime issue from the Puss in Boots trilogy, dedicated to the Musketeer, was released in 1969. This time, the role of the villain has passed from the cannibal to the wizard by name. The second part of the Japanese cartoon resembles a Western - Pero (that's the name of the animal) puts things in order in a gangster town. In the final episode, the cat goes on a real adventure around the world. The drawn character was voiced by Susuma Ishikawa (), Yasushi Suzuki (Andrey Miroshnikov) and Osami Nabe (Anatoly Shchukin).

A musical improvisation on the theme of the adventures of an unusual animal was released in 1985. The film "About the Cat ..." again tells about the fate of the miller's son and his inheritance, but this time the princess refuses the owner of the cat. The role of the cunning animal went to.

Puss in boots from "Shrek"

In 1995, the tale acquired a plasticine version. The authors of the cartoon created a social satire based on a traditional work by a French author. The cat changed citizenship, and the main character from a miller reincarnated as a drinking villager. The role of the emigrant animal was voiced by Alexey Stychkin.

The most popular was the image created by animators for the cartoon "Shrek". The audience liked the character so much that the red-haired sly was given a separate animated film.

"Puss in Boots" (2011) tells the story of the life of an animal before meeting a giant and a donkey. A young cat lives in a shelter. The only friend of the animal is, who persuades the beast to find magic beans and steal a special chicken.

In 2012, the sequel to the acclaimed cartoon "Puss in Boots: Three Little Imps" was released. This time the brave Cat will have to find the stolen ruby ​​and set three naughty kittens on the right path. In both cartoons, the voice of an honest bandit is.


"Boots ... it was a strange gift for the cat, but they, caramba, suit me!"
“I am Puss in Boots. And my name will become a legend! "
"How it happens to me to get into trouble, I will always find a way out."
“The wind was strong and my basket was small. Day after day he drove me forward - a hungry kitten without milk, mom and cat litter. "

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