Small architectural forms of wood with their own hands. What is a small architectural form

Decor elements 25.06.2019
Decor elements

In the understanding of the inexperienced people, the landscape design can be called a well-chicken lawn with a row fruit and coniferous trees. But in the understanding of professionals is a whole complex of well-thought-out components, thanks to which the overall picture of the landscape looks harmoniously, brightly and pleases the eye.

In addition to correctly selected plants, watering and drainage systems, great importance Playing the use of various small architectural forms. They allow the landscape to be finished, correctly and beautifully highlight the functional zones, and are absolutely necessary in terms of aesthetics.

Using small architectural forms in landscape design

Small architectural forms (MAF) include arbors, benches, statues, pergolas, garden furniture, fountains, pedestrian bridges, children's playgrounds, garden vases, fences, decorative and natural stones, and barbecue areas, garages, canopies, equipped parking spaces, greenhouses, greenhouses, and so on.

From the above examples, it can be seen that part of small architectural forms plays in the land landscape more decorative role, while the other part is used for direct functional purpose. However, when proper approach Even the most ordinary mangal can become the center of the entire household site.

Without some functional architectural forms it is impossible to do, such as, for example, without a garage or barbecue area, and in this case, the main task landscape designer - Enter these forms into the overall picture of the landscape, favorably beat them.

Some architectural elements used to decorate the site can perform and functional role. For example, in order to close the hatch of the septic or water well from children, the imitation of boulders or stumps of large trees is used.

Also, the MAFs can act as separators of various areas of the site, for example, if necessary, to separate the recreation area from the working platform or the parking zone.

Trelliers, pergolas, pots and vases are used for decorative plants. Such forms define the growth of plants, in particular, all sorts of belongings.

An important role in the plot is played by lighting. Lights in english style There will give the site of the shade of sophistication and aristocratic style.

Thus, small architectural forms are necessary for the convenience, safety and aesthetic pleasure of the owners of the site.

Small architectural forms of wood

Wooden architectural forms May be different in shape, size and execution. This is due to the fact that from the tree you can make almost any thing. They are used for household plots, public parks, playgrounds and street decorations.

IN everyday life You can often meet the following structures from wood:

Using a tree The project of such structures is associated, firstly, with its economy, secondly, with environmental friendliness. Such forms create an atmosphere of the presence of natural nature.

Small architectural forms for the garden

Now it is worth familiar with the landscaping of the garden. Choosing this or that design, it is necessary to be guided by the size of the garden, the appointment of various zones. Also importantly consider common style Design and, of course, the financial capabilities of the owner of the site.

In garden sites are equipped:

  • Gazebo
  • Arches,
  • Pergolas,
  • Bridges
  • Garden sculptures, etc.

Such forms in the garden can be constructed from wood, natural stone, metal, plastic and concrete. When equipping the garden, it is advisable not to overdo and balance Between alive and non-resident elements.

One of elements necessary Maf in the garden is a bench. Harmoniously inscribed in the landscape bench can become a favorite holiday destination. It can be under the tree, surrounded by flower bushes, be inscribed in the arch or stand on the shore of an artificial reservoir. The presence of a wrought or conventional wooden bench, painted in natural tones, gives the site some romanticism and has a pleasant pastime.

Special decoration are the figures that are cut out of green shrubs and low trees. Such figures require constant care and maintain a given form.

Pretty popular decorating garden sites plaster figures of animals, birds, plants and mushrooms. Such figures are painted in natural colors and look almost like natural. Also for decorating the plots produced figures of gnomes, fabulous animals, miniature copies of monuments, famous buildings and structures.

Concrete, which is used for the manufacture of small architectural forms, is also called " artificial stone" It is very plastic, which allows you to produce a wide variety of elements from it. For the manufacture of certain elements in the bulk of concrete, the paint can be mixed, in which case there will be no need to paint the finished element.

For landscape design The following are used concrete Made Projects:

  • Fencing
  • Fountains
  • Sculpture
  • Stairs
  • Garden furniture,
  • Benches, urns, pillars, etc.

The main difference of such forms is their reliability and durability of use. Concrete is least affected by adverse weather conditions: strong frosts, salts, winds, temperature drops, etc. Concrete elements can be made by individual order or according to typical billets. The surface may contain pebbles, marble or granite crumb, quartzite. The imitation of marble and granite is most popular, that is, natural stone.

Small architectural molds made of metal

Mafies made of metal are common both in public places and in the preservation areas. Metal is manufactured

  • Fences
  • Sculptures and vases
  • Benches, urns,
  • Trelliers, grilles, etc.

Metal projects Maf Features durability and widespread use. This is associated with metal fuel and ease of care. Usually, hardware It is enough to paint and process from rust. The architectural forms performed in the form of artistic forging have special beauty.

Since concrete and metal are rather expensive materials, although they have a number of indisputable advantages, other, more economical products are also used in the manufacture of mafes. artificial materials. Such materials include foam and fiberglass. Basic the advantage of these materials is ease.

As a rule, decorative elements are performed on major maphes or buildings, such as cornices, columns, pilasters, framing for doors and windows. Letters, separate flat and convex figures can also be made, which will be subsequently attached to more durable bases: walls, stones, fences, etc.

Equipment with small architectural forms of playgrounds

There are Mafies to give objects of a certain mood. In order for playgrounds to become truly children, it is necessary to use certain elements that create an atmosphere of childhood. It can be separate sculptures of wood or concrete In the form of heroes of favorite fairy tales, animals, birds, magic items. Such figures can be elements in the composition of individual items, for example, armrests of benches or a swing in the form of animals, a gazebo or sandbox in the form of a fabulous carriage, a mushroom of a mumor or a flower of a bell. An important role is played by colors that are painted architectural forms. They should be bright and combined, large homogeneous surfaces are decorated with images of all the same fabulous heroes.

Architectural forms can also participate in the division of the territory on the functional zones. Special attention It is paid to the quality of materials for the manufacture of structures and individual forms. Also taken into account functionality and safety. Before installing, all maphes for sites pass multiple check.

In most cases, without small architectural forms no landscape design. A saturation, cost and scale of use of forms depends only on the preferences and capabilities of the customer.

Small architectural forms (MAF) - These are facilities of the architectural and planning organization of landscape architecture, made to ensure a comfortable recreation of visitors of the park, as well as to enrich and decorate gardens and parks. Maf- Inalienable elements of the landscape design of the garden plot.

It is hard to imagine a beautiful and cozy garden without, or a playground, and, of course, the continued leaders of the decor and. Purchased garden decor manufactured in China in industrial scaleIt will not always be harmonious to look at your garden.

Online store Lago Verde.and our art workshop offers its customers making small architectural forms to order . This is not cheap pleasure - we warn immediately, but the result is worth it. We guarantee.

Buying Maf: What material to make?

To date, small architectural forms are made from a variety of materials. To choose the appropriate option, it makes sense to pay attention to performance features Material taking into account in what conditions it is planned to use the object.

Advantages and disadvantages of various materials for making small forms:

- wood: Ecology, lightness, strength, low cost, beautiful appearance, harmony with any style, heat and naturalness. At the same time, wood dissipates and forms cracks, it can "lead" under the influence of atmospheric conditions; requires care and renewal; Over time, the product comes into disrepair.

- metal:relatively permanent price medium weight Designs, admissible high loads On the product, an attractive appearance, the service life exceeds the figure at 20 years.

Black metal must be periodically processing and dyeing; whereas the products from Cortonovskaya and of stainless steel They have anti-corrosion resistance, aluminum rust does not give in to generally, and bronze over time only oxidizes and naturally acquires pleasant shades of patina.

- concrete / Art Concrete: quite long term service, durability is gaining over time, no need for special care. Big weight, complexity of transportation and installation with dimensional objects. There are several technologies for manufacturing products, some require the manufacture of matrices / forms /, so concrete is suitable for the manufacture of not all MAF.

- ceramics: relative low cost, flexibility of material, fragility of clay products, limit on dimensions and types of MAF, is historically widely used in the manufacture of vases, jugs, etc.;

- glass: High decorativeness and cost, incredible fragility, manufacture of oversized glass elements; In winter, in the Russian conditions it is required to remove from the street to the room.

- a rock: natural material natural aesthetic and different color Gamma., heavyweight, high cost of products, the complexity of transportation and installation during overall objects;

- fiberglass / Artificial Stone:high appeal I. wide sphere Applications, brightness and saturation of colors with the possibility of toning with the simulation of another material, the low weight, the possibility of manufacturing products of any shape and sizes, atmospheric resistance, maintainability. Not an easy process process, products need to be reinforced with the expected load.

This section presents

Vacation home - This is not only a place where in the sweat of the face you need to work on growing vegetables, fruits and colors. The territory around the building is often the pride of the owner. By issuing a nursery area, there is an opportunity to show creativity and miracles of independent designer creation.

The main direction of the landscape transformation is small architectural forms (MAF). This multifaceted execution of small decorative buildings and elements adorning outdoor territory and recreation area on the country site.

The easiest way to get a beautiful lawn in front of the house

You, of course, saw the perfect lawn in the cinema, on the Alley, and perhaps on the neighboring lawn. Those who at least once tried to grow a green platform in their own area, without doubt they will say that this is a huge work. Lawn requires careful landing, care, fertilizer, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative agent - liquid lawn Aquagrazz.

The diversity of design solutions in the design of the household site can surprise the uninitiated person. Any small architectural forms create the integrity of the composition, convert the overall concept of perception and directions. They include:

  • composite arched structures from undergraduate materials;
  • decorative pergolas of various shapes;
  • complex compositions from garden plantings - bosets;
  • bridges connecting various zones;
  • design solutions for relief design - stairs;
  • fountains of various shapes and destination;
  • retaining walls and bearing structures;
  • arbors and onset of the original performance;
  • figures architectural decorative purposes;
  • garden benches.

Each element has its designer functionality. In the general concept, architectural forms are divided into 3 main groups according to their intended purpose:

  1. Universal forms are a multifunctional design solution that allows you to create various concepts in the design. They include vases, benches, decorative urns and similar elements;
  2. Decorative elements are small composite solutions that allow creating a specific decoration of the territory. They serve to create a certain style, a special atmosphere of perception. These include statues, fountains, bridges, arbors;
  3. Construction facilities. Their name speaks for itself. Children's sandboxes, swings, horizons, slides, - that is, everything is intended for the active recreation of children and adults.

The variety of architectural forms produced an indescribable impression at all times. At the sight of a well-kept lawn, the admiring spectators have a feeling of the extraordinary wealth of fantasy, the painstaking work of gardeners and designers. To date, many are trying to equip their country areas in such a way.

Small forms on the country area

Owners of the country site often can not come up with how to make it cozy, and resort to the services of designers. On large areas, the distinction of space is widely used, visual selection of certain zones, and there are several types of architectural forms for this:

  • distinctive walls, pergolas and baskets, allowing to hide economic buildings, inventory;
  • drawing up various secluded corners of rest arbor, sports facilities, barbecue area;
  • comfort and comfort forms - lights, urns, various water supply devices in different ends of the territory.

They can easily and just stay on the big space, but how to be with small household plots in the country? Here you want to have a garden, fruit planting And at the same time, comfortably relax. The easiest way out is to build small architectural forms with your own hands.

If you make a canopy attached to the house, put on the perimeter of curly plants, such as liana, grapes, clematis, then it will serve as a shelter from the rain and the sun, performing the function of the gazebo. Under the canopy easily places a cozy seating area. Here you can easily install a brazier, garden furniture.

Further design of the site is carried out by applying green fences, pergol, capable of easy to put on the smallest block of land. They will close economic structures, create a shady alley. The paths and flower beds with decorative statuette and lanterns, being a multifunctional solution of designer thought, will finish the topic of distinction and arrangement.

For the formation of small decorative landscape elements Any healthy material is used: stone, wood, gypsum, clay, plants. Creating a complex concept in a certain style, solutions can be applied without plant availability. Not everyone can grow beautiful lianas, so openwork wooden or plastic structures are performed.

Cottage plot of small sizes may have various shapes and relief. Installation of small architectural forms for cottages will complement the concept of its own design. It is possible instead of a pair of abandoned boards to install a neat bridge, made of lanes, metal structures, stone with a pipe gasket. The appearance of the household land speaks of tastes, the preferences of the owners. A neglected lawn will not decorate the owner.

Using architectural elements in the landscape

Any territory adjacent to the building requires special care. Particular attention is paid to park, resort zones, as well as places of large cluster of people. IN summer time I do not want to sit in the room: Walk fresh air, Rest at the fountain or in a gazebo much more like everyone.

Favorite recreation places are parks. To create special comfort, designers use the formation of shady alley, comfortable benches, arbors of various types. Architectural forms are selected in a certain style. For their manufacture, materials are used different in their composition and origin.

Arbors are trying to arrange near a small reservoir, in a circle of trees or near the flower. Their forms may be different depending on the overall concept of the landscape. The most popular are lightweight wooden structures of various configurations. Stone structures remained in many old gardens and parks from ancient times. Restored, they give a common landscape speciality and beauty. These include Rotunda and Gazebo, which are indoor stone buildings with columns and decorated with stucco.

Much attention in the design of landscape design is given to children. They are bored on empty alleys. Especially for them are the original multifunctional forms. Depending on the general concept, it may be:

  • log huts with stairs and slides;
  • metal structures of various configurations;
  • stone fortresses;
  • simple sports grounds.

All that will decorate your plot depends on the fantasy and flight of designer thought. Not the last factor in this is aesthetic design by vases, statues and other architectural forms. Modern original compositions Not only park zones are decorated: they can be found on the flower beds in settlements, along the road on lawns, sanatoriums.

We make elements of garden design yourself

Landscaping design requires certain skills. But where to learn, if not in your country site?

The first step in the design of the territory is the layout. It is necessary to distribute the sites for plantings and recreation areas. Then work, requiring the development of the soil, is mainly preparing the grounds for future buildings and tracks. This stage is necessary because the systematic development of the site does not entail subsequent alteration of existing structures.

An important task in the development of the landscape occupies water supply, it is thought out and stacked at the first stage. You can make installation at the end of all works, paving the pipes or hoses over the Earth, but it may disrupt the overall concept of the site.

The preparation of the base implies a partial recess of the soil. It is important to remember that the superficial soil layer is better to put down aside. First do general planningAnd then evenly distribute the blackloof shot. Otherwise, the loam can be upstairs, which is extremely unfavorable for plants.

In small areas should not be equipped with monumental structures. It is enough to make a canopy or a terrace for recreation, put a liana or grapes around it. In the same way, you can make a race for the car. The thick foliage of the plants will create a pleasant shade and protects from rain.

Another embodiment of the recreation area is pergola. They are made of any girlfriend: metal, timber, plastic. Pergola is a design in the form of a lattice for decorative flowers and grapes. It takes up little space, and with its help you can build a shady alley by installing columns or arcs and stretching a solid wire on them. The main condition of the installation is the fill of the support pillars.

The most time-consuming and costs are arbors and fountains. If a well-thought-out bowl and water circulation is needed for the fountain, then a durable reliable foundation is required for the gazebo. Information on how to build data data is contained on special sites and blocks on the Internet, as well as in book publications and magazines.

The bases for small architectural forms are prepared according to their configuration. Upon completion of the buildings of the type of canopy, pergola, the fountain starts laying or dumping paths. They can be postponed by paving slabs, squeeze the rubble or, as the easiest option, concrete. On the edges of the paths, you can install borders of a stone or plant perennial flowers and plants. This will help protect the coating from the fall of dirt, the earth to the surface.

The last stage in the design of the landscape is the smoothing of the soil, the formation of flower and alpine Gork, planting trees and lian. At this stage there is a division of the territory on the garden zone and a resting place. Plastic structures, lighting, sculptures, benches, and other attributes are installed last.

Examples of budget landscape

During the design of the country site, it is necessary to adhere to a certain style. As an example, you can consider budgetizing small-sized cottage plot:

Example 1. To get original view decorative elements with the smallest costs as building material Used wood. Enough to go to the forest or forest stitch to find the fallen trees.

Thick bottom branches are used to build a canopy. Cutting a thin pigstream, leave a solid branched base. It turns out good racks under pergola or canopy. Top in the gap between the racks, thinner branches are attached and associated. Thus, the roof and walls of the chaolash are formed. Liana and wild grapes are planted around the resulting shape, inside which will be a cozy shady corner.

From the remaining log, you can make legs-hemp for benches. Split trunk with thin plates, processing them accordingly, the wonderful tiles are obtained for the track. Thick knots are used for the table legs, of which you can cut various figures.

The plot decorated in such an unusual way will remind a piece of wild forest. Located in different places, wooden figures of animals and fabulous characters add impressions and children, and adults.

Example 2. Usually, bushes, trees are hardened during clearing the territory of the country area, the stones are cleaned. Most of the garbage is burned or exported to the landfill. Rarely who comes to mind this material For landscape landscape.

A beautiful woven is made of shrub branches, which can be collected in any corner to distinguish between different zones. Many architectural forms are made of wood. Even the rooted root with neatly curved processes can serve as an original table or chair.

The collected stones are usually used to form tracks or alpine slides, it all depends on the shape, sizes and quantities. A natural stone Ideally fits into any style designer solution. This is a multifaceted and multifunctional object used in various compositions.

As can be seen from examples, using your own imagination and putting hands, from any subject or plant you can create and successfully combine small architectural forms in landscape design, creating a unique and unique style inherent in your entire site. The main thing is that the overall concept of the site and the combination of materials is properly applied correctly.

12 tips on the choice of plants for living hedges

One way to hide from the curious eyes of the neighbors can be the installation of a living hedge. Hence the question arises how to do it.

1. To make a live fence you will need a lot of effort and patience. The result of your efforts will be a beautiful green wall that will become a true decoration of your site. Living fence made by you yourself - the process is quite time consuming. She must be protected from neighboring interest, from wind, dust and dirt.

2. The choice of vegetation for a natural fence is quite large.

First you need to decide on the height height. If your choice falls on the plants, the height of which reaches the meter, then currant, golden, macs, nepochka, barberry can be used here. From these plants, borders are usually made, which give a certain form.
Subsequently, they will need to periodically cut. Such plants as heather and spiroia form the so-called "free" hedge.

4. For hedges height from one meter to three, it is better to land a car or hawthorn.

5. The fence that will store your safety may be barbed. IN this case It is better to choose such plants for live swelling as a hawthorn or rosehip. But you should not forget that such a "fence" can be dangerous not only for unreasonable guests, the owners themselves can be injured. Therefore, if the prickly plants are not suitable, then it is worth choosing something else, for example, elm mellite, alpine currants or a lip.

6. What plants for living inges are better to use: coniferous or deciduous?
As you know, deciduously resistant to natural conditions and spend more light. The main advantage of coniferous in their constantly green color. They will make your plot more stringent and correct. But there are certain disadvantages. Firstly, coniferous plants It is more expensive. Secondly, they are not so resistant to adverse climate manifestations.

7. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that plants can be planted in one row, and you can make them several. Hugs, which are planted in one row, usually serve for decoration and decoration of the alleys. They will not protect the plot from dust and dirt. Double hedges will require more space for their placement. But their protection will be more significant.

8. If you want the hedge to be in colors, then choose plants such as hydrangea, lilac, forzition. There may be berries in colors. To do this, land the honeysuckle edible, leaching, viburnum, currants.

9. When planting trees and shrubs for a living hedge in the country, a groove is digging a width of 50 cm and a depth of 30 cm. At a greater depth of the soil, the soil is loose and lay a layer of compost (10 cm) or overworked manure, which is mixed with loose soil. After this preparation, it is embarked on landing. Work is best together. One holds plants in a vertical position and in a straight line, a certain pre-stretched rope, and the second sprinkles their roots from the groove of the soil. When the groove is filled up to half, the soil around the roots are well torn, watered, and fill the groove the remaining soil. It is very important that the plants are planted on the same depth on which they grew in the nursery.

10. In cases where it is necessary to create a live fence in front of a group of perennial flowers or behind a retaining wall, between a group of colors and a lively hedge or between a retaining wall and a lively hedge in the soil, it is installed vertically solid band with a width of 50-60 cm. Thus, the roots barrier is created. Plants of alive hedges, which in normal development interfere with the development of colors or destroy the retaining wall. In both cases, the live elevation must be at a greater distance from groups of colors or from retaining walls.

11. Along the track, you can plant a low live elevation. In this case, a border is established between the hedge and the track.

12. Live hedges in the country are homogeneous - when only one floral species applies, and mixed - when several plant species use. In addition, they can be cut, giving the appropriate form, or leave to grow freely. In the latter case, the living elevation is most often mixed using plant species with abundant and long blossoms.

As you can see, the choice is great and diverse. And only from your desires, opportunities, the peculiarities of the territory depends on what plants will be shot by a live fence around the nuclear area.

Are you interested in landscape design? Look for the original yard gazebo, which will contain all your friends, and leave a place under the flower bed? Then you found what they were looking for. Read our article and discover the new features of the courtyard and garden design.

It is hard to imagine modern garden Without small architectural forms, because they give the integrity and completion of the country site

Landscape design by right occupies the first place in importance in the design country house. It requires a certain approach when planning and arranged. This is the face of your site and the main object, which will further create for you and your guests warm and friendly atmosphere of summer evenings, as well as rest of the soul and body from everyday worries and fuss. After all, for the sake of the natural beauty of nature, flowers, trees, birds singing and the murmur of the streams people and buy country areas. Large meaning In the design of the landscape are small architectural forms. The widespread use of different elements of the MAF allows to fit the garden plot or all the land around the house with the most different, unimaginable ways.

Small architectural forms are elements of a street decor (exterior) that are used to create favorable conditions Saying to the city, court and garden territory. Some are already known to you, and with others who came to modern life From the times of antiquity and the era of the Renaissance, get acquainted on.

The landscape design of the garden plot consists of a variety of small architectural forms - compositions and structures performing aesthetic and practical functions

Using Maf by garden plot gives the territory of a certain stylistic orientation

Elements of architectural forms:

  1. Fences and fences.
  2. Arbor.
  3. Flowers and flower beds.
  4. Urban and garden benches.
  5. Sculptures.
  6. Fountains.
  7. Monuments.
  8. Rotunda.
  9. Live hedge and canopies (pergolas, trolls and berso).
  10. Monuments.
  11. Bridges.

Properly selected garden sculpture looks sophisticated and relevant

The tree is most affordable material For the manufacture of small architectural forms, everything is limited to only your fantasy and desire

  • kiosks without foundation;
  • pavilions;
  • telephone booths;
  • lighting posts;
  • benches;
  • flowerbeds;
  • squares and parks.

A lot of small architectural forms are present in any restricted recreation park.

Contemporary art can create interior and exterior objects from ordinary things. In cities different countries On the streets and squares you can meet unique and unique elements of the Maf, which are only inherent in this place. They characterize this particular city, their distinctive features will be recognized in all corners of the whole world.

Famous english telephone booth of red. Gained great popularity at the expense of its unique design. Its elements and images are used in prints for photo wallpapers, ceramic tile, clothes and attributes.

Red color telephone booth Explained to the feature of the climate of England. In the London Fog, bright shades are visible best

Classification of small architectural forms

By appointment, small architectural forms can be utilitarian and decorative. The utilitarian includes all elements that serve to meet the needs and creating a comfortable finding of a person in the urban environment. These are playgrounds, benches, beach equipment, fences and flower beds, kiosks and pavilions, etc.

Park bench - Typical example of utilitarian maf

Also bench, but it's rather decorative variety Maf

Decorative elements are distinguished by their explicit affiliation to high art. All sorts of flower beds, combining different layouts of flowers and plants; A stone of different colors, laid out in a common pattern in a flower bed, miniature reservoirs with toy frogs - all these elements of decorative architectural forms.

Improvement of the territory of the garden

The garden is an amazing and wonderful place on a plot of country house. One of the most relaxed and peaceful places that can only be on all white lights. Shelest developing in the wind foliage, fresh and sweet odor flowering trees - For these feelings, a man is obliged to the garden. Russian writers chant this place as the cleaner and innocent, and at the same time - mysterious and mysterious.

Russian garden is characterized by simplicity and utility, important elements are fruit trees

Landscape garden design implies some separation (zoning). Here is the following placement:

  1. Arbors or half-grade. In interior room This structure is possible a device of several zones: dining; Cooking areas with brass or grill; Recreation areas with a sun bed or hammock.
  2. Fountain device or small decorative pond.
  3. Pond rounded shape, densely planted various plants (Flowers, fern and other exotic varieties), around the perimeter is located a semicircle monoputor, at the head of which - luxuriously hanging Surfinia.
  4. An elongated form of a pond with a combined bridge device made of metal with forging elements and a wooden transitional flooring.

Recruitment of the landscape, which implies a combination of stone elements, steel and flower beds. Thanks big selection Natural and marble cobblestones, the use of special painting makeup, metal processing, becomes possible an artistic approach to finishing parts of fences, lighting pillars, flower and pots with flowers.

To create ambitious architectural forms, considerable investments are required, but you can find budget options, for example, original pergola, small bridge or simple decorative hedge

Wooden arch, in with blooming binds

By themselves fruit trees Garden can be decorated different ways. Installation of homemade decorative benchmarks for birds or garden dwarfs in the trunk, will create a fairy tale atmosphere. Also, each single tree is framed by round metal lattice from forged patterns And put curly flowers.

Cozy bench for recreation

Decorative smart handmade

Gardening stores offer many different animal figures and birds. Purchase a large decorative muchah, made of wood and painted in its natural colors. It will look great both on the apple tree and on the fence of the garden bridge.

Examples of small architectural forms for giving

Cottage is a place that is intended to have its comfort and warmth. Easy and hospitality here must come from each structure and plants. Small architectural forms in the landscape design of cottages contribute to creating such an atmosphere that allows you to distract from the city bustle. Landscape setting options Great set. Just like the interior of the premises, it is possible to use similar stylistic directions and their elements. Further in the article presents interesting methods arrangement land plot cottages.

Old Russian dacha section design

Our ancestors, although they differed simplicity of spiritual, but in this simplicity there is a certain taste. In those times, the material of the material was not observed. Tree is the universal resource of the original resident of Russia. Through the processing of wood, its firing and threads were achieved a certain visual effect. Basically - it was rounded, polished to smooth surface, and chosen cutting patterns on it.

In the contemporary age, wood processing implies aging in all sorts of ways. A gazebo or decorative well can be built from such a material.

Gazebo in Old Russian style

Decorative Flower Garden

Council. If there is a well on the plot, interesting decision There will be a real well with student water.

You can make a real well if in your area waterproof layers go close to the surface of the earth

For the summer cottage, such a landscape design will perfectly fit down due to the fact that the approaches and tracks can be omitted (that is, they are not mandatory). This will save a decent amount of money on paving slab or natural stone.

This design is suitable wicker hedge from branches or rattan. All elements of life of the time - horsepower, small mills and cellars.

Registration of a small rustic water reservoir

Stone cellar in the style of past years

The cellar is just like a well can be done with real basement. The entrance to the basement can be performed in the form of an ancient Greek fat with elements of Russian antiquity (jugs, vases, etc.) such a solution will create a unique landscape design, and its owner is characterized as a connoisseur of originality and uncomplication (eclecticism in landscape design).

Garden benches are performed from the solid part of the spike of the barrel with a pre-cut seat for seating. Arbors are performed from a oak crown.

Landscape design of a country house

The private house implies permanent residence of people here, as well as frequent visits of guests. Therefore, the landscape, in addition to the stylistic accent, should satisfy the functional needs of those living. The tracks between the flower beds and the beds will look beautifully, with the device from natural stone. The natural pattern of such a material will make a notch of an exclusive. Bring a seat under the sidewalks is not straightforwardly, but with intricate turns and smooth bends. Such a breakdown of the passages in itself will make uniqueness to your landscape design.

Plane stone garden path

Durable clinker brick track

Wooden path in the wild garden

To create echoing Maf, it is necessary to create a preliminary designer design and follow it strictly. With regard to our smooth tracks: Express smoothness in all elements of the Maf. Purchase in the garden-garden shop special varieties of rounded shape shrubs (to make a roundness will have to often work with garden scissors). Also get the wavy benches.

Lovers of horoscopes will be interested in the device bench for a round shape with applying on the tile under it twelve signs of the zodiac. You can also put the dial and set up a sundial.

For creating sun hour You can use various materials

Bridges through artificial reservoirs or brooks will give landscape design element fairy tale. The shore is worth choosing natural cobblestones. At the bottom of the stream also placed pebbles smaller. The central object of this colonnade of small architectural forms can be a well-known ancient Greek sculpture or a beautiful fountain.

Wooden bridge over garden reservoir

In a small water space, the elegant sculpture of the naked swimsuit will fit perfectly

Thanks to the large selection of building material, wood and metal use, it is possible to create a wide range of landscape design options. The competent and organized arrangement of the site with small architectural forms is available for each homeowner.

Video: Fresh garden arrangement ideas

Stock Foto Beautiful garden compositions

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