Compatibility of pears and cherries. Fruit Tree Compatibility

Decor elements 30.05.2019
Decor elements

garden trees and shrubs in our dachas have their own unique features and their individual character, and not all of them can become neighbors for other plants.

It has long been known to gardeners, despite the fact that Walnut heals the atmosphere around him, repels harmful insects and flies, it has a bad effect on nearby crops.

Hazel oppresses its neighbors. But lilac, roses, viburnum, mock orange (jasmine), barberry, horse chestnut and fir generally cannot be planted next to pears and apple trees, because these fruit trees will suffer.

For an apple tree, it will become a pleasant neighborhood next to raspberries, cherries, cherries and plums. Incidentally, the apple tree grows wonderfully next to other apple trees. But she does not like the places where her direct relatives were uprooted before - the young apple tree will not want to grow in the place of the old one. If you still need to plant a new apple tree in place with containers, step back 1.5 - 2 m from this place. Apples and pears can be planted near the place where plums, cherries or cherries used to grow.

Cherry, in turn, prefers to grow next to cherries, cherries, apple trees, grapes.

It is difficult for a plum to get along with a pear, but it tolerates the neighborhood with blackcurrant well, unlike cherries, which cannot tolerate blackcurrant in the neighborhood.

Many plants feel bad next to a birch. The thing is that birch has a powerful surface root system, she draws a lot of water on herself. Plants growing next to it, deprived of moisture, then get sick and dry.

Maple and spruce have the same strong superficial roots, so it is also difficult for their neighbors. But if you like these trees and they should remain the decoration of your site, it does not matter. Under them, some shade-tolerant and unpretentious plants. It can be both cereals and flowers: small periwinkle, hosts, astilbes, ferns, anemones.

If you have planted cereals in your area, then you should know that lavender and gypsophila can get along next to them. But roses are selfish, they feel best alone.

Apple and pear trees can get along well with birch and poplar. These fruit trees grow well next to oak, maple or linden, although if the latter grow at some distance.

Keep in mind, coniferous trees, including spruce, strongly acidify the soil. This means that begonias, callas, rhododendrons, hydrangeas, heathers and ferns can become next to them. These plants thrive well in acidic soil. And conifers create the necessary acidity at the place of their growth, and it will not need to be maintained with special substances. The only thing is that it is not necessary to plant stone and pome trees in the place where coniferous crops grow, they do not tolerate acidic soils.

Gooseberries, apple trees, cherries, strawberries prefer medium acidic or close to neutral soil. To achieve this, you can add soil from a coniferous forest or peat to the ground, if you can get it. Neutral soil is also loved by most garden and garden plants, as well as peonies, carnations, roses, lilacs, chrysanthemums, gillyflowers. Lilies prefer slightly acidic soil, while carrots, onions, cabbage, tulips, snapdragons, sweet peas are slightly alkaline.

Fallen leaves and root secretions of some crops create an uncomfortable environment for other plants. So, with their secretions, the same walnut, horse chestnut, some conifers, white locust, sucker, oak, poplar, willow and elderberry prevent others from developing.

When choosing plants for the site, of course, you need to take into account their other preferences. This is especially true for plants for flower beds.

Now, if carnation, iris, cornflower and eschsolzia can do with a minimum of water, then roses, begonias, phloxes and some other flowers will not last long without moisture.

Almost everyone loves sunny places. flowering plants. A lot of sun is always preferred by annual plants. But, for example, for daisies, astilbe, daffodils, crocuses, daylilies, pansies and some others, a semi-shaded location is more suitable.

If you want your site, garden and flower beds to please you, consider these plant neighborhood rules.

For getting maximum number harvest while maintaining high quality fruit, there are many factors to consider. In addition to high-quality care and processing of fruit trees, their compatibility should be taken into account. Violation comfortable conditions content can cause not only a reduction in yield, but also the death of the plant.

Compatibility of fruit trees in the garden

When planting fruit trees, it is necessary to take into account their compatibility with other fruit trees, in the course of their life they secrete into environment biologically active substances that can inhibit or promote the growth and development of other plants.

The most ideal compatibility of fruit trees falls on plants of the same species, but on personal plot with a small area, I would like to grow several types of fruits at once.
In order for the plant to develop normally and bring good harvest, it must be planted taking into account the tolerance of one and the second species.

Apple tree
The apple tree is one of the most unpretentious fruit trees, it can grow normally from almost any garden or garden. garden culture.
An ideal neighbor for her is another apple tree, preferably a different variety. Cross-pollination improves the quality of the resulting fruit.
The best neighborhood with an apple tree falls on a pear, they belong to close species and get along well.
When growing apple and cherry trees in the same garden, the first species can displace the cherry. The same applies to plum with apricot.
It gets along well with quince, other fruit trees are not ideal neighbors, but when planted at a sufficient distance, they will not harm each other.

The pear, like its closest relative, gets along well with many fruit trees. Cohabitation next to a plum, cherry and apricot will cause the pear to survive neighbors from its territory.

Plum gets along well with cherries and cherries, close proximity to apple and pear trees is undesirable.

This fruit tree rarely gets along with others in the garden. For her, the neighborhood with an apple tree, a pear, an apricot is unacceptable. Cherry gets along well next to plums and cherries, hawthorn will grow well next to the tree.

Grow a peach in our climatic conditions while maintaining the high quality of the fruit is almost impossible. In addition, the peach does not tolerate neighborhood with other trees.

Sweet cherry
The tree will grow well in the same garden with plum and cherry, it is not advisable to plant it in the same area with an apricot, apple or pear.
When planting a sweet cherry or its neighbor, it should be taken into account that the sweet cherry has a powerful root system, which leads to soil depletion at a large radius from the crown. For the comfortable coexistence of other fruit trees next to the sweet cherry, they should be planted at a distance.

Plant compatibility when planting

When planting fruit trees in garden plots where mature trees are already located, it is necessary to take into account not only the compatibility of plants in the same area, but also the ability of plants to take root in the neighborhood of an adult culture.
For example, despite the fact that an apple tree with an apricot has poor compatibility, when planting an apple seedling next to an apricot, it will take root well. But if you plant an apricot near adult apple tree, then the seedling, most likely, will not take root, or will be weak and lethargic.

The table below shows the compatibility between a seedling and an adult plant, the main fruit crops.

  • Red cells indicate that the proximity of these cultures to each other is highly undesirable.
  • Green cells indicate that planting a young seedling with an adult plant is ideal for him. In such conditions, the tree has the maximum chance to take root.
  • Cells not marked with color indicate that the proximity of both cultures is neutral.
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Compatibility of fruit trees with shrubs and fruit crops

When choosing a place to plant a shrub or other crop, you should also pay attention to the compatibility of crops with each other.
  1. The main reason why the proximity of both plants is unfavorable is Negative influence the shadow that falls on the site from the crown. If a young plant has a small crown and does not shade the ground under it, then an old tree can shade a decent part of the garden.
  2. The second reason why cultures can be incompatible with each other is competition for nutrients located in the soil. In most cases, the powerful root system of fruit trees draws all water and mineral components from the soil, which does not allow shrubs and other plants to develop normally. horticultural crops. When planting a young seedling of a fruit tree close to a shrub, the plant may not receive the necessary nutrients.
  3. And the last reason why plants are not compatible when grown together relates to pathogens. In this case, shrubs can be a source of fungal diseases that have a detrimental effect on fruiting and growth.
Apple tree
The apple tree is perfectly compatible with grapes, and raspberry bushes planted under it. Garden crops suitable for the neighborhood include tomatoes and dill.
Do not plant potatoes under the apple tree, in this case, you can lose the crop.

When grown in the same area as a rose tree. All other cultures cohabit neutrally.

Plum is poorly compatible with raspberry and currant bushes, the relationship with other garden crops is neutral.

Cherry generally does not get along well with neighbors, with joint cultivation of cherries, raspberries and blackcurrants in the same area, shrubs can die or bring a small and low-quality crop.
For cherries, the verticillium wilt disease is very dangerous; after the disease is affected, in most cases it dies due to damage to the wood. To avoid infection, it is not recommended to plant tomatoes and peppers under the plant, strawberries can also be attributed here.

The peach does not like neighbors; close cultivation of other fruit or agricultural plants next to it can lead to its death.

Sweet cherry
It is undesirable to plant roses and blackcurrants next to cherry blossoms.

Compatibility table for shrubs and horticultural crops with fruit trees

compatible incompatible
Other cultures fruit bushes Other cultures
Apple tree Grape
Pear Rose
Plum Raspberry
Cherry Raspberry
Peach The plant does not get along well with all types
Sweet cherry Currant Rose

For successful breeding on your garden plot or a garden of several types of plants at once, it is necessary to take into account their compatibility with each other. Ignoring this factor can lead to a disappointing harvest. If for annual plants an unsuccessful neighborhood can be changed next season, then in the case of perennial garden plants, it will be impossible to correct the situation without uprooting the tree.

To grow incompatible species in the same area, you must choose undersized varieties and post them on opposite sides garden.

Experienced gardeners use the features of a favorable neighborhood to more efficiently arrange crops while using the minimum area of ​​​​the site.

Obtaining a quality crop and its quantity largely depends on the competent location and compatibility of neighbors. At right choice, neighbors not only will not compete and prevent each other from growing, but will also become useful.

Neighboring trees in the garden are friends and antagonists. Allelopathy of fruit trees. Compatibility of fruit trees.

Today's article will be especially useful to those who are planning to start a garden, as well as to those who have oppressed plants in the garden with weak growth and low yields.

Considering the factors of mutual neighborhood between plants, you can increase the yield in your garden. And also, by accidentally planting nearby plants that interfere with each other, you can get oppressed growth, poor fruiting and even death.

Article: Neighboring trees in the garden are friends and antagonists.

Amateur gardeners, especially beginners, plant plants on the site as they please, without taking into account the compatibility of fruit trees. Some plants can crowd out others and vice versa - be friends with each other, not interfering, but even protecting. At the same time, the consequences of not complying with the conditions of cohabitation can be sad.

The first thing to do before developing a site is to check it for the presence of geopathogenic zones. Geopathogenic zones dotted the entire territory of the Earth's surface. And if you get directly into the geopathogenic zone, then no matter what you plant there, you will not get a harvest. Video instruction is available in the training courses of Valery Zhelezov.

There are also natural indicators that indicate that it is better not to use this piece of land for growing fruit trees.

Natural indicators of land suitability for horticulture.

Indicators of land not suitable for gardening.

willow, sedge and alder.

Indicators of land favorable for creating a garden.

Maple, mountain ash, wild pear, wild rose, cereals, legumes. In this case, it can be expected that this site will favor the creation of an orchard.

Ideal compatibility of planting fruit trees - when each type of fruit trees are located on the site in one group. Apple trees with apple trees, pears with pears and so on.

All plants emit phytoncides - volatile substances. An example is mint. It is worth touching the leaf - the air is filled with a pleasant aroma. During rain or wind, when the leaves hit each other, branches - phytoncides are also released - they are washed off with water and enter the soil. The roots of each plant also secrete great amount water-soluble substances and compounds. Among them are biologically active simulators that have huge impact on neighbors.

Fruit Tree Compatibility at a close location in the garden.

If you are planning a mixed garden, or you have a small plot, then you need to consider compatibility with other plants.

apple trees cannot be planted with acacia, horse chestnut, elderberry, black viburnum, jasmine, fir, poplar, lilac, rose, cherry, peach and nuts - walnuts, Tatar and, especially, Manchurian (leaves fall to the ground, decompose and ruin everything). You can not plant common juniper - it can bring rust into the garden, which is almost impossible to remove. It will also spread to the gardens of neighbors (with a small summer cottage).

  • The destruction of wormwood leads to a decrease in the number of aphids on apple trees.
  • You can not plant potatoes in the aisles of apple trees.

The apple tree feels good with raspberries. Raspberries are a good nitrogen fixer and enrich the soil with oxygen. And it is very good when their branches touch each other. With this arrangement, raspberries will protect the apple tree from scab, and the apple tree will protect raspberries from gray rot.

The ash-leaved maple can save the apple tree from the codling. Protection comes from phytoncides that secrete leaves. Not required to keep big trees maple - you can oppress them with annual pruning, leaving no more than a meter in height. Leaves crushed for selection more phytoncides.

Apple and honeysuckle are conditionally compatible. If you plant an alternation of apple-honeysuckle-apple-honeysuckle, then this will be an overload.

Pear. It cannot be planted with the same trees as the apple tree. Especially with beech, barberry and stone fruits. The most harmful is the neighborhood of juniper, on which rust develops.

Pleasant neighbors for pears will be oak, mountain ash and poplars, in particular, black poplar.

Cherry cannot get along with apricot, black currant, raspberry and apple tree (separate varieties). You can not plant tomatoes, peppers and strawberries under cherries. All nightshade crops should be placed away from cherries. they are spreaders of the disease - verticillium wilt (wilt). With this disease, the core and wood inside the plant dies (the cherry has faded and withered).

Cherries are great friends with plums and cherries.

Barberry can suppress the development of any tree or shrub. Plant it away from fruit plantations. Barberry has some compatibility with honeysuckle and plum. The only enemy is juniper because of the same rust.

Example. Pears, when planted next to the barberry, could not fully bear fruit for 8 years. Flowering is plentiful, and the harvest is several fruits. When the barberry was removed, fruiting was restored the next year. It was so plentiful that it resembled a dying harvest.

Plum you can not plant near pears, raspberries, blackcurrants and apple trees.

Important! Can't do mixed landings western plum (the so-called Russian plum) and representatives of the Manchurian flora - Chinese and Amur, as well as their hybrids.

Black elderberry will help save the plum from aphids. Maple will also be a good neighbor for plums. It can be planted, but not allowed to grow, making constant shortening pruning. This will give an extra crop of plums.

Apricots. This is a typical southern plant, so in our gardens they don’t know how to plant it and therefore they don’t like it very much. Avoid planting near apple, pear, plum, peach, cherry, red rowan, sweet cherry and especially walnut. It does not tolerate planting raspberry and currant bushes next to it, which are carriers of pests. Apricot individualist.

Peach. Does not tolerate planting apple and pear. The minimum distance between them should be at least 4 meters. From cherries and sweet cherries, the peach will begin to deviate in the opposite direction. And the side that will be turned to the antagonist trees will be exposed. Numerous branches will gradually die and in a year or two the whole tree will die. It is very difficult for such a tree to survive the winter.

Cherries and walnut are lovers of loneliness, but they also lead to oppression of the peach.

Imagine the location of crops on your site and draw schematically on paper. Then check the compatibility of neighboring plants using the given data. To do this, you can download and print the plate, which is located in the application.

Neighbors for grapes.

Excellent compatibility between grapes and pears. The tree does not suffer from the fact that grapes wrap around it, and the vine feels even more good.

Grapes grow well with Chinese lemongrass and actinidia, which is convenient to use on arbors. Grapes grow well with beans, cross-salad, peas, radishes, onions, radishes, beets, cauliflower. From decorative - geraniums, phloxes, forget-me-nots, asters.

Given the compatibility of plants, you can grow the most productive garden - the best in your area.

The article is based on the materials of Yuri Vasilyevich Brodsky.

A garden is not just a collection of trees and shrubs growing side by side. Each plant in its own way especially in cultivation. Differences in crop care technology determine which crops grow well nearby, and which cannot stand being next to each other. Many years of experience of gardeners have long classified bushes and trees according to the availability of joint cultivation.

Neighborhood of fruit trees and berries: key nuances

The study of the favorable and unfavorable neighborhood of garden plants is more than one hundred years old. People have long noticed that some cultures do not affect each other in any way if they are planted side by side. Others wither. Still others, on the contrary, give a lush color and a greater yield.

The compatibility of cultures is a set of their preferences, taking into account such natural factors:

Advice. It is also important to properly plant trees and berries in the garden. Experience shows: optimal location for group landings - rows. In addition, the variety must be adapted to the climate of your region.

Recommendations for the neighborhood of fruit trees: apple and pear

The exact classification of good and bad garden neighbors is listed in the table. General characteristics popular cultures give a more complete picture of each garden dweller. It is difficult for other trees to get along with an apple tree; any shrubs do not grow well under it. That's why Apple orchard usually planted at a distance from other crops. It's all about the powerful root system: it is able to oppress neighbors, depriving them of nutrient juices and water. The size of the roots of the apple tree corresponds to the diameter of the crown.

A young apple tree will develop faster next to a raspberry. This shrub loosens the soil well, improving its aeration. The seedling will get stronger and receive additional immunity from diseases and pests characteristic of the species. Raspberries will not suffer, but only until the crown of the tree grows.

Advice. From the point of view of convenience, raspberries are not the best partner for an apple tree. It is unpleasant to extract a fallen crop from thorny thickets.

Other aspects of the neighborhood with an apple tree:

  • gooseberries, currants and others fruit bushes also feel bad under this tree;
  • grows well with grapes;

  • apricot, plum, pear should be planted at least 4 m from the apple tree;
  • the apple tree itself does not tolerate proximity hazel. Plant crops at different edges of the site;
  • the empty space under this tree is well filled with shade-tolerant decorative types(e.g. host).

A pear, in addition to an apple tree, does not get along well next to stone fruits. Most varieties of this tree need another pear in the neighborhood. The reason is the characteristics of pollination. You can solve the problem by grafting branches of a different variety to the tree. Of the neighbors of other species, the pear loves only mountain ash. But it does not suppress most shrubs.

Compatibility features of other horticultural crops

Cherries without proper attention can grow throughout the site, occupying the area of ​​\u200b\u200bmost other crops. Of the trees, it does not conflict only with plum, cherry and hawthorn. Apple, apricot, pear, red rowan, raspberries, currants and gooseberries should not be planted nearby. Cherries have similar priorities. Only her rhizome is even more powerful than that of a cherry. Therefore, even good neighbors are best placed at a safe distance.

It is generally difficult to grow peach in the conditions of the domestic climate. If you nevertheless took up this matter, the tree must be allocated a completely separate place. Plum does not like pears and apples. But it grows well next to cherries and cherries.

Among the shrubs there are also friendly and aggressive partners:

  1. Currant. You can not plant next to the raspberry. Black and red varieties do not like neighborhood with each other. The reason is different lighting needs.
  2. Gooseberry. Favors the red currant. But it does not tolerate closeness with the black one, since crops have a common pest - moth.
  3. Raspberry. Will suppress any neighboring shrub.
  4. Grape. Will share the land with almost any horticultural crop, except for quince.

Attention! A separate case is hazel. Not a single fruit crop will develop normally next to it.

It is safest to place groups of different species of seedlings with an interval of at least 5-6 m from one another. But in most cases, site owners do not have this luxury. Therefore, before planting, it is important to understand the principles of the neighborhood of fruit trees and berries.

What trees to plant nearby: video

When planning the placement of crops on the site, each gardener should consider the following main points. In the garden, fruit trees grow in one place for a long time, often for decades.Therefore, before laying a garden, you need to think it over carefully, determine the desired set of fruit crops, the number of plants needed for planting, calculate the area for their placement, and draw up a plan for your future garden. And only after that proceed to landing.

Most garden plants are very photophilous and give a good harvest only with sufficient sunlight. Therefore, a strong thickening of plantings, as well as placing them in the shade of buildings or tall trees, is undesirable. Your plantings should also not interfere with neighboring areas and shade them. Therefore, trees on vigorous rootstocks are planted no closer than 3 m from the edge of the site, and bush berries - 1 m.

Breeds requiring a large number treatments chemicals plant protection (winter varieties of apple trees, pears)_ are located away from home. Stone fruits, walnuts, and grapes are planted closer to it.

The minimum distance between trees should be equal to the sum of the heights of mature trees, which will make it possible to achieve optimal fruitfulness and comfortable care.

One of the trends in modern horticulture is the density of plantings by increasing the number of trees and shrubs per unit area without compromising their fruitfulness. This is achieved by artificial crown limitation and special pruning to create its various forms. Standard and semi-standard forms are considered obsolete due to their bulkiness. Increasingly, a low-bolt with a height of 3-3.5 m and a crown width of 2-2.5 m is used. However, the size can vary depending on the type of fruit tree. For small gardens, it is better to choose the shape of a dwarf pyramid, a palmette cordon. They look beautiful and at the same time rational.

Orientation to the cardinal points is also one of the most important factors. Almost all fruit and berry plants they prefer the sun and do not tolerate shading (strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, sea buckthorn are especially photophilous). Partial shading (for half a day) withstands blackcurrant. In order for everyone to get the sun, it is better to observe the principle of layering: on the south side, the shortest (strawberries) are planted, followed by taller shrubs (currants, gooseberries), then medium-sized trees (cherries, plums) and, finally, the tallest (apple trees, pears, cherries).

On the small area the best illumination for plants is achieved with stepped placement, taking into account the cardinal points It is good when the long side of the garden goes from south to north or from southwest to northeast.

A tree planted on the south side will bear fruit abundantly, so in this case best conditions for its growth and development. In the south and southwest, heat-loving plants are planted: apricots, cherries, peaches, winter varieties of pears. An excellent microclimate is created here, characterized by good illumination and protection from the wind. Black currants can without any doubt be planted along the northern border of the site, and red currants and gooseberries - on the western or eastern side along the fence of the site. Partially currant bushes are also planted in the main rows between fruit trees, you just need to remember: in this case, their lifespan is limited to 12-15 years, as the crowns of the trees grow and, closing up, eventually deprive them of light.

It must also be taken into account that fruit trees and berry bushes in the garden, planted near or in joint landings, may turn out to be "good" or "bad" neighbors. In the first case, they have a beneficial effect on each other, attract bees for better pollination of "neighbors" and even protect against pests. In the second case, plants are affected by common diseases and oppress each other.

Apple tree coexists with pear, cherry, plum, quince, apple tree. Poorly tolerates the neighborhood with cherries, viburnum, golden currants, barberries, lilacs, mock oranges.

Pear will grow well next to an apple tree, red rowan, pear., and in the immediate vicinity of a cherry or sweet cherry will constantly hurt. It is also oppressed by plum, viburnum rose, lilac, mock orange, barberry.

For cherries suitable neighbors will be an apple tree, grapes and cherries.

Plum coexists with an apple tree and plum, but not with a pear.

Apricot and peach. If you decide to place an apricot next to an adult peach tree, keep in mind that a peach, if it is located at a distance of up to 2.5 m from an apricot, will definitely oppress young apricot seedlings. Even if the shadow from the peach does not fall on the seedlings, the trees will still grow as if someone had specially bent them away from the peach.

peach and cherry (or cherry) A peach is able to grow next to a cherry or cherry only at a fairly decent distance - at least 6-7 m. Otherwise (that is, with a closer landing), that side of the peach that is adjacent to the unwanted neighbor will be exposed. Gum flow and gradual drying will begin on these branches, and freezing will be observed in winter. The opposite side of the peach crown will try to avoid cherries or cherries as much as possible. Moreover, the angle of inclination can reach 45 degrees. It is clear that such a twisted and diseased tree is unlikely to decorate the site, and it will not bring benefits in terms of productivity. Usually, as experts emphasize, a peach tree lives in close proximity to a cherry or sweet cherry for no more than 4-5 years, after which it disappears. In addition to everything else, it is worth adding that the cherry (cherry) next to the peach feels oppressed.

Peach versus pear and apple

He also dislikes pears and apples. If they "breathe in the back of his head" to him, the peach will certainly begin to oppress the neighbors. Accordingly, it is not recommended to place these trees at a close distance from each other.

Nut prefers loneliness

Walnut and black walnut leaves contain juglone, a substance with very strong herbicidal properties. Washed out from the leaves during the rains, the juglone enters the soil and destroys any vegetation under the crown of the tree. But the walnut especially dislikes the apple tree, which, with its secretions, not only damages, but kills.

raspberries planted separately, away from blackcurrants and strawberries.

Gooseberries and currants also do not recommend placing nearby, like theirs common diseases and pests.

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