Juniper Cossack and fruit trees compatibility. Compatibility of trees

Reservoirs 25.05.2019

Plan plant planting on your panstone always a pleasure. However, this fascinating occupation will bring fruits only when the gardener will be guided by some rules that will make it easier for his work and increase the yield of fruit trees.

  • If your plot is small, it is better to give preference to the dwarf varieties of many fruit trees. From such plants it is easy to assemble a harvest. They are compact.
  • Choosing a variety of fruit wood, it is recommended to choose the option as possible to the climatic features of your garden.
  • When landing seedlings special attention Distance between them. For good growth and abundant crop, trees need enough space around themselves.
  • Live hedges that grieve tightly to each other, for example, such as Tui, help protect young seedlings and other plants in the garden from the wind.
  • When all the nuances are thought out, you need to think about no less important question: the biological combination of trees.

  • Pears have similar looks with an apple tree on their neighbors. She does not like cherry, apricots and plum, but will be glad the neighborhood with a black poplar and oak.
  • Barbaris is a very strong plant that can squeeze any fruit tree, so do not put it next to them. Juniper will endure rust, so exclude his presence near Barbaris.
  • Cherry has a highly developed root system, so exclude its neighborhood with other plants.
  • While fruit trees Pleased with your harvest, other plants can also benefit the garden, namely to protect it from some adverse factors.

  • From dust save maple, acacia yellow, ash green,
  • Juniper - large group Plants belonging to the family of cypress. Excellent decorative characteristics, the variety of forms and colors, the unpretentiousness and beneficial properties of representatives of this coniferous culture allowed her to take an honorable place in modern gardening art.

    Another style for which juniper is suitable - Japanese (East). The laconicity and natural severity of these plants perfectly emphasizes the bright colors and the specific forms of the Eastern Garden with its rocky islands and contrasting combinations. In this case, designers recommend landing colored juniper next to heast of red, yellow, orange, blue or white shade.

    Juniper themselves in landscape design Looks somewhat monotonous - they won precisely in combination with perennial flowers, shrubs and trees. On stony areas, the noble beauty of these plants ideally emphasizes dwarf barberries and heers. On the solar pools, the shores of the streams and in flower beds next to juniper crops, it is recommended to plant yellow or orange spirits. When placing the lungs next to the buildings or when creating compositions at the entrance of good neighbors for juniper, other conifers will be. Juniper look good next to the pine, black, with a larch weeping, low-spirited villages (in the photo on the right). Composition, supplemented natural stones - boulders or granite crumb, significantly wins in front of the composition, simply planted on the lawn. When creating landscape design, it is necessary to take into account that these evergreen shrubs are poorly combined with lush largest perennials and large garden flowers. But you can make harmony in such an alliance, creating a transition from stones, griming plants or cereals between them. Jacob reception is used in the design of alpine slides and horizontal alpinarias.

    What you need to remember when landing juniper

    When landing juniper, it is necessary to take into account that their too close location in relation to each other creates a feeling of lethargy and monotony. Only plants dissolved in compliance with discreteness (intermittentness) are set by rhythm, emphasize the beauty of the site and associate the entire composition together.

    • Juniper horizontal - creeping low-speed (0.5 to 1 m) shrub with needle or scratched cheese, the color of which depends on the variety and can vary from bright green to silver-blue. Plants of this species are usually used to fix the slopes, creating borders and design of rocky garden sections.
    • Juniper ordinary - splashing shrub with a green needle-like joy having a husky shade. Ordinary juniper in landscape design (column form) are suitable for creating single or group compositions, dwarf shrubs - for landing in alpinearia.
    • Juniper Chinese - high (up to 10 m) a tree plant with a crystal or needle cheese golden yellow or salad and blue shade. Frost resistance of representatives of this species depends on the variety. When creating the design of the site is used in group or single landings, as well as for landscaping Alpinarians.
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      Juniper rust: how to protect yourself from this disease

      When designing plantings near country house, Cottage landscape designers Or the polls are guided not only by the beauty and originality of cultures, but also their compatibility. Especially take into account the neighborhood of rocks to prevent the incidence of cultures.

      What is rust

      Its causative agent is basidial mushroom Roda Gymnospranangium. class Basidiomycetes. .

      This mushroom has two different owners. At first it develops on juniper. And then throwing into a pear or apple tree. Juniper ordinary is the owner of rust, which occurs on an apple tree, and juniper Cossack And his other forms - in a pear (red or orange spots on pear leaves)

      The main cycle of development of these mushrooms occurs on juniper bushes. Spores of mushrooms can develop on juniper everywhere: skeletal branches. needles, bumps, shoots. Passionable in spring, for the winter they form a "tomb", forming yellowish, centelasts growing - pustula. At these places, swollen, thickening, influx or wounds are formed. And already in the spring spores germinate and spread the wind to a huge distance - up to 50 kilometers!

      How can you protect juniper from rust?

      3. If you notice the first signs of the disease, then immediately cut the affected parts of juniper and burn them. Under the bush, remove all the leaves, plants and sleep the earth around them. Tools for trimming (knives or secateurs) alcohol. A sections - 1% copper vitriol And make it easy sadovy Vary. or lacqual balsam. As prophylactic measures, even if your bush is not sick, spend the spring and autumn spraying of juniper "the kidnoksat".

      At the same time, do not forget to spray with fungicides and a pear with an apple tree. For this, burglar liquid is suitable. Preparations with gray or other fungicides.

      Such measures can lead to success and your plant will not die. But if this treatment did not help, then you should think about the transfer of the bustle to another place or completely destroy it.

      5. It often happens that the plant is fully cured, and there will be a little time and everything is repeated, although there is no pear or apple tree in your area, near juniper shrubs. In such cases, do not hesitate and ask your neighbors where they grow these roses. And even better, to ask for a visit to the very well to inspect their garden. If you have found such signs, they do not care for trees, then the bustice will have to destroy. After all, the entire garden can die so.

      Remember. What if the disease (rust) entered the chronic stage, then the juniper is impossible to cure, especially when rustic trees or shrubs grow nearby. Therefore, it is better to remove one of the crops from the garden, leaving the one that you are more expensive, or transfer it to another, remote place. At the same time, the juniper can be trimmed completely, leaving the lower living kidneys on a bush. Thus, you will prevent further dissemination of the disease and save juniper.

      Plant compatibility role in the landscaping

      When designing and conducting landscape works, the main task is to find harmonious combinations of plants of various heights and shapes so that the composition acquires artistic integrity. However, the issue of compatibility of plants with each other is equally important in the improvement process, because the appearance of the site directly depends on this.

      This topic is very extensive, and all its aspects are impossible within one article. You can list only certain examples of the unwanted neighborhood of certain plants.

      In particular, not recommended Next to growing trees and shrubs plant berezu . Since its powerful root system consumes a lot of water and expects plants in this regard in this regard. Similar impacts also have spruce and Maple . Under them it is better to plant the teothelubile and unpretentious plants.

      There were soils very much soil, so "getting together" with them can only lovers of acidic soils. Among them can be called ferns, Hydrangees, Calla, Begonias etc.

      Medium indoor soil prefer an apple tree, cherry, gooseberry. The ate can not be planted near the beds, berry shrubs and fruit trees. Their neighborhood with clematis, lilac, peonies and roses are contraindicated.

      Around the poplar on 6 m, the zone of suppression of other plants is distributed, but in some cases it, like birch, can have a beneficial effect - for example, if there is a pear or an apple tree. Named fruit trees comfortable feel next to oak, lime and maple . The apple tree, in turn, can act as "aggressor" towards young pines (as if "burns" pine tree), so it is undesirable to connect them in one composition.

      Aggressive The plant is considered sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn . Singing the surrounding space of the spacing. Raspberries does not like the neighborhood with red currant . but black currant It is not recommended to plant next to cherry.

      Walnut and Leschina is better to plant without the neighborhood of shrubs and other trees. Walnut Manychurian oppresses an apple tree, a pear, tess, IRGU, Ryabin.

      Apple tree and pear do not like lilac, Kalina, Roses, Chubuschnik, Barbaris . But they will suffer the neighborhood of raspberries, cherries, cherries and plums.

      Will not be a couple of cherry apricot. Aktinidia Kolomikt is not recommended to plant next to fruit and large trees.

      "Shuffle" Growing other plants barberry . Zlakovy Next to it to plant extremely contraindicated. This shrub like acacia White, horse chestnut, fir, viburnum, rose, lilac, rosehip and chubushnik . actively suppresses the growth of other plants And refers to the group of monopyal.

      Acacia Yellow is compatible with Voloshnaya.

      Do not like such apple trees, cherries, pears, Alycha. The fruits of apple and pears are isolated by ethms, accelerating the ripening of fruits of other plants.

      Near pear it is impossible place juniper. Since he can infect the fruit tree with fungal diseases.

      Clean ordinary suppresses the growth of wood and shrub plants. It does not feel very comfortable next to the oak.

      "Poison" the soil, that is, cause the so-called "soil", decaying the leaves of chestnut, nut, the needles of pine and ate. This is due to the fact that the leaves of these plants contain phenolic compounds, which in the decay process begin to be released.

      Some plants (ash, sucker) possess very high allolyopathic activity (from Greek. Alleon - mutually and Pathos - suffering), so do not form single plantations. Plants with high alleloopathic activity (oak, beech, many conifers) create around them protective zones. They have an oppression of their own teenager due to accumulation toxic substancesAs a result, the species displaces itself. Many allelopatically active substances also have an antimicrobial (phytoncidal) effect, providing immunity of plants to mushroom infections, as well as contributing to the purification of air.

      When selecting plants for decorative landing It should be borne in mind that in many respects their compatibility depends on the composition of the soil and the degree of illumination, as well as the allelopathic relationship, - then the plants will feel good and decorate their healthy species of the site.

      About Allelopathy

      This is about strong chemical influence. which is plants on their neighbors. Chemical substances stand out both leaves and roots; the most strongly impact of root secretions, as they have the property to accumulate, the greatest influence Remote perennial roots.

      More notarily harm to poisoning reflected in wintering. The plant appearance may look well, but the winter either does not take place at all, or will join. Perennial cultures are much worse in the oppression of incorrectly selected neighbors. This is a very common phenomenon in our gardens. On the contrary, a favorable satellite makes a plant more sustainable to frost .

      Before we analyze examples, I would like to emphasize that the compositions "work" only in exemplary agrotechnics. When the composition of flower beds is selected based only from « color Gamma.» and "blooming waves", then this, sorry, some kind kindergarten! Landing "on Avos." We must take into account the compatibility of plants, the composition of the soil. fertilizer influence. If you plant a culture requiring sour soil. With a culture that requires neutral, then you need to create a boundary value of the pH (although it is better to select cultures on the same requirements). For joint landing several cultures in the soil should be a lot of nutrition, and at the disposal of the ordinary gardener very little safe fertilizer. So watering dry sandy alpine hill A strong solution of mineral fertilizer, you can burn all conifers. In addition, dry mineral mixes whine the soil, while the vast majority bulbous colors Fruit-garden crops, as well as many decorative require neutral soil. Fecal compost, which contains chlorine, manure and bird litter too strong in their influence on flowers ... it turns out that best fertilizer For "mixers" remains either a humid bolt, or a soft vegetable compost. Mulch of the lady of grass or foliage. And in addition - feeding with liquid ammonium humate fertilizers with microelements (on sale there are many brands - black liquid with the smell of ammonia).

      We will analyze several examples (in one article all the allelopathy, it is clear, not to state, given the inconspicuous number of species used in garden design).

      Some compatibility examples garden crops. Apple tree

      IV Group - Neutral Plants (Evaluation 4) For Apple - RED CURRANTS. A TOMATO. Plum, celery, Grapes. Nasturtium SEA BUCKTHORN. Carrots, pumpkin, lion zev, sparking, carnation Turkish, lilac, jasmine, lily, DELPHINIUM. Astilba;

      From here you can make a unambiguous conclusion: favorable for apple plants at our disposal so much that keeping their trees "under the docking" - wasteful for six acres, the apple trees can be used for planting decorative and garden plants. Should clearly know that wild grass grass (Timofeevka, drossing creeping, breadstand, etc.), especially in the mixture, when there are several of them, poison apple trees. Lawn around fruit trees is an extremely disadvantageous way of fruit growing, especially in middle lanewhere fertile layer It is calculated by several centimeters.

      How to plant plants under apple trees? it depends on the characteristics of each culture and from the age of apple trees. Some of the favorable cultures are shadowless, and they can be planted on the whole toil space up to the trunk (hosts, lupine, sorrel). Some cultures are partially shadowed, they can be placed under the branches of the apple tree from the south side (barberries, spiroia, strawberry, cucumbers, coniferous). If the tree of the apple tree is small (young apple trees, as well as an apple tree on dwarf dive or colon-shaped), then these cultures can occupy the entire rolling circle. And of course, all listed cultures can be planted on the border of the projection of a large tree crown with sunny side And even a little abroad, since the roots of the apple tree go for the projection of the crown.

      In general, a decorative or fruit composition under the scorched apple tree is an extra reason to dispel her top, she will benefit from clarifying the crown.

      Examples of compatibility of some garden crops. Raspberries

      Group II: Very favorable plants (Rating 5) for raspberry - DIGITALIS. BARBERRY;

      IV Group: Neutral plants (estimate 4) in relation to raspberries - calendula, apple tree, mint, plum, black-flow rowan, cabbage, bush beans, black currant, gooseberry, pumpkin, sage, lion zev, spiree, Turkish, lilies, lilies, RHODODENDRON. Cosmy LILAC. Astilba. LUPINE;

      V Group: Plants, oppressive (estimates 2 and 3) Mail, - garlic, parsley, grapes, velvets, nasturtium, sea buckthorn, radishes, beets, host, IRIS. JASMINE.

      Examples of compatibility of some garden crops. Strawberry

      Negatively affect her sage, corn, black currant, red currant, potatoes, carrots.

      Compatibility of trees

      What fruit trees love neighborhood with other trees and what? And what cultures "do not bring out" each other?

      Muhammad Samadovich Abdulakhatov, Nevyansk, Sverdlovsk region.

      Indeed, some trees love the neighborhood of themselves like this, and some do not bring out at all, someone is friends, and someone - no. Putting a number of "enemies," you can wait for years to wait for the harvest and so it does not wait.

      The reasons for this phenomenon are somewhat: the warring their roots can be located at one depth, and they will interfere with each other; One plant highlights harmful to the soil for another substance. Tell about the neighborhood of the most common fruit crops.

      Apple tree - The most popular tree from our gardeners. This is a very friendly plant that normally gets along with almost any cultures (cherries, draining, other apple trees). However, in her coil circle should not be planted berry shrubs Or break out the garden, but to place flowers, both one-year and perennial, or spicy aromatic plants can be.

      And back interesting fact - If you put conifers next to the apple tree, it will be plentifully fruit. But among them there should be no juniper of Cossack, as he is a rust peddle.

      This disease is equally dangerous for the apple tree. But what this culture does not carry it - it is rowan. And the rowan mole, the caterpillars of which damage the fruits of the apple tree is to blame.

      Pear Not as favorable to your neighbors. Poor and a number of other fruit trees and shrubs and a number of other fruit trees and shrubs are bad, so that peace and tranquility reign on your site, place pear seedlings separately from other trees. Then there will be no questions with compatibility.

      Near SO currant - Also a very popular culture - it is useful to grow onions, it will protect shrubs from the budding tick. But "work" only the landing of a bow under the winter. A good neighbor for black currant is a honeysuckle, and for a red superb companion - gooseberry.

      But it would seem, relatives, black and red currant Nearby are bad. And the neighborhood with Malina also does not fit. And at times we spoke about raspberries, then this timely and freedom-loving lady does not endure any neighborhood at all. Rather, it does not endure other cultures: powerful screens and roots of raspberries score other plants, interfering with normally develop.

      And also: do not put in the garden cherryuhu. Since glass women can be used on it from all the districts, which will be happy to move to other, more valuable cultures. The cunning hawthorn also lures on the pest portion of the apple tree.

      If you have on your site birch. that's all fruit landing It is better to take away from it, since the powerful root system of the plant will take water and nutrition from them - the proper harvest with fruit you simply do not get.

      If you grow peach On its plot, then plant it separately from all other trees: this is a single plant that does not carry the neighbors. And the cherry and the sweet cherry he so does not like that the tree begins to tear in the opposite direction.

    As you know, any living organisms may experience in relation to each other as sympathy and antipathy. And plants here are no exception. How to place landings in the garden so that trees and shrubs are comfortable to live with their neighbors? For the answer to this question, the old good bioenergy comes to the rescue.

    In the combination of "apple tree and cherry" an apple tree is quite good, but the cherry is bad! Therefore, for the harmonious growth of both neighbors, the distance between them should be at least 3 meters. And with a distance of 4 meters, the cherry will be completely good.

    Pear and peach feel very comfortable with each other feel. Although with a distance of 0.5 meters sat down. Peach Already with such a joy on the pear, folded his branches (when in the image was included).

    With the neighborhood "apple tree and pear" an apple tree - nothing, but a pear is very bad, so they should be planted from them no closer than 10 meters from each other.

    Apricot and plum should be located pronounced, at a distance of at least 3 meters.

    But you should not consider that the apple tree is a very baking neighbor, overwhelming everyone who is near. Because in the neighborhood "apple tree and peach" there will be a bad apple tree, and only with the removal of peach for a distance of more than 10 meters of apple tree comes back to normal.

    Rose hips and currant together are well (any currant: both black, and red).

    But with a combination of currant with a honeysuit - currants seeks to escape.

    But the apple tree and the honeysuckle are very well compatible.

    The desired distance between the sea buckthorn and the red currant begins from 3 meters.

    Between the sea buckthorn and black currant, it is better to leave space at least 6 meters.

    Sea buckthorn and raspberries - from 1.5 meters.

    Ginkgo and Oak - more than 7 meters.

    Ginkgo and larch - at least 3 meters.

    Kuril tea and currants should be signed at least 2 meters.

    In the case of a combination of trees such as "cedar and birch" - everything depends on the goals ... In general, for adult trees, it is desirable for the distance from 9 meters away, but often it happens that if you sit on a birch and cedar at the same time, while the cedar grows, they With birch, perfectly get along and at a small distance from each other. And when cedar reaches more or less large sizes, then birch is not so young anymore ... and it can give way to the cedar. In general, birch comfortably outside the cedar crown. those. The more cedar, the further birches want to be.

    Cedar and apple tree - again depending on the size of the cedar. It's one thing if the cedar is small, completely different - if one more older. Here you need to take care of the way, how it all will grow with time. But in any case, it is desirable that the apple tree is not under cedar branches.

    Gooseberry and Malina are ready to grow well in the presence of a distance between them, ranging from 1.5 meters.

    Larch with the honeysuckle is very good, you can plant at least with a gap of 0.5 meters.

    Chestnut and ginkgo require a gap of at least 4 meters.

    Lipa and oak are wonderful neighbors, ready to live even at a distance of 1 meter. Despite the fact that the trees are large enough, it turns out, can grow completely side.

    But the raspberries and currants begin to feel good only at a distance of 9 meters away.

    In the case of a combination of "Lipa and Malina", it turned out that Malina stimulates the growth of linden. They can be planted at a distance of 2 meters.

    Lipa and Klyon are also friends, the distance between them can be from 2 meters.

    And now let's see how trees in group landings feel.

    Cedar, pine and fir in the equilateral triangle with the parties in 2 m feel good, but with such a neighboring birch - bad.

    And if you add a larch to the top three, it will reach the cedar and her in such a fourth is quite comfortable.

    Next was the group: Oak, Samshat, Ginkgo, Chestnut. At first, 5-7m got up at a distance, the oak was very surprised: "Why is it all so far?" And actively started calling the samshet, and Samshat, in turn, crawled to the oak. When Samshet and Oak came in touch with each other, everything fell into place and harmony recovered.

    With a combination of "cherry and lilac" lilacs poorly from cherry, especially during the flowering and fragrance of the cherry.

    The neighborhood of "Cherochumuha and Ryabina" rowan is required distance from 2 meters.

    But the "lilac with rowan" feels normally even when the location is only 1 meter from each other.

    Walnut Usuriy and Cherry allow accommodation at a distance of about 2 meters and feel okay.

    But chestnut depresses the cherry, and apple tree, and other fruit. Chestnut is generally a lover of freedom and few people admits in his surroundings.

    We hope that, given the personal preferences of trees and shrubs, you will be able to plan your garden so that in it all the inhabitants it was cozy and comfortable.


    When we planned our garden, we decided to plant the bushes of juniper - my husband really likes this plant. As usual - we first do, then we read and think. Sometimes make mistakes. And errors need to be corrected and learn to them. Well, isn't it beautiful. And what a breathtaking smell costs around!

    in garden - pros and cons,or what i do notknew about juniper

    (Juniperus.) - Old-timers of the earth Flora, they appeared about 50 million years ago. Refer to the family of cypress. Species of juniper are very diverse. Among them are giants to 30 m and bizarre sluts, rising from Earth barely by 10-15 cm. Juniper plant on the alley, grow on alpine Gorki and in rockers.

    Perfectly combined with coniferous, heather and bully.

    He serves as a garden decoration at any time of the year.

    Juniper is characterized by high shades and drought resistance. Too flooded places for him are not the most favorable. It is pretty resistant to frosts and even at temperatures -40ºС, this representative of the flora is able to survive.

    He, like many other coniferous plants, has medical properties, enriches air with oxygen and other useful substances.

    Shrub has a whole near useful properties. The territory around him is famous for its purity, since the phytoncides of juniper can kill many microbes around. This property of juniper is known since a long time: It was used to expand evil spirits. In some nations, he was considered a symbol eternal lifeThey believed that he could fight death.

    Indians North America Juniper used for the treatment of wounds and diseases of the skin, bones and joints, placing patients in the overgrown juniper, where the air was saturated with healing volatile substances.

    IN ancient Russia It was believed that juniper was protected from snake bites.
    And in Ukraine, the faces of the Kozakov drank over the measures were put to sleep on the juniper bushes, and in the morning the Kozak got up with a clear and pure head.

    Here for these properties, for beauty, for the stunning smell, I chose him for my garden.
    But, as it turned out, juniped landings are hazard. Not for a person (I do not eat it, although many parts of juniper poisonous). Juniper is dangerous for the garden, namely for apple trees, pears, quince. I learned about this when yellow-orange stains appeared on the pear. As it turned out, it is not just spots, but rust is a dangerous fungal disease for seed crops.

    I would continue to continue that juniper is an intermediate link in the spread of rust if my sadness had not sick, and if I were in search of truth, I would not ask the question of the origin of the spots in the pear of the experts of this site.
    That's what I learned:

    What is dangerous juniper?

    In the spring, many observed unusual growths on juniper bushes orange colorAnd this is nothing but a manifestation of a widespread disease - rust, which causes basidial genus genus Gymnospranangium.

    Here is a source of a dangerous disease

    When such orange twigs appeared for the first time, I did not even think about the disease, which threatens to surrounding trees. I thought that juniper flooded (he does not like an excess of watering), or that some pest hurt his roots. And it turned out, everything is much harder.

    To protect your plantations from this disease, the prevention must be carried out already from autumn.

    An ordinary juniper is served by an intermediate-owner plant - an ordinary juniper, and for rust pears - m. Cossack and other species.

    On one patrol plant can simultaneously ripen dozens of billion disputes, so the spread of rust occurs at high speed. In addition, the disputes of rust mushrooms are transferred through the air to huge distances - without losing vitality, they may wither not only with one garden plot On the other, but even with the mainland on the mainland, overcoming up to 10,000 km. From here, the sudden outbursts of rust diseases in areas where they are absolutely not ready for them.

    Rust development promotes windy, cool, rainy weather in spring when an apple tree and pear is infected.

    The struggle measures are equally complex as the rust development cycle. It is necessary to constantly carry out a whole range of protective measures aimed at reducing the infection stock and complete elimination of the disease:

    1. Apple tree and pear protection from driving infection with juniper by landing protective strips from high, with a thick crown of trees, especially from the dominant winds. It is impossible to land the juniper in protective stripes Garden.
    2. The affected rust branch in the spring must necessarily cut and burn immediately.
    3. In the fall, collect and burn all the fallen leaves of pears, apple trees, quince, as well as growths with obvious signs of their rust lesion. After the leaf fall, it is abundantly treated with trees with a solution of urea (700 g per 10 liters of water).
    4. For the recovery of pear and apple tree, to the dissolution of the kidneys, they cut strongly affected shoots and skeletal branches, respectively, 5-10 cm below the place of the defeat; On the wounds affected by the disease, the wounds are cleaned up to healthy wood and disinfected with 5% copper sulfate solution, and then smeared the garden. So that the wounds are better and faster, they are treated with a heteroacexin (0.5 g of 10 liters of water) before the gardens.
    5. For the treatment of patients with rust fruit trees, a series of spraying by fungicides is carried out. The first processing must be carried out before the basidiospore falls on the leaves - before flowing. Second immediately after flowering, during the period of mass dispersion dispute. After 12-14 days, third processing is carried out.
    It should be noted that when conducting chemical treatments against the paste, there is no need for additional spraying against rust.

    With rust fight it is very difficult, so at the plant planning stage it is necessary to provide possible consequences From the neighborhood of seed crops with juniper, since these plants are not recommended next to each other.

    Now I know about it (and aware, it means armed), I will fight. I want to preserve and juniper bushes, and, of course, apple trees with pears.

    So think yourself, decide whether the juniper themselves in their garden. Although, judging by the data, Rust disputes are capable of overcome long distances, and there is no guarantee that they will not bring them the wind from the neighbor or neighbor's neighbor.

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    Blueberry - low-prolonged promising berry culture in the gardens. Blueberry berries are the source of biologically active substances and vitamins, possess anti-cutting, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, well-fascinating properties. Berries contain vitamins C, E, A, flavonoids, anthocyans, microelements - zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, as well as plant hormones - phytoestrogens. Blueberry berry flavor is reminiscent of a mixture of grapes and blueberries.

    Looking at the variety of tomato varieties, it is difficult not to be confused - the choice is very wide today. Even experienced Gorodnikov He is sometimes confused! However, to understand the basics of the selection of varieties "for themselves" is not difficult. The main thing is in particular culture and start experimenting. One of the easiest to grow groups of tomatoes is grades and hybrids with limited growth. They always appreciated by the gardeners who do not have a lot of strength and time to care for the beds.

    Once very popular under the name of indoor nettle, and then forgotten, the coles today are one of the brightest garden and indoor plants. They are not in vain are considered the stars of the first magnitude for those who are looking for above all non-standard colors. Simple in cultivation, but not so comprehensive to approach everything, the cakes require constant control. But if you care about them, bushes from velvety unique leaves easily eclipse any competitor.

    Baked salmon ridge in olive herbs - "Supplier" delicious pieces Fish pulp for light salat With fresh leafs of the abraise. Champignons slightly roasted in olive oiland then watered with apple vinegar. Such mushrooms are tastier than ordinary marinas, and they are better suited for baked fish. The shortcut and fresh dill get along perfectly in one salad, emphasizing each other's fragrance. Garlic acuteness of the abrade is impregnated and the flesh of salmon, and pieces of mushrooms.

    Conifer tree Or a shrub on the plot is always great, and a lot of conifers - even better. Emerald needles different shades Decorate the garden at any time of the year, and phytoncides and essential oils, isolated by plants, not only flavory, but also make air cleaner. As a rule, most of the zoned adults coniferous plants, are considered very unpretentious trees and shrubs. But young seedlings are much more capricious and require competent care and attention.

    Sakura, most often, is associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics under the canopy flowering trees It has long been an integral attribute of the Spring meeting in the country of the Rising Sun. Financial and school year here begins on April 1, when magnificent sakura bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese pass under the sign of their flowering. But Sakura is growing perfectly and in the cooler regions - certain types can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

    It is very interesting for me to analyze how tastes and addictions of people have changed to one or another food products over the centuries. The fact that once was considered delicious and was the subject of trade, over time he lost its value and, on the contrary, new fruit cultures have conquered their markets. Quince has already been cultivated for more than 4 thousand years! And even in the 1st century d. N. e. About 6 varieties of quince were known and then the ways of its reproduction and cultivation were described.

    Please make your household and make thematic curd cookies in the form of Easter eggs! Your kids will gladly take part in the process - ascend to flour, connect all the necessary ingredients, knead the dough and cut the intricate figures. Then, with admiration will be observed as the pieces of the dough turn into real Easter eggs, and then with the same inspiration they will eat them with milk or tea. How to make such original cookies for Easter, read in our step by step recipe!

    Among the tuber cultures of decorative-deciduous favorites are not so much. And Caladium is a true star among the volatile inhabitants of the interiors. It may not be decided to start the caladium. This plant is demanding, and first of all - to care. But still rumors about the extraordinary capriciousness of Caladiums never justify. Attention and care allow you to avoid any difficulties in the cultivation of caladiums. And forgive small mistakes, the plant can almost always.

    Retooth, incredibly appetizing and just elementary in the cooking dish we prepared for you today. This sublime is one hundred percent one hundred percent, as it is suitable for each side dish: vegetables, pasta, and anything. Pouring with chicken and mushrooms will save you at moments when there is no time or I do not want to think about what to cook. Take you a favorite side dish (you can do it in advance so that everything is hot), add a gravy and dinner ready! Recine chopstick.

    Not so long ago, I learned that before planting a tree or shrub in the garden, it is necessary to study information on the compatibility of this culture with others, is it possible to plant them next. It turns out compatibility of fruit trees, shrubs need to be fulfilled. Not knowing some features of the joint existence of plants, it is possible to harm your garden with a lacaround. If an error with a landing near non-friendly vegetables can be corrected as follows in the spring, then with fruit trees or berry bushes to do it much more difficult.

    What reasons may be in incompatibility of growing trees and shrubs nearby? First, some plants have roots, which are located at one depth. In this case, they will interfere with each other. Secondly, there are plants that distinguish certain substances into the soil overwhelming the development of others. There are other reasons.

    Council One: Before planting a seedling, check the information on plants compatibility as the neighbors in the garden.

    On a note

    • It is impossible to plant in the garden CheroMuhu - glass women fly to her from all over the districts, which will then move to other fruit and berry plants.
    • The hawthorn is putting on an apple tree pest portion.
    • Crushina is a hotbed of a grooved rust.
    • No plant tolerates the neighborhood of Fennel and Issop, so it is necessary to plant them in the most distant corner of the garden.
    • Some vegetable plants can not get along if they grow together. Putting them nearby, you can lose a significant part of the crop.

    Apple tree compatibility - that next to them can be planted

    These fruit trees can get along with almost any kind of gardening crops. For an apple tree, a lot of space is required, and under the crowns of trees there is still enough space for the location of the beds. So that there are fewer emptiness on the site, you can break the flower bed on the attractive circles, and also plan useful herbs. For example, it will be very good to feel near the apple tree dill and calendula. In addition to the useful natural properties of these plants, they perfectly cope with an important task - scare the pests.

    From the side of the garden, where the sun warms the Earth well enough, tomatoes, the smell of foliage of whose foliage, can be grown under the apple tree. Such a neighborhood is not only useful, but saves the area.

    Interesting and mutually beneficial neighborhood may turn out when landing in apple orchard One or two coniferous or deciduous trees. Fruit trees with such a neighborhood quickly develop and abundantly fruit.

    But Ryabina next to the apple tree is not planted. This culture, as discussed scientists in the early 20th century, is not a place in fruit garden. Because of this neighborhood, the harvest becomes worm. The reason are the caterpillars of rowan moths that damage apples.

    Currant compatibility - the best neighbors in the garden

    Next to the bushes of currant, both black and red, you can safely plant onions. It is better to do it under winter, as it will protect berry shrubs from the budding tick, a dangerous pest.

    For black currant, the honeysuckle will become an excellent neighbor.

    As for the nearest relative - red currants, then you need to be careful. Red I. black currant Poor get along with each other. An example is a snapshot at the beginning of the article. I could not take a photo to be seen that black currant grows behind the neighboring fence. But I assure you, before that, my red currant was literally sleeping with berries. But the neighbor was put on the cottage for his side along the fence of black - as a result, he has a crop meager and I, too. We did not know both of the incompatibility of these plants ...

    Six months have passed, as I published this article. In winter, it was not yet clear that we will see the spring in the garden. Now I can say that practically we both with the neighbor in the country have lost currants. After his spring, he woke up "none (!) The black currant bush, and I had one of the three red.

    The same applies to Malina. Its root system is very freedom-loving, requires new territories. Currant from such a free neighbor starts to wake, yield falls.

    Compatibility gooseberry

    For this culture, the useful neighborhood is just suitable next to the red currant - the compatibility of these shrubs is good.

    But with black, on the contrary, the gooseberry is not friendly. They have a common external enemy pest - gooseberry flax.

    And the raspberry for the same reason is better to put away from the gooseberry.

    Malina compatibility

    Tasty berry culture - Malina - does not like anyone else's neighborhood at all. The shrub greatly grow up and begins to coal other cultures, selecting all the moisture for himself. So the issue of compatibility of raspberries with other trees, shrubs should not disturb you.

    Low vegetation (for example, vegetables) will heat in thick raspberries.

    Grape compatibility - what is more comfortable

    This culture is loved, carefully care for it, follow development, for the quality of fruiting. Good neighbors for grapes will be landing of radish and radish oilseeds.

    The beneficial effect on the vine has a parsley - the benefits of such compatibility are obvious. She is healing grapes, amazed by phyloxus.

    An unfavorable neighbors for grapes will be cucumbers and cabbage. At the same time, vegetables will suffer, since the curly vine is capable of angry with low-spirited plants.

    Compatibility sea buckthorn

    This is one of the most useful plants.

    Next door to sea buckthorn (under her barbed crown) you can plant various medicinal plantsFor example, soul or chamomile. In addition, it is very convenient - everything for tasty fragrant tea is near. It remains only to collect leaves, flowers, berries and brew.

    Next to the sea buckthorn should not land with raspberries, currants black and strawberries (garden strawberries). Root systems These plants in the soil are approximately one level, will select moisture from each other, food.

    Tomatoes, potatoes should not be seated next to the sea buckthorn - she does not like Parenic cultures.

    Strawberry compatibility (garden strawberry) - how to increase mutual benefit

    Another of the favorite berry plants in the garden is strawberries. This culture is capable of capturing large areas, for which whole strawberry plantations are created. The plant behaves on the site is quite selfish, however, it grows perfectly next to some cultural plants. For example, near the velvets, salad, bush beans, garlic, onions, Schitt-Luk, spinach. Such a neighborhood brings mutual benefits, in addition, saves the landing area, so with these cultures you can competently plan the site.

    Landing strawberries are successfully combined with sage, cucumber grass, parsley, which will scare out slugs.

    Refuse landing next to the strawberry of potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes and cucumbers - they have a common pest - nematode.

    Also do not put a strawberry next to Malina. Harbor from such a neighborhood is also associated with a common pest - strawberry.

    By the way

    Between trees in the garden it is useful to air spicy plants: Anis, Basil, Coriander, Melissa, Parsley, Thyme, Estragon. Their odorless substances scare many pests and constrain the spread of diseases.

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