Seedling planting calendar for the year. How does the moon affect the planting and growth of plants? Garden work, plant care activities

landscaping 12.06.2019

Previously, the so-called lunar planting calendar was the key to any gardener. It was compiled annually, had the form of a table, where the positions of the moon were fixed and recommendations were given on which day is favorable for landing work and which is not. Having a gardener's lunar sowing calendar and not using it for its intended purpose is a gross mistake, both for a professional and for a beginner. After all, it is he who reveals the secret big harvest and rules for plant care. Applying the recommendations of the calendar in practice, you can provide your garden with extra fertility, and your garden neighbors will be jealous.

Gardener's lunar sowing calendar, what's the point

There are many secrets of a “worthy” harvest, but none of them can be compared with lunar table landing. Scientists have been interested in the phases of the moon and its influence on the world around us for many centuries. The moon can influence human body, it is she who makes us energetic, or vice versa, weak. The same is true with plants. The moon also influences them. The experience of scientists has not bypassed horticulture, and today any modern man able to recognize the phases of the moon. This knowledge makes our life much easier.

We suggest you take note of the lunar sowing calendar, or even save it and print it:

The lunar calendar of plants for 2015, how it depends on the constellations

The sowing calendar itself consists exclusively of numbers and months, as well as types of fruit crops: which of the days better fit to prepare the land and seeds, what day is best to fertilize and fertilize, when it is worth hilling the plants, when to loosen, when - pruning, planting, watering, etc. The time for all these things will be prompted not only by lunar phases but also the constellations of the zodiac themselves. For example, if the moon is in Aries, Leo, Aquarius or Virgo - in this case, landing is strictly prohibited. If you oppose this rule, then you will probably lose your crop. The constellations of Libra, Taurus, Sagittarius or Capricorn give some chances of success, they are equal to 50%. Those. the chances of getting a good harvest and the chances of getting nothing at all are equally the same…think about it, are you willing to take that risk? The constellations of Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer are the most fruitful. Planting at this time will give you an incredibly large and tasty harvest. Let's talk in more detail...

  1. Constellation Leo. During this period, planting or transplanting plants is prohibited. But, nevertheless, you can take care of the plants during this period. Thus, weeding, fertilizing, pruning and other manipulations are allowed.
  2. Aries constellation. A wonderful period for harvesting or weeding the land. But landing is better not to produce.
  3. Constellation Aquarius. Also unimportant period for planting or transplanting. If you come to harvest vegetable crop, then only in descending moon. But the fruits of berries, seeds or healing herbs- on the rising moon.
  4. Constellation Virgo. An excellent time to care for ornamental plants, as well as flowers. In addition, you can take care of the plant and fight pests or weeds.
  5. Constellation Gemini. Here important point: planting is done only for loaches (climbing plants). You can also plant leguminous plants, grains. You can fight pests on this day. Harvest only on the waning moon.
  6. Constellation Taurus. Favorable time for planting flowers, vegetables, but not seeds, only bulbous type. You can plant shrubs or trees.
  7. Constellation Capricorn. If you plant a grain crop or root crops during this period, then it will be incredible. resistant plants. They are not afraid of disease, bad weather, or pests. The harvest that you get from such plants will be stored for a long time.
  8. Constellation Libra. One of the main constellations that will give a rich harvest. Whatever work you do during this time, it will bring only the best results. You can do absolutely everything: cultivate the soil, take care of plants, fight pests or diseases of crops. But! You can't plant! During the waxing moon, it is best to collect fruits or medicinal herbs.
  9. Constellation Pisces. Those crops that have been planted should be closely monitored and endowed with proper care. If you decide to harvest at this time, then you must take into account that it will not be stored for too long. But you can think ahead and make preparations from these products for the winter.
  10. Constellation Cancer. You can plant any plants, a very auspicious day. Flower care will be productive. The crop you decide to harvest will not keep for too long. If you decide to make conservation out of it, then do it at the time of the waning moon.
  11. Constellation Scorpio. A good time to deal with plant destroyers - weeds and pests. The harvested crop will be stored for a long time. Also at this time it is good to transplant plants and give crops proper care. Preparations can be done at the time of the waning of the moon.

As you can see, the waning moon - the best time for harvesting and conservation. Many gardeners with extensive experience behind them already know for certain that transplantation should be done in autumn or spring, this time is the most favorable.

The phases of the moon are not at all difficult to understand, do not think that you will look at the moon in the sky in order to determine its phase. No. All you need to do is look at the calendar and find the right date, it will tell you how to save and increase the harvest.

The influence of the moon on plants

Scientists have long noticed the fact that the influence of the moon affects plants depending on its phases. For example, the moon is growing - the plant begins to grow, and when the moon is waning or on a new moon - root system plants become stronger. That is why it was thought out that during the period of the new moon and the full moon, it is impossible to land or transplant. Landing is possible only at the time of descending or ascending. Root crops should be planted when the moon is waning, and the fruits and leafy plants- when it increases.

It is worth considering the moment lunar eclipse. Then any manipulations in the garden are prohibited. The same rules apply to a solar eclipse.
Planting calendar gardener lunar, table:

Lunar calendar for January 2015

The beginning of January promises us almost daily holidays, and the lunar cycle is just beginning. Therefore, the first half of January should be spent in rest from gardening and in preparation for gardening. In the second half of the month, we begin preparatory work.

– we are fighting insect pests in the storage;

- prepare plant cuttings for grafting, after - grafting;

- watering, fertilizing indoor flowers and plants;

- we prepare the land in which you will later plant seedlings of culture;

- clean up in the greenhouse;

- check all trees and bushes for garden plot, remove the remaining dry leaves;

- if there are diseased plants in the garden, then they must be removed from the root.

It is worth repeating that garden work cannot be carried out. Spend this period planning and preparing for the gardening season. Purchase seedlings, seeds, fertilizers, distribute planting material.

February according to the lunar calendar

This month, you can already plant, for example, greens such as dill, onion sets or watercress. Flowers can also be planted. In addition, seedlings of eggplant, pepper, and strawberries are sown. At the same time, we should continue to care for tuberous plants, we do grafting, and we also provide reliable protection against pests.

At this time, greenhouses are put in order, cleaned for the new season, and disinfected.

March according to the lunar calendar 2015

The seedlings that you planted in February should be fed and the soil loosened. Also, the first shoots that have appeared can be thinned out, and those that are completely weak or sick can be removed. Planted crops need to be watered.

In greenhouses, you need to prepare everything for spring crops.

April according to the gardener's lunar calendar

Until the moment when the buds on the trees open, you need to have time to plant fruit trees and shrubs, as well as berries. We also prepare the trees, they need to whitewash the trunk, if treatment is required, then it needs to be done.

The soil on the site should be dug up this month, compost should be laid. We plant cabbage, both white and cauliflower. You can plant tomatoes, varieties that will be under cover, early varieties cucumbers, legumes, greens.

You can plant parsley, spinach, garlic, beets, celery, radish, coriander, any medicinal herbs, etc.

May according to the lunar calendar

At this time, all operations to protect plants from possible temperature changes should be carried out. We remove weeds from the soil, fertilize, water. We plant plants that are typical for the May planting - it can be salad greens, spinach, parsnips, zucchini, squash, pumpkin, sorrel. In addition, do not forget to plant berries, you can still.

We carry out cuttings, remove shoots in the form of antennae from strawberry bushes, remove plants that are sick or dead. We carry out pruning of fertile plants.

Gardener's lunar calendar: July-October 2015

All these months carry out standard work: watering, weeding, thinning, loosening, weed control and harmful insects. Many plants have already given their harvest, therefore, it needs to be harvested periodically. We carry out conservation and drying of fruits as needed, but lunar calendar.

At gourds you need to pinch the whips.

This period is considered a good time for planting new fruit trees or shrubs. You can also lay lawn.

After harvesting, including garlic, onions and other root crops, grafting can be carried out.

Where possible, we clean the beds, dig them up again, burn all the garbage, branches and fallen leaves. We are landscaping the garden.

Lunar gardener calendar for November and December 2015

We are getting ready for the winter. Especially you should not bother, it is enough to do everything according to the rules and according to the calendar. Consider the characteristics of your soil, climate, agricultural requirements, precipitation. In this case, you will get a rich harvest next year.
If you still doubt the veracity of the lunar calendar, then we advise you to discard them as soon as possible. Such tables are compiled annually by scientists and astrologers, each date was subjected to careful research and study.

Lunar calendar of work in the garden and garden for 2015

The lunar calendar of the gardener-gardener for July 2015 will help you choose auspicious days for sowing, planting and caring for plants, vegetables, flowers and trees.

Lunar seed calendar for July 2015

July 1, waxing Moon in Capricorn.

July 2, full moon in Capricorn. It is not recommended to perform active work in the garden and garden. You can apply fertilizer.

July 3-4, waning Moon in Aquarius. Sowing and planting is prohibited. Spraying, watering, cutting and weeding are recommended.

July 5-6, waning Moon in Pisces. planting celery, bulbous plants, radish. Grafting trees and shrubs, cultivating and loosening the soil, watering and fertilizing the soil.

July 7-8, waning Moon in Aries. Bad days for sowing and planting. You can prepare the soil for sowing, engage in the destruction of pests, weed weeds. Harvesting is recommended: berries and fruits.

July 9-11, waning Moon in Taurus. A favorable period for planting and sowing root crops, bulbous and tuberous crops. Cutting trees and shrubs will be effective. The harvested crop these days is suitable for winter harvesting.

July 12-13, waning moon in Gemini. The planting of herbaceous crops is not recommended. You can do weeding, watering, cultivating and mulching the soil. Collection of herbs, berries, fruits, vegetables and root crops.

July 14-15, waning Moon in Cancer. The days are ideal for harvesting and making preparations for the winter.

July 16, new moon in Leo. You can do the removal of excess shoots, mowing, weeding and cultivating the soil. It is not recommended to plant and transplant crops.

July 17-18, waxing Moon in Leo. During this period of time, planting shrubs and trees, harvesting and mowing is recommended. Work will be effective: pest control, pruning of trees, loosening the soil. Sowing and transplanting horticultural crops is not recommended.

July 19-20, waxing moon in Virgo. According to the gardener's lunar calendar, these days it is not recommended to plant vegetables and replant shrubs and trees. Can be planted and sown ornamental plants. Mowing the grass will slow down its growth.

July 21-23, waxing Moon in Libra. Auspicious days for planting and sowing flowers. Watering and mowing the grass will be useful. July 24-25, waxing Moon in Scorpio. Favorable days for planting most crops: cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, gourds, etc. Pruning shrubs, loosening the soil, weeding, fertilizing will be effective.

July 26-27, the growing moon in Sagittarius. Favorable time for planting herbs, garlic, onions, peppers. A good time to pick vegetables, fruits and berries.

July 28-30, the growing Moon in Capricorn. Planting and transplanting trees, shrubs. It is recommended loosening the soil, fertilizing, grafting plants.

July 31, full moon in Aquarius. It is not recommended to carry out active work in the garden and vegetable garden, especially planting, replanting and sowing.

Use the gardener's lunar calendar for July 2015 and grow a rich harvest! Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

29.06.2015 09:24

People have long noticed the influence of the moon on the development of plants. Through centuries of observation, we have...

Caring for houseplants in the spring is especially important. The lunar calendar for April 2019 reflects...

People have always given the heavenly bodies a special meaning. This is how astrology appeared, and after it, modern astronomy. Although astrology can hardly be called a science, the influence of the phases of the moon on a person's well-being, the ebb and flow, as well as the development and growth of plants, is a fact proven by science. Based on the theory of the influence of the phases of the moon, a gardener's lunar sowing calendar appeared, which many people use very successfully in their summer cottages.

Many astrologers argue that in order to compile the gardener's lunar sowing calendar, it is important to take into account not only the influence of the phases of the moon, but also the location of the luminary relative to the signs of the zodiac.

We continue the series of articles "Lunar Seed Calendar 2015", which will help gardeners and gardeners to determine the most favorable periods for carrying out certain works. Of course, all the tips below are advisory and conditional, but in the spring, when gardeners and gardeners are actively working on their plots, they can be very useful.

Lunar sowing calendar 2015 - March

DayZodiacmoonTips for gardening and gardening
1 CrayfishWaxing Crescent
2 a lionWaxing Crescent
3 a lionWaxing CrescentIt is undesirable to plant and sow horticultural crops. You can plant trees and bushes, prepare beds, fight pests
4 VirgoWaxing Crescent
5 VirgoFull moonPlanting and sowing is not recommended. You can prune trees and shrubs, graft, water, control pests, fertilize and till the soil
6 VirgoAging MoonA good period for transplanting and sowing, loosening the soil, pest control
7 scalesAging Moon
8 scalesAging MoonA good day for planting tuber plants
9 ScorpionAging Moon
10 ScorpionAging MoonA good day for planting tuberous plants, except for potatoes. You can cut trees and bushes, grafting, watering, loosening the soil
11 ScorpionAging MoonA good day for planting tuberous plants, except for potatoes. You can cut trees and bushes, grafting, watering, loosening the soil
12 SagittariusAging Moon
13 SagittariusLast quarterExercise caution in all work
14 CapricornAging Moon
15 CapricornAging MoonFlower transplant is undesirable. You can plant potatoes, radishes, turnips
16 AquariusAging Moon
17 AquariusAging MoonPlanting and sowing is undesirable. You can cut bushes and trees, spray and fumigate
18 FishesAging Moon
19 FishesAging MoonA good day for cultivation, watering and fertilizing. You can plant bulb crops
20 AriesNew moon. total solar eclipsePlanting and sowing is undesirable
21 AriesWaxing CrescentPlanting and sowing is undesirable. Can prepare the soil, fight pests
22 TaurusWaxing Crescent
23 TaurusWaxing CrescentTrim trees and bushes, sow lettuce and cabbage
24 TwinsWaxing Crescent
25 TwinsWaxing CrescentFight pests, prepare a place for lawns and beds, weed and mulch
26 CrayfishWaxing CrescentPeppers, cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes can be sown on seedlings. The right time for planting parsley, dill, lettuce in open ground
27 CrayfishFirst quarterPeppers, cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes can be sown on seedlings. The right time for planting parsley, dill, lettuce in open ground
28 CrayfishWaxing CrescentPeppers, cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes can be sown on seedlings. The right time for planting parsley, dill, lettuce in open ground
29 a lionWaxing CrescentIt is undesirable to plant and sow horticultural crops. You can plant trees and bushes, prepare beds, fight pests
30 a lionWaxing CrescentIt is undesirable to plant and sow horticultural crops. You can plant trees and bushes, prepare beds, fight pests
31 VirgoWaxing CrescentPlanting and transplanting vegetables and fruit trees undesirable. You can plant flowers, loosen the soil, spray trees

Remember that the gardener's lunar sowing calendar is advisory in nature. The influence of the phases of the moon on the development of plants is not as great as timely watering and compliance weather conditions when disembarking and performing other work.

Gardener's to-do list for the year

On the windowsills you can arrange a mini-garden (greens and even peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers). In areas that are heavily eroded by melt water, snow can be removed so that the earth is thoroughly frozen.

In January, it is already necessary to take care of the future harvest. To do this, you can purchase seeds, prepare a container for planting seedlings. Make a planting plan, decide what, where and how much you want to plant, look at the stocks of seeds left over from previous years and check their expiration dates.

Collect eggshell, onion peel, potato peelings, sleeping tea and coffee, as well as the peel of citrus crops, which must be dried and subsequently used to spray plants against aphids and leaf-eating insects.

In February, engage in hardening of seeds, their sorting and disinfection. You can sow eggplant seedlings and Bell pepper. In heated greenhouses, you can start growing head and leaf lettuces.

To harvest the first crop of early potatoes in June, prepare the tubers now. First lay them for germination in a bright place, such as on a windowsill. Keep the tubers for 4 weeks at a temperature of +8 - 14C °. Plant the sprouted tubers in a box with fresh soil to a depth of 10 cm, and keep in the light at a temperature of + 15 ° C. In April, when the soil in the garden thaws and warms up a little, transplant the potato seedlings to the garden bed and cover with foil.

Re-vaccination starts in March fruit trees. The success of grafting mainly depends on the quality of the tool, stock, cuttings, speed and cleanliness of operations, as well as weather conditions.

Check out the blackcurrant bushes. In March, swollen buds inhabited by bud mites are clearly visible on the branches. Pests must be collected and burned, otherwise they will spread throughout the bush, and you will not see the crop. If there are a lot of buds inhabited by a tick on the branches, it is necessary to burn the entire branch.

In March, mass sowing of annual flowers for seedlings begins. Flowers suffering from a black leg (ageratum, asters, levkoy, lobelia, snapdragon, petunia, etc.) do not add humus to earthen mixtures. They include sod land, peat and sand in a ratio of 3:1:1

April is the most suitable time for transplanting fruit trees and berries on the site from one place to another. The plant is transplanted along with a clod of earth, trying to damage the root system as little as possible.

In berry bushes, cut dry, old, unproductive branches, cut off the tops of shoots that are damaged powdery mildew. Examine last year's growths: they may have aphid eggs.

Under the bushes of currants, gooseberries, you can lay roofing felt or a dark film. Pests will not be able to get out from under it and will become prey for ground beetles.

In the flower garden, loosen and feed biennials and perennials. On warm days, put boxes with flower seedlings on the balcony - for hardening.

If you want to scare away the ants from the blackcurrant ovary, you need to lay out rags soaked in kerosene around the bushes. This is the best time to plant strawberries, which will give a full harvest next year. Remember that the month of May is deceptive, so be prepared for frosts. Do not apply nitrogen fertilizers, this reduces the frost resistance of plants. In addition, you should always have on hand the first means to combat frost - newspapers, roofing material, cut plastic bottles, integers are used to fill hot water and heating greenhouses. During flowering, it is impossible to spray the garden with chemicals. Indiscretion will lead to the death of bees. To fight diseases, only infusions of needles, calendula, dandelion, garlic, and mustard are suitable during this period.

The flowering of fruit trees and berry bushes, such as raspberries, currants, blackberries and gooseberries, is ending. During this period, timely watering and fertilizing of plants are very important, because from a lack of moisture, the ovary sometimes crumbles excessively and the berries become smaller. The garden requires work to protect plants from pests and diseases. It is better to manage this fight with ecological means. To spray plants against aphids, you can use a solution of ash (2 cups of ash to insist in 10 liters of water, add a tablespoon of liquid soap). In early June, it's time to set up supports for annual climbing plants, start forming hedges and mowing the lawn.

Short-term drought leads to the accumulation of bitterness in cucumbers. If you spend little time in the country, then take action: sprinkle the soil with dry earth immediately after watering. This prevents moisture from evaporating and retards weed growth.

Pumpkin loops are shortened over the third leaf after the ovary, side shoots that do not bear fruit are cut out. Leave no more than three ovaries on one plant. Water often and plentifully, feed three times.

On the vegetable beds in July Special attention must be given to cucumbers and tomatoes. Both of these plants are very responsive to watering and top dressing.

In August, it is advisable to loosen the soil in the trunk circles of fruit trees, put props under the sagging branches.

In cherries, plums, sea buckthorn and lilacs, all root shoots are removed in August.

At the beginning of the month, as soon as you harvest currants and gooseberries, you should immediately feed and process berry bushes. When harvesting, at the same time remove spider nests, dried berries, twisted leaves, burn them. Berries begin to lay the next year's harvest, they begin to grow the root system, so they need mineral top dressing with superphosphate and potassium.

For the speedy ripening of tomatoes, one must not forget to pinch the top of the fruiting shoots. Shoots with flowers still do not have time to form fruits, it is better to remove them.


Thin out bushes of gooseberries and currants, remove dry, broken and affected branches. Branches older than 3-4 years are cut out from blackcurrant, branches older than 6-8 years from red, white and gooseberries. Other shrubs are also pruned so that there are branches of different ages on the bush.

Winter varieties of apples are being harvested in the garden. After morning frosts and heavy dew, the fruits are not harvested - it is better to do this in the afternoon in cool and dry weather. For long-term storage, only healthy fruits with stalks are selected.

It is advisable to cover late plantings of strawberries nonwoven fabric and stock up on spruce branches for snow retention in the early winter period, they cover the beds after the first daytime frosts.

Pay attention to newly planted trees. Near the boles, mounds of earth should be poured, preferably up to the first branches.

Continue cleaning greenhouses and greenhouses from post-harvest residues. Disinfect soil and inventory. Make a plan for the placement of crops for the next year.

In October, all growth points and buds must be cut out on roses. And by the end of the month, the bushes are spudded, adding a specially prepared substrate to them - dry sand, peat. After hilling, the roses are cut to a height of 30 - 40 cm.

In greenhouses partially freed from the old soil, you can plant onion greenery for early spring. They do it in a bridge way - the bulb is close to the bulb.

The beginning of November is a good time to spray the garden with a concentrated solution of mineral fertilizer (700 g of urea per 10 liters of water) in order to destroy pests wintering on the trunk and in the near-trunk circle.

Fallen leaves and all plant remains, which are collected in the suburban area, raked and stacked in compost heap, watered abundantly and covered with a layer of earth on top.

Winter sowing of carrots, dill, sorrel is carried out. Lettuce, dill, herbs are sown in a heated greenhouse and on a window, parsley and beets are planted for distillation.

December is a favorable time for forcing ornamental bulbous plants.

In winter, it is necessary to check how protected in the beds cultivated plants from frost and wind. If necessary, it is necessary to insulate the beds necessary quantity snow.

Do not forget to regularly shake off wet snow from shrubs and trees, preventing it from turning into blocks of ice with the arrival of the next frost, under the weight of which branches can break

If there are decorative flowers in the flower beds coniferous plants(juniper, cypress, etc.), their crowns should be pulled off with twine and covered with special material.

Gardener's lunar calendar for 2015, dates of planting and sowing seeds.

Types of work and crops, favorable days for planting and sowing











The introduction of the organ. fertilizer

1,18-20, 20-24, 26-28

3-5, 21-23, 26-28, 31

10-14, 18-20, 22-24, 27-29

20-22, 24-27, 29-31

1, 7-9, 18-20, 23-25

16-18, 21-23, 25-28

The introduction of minerals.


9-12, 14-16, 18-20

8-11, 13-15, 17, 18

10-14, 18-20, 22-24, 27-29

1-3, 10-12, 16-18, 21-23, 26-30

1, 7-9, 18-20, 23-25

1-3, 10-12, 19-23, 24-26, 28-30

16-18, 21-23, 25-28


Cultivation, hilling, loosening

1, 2, 19, 22, 26, 28

3, 8-11, 13-15, 17-23, 31

2, 3, 18-27, 29, 30

1-2, 18-21, 23-26, 28-30

17-19, 22-24, 26-28

11-14, 16-21, 23-25

Bookmark compost

1-3, 20, 21, 26-31

1-2, 18-21, 23-26, 28-30

Pruning branches and shoots

Spraying, pest control.

2, 18-22, 24-27, 29-30

3-5, 7-12, 24-29

17-19, 22-24, 26-28

13-15, 18-20, 23-29

intensive watering

3-6, 8-11, 13-15, 17-23, 31

5-7, 10-12, 18-20, 22-24, 27-29

7-9, 15-17, 24-27, 29-31

3, 10-12, 16-18, 21-23, 26-30

1-3, 10-12, 19-22, 24-26


8-11, 13-15, 21-23

5-7, 10-12, 18-20

Planting, transplanting, picking.

1-3, 8-11, 13-15, 17-23, 26-29

5-7, 10-12, 16, 17, 22-24

full moon

1-4, 6-8, 15-18, 20-23, 26, 28-30

full moon

Weeding, thinning seedlings

7-9, 15-17, 24-27, 29-31

1-2, 18-21, 23-26, 28-30

17-19, 22-24, 26-28

13-15, 18-20, 23-27

Seed harvesting

4-7, 9-12, 14-16, 22-24

3-5, 7-10, 12-14, 30-31

4-6, 8-10, 13-15, 18-20


8, 9, 20, 27, 30


9,10, 12, 23, 26

beans and peas



4, 9, 10, 13, 27, 29


1, 9, 11, 26, 29

Bow on feather

5, 6, 10, 11, 15, 18, 22, 28, 30

7, 9, 13, 14, 16


2-4, 7-10, 22, 30


7, 8, 11, 22, 23


Pertushka root

10-12, 23, 25, 29

2, 3, 7-12, 19, 23, 30

4, 9-11, 13, 22, 28, 29

Pertushka leaf

1, 9, 10, 23, 24

2, 3, 7-12, 19, 22


2, 3, 7-12, 19, 22

9-11, 22, 28, 29

winter radish

summer radish

2, 3, 7-12, 19, 22, 23

4, 9-11, 22, 28, 29


7-12, 22, 23, 29, 30

9-11, 22, 28, 29


Celery root

4, 7-9, 12, 22, 24

leaf celery

2, 3, 7-12, 29, 30

4, 9-11, 13, 28, 29




1, 11, 20, 23, 28, 30, 31

2, 3, 7, 10-12, 22, 30

9-11, 22, 28, 29




2, 3, 5, 7-12, 22

3, 4, 19

February 2015 gardener's calendar

This month, onion sets, dill, watercress, as well as flower crops. Peppers, strawberries and eggplants are sown on seedlings. Tuberous continue to graft and protect against pests. Disinfect and tidy, vegetable stores, greenhouses, etc...

What to plant according to the lunar calendar in March 2015

They feed and highlight the seedlings planted in the greenhouse last month and loosen the soil. You can already thin out seedlings and remove diseased or weak shoots. Continue to feed and water crops planted in closed ground. Spring seedlings are being prepared for sowing. Peppers, onions, cabbage and tomatoes are sown for seedlings. Terrestrial pests are exterminated in greenhouses and plants are treated.

April 2015 - lunar sowing calendar

Fruit and berry bushes are planted before bud break. Tree trunks are processed: they are bleached, cracks and burns from the sun are treated. Remove debris from the site and dig up the soil. Lay compost. Sorting stored vegetables. Sow on white seedlings and cauliflower, tomatoes for film shelter, early cucumbers, herbs and beans. Garlic, onions, turnips, radishes, potatoes, carrots, radishes, beets, dill, lettuce, spinach, parsley, celery, cumin, coriander and medicinal herbs are sown in open or closed ground.

May 2015 calendar

Plants are protected from possible frosts. Weeds are weeded, all crops are watered and fed. Sowing continues (leafy greens, spinach, sorrel, mustard, parsnips, squash, pumpkins, zucchini join the above). Cuttings. Berries are being planted. Strawberry whiskers, diseased plants, weeds are removed. Sanitary pruning of berry and fruit trees is underway.

Sowing calendar gardener gardener 2015 from June to October

Weeding, watering, thinning and loosening in open ground seedlings. Plants are fed and pests are removed. Ripe berries and fruits are collected and then they are canned, dried, prepared for the winter and for wine. They pinch the lashes of watermelon, melon and pumpkin. They plant lawns and trees. Gather onions, root crops and winter garlic. Then - harvesting ripe vegetables. They do vaccinations. They clean the site, dig it up, burn the garbage. Vegetables are being prepared for storage. We are landscaping the site.

November and December 2015 - what to plant according to the lunar calendar

Prepare the garden for winter. According to the lunar calendar for 2015, we see that it is better to prepare for the planting and seeding season in advance. However, following these recommendations, you should not forget about the importance proper care per horticultural crops. Compliance with elementary agrotechnical requirements, taking into account the unique climatic background of your region, including soil, precipitation, and so on - the result will be what was originally desired - a rich harvest. There is no point in even doubting the data of the 2015 lunar calendar, because a whole “army” of astrologers and scientists worked on its creation, checking each figure with numerous studies. The result of their work is based on earthly laws (the knowledge of the change of the lunar phases and the influence of the signs of the Zodiac is also embedded), taking into account every feature of the next year.

In the Lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for February 2015, various events have a certain effect on planting and transplanting plants or caring for them. By choosing favorable days for working in the garden and garden, you will retain your positive strength and attitude, save the plants from all dangers, find harmony with your garden and garden.

What is a lunar sowing calendar and how it is compiled

The lunar sowing calendar is a calendar based on the phases of the moon. The lunar calendar is compiled according to the months of the year. It is very convenient for lovers of gardening and gardening. You can print such a lunar calendar and use it as a reminder when working in the garden and garden. According to the lunar calendar, the summer resident will determine the best time for: preparing seeds for sowing, cultivating the soil, planting or transplanting all crops, harvesting and fertilizing, pruning ornamental and fruit crops.

How does the moon affect the planting and growth of plants?

It so happened in nature that during the period when the moon is growing, plants grow upwards, that is, on the surface, during the new moon and the waning moon, the plants strengthen their root. Hence the simple conclusion: it is not recommended to plant and transplant anything on the full moon or new moon, root crops (radishes, beets, potatoes, carrots and others) are planted during the waning moon, and all leafy and fruit crops(pepper, dill, cabbage, eggplant, tomatoes, parsley and others) - with growing. Also, you should not start any work in the garden and in the garden in general on lunar and solar eclipses. In the lunar sowing calendar for 2015, which will be provided to all interested gardeners further, all lunar phases and signs of the Zodiac are taken into account. It will be a great helper in achieving the goal of obtaining good harvest without wasting time and effort. Every minute will pass maximum benefit and turn into the highest results.

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