Lunar calendar for gardeners phases of the moon.

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This section presents lunar calendars for 2017 different types: general and special. General sowing calendars contain recommendations on favorable days for sowing, planting a large number of cultivated plants: vegetable crops in the garden, garden trees, fruit and ornamental shrubs, colors, as well as recommendations on timing horticultural work Location on. Common lunar calendars are presented on different dates from brief to detailed. Here you will find a calendar for the whole year, a table calendar for the current season (winter, spring, summer, autumn), a calendar in pictures for the current month and a daily calendar for the week. Special lunar calendars give detailed recommendations for planting and growing certain popular crops, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, garlic.

Lunar sowing calendars were compiled for agricultural work in Central Russia. The time of astronomical events is indicated for the coordinates of Moscow.

Lunar calendar for plants for 2017 in the table

Convenient lunar seeding and boarding calendar for planning the timing of cultivation of cultivated plants. The calendar will help you choose the right time for sowing seedlings, the time for buying seedlings and seedlings, and plan trips to the country in advance on sowing and planting days according to the lunar calendar. . Below is an excerpt from the calendar.

DECEMBER - lunar calendar 2017

Lunar sowing calendar for 2017 gardener gardener in the table

Sowing and planting vegetables and berry crops FOR SEEDLINGS

Distillation of vegetable crops

Flower garden. Seeding and planting

plant care

Work in the garden and in the garden outside the lunar calendar

Lunar calendar for planting strawberries, strawberries for 2017

You will find all the information about the timing of planting seedlings of strawberries in the garden, about the timing of sowing seeds of strawberries this year in a special lunar calendar for sowing and planting strawberries, strawberries. The calendar recommends favorable terms of agricultural work for large-fruited strawberries (strawberries), small-fruited garden strawberries, for ordinary and remontant varieties. Here is an excerpt from the lunar calendar for planting strawberries, strawberries for 2017. All recommended days are very favorable.

Plants favored by the lunar calendar in 2017

In 2017, the forcing of daffodils and hyacinths by March 8 falls on the growing moon, which is not very favorable, you can start forcing a week earlier on the waning moon and then, by adjusting the temperature, increase the forcing time, thereby timing flowering on March 8.

This year, favorable early sowing of strawberry seeds for seedlings. Thus, a spring transplant of seedlings to a garden bed is possible, which will allow you to get a full harvest from adult bushes next summer. And this year gives an opportunity for remontant varieties to get their first harvest this fall. However, the early transplantation of strawberry seedlings falls on the waning moon, which is fixable by choosing a day under a good sign zodiac or a delay in transplanting seedlings until the growing moon.

Favorable moon for sowing eggplant and pepper seedlings for growing in a greenhouse and in open ground. A short favorable period for picking seedlings for a greenhouse, and a waning moon when picking seedlings for open ground, or a later picking with a growing moon.

This year, the timing of sowing tomatoes (tomatoes) for growing in a greenhouse falls on the waning moon. Therefore, we suggest sowing a little earlier on the growing moon. During the waning moon, we recommend for sowing tomatoes (tomatoes) only the signs of Capricorn, as the most favorable, and Scorpio. Also, early ripe varieties of tomatoes can be sown under the sign of Taurus in the growing moon, which will turn out with a week delay against the sowing dates, but also acceptable. Both picks fall on the waning moon, we recommend days under the fertile signs of the zodiac, which allows you to count on good harvest tomatoes (tomatoes). The picking of tomatoes for open ground falls on the waning moon, which is acceptable and does not greatly affect the development of the plant.

Favorable moon for sowing cabbage: white cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi, cauliflower. In 2017, the moon favors the cultivation of mid-season varieties, because. sowing dates for these varieties fall on the growing moon. Late planting of kohlrabi seedlings.

An unlucky year for growing leafy celery outdoors, because. agronomic sowing dates do not coincide with auspicious days according to the lunar calendar. We recommend three days for sowing leaf celery a little earlier than the agronomic period.

This year the moon favors the cultivation of leeks, onion, chives through seedlings. The timing of planting seedlings is also favorable. Late planting of horseradish rhizomes.

Sowing cucumbers for seedlings for greenhouses and sowing zucchini according to the lunar calendar turns out to be early or late. We recommend sowing late-ripening or early ripe varieties.

A good year for sowing pumpkins and squash. Favorable terms for sowing cucumber in open ground, as well as for seedlings for transplanting into open ground.

A good year for sowing asparagus and bush beans. With sowing seedlings, it is better not to delay, because. according to the calendar, we recommend a fairly early planting of seedlings.

This year, the planting of tree seedlings, as well as the sowing of spring cereals, began later.

Planting potatoes is not early, for mid-season and early-ripening varieties.

A good year for sowing winter carrots.

This year, early and late sowing of winter cereals is possible. Late cleaning winter garlic. And also late winter planting of garlic.

This year we recommend growing gladiolus because of the favorable timing for forcing and planting. Good year for spring planting rose bushes, lily bulbs. A good year for planting thickened beds of daffodils. Suitable timing for autumn planting crocuses, incl. late planting, iris. An unsuccessful year for transplanting peony bushes, the waning moon falls either on too early term or too late.

Autumn planting of seedlings fruit trees falls later than usual. auspicious days winter sowing flowers fall at a later date. A favorable year for autumn grafting, the growing moon falls on the agronomic timing of grafting.

Not the most favorable year for forcing bulbous flowers for the New Year. Auspicious days for forcing tulips and crocuses a couple of days later. And the days of forcing daffodils and hyacinths fall on the growing moon. But the forcing of tulips and crocuses by March 8, 2018 falls on the most auspicious days lunar calendar.

It may seem to someone that maintaining a garden is a trifling matter - do not forget to water the plants and pull out your weeds from time to time ... However, in reality, it turns out that not every novice gardener is able to grow at least an average crop of anything. To reap a really good harvest and recoup all your costs in this way, you need to work hard and know some "garden" tricks. The gardener's lunar sowing calendar is one of those tricks and every year helps many experienced gardeners improve their yields.

Gardeners and gardeners are very busy people, and the whole year they are literally scheduled by day. No sooner had one job been completed than others had to be taken on. Plowing, weeding, picking fruits, getting rid of pests - this is only a small part of what summer residents do in their leisure time. And in order for this colossal work to give the maximum result, many experienced gardeners use the lunar calendar. This is a schedule for each year that indicates when to plant certain types and varieties of plants: greens, root vegetables, berries, flowers, etc. In this article we will talk about the lunar calendar for planting seedlings for 2017.

There is such a thing as "an auspicious day for landing", we all heard it at least once. However, few people seriously thought about the fact that good days for planting certain crops are directly related to the influence of the natural satellite of the Earth. It is thanks to the Moon that the ebbs and flows of the waters of the oceans occur on our planet, and life cycles many animals, like people, are "tuned" to lunar activity. Plants are no exception.

Primarily, different influence The moon renders being in different phases. So, any gardener knows that plants are not planted if there is a full moon or a new moon in the sky. During these periods, all the juices of the plant are collected either at the very top, or in the roots and tubers, which interferes with normal development. If the seeds fall into the ground with the moon growing, then their activity increases incredibly, as there is a sharp upward growth. On the contrary, with the waning moon, the growth of roots and root crops deep into is activated. Drawing a conclusion from this, all crops must be planted with a growing moon, and all root crops only with a waning moon.

Rice. Moon phases (click to enlarge)

Rice. Moon and signs of the Zodiac (click to enlarge)

For example, female signs are the most fertile - Cancer, Taurus and Pisces.

Scorpio, on the other hand, provides sprouts with endurance and vitality. In the very last place in terms of fertility in female signs is Virgo, a little better than her - Capricorn. The period when the Moon passes its most fertile signs is excellent for initial planting or subsequent transplanting of all plants. Abundant watering and generous feeding are gratefully perceived.

The only exception is the Pisces sign. At this point, it is better to refrain from excessive watering, as it can lead to rotting of plants, as well as pruning and picking.

Male signs are less suitable for planting crops. However, legumes, curly and any ornamental plants best rooted in Libra. Moderate watering and is allowed in the same sign.

But the day under the influence of Gemini is best left for rest. Neither planting nor watering at this point is recommended. Sagittarius and Aries are characterized by average fertility and are not very suitable for active work in the garden or garden.

On days when the Moon is in the signs of Leo or Aquarius, it is best to engage in weeding and pest control. Any other measures will be useless, since the signs are considered the most unfavorable. However, remember that if on the day of Aquarius during weeding it happens even to slightly damage the sprout, then it will certainly die. Regardless of fertility, one or another sign patronizes any type of plant. In addition, it is worth following the recommendations for a certain type of work. After all, it is important not only to plant a crop, but also correctly, and most importantly, water it in time, weed it, feed it and, of course, collect it.

On the day of Aries, planting should be abandoned, but weeding and destruction of harmful insects will bring the desired effect.

On the day of Taurus, you can plant almost everything - a rich harvest is guaranteed. Ideal for planting root crops, especially when combined with the waning phase of the moon. On the growing one, it is better to plant greens, legumes, asparagus and cabbage. At this moment, the picking of seedlings and pruning of trees are safely taking place.

On the day of Gemini, it is strictly impossible to plant. It is allowed to spray plants from pests and diseases, as well as weeding.

The Day of Cancer, especially if it is supplemented by the growing Moon, is most favorable for planting moisture-loving (cucumbers, zucchini, peppers, all types of cabbage, tomatoes) and leafy crops (greens, lettuce). Good landing berry bushes(, currant, raspberry), pruning and grafting fruit trees. On the waning moon, you can plant root crops (, swede,). The harvest will be rich, but not suitable for long-term storage and use for seeds.

Leo Day is better to devote to weeding and pest control. You can't plant.

Virgo's Day can be used for care activities (weeding, hilling, loosening, pruning, spraying). But planting will not bring results - the harvest will be poor. However, with the growing moon, you can plant strawberries, berry bushes, medicinal plants and perennial flowers. Virgo will protect them from disease for many years.

On the day of Libra, you can dive seedlings. The phase of the growing moon is suitable for planting cucumbers, pumpkins, cabbage, zucchini, all legumes. You can plant berry bushes, strawberries, seedlings of fruit trees, perennial flowers. On the waning moon, it is good to plant root crops and onions. The crop is average, it is stored well, the seeds have high germination.

On the day of Scorpio, you can also do picking. On the growing moon, planting moisture-loving crops, as well as eggplants, bell peppers and greens, is effective. In the phase of the waning moon, pruning of old trees and planting root crops, garlic, onion sets, and bulbous flowers are favorable. Harvest plentiful, suitable for long-term storage, high quality seed material.

On the day of Sagittarius, engage in weeding, loosening, destruction of diseases and insects. It's not worth planting.

Capricorn Day is ideal for picking seedlings, planting "in winter" crops, perennials, fruit trees and berry bushes. With a waning moon phase, it is recommended to plant turnips, root crops, and bulbous flowers. It is better to plant legumes, greens, cabbage on a growing one, you can graft trees and trim them. The crop is average, of high quality, seeds of high germination.

On the day of Aquarius, it is better to do weeding and loosening, the destruction of harmful insects and diseases. Landing should be abandoned.

On the day of Pisces, it is better not to prune trees. Eggplant, pumpkin, and you can plant on the growing moon, carrots, onions, radishes, bulbous flowers - on the waning moon. A decent harvest. But it won't keep for long. The seeds are bad.

Agrotechnical work according to the lunar calendar - table for 2017

Favorable and unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar - tables for 2017

Lunar calendar for planting seedlings for 2017

culture January February March April May June July August September October November December
cucumbers 1,
4, 11,
5, 12, 14
9 9, 18, 22, 27,
4, 15, 19, 24, 31 1,
2, 11, 16, 20
2, 6, 27, 30 3, 6, 23, 24, 28 4, 23, 26, 28 3, 4, 21, 22, 25 3, 19, 21, 29 1, 19, 20, 26, 29
Green onion, salad parsley, dill, lettuce, cilantro, celery 3, 4, 13, 24,
27, 29
5, 12, 14, 23, 24 2, 3, 7, 9 18, 20, 23, 28 3, 5, 15, 20, 24, 31 2, 11, 16, 20, 28,
3, 4, 6, 26,
28, 30
2, 3, 22,
24, 28
5, 23, 25,
3, 4, 20-22, 25, 30 1,
3, 19, 20, 25, 30
2, 19, 25, 29
tomatoes 6, 10, 30 27, 28 20, 25, 30, 31 9, 18, 22, 27, 28 4, 15, 19, 24, 31 1, 11, 16, 20 3, 4, 26, 28, 30 2, 3, 22, 23, 28 5, 23, 27 2, 4, 20, 22, 30 1, 19, 21 1,
2, 20, 25, 29
Sweet pepper 5,
8, 30
14, 16, 23 4, 14, 20, 31 9, 18, 27, 28 8, 14, 24 2, 11,
3, 4, 26, 30 2, 22, 24, 28 5, 23, 26, 27 3,
4, 22, 30
3, 19, 20,
2, 20, 25, 29
eggplant 4, 5, 10, 30, 31 12, 14, 23, 28 4, 14, 16, 20, 30, 31 9, 18, 22, 27 3, 14, 15, 24, 31 2, 11, 16, 20 4, 6, 27, 28 1, 3, 6, 24, 28 1, 23, 25, 27 2,
3, 20, 21, 25, 30
1, 2, 19, 21, 30 1,
2, 20, 25
Zucchini, squash, pumpkin 4, 6, 8 8, 18, 27, 28 4, 14, 15, 24, 31 2, 11, 20 12, 18, 19 11, 14, 20 7,
8, 13, 19
8, 16, 17, 18 6, 7, 12, 14 5, 11, 17
Potato, Jerusalem artichoke 4, 7, 9, 19, 24, 31 1, 6, 7, 15, 16 15, 18, 19
Radish, radish, daikon 15, 26, 27 12, 15, 20, 22 16, 15, 18, 22 17, 18, 23, 28 9, 14, 15, 19, 24, 31 1, 7, 10, 11, 16, 20, 28, 30 12, 15, 19 10, 12, 20 7,
8, 19
9, 16, 18
6, 7, 12, 14 6, 11, 17
Carrots, beets 17, 18, 23, 28 4, 14, 15, 19, 24, 31 1, 7, 10, 11, 15, 16, 20, 30 12, 15, 18
Gourds - watermelon, melon 22, 27, 28 4, 15, 19, 24, 31 2, 11, 16 4, 6, 26
Beans, peas, beans 22, 28 4, 9, 15, 19, 24, 31 2, 7 2, 4, 6, 26, 30
white cabbage, cauliflower 20, 25, 31 9, 12, 13, 18, 27, 28 4, 15, 19, 24 2, 11, 16, 20
red cabbage 22, 27, 28 9, 15, 19, 24 2, 11, 16 4, 28, 30
turnip onion 17, 26, 31 22, 28 8, 9, 20, 24 15, 19 10, 11, 20 9, 13, 19 6, 7, 16 7, 12, 14 6, 17
Bow-batun 19, 23, 27, 28 3, 9, 10 27,
2, 3, 26, 30 3, 23, 24, 28 1,
5, 25, 26
3, 20,
22, 30
3, 19, 20
2, 20, 25
Winter/spring garlic 19, 22, 23 7, 8, 10 15, 19 14 13, 19 6,
14, 17
parsley root 17, 18, 23, 28 4,
Tip: Stick to the dates in the table when planting plants, but do not forget about important technologies. Agriculture, modes of humidity and illumination, top dressing of the soil and protection from pests.

Be sure to pay attention to the prohibited days for landing in 2017:

All these works carried out in combination with the lunar calendar will help to get a good harvest.

Lunar calendar of agricultural work by months for 2017

January 2017. The first winter month, as a rule, passes in New Year's chores and festivities. The attention of flower growers is focused on feeding pets, loosening the soil. Mid-January is favorable for planting new decorative and deciduous and flowering plants. On some days, it is allowed to plant bulbous flowers and spicy greens in the winter greenhouse. For a gardener in January, a favorable period for planting seedlings of primrose, balsam, tuberous begonia, carnation shabot, clematis. gardeners middle lane Russia can start sowing seedlings of sweet pepper, celery, leeks.

February 2017. The beginning of the month is a favorable time for fertilization and the destruction of pests that affect the ground part of the plant. Sowing seedlings of heat-loving vegetables and flowers with a long growth cycle begins. Gardeners can sow tomatoes, herbs, legumes and sweets. Flower growers sow begonias, petunias, verbena. For gardeners in February there are favorable days for pruning fruit trees.

March 2017. The middle of the month is extremely unfortunate for the start of the sowing season, the destruction of pests and weeds, mulching is allowed. There are favorable days for sowing seedlings. In March, white and Beijing cabbage, tall varieties of sweet pepper and tomato, radish, spinach and mustard are planted. Flower growers can sow balsam, gloxinia, fuchsia, coleus, laurel, dwarf pomegranate.

April 2017. The first days of the month in the gardener's lunar calendar are extremely unfortunate for planting any crops. Only spraying is allowed, trimming ornamental shrubs and trees is allowed. From the second week, a successful period begins for the gardener and gardener. planted bulbous plants, grafting trees. Planting seedlings in open ground will be successful if the soil is warm enough.

May 2017. At the beginning of the month, sowing is not recommended, an unsuccessful period for planting seedlings in open ground. Flower growers should not even transplant indoor plants. From May 9, a favorable period begins for sowing cabbage of any variety, ornamental and berry bushes, legumes, strawberries and grapes. The gardener has good days for planting any climbing plants from ornamental ivy to climbing roses.

June 2017. A good time to start harvesting. Prepare berries and herbs. The lunar calendar recommends drying herbs and berries. The second half of the month is a favorable period for gardeners for sowing and planting root crops and bulbous flowers.

July 2017. At the beginning of the month, it is not recommended to harvest greens and any herbs, as well as other crops that require long storage. The period is favorable for conservation. In mid-July, gardeners can start picking and transplanting berry and fruit crops. Flowers planted during this period soon begin to bloom.

August 2017. The beginning of the cycle is especially successful for preparations and preservation, jams and pickles will turn out delicious. Sowing and transplanting shrubs is not recommended. Gardeners can start preparing tubers and seeds for winter. The end of August is a favorable period in which gardeners can actively harvest dried herbs, fruits and vegetables, you can collect sunflower seeds.

September 2017. Gardeners begin planting winter crops. The lunar calendar has a good effect on harvesting fruits for long-term storage. The middle of the month is good for planting trees, caring for home flowers. An attempt to propagate plants by dividing the root system will be unsuccessful. Gardeners can carry out work on the destruction of pests.

October 2017. According to the lunar calendar, various manipulations with the soil are carried out. Do not collect spicy and medicinal herbs, transplant and propagate plants. Auspicious days for pruning and grafting fruit trees. At the end of the month, gardeners can cover plants that are vulnerable to winter cold.

November 2017. It's time for flower growers to do transplanting and pruning indoor plants. With sowing new flowers, it is better to wait. Auspicious days for planting bulbous plants in greenhouses and at home. You can loosen the soil, root and leaf top dressing. In November, greens and some vegetables are sown for growing on the windowsill.

December 2017. The period in the calendar is extremely favorable for the fight against ground and root pests. On some days, any manipulations with plants are allowed. The first seeds are sown for growing vegetables and herbs in a greenhouse.

It is best to start sowing garden and horticultural crops at the time of the growth of the moon. It is this time that is considered the most favorable for the rapid development of a particular plant. Root crops are best planted seven days before the renewal of the moon cycle. As mentioned above, on those days when the “white-faced beauty” is in the phases of the New Moon and Full Moon, planting or sowing work cannot be carried out at all. Otherwise, the planted plants will develop poorly or not sprout at all. Of course, the yield will also be low.

Summer residents, gardeners and gardeners who want to get a good harvest should pay attention to the following points: When planting tomatoes, you need to choose a well-lit, warm place. Before planting, the soil must be fertilized with a nutrient composition (humus, bird droppings, etc.). Before feeding the soil, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of fertilizers. Manure should not be fresh, otherwise it can destroy seedlings. Litter is better to take "burnt out", not containing methane in its composition. Fertilizers should also not be overdone.

In addition, tomatoes should never be planted next to potatoes - tomatoes can become infected with brown rot.

Young seedlings are extremely susceptible to the harmful effects of pests and adverse natural conditions(hail, frost, heavy rains, etc.). If with natural disasters it’s not so easy to fight, then you can try to reduce the influence of pests to zero. Aphids that breed in early June can easily nullify all the gardener's work on planting cabbage, tomatoes or cucumbers. When the slightest sign of the activity of this harmful insect appears, you should immediately take up the fight against it.

Berries are unusually susceptible to all kinds of diseases, especially gray rot. If the plant becomes ill, it must be removed from the garden. Then the prevention of the disease is carried out. A diseased plant should not be thrown into compost pit otherwise it can infect other plants. It is best to burn the remains of a diseased plant. For a good harvest of strawberries and strawberries, plants need to be updated (replanted) every three years. At the same time, old plants are removed from the garden and replaced with young ones. Sowing moon calendar for 2017 is more advisory than mandatory.

If, on a favorable day according to the calendar, the weather does not at all conducive to work in the garden or vegetable garden (it is pouring rain, frosts are expected, etc.), provided that the work is not in a greenhouse, it is better to postpone the process of ennobling the site.

Since ancient times, the ancient inhabitants of the planet Earth took into account the influence of the moon on animal world. This regularity extended to living organisms and to the water part of the planet's surface. The lunar phase affects the water level in the seas, rivers and lakes. was no exception and vegetable world, which includes grass, trees, shrubs, and so on. This pattern has been confirmed by gardeners since ancient times.

Therefore, it is clear why most growers are guided by the lunar calendar during the sowing season. A person who expects a good yield from the garden uses his knowledge and listens to the opinions of other gardeners. A large number of summer residents looks at the lunar calendar. Therefore, it is so popular at the present time among those who want to get the maximum yield in 2017.

A number of definitions

“Auspicious day for sowing” is a concept that everyone has heard more than once. Only a few seriously thought that such days are directly related to the natural satellite of the Earth.

The moon controls the water level on the earth's surface, the life cycles of living organisms, the process of plant life. The main sowing rule, if you focus on the lunar calendar, was the phases of the outgoing and young moon. When leaving, it is necessary to plant plants that germinate down, and in the young phase - above-ground deciduous crops. Plant growers explain this factor by the fact that during the falling moon, the root system is actively strengthened, and deciduous crops develop slowly. With the growing moon, plants grow faster than root crops.

Is it rational to use the lunar calendar?

Do I need to use the 2017 sowing calendar to grow certain types of plants? Most likely not, the presence of this knowledge is not necessary in without fail for all gardeners and horticulturists. You can grow crops by relying only on climatic conditions for a certain area. Nature will deal with these issues herself. After winter, you can immediately throw the seeds into the ground or plant potatoes there only after the soil has thawed. However, you will have to wait a long time until the planted culture rises.

Working with the lunar calendar and properly coordinating with it will immediately bring a number of advantages. A more harmonious process of plant development will turn out, and the fruits will pleasantly surprise you with size and quality. This calendar saves valuable time, saves nervous system, from which the load, worries and hopes for good yields are removed.

You do not need to observe all the dates of the lunar calendar with perfect accuracy, you can only focus on the schedule and choose a favorable period for gardening. If you missed a specific date, do not be upset, as nature has provided for everything. Each month includes several dates suitable for planting certain plants. You should not abandon the calendar for the winter, as it even provides for the cultivation of certain types of crops in winter time, for example, in greenhouses.

2. With the position of the Moon in the constellation Leo and Aquarius, it is not necessary to plant seeds and seedlings.

3. It is better to avoid working in the garden during a lunar or solar eclipse.

4. When changing the signs of the Zodiac, it is not necessary to engage in sowing work, as the full development of plants will be disturbed.

List of days for sowing and planting in 2017

The lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners is developed on the basis of all the nuances of the lunar cycle, which consists in the passage of the Moon through all the signs of the Zodiac.

It is no longer necessary, as in the Middle Ages, to watch celestial bodies and mathematically calculate the right time. Now this can be done only by choosing a date and booking the necessary events for it.

The table includes the most current days and popular crops. The selected days are the most suitable for sowing, transplanting and harvesting fruits.

Lunar monthly calendar


What to plant in January or February 2017? Plants hibernate in winter. However, this is not a reason for idleness. This time is great for analyzing last year's stocks and sorting them out.

January and February are great for sowing seedlings in a special greenhouse, you can plant and leave even near the window. From January 3 to 11 and from January 30 to 31, you need to plant products from edible leaves or fruits. In February, it is best to plant from the 1st to the 10th and from the 27th to the 28th. For root crops, a favorable date is February 23.

Unfavorable days in January are 12 and 28, and in February - 11, 24 and 26.


In this season of the year, the snow melts, more precisely, in March or April. After that, summer residents begin to examine their land. On dry ground, you can get rid of debris and leaves. The soil has not yet completely thawed, so it is too early to plant, and the seedlings are just right.

In March, from 1 to 9 and from 13 to 22, it is advisable to plant seeds. Only on March 30 and 31 root crops need to be planted. Bad days for planting are March 12 and 28.

April is characterized by night frosts, so only frost-resistant one-year-old plants sit in the heated open ground. At this time, potatoes are taken out of the cellar, trees that bear fruit are processed.

Root crops are planted from 12 to 19 and from 22 to 25 April. From 1 to 10, 27 and 30 April, seedlings are planted in greenhouses. The worst days to work in April are the 11th and 26th. Mid-April is used as a time for planting potatoes, and the end of the month is used for planting seeds and seedlings in the ground.

Until the end of the first part of June, it is advised to warm the seedlings at night with a film. Optimal intervals for deciduous plants– from 1 to 10, 26, 28 and 29 May. Root crops adapt well in the intervals from 12 to 16 and from 19 to 24 May. Bad numbers: 11, 18 and 25.

November and December 2017 according to the lunar calendar

November is the month in which you need to completely move into the greenhouse. In it, you can start growing any kind of greens, onions and crops that will ripen quickly. An ordinary home window sill is perfect for growing parsley and dill.

Favorable November days for planting: 1-3, 5-7, from 19 to 21 and 30.

Unwanted days: 4th, 8th and 12th.

December is the month when preparations for the upcoming holiday begin, so you need to plant onions, herbs and vegetables. Actual days for sowing root crops: 5, 6, from 11 to 14 and 17 December. For deciduous crops: December 1, 2, 19, 20 and 25. Negative days in December: 3rd, 18th and 22nd.

The principle by which a lunar calendar is created for gardeners

This sowing calendar is made with the aim of doing the most efficient work on the most auspicious days of the month. Thus, gardeners and gardeners get the opportunity to harvest a lot, and without wasting time and energy.

When there is no opportunity to look at the calendar, there is no need to be upset, it is enough to remember only a few basic patterns:

  1. In the interval between the new moon and the full moon, you need to deal with those crops that produce crops above the ground, and not in the soil.
  2. The waning moon has a positive effect only when planting root crops.
  3. You can not plant seeds on a new moon, it is better to start harvesting in this position of the moon.
  4. The weather intervenes hour by hour in the lunar calendar. It may interfere with some dates.

If it is appropriate to use this calendar, an unprecedented harvest can be achieved.

Lunar sowing calendar for 2017 - table


February 2017 March 2017 April 2017 May 2017 June 2017

Calendar for gardeners for 2017

Green onion, parsley, dill, lettuce

5, 12, 14, 18, 20, 23, 4, 15, 17, 20,

24, 25, 31

2, 11, 16, 20,

cucumbers 1, 5, 12, 14 9, 18, 22, 4, 15, 19, 24,

1, 2, 11, 16, 20

tomatoes 14, 16, 18, 24, 3, 4, 10, 12,

20, 25, 30, 31

8, 12, 13,

22, 26-28

9, 15, 19, 24,

2, 7, 11, 16


12, 14, 23, 28 3, 4, 12, 14, 16,

20, 25, 30, 31

9, 18, 22, 3, 4, 14, 15,

19, 24, 31

1, 2, 11, 16, 20

Sweet pepper

14, 16, 23 3, 4, 12, 14, 20, 9, 11, 18, 8, 14, 15, 24, 25

2, 11, 20

Zucchini, patissons, pumpkins

9, 18, 26-28 3, 4, 14, 15,

1, 2, 11, 20

Radish, radish, daikon

16-18, 23, 28 4, 9, 14, 15,

19, 24, 31

1, 6, 7, 10,

11, 15, 16, 20,

Potato, Jerusalem artichoke

- 4, 7, 8, 9,

19, 24, 31

1, 6, 7, 15, 16

Carrots, beets

- - 16-18, 23, 28 4, 9, 14, 15,

19, 24, 31

beets: 1, 6, 7, 10,

15, 16, 20, 28, 30

Beans, peas, beans

- - 22, 28 3, 4, 9, 10, 15,

19, 24, 25, 31

Watermelon melon

- - 22, 26-28 3, 4, 15, 19,

24, 25, 31

1, 2, 11, 16


- - 19, 22, 23, 3, 4, 9, 10

Onion (sevok)

- 17, 26, 31 22, 28

7-9, 19, 20, 24

Spring/winter garlic

- - spring:

19, 22, 23

Cabbage b/c, cauliflower

- 20, 25, 26, 9, 12, 13, 18,

22, 26-28

4, 15, 19, 24,

1, 2, 11, 16, 20

red cabbage

- 22, 26-28 8, 9, 15, 19,

2, 11, 16

parsley root

- 16-18, 23, 28

Calendar for flower growers for 2017

annual flowers

1, 4, 5, 10, 12,

14, 27, 28

3, 4, 10, 12, 20,

25, 30, 31

4, 5, 9, 18,

21-23, 26-28

1-4, 15, 24,

25, 28-31

1, 2, 11, 16

Bi- and perennials/from seeds

4, 5, 10, 12,

18, 27, 28

3, 4, 10, 17,

25, 30, 31

4-6, 12, 22,

23, 26-28

1-4, 10, 19,

24, 28-31

6, 16, 20,

Perennials / division, transplant

- 9, 10, 19

6, 7, 15, 16

Bulbous and bulbous

- 5, 8, 9, 12, 13,

16-18, 28

2, 9, 14, 15,

2, 6, 7, 10, 11,

15, 16, 20, 26, 30

Ornamental trees and shrubs

12, 13, 22 1-3, 9, 10

The material is provided by the site "In the garden with your own hands" Tips and experience of working with your own hands in the garden.

Moon calendar by zodiac signs

The 2017 sowing calendar is influenced not only by lunar dates, but also by 12 zodiac signs. They are on a specific date for each lunar calendar event. Based on these data, a sowing schedule is built and work related to crop production is listed.

Therefore, the movement of constellations across the sky seriously affects the development of plants. In 30 days, the Moon visits all constellations. Each position has a significant impact on environment. Some constellations are more favorable than others.

Fertile zodiac signs

The female signs are Cancer, Taurus and Pisces. Endurance and vitality are characteristic of Scorpions. The last lines in fertility were assigned to Virgo and Capricorn. The time when the Moon moves in favorable signs is suitable for planting and transplanting all kinds of plants. At this time, watering and top dressing will benefit. When the Moon is in the constellation of Pisces, over watering is not recommended as it will cause rot.

Masculine signs are not very suitable for sowing. Only the constellation Libra favorably affects the development of ornamental and climbing plants. It is recommended to moderately water and feed the seedlings. On the day of the influence of Gemini, nothing needs to be done, even watering and other little things.

Sagittarius and Aries are distinguished by low productivity. But for a large amount of work, they are not suitable. Leo and Aquarius are signs when you need to cultivate the land and get rid of pests. It is useless to perform other types of work, since the signs are unfavorable for them. Under the influence of Aquarius, you need to take care of the sprout, if you damage it even a little, it will not grow.

Regardless of fertility, each sign of the Zodiac has a personal auspicious type of plants. It is necessary to adhere to all recommendations completely, and not pointwise. For example, it will not be enough to plant a seedling on the right day, it still needs to be properly looked after: watered, fertilized and harvested on time.

Aries doesn't like planting in his days. Getting rid of weeds and destroying pests at this time will give the desired result.

Taurus beneficial to planted plants. The yield will be at its best, and the root crops will turn out to be a feast for the eyes with the waning moon. The waxing moon loves sowing ground plants and pruning trees.

Crayfish in the growing moon - a phase for plants that love a lot of moisture. This includes cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs, currants, raspberries and so on. The waning moon has a positive effect on root crops. The yield will be highest level, but this crop will not be stored. The seeds are unsuitable.

lions great for weeding and getting rid of pests. Planting is not recommended.

Constellation Virgin good effect on the care of vegetation. If you plant a crop at this time, there will be no result. It is better to plant long-lived bushes and herbs. Virgo will save them from all adversity.

Day Libra- planting day It is necessary to plant cucumbers, legumes, trees and bushes in the growing moon, and root crops and onions in the waning moon. Average yield, good storage, seeds suitable for further planting.

In a day scorpio plant seedlings, herbs, peppers and eggplants. The waning phase is suitable for root crops, garlic and trees. Harvest normal, stored long time, high quality seeds.

Sagittarius- a constellation unfavorable for planting plants, so it is better to do soil cultivation and get rid of harmful insects.

During the period of influence Capricorn planting seedlings, winter seeds and perennials, including trees. The waning moon has a positive effect on the planting of onions and root crops. it good time for sowing legumes, cabbage and greens. The yield is average, but high-quality fruits are stored for a long time.

Time Aquarius suitable for tillage and pest control. You can't plant seedlings.

Fish. Trees should not be pruned during this time. Planting horseradish, tomatoes, cucumbers and eggplants should be carried out only on the growing moon, and carrots, radishes and flowers are planted on the waning moon. Productivity is good, but it is stored a little. The seeds are not of the best quality.

Gardeners and gardeners are very busy people, and the whole year they are literally scheduled by day. No sooner had one job been completed than others had to be taken on. Plowing, weeding, pruning, picking fruits, getting rid of pests - this is only a small part of what summer residents do in their leisure time. And in order for this colossal work to give the maximum result, many experienced gardeners use the lunar calendar. This is a schedule for each year that indicates when to plant certain types and varieties of plants: greens, root vegetables, berries, flowers, etc. In this article we will talk about the lunar calendar for planting seedlings for 2017.

It may seem to someone that maintaining a garden is a trifling matter - do not forget to water the plants and pull out your weeds from time to time ... However, in reality, it turns out that not every novice gardener is able to grow at least an average crop of anything. To reap a really good harvest and recoup all your costs in this way, you need to work hard and know some "garden" tricks. The gardener's lunar sowing calendar is one of those tricks and every year helps many experienced gardeners improve their yields.

Lunar calendar in modern form represents the experience of ancestors who intuitively focused on the slightest changes in nature when growing edible plants. These are well-honed and proven practices that leave no doubt - following them, you can guaranteed to grow any garden crop. All this ancient knowledge was systematized through the annual lunar landing calendars, which differ from each other mainly only in dates.

And although the “dacha” season of this year is just beginning, today we will talk about when to sow according to the lunar calendar for 2017. This will allow you to prepare in advance and avoid possible errors admitted this year. Today, every schoolchild knows that the Moon affects the ebb and flow on Earth, but few adults would guess to look at this factor a little wider - the Moon affects the behavior of all natural fluids, including plant juices, animal and human blood. Checking this is very simple - observe your well-being throughout the entire lunar cycle and easily identify patterns. You can go even further and say that the behavior of vital juices is closely related to the bioenergetics of the plant, so any manipulations in the garden and garden should take place in accordance with the position of the moon.

Damage to a plant is easier than it might seem at first glance, and even an untimely transplant or pruning can cause irreparable damage. That is why it is necessary to take precautions and know the "good" and "bad" days for working with certain plants. This information will be presented at the end of the article in the table of the lunar sowing calendar for 2017.

Previously, people were closer to nature and devoted a lot of time to studying it, but today a person is surrounded by a dense information field, which does not allow one to feel the changes around so sharply. Each phase of the moon in a special way affects the vital signs of plants. So, for example, some garden and garden plant varieties can only be planted on a young moon, while others feel better on a waning moon. It is this information that is displayed in special calendars created on the basis of the centuries-old knowledge of ancestors, dating back to pre-Christian times.

The influence of the signs of the zodiac

There is an opinion that all the vital juices and forces of plants, when full moon concentrated in the ground part: stem, buds, leaves, flowers. With a young moon, on the contrary, they are concentrated underground - in the roots and tubers. It is for this reason that most experienced gardeners The “old school” will never sow seeds into the ground on a full moon, but will do it on the growing moon, when all the power is in the underground part of the plant.

However, this rule does not apply to crops with tuberous or root fruits, such as carrots, potatoes or turnips. Parsley and celery are also considered root vegetables. Such plants need to be planted on the waning moon so that the vital juices "leave" in root system and underground fruits developed as actively as possible.

Apart from lunar phases It is very important to take into account what sign of the Zodiac the Moon is under at a certain point in time. Despite the seeming mysticism, the explanation is quite simple. The fact is that each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac differs in the level of productivity, which can actually be observed in the "field conditions". Some signs have a positive effect on plant productivity, while others, on the contrary, can cause hibernation and crop failure. Let's give a simple example: if you plant an apple tree on the growing Moon, which is in the sign of Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio, you can safely count on a bountiful harvest. If the Moon is in Taurus, Sagittarius or Libra, this probability is significantly reduced.

In fact, if we take into account the position of the Moon in a particular constellation, we get the following:

  1. Aries - it is better to wait with plantings and take the time to care for already growing crops. However, if you have planned to plant any greens (lettuce, dill, parsley), it's okay.
  2. Taurus - you can plant seedlings of vegetables and any flower plants. Bulbous plants, ornamental and fruit shrubs, trees will feel best.
  3. Gemini - depending on the position of the moon, you can plant legumes and grains. Climbing plants will also take root well, but it is better to wait a little with planting all the rest. At this time, it is good to fight various pests or harvest if the moon is on the decrease.
  4. Cancer is the most "loyal" sign of the Zodiac, since it has no restrictions and prohibitions on landing. In addition, this is a favorable time for caring for flowers. But if you have planned to harvest under Cancer, it will not last long.
  5. Leo is the complete opposite of Cancer in the sense that with this sign nothing is worth planting at all if you do not want to get a meager harvest. But Leo is quite suitable for leaving, so you can safely weed, loosen and get rid of insect pests.
  6. Leo - under this sign it is generally not recommended to plant anything, since the harvest will be small. But various caring activities will bear fruit.
  7. Virgo is the same as for Leo.
  8. Libra is probably the most fruitful sign under which you can plant anything and count on a bountiful harvest. If you plant seeds, then almost everything will germinate, pests and diseases will bypass the seedlings.
  9. Scorpio is not a very favorable sign for planting, but it is best suited for any horticultural events, including transplanting and harvesting fruits. The fruits collected in Scorpio will be stored for a long time and remain tasty and juicy. Scorpio is also considered an ideal sign for housewives who love to make preparations and conservation for the winter.
  10. Sagittarius - plantings will not take root very well, but it is difficult to find a better time for tillage, irrigation and fertilizer. On the young Moon in Sagittarius, it is very useful to harvest medicinal herbs and harvest.
  11. Capricorn - suitable for planting various grains and root crops. Plants are resistant to the vagaries of the weather, pests and diseases, give a good harvest. This sign, like Scorpio, is great for harvesting.
  12. Aquarius - do not plant or transplant anything under this sign, but if you decide to harvest, then go ahead. At the same time, it must be remembered that vegetables can be collected on the outgoing moon, and seeds, berries, fruits and medicinal herbs on the incoming moon.
  13. Fish - suitable for planting, but in the future they will require careful care. It is better not to harvest any crop under Pisces, because it will not be stored for a long time. However, preparations made at this time will be very tasty.

Each phenomenon in nature is interconnected, and if at least a superficial study of several aspects, one can understand that the Earth is a single living organism. Everything in it works according to established scheme or, if you like, a program. So, if one of the settings is incorrectly set or one of the conditions of the task is not fulfilled, you will never get the correct result. The lunar landing calendar for 2017 is an algorithm that will help you, as one of the many components of Nature, interact with the rest of the natural elements as efficiently and harmoniously as possible.

Hint: It will be difficult for a beginner to orientate and remember dates, phases of the moon and the influence of the signs of the Zodiac right away, but there is a simple visual hint. When the Moon grows, then the plants enter into an active phase of growth - their ground part rushes up. When the moon wanes, "comes to life" underground part- Roots begin to develop. So before you transplant a plant and disturb its roots, see if the moon is waning.

What about eclipses? Regardless of whether a solar eclipse or a lunar one, this time is a serious test for all representatives of the flora and fauna, as it causes severe stress. Most people do not notice this because they are surrounded by a dense information field that blocks sensitive perception, but animals and plants do not have this blockage, so during eclipses it is better not to work in the garden or on the farm, but to let your pets endure this period as calmly as possible.

Lunar planting gardener calendar for 2017

Now that you already understand what the gardener's lunar sowing calendar is for and how the positions of the Moon and the signs of the Zodiac affect plants, we can talk about the main thing. In this part of the article, we will detailed description on which dates of which month you can plant various horticultural crops next year.


You can start sowing garden crops as early as February. At this time, many summer residents sow seeds for seedlings, so that with the onset of heat, they immediately plant them in open ground and get a rich harvest as soon as possible. If you wait for warming and sow the seeds on the beds, then it will take more time for the fruits to ripen. These two methods can be successfully combined to double the harvest in a season.

So, what dates in February can you plant plants:

  • plant green onions on feathers, parsley, dill and lettuce on the 5th, 12th or 14th;
  • for planting cucumbers, corn, melons and watermelons, February 1, 5, 12 and 14 are suitable;
  • tomatoes according to the lunar calendar of 2017 can be planted on seedlings on February 14, 16, 18, 24, 26-28;
  • eggplant, squash, zucchini, pumpkin are planted on the 12th, 14th, 23rd and 28th;
  • sweet bell pepper- 14, 16 and 23 February;
  • rutabagas, carrots, parsley on the root, turnips - from February 19 to 24;
  • garden strawberries, radish, daikon, radish, garlic and rhubarb - from February 21 to 24;
  • any varieties of cabbage and asparagus - from 5 to 7 and from 10 to 12;
  • potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, onions - from February 21 to 24;
  • beets - 1.2, from 20 to 24 and from 27 to 29 February.


With March comes the “hot time” for every summer resident, as warming comes, nature wakes up, and you can plant seedlings prepared in February in open ground.

Lunar plant calendar for March 2017:

  • bulbous flowers can be planted from March 21 to 23, 25 and 26;
  • plant seed flowers from March 13 to 15 and from March 17 to 19;
  • garden strawberries, eggplants, zucchini, squash - from March 13 to 15;
  • any varieties of cabbage - from March 3 to March 10;
  • green onions for a feather - from March 6 to 9, and for a turnip - from March 21 to 26;
  • plant parsley on greens from March 3 to March 10, and on the root - from March 20 to 24;
  • radishes, radishes, beets, horseradish, garlic - from March 20 to 25;
  • dill, fennel, cilantro, cumin, mustard - from March 10 to 15, March 17.


This month is still not so hot and you can continue to plant garden and horticultural crops. Mostly seed plants.

Lunar sowing calendar for April 2017:

  • green onions, parsley, dill, lettuce - April 18, 20, 23, from April 26 to 28;
  • cucumbers - 9, 18, 22, from 26 to 28;
  • sweet bell pepper - 9, 11, 18, from the 26th to the 28th;
  • it is better not to plant onions on a feather, but you can plant on a turnip from April 19 to April 24;
  • carrots and parsnips (root) - April 19 and 20;
  • corn - April 9, 10 and 11;
  • lettuce and spinach - 5, 6, 9, 10 and 11;
  • celery - April 1, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 23;
  • dill, fennel, cilantro, cumin, mustard - from April 7 to 11 and from April 13 to 15.


The sun is already baking well, the greenery is already covering all the beds, and flowering is in full swing.

Lunar gardener calendar for May 2017:

  • garlic - from May 13 to 20;
  • horseradish - May 20 and 21;
  • tomatoes - May 14, 15 and 16;
  • radish and radish - from May 13 to 21;
  • beets - May 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27, 30 and 31;
  • sunflower - from 3 to 11 and from 14 to 17 May;
  • bell pepper - May 15, 16 and 17;
  • onions on a feather - on the 15th, 16th and 17th, and on a turnip - from May 13 to 21;
  • potatoes and peanuts - May 16 and 17;
  • peas, beans and legumes - from May 13 to 17.


Many summer residents choose June as the last month for planting new plants and then only take care of the crops and prepare for the harvest.

Gardener's lunar calendar for June 2017:

  • zucchini, eggplant - from June 9 to 12;
  • turnip and swede - from 15 to 17 and from 21 to 24;
  • peas and beans - from 9 to 13;
  • rhubarb - from 11 to 14;
  • potatoes - from 14 to 17;
  • green onions for a feather - from 11 to 15, for a turnip - from 15 to 17;
  • cucumbers, melon - from June 4 to 6;
  • sweet pepper - from June 11 to 15;
  • parsley on greens - from 4 to 6 (spinach and lettuce can be planted on the same dates), and on the root - from 20 to 23;
  • tomatoes - from 11 to 15 June.

More full information by landing date and horticultural crops presented in the table below:

The lunar sowing calendar for 2017, and for any other, makes it possible to closely interact with nature and receive obvious benefits from this cooperation. Try to follow the recommendations in this article at least once, and you will own experience be convinced of the wisdom of the ancestors.

Properly organize work in the garden and start planting in the garden in time, the gardener's lunar planting calendar for 2017 will help the summer resident. The information in the table of this calendar will help summer residents to organically plan work for each month of the year. In general, among people who are passionate about the earth - summer residents and gardeners, the lunar calendar is very popular. It's no secret that if we take into account the favorable and unfavorable for planting, weeding and garden work days, you can get a significant increase in yield. All wildlife, including flora, is subject to the phases of the lunar cycle. But the summer resident does not have to calculate the phases of the moon himself, because he has a good assistant - the lunar calendar, which describes not only lunar days, but also basic work in the garden and garden.

Using the lunar sowing calendar: is it reasonable?

The question arises: is it really necessary to know all these nuances in order to simply grow crops for your own pleasure? Of course, knowledge of the lunar schedule is not at all necessary for an ordinary gardener or gardener.

Planting and caring for plants own will as soon as climatic conditions permit. Nature itself will take care that the seeds sprout, and the seedlings develop and bear fruit. You can throw the seeds into the ground immediately after the snow melts, or plant potatoes as soon as the ground has thawed sufficiently. But they will “sit” in the ground for a very, very long time.

If you coordinate your own actions with the sowing lunar calendar, then very soon obvious advantages will become noticeable. All stages of growth will take place more harmoniously and measuredly, and the crops will certainly please with their size and quality. In fact, the lunar calendar allows you to save your personal time, effort and nerves, and not languish in expectations, hoping for a miracle.

At the same time, it is not at all necessary to follow the calendar with fanatical accuracy. It is enough to approximately adhere to the schedule and take into account the most favorable or, on the contrary, not the best moments. Don't be afraid to miss X day - nature has provided for everything possible nuances whether it's a brief cold snap, a sudden heat wave or a heavy rain. Each month has several periods suitable for specific plants. By the way, the gardener's lunar calendar will come in handy even in the cold season if you decide to grow crops in a well-equipped greenhouse or right on the windowsill.

Lunar planting calendar for 2017 gardener and gardener table

Table of works on the lunar calendar 2017

Using the table of work on the moon in the garden, you can easily properly care for your garden and yard.

Sowing calendar - simplified version

Favorable days given in the table are determined by experts taking into account several factors. Many gardeners and gardeners are convinced that the main thing is the exact timing of the beginning and end of each phase of the moon. If you share their opinion, then you absolutely do not need the above table of auspicious days.

Why do you need knowledge of the lunar phases in the current year? On the days of the full moon and new moon, planting something is absolutely not worth it. On the growing moon (from new moon to full moon), you can plant all crops with above-ground fruits, and on the waning - root crops. What explains this?

The reason lies in the ability of the moon to influence the water on earth. Our night luminary, as you know, attracts water in natural reservoirs during its growth period, and repels it during its waning period. This is how the tides come and go. The juice inside plants is water. In the first case, it is concentrated in the upper part of the representatives of the flora, and in the second - in the root. Hence the recommendations for landing.

The phases of the moon in 2017 are determined based on the following data:

Days of the new moon in 2017: 28.01; 26.02; 28.03; 26.04; 25.05; 24.06; 23.07; 21.08; 20.09; 19.10; 18.11; 18. 12.

Full moon days in 2017: 12.01; 11.02; 12.03; 11.04; 11.05; 09.06; 09.07; 07.08; 06.09; 05.10; 04.11; 03.12.

Being observant, you may not look at the lunar calendar at all. If you are used to constantly fixing your eyes on the night sky, you can easily determine the phase of our satellite even if it is not visible behind the clouds. This is what our ancestors did. It is known that the waxing Moon looks like a bow from the letter “P”, and the falling one looks like the letter “C”.

Fertile zodiac signs

Aries doesn't like landings in his days. Getting rid of weeds and destroying pests at this time will give the desired result.

Taurus does good to planted plants. The yield will be at its best, and the root crops will turn out to be a feast for the eyes with the waning moon. The waxing moon loves sowing ground plants and pruning trees.

Cancer in the growing moon is a phase for plants that love a lot of moisture. This includes cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs, currants, raspberries and so on. The waning moon has a positive effect on root crops. The yield will be at the highest level, but this crop will not be stored. The seeds are unsuitable.

Lions are great for weeding and getting rid of pests. Planting is not recommended.

The constellation Virgo has a good effect on vegetation care work. If you plant a crop at this time, there will be no result. It is better to plant long-lived bushes and herbs. Virgo will save them from all adversity.

Day of Libra is the day of seedlings. It is necessary to plant cucumbers, legumes, trees and bushes in the growing moon, and root crops and onions in the waning moon. Average yield, good storage, seeds suitable for further planting.

On the day of Scorpio, seedlings, greens, peppers and eggplants are planted. The waning phase is suitable for root crops, garlic and trees. Harvest normal, stored for a long time, high quality seeds.

Sagittarius is an unfavorable constellation for planting plants, so it is better to work on soil cultivation and getting rid of harmful insects.

During the period of Capricorn influence, seedlings, winter seeds and perennials, including trees, are planted. The waning moon has a positive effect on the planting of onions and root crops. This is a good time for sowing legumes, cabbage and greens. The yield is average, but high-quality fruits are stored for a long time.

The time of Aquarius is suitable for tillage and the destruction of pests. You can't plant seedlings.

Fish. Trees should not be pruned during this time. Planting horseradish, tomatoes, cucumbers and eggplants should be carried out only on the growing moon, and carrots, radishes and flowers are planted on the waning moon. Productivity is good, but it is stored a little. The seeds are not of the best quality.

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