Athanasius Fet - Night shining, Moon was full of garden: verse. Analysis of the poem feta "shine night

Encyclopedia plants 01.10.2019
Encyclopedia plants

Shone night. Moon was full of garden. Lying
Rays from our legs in the living room without lights.
The piano was all revealed, and the strings trembled in it,
Like my hearts for your song.
You sang before dawn, in tears is exhausted,
That you are alone - love that no love is different
And so I wanted to live, so that, the sound is not rone,
Love you, hug and cry over you.
And many years have passed, tearing and boring,
And in the quiet night your voice I hear again,
And blows like then, in the sighs of these sonor
What are you alone - the whole life is that you are alone - love.
That there is no disorders of the fate and the heart of burning flour,
And there is no end of life, and there is no goal,
As soon as we believe in the sobbing sounds,
Love you, hug and cry over you!

Analysis of the poem "shone the night. Moon was full garden »Feta

In the work of feta, a whole cycle of poems can be distinguished on the tragically deceased M. Lazich. One of them is the work "shone the night. Moon was full of garden "(1877).

Fet feels all the severity of lived without his beloved years. He with a sense of huge sadness addresses memories. It is possible that he describes a real episode from life. It is known that the poet himself told the girl that he could not marry her for financial considerations. He recalls one of the evenings spent alone with Lazich. The young man was full of hopes for a happy future. He felt that all the surrounding nature supports his aspirations. It seemed that the whole world beloved was owned ("lay rays from our legs").

In the second stubborn, an alarming motive appears: Favorite for some reason sings "in tears". Probably the author already informed her about his fatal decision, and a wonderful evening becomes farewell. Fet did not hide that the choice was not easy for him. Lazic condition was even more severe. The girl until the very last minute did not suspect that her poverty causes feta refusal from the wedding. She still does not believe that everything is lost, and is trying to change the decision of the poet with his singing. The lyrical hero fluctuates. He sees that happiness in his hands. The heart tells him the right choice, but the cold mind reminds of financial problems. The author again and again returns to his oscillations. He is sure that if the love won at that moment, the girl would be alive. Only it now matters. Provision and glory are fascinated compared to human life.

The second part of the poem dramatically transfers the reader to the present. The fatal choice was made. Favorite has long been dead, and the poet continues to live and suffer. Marriage for the calculation made it rich, but destroyed all the dreams of happiness. All the lives of life is represented by the author of "vigorous and boring". The only consolation becomes the permanent memories of a farewell party. They are infinitely Road Fetu, but at the same time bring him an incredible mental pain. The poet is tired of life, he no longer sees goals and meaning.

In other poems dedicated to M. Lazich, Fet directly argued about his hope for a posthumous meeting with his beloved. He looked forward to his death. In this work, the poet only continues to "believe in sobbing sounds", distributed in his memory. This faith gave Feta to pass his life path to the end and deserve forgiveness with their sufferings.

"Night shine. Moon was full of garden" -
one of the lyrical masterpieces
Afanasiya Afanasyevich Feta, -
it was written on August 2, 1877.

It was inspired by singing
Tatiana Andreevna Kuzminskaya -
(Sofia Andreevna Tolstoy sisters).

This singing stirred in the poet
about his tragic novel with Maria Lazich.

She is a daughter of a small landowner who rubbed
He is a romantic who entered the military
service to return the surname and nobility.
When they met, she was 24,
he is 28.
In March 1849, Fet writes a friend of childhood,
that met the creature that loves and
deeply respects, "the ideal possible for
me Happiness and Reconciliation with Nadka
But she has nothing, and I have nothing ... ".

Love of the idiot and officer without
conditions could only aggravate the situation
Two poor people.
It would mean to fire for him forever
future in the wretched garrison stagnation
with a bunch of children and prematurely faded
And love feta retreated before prose

Later he will write an autobiographical poem
"Son Lieutenant Losev" in which their novel
with Lazic is depicted with realistic
At first, a comically filed question:
"To take or not take the devilish worms?" -
turns around the most important when choosing
further life path.
As a lieutenant loses in the poem remains
But we know how the lieutenant Fet entered.

In his memoirs, he writes:
"To burn the ships of our mutual
Hope, I gathered with the Spirit and expressed
loud thoughts about
how much I thought for myself impossible
and selfish. "
She answered:
"I love to talk with you without any
encroachment to your freedom. "
Mary understood everything and did not condemn Feta.
She loved him as he was, loved
disinterestedly, coarsely and selfless.
Love was for her everyone while
He gravily and stubbornly went to his goal:
receiving nobility
Achieving material well-being ...

Not to compromise a girl fet
it was supposed to part with her.
"I don't get married to Lazich," he writes to a friend.
"And she knows it, and meanwhile begins
do not interrupt our relationship.
She in front of me I cleaner snow ...
This unfortunate pride of the love knot,
or how do you want to name, which is the more
i unwind, the same tighten,
and I have no spirit and strength to cut the sword. "
Crashed life.

Soon the regiment is transferred to another place.
Fet departs on maneuvers, and in autumn
regiment Adjutant Fet to his question about
Mary heard an amazed friend:
"How! You do not know anything?! "
The interlocutor writes the poet, looked at him
wild look.
And, after a pause, seeing his perplexity,
"Why is it not! She died!
And, my God, how terrible! "
Terrible death really imagine yourself
It is difficult: a young woman burned down.

It happened so.
Father, old general Lazich, did not allow
daughters smoking, and Maria did it with an ear
staying alone.
"So, for the last time she lay in white
keene dress and, by building a cigarette,
threw, focusing on the book,
on the floor, the match that was considered extinct.
But the match that continued to burn, lit
slept on the floor dress, and girl
only then noticed that he was burning when
The right side was on fire.
Confused, she rushed around the rooms
to the balcony door, and hot slices
Dresses, torn, fell on parquet.
Thinking to find relief in clean air,
Maria ran to the balcony, but the wind jet
even more inflated the flame that
rose above the head ... "

Fet listened without interrupting, without blood
After forty years he is word in word
reproduces this terrible story
having completed them, in fact, their memories.

But there is another version of what happened.
Shortly after the fatal explanation with Fetom,
Maria, putting white dress - his favorite, -
He lit in the room with a hundred candles.
The room was flamed by light as Easter
Crossing, the girl dropped the burning
Match on the dress.
She was ready to become a mistress,
Cohabitant, dishwasher - anyone! -
Only it would not part with Fetom.
But he resolutely stated that never
does not marry a cape.
As the poet recognized, he "did not take into account
Women's Nature.
"It is assumed that it was suicide," -
I wrote our contemporary, poet E. Vinokurov.

Was it suicide?
If so, she killed himself so that
not make it difficult to live a loved one
not to allaches his conscience - so that burning
the match could seem random.
Burning, Maria shouted:
"In the name of the sky, take care of the letters!"
And died with the words:
"He is not guilty, I am guilty."
Letters that she begged to save -
These are Fetovo letters, the most expensive,
That she had ...
Letters have not been preserved.
Preserved poems feta that are better
all sorts of letters perpetuated their love.

Vainly privally and in vain
Your clean beam in front of me burned,
A mute enthusiastically walked himself
But the dusk did not overcome the circle.
Let Klyanut, worried and argue,
Let them say: That nonsense soul sick,
But I'm going on a phenomena of the sea
Beam, non-lying foot.
I carry your light through the earth's life,
He is mine - and with him double being
You handed you and I - I'm a celebration
Although your immortality is yours.

That he lost - Fet understood much later.
Then he just gave a tribute to
he was coming the service in the guard,
other concerns, goals ...
But the time will come - and the sore shadow is powerful
will take everything in what was denied alive
Mary Lazich.

Forty years later after these events of the patient,
The chopping old man is thinking about
what was the 20-year-old girl then calm

Long dreamed of cries of your screams, -
That was the voice of resentment, impotence of crying;
Long, for a long time I dreamed of that joyful moment,
I missed you - an unfortunate executioner.

Among the night raise him
then tears - the cries of sobs stand
in the ears.
Again and again flashes vision:
running flaming figure, lights up a torch
and pays the lines to be preserved
enter textbooks:

I do not want to believe! When in the steppe, like Divo,
In the full dark darkness, grief
Away in front of you transparently and beautiful
Stretched suddenly dawn.

And in this beauty, it was involuntarily impulsed,
In that magnificent shine for the dark whole limit -
Nut nothing whispered to you at that time:
There is a man burned out!

And ingenious:

Not life sorry with a tomitious breath,
What is life and death? And sorry the fire,
That spawned over the whole Mirozdan,
And in the night goes, and cries, leaving.

So did the love that once,
in Kherson wilderness, burned life
a practical army officer.
Maria Lazich devoted the most piercing
lines of famous "evening lights",
this swan song A.Feta.

And dream of me that you got out of the coffin,
The same as you flew off from the ground.
And dream, dream: we are also young,
And you glanced, as before I looked.

Fet, as we know, knew how to return taken away
fate: He returned the generic name,
status, returned and lost letters.
For what's like not letters a girl from Kherson
the steppes written on the slope of years
poetic messages?

The sun beam between the lip was also a zhug, and high,
Before the bench, you fucking brilliant sand,
I gave gold to dreams completely, -

I have long guess that we are the heart of the relatives,
That you gave your happiness for me
I rushed, I told about not our fault -
Nothing you all answered me.

I prayed, repeated that it is impossible to love us,
That last days we need to forget
That in the coming blooming all the rights of beauty, -
I didn't answer anything here.

All my life, until the end of the days of your Fet
i could not forget her.
The image of Mary Lazich in the halo is gullible
love and tragic focus before
Death inspired him.
Life drama from the inside, like underground
the key fifth his lyrics gave it
poems the head, sharpness and drama,
whom other disaggeted.
His poems are monologues to the dead.
beloved, passionate, sobbing,
executed repentance and spiritual

I filed a hand to me, asked: "Going?"
A little in my eyes I noticed two droplets of tears;
These sparks in the eyes and cold trembling
I am in the sleepless nights forever suffered.

But back to the poem
"Shiny night ..."

Shone night. Moon was full of garden. Lying
Rays from our legs in the living room without lights.
The piano was all revealed, and the strings in it
Like my hearts for your song.

You sang before dawn, in tears is exhausted,
That you are alone - love that no love is different
And so I wanted to live, so that, the sound is not rone,
Love you, hug and cry over you.

And many years have passed, tearing and boring,
And in the quiet night your voice I hear again,
And blows like then, in the sighs of these sonor
That you are alone - the whole life is that you are alone -

That there is no disorders of the fate and the heart of burning flour,
And there is no end of life, and there is no goal,
As soon as we believe in the sobbing sounds,
Love you, hug and cry over you!

The poem feta "shone the night"
inspired many composers.
One of the best romances wrote
Nikolai Shiryaev.

All writings in literature for the 10th grade team of authors

7. Analysis of the poem A. A. Feta "shone the night. Moon was full of garden. Lying ... "

The poem "shone the night ..." - one of the best lyrical works of feta. Moreover, it is one of the best samples of Russian love lyrics. The poem is dedicated to a young, charming girl who has entered the story not only thanks to the poem of Feta, he was one of the real prototypes of Tolstask Natasha Rostova. Feta poem is not a feeling of feta to the cute Tanechka Bers, but about high human love. Like all true poetry, Feta poetry generalizes and elevates, leads to universal - in a large human world. The poem "shone the night ..." in the perception of the reader turns out to be simultaneously with the memory. Each word of the poem speaks the reader about a familiar and close - and speaks beautiful, as if unknown words. In the lyrical poems of Feta, the unfamiliar, the only and unique event is felt as familiar as close to you, perhaps, even formerly and with you. This feeling is one of the secrets of the special, joyful and high impact, which produces a poem to the reader. In the poem, two main topics are love and art. Many poems of Feta are written on these topics, it can even be said that most of his poems. In the lyrical play "Night shine ..." These threads are merged together. Love for Feta is the most beautiful in human life. And art is the most beautiful. Poem - about doubly beautiful, about the most complete beauty. The poem is written with a six-power yamb - one of the favorite sizes of the poet. It helps here to create not only a common musical tone, but also very flexible, with alive transitions and movement, free speech, free story. In part, this is obtained due to the pauses that arise not in one permanent place, but in different places are here, then there, as in a living, bright emotional speech. As a result, the poetic story about the strong and living sense of life is fulfilled. The work is very picturesque, and very musical. One feta is closely related to another. The image of the image helps him be picturesque. Surprisingly on bright expressiveness and audience, visibility is already the beginning of the poem. That picture that opens a lyrical play, tangible feelings and unforgettable. We see a darkened hotel and for its windows the garden is full of night freshness, lunar light and radiance. And you hear music, the more amazing and striking our imagination, what about music in the first stanza directly does not say anything. But it is said about the piano: "The piano was all revealed, and the strings trembled in it ..." In this way, we see not only the piano himself, but also hear the sounds that come from it. Wonderful Fetovo image affects us not only directly, but also indirectly. The poet draws an item and, pushing our imagination, makes us see and hear what is connected with him. We ourselves heard that, the poet did not tell us about it - and we are grateful to him that he made such a miracle: he made us hear, helped us without direct verbal designations. Fetovo image affects the reader with the help of the special sound of words. Its poems are particularly powerful attached to the combination of words, combinations of vowels and consonants, alliteration, internal consonants. Sound repetitions are present in the poem:

Shone night. Moon was full of garden. Lying

Rays from our legs ...

The poem "shine night ...", like many poems of feta, is characterized by the strength of tone and the harmony of the composition. One follows from the other, the subsequent continues and develops the previous one. The lyric story is increasing: the feeling increases. This kind of poems produce a particularly strong impression. Poems accurately accelerate, internally incubated - and accordingly hesitated, becomes stronger than the response reader. Poems infect the reader with each new word and new stuff more and more. Words in the Fetovo poem - moving; The movement of words and sounds is strictly in one direction - to lyrical outcome:

That there is no disorders of the fate and the heart of burning flour,

And there is no end of life, and there is no goal,

As soon as we believe in the sobbing sounds,

Love you, hug and cry over you ...

The last four lines of verse are musical, emotional, and semantic completion of the poem. This is the last and highest point of the lyrical plot. And this is glory and beautiful in life, and beautiful in art.

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Feta Feta Lights "Russia ... fette." Seventy more than a year ago, a literary critic, whose biography, now even and encyclopedia, is remembered, and Beditte, burns everyone who is thinking about the fate and heritage of the great Lyrics.

This poem refers to Late Creativity A.A. Feta, as it was written in the late summer of 1877. There is one beautiful story that has formed the basis of the work. At the music evening, the poet heard songs performed by Tatiana Bers. And it was the beginning of his enthusiastic attitude towards the young girl. Tatiana became not just a muse for the poet, she awakened the strong feelings in his heart, about which he was not embarrassed, boldly, told in the poem.

This work can be attributed to the love romantic lyrics. In the life of the poet there was a place for real sincere feelings. Memories of them bought it all life. And often Feth with Eustice told about them in his works. Here, as in this poem, it is told about the meeting of the hero with a girl who conquered him with his singing. Years passed, and these two people met again. Did they carry these feelings unchanged through time? Again the sounds of music are enveloped by their beauty and attractive force. Again the moon, looking into the garden, gives people magic of feelings.

The author makes himself the chief hero of Elegy, a first-person story story. The poem is more like a monologue, in which the poet remembers his meeting with a girl under the sounds of music. The event unfolds in the garden, and the Moonlight is the only witness to the emerging feelings, strengthening the desire of lovers to admit this. But this does not happen, then fate gives another chance and a new date that happened in many years. Did the beloved Hero changed? This is not said about this. The main thing is that it matters is that feelings remained the same.

These two meetings share poems into two parts. The first two stains are devoted to acquaintance, follow-up to continue history. And everywhere there is a background landscape sketch. And the fabulousness of the whole occurring attached by the author with the help of a stylistic figure, Oxymorone. Describing the first date, the poet uses inversion, alliteration, the sound "l" repeating, transmits the softness and lightness of the lunar light.

The third and fourth stanza are filled with the symmetry of perception by the reader of the beloved, her singing, the lunar light, as if in this, the love and meaning of life was concluded. There is also an alliteration of sound "sh". Weathem usual for the author, create the main motive of the work. A six-star jamb with cross-rhymes, where male and female rhymes alternate, give melodiousness, as if it is a romance.

(Perception, interpretation, evaluation.)

The poem "shone the night. Moon was full of garden. Lied ... "- one of the lyrical masterpieces A. A. Feta. Created on August 2, 1877, it was inspired by singing T. A. Kuzminskaya (sife of Sophia Andreevna Tolstoy), which described this episode in his memoirs. The work opens a whole cycle of poems in the collection "Evening lights", which Fet called "melodies". Of course, it is not by chance. The poem is really written in the romance and song, unusually musical. The poet believed that beauty is the main idea of \u200b\u200blyrics - is not expressed in the lines, not in sophisticated words, but first of all "sounds thin." It means that one of the most important characteristics of poetry should be melodious.

The musicality of this work is achieved by repeats at different levels of poetic text. So, in the lyrical syntax there are anphors (and ... and ... that ... that ...) parallel structures within the stanza ("that you are alone - the whole life is that you are alone - love; but there is no end to life, and there is no one else." ... ). Fet compares the words close to the sound composition - "sighs of sonorous" - reducing additional semantic and emotional "overtones". Here are used phonetic techniques of association (repeat sounds [a], [o]), alliterations (repeated sound [P] in the line "The piano was all opened and the strings were trembling in it").

The composition of the poem also contributes to its melody. In this lyrical monologue, the author uses the rings. In the line "love you, hug and cry over you," which frails the work, Fet expresses the main feelings of the hero: delight and worship before the strength of vocal art.

Of course, the music of the poem is dictated by his topic. After all, this work is not only about love and about nature, it is primarily about wonderful singing, about a voice that gives rise to many bright experiences:

Shone night. Moon was full of garden. Lying

Rays from our legs in the living room without lights.

The piano was all revealed, and the strings trembled in it,

Like my hearts for your song.

You sang before dawn, in tears is exhausted,

That you are alone - love that no love is different

And so I wanted to live, so that, the sound is not rone,

Love you, hug and cry over you.

Fet does not depict a certain landscape or interior, but everything merges in his beautiful harmony. The poet creates a holistic dynamic picture in which visible, and auditory, tangible, and sensual appear immediately appear. A generalization and combination of images of nature, love, music help the poet to express all the completeness of the joy of the perception of being.

Pooh autobiographical. His lyrical hero - Fet itself.

In this work, it is described about how the poet is experiencing two meetings with the beloved, between which - the long separation. But Fet does not draw a portrait of a beloved woman with a single stroke, does not follow all changes of their relationship and its condition. He fixes only the trembling feeling that covers it under the impression of her singing:

And many years have passed, tearing and boring,

And blows like then, in the sighs of these sonor

What are you alone - the whole life is that you are alone - love.

The feeling itself is also difficult to describe in words. The lyrical hero conveys the uniqueness, depth and complexity of its experiences using the "global" metaphor in the last row.

This poem is once again convinced us in the fact that only art can truly reflect a person, clean the soul, to liberate and enrich it. Enjoying a wonderful work, whether music, painting, poetry, we forget about all our problems and failures, be distracted from everyday bustle. The human soul all opens towards beauty, dissolves in it and thus acquires strength to live on: believe, hope, love. This writes fet in the last stanza. The magic voice of the singer frees the lyrical hero from the "disorders of the destiny and the heart of burning flour," presenting new horizons:

And there is no end of life, and there is no goal,

As soon as we believe in the sobbing sounds,

Love you, hug and cry over you!

Speaking about the lyrical character of the poem, the author involuntarily affected the theme of the Creator, his mission. The voice of the singer, awakened in the hero of the whole range of feelings, sounds so delightful, because the heroine is given to his lesson, and herself fascinated by magic of music. At the time of the performance of the song, it should be, it seems to her that there is nothing more important in the world than these wonderful sounds than the feelings invested in the work. Forget about everything, except for creativity - here is the share of the true creator: the poet, artist, musician. This is also stated in the work.

The poem "shone the night. Moon was full of garden. Lied ... "strikes the diversity of the themes, depth and brightness of images, extraordinary melodiousness, as well as its idea that, in my opinion, is in an amazing painting of the author to convey the beauty of art and the world inclusted.

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