Begonia Study room care at home. Why does not bloom begonia

Garden technique 16.06.2019
Garden technique

Then when Begonia has gross pot Summer 20-15, in winter - at least 15 When will die upper layer lands in winter - even less often In severe heat, only for smooth species Lighted window sills, but not in the sun Do not transfer from place to place


This plant loves the bright light, but at the same time does not tolerate the straight rays of the sun. Therefore, choose a place for begonias is difficult. It is best to keep it on the most lit windowsill, but not in the sun.

In the summer, the begonia needs to be dialed or put at a short distance from the window.

The blooming instances requires more light, and decorative-deciduous views can be kept with multiple lighting in a light half.


Begonia is very demanding to room temperature. She suffer severe heat.

Comfortable for it is the temperature range from 20 to 24 ° C. In winter, for this thermal-loving plant, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of at least 15 ° C.

An increase in air temperature up to 30 ° C and higher leads to a strong slowdown in the growth and absence of flowering. Also affects the begonia decrease in temperature below 15 ° C. The temperature below 5 ° C leads to damage to the leaves of the plant and their elimination.

Fudge types of begonia need cold wintering. Their tubers are digging and stored in a dark room at a temperature of 5-7 ° C. After the end of the rest period in the spring they germinate them. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of about 18 ° C.

In summer, begonias are grown on open. With the onset of warm weather, they are taken out to open air during the day, and take the night for the night. They are finally carried to the loggia, when the night temperature will be installed at least 15 ° C.


When leaving the begonia, you need to follow the land in which it grows, never swam. But it cannot be poured, because the stagnation of the water very quickly causes the platform and the death of the plant. Before watering the begonia should dry up the top layer of the Earth.

Water should not fall on the leaves and shoots

In winter, watering slightly reduce. When watering, water should not fall on the leaves and shoot the plant. Studge types need to create a period of rest. At this time, their tubers are placed in a peat mixture and do not watered.

If the soil in the pot is still completely dry, the plant can still be saved. But it is necessary to pour it in this case immediately. Begonia when drying the bed of land is watered with dipping pot into the water for 2/3. After 0.5 hours, it is removed, and the water is merged.

You can not water the flower with cold water. In summer heat, water for watering should have the temperature of the ambient air. And in winter it is advisable to water the plant with warm water. Its temperature should be 2-3 ° C above the air temperature in the room. Water for watering should be defended within 2-3 days.

The soil

For active growth of begonias, a fertile and at the same time light earthy mixture is required. It should be well to pass moisture so that the water is not stood.

Optimal is such a composition of soils: 2 parts sheet land, peat, humid and very large river sand - 1 part.

Instead of sand, you can use baking powers: vermiculite or perlite. These additives prevent solaring soil.

Suitable land for begonia can be bought in a flower shop. You need to take a universal soil mixture with the addition of peat.

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Feed begonias, depending on the species, liquid complex fertilizers for flowering or refinery. Begin feeding during the start of active growth in late April.

Fertilizers are bred by water and bring in wet soil 2 times a month. With the beginning of the fall, the feeder is gradually reduced and finished by mid-October.

Extractive and tuber species at the beginning of active growth in spring 1 time are fed by nitrogen fertilizers. This makes the plants to raise the leaf mass rapidly. This use ammonium nitrate or liquid fertilizers for decorative-deciduous plants. Next, perform feeding only fertilizers for flowering plants with high content Potassium and phosphorus.

Types of Begonia S. decorative leaves Always feed only liquid fertilizers for deciduous plants. Specialized fertilizers can be used for these species.


Tropical begonias in their homeland are growing at high humidity, so in the apartment they need to create similar conditions.

Regular watering of begonias and spraying will help support the desired air humidity..

Often the begonia pot is placed in a wide tray with clay and large sand, which should always be slightly wet, but not wet. It helps to moisten the air around the plant.

In the heat of Begonia needs spraying, but it is necessary to do it very carefully. Water getting into the leaves is transferred only plants with smooth leaves, types with sutured sheet plates cannot be sprayed, but only spraying the water near the plant for humidification.


Do not transfer begonia from place to place

In order for this demanding plant to bloom well and grow up, you need to know some of the features of care.

Begonia loves stable conditions, and poorly transfers their change. Even to transfer it to another room is not recommended to avoid disease or even death.

Drafts can be destructive for begonia. Therefore, the pot with this flower needs to be installed where the air movement will be minimal, and when ventilating the room to cover the plant.

Decorative and deciduous species can grow throughout the year, and blooming varieties We need resting period. At this time, watering them is reduced, and the tuber varieties do not watered at all.

Trim / support / garter

Behind the appearance of Begonias should be careful, cutting off the fading the old leaves.

Before tringing the begonia, you need to carefully inspect the plant on the violence of diseases and pests.

BUT funny Becamia with the onset of autumn you need to delete new budsSo that the plant can form tubers and prepare for the rest period.

The garter is necessary only to tall varieties so that their shoots do not break under their own weight. For this, the backups are installed and the plant is tied to them.

For formation decorative bush Begonias must be trimmed. This is done in spring before the intensive vegetation of the plant begins.

Conduct pruning only some types of begonias. Decoratively deciduous views are usually not cut into generally, as they have very short and thick shoots. Street cuts in pruning also do not need. Begonia ELATIOR cut slightly, while removing only the tops of its powerful and sufficiently short shoots. Significant trimming is exposed only to the eternal bleeding.

Extracting Begonia has long enough and thin shoots. It is cut to stimulate branching and forming lush coucasting. At the same time remove all elongated and weak shoots. Powerful and sufficiently long branches are shortened by half.

When trimming, only a sharp garden knife uses. It is impossible to use scissors, as they are badly damaged shoots, which then quickly get down. All sections are treated with chopped activated carbon.


The most common diseases of the begonia are gray rot and mildew. The reason for their occurrence becomes excessive moisturizing of the soil and increased humidity. These fungal are visible on the leaves in the form of gray and white plaque. To combat them you need to remove the affected areas.

Gray rot is destroyed by the processing of fungicide. In the fight against pulmonary dew, 1% solution of colloidal sulfur, which spray the plant.

Consider the diseases of Begonias and their treatment.

The begonia is affected by the red web tick and a word, which settled on the back of her leaves.

After 2 weeks, processing is repeated for the complete destruction of harmful insects.


Sometimes due to improper care, the plant loses decorativeness, which signals the beginning problems. In this case, the errors must be eliminated in as soon as possibleBecause Begonia is very capricious and often dies even with the slightest errors in care.

If on the leaves of the plant, brown spots were formed and darkened flowers, it says about the fall of water. It is necessary to reduce the humidity in the room, and in the future it is more careful to water and spray the plant.

Lack of moisture causes the disappearance of leaves and buds. And if the leaves are twisted and dry is a sign of pest attack.

If the sunlight burns on the plant, burns in the form of light dry spots are inevitable. With a lack of illumination of the color of the leaves pale, the plant does not bloom.


Plants can be multiplied with stalling, cuttings are well root like leafy and top.

The cuttings are cut in May or early June. Their length should not be less than 7-8 cm. Root them in water or immediately planted into the ground.

When disembarking into the ground, the stalk is better to cover glass jar , And the land under it is moderately wet. It is possible to reproduce the division of the bush when transplanting the plant.

Tube varieties breed seeds. They are sown in winter in the ground for begonias. Seeds in these plants are small, so they should not be sprinkled with the earth. Water the soil of their pulvizer. The first shoots appear in 2 weeks. As they grow, they are picked several times, and then planted in separate pots.


Capricious Begonia poorly tolerates a transplant, so it is done only when it has grown the old pot.

When rooting the roots of the begonia should be transplant immediatelyCleaning root system From the old earth and removing all rotten parts.

Healthy plants in order not to injure the root system, transplant the transshipment in April or early May.

Pot take more than 1-1.5 cm in diameter. High take should not be taken, because natural ventilation of the soil is hampered.

The drainage layer needs to make a thickness of at least 3 cm from broken brick or clay. The plant is very careful remove from the old pot, installed in a new one, and in the edges poured fresh land.

Begonia Change at home after purchase

After buying a begonia, it is necessary to transplant from the transport pot in a permanent one. Also, the transplant is carried out because the soil in which the plant is planted is very different from the soil, which will be used to be used to transplant. Therefore, it is desirable to place a plant into a new primer mixture as soon as possible to adapt.

Immediately after buying, the plant is not recommended. We need to wait 1-2 weeks so that it is accustomed to the terms of the apartment. If the blooming begonia is bought, it is necessary to wait until the end of flowering.

Replanted recommended with partial soil replacement. The plant is removed from the pot and slightly shake the roots. You can not wash the root system from the old soil or try to shook it all. So you can damage the roots of begonias, which after the transplant will quickly start rotting. Part of the old earthen coma should remain on the roots.

Description of the form and varieties

All types of begonias that are grown in enclosed premisesare divided into decorative-blooming and decorative deciduous. The decorative and flowering includes the following varieties:

  • Begonia eternal;
  • Begoniaball Begonia;
  • Begonia Elasty.

There are the following decorative deciduous species:

  • Begonia Royal;
  • Begonia Bauer;
  • Begonia Mason.

Begonia eternal - Decorative semi-station. In nature reaches a height of 0.5 m, the apartment is usually even less. It has a thick branched stem and smooth leaves of a simple form. Small flowers Collected in inflorescences on long blooms. Her flowers are various shades: White, pink, salmon and red.

There are many varieties of ever-flowing begonias with semi-world and terry flowers.

Begonia Togonya - blooming appearance forming an underground tuber. Its leaves have an asymmetrical shape, stems are low and fleshy. It has surprisingly beautiful and long flowering. Here are some of the popular grades of the tubegon:

  • "ARLECIN";
  • "Marmorata";
  • "Skarlet".

Begonia Elathior - a perennial compact plant, different lush blossom. Forms flowers in winter. Several varieties of this type:

  • "Schwabenland";
  • "Annebell";
  • "Piccora".

Royal Royal It has a short, fleshy and strong branched stem. Large and velvety leaves are attached to him on long stiffs. A lot of royal begonia varieties with patterned leaves of various shades are derived:

  • "Snail" has twisted bizarre leaves;
  • "Cleopatra" is characterized by black-velvet carved leaves;
  • "Griffin" - grade with carved motley sheets.

Begonia Bauer or Tiger - A small in height of herbal look. It has short and branched stems. Sheet plates are rounded, asymmetrical, with a toothed edge. The length of the sheet is not more than 7 cm. The bush looks very magnificent and decorative.

Begonia- Very beautiful decorative plant, differently not only large bright flowerssimilar to rosettes, but also unusual leaves With a velvety surface, with an intricate pattern, with a motley color. These luxury flowers have won wide popularity both among our gardeners and amateurs indoor species Plants. Often it can be found in the description of such terms as beautiful combating and decorative bonus species, although these definitions are very conditional, since among the varieties are found luxury plants With large beautiful flowers and elegant large bright color leaves with an unusual pattern. To date, breeders brought thousands of species, subspecies and varieties of begonias for both garden decoration and growing at home.

To one of the most popular species among inexperienced novice flowerflowers can be attributed to the hybrids of royal begonia and tube begonia, which are not too demanding in home care and belong to unpretentious plants. Below you find detailed information How to properly organize the care of these indoor plants at home.

In addition to popular kinds of royal (Rex) and tube geranium, specialists allocate the following groups in the classification of these home plants: decorative-deciduous, ampel, bush, ever-flowing, thick-standing.
If you treat yourself to novice flowes and are going to grow by the cultivation of Begonia at home, we advise you to pay attention to the begonia of the tuber, the care of which does not take much time and is quite simple. Landing the shoot of a tubebegon or a small tuber with small sprouts into a substrate for growing an adult plant does not represent any difficulties, so it is not necessary to buy an already rooted ripe flower. We will tell you how to properly land a stalk or a begonia club, as then to care for a rooted plant, how to deal with diseases and pests.

During the flowering period of the begonia, you will enjoy the amazingly beautiful flowers with terry petals. The palette of the coloring of flowers of this type of homemade begonia is very diverse and among the varieties of this room plant you will definitely find suitable for decorating the interior of your room. By the way, blooming begonias look very advantageously against the background of such indoor plants with an unusual form, like Ficus Benjamin in the form of a tree (very similar to the topiary) or marginat drazes with elongated palm trees, and also form an interesting composition with such plants from the Tolstank family, like calangean Blooming or tree-like Crassus (money tree). Some hotel lovers grow unpretentious homemade begonias in the suspended pots or in wicker porridge for flowers, which is an interesting find for modern phytodizain. In addition to the tongue or royal begonia for the formation of a flower arrangement in a phytodizain, you can recommend such home species like B. Multiple (BEGONIA FOLIOSA), B. Luxury (Begonia Luxurians Scheidw), B. Rakinoliste (BEGONIA Conchaifolia), B. Mason (BEGONIA MASONIANA IRMSCH). You can create a gorgeous composition of only one begonia, distinguishing plants in color and the form of leaves, as well as color gamma Flowers.

♦ What is important!

Location and lighting.

It is advisable to place a home begonia on the outdoor setting for flowers from the east side or southwestern - closer to the window. If you can, then in the winter it is desirable to rearrange the plant on the windows on the south side. In order for in a hot summer, the leaves of Begonias did not get burns from direct sunlight, it is necessary to darken a little window glass film or parchment paper to fall dissipated on the plant sunlight. It is worth noting that, unlike the bush and ampel species, the royal and tubing varieties of begonia are less demanding of constant sunlight.

Temperature mode.

Begonia will feel comfortable at a temperature of 19-25 ° C in summer time (The most optimal option is 20-23 ° C). In the autumn-winter season, the room temperature 17-23 ° C will allow the plant healthy and hardy plant. However, do not allow lower temperatures below 14 ° C for a long time.

Air humidity.

Begonia loves high humidity (over 60%), but also a moderate moisture level (50-60%) plant tolerates perfectly. The main problem is to regulate the humidity level in the heating season. If in the room where Begonia is located, dry air, then we recommend to take the following actions: Pour in a wide pallet clayzite, put a pot on the stand and regularly moisturize the clay; You can also place a pot in Cachepo, to the bottom of which pour gravel (which is also able to moisturize); If there is an opportunity, then install the air humidifier next to the plant. It is not desirable to spray the begonia, since then ugly spots appear on the leaves brown color (But it can be sprayed with water from the pulverizer next to the plant without falling on it).


For watering plants, use soft water, resistant for several days. In the summer, water the begonia abundantly, and the whole water flowing through the drainage water from the pallet. The frequency of the irrigation is simply adjustable: periodically check the soil dryness - if the land dried to a pair of centimeters to the depth, the time of another irrigation occurred. It should be noted that the tuber geranium does not need watering in winter, since at this time the period of active growth is completed and the plant falls into the hibernation. In winter, it is recommended to place tuber species in peat.

Landfast and feeding.

You can prepare a substrate for growing homemade begonias yourself. To do this, on the bottom of the flower pot, you need to pour a bit of coarse sand, then up to half sheet soiland then - a mixture of chernozem and peat (1: 1). Purchased landless is also quite suitable for Begonias.

If your begonia blooms in winter, then you can feed the plant during the entire period of flowering by phosphoric fertilizers no more than once every two weeks. In the spring-summer period, it is necessary to feed the indoor plant with a weak solution of mineral fertilizers once in 8-10 days. Decorative and deciduous types of homemade begonia from October to March do not feed at all.


Transplancing Begonia only if the root system has grown much, filling out almost the entire pot. The best time for transplant is the middle of spring. Very neatly need to pull out the flower of the pot, clean the roots and for about 20 minutes to place the plant into a weak solution of manganese. After that, we cut the rotten roots with a sharp knife and process sections of chopped wood coal. Sit begonia in pot bigger size with prepared landless. Begonia is coming in a new pot about 4-5 weeks (tuber or royal faster - in 2-3 weeks). During this period, the plant must often watered, placing away from direct sunlight.


Pruning should be performed with a sharp knife immediately over the escape directed to the outer side or immediately over the kidney. Up to the start of the growth period, the frequency of irrigation after trimming of the begonia should be reduced. The bush types of begonia are cut strong enough, as they are well drawn and grow actively. Crimping with thick-standing species is performed in rare cases in order to give the plant desired form. You can shorten the top of ampel species to stimulate the branch of the side shoots. Domestic Begonias and Royal Hybrids (Rex) in pruning do not need.


Many types of begonia are famous for abundant blossoms and please the eyes with beautiful flowers of a wide variety of shades. For example, a gorgeous tubering of Eversrest varieties is famous due to its large flowers reaching in diameter 30 cm. Usually, the flowering period of begonias begins in the summer and ends late in the fall. Some species bloom in winter and even throughout the year!


Shining. Many types of homemade bending are well multiplied with cuttings. Typically, a length of 8-10 cm with several leaves is cut into early spring, processes the location of the cut-off with chopped charcoal and plant in a container with landless (peat and river sand in the ratio of 1: 1). Watering the cuttings it is necessary occasionally and very carefully, since the roots can draw from an excess of humidity.
Tubers.The best option for breeding the tubegon. Before boarding the tubing, the begonias are divided into pieces of a sharp knife and pour sections of sawmills of charcoal. It is necessary to cut the tuber so that on each individual part there were several kidneys for the growth of shoots. After this part of the tuber is planted into the prepared land and very occasionally watered with soft water.
Seeds. Grow begonias from seeds is quite painstaking work, requiring professional skills and experience. Usually, breeders are engaged in this, which must be preserved and fix the varietal signs of a particular type of begonia.

♦ Common diseases:

Ring spot.
Signs: At first, concentric lines of light green color appear on the leaves, which over time turn into necrosis - bronze formations. What should be taken: usually, houseplants (Russian, decorative-deciduous, hybrid royal types of begonias) infect pests, sucking juices (TRIPS, TLI and other carriers of tomato virus). Therefore, first of all it is necessary to get rid of pests on your plants. Begonias affected by annular spotting should be destroyed.

Bacterial spot.
Signs: Watery spots appear on the underside of the leaf plate of the begonia, which turn into vitreous translucent education.
What should be taken: The affected plant is destroyed, and the remaining copies should be sprayed with a 5% suspension of Copper Suspension Some time in two weeks to prevent the disease.

Gray rot.
Signs: On the leaves, the topless shoots and flowers of the decorative plant appear watery stains with a sulfur colors, and then they turn into mocking formations caused by fungus Botritis. In inflorescences there may be mucus, the leaves are folded and noticeably darkened, and the stalks become brittle.
What should be taken: Spray all the plant with a solution of the household soap (20 gr) with copper vigor (2-3 gr) in 1 liter of soft water. If the procedure does not help, then it is necessary to spray a begonia with a 1% solution of Fundazola.

♦ Common pests:

Signs: The tops of the shoots are deformed, the leaves are twisted, a medical dew (sticky selection) appears.
What should be taken: Processing the whole plant with a solution of economic soap, closing the soil with a waterproof film.

Signs: Pale or light brown convex stains of the oblong shape, which can be easily scolded with a leaf plate. You can detect on the bottom of the sheet along the residents.
What should be taken: Treat plant insecticide (actar or accuters).

Cobbled tick.
Signs: on the bottom side of the sheet can be detected thin cobwebthat entangle different sites Sheet plate.
What should be taken: If the web is enough enough, then you can simply treat the plant with soapy solution, and the next day you wash it under the warm shower. With a strong damage, it is desirable to treat begonia insecticide.

♦ 5 useful tips:

In hot summertime, watering their home begonia in the afternoon is dangerous, as the procedure can lead to burns on the leaves and weakening the root system (when the water falls into the soil heated by the sun). The best way For the summer period - water a plant with warm water (room temperature) in the early morning;

If Begonia is still very young, then to strengthen and normal development you can spray with epinoma or zircon;

During the heating season, more often carry out the room and regularly moisturize the air;

Try to water flowering begonia Very neat, not to fall with water on buds and flowers. This can lead to cottage and falling plant flowers.

♦ Answers to frequently asked questions of novice flowerflowers:

Question: Why did the fool's begonia be shriveling and falling out the leaves?
Answer:The most common causes are unbalanced irrigation (taking into account the current season), as well as constant dryness of air. Sometimes the leaves of Begonia are falling due to the activity of pests, sucking juice from the leaves.

Question: Why is an adult room begonia (on shooting more than 6 knees) still not blooms?
Answer: Most likely, you too often add feeding or fertilizer composition is not quite correct. During the flowering period, the proportion N: P: K should be 1: 1: 1. Another possible reasons for the delay in the flowering period are constant drafts, too low (or very high) room temperature, constantly dry air.

Question: Why on my terry begonia began to appear neahn flowers ordinary shape?
Answer: This is a normal phenomenon. The fact is that at different times for terry begonia there are female pestle flowers of ordinary shape and men's sticky - terry. After a while, your Begonia will bloom with terry flowers. By the way, female pestle flowers you can delete to " terry blossom"It was plentiful.

♦ Begonia home. Photo of species, titles:

♦ Video. How to care for begonia at home:

Begonia is tuberous - planting a tuber in the prepared ground.

Among the entire variety of colors on the windowsill is a real queen looks like begonia. The plant with beautiful abundant flowers for about 200 years ago began to grow in our area. But it was described much earlier - back in the XVII century. And this man did, in honor of which the flower later was called - Michel Beyon. Today, the begonia is grown not only on the windowsill and in the oranges. Some varieties of the plant exceed the winter and can be grown in the gardens and street flower beds.

Begonia refers to the genus, which is considered one of the most numerous begonia families. In total, this kind is charged about 1000 plants that grow in high-mountainous territories, as well as in tropical forests, and for them, as is known, high humidity is characteristic.

Most plant species are found in South America. But there is this beautiful flower and in Sri Lanka, India, Himalayas, in the western part of the African continent.

For begiconies are characterized by diverse flowers, which differ in Siegomorphy, that is, they have an incorrect form. The perianth usually has a bright color.

Fudge Begonia has large flowersReaching sometimes 15 cm, and the eternal-drying - small (2-3 cm). The fruit of begonias are boxes that are cracking on the seams and throw out very small seeds of orange yellow.

Today there is no single accepted classification of Begonias. In the literature, the plants are divided by different qualities. So, some allocate decorative-blossoming species and varieties, as well as decoratively deciduous. Others share begonias to roots. Accordingly, the begonias are highlighted with tubephic, rhizons, with superficial roots.

But you can select the most common types of plants living both in rooms and greenhouses and in the gardens. They, in turn, are also divided into different varieties.


There is a view from the east side of India. This plant It is considered one of the most beautiful in its kind. On its basis, not one decorative-deciduous variety and other hybrids were brought.

Begonia Royal has thickened rhizomes, and its leaves are large, smooth or with weak downsion. Their shape of the heart-shaped, has gentle uneven edges, asymmetric.

The outline of the leaves is decorated with a crimson stripe, or red-purple, sometimes brown line. Some hybrids have leaves with almost black coloring and raspberry stains. Flowers in the plants are not obvious, have pink color.

This type includes such varieties: Silver Greenhart, Cartagena, Hallelujah, Ivaning Gloa, etc.


A plant having a shape of a small bustle, which grows up to 60 cm. Soots from him a reprehension in youth, when reaching maturity, they become ampel. For the species are characteristic of a slightly pubescent round leaves, sizes of about 6 cm.

The color of this species is not too diverse - dark, there is a bright green, there is a reddish hue.

Extracting Begonia is terrible and simple. Its palette does not include a lot of shades - pink, red and white. Size - up to 2.5 cm, inflorescences are not distinguished by a long life, prone to rapid fading, but immediately replaced by others. With high-quality care and lighting, this begonia can also bloom in winter.

Main varieties: Bicola, Carmen, Gustav Knajak, Orama.


This species It is considered very bright, it can also be called abundantly blooming. These plants are hybrids. They have long gained considerable popularity and are pets of flower water.

It grows up to 40 cm in height. The stem has meaty, thick. The leaves are the heart-shaped, the edges are cut, and the size is about 8 cm. From above, the leaves are glossy, smooth bright green.

And their inner side is brighter, matte. Flowers appear on sufficiently long bloomrs collected by them in inflorescences.

The most popular varieties: Louise, Rosa, Renaissance, Piccore.

How to grow begonia ELATOR: video


This species can be seen more often on balconies, beautiful terraces or in gardens. Soothes from a plant diluted, they are descending with cascades and have many flowers. These plants are planted in Kashpo, as well as suspended pots Or baskets.

The species is represented by varieties with terry flowers, there are also denominations, semi-world varieties. The palette includes yellow, pink, red and other colors, as well as a variety of combinations. Flowers are different sizes.

Varieties that are often found: Roxana, Gale, Kati, Christie.


This species is also quite popular, in most due to abundant and long blossom. Plant is a perennial, forming tubers. Flowers remind of camellia or roses. They are pink, red, orange, purple and other shades. As for the size, the view includes flowers from large to small, they can be terry and simple.

How to plant a tube begonia: video

Rooms of begonia are because there are pets among the flower water, that they are distinguished by unpretentiousness. Begonia does not require any difficult conditions created. It is also sufficiently resistant to diseases, pests.

Caring for this plant special troubles Will not deliver. But still, it must be competent, otherwise the plant will disappear.

If you adhere to temperature mode, Rules of watering and lighting, then Begonia will be well-groomed, neat and can always rejoice with his sophistication.

Most of all, windows are suitable for growing, which look at the west or east. As for the temperature, the optimal is considered to be +18 0 s, although the begonia can well tolerate air and warmer, especially in the summer months.

Since the plant comes from the tropics, it loves wet air. But from spraying on the leaves of begonias can appear non-welltic brown spots. Therefore, in the winter, when the air dries heating, the pots with this flower can be put in pallets with a wet clay.

It is important to remember that decorative bendies do not tolerate close. This must be taken into account, placing vases. The plant needs ventilating, although absolutely does not tolerate drafts. From them it fades, resets the leaves and flowers.

Watering begonia needs moderately, but carefully follow the soil. It is much more important not watering, but sufficient air humidity. More moisture Plant requires in summer heat. But you need to trace so that the water is not stored in the roots.

It is best suited to accumulating water, just not a cold - room temperature. Special attention should be paid to the tuber species. There are no need to water them in the winter.

Fertilizers must periodically make a begonia look beautiful and healthy. Under the decorative and blooming species useful material It is necessary since the appearance of buds. Next - 2 times in 30 days. Use a comprehensive substance for flowering plants.

When the ovary is formed, substances can be made containing potassium and phosphorus ("bloom", "marking"). As for nitrogen fertilizers, they are only needed for decorative deciduous species.

Begonia loves a lot of light, especially blooming species. But in the heat it is worth pronuiting the plant so that it does not receive burns. But the decorative-deciduous varieties prefer light scattered.

Most flowering species Begonias throw flowers in summer. Some are continuously pleasing to their flowers - all year. Tuber sometimes bloom in autumn periodBut such buds need to turn it out so that the plant is not exhausted. If in water for watering add organic fertilizers, then the flowers will be lush and more attractive.

In general, Begonia does not need to form. Nevertheless, if for some reason the plant lost beautiful viewIt can be trimmed, leaving only 4-5 cm of height. After that, side kidneys will grow, new and more active growth will begin.

Begonia Change is needed if the flower needs a larger pot. It is not difficult to guess this: the roots begin to hang out of drain holes. But you need to transplant the flower. It is done in early spring.

The land can be taken from the store or prepare from peat, leaf land, chernozem. Drainage can be made of simple sand. Immediately before transplanting, the plant is removed, cleaned from the ground.

Then the root system is lowered into a solution of manganese. When disinfection is over, you need to trim the roots that died out.

Immediately after transplantation, the plant should be watered more often. Young Begonias are easily transferred to the transplant procedure. But mature have many fragile leaves and may suffer. Therefore, often begonias after the achievement of the three-year-old age are divided into parts during transplantation.

How to plant ampel begonia: video


There are several ways to breeding begonias. This division of a bush, shilling and reproduction with stem, as well as seeds. Which method to choose, often depends on the type of plant.


So, the begonia of the tuber can multiply only by seeds or tubers. This species is propagated as follows. Spring tubers need to get and cut with a knife. Each particle must have at least one escape or at least a kidney, as well as its roots. After processing sections, the tubers can be displeased with the pots.


To multiply begonia seeds, they need to be placed in a container with sand and earth. With moderate watering, you can get young plants, but you have to wait - it is a long process. Seeds germinate warm and under good light, the pots are covered with film to shoots.

You can dive begonia after the appearance of 3-4 sheets. Already after 50-60 days, plants can be planted in separate pots. By the way, in the first year, young begonia can be blooming under the condition of good lighting.


A very simple vegetative method of breeding breeding is shirt. The cuttings are cut from the plant, they must have at least 3-4 sheets. All sections should be treated with coal.

Pots with cuttings need to be put in place where there is a lot of light and heat, but there is no direct sunlight. It is important to provide moderate watering, after grazing the soil for 1-2 cm. The rooting is carried out in water, where the roots appear in about a month.


It is possible to reproduce and with the help of begonia sheets. As a cutlets, both the leaf itself and its part are used.

  • In the first case, the main veins on the underside are cut.
  • The same side is placed in moistened sand (pre-calcined), fix.
  • It is possible to moisturize the ground using the pallet.
  • From the cuts will begin to germinate the roots in about 2 months.

When new plants are gaining strength, start growing, they can be transplanted into a separate pot with a finished soil mixture.

How to rejuvenate indoor flowers. Boggonula reproduction with cuttings: video

The begonia in the room can attack Cobbled tick, wave. They feed on the juice from the plant cells, from which it loses its kind, poorly develops.

A pair of treatments with carbofosomes or accuters with an interval of 7-10 days can be destroyed.

But to overcome the ticks using such drugs as Derris, Decis.

If the flower is struck by nematodes, lost color, then it will have to be thrown away - unfortunately, it is not subject to treatment.

Begonia can be sick with a gray rot, Botritis, tormenty dew. Combine with this can be fugitiscides (burglar liquid, Fundazole, etc.)

If Begonia picked up some kind of viral ride or bacterial, for example, bacterial wilt, tomato spotty, then it will not work out to be cured - you have to destroy.

If you bring the rules for growing Begonias in a few points, we will get the following list:

  • Good lighting;
  • Moderate watering, but high humidity;
  • Warm room climate;
  • Timely feeding;
  • Quality transplant.

Compliance with all these rules will allow growing houses beautiful lush begonias. Plants will be healthy, and they can be propagated without any problems in the chosen way. As you can see, nothing complicated in care really. Begonias need a little attention and love.

Often, people who grow begonia are faced with such a problem: buds drop out of the plant. To unambiguously determine the cause of this state is difficult. Such behavior arises due to different factors.

  • gda Begonia needs to be simply filing.

To find out the likely reason, you need to find out the rules for the care of the plant and determine what you do wrong. Then it will be easier to figure it out in everything and fix the situation, returning his beauty to the flower.

The poor condition of the leaves most often arises due to the insufficient amount of moisture. With that, this may not be watering, but it is air humidity.

  • It is from the tropics begonia, so it needs air warm and rich moisture.
  • Another reason is the exhaustion of the Earth in the pot. If you have not feed the plant for a long time, then perhaps it is time to do it.
  • Sometimes pests sometimes become in the soil. They are striking the roots of Begonias, from which she begins to suffer and lose their beautiful appearance. In this case, you need to replace the soil by cooking a new substrate.
  • By the way, when transplanting must need to rinse the roots and to withstand them in a mangartage dissolved in water. Otherwise, you can transfer pests to a new place.

Not many know that Begonia is a flower is not just very beautiful, but also useful.

Scientists conducted research and were able to prove that this plant has antiallergic and antiseptic properties. Moreover, Begonia helps to heal wounds and remove spasms.

She is rich in useful substances, among which oxalic acid, phytoncides, organic acids and tanning substances. Also proved the properties of the begonia to pull chemicals.

In addition, the plant can detain dust on its leaves and moisturize the air in the room where it lives. You can use begonia and near monitors and other household appliances. And all because this beautiful flower is able to reduce their electromagnetic radiation.

Use in therapeutic purposes You can different parts of the plant. For example, juice helps to heal wounds and burns, ulcers, reduces pain in the muscles and joints (as a compression), helps with snake bite. But the lesion of the lungs and ulcers in the stomach is treated with the help of the infusion of the begonia on alcohol.

Here is a beautiful and useful plant - Home Begonia.

Begonia is a beautiful plant, it is used to decorate the gardens, parks, squares, love to grow it at home. This flower belongs to the numerous family of Bemponia. This gene has 900 species found in wildlife, and about 2000 derived hybrid samples. The plant received its name thanks to the target of the Becona, describing it at the end of the distant 17th century. As decorative flower Begonia began to be used only after 100 years.

History of Begonias

Michel Beyon described it on the Antilles. Several decades later described the everwelling begonia from Brazil, then the Royal from the Industan Peninsula, after which - the tube from South America. They served as the basis for the emergence modern varieties. First, it is wide applied in decorative purposes - She was exclusively a greenhouse flower, then there were varieties that could withstand weather whims.

Worldwide today has a huge variety of hybrid forms and varieties of this culture.

Depending on decorative qualities, all bendies are classified as follows:

  1. Decorative-blooming.
  2. Decorative deciduous.

Among the most popular species is highlighted with a tubing begonia. Its flowers of extraordinary beauty and brightness, and this is combined with unpretentious care.

In nature, the plant prefers the wet climate of the tropics and subtropics. Chooses shady places, but you can meet at an altitude of 4000 meters above the sea, in the mountains and arid slopes.

Variety of species and flowers forms

Begonia can be small herbate plantnot exceeding 3 cm, as well as a rather high shrub. Some species do not have a stem, others - have only one sheet. The leaves have different shades of green, the reverse side happens monotonous or stained and stained patterns. Flowers shake a variety of warm gamma.

Begonia blooms very abundantly and brightly. Her luxury flowers Like roses, camellia, daffodils, carnations. Elegant diverse flowers will decorate summer garden Since the beginning of summer until September. If the plant is in the room, then flowering time increases - Begonia blooms from the end of spring to late autumn. How to care for begonia at home?

Begonia. Care at home, photo

Begonias grown at home, depending on the care, can bloom both in the warm period of the year and in winter. Decorative-blossoming species are characterized by the beauty of the resulting flowers, while decorative-deciduous - spectacular coloring and shape of the leaves, are lowered, while the resulting flowers do not have a decorative value. The photo presents instances from the same group.

Lighting and temperature

Indoor plant prefers to grow with bright light. The most needed in it are blooming samples. However, in the world, the plant should be dialed from the active Sun, since making it, you can prevent burns. Decorative and deciduous varieties need abnormal light, placing the flower follows the eastern or western windowsill.

Begonia flower loves heat, in the warm season you need to maintain air temperature at around 22 degrees, in winter the air should warm up at least 15-18 degrees.

Air humidity, watering and feeding

Room flower care implies the creation of a specific microclimate. Since the plant is tropical, he needs high humidity, but specialists spraying are not recommended. Since falling on the leaves, water provokes the appearance of brown spots. To raise moisture, creating the necessary begonia microclimate, you should build the following construction. Put a flower on an inverted tray, which place in a more volumetrid, the remaining space put the cerazyt. Constantly watch its humidity, which will provide the necessary humidity of the air around Begonias.

In the summer, in hot weather you need to arrange abundant drinking. It should be monitored so that there is no water stagnation in neither in the pallet or in the pot itself. Water outstanding water, when 1.5 cm of the earth coma was already dried from the previous watering. IN winter time Watering reduce. The tuber types do not watered in winter at all, since they have a period of sleep, they are placed in peat.

After the bedroom flower bloody blooms, it should be done. Fertilizers contribute 2 times a month. Decorative and deciduous species are suitable for nitrogen, which affects the growth of leaves. Decorative-blooming instances fertilizers, in which this component is located, do not watered, as he bashes blossom.

Begonia flower transplant

Soil for room flower Purchased in a specialized store or done on their own. To do this, you will need:

  1. At the bottom of the pot, put drainage from ordinary sand.
  2. Half a pot fall asleep leafy ground.
  3. Add one to one mixture of peat and chernozem.

The soil should be prepared correctly, as this will affect the growth and health of Begonias.

Begonia care is made with a periodic transplant, it is done as needed. If the roots stick out of the drain hole, then the time of transplant came In a more spacious container. Plant transplant, as a rule, in the early spring period. It is necessary to take a begonia gently get out of the pot, clean the root from the ground and put into a solution of manganese. After purification and disinfection of the roots, the parts of them are cut off.


Begonia room breeding three ways, namely:

  • Leaf cuttings
  • Stem
  • Dividing bush.

Each type of begonia has its own propagation features, so they need to be considered with them, otherwise the plant does not fit. For example, a tuber's tube uses seeds and tubers.

Transplantation and reproduction This type is carried out in such a sequence:

  1. In the autumn period, tubers get out of the ground.
  2. Crop the leaves.
  3. Clean the roots from the earth coma.
  4. Place the tuber in peat so that it does not breathe.
  5. The temperature is maintained about 10 degrees.

The tubeny appearance will grow well after the transplantation, if this procedure is carried out in the period from February to May.

Escape will appear from the seed if they sow them into a pot, filled with land and sand, it should be watered moderately. Seeds germinate very slowly, the growth and roots will be prompted about the process.

Diseases and pests

Often, begonia suffers from the fungal disease from the re-fulfillment of moisture - mildew. In order to prevent the development of the disease in time to periodically carefully examine the crucian core and bottom leaves. These parts of the plant most susceptible to rot I. mildew . If you discovered this problem, it should be immediately reduced by watering and remove the affected areas of the plant. This will prevent the spread of fungus throughout the plant.

Thus, begonia is a grateful home flowerIf the plant is correctly careed. If you grow decoratively deciduous varieties, then you can see the creation of green corners, where the beauty of the begonia leaves will be completely powerful. And abundantly and effectively blooming samples will bring brightness into your life and will give a lot of pleasant minutes.

Flower Begonia

- This is the name of the kind of plants from the family of the same name. It can be a grassy, \u200b\u200bhalf or shrub. All representatives of the kind are asymmetric in the form of the leaves with a strongly rugged sheet plate. It is transformed during flowering. On the flowers after pollination buds are revealed different colors And shades.

On a note. All the flowers are bright, they have an incorrect form. They are same-sex and one-bedroom. Some begonias are tube, and others with rhizome, but the fruit is always a box.

For the first time about Becondens spoke in Europe at the end of the seventeenth century. Then scientists unexpectedly picked up for Begonia evergreen in a new world, a little later - to the royal. In the jungle of South America, they found a tube plant species.

Features of flowering period

The duration and characteristics of flowering at home depends on how the owner carries for a green pet. ABOUT proper growing Begonias at home you will learn at.

Experienced flower flowers can enjoy the blooming of Begonia for half a year old. After prolonged flowering, it needs to be rest, after which the plant awaken gradually and soon rejoice in bright buds.

Many plant plant in mid-February so that at the end of April the first buds formed, and already bloomed in May. In this case, it pleases the abundance of buds until October.

How does this happen at home?

Begonia blooms abundantly and brightly. Its flowers are luxurious, similar to the buds of peonies, roses or carnations. They can be terry or simple, large or small. They are going to club-shaped stuffy inflorescences that are forming on the tops of the shoots. The perianth form 2-5, and sometimes 6-8 petals.

Flowering process:

  1. At the beginning of development, all female flowers cut off and feed it three times a month.
  2. Blossom starts immediately after the ability to pollinate appears in the developed flower, i.e. Its parts are becoming available and free to exposure to pollination factors.
  3. Soon yellow, red or orange flower (It can be monophonic or multicolor). The duration, as well as the flowering period itself, depends on how cares for the begonia flower, whether pollination occurs.
  4. As the bins are forming boxes with seeds.

For prolonged flowering, flower is fed once a week with complex mineral fertilizers (good strength, Bona Forte). Before their introduction feed it with a weak solution potash Selitra. More specifically about how to feed the plant for abundant flowering Read in.

Important! Often do not make fertilizers with a high nitrogen content: they harm. To extend flowering faded flowers cut off.

Not all begonia fragrant flowers. Begonia Bauman smells. She has a unique smell, and besides, he possesses therapeutic properties. It cleans bronons and increases the viability of breathing paths. About useful I. harmful properties Read this plant, and whether it is possible to keep it at home and why it is necessary, we told in.

Begonia Makulat:

Begonia Volumia:

Begonia Baby Wing:

Beangonia Bada Boom:

Begonia Ray:

The necessary conditions

In order for your beauty bloom at home, it is necessary to care for it in a certain way. Plant requires compliance with such conditions:

  • Lack of drafts. It is impossible to put a pot so that it is blocked from all sides. Funny Becames have fragile shoots. They break at strong wind. To avoid this, protect the plant from his blows. Not fulfilling this condition, the flowers are not surprised.
  • Good ventilation. Women air for nothing. For normal development, begonias provide a constant influx of fresh air.
  • Lighting. Flowering instances need bright lighting. They are contraindicated direct solar rays, as burns on the leaves appear because of them. It is better to put a pot on a western or eastern window.
  • Temperature. In the summer months, the temperature should be + 21-23⁰, and in winter - + 15-18 ° C.
  • Air humidity. Begonia loves high humidity, but you can not spray it. If the water from the pulverizer falls on the leaves, brown spots will appear on them. To solve the problem with humidity, put a plant on an inverted pallet. This design is placed on a larger pallet. By its circumference, gramzit and moss, which splashes water from the spray from time to time splashes water from the spray.
  • . It should be abundant on hot days. Do not allow stagnation of moisture in the pot. In the winter months, watering is not required, as the tubers are placed in peat.
  • . During flowering, plants are fed three times a month.

Sometimes it happens that room begonia does not bloom, but gives only foliage, consider why this happens at home.

  1. Sometimes flowerflowers put a pot with begonia on the ripples by direct sunlight and forget about watering. After a while, they notice that she cazen. The main condition that is observed if desired to see the flowering plant on the windowsill - abundant irrigation. Important nuances of flower care in a pot you will learn at.
  2. For prophylaxis, it is watered with a weak solution of manganese or fungicides to obstruct the development of fungal diseases.
  3. If you do not feed the begonia with mineral fertilizers, the tuber will be poorly developed and the flowers will fall.
  4. The lack of colors cause the substrate and a pot of the composition incorrectly chosen. About choosing a pot and caring for a flower in a vazon you will learn.

Reference. Bully begonia blooms after resting period. For this, it drops the leaves in the fall and will acquire new spring.

Before looking for a way to make blooming begonia, seek the cause of lack of buds.

Detection of the cause helps to change care and return everything to the circles.

What to do and how to make the plant give flowers?

Begonia is a plant that will never bloom if the flower products did not create all the conditions for the rest period. She does not like when they "be" her ahead of time.

On a note. You can not rearrange the pot from place to place when she scored a color.

Experienced flower products are reviewing the plant's care in the absence of ovary. They pay attention to:

). It is especially transformed during flowering, but the maritime appears. Flowers do not comply with the basic rules in care and do not ensure peace in the fall-winter (read about the care of Begonia in the winter). Having scoring the alarm in a timely manner and rearing the cause of the absence of zeroze, everything can be corrected.

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