Mangold - what is it? Proper cultivation of Swiss chard Swiss chard that can cook useful properties.

reservoirs 14.06.2019

chard leaves

Today we will prepare a beetroot chard recipe for making cutlets. For this you need chard leaves. This plant is biennial, but in our country house we plant it every year.

The leaves are very similar to beets, but it does not produce root vegetables. And the leaves are used for cooking. There are also dishes and leaf petioles.

Before I start cooking, I'll tell you interesting story. When my mother was just starting to plant chard, she invited neighbors to cutlets. They devoured the prepared dish with gusto. At the same time, noting how balanced mom mixed meat and greens. There is no meat in the recipe. But it tastes like a real schnitzel. And that's why.

Cooking chard - dish and recipes

We take 400 grams of fresh leaf. This is 15-20 pieces. Rinse thoroughly. You can cut off the petioles or chop them finely. We make several longitudinal cuts and shred the sheet across. We put it in a deep bowl (you can crush the leaves). We cut the greens. Onion. Garlic. Add an egg. A little oil (can be mayonnaise). Seasonings. A little flour to make the mass sticky (but do not overdo it). We mix.

Pour into heated pan vegetable oil(or ghee). We form cutlets with a spoon and fry until cooked on both sides. Now we eat with gusto. If desired, prepare a side dish.


Chard - 400 gr. (15-20 large sheets)

Egg - 2-3 pcs.

Greens - a bunch (dill, cilantro, parsley)

Onion - 1 head

Garlic - 2 - 3 cloves

Vegetable oil - 2 - 3 tablespoons (in mass) + for frying

Seasonings - pepper, salt, coriander, etc. taste

Flour - 2 - 5 tablespoons (depending on the moisture content of the sheet)

chard benefit

The leaves are rich in trace elements: Potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron

It contains a lot of vitamin K, as well as vitamins: A, B6, B12, C, D, E.

Dietary fibers, proteins, carbohydrates. There is also sugar.

A minimum of calories is one of the best foods for healthy lifestyle life and weight loss.

©Albert Shen

Watch the video: Recipe for making chard cutlets

Chard (chard) is more of a vegetable than a herb - large plant up to 60-70 cm high. The chard is very beautiful - it decorates the garden and even the flower garden, red-leaved varieties with carved leaves are especially beautiful.

Chard grows best, developing a beautiful rosette, in fertile and loose, non-acidic soils with sufficient moisture. The brightly colored petioles and elegant chard leaves invariably attract attention and are good decoration garden. For compact leaf varieties of chard, the recommended distance between plants is about 25 cm, for petiolate varieties with large leaves, twice as much.

For decorative purposes, gardeners grow a variety of varieties of chard, among which varieties stand out:

  • green petiolate (with green petioles and leaves, rosette semi-erect or semi-flattened);
  • silver-petiolate (with silver-white petioles, wavy or corrugated leaves are dark green or yellow-green, straight or semi-erect rosette);
  • red-petiolate (with red-crimson or red-violet petioles, dark green leaves with red veins, straight or semi-erect rosette);
  • yellow-petiolate (with yellow or orange petioles, dark green leaves with golden veins, semi-erect rosette).

Useful properties of chard

Young leaves and petioles are eaten, which contain carbohydrates, nitrogenous substances, organic acids, carotene (up to 6 mg%), vitamins C (up to 60 mg%), B, B2, O, PP, potassium salts, calcium, phosphorus , iron, lithium, etc.

Leaf beet - chard - is rich in vitamins, very pleasant in taste, and is among the leaders in terms of its yield: one plant is able to produce more than 1 kg of selected leaves and petioles.

Chard is highly valued in the early spring, when green vitamin products are still scarce. It is used to prepare salads, vinaigrettes, soups, beetroots, cold appetizers and second courses - they are stewed in oil and lard, like spinach. Petioles are boiled in salted water and fried with breadcrumbs in oil. The leaves are fermented separately or together with cabbage. Petioles can be pickled like cucumbers (by cutting and inserting them vertically into jars to size).

Chard also has medicinal properties. It is very useful to use it in case of diabetes, anemia, nephrolithiasis, high blood pressure. Eating it improves the functioning of the liver, the cardiovascular system, promotes the growth of children, stimulates the activity of the lymphatic system and increases the body's resistance to colds. Chard is also recommended for use against radiation sickness. Chard root gruel is a good remedy against baldness.

Chard is used in cooking different countries world to prepare a variety of dishes. It's delicious and medicinal plant very useful in obesity, diabetes, kidney stone disease, anemia. In cooking, young leaves and cuttings are used until they are juicy and coarsened.

Chard is successfully used to decorate dishes. To this end, its tender leaves can replace traditionally used lettuce leaves. Put the chard leaves on the dish, and you can put any cold appetizer on top of them.

Chard is widely used in the preparation of various vitamin dishes in dietary nutrition. It is good for cooking cabbage soup, borscht and, of course, a variety of salads. Braised chard is original snack to vermicelli or a side dish for meat.

Dangerous properties of chard

Since chard contains vitamin K in large quantities than the body needs, it is important to observe the measure in its consumption. After all, even useful vitamins can be harmful if you do not follow the correct dosage.

So, an excess of vitamin K can lead to blood viscosity, an increase in platelets. Therefore, it is highly undesirable to consume foods rich in vitamin K, patients with thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, some types of migraines, patients with high cholesterol.

Since chard contains oxalic acid, then, like spinach, it is recommended to boil it for a short time before use, and drain the water in order to get rid of it.

Glory to this vegetable culture came late, despite the fact that it was known in ancient Greece and Rome. Mangold all this time seemed to be in the background, in the shadow of his relative - ordinary.

Perhaps the fact that many people still recognize the traditional roots of the second in nutrition more than the original leaves of the first played an important role in this. Yes, yes, I was not mistaken - first it was the chard that became in the garden.

The popularity of beet chard is currently growing rapidly, and the opportunity to harvest greens throughout the year (in summer and autumn - in open ground, in winter - in and conditions) help her in this.

Botanical dossier

Common leaf beet, chard (Beta vulgaris ssp. cicla, syn. B. cicla convar. occidentale-europea) is a representative of the Marev family. Presumably her homeland is Western Europe. It's biennial herbaceous plant, forming in the first year a rosette of erect (rarely semi-erect) few leaves. Leaves of various colors are very large, heart-shaped or heart-shaped-ovate, with wavy, curly (bubbly), less often - smooth surface. Petioles of medium length (25 cm high), wide or very wide. The stems are powerful, up to 200 cm high, strongly ribbed, brittle. The flowers are small, inconspicuous, green or whitish, collected in balls, forming long leafy inflorescences; bloom in May-September in the second year of life. Fruits - nuts, form infructescence - glomeruli; ripen in September.

The beauty of beetroot chard

The beauty of beet chard is hidden in its leaves, more precisely - in the petioles. Depending on their color, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • green-leaved - var. viridis (petioles and leaves are green, the rosette is flattened or semi-erect);

  • silver-leaved - var. argenteus (petioles are white, with a silvery milky tinge, up to 15 cm wide, usually short; rosette is erect or semi-erect, leaves are intense dark or yellow green, corrugated or wavy-smooth);
  • red-leafed - var. purpurescens (dark red petioles, with purple tint, or red crimson; socket straight or semi-standing; leaves are dark green, with red veins);
  • yellow-leaved - var. flavescens (petioles are yellow or orange, leaves are dark green, with yellowish veins).

Particularly decorative varieties:

  • ‘Bull’s Blood’ (up to 45 cm high, dark red leaves);
  • ‘MacGregor’s Favorite’ (leaves numerous, shiny, blood red);

  • ‘Vulcan’ (up to 45 cm high, leaves shiny, red);
  • ‘Bright Lights’ (with red and yellow petioles);
  • ‘Feurio’ (petioles red, lamina burgundy; good for container culture);

  • ‘Silber Krausblättriger’ (curly leaves, petioles white, silver-milky);
  • ‘Silver or Seakole’ (leaves are smooth-wavy, petioles are white, silver-milky) and others.


Highly showy plant, attracting attention with brightly colored leaf petioles. It can serve as a chic festive decoration not only for the parterre garden, but also for flowers, it may well make a discount on or.

Left photo: his purple style clothes Louis XIV looks luxurious!
In the photo on the right: look, in the foreground - chard! And it is gorgeous surrounded by red-leaved cordilins and palm trees.

He quite adequately "keeps himself" in the company of tuberous and.

Chard can be grown in cultivation. In this case, it is better to choose a pot at least 30 cm high.

AT room conditions it is preferable to keep it on the windowsills of the southeast or southwest windows. We plant seedlings in a pot in the spring as a plant, laying good drainage from broken bricks (or pots), expanded clay on the bottom; several copies in one container will give faster decorative effect. We use high-quality soil substrate - loose, fertile. In summer, it is good to take out such a container for Fresh air and place in the front place of the cottage. Top dressing with full fertilizer 2 times a month is required! Chard can be ground, beet fly and be affected by black leg.


They grow chard for the sake of large leaves and wide fleshy petioles, from which they cook various dishes: , botvini, appetizers, stew vegetable mix. Leaves are consumed fresh and boiled, petioles - only boiled; they taste like asparagus.

Bright and colorful chard is able to set the tone not only in the garden, but also outside. dining table, where it can become a decoration of the second dish. Its stems are added to, and from the leaves they make delicious stuffing for . In the first half of summer, the chard replaces the early one.

Recipe 1
Sliced ​​chard stalks are stewed in a small amount of salted water until tender; then throw them in a colander and fill olive oil, sprinkled with grated cheese, finely chopped green and lemon zest.

Recipe 2
We do everything in the same way as in recipe 1, only boiled petioles then lightly fry on sunflower oil, and before serving, add a few teaspoons of sour cream.
leeks, parsley and some grated lemon zest.

Recipe 5
Cold chard. To the boiled stalked chard add: 2 finely chopped fresh cucumber, 2 hard-boiled eggs, green onions; pour cold bread kvass and chilled broth. Before serving, add 2 teaspoons of sour cream to each plate.

Medicinal properties are due to a real storehouse of nutrients contained in the plant: 10-11% dry matter, 2.7-4.6% sugars, 2-2.7% proteins, 30-48 mg per 100 g of ascorbic acid, a lot of carotene, rutin, thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid. Chard is used for diabetes, anemia, kidney stones.

Chard patch
Porridge of chard leaves + grated potatoes + 1/4 teaspoon grated root. Effective in coughing, clearing toxins through the skin. They put it on clean gauze for 6 hours, wrap it with cling film on top.

Are you planning to plant a beautiful and healthy chard in your country house this year?

If you are a fan of asparagus, you should definitely try chard, as most of its varieties are in no way inferior in taste, and sometimes even surpass it. wonderful plant. Behind such a sophisticated name is hidden, but the beets are not ordinary, but leafy, whose root is completely unsuitable for food. Chard is divided into petiole and leaf. The latter has large, delicate, fleshy leaves that form a powerful rosette. Petioled chard may have stems different colors: silver, green, yellow, red, etc. Some of its species look so beautiful that they are even grown as ornamental crops.

Chard is very popular in the cuisines of many nations, but, unfortunately, it is not very popular in our region. And absolutely in vain. The leaves and stalks of chard taste somewhat like milky corn. Its juicy greens are often added to salads, stews and soups. The leaves are used as cold appetizer and garnish, they are mashed, salted and preserved. Petioles are used like asparagus or cauliflower. They are stewed, boiled, baked, fried and prepared for the winter.

However, chard is valued not only for its excellent taste characteristics but also for the benefits it brings to the body.

What is useful chard

The stems and leaves of chard are rich in many useful substances. They contain:

  • Calcium, vitamin K and magnesium, which have the best effect on the condition of teeth and bones.
  • Iron, which serves as an excellent prevention of anemia.
  • Syringic acid and fiber, which help to normalize blood sugar levels.
  • Antioxidants that improve the condition of the skin and hair, as well as prolong youth.
  • B vitamins that help activate brain activity.
  • Zeaxanthin and lutein, necessary for good vision, and many other valuable components.

Chard, beneficial features which were already known in ancient greece used as a blood cleanser. With its help, they fought against blood diseases, fever and infectious diseases. Often this plant was used externally for skin problems.

In addition, chard has properties that ensure the health of blood vessels and the heart. It helps in the formation of blood cells, improves its clotting, thereby preventing the formation of hematomas and the development of internal bleeding. Leaf beet has a beneficial effect on the pancreas, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and helps reduce pressure. AT traditional medicine it is used to combat obesity, anemia and kidney stones.

  • Grind the chard leaves, pour boiling water over them so that they form a mushy mass, then add a spoonful of honey. Place the product in a warm form on one layer of gauze and cover with another on top, and then apply to the face. Soak for a quarter of an hour, and then wash your face.
  • Dip a few chard leaves in boiling water, cool a little and put on the skin of the face. Remove after twenty minutes.
  • Squeeze out the juice from the chard. For baldness, rub it daily in the evening and leave it on all night. This must be done at least 1-2 months. To eliminate dandruff and improve the condition of the hair, rub chard juice on the scalp and apply to the strands half an hour before washing.

Chard- a plant with a beautiful name, which is better known as "leaf beet".

Chard is more of a vegetable than a herb (see photo). This is a wonderful decorative medicinal plant will not only bring many benefits, but also decorate the garden.

Beetroot chard belongs to the amaranth family.

Varieties of chard

Swiss chard has several of the most famous varieties:

  • Swiss chard is a stem vegetable often referred to as "grass stem". Multi-colored veins make the plant easily recognizable. A vegetable with red veins has a pronounced aroma. It appears in spring as one of the earliest plants.
  • Schnitt chard (chives) - this variety of chard is called "Roman cabbage". After cutting, the plant puts out new leaves, which are very much appreciated in cooking. Schnitt chard is more cold hardy than the Swiss variety.


You can grow chard in the garden and even in the flower garden. The plant will not spoil the flower bed at all, its juicy leaves, on the contrary, will decorate the territory. The vegetable is propagated by seeds, they can be planted for 3 years, after this period the seeds will not sprout. Seeds germinate at a temperature of about 5 degrees.

An important feature of leaf beet is its ability to accumulate natural nitrates in the absence of light. In order to protect yourself, simply drain the water after washing the greens: this will remove up to 70% of nitrates.

For the winter, chard can be left to winter right in the garden, if it is well covered beforehand. So the plant will start leaves already in early spring and will bear fruit until flowering.

Chard can even be grown on a windowsill if you provide it with maximum natural light. The plant will decorate the room with its bright leaves.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of chard were known to doctors ancient rome. The plant was used as a laxative. Oddly enough, leaf beets are much healthier than common beets: their greens contain many times more vitamins and minerals. Leaf beet is very much appreciated in the spring, it will perfectly cope with beriberi and decorate any festive table. The vegetable contains magnesium, sodium, potassium, which are so necessary for our body.

Application in cooking

In cooking, chard has found application in the preparation of a variety of salads. The pleasant taste, as well as the usefulness of the product, made it popular in many countries. Dishes using vegetables are usually extremely simple. Young leaves and cuttings of chard are eaten. The low calorie content of the plant (only 19 kilocalories per 100 grams) allows you to cook many healthy and dietary dishes from it.

Leaf beets are widely used for the preparation of cabbage rolls, beetroots, vinaigrette. A delicious and simple dish is obtained by boiling the stalks of chard, and then frying them in butter with breadcrumbs.

Chard is used to prepare many national dishes. "Beta" ("red") - a traditional dish Italian cuisine - prepared from juicy leaves and petioles of leaf beets. The name of the dish "red" is associated with bright color chard leaves.

The plant is best consumed freshly cut, as storage, even in the refrigerator, does not benefit him. The French claim that chard can easily replace spinach, and its cuttings taste like asparagus.

The easiest recipe with chard offers folk cuisine. Fresh herbs must be finely chopped, mixed with green onions and seasoned with sour cream. This salad is very healthy and low-calorie, it is perfect for heavy meat dishes.

The benefits of chard and treatment

The benefits of beetroot leaves allow it to be used in medicinal purposes. Chard is recommended to be introduced into the diet of people who suffer from diabetes and obesity. It is useful to use with high blood pressure and anemia.

Chard copes well with various inflammatory processes. For these purposes, boiled leaves of the plant are applied to abscesses and burns. Scientists who conducted research on chard confirmed it medicinal properties. They found 9 active pigments in the leaves of the plant. Active substances cleanse the body and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

A compress of crushed fresh leaves is good for inflammation of the eyes. Chard juice is used to remove warts, they also remove freckles. In addition, the plant contains lutein, which helps vision and reduces the risk of developing cataracts.

Fiber and natural antioxidants of leaf beet are effective oncoprotectors. Regular consumption of vegetables in food will be a good prevention of cancer. Chard also contributes to the normalization of blood sugar levels due to the presence of fiber and syringic acid.

The dark green color of chard leaves indicates the presence of calcium, and this mineral, as you know, must be regularly supplied to the body for the normal condition of teeth and bones. Leaf beet is a real find for people whose body does not perceive lactose. With lactose intolerance, a person is recommended to diversify his diet with this vegetable. One cup of Swiss chard contains 100 mg of calcium.

Harm of chard and contraindications

Leaf beets can cause harm with individual intolerance. Fresh chard can cause nausea, drowsiness, decreased blood pressure. This is due to the fact that the juice contains many volatile substances. For these reasons, it is better not to use freshly squeezed juice: it must be drunk a few hours after squeezing.

Use a large number of chard is not recommended for people who suffer from gallbladder or kidney disease. The vegetable has a large amount of oxalates, which crystallize in the body, which can lead to poor health and health problems.

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