Delicious canape snacks to festive. Canape on the skewers: Simple recipes for a festive table

Garden technique 18.10.2019
Garden technique

Ingredients for canapes from Sumagi Cucumber and Omlin:

  • Three pieces of rye bread
  • 1 PC. - fresh cucumber
  • 6 pcs. - Omlin
  • 50 gr. - salmon (other red fish)
  • 30 gr. - Soft cottage cheese
  • Greens - to taste
  • sucks

Canape with salmon cucumber and olives - delicious, original and very beautiful snack on the skewersthat will decorate any festive table. These small, bright mini sandwiches Be sure to taste your guests!

Canape on skewers with salmon and avocado

Ingredients for canapes from salmon and avocado:

  • Smoked salmon
  • Avocado
  • Zezdra Lemon.
  • Sour cream
  • White bread
  • Luk-Schnitt.
  • Small ground pepper, vegetable oil

Cooking canapes on skewers with salmon:

Bread cut into cubes with sides of 3 cm. Fry bread to a golden crust. Cut salmon on thin short-lived slices. Avocado cut in half, remove the bone. I'll get the pulp and disarm fork. In a bowl with avocado, add sour cream, lemon zest and ground pepper. Wash and apply onions. 2/3 From it, add to the sour cream. Still well stirred. Put the same bone from avocado. Cover the bowl with a mixture of film. As soon as the bread cools, put on it for 1 liter. Mixtures, and from above - a long strip of salmon. Patch again, decorate a piece of onions and scab in a skewer.

Canape on Ham Sires and Olives

Ingredients for canapes from ham and olives

  • 150 gr. - Polenoy dough
  • 200 gr. - Hams of smoked-boar
  • 15 pcs. - Olives without seeds
  • One egg white
  • Half of the beam of the greenery parsley
  • Sucks or toothpicks

Snack on a splay From ham and olives will be an original dish on your festive table, which will delight and surprise your relatives and guests.

Canapes with red fish are perfectly suitable for any home or office, festive table, buffet. Such small sandwickers are easy to cook and will fall to everyone, the skewers will help your guests do not stain your hands.

Ingredients for canapes with red fish:

  • Wheat bread
  • Red Fish (trout or salmon)
  • Mozzarel in balls
  • Butter
  • Dry or Fresh Dill


The bread is cut in a square, they are very slightly dried on a dry frying pan, lubricate with butter and sprinkle with dill.

Mozarel for this canape should be the size of a small ball, but if one big is alone, it is not scary, just cut into small pieces.

Fish can be bought out chopped or cut into thin strips that need to be folded with a roll. Put the fish roll on a piece of bread with butter, open the bulb of the mozzarel, stick all the ingredients with a skewer or toothpick. Canapes with red fish and mozzaree are ready, serve to the table on a large plate.

Canape with shrimps and ham

Ingredients for canapes on skewers:

  • Black bread - 4 pieces (square shape)
  • Ham - 250 gr.
  • Shrimps - 8 pcs. (not small, purified)
  • Quail egg - 8 pcs
  • Olives without bones - 8pcs.
  • Sucks

A festive appetizer with shrimp and ham on a spray is an original combination of meat and seafood. Such canapes are very beautiful in the view that will allow you to decorate a festive table and feed your close snack with the original taste.

Canape with cucumber and quail eggs

Canapes with cucumber, quail egg and red caviar very winning will look among other dishes. A gentle quail egg with curd cheese is perfectly combined with tastes.


  • Fresh quail eggs
  • Fresh cucumber
  • Curd cream cheese
  • Red caviar
  • Sucks for canapes or toothpicks.


For the preparation of canapes with cucumber and quail eggs, we need to first prepare all the necessary ingredients. First of all, you need to boil the screwed quail eggs. First, carefully wash them under cold water, put in a small pan, fill with cold water, the water should be good to cover the eggs and put on fire. As soon as the water boils, we reduce the fire and cook the eggs for 5 minutes. The boiled boosted eggs need to be cooled, for this you need to put a saucepan under cold water. The cooled eggs clean, rinse under cold water and put on a paper towel. Cut the sharp knife in half.

Fresh cucumber cut into thick circles, cut each across, so that you can put it with an edge.

On the cut of each egg we put some creamy curd cheese. So that the cheese look beautifully on the egg, it needs to be placed in a confectionery syringe with a rose nozzle and squeeze. It turns out beautiful, appetizing rose from curd cheese. Next, we heat the egg on the skewer or toothpick, we attach to the cucumber. Complete canapes with red orcock.

Canape with a gentle and useful quail egg, a fragrant grouse ready, serve to the table.

Festive canapes with cheese, ham and olives

Ingredients for Canape Cheese Ham and Olives:

  • 4 pieces of bread (for toast)
  • 50 gr. - butter
  • 50 gr. - solid cheese (row, square shape)
  • 50 gr. - Hams
  • 2 tbsp. - Mayonnaise
  • olives green and black - a few pieces
  • molding for cookies
  • sucks

Canape with cheese Probably the most popular, they are quickly prepared and have an incredibly large number of species. Such snack on skewers with cheese It will fit perfectly and complement your festive table.

Simple canapes from herring, potatoes with fresh cucumber

Ingredients for Canape Herring:

  • Boiled potatoes in uniforms
  • Washed herring
  • fresh cucumber

The boiled potatoes in the uniforms purify and cut it with small pieces under the size of cucumbers and herring. Herring is pre-purified from bones cut into small pieces. My cucumbers and cut into circles, up to 2 cm thick. The ingredients are sequentially, as in the figure we ride a bamboo sink, ready!

Snack canape with herring and beet

Ingredients for canapes with beet and herring

  • beet boiled - 1-2 pieces.
  • garlic - 1 teeth (can be without it)
  • pieces of black bread, crackers or white bread, toasted in a toaster or on a dry frying pan,
  • slices of herring fillet,
  • dill, salt,
  • a little mayonnaise
  • green onions.

Cooking Canapeswith beets and herring

Getted beets in a small grater, adding chopped dill, crushed garlic and mayonnaise. Black bread cut into squares.
On the pieces we put the beets, a piece of the herring. Sail with a green bow. Snack on the skewers Ready.

Festive canapes with cheese and olives

Ingredients for canapes with mozzarella and olives:

  • Mozarella Cheese - 150-200g
  • Maslins
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Officers leaflets (oregano)

Cheese canapes with olives We will have to taste with real gourmet. The combination of Mozarella cheese with olives attaches a unique taste of Canape.

Canapes on skewers with grapes and cheese

Ingredients for canapes with cheese and grapes:

  • 2 Grons of ripe grapes without bones of different colors (blue, white)
  • Feta or cheese - 100 g
  • Cheese Edam - 100 g
  • Masdam Cheese - 100 g
  • Camembert cheese or brie - 100 g
  • Sucks

Canape with cheese and grapesperfect for a light buffet or festive table. The taste of it is acidic and sweet and so original. Such canapes will like the lovers of all unique, and this is a dish, believe it is precisely that and is.

Canape with pineapple cheese and olives

Ingredients for snacks:

  • 250 gr. - solid cheese
  • 1 bank pineapple rings or pieces
  • 1 bank Maslin without seeds
  • Sucks

Cheese, olives and pineapples perfectly complement and emphasize each other's taste. Such canapes diverse your festive table and allow you to surprise your guests an unusual and tasty snack.

Canapes from Feta Cheese, Sweet Pepper and Omlin

Ingredients for canapes:

  • 200 gr. - Cheese (Feta, Brynza)
  • 200 gr. - Fresh ripe tomatoes
  • 200 gr. - Fresh cucumbers
  • 150 gr. - Sweet Bulgarian pepper
  • 1 Bank Molly
  • Olive oil near one tablespoon
  • Pepper black hammer
  • Sucks

Sometimes something easy and unusual should be done for snacks. Canapes from Feta Cheese, sweet pepper and olives - just this is a tasty and unusual dish. Prepare it once you love it forever.

Fruit Canape with Strawberry, Kiwi and Pineapple

For the preparation of canapes, you will need fruit: strawberry, kiwi, pineapple (fresh or canned), melon. Junction ships.

Kiwi, pineapple and melon clean and cut into cubes, cut strawberries in half. We ride in the following order: Melon-pineapple-melon-kiwi strawberry.

Fruit Canap with Banana, Strawberry, Kiwi and Mandarin

To prepare fruit canapes, we will need: ripe strawberries, banana, kiwi and mandarin (can be replaced by orange).

To wash the strawberry, if there is a strawberry big - cut on in half. Banana Clean, cut into 1.5 cm mug. Kiwi need to take ripe but not soft. Clear, cut along and cut every loss to three parts.

Mandarin clear well. Split on slices. If you take an orange, then it also needs to be cleaned, divided into slices and wishes with each loss to remove the film. You can use a whole lolk or cut in athass. Take long skewers and assemble all the ingredients.

Fruit and berry canape with Malina, Mandarin, Pineapple, Kiwi, Blueberry and Grapes.

To prepare fruit Canapes Take fresh fragrant, raspberry. Berries are desirable to be more and more denser. Wheel berries, put on a paper towel, let it be dried.

Mandarin Clean and disassemble for slices. Pineapple Fresh Clean, cut into cubes, not small. Grapes are desirable to be without bones, wash, pluck the berries. Blueberry berries Wash, they must be integer and dense.
Take long skewers and assemble all the ingredients. Raspberry, Mandarin, Pineapple, Kiwi, Blueberries, Grapes.

The festive feast is not only the joy of meeting with expensive people and the feeling of the holiday, but also stress, as you have to prepare a large amount of food in a short time. In this case, a snack on the skewers can be a slight and fast dish, which in most cases does not require heat treatment, and looks very elegant. From a small set of products, you can create a variety of snacks, while combinations of flavors will not be boring or monotonous.

Below are the simplest and delicious options for cold snacks and canapes that are easy to prepare from a small set of products.

Snack on skewers with cheese and ham

For the preparation of snacks will need ham, cheese of solid varieties, for decorations you can use pieces of fresh cucumber or small olives without bone.

Cheese and ham cut into identical squares, if you wish, you can make ingredients round or polygonal shape. First, the skeleton rises the decoration - a small piece of fresh cucumber or olive without a bone. After that, the ham is carved, and then cheese. The resulting snacks are neatly laid out on the serving dish. If you wish, they can be decorate with greens. Serve chilled.

With salami sausage on a festive table

Such a snack has an exquisite taste and will have to, by the way, on a festive buffet, at home or at work. For her cooking it will take high-quality salami sausage, white bread, lettuce leaves, fresh or marinated cucumber for decoration.

The sausage is cut diagonally with thin slices, they must be in the form of an extended oval. The bread cuts into small elongated pieces, the salad is tearned with hands on small parts. Cucumber is cut by large cubes.

The products on the skewer are riveted as follows: the basis of the snack is bread, the lettuce is put on it, after which there is a series of salami, which is either twisted in the roll, or bend in half. He decorates a small snack cucumber.

Consumption is fed by cooled. A plate can be reapged with fresh greens and lettuce leaves.

Canape with smoked chicken

Not only a tasty, but also a hearty snack. For her cooking it will take white or gray bread, lettuce leaves, smoked chicken, sweet pepper, cherry tomatoes.

How with the help of simple recipes to cook the original canapes to the holiday!

What holiday does not do without deception and sores? We always go to please the loved ones and strive every time to cook something new. Everyone heard about small sandwiches on the skewers called Canape. They are easy to prepare, tasty and please the eye with their original look.

IMPORTANT: often guests on the threshold and we are grabbing your head, we will install what to cook on an ambulance hand. And then I will never come to the aid of Canape. A pair of slices of sausages, cheese, olives and tomato and you are ready to surprise your guests!

Recipes of festive canapes on skewers

Festive canapes differ from the usual thorough selection of ingredients and design. There are no ordinary skewers from the tree. It is better to choose bright, suitable for holiday stylistics and design of a festive table.

  • For its preparation, cut the white bread mug and down on the skewer.
  • Next, neatly applied subtle ovals cucumber and turn it in the form of a ring.
  • You can put a little soft cheese inside and insert shrimp So that the whole design is fixed by a splay.

Recipe 2. Canape Tai

  • For cooking, we put on the pieces of cheese, we will lay the leafs of parsley from above,
  • next, a piece of fresh cucumber and end shrimp.
  • All this is fixed with a spitting and a slight canape.
  • For breakfast or dinner it will be very by the way!
  • See how everything is simple and accessible. It is enough to pay a little attention to the trifles and you have already practically a chef.

Children's festive canape recipes

Why do children love canapes so much? Yes, because they like all new and bright. And also because the active child can quickly eat delicious little sandwiches, and without breaking down from the total fun again to frolic with friends.

Recipe 1. Cheerful Penguins

  • Cut the rye bread into pieces - it will be the basis.
  • Cut from boiled carrots Cut the circle and remove the small sector - it turns out the paws.
  • Now you need to cut a black oline without bones up to the middle so that it can be slightly revealed, and fill it with soft cheese (philadelphia or melted. Networks will become a torso.
    Alternately collect our penguin on a skewer.
  • Instead of the head we take a whole oline, in which the slits for the eyes are made. We will fill them too cheese.
  • And in the slot for the nose insert triangles from carrots. 15 minutes and your masterpiece is ready!

Recipe 2. Canape Cheese Sails

  • It is necessary to make billets from black bread, cucumber and doctoral sausage in the shape of a boat.
  • Next, cut rectangles from cheese - these will be our sails.
  • One rectangle should be a little less than the other.
  • We ride all this beauty on the skewer and complete the exposure of the triangle from the carrot, which will become the flag of the sailboat.

Voila, and your children are delighted!

Recipe 3. Biscuit enjoyment

  • This canape will most please your baby, because it is made of cake.
  • Cut out a piece of biscuit cake with a side of 4 for 4 cm and insert a wand, on top of which decorate the raspberry and blueberries.

Such your child has not yet tried!

Canapes on a festive table with salmon

Salmon by itself is not only a delicious, but also an incredibly useful product due to the content Omega 3. fatty acids.

And so it is always a joy and anticipation of aesthetic pleasure to prepare salmon dishes.

Recipe 1. Canape Atlantis

For this recipe we will need: salmon, soft cheese Philadelphia, greens, egg, bread.

  • Cut from bread the base in the form of a square and fry in olive oil.
  • Top of laying a piece of weak salmon.
  • Cheese mix with greens and neatly spoon put on top of fish.
  • We ride it all on the skewer and end with a boiled egg.

Tasty and satisfying and very fast.

Recipe 2. Olive tenderness

We will need: any solid cheese, salmon, bread, greens, green olive.

  • Cut on the squares of bread,
  • tears fry in olive oil.
  • Next, the same pieces of the mode of salmon, cheese and
  • we all ride a beautiful skeleton.
  • Next to decorate olive and greenery branch.

Canapes on a festive table of herring

Oh, this herring. By the same way we love her in different kinds and try to apply to each festive table. There is a sea of \u200b\u200brecipes with its use. But today we will analyze the best recipes canapes with this fish that will delight you and your relatives.

  • For this sandwich, it is necessary to make blanks from a raw puff pastry in the form of a star,
  • leaving in the middle a slight recess for the filling.
  • Stuffing cooks from pieces of sausages, rubbed cheese, green onions, mayonnaise and bacon.
  • All this is placed in the middle of the dough and baked in the oven for 20 minutes.

Canapes due to ease of preparation has long been an affordable dish in each house. And if you have not tried, then use our recipes and enjoy!

Video: Canape's recipes

Canapes is a very comfortable and beautiful shape of the festive table. These incredibly tasty, seductive and original snacks on the skewers will be the highlight of any feast. Today, Canapes is even a separate section of cooking, which, by the types and complexity of laid out and cutting ingredients, can compete with the preparation of confectionery. Fuely toothpicks or plastic skewers, and - Forward, Musketeers! A bright festive table is provided!

The word canapele in the translation from French means tiny, very small. That is, these are miniature sandwiches that can be eaten at a time, putting in the mouth entirely. If the canapes need to be biled - this is a simple sandwich.

There are two varieties of canapes on the skewers. In the first case, fresh or fried bread is used for the base. In the second case, the base serves as a substrate from solid cheese or vegetables. It can be fresh cucumber, boiled potatoes, carrots or even beet.

In the manufacture of canapes, it is important to consider in advance the sequence of the ingredients so that they are beautifully adjacent to the skewer and, of course, combined to taste. And the cooking process is usually simple enough. I present you a selection from "tasty and simple." There are enough simple canape recipes, and festive (more refined). All recipes are illustrated by final photos. Step-by-step photos I do not post here, everything is clear.

The most simple canapes with solid cheese and ham

Ingredients for canape with solid cheese and ham

  • solid Cheese 200 g
  • ham 150 g
  • olives without bone (green or black) 10 pcs.
  • fresh parsley 1-2 twigs

Recipe for making canapes with solid cheese and ham

Intrinate ham thin rectangular slides. Solid cheese cut a cube. We ride a sink ham on a skeleton, folding it several times. Then the sheets of parsley and one green olive are stripped on a skeleton. Gently stuck a skeleton in a solid cheese cube.

Canape with quail egg, cherry and feta cheese

Ingredients for canapes with quail egg, cherry and feta cheese

  • quail eggs 5 pcs.
  • tomatoes Cherry 5 pcs.
  • feta Cheese 100 g
  • cocktail shrimp 10 pcs.
  • olive oil 1 tbsp. l.
  • fresh parsley 1-2 twigs

Recipe cooking canape with quail egg, cherry and feta cheese

First boil the screwed quail eggs. After boiling to conservation, they are 3-4 minutes. Then boiled eggs will be cooled, carefully clean from the shell and we can be cut.

Cocktail shrimps will pre-defrost, wash and exhausted. Fry them on olive oil literally half a minute on each side. Ready shrimps splash with natural lemon juice. He will emphasize the spicy taste of seafood.

Tomatoes Cherry wash and cut in pressure, feta cheese cut a cube. Slices of bread applied in small squares.

A sink of a sink of quail egg cut down, then half a cherry cut, a sheet of parsley, a feta cheese cube. We stick a skeleton into a slice of a bran bread. Top with a staring shrimp on a skeleton.

Canape with solid cheese, quail egg and fresh vegetables

Ingredients for canape with solid cheese, quail egg and fresh vegetables

  • quail eggs 5 pcs.
  • solid Cheese 200 g
  • tomato Cherry 3 pcs.
  • fresh cucumber 1 pc.

Recipe for making canapes with solid cheese, quail egg and fresh vegetables

Swarm screwed quail eggs. Clean them and cut in pressure. Solid cheese cut a large cube. Fresh cucumber and cherry cut with thin circles. We ride the ingredients in such a sequence on the sink of the boiled quail egg, cucumber circuit, solid cheese cube, cherry tomato circle, black bread.

Canape with young potatoes, cherry tomato and two types of cheese

Ingredients for canapes with young potatoes, cherry tomato and two types of cheese

  • cherry 3-4 pcs.
  • small young potatoes 5 pcs.
  • solid cheese 100 g
  • melted routine 100 g
  • mayonnaise 1-2 Art. l.
  • parsley several twigs
  • black bread a few slices

Cap preparation recipe with young potatoes, cherry tomato and two types of cheese

Young small potatoes will impen and hammer in the uniform. Each potato can be cut into two parts.

Tomato Cherry wash and cut down thin circles. Solid cheese cut the squares of about the same size as the tomato.

The melted cheese is finely squeeze, add a fine chopped parsley and a little mayonnaise. We mix the mixture into a homogeneous mass. Black bread cut into small squares. I smell on the bread a little mixture of melted cheese and fragrant greenery.

On a skeleton with a half boiled potato, then a sheet of parsley, a cherry tomato circle and a piece of solid cheese. We stick a skeleton into a piece of black bread.

Canape with solid cheese, cucumber and olives

Ingredients for canapes with solid cheese, cucumber and olives

  • solid cheese 100 g
  • melted routine 100 g
  • home mayonnaise 1-2 Art. l.
  • dill 1-2 twigs
  • parsley 1-2 twigs
  • fresh cucumber 1-2 pcs.
  • bread with bran a few slices

Recipe for making canapes with solid cheese, cucumber and olives

Slices of fresh bread cut the squares of the same size. Melted cheese with grinding on a grater and mix with table mayonnaise and finely chopped dill and parsley. I smell the slices of bread from the resulting cheese mass. With the help of special peephic, cut the cucumber with thin long slides. Solid cheese cut into small cubes.

First, one edge of the cucumber slice is put on a skeleton, then we sell olive, again the slicer of cucumber, then a solid cheese cube and another edge of cucumber. We stick a skeleton into a slice of bread.

Canape with Chicken Curry and Fresh Vegetables

Ingredients for Canapes with Curry Chicken and Fresh Vegetables

  • chilled chicken fillet 300 g
  • refined vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • salt to taste
  • black ground pepper pinch
  • curry (seasoning) 1 tsp.
  • cherry Tomato 3-4 pcs.
  • cucumber 1 pc.
  • bulgarian pepper 1 pc.
  • solid cheese 150 g
  • fresh bread with bran a few slices

Recipe for making canapes with curry chicken and fresh vegetables

First prepare meat. Feather fillet and led. Remove the film and fat. We will select the fillet with a hammer that the meat is tender. Squeeze chicken meat salt, seasoning curry and black pepper. Fry the fillet with one piece on the heated oil. Cool meat and cut thin slides.

Bread cut into small square pieces. Solid cheese, cucumber, tomato and pepper cut down thin slides. We will form a canape in such a sequence: a piece of sweet pepper, fried chicken fillet, cherry tomato circle, cucumber slice, a slice of solid cheese, bread.

Original canapes with herring and apple

Ingredients for canapes with herring and apple

  • fillet Lyosolenic Herring 1 pc.
  • sour apple 1 pc.
  • lemon juice 1 Art. l.
  • cocktail shrimp 10 pcs.
  • sunflower or olive vegetable oil 1 tbsp. l.
  • melted cheese 100 g
  • mayonnaise 2 tbsp. l.
  • fresh greenery several twigs
  • black bread a few slices

Recipe for making canapes with herring and apple

Cocktail shrimps wash, leaving. A little sucks of shrimp and fry them on the hot vegetable oil literally one minute, as they are very quickly prepared.

Melted cheese squeeze. Greens wash and finely cut. We mix cheese with fragrant greens and mayonnaise, mix. Cut the black bread with small squares. I smear the bread with a raw mass.

Herring fillet carefully cleanse from bones and cut into small portion pieces. Apple cut down thin slices and sprinkle with a small amount of natural lemon juice so that it does not lose its color. We put a piece of herring and apple on bread and secure them with a toothpick. From above canaper decorate a cocktail shrimp.

Simple canapes with salami, cherry, cucumber and olives

Ingredients for canapes with salami, cherry, cucumber and olives

  • salami 100 g
  • cucumber 1 pc.
  • cherry 5 pcs.
  • green olives or oils 10 pcs.
  • white toast bread a few pieces

Recipe for making canapes with salami, cherry, cucumber and olives

Salami and cucumber cut down thin circles. Cherry tomatoes will be cutting in pressure. Toast bread cut the squares or circles of about the same size as the sausage. On a slice of bread, we put a circle of cucumber, on top of salami. We drive olive and half Cherry on the sink and stuck it in bread.

Canape with ham, cucumber and cherry

Ingredients for canapes with ham, cucumber and cherry

  • ham 200 g
  • cherry Tomatoes 10 pcs.
  • fresh cucumber 1-2 pcs.
  • black bread a few slices

Recipe for making canapes with ham, cucumber and cherry

Ham and cucumber cut down thin circles. Bread apply not small pieces of the same size. We put a circle of fresh cucumber on every slice of bread, above the ham, folded twice. Copy canapes with a shinker with a sniped cherry tomato.

Canape with solid cheese, mozzarella and basil

Ingredients for canapes with solid cheese, mozzarella and basil

  • solid cheese 150 g
  • mozzarella 100 g
  • cherry Tomato 10 pcs.
  • fresh basil a few twigs
  • black bread a few slices

Recipe for making canapes with solid cheese, mozzarella and basil

Solid cheese cut a cube with a side of 2-3 cm. We take a cherry tomato with a sink, a sheet of basil, mozzarella, solid cheese. We stick a skeleton into a piece of black bread chopped on small squares.

Canape with Mozzarella, Basil and Olives

Ingredients for Canape with Mozzarella, Basil and Olives

  • mozzarella 100 g
  • cherry Tomato 10 pcs.
  • green olives without bones 10 pcs.
  • basil a few twigs
  • solid cheese 150 g

Recipe for canapes with mozzarella, basil and olives

Solid cheese cut a small cube. We ride the ingredients in such a sequence on the skeleton: first olive, then leaflets of basil, mozzarella and cherry. We stick a skeleton in a piece of solid cheese.

Canapes with salami, cherry and boiled young potatoes

Ingredients for canapes with salami, cherry and boiled young potatoes

  • salami 100 g
  • cherry Tomato 10 pcs.
  • green olives 10 pcs.
  • young little size potatoes 5 pcs.
  • salt to taste
  • black bread a few slices

Recipe for making canapes with salami, cherry and boiled young potatoes

Young potatoes will be carefully mine and dried in the peel by adding a little salt during cooking. Ready potatoes will be coercive and cut in pressure.

Black bread cut into small square pieces. Salami apply thin circles. Olive on the skeleton, then we sell one edge salami, Cherry tomato, the second edge of salami, having half boiled potatoes. We stick a spiner into a black bread slice.

Dishes on skewers - an integral part of any feast in the format of the buffet. They add diversity table, not only taste, but also aesthetic. Canapes on skewers are tiny sandwiches. They are preparing specifically for the people to eat comfortably standing. If you want to cause delight of your guests, be sure to try to surprise them with this snack. Read how to cook them correctly.

Simple and delicious recipes for making canapes on skewers

In order for the dish to be tastier, remember the following tips:

  1. If you failed to buy special skewers for canape, replace them with toothpicks.
  2. Slit products in front of the feed itself, they will look fresh.
  3. For cooking canapes of dietary on the skewers, take pieces of chicken fillet, turkey, beef.
  4. If the fruit snack, then use 5-6 ingredients. For satisfying enough 2-3 components.
  5. It is preferred to cut food for baking forms.
  6. Use the ingredients of contrasting bright colors.

With fish

With herring


  • black bread - 12 pieces;
  • garlic - 1 teeth;
  • herring fillet - 12 pcs.;
  • boiled beets - 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 1-2 Art. l.;
  • dill.
  1. Beet Suitoriate on the grater. Mix with dill, mayonnaise and crushed garlic.
  2. Put the beets, herring on the bread, ride.

With avocado and salmon


  • white bread - 12 slices;
  • salmon - 200 grams;
  • avocado - 1 pc.;
  • lemon juice - 2 h.
  1. Clean avocado, get a bone, smash the pulp with a fork, sprinkle with lemon juice.
  2. Fish cut into 12 pieces.
  3. Squeeze the basis of avocados, lay out salmon, decorate the greens, pour into the toothpicks.


With cucumber and olives

  • baguette - 6 circles;
  • surgical sausage - 6 rings;
  • butter;
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • olives without bone - 6 pcs.;
  • lettuce leaves.


  1. Lubricate the baguette of a thin layer of oil, lay out the salad.
  2. Cucumber is cutting with thin longitudinal slides.
  3. Take the toothpick. Slide the olive, rolled out the slide cucumber.
  4. Place the sausage on the bread and pour the toothpick.

With olive


  • rye bread - 8 squares;
  • salami - 8 circles;
  • olives Green - 8 pcs.
  1. Bread fry on both sides.
  2. Ski the toothpick one side of the sausage, then olive, then the second side and crunch.

With cheese

With smoked chicken

  • white bread - 6 pieces;
  • solid cheese - 150 g;
  • breast chicken smoked - 150 g;
  • maslins - 6 pcs.;
  • salted cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise;
  • greens.
  1. Chicken cut into 6 equal pieces.
  2. Cut 6 identical parts from bread, 12 - from cheese. Cucumber Cut with circles.
  3. Lubricate the bread mayonnaise.
  4. Put cheese, breast, again cheese. Slide the olive, the basis. Decorate with greens.


  • baguette - 8 identical pieces;
  • ricotta cheese - 100 grams;
  • pumpkin - 250 g;
  • rosemary, thyme;
  • garlic - 1 teeth;
  • black pepper, salt, olive oil.


  1. Take a baguette on both sides, soda garlic.
  2. Pumpkin Cut on 16 identical pieces, spray, pepper, add rosemary. Bake it half an hour.
  3. Mix the cheese with thyme, add a lemon juice droplet.
  4. Spray bread ricotta. Heat the toothpick 2 cube baked pumpkin and baguette.

From fruit

Sophistic sweet

  • kiwi - 3-4 pieces;
  • banana - 2 large;
  • grapes.


  1. Cut the banana with circles.
  2. Kiwi clean. Cut into cubes.
  3. Slide the grape, a piece of kiwi, banana.

Strawberry Kiss


  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • strawberry - 15 pcs.;
  • white chocolate;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • mint leaves - 15 pcs.
  1. Banana Cut with circles. Sprinkle with lemon juice.
  2. On the banana lay out strawberries.
  3. Melt white chocolate on the water bath. Apply a little on every strawberry.
  4. Canape strawberry on skewers are ready. Decorate them with mint leaves.

How to cook canapes for children

If you have to feed the kids, then the best option is simply not found. Children adore such sandbreaks, because they are small in size, it is interesting to look and quickly eaten. Even in the process of the game, the child will be able to run up to the table, to enjoy a tiny appetizing snack and go to his friends. Read the original canape's recipes for children.


  • pineapple canned rings - 6 pcs.;
  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • nectarine - 2 pcs.


  1. Cut the pineapple by 12 half-colts. It will be sails.
  2. Banana Cut rings, nectarine - for 12 circles.
  3. Pick out pineapple along, banana, nectarine.


  • quail eggs - 12 pcs.;
  • cherry tomatoes - 6 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise.


  1. Tomatoes cut in half, pull the core.
  2. Quail eggs weld craft, clean.
  3. Slow on the toothpick half the tomato and the egg vertically.
  4. Put mayonnaise points on Cherry.


  • ham - 150 g;
  • solid cheese - 150 g;
  • white bread - 12 slices;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.


  1. Cut bread, ham, cheese in the shape of asterisks. Cucumber - rings.
  2. Slide on the toothpick bread, cheese, ham, cucumber.

Options for bunting snacks on a skewers for a festive table

If you have a celebration, then you must try to make the canapes festive on the skewers that deliciously look at the photo. They will become a magnificent and original decoration of the table and for the New Year, and for a birthday. Such snacks do not differ from ordinary, but for their preparation, as a rule, use more expensive ingredients.

With red caviar

  • baguette - 12 pieces;
  • butter;
  • quail eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • red caviar - 6 h.
  • greens.


  1. Make the mug from the baguette and fry slightly.
  2. Swamp eggs and cut on the halves along.
  3. Lubricate bread with butter. Put the halves of eggs and for h. L. Red caviar. Load snack snacks, decorate greens.

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