Chelyabinsk meteorite consequences. Where the Tunguska meteorite fell: features, history and interesting facts

Landscaping and planning 25.09.2019
Landscaping and planning
At 9:20 am local time (7:20 Moscow time and 5:20 Kyiv time), an explosion occurred in the Chelyabinsk region meteor body at an altitude of 15-25 km.

The celestial body was not discovered prior to its entry into the atmosphere.

When a meteoroid with a speed of 20-30 km / s. entered the Earth's atmosphere, it caused a huge explosion, which NASA scientists estimate at about 500 kilotons of TNT.

As a result of the explosion, the meteor body turned into a luminous fireball and caused a strong shock wave. The first explosion was followed by two more explosions, as a result there were three explosions of different power (the first explosion was the most powerful).

The explosions were accompanied by a bright dazzling white flash, which is characteristic of a lightning explosion and lasted about five seconds.

The blast wave, which reached the Earth's surface with a delay of about a minute, caused major damage.

Estimated explosion temperature - more than 2500 degrees.

The duration of the flight of a meteoroid from the moment of its entry into the atmosphere to the moment of its explosion is 32.5 seconds.

Judging by the duration of the atmospheric flight, the meteorite body entered under very acute angle. But after the first explosion, the meteorite changed its flight path and began to move at an angle of 20 degrees, that is, almost parallel to the Earth's surface.

The meteor body flew from the southeast to the northwest, the flight trajectory was in azimuth about 290 degrees along the line Yemanzhelinsk - Miass.

After three explosions most of fragments of the meteorite evaporated, and only a few of them reached the Earth.

The condensation trail from the car in Chelyabinsk stretched for 480 km.

NASA released updated data on the meteoroid based on an analysis of data from infrasound tracking stations: before entering the Earth's atmosphere, the object was about 17 meters in diameter, weighing up to 10,000 tons and moving at a speed of 18 km / s.

At the time of the explosion of the body (February 15 at 3 hours 20 minutes 26 seconds GMT), American seismologists recorded a shock of magnitude 4 points about a kilometer southwest of the center of Chelyabinsk. Also, this event was recorded by 17 out of 45 infrasound tracking stations.

On February 16, the US Geological Survey reported that it estimates this event as an earthquake of 2.7 points. For comparison, the previous similar phenomenon - the fall of the Tunguska meteorite is estimated at 5.0 points.

The first movement of the meteor body across the sky at 9:15 (7:15 Moscow time) was seen by residents of the Kustanai and Aktobe regions of Kazakhstan. Residents of Orenburg - at 9:21 local time. Also, his trail was observed in the Sverdlovsk, Kurgan, Tyumen, Chelyabinsk regions and Bashkortostan. The farthest point with video recording of the meteoroid flight is the area of ​​​​the village of Prosvet in the Volzhsky district of the Samara region - the distance to Chelyabinsk is 750 km.

The military and scientists began searching for the fallen fragments of the meteoroid, into which it disintegrated after three explosions.

Fishermen near Lake Chebarkul and, in particular, local resident Valery Morozov, observed the moment the meteorite fell. According to them, about 7 fragments of the meteorite flew by, and one of them fell into the lake, throwing up a column of water and ice at least 3-4 meters high.

In the Etkul region, according to eyewitnesses, there was a meteor shower. Some even said that he pounded on the roofs of their houses.

On February 17, members of the meteorite expedition of the Ural Federal University discovered fragments of a meteorite near Chebarkul Lake. As a result of chemical analyzes, the extraterrestrial nature of small stones found on the surface of Lake Chebarkul was confirmed. And it was proved that this is an ordinary chondrite, which contains: metallic iron, olivine and sulfites; melting crust is also present.

On February 19, the second expedition of scientists took place, this time through settlements south of the city of Chelyabinsk. It was possible to find larger fragments with a total weight of up to 1 kg, the structure of which corresponds to the samples collected on the ice of Lake Chebarkul. They will allow you to conduct better research.

NASA estimates that this is the largest known celestial body to have fallen to Earth since the Tunguska meteorite impact in 1908, and occurs on average once every 100 years.

Due to the gentle trajectory of the body's entry, only a relatively small part of the energy of the explosions reached populated areas.

Because of the shock wave, 1586 people were injured, most from broken windows. According to various sources, from 40 to 112 people were hospitalized; two victims were placed in intensive care.

The shock wave damaged buildings. Material damage was tentatively estimated at 400 million to 1 billion rubles.

In Krasnoarmeisky, Korkinsky and Uvelsky districts Chelyabinsk region regime was introduced emergency.

The fall Chelyabinsk meteorite caused a huge uproar around the world. First of all, because of the power of the explosion, which gave rise to the oscillation of the Earth's surface.

Second, due to the fall of a meteoroid in a densely populated area, in the vicinity of a large Russian city Chelyabinsk. Therefore, direct eyewitnesses were able to film it on video.

When eyewitnesses of the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite posted their pictures on the Internet, millions of people around the world could get acquainted with them. And for this we thank them very much!

This event began to be discussed on the Internet, while putting forward various versions of the nature of this anomalous phenomenon.

1 version - Meteor shower

Initially, many scientists and astronomers put forward this version, according to which one of the meteorites fell over Chelyabinsk, belonging to the Delta Leonids meteor shower, which has been activated annually since February 5th.

Therefore, at first, the wrong direction of the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite was indicated - from the northeast to the southwest.

As it turned out, the Chelyabinsk meteorite flew from the southeast to the northwest. In addition, the annual meteor showers are well studied, so when the power of the explosion became known, it became obvious that the Chelyabinsk meteorite did not belong to this shower.

As a result, this version was not confirmed.

Version 2 - Fragment of the asteroid "2012 DA14"

This was the first official version put forward by the head of the department of celestial mechanics and astrometry of Tomsk state university Professor Tatyana Bordovitsina. She told the media that the meteor shower that took place in the Urals was a harbinger of an asteroid that was supposed to fly up at a close distance from the Earth by the evening of the same day, on Friday.

The expected asteroid "2012 DA14" flew near our planet just 14 hours later than the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite.

Weight 2012DA14, open year ago by Spanish astronomers, is 130 thousand tons, and the speed of movement is 28.1 thousand km per hour or 7.82 km per second. And this is at least two times less than the speed of the Chelyabinsk meteorite.

In addition, the asteroid did not fly parallel to the Chelyabinsk meteorite, which cannot be the case for bodies of the same stream, and at the time of its fall it was on the far side of the Earth.

In this case, the Chelyabinsk meteorite flew towards the asteroid or to the intersection of the flight path.

In addition, if some piece flew off the asteroid, then it should be found in the places of impact. And why did this piece of asteroid cause such a powerful explosion?

As in the previous version, even if it was an asteroid fragment, this absolutely does not explain why the "body" of the meteorite and the cause of the powerful blast wave were not found.

3rd version - a message from the Planet Nibiru

Adherents of Sitchin's idea about the approach of Planet X or Nibiru to the Earth claim that our planet was hooked by the Nibiru meteorite belt. They claim that over Chelyabinsk, earthlings received an official cosmic message from the planet Nibiru.

The message from outer space came from the direction of the Sun, from where Planet X, aka Nibiru, is rushing towards the Earth. And the Chelyabinsk meteorite is not the last and not the largest of those that await the Earth in the near future.

Other messages from the planet Nibiru should be expected already this year 2013. Recall that adherents of Sitchin claim that the mysterious planet Nibiru arrived inside the solar system in 2003.

I already wrote about Nibiru in an article. I want to add that if this planet existed, it would have to fit into the solar system and follow its laws.

It is simply impossible to enter an ordered system, since in the solar system everything already stands in its place and moves along the appropriate trajectory. There is no free space and there is no free treadmill either.

Therefore, adherents of Sitchin's ideas cannot in any way come up with something that cannot be.

Version 4 - The Chelyabinsk meteorite is a missile of the Ministry of Defense

This version was put forward by the well-known journalist Yulia Latynina, who, in her note “What was the side number of the meteorite?” asked a number of questions:

Why did the flight path of the fireball coincide with the flight path from the Elan garrison in the Sverdlovsk region to the Chebarkul training ground;
- why did it fly along a trajectory more like a rocket trajectory than a meteorite trajectory;
- why the meteorite left behind a tail similar to the tail from rocket fuel;
- why the explosion of a meteorite was similar to the self-destruction of a rocket;
- why such a large number of military personnel are involved in the search for meteorite fragments.

Latynina at the beginning of the text immediately made a reservation that she was not a rocket scientist, but a philologist, but demanded that the Ministry of Defense answer these questions.

The Ministry of Defense replied that the exercises in the Chelyabinsk region were not related to the fall of the meteorite on February 15, 2013.

Nevertheless, a total of 20,000 military and police personnel, about 40 aircraft and about 1,000 pieces of equipment were thrown in search of a celestial body. The military units of the Central Military District were brought to a state of high combat readiness, however, the Ministry of Defense announced mass unscheduled exercises - the first sudden check of combat readiness in 20 years. The training is carried out by decision of Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.

When experts joined the discussion of this topic and provided data on rocket speeds, the absurdity of this version became obvious.

For comparison, here are some numbers. The speed of the "meteorite" was about 20-30 km / s. or under 80,000 km/h.

Supersonic aircraft are capable of speeds from 2,500 km/h to 3,500 km/h. Ultra-high-speed devices capable of accelerating up to 6000 - 8000 km / h are being tested.

When entering orbit, the speed is up to 29,000 km / h (this is already taking into account airless space).

From the listed data it is clear that not a single aircraft, not a single rocket, can develop even half the speed of the Chelyabinsk meteorite.

The failure of this version proves the failure of other similar versions. For example, that a meteorite was shot down by Russian air defense / missile defense. But knock down an object moving on space speeds is simply an impossible task. It would be simple - long ago everyone would have had the ability to shoot down AP ICBMs, and here is a space object that has a speed that is a multiple of that of a warhead. And it's not about the trajectory itself.

Here is the same unprepared journalist who will then write a devastating article stating that Russian air defense / missile defense systems cannot shoot down space objects, presenting the task as something easily implemented. And thousands of people without proper education will spread this lie, not paying attention to the fact that Russia has the best air defense / missile defense in the world.

Version 5 - Natural disaster

The fact that the Chelyabinsk disaster occurred as a result of a natural phenomenon, almost no one doubts. Moreover, a similar phenomenon in the same area has already occurred.

So, on July 11, 1949, on the territory of the Kunashaksky district of the Chelyabinsk region at 8 hours and 14 minutes, a fiery white ball with a reddish-fiery tail flew in the sky from north to south.

The car left a trace in the form of a white stripe. Sparks and flames flew from the head of the car towards the tail. The flight of the car was accompanied by a hiss.

The bolide was observed over a vast territory about 700 km across for 8-10 seconds.

At an altitude of 27 km, the car split into three luminous parts with many sparks. At an altitude of 17 km, the glow stopped, and its fragments began to fall freely to the ground. The meteor shower dissipated over an area of ​​194 sq. km.

A bolide is a fireball with a shining tail that looks like a tailed sun.

The Kunashak fireball was visible at a distance of up to 700 kilometers in Chelyabinsk, Kurgan regions and Bashkiria.

The bolide was named after the village of Kunashak (55 ° 47 "north latitude and 61 ° 22" east longitude) - the regional center of the Chelyabinsk region, near which it was found.

One of the fragments of the car fell into Lake Chebakul, a 20-meter water column rose from the water.

Scientists from Moscow, Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk arrived at the crash site. They interviewed 126 eyewitnesses out of 75 settlements, and, thus, the very fact of the fall of the fireball was not in doubt. And soon the inhabitants began to find fragments of a celestial body.

Lake Chebakul, where the Kunashak meteorite fell, is located 50 km north of Chelyabinsk. Sometimes this lake is confused with Lake Chebarkul, which is located 75 km. southwest of the center of Chelyabinsk and where one of the fragments of the 2013 Chelyabinsk meteorite fell.

Similar phenomena were observed during the fall of the Tunguska and Vitim fireballs.

To prove that the Chelyabinsk meteorite was not a meteorite, but was most likely a fireball, I will give the data on the fall of the Sikhote-Alin meteorite.

The meteorite fell at 10 hours 38 minutes on February 12, 1947 near the village of Beitsukhe (46 ° 10 "north latitude and 134 ° 39" east longitude) of Primorsky Krai in the Ussuri taiga in the Sikhote-Alin mountains on Far East.

During the flight in the atmosphere, the meteorite was crushed several times. A meteorite appeared at an altitude of 110 km; the first crushing - 58 km, the second - 34 km, the third - 16 km and the fourth - 6 km.

It fell like iron rain over an area of ​​35 square kilometers. The largest individual copy weighs 1745 kg, the largest fragment is about 50 kg.

In a sense, the Sikhote-Alin meteorite is the antipode of the Tunguska meteorite. Here are some features that distinguish them:

1. The flight time of the fireball is 5 seconds in the case of Sikhote-Alin and a few minutes for Tunguska.

2. The scale of the fireball - the apparent trajectory of the Sikhote-Alinsky - 140 km, Tunguska - 700 km.

3. An explosion in the air at Tunguska and a blow to the ground - at Sikhote-Alin (academician V.G. Fesenkov associates this with the flight speed cosmic body, which hardly agrees with known facts).

4. The nature of ground destruction is completely different. On Tunguska there is a huge fall and burn of trees. On Sikhote-Alin there are craters with radial fallouts of 20-30 meters and a complete absence of burns.

5. Absence of seismic activity, let alone magnetic disturbances in the Sikhote-Alin.

6. Absence of the substance of a cosmic body on Tunguska.

7. Huge (global) range of atmospheric anomalies in Tunguska and very limited and short-lived in Sikhote-Alin.

8. In general, a different scale of phenomena. On Sikhote-Alin - the largest meteorite of the world and a local manifestation of phenomena accompanying the fall. On Tunguska - the absence of a meteorite and powerful accompanying phenomena.

In the Chelyabinsk disaster, all characteristics associated with the fall of the car.

1. The duration of the flight in a few minutes, not seconds.

2. Large scale of the visible trajectory.

3. The explosion of the fireball in the air, with repeated - three explosions.

4. Large-scale nature of destruction, with the release of heat.

5. The presence of an earthquake.

6. Very small amount of material deposited compared to the large scale of the disaster.

7. Atmospheric anomaly touched the entire globe.

Thus, we can conclude that the cause of the Chelyabinsk disaster was such a natural phenomenon like a falling car.

But the version expressed by Vladimir Zhirinovsky that this is the result of the use of climate weapons by the United States should not be discarded either.

Version 6 - Climate weapon

If we take into account the existence of climate weapons, then their impact is as follows.

“Powerful ground-based HARP radiating antennas synchronously transmit a microwave signal of microwave radiation to orbiting satellites located in the geostationary orbit of our planet.

When such satellites send radiation, they simultaneously also re-radiate these radiations among themselves. Thus, there is a superposition of many radiations from many satellites at once, which forms a standing wave in the right place and in the right volume.

This wave is pumped to such an extent that it leads to the moment when ionization occurs upper layers atmosphere, where ozone is located, and where satellites rotate.

In this place protective layer disappears, and ions appear that no longer protect the earth's surface, and through this place a powerful stream of cosmic radiation and hard solar radiation. Naturally, where such a “window” has opened, everything and everything will be burned on the ground.

There was no obvious manifestation of climate weapons in the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite, but it was, most likely, indirect.

First of all, the place of the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite attracts attention - this is the center No. 3 of the polar face between nodes No. 2 and No. 4 of the energy information system icosahedral-dodecahedral structure of the Earth (IDSS).

Node #2 is located at approximately 52° north latitude and 30° east longitude.

Node #3 is located approximately at 52°N and 102°=30°+72°E.

The center between these two nodes is at 52° north latitude and 66° east longitude.

The Chelyabinsk meteorite began flying in a radius of approximately 54°508" north latitude and 64°266" east longitude. At the time of the explosion, the coordinates were 54°922" north latitude and 60°606" east longitude.

The appearance of a meteorite in the center of the IDSZ face suggests that this is due to the occurrence of a strong tension in the energy-informational field of the Earth, which is associated with the dislocation of negative or negative information.

And if this is connected with information, then it is natural to assume that the torsion field of the Earth and people (psy fields) took part in this phenomenon.

Soviet physicist L.L. Vasiliev and further research by scientists proved that the electromagnetic waves accompanying psi waves are of a different nature than psi waves, and that electromagnetic waves do not participate in psi phenomena, although they can affect the human brain.

Psi waves carry information along with energy, their quality depends on the spiritual state of the transferred information.

The Earth creates its own psi field, people inhabiting a particular territory create their own psi field. The field of all mankind is heterogeneous, therefore, each nation, country has its own psi field. Somewhere it is stronger, somewhere weaker.

If the psi field is connected with the consciousness and life of a person, then its antipode is the field of death.

When an information system loses its spiritual principles, the spin rotation, the magnetic moment of the nucleus and electrons “fade out” in it. This leads to the destruction of the information system, since there are no conditions for the accumulation and storage of information in it.

Such information systems, losing their wave nature, turn into a unitron converging field of non-wave nature, dark matter.

In the unitron field elementary particles cannot build an atomic system. Therefore, it contains no information about life and no light, but only the energy left after the death of the atomic system, and darkness.

And this energy contains only the memory of the death of matter, with the help of which it informs the environment about this, which makes it similar to death. In fact, the unitron converging field is death itself.

Such defects of the information system are able to move and accumulate (after all, a converging field means an accumulating field - it collects such energy).

This causes tension in the energy frame of the Earth and the spatial lattice of the energy-information single crystal of the Earth is distorted.

Let's assume that the climate weapon warmed up the upper layers of the atmosphere and destroyed the structure of the atmosphere. This allowed several unitron fields to unite, which immediately created tension and distorted the spatial lattice of the energy-information single crystal of the Earth.

The main property of a unitron field is that the lower its energy intensity, the greater its volume. And the greater its energy intensity, the smaller its volume.

This means that by increasing the energy intensity, the unitron field has greatly decreased in volume, which increased its maneuverability and allowed it to break from the edge of the Earth's energy-information frame. It raced in search of similar fields to further increase its power.

But the Earth reacted instantly. Ball lightning engulfed the unitron field and began to lead it in the direction necessary for destruction. In some pictures, a dark spot is visible in the center of the fireball, which is a waveless unitron field and, in fact, dark matter.

Why ball lightning? According to Kapitza's hypothesis, ball lightning occurs when a standing light appears between clouds and the ground. electromagnetic wave(and it can be created by a climatic weapon), along which it moves and which energy is fed.

There are other hypotheses for the occurrence of ball lightning, which also in some way supplement the phenomenon of the fireball falling in Chelyabinsk.

The first explosion occurred at the moment when ball lightning together with the unitron field touched the human psi field in the given territory. As a result, there was an annihilation of matter (carrying information about life) and antimatter (which has no information).

To understand what happened, let's take scientific data as an example. In the interaction of 1 kg of antimatter and 1 kg of matter, great amount energy equal to the explosion of 42.96 megatons of trinitrotoluene.

From these data it is possible to calculate how much antimatter was involved in three explosions near Chelyabinsk. But this amount of matter and antimatter is not measured by the number of meteorite fragments that fell, which fell very little compared to the force of the explosion.

After the first explosion, the Chelyabinsk fireball stopped descending and began to fly parallel to the ground at a certain height until the final destruction.

Means, standing wave did not penetrate into the lower atmosphere and did not touch the ground.

The flight altitude of the Chelyabinsk fireball indicated the height of the human psi field of the area. And both of these factors indicate that in this area people have created a strong and large psi field that is able to withstand one of the varieties of psi weapons - climate weapons.

Therefore, during the fall of the Chelyabinsk fireball, it did not appear negative impact on the health of people and animals, except for the impact of the shock wave, which caused an acute mental reaction and various injuries resulting from the destruction of buildings.

In conclusion, I would like to congratulate all Russians on such high indicators of the state of the psi field over their territory and wish them to continue to improve their spirituality.

Meteorites fell to the ground many times: one fell quite recently - we are talking, of course, about the famous Chelyabinsk meteorite. There are others, no less famous and much larger, the consequences of the fall of which were sometimes devastating.

1. Tunguska meteorite

On June 17, 1908, at seven o'clock local time, an air explosion with a capacity of about 50 megatons occurred in the area of ​​​​the Podkamennaya Tunguska River - this power corresponds to the explosion of a hydrogen bomb. The explosion and the subsequent blast wave were recorded by observatories all over the world, huge trees on the territory of 2000 km² from the alleged epicenter were uprooted, and not a single whole glass was left in the houses of the inhabitants. After that, for several more days, the sky and clouds in the area shone, including at night.

Local residents said that shortly before the explosion they saw a huge fireball flying across the sky. Unfortunately, given the year of the incident, not a single photograph of the balloon was taken.

None of the numerous research expeditions found any celestial body that could serve as the basis for the ball. At the same time, the first expedition arrived in the Tunguska region 19 years after the event described - in 1927.

The event is attributed to the fall of a large meteorite to Earth, later called the Tunguska meteorite, but scientists were unable to detect fragments of a celestial body or at least the substance remaining from its fall. However, an accumulation of microscopic silicate and magnetite balls was recorded in this place, which could not have arisen in this area for natural reasons, therefore they are attributed to cosmic origin.

It is still not known exactly what caused the explosion: there is no official hypothesis, but the meteorite nature of the phenomenon still seems the most likely.

2. Meteorite Tsarev

In December 1922, residents of the Astrakhan province were able to observe the fall of a stone from the sky: eyewitnesses said that the fireball was huge and made a deafening noise in flight. After that, an explosion was heard, and from the sky (again, according to eyewitnesses) it began to rain from stones - the next day, the farmers who lived in that area found fragments of stones of a strange shape and appearance in their fields.

The rumor about the incident quickly spread throughout Russia: expeditions arrived in the Astrakhan province, but for some reason they did not find traces of a meteorite fall. It was possible to find them only 50 years later, when plowing the fields of the Leninsky state farm - a total of 82 chondrite meteorites were found, and the fragments were scattered over an area of ​​25 km2. The largest fragment weighs 284 kg (now it can be seen in the Moscow Museum named after Fersman), the smallest - only 50 grams, and the composition of the samples clearly indicates their extraterrestrial origin.

The total weight of the fragments found is estimated at 1225 kg, while the fall of such a large celestial body did not cause significant damage.

3. Goba

The largest whole meteorite in the world is the Goba meteorite: it is located in Namibia and is a block weighing about 60 tons and a volume of 9 m³, 84% iron and 16% nickel with a small admixture of cobalt. The surface of the meteorite is iron without any impurities: there is no other solid piece of natural iron of this size on Earth.

Only dinosaurs could watch the fall of Goba to Earth: it fell on our planet in prehistoric times and was buried underground for a long time, until in 1920 a local farmer discovered him while plowing a field. Now the object has been given the status of a national monument, and anyone can see it for a small fee.

It is believed that when the meteorite fell, it weighed 90 tons, but over the millennia of being on the planet, erosion, vandalism and Scientific research caused a decrease in its mass to 60 tons. Unfortunately, the unique object continues to "lose weight" - many tourists consider it their duty to steal a piece as a keepsake.

4. Sikhote-Alin meteorite

On February 12, 1947, a huge block fell in the Ussuri taiga - the event could be observed by residents of the village of Beitsukhe in Primorsky Krai: as always happens in the case of a meteorite fall, witnesses spoke of a huge fireball, the appearance and explosion of which was followed by a rain of iron fragments, fell over an area of ​​35 km². The meteorite did not cause significant damage, but it broke through a series of funnels in the ground, the depth of one of which was six meters.

It is assumed that the mass of the meteorite at the time of entry into the Earth's atmosphere ranged from 60 to 100 tons: the largest fragment found weighs 23 tons and is considered one of the ten largest meteorites in the world. There are also several large blocks formed as a result of the explosion - now the fragments are stored in the Meteorite Collection of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Khabarovsk Regional Museum named after N. I. Grodekov.

5. Allende

Allende fell to Earth on February 8, 1969 in the Mexican state of Chihuahua - it is considered the largest carbonaceous meteorite on the planet, and at the time of its fall its mass was about five tons.

To date, Allende is the most studied meteorite in the world: its fragments are stored in many museums around the world, and it is notable primarily for being the oldest discovered body in the Solar System, whose age has been accurately determined - it is about 4.567 billion years.

In addition, a previously unknown mineral called pangit was found in its composition for the first time: scientists suggest that such a mineral is part of many space objects, in particular, asteroids.

Early February morning in 2013 unexpectedly became tragic for 1613 residents of Chelyabinsk and its environs. Such a large number people affected by fallen meteorite in the history of the population of the Earth has not yet been. During the impact, windows were broken in many buildings, trees were broken and people were injured to varying degrees of severity, as a result of which about 1,613 people were recognized as victims, of which, according to various sources, from 50 to 100 people ended up in hospitals. People who watched the fall of the meteorite that morning were simply shocked by the events taking place. The first versions of what was happening sounded like: a plane crash, a rocket crash and even an alien attack ...

On the this moment the picture of the events of that tragic morning has been completely restored and it is reliably known when and where the meteorite fell in Chelyabinsk.

How it was

At about 9 am on February 15, this “unexpected guest” appeared high in the sky over Chelyabinsk, as a result of which a state of emergency was declared in Chelyabinsk and its surroundings. Previously, the same meteorite was observed by residents of other regions. Russian Federation, but they were much more fortunate than the residents of Chelyabinsk, because he simply flew past them without causing absolutely no harm. For example, at 7.15 Moscow time or at 9.15 local time, residents of the Aktobe and Kostanay regions of Kazakhstan saw it, and residents of Orenburg observed this amazing phenomenon at 7.21 Moscow time. This meteorite was also clearly visible in Sverdlovsk, Kurgan, Tyumen and their environs, and even 750 km from the place of impact in the village of Prosvet, Volzhsky district, Samara region.

Bright flash

According to the US National Aeronautics and Research Administration outer space(NASA), a meteorite weighing about 10 tons and a diameter of about 17 meters, with a speed of 17 km / s, entered the Earth's atmosphere and after 32 seconds split into many pieces. The destruction of the meteorite was accompanied by a series of explosions, the first of three explosions was the strongest and caused the destruction. It was a bright flash, it lasted about five seconds, and a minute later it came to Earth in the form of a destructive wave. According to scientists, the destruction of the meteorite led to the release of energy, which was approximately equal to 100 to 500 kilotons of TNT. The center of the explosion was not the city of Chelyabinsk itself, but its area, which is located a little to the south and is called Yemanzhelinsk - Yuzhnouralsk.

Locations of the fall of fragments

As a result of research conducted by a specially created group, four places were discovered where fragments of the meteorite are supposed to be located. The first two places are in the Chebarkulsky district of the Chelyabinsk region, the third in the Zlatoustovsky district, and the fourth in the Chebarkul lake area. The information that the meteorite is located in the lake was confirmed by the fishermen who were at the crash site. From their stories, members of the search group learned that at the moment the meteorite fell into the lake, a column of water and ice about 3-4 meters high rose from it.

The Ural meteorite for some time distracted scientists from another space object - an asteroid, which is approaching the Earth at this moment. According to calculations, for minimum distance it will approach our planet at 23:20 Moscow time. This unique event will be broadcast live on the NASA website. The asteroid will be visible to residents of Asia and Australia, as well as, possibly, some regions. of Eastern Europe.

In a little more than 2 hours, the DA14 object will pass the Earth at a distance of 28 thousand kilometers - this is closer than some satellites fly. If this asteroid weighing 130 tons and 45 meters in diameter collided with our planet, the explosion would be equal to one thousand Hiroshima. There was even an assumption that the meteorite that fell in the Urals could be part of this space monster and that other, larger ones would follow it. However, most scientists do not see a connection with the DA14 asteroid and the Ural meteorite.

"As for whether Armageddon threatens us or not. It is already known for certain. All asteroids larger than one kilometer in diameter, which bring such a catastrophe to the Earth large scale, they are all known and have well-known orbits, they are all cataloged and observed. There is no danger from them," Lidia Rykhlova, head of the department of space astrometry at the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, assured.

While watching a large asteroid, the meteorite that fell in the Urals was overlooked. However, it was practically impossible to see it before entering the atmosphere - neither civilian observatories nor missile defense radars can do this - the size is too small and the speed is high. The military says that even if such a meteorite is found, destroying such objects modern systems Air defense is not yet under force. Already in hindsight, scientists deduced the data of a celestial body that had already fallen in the Urals - a mass of several tons, a speed of 15 kilometers per second, an angle of incidence of 45 degrees, and a shock wave power of several kilotons. At an altitude of 50 kilometers, the object collapsed into 3 parts and almost completely burned out in the atmosphere.

“No more than 10 meters in diameter, it flew at supersonic speed and therefore generated a shock wave. This shock wave caused all these destructions, people were injured not by fragments of a meteorite, but by a shock wave. Now, if a supersonic plane would pass on the same altitude, for example, God forbid over Moscow, the destruction would have been the same,” said the deputy director of the State Astronomical Institute. Sternberg Sergei Lamzin.

Any space object that has reached the Earth's atmosphere and left a trace in it is called a meteorite by scientists. As a rule, they are small in size and, moving in the air at a speed of several kilometers per second, completely burn out. And yet, about 5 tons of cosmic matter falls to Earth every day in the form of dust and fine grains of sand. Almost all space guests come to us from the so-called asteroid belt, which is located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

"Some garbage solar system where all clastic material is concentrated. Collisions between asteroids occur in this belt. As a result, some fragments are formed that can acquire an orbit that intersects the Earth's orbit," said Mikhail Nazarov.

However, some scientists believe that it was not a meteorite that fell near Chelyabinsk at all. They are sure that no one will ever find any fragments, just as they did not find the fragments of the Tunguska meteorite. We are most likely talking about a cooled comet, which consists of frozen gases.

"If the nucleus of a first-generation comet invades the Earth, then it almost completely burns up in the Earth's atmosphere, and it is impossible to find any remnants on the surface. This is similar to the Tunguska phenomenon, when no remnants of the body were found, but there was a large fall of the forest over a large area and the trees were all heavily charred," said Vladislav Leonov, researcher at the Department of Space Astrometry at the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Nevertheless, the search for the remains of a meteorite near Chelyabinsk continues. At the same time, not only rescuers and scientists are looking for, now dozens of meteorite hunters have already rushed to the area of ​​​​the alleged fall. The price of some of them on the black market can reach up to several thousand rubles per gram.

I deliberately paused so as not to produce myths and riddles without having more or less reliable facts. Now that such facts already exist, it is time to systematize the information.

Where did the meteorite fall?

So, on the morning of February 15, 2013 at 9.20 local time (at 7.20 Moscow time), a meteoroid entered the Earth's surface at a very sharp angle - i.e. heavenly body, smaller than an asteroid. If such a body reaches the surface of the planet, then it is called a meteorite, and if it burns up in the dense layers of the atmosphere, it is called a meteorite. AT this case the meteoroid exploded in the air at an altitude of approximately 15 to 25 km and its numerous fragments reached the Earth. The largest fragment allegedly fell into Lake Chebarkul, which is located one kilometer from the city of the same name in the Chelyabinsk region (78 km west of Chelyabinsk). The weight of this fragment is estimated to be between 200 and 500 kg. In addition, the very next day, enthusiasts of the Ural Federal meteorite expedition began to collect small fragments of the heavenly guest. The total of the collected fragments is currently about 3 kg. In addition to the vicinity of Lake Chebarkul, fragments were found in the southern suburbs of Chelyabinsk - Pervomaisky, Emanzhelinka, Deputatsky. Scientists also suggest the possibility of finding fragments also in the area of ​​​​the village of Shchapino and the village of Travniki.

Consequences of a meteorite fall

The meteoroid explosion in the atmosphere caused numerous destructions in Chelyabinsk and its environs. Fortunately, there are no deaths, but many people were injured by the windows shattered by the shock wave. More than 1,600 people received various injuries, of which 69 were so serious that hospitalization was required. At the moment, all the victims have already been discharged from hospitals.

Most of the destruction is associated with broken glass (windows of about 3,000 houses were damaged to one degree or another), but the destruction of the Chelyabinsk zinc plant turned out to be more serious - the roof was destroyed and some walls of buildings were damaged. In the very first information that began to come in immediately after the disaster, it was this plant that was called the place where the meteorite fell. But now it is already safe to say that the destruction was caused by a shock wave from an explosion equivalent to 100-200 kilotons of TNT. For comparison, the energy of the first atomic bomb, blown up over Hiroshima, was no more than 18 kilotons.

The diameter of the meteoroid at the time of the explosion was approximately 17 m, the weight was about 10 tons, and the speed was 18 km/s.

Immediately after the disaster, they began to calculate the damage, which multiplied exponentially. It came to anecdotal situations when people themselves broke glass in their homes, having heard about compensation to victims of the explosion.

In addition, proposals for the sale of meteorite fragments immediately began to appear on the Internet, and the total weight of these “finds” exceeded not only the weight of the meteorite already found at that time, but the entire meteorite.

Previously, the meteorite was proposed to be called "Chebarkul", but subsequently settled on the name "Chelyabinsk".

After the fall of the Tunguska meteorite in 1908, our country only once experienced a phenomenon of this magnitude - in 1947, a meteorite with a total mass of about 23 tons fell in the Primorsky Territory in the Far East in the Sikhote-Alin mountains. According to the name of the area, he received the name Sikhote-Alinsky.

Clipping from video taken by eyewitnesses.

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