Kurgan region. History of the Kurgan region. Trans-Ural genealogy

Decor elements 22.09.2019

ancient ages

The oldest history of the Trans-Urals begins at the end of the ancient Stone Age - the Paleolithic.
The oldest site in the Kurgan region is located near the former village of Shikaevka, Vargashinsky district. At a depth of about 2 meters, bones of a mammoth, wolf, hare, birds, as well as stone tools made of green and red jasper were found. The site is over 11,000 years old. In such camps, large groups of primitive hunters lived for centuries, using the methods of driven hunting. V Western Siberia only three sites of the Upper Paleolithic are known, one of which is located in the Trans-Urals.
Neolithic settlements (the period of the New Stone Age, VI-IV millennium BC) in the Trans-Urals are known much more than the sites of previous eras. These are settlements near the villages of Koshkino and Okhotino in the Belozersky district, near the village of Tashkovo in the Shadrinsk district, near the village of Bely Yar near the city of Kurgan. The dwellings of that time looked like semi-dugouts and dugouts, the population was mainly engaged in hunting and fishing.
The Bronze Age in the Trans-Urals covers the period of the 17th - 8th centuries BC. Currently, several hundred monuments of the Bronze Age are known on the territory of our region. In the II millennium BC. tribes lived here, which are commonly called Alakul - according to the first excavated burial ground near Lake Alakul in the Shchuchansky district. Later, several settlements were found near the villages of Kamyshnoye and Raskatikha in the Pritobolny district, the village of Yazevo in the Kurtamysh district, the village of Subbotino in the Safakulevsky district, and others. The population was mainly engaged in cattle breeding and agriculture. The dwellings of the Alakul people were located in a circle, in the center of which there was a square. Such settlements were closely connected with each other, proto-urban civilization was born. In terms of size, the Trans-Ural settlements-proto-cities were not inferior to the well-known ancient cities of the East and Europe.
In the middle of the 1st millennium BC. local tribes got acquainted with iron. Improved cultivation of the land, accelerated the development of crafts, especially blacksmithing and weapons. In this era, the forest-steppe Trans-Urals were inhabited by sedentary and semi-sedentary tribes, tribes of pastoralists-farmers. The appearance of the tribal nobility is evidenced by burial mounds of that time. There are more than a thousand of them in our region, but not very many of them are large - from 5 to 10 meters high. One of them is Tsarev Kurgan, which gave its name to the current regional center. Russian pioneers founded the settlement of Tsarevo Gorodishche next to it, which later became known as the Kurgan Sloboda, and then the city of Kurgan.

Kurgan in the XIII-XVI centuries.

In the 13th century, the territory of our region entered the sphere of influence of the Golden Horde, and later - the Siberian Khanate.
Russian people first got acquainted with the Trans-Ural region in the 15th century. In the process of Russian colonization of the Trans-Urals, at first the private initiative of Novgorod, later Moscow merchants and industrialists, who acquired furs in exchange for Russian goods, prevailed. On these routes, industrial settlements were gradually created - settlements, winter quarters, towns. Christian missionaries also went east.
The movement of Russian people beyond the Stone Belt until the 16th century was very slow, and only after the fall of the Kazan and Astrakhan khanates did it accelerate. In 1574, Ivan the Terrible issued to the Stroganov merchants a letter of commendation for possession of the Trans-Ural lands along the Tobol River. However, a barrier stood in the way of the explorers - Siberian Khanate led by Khan Kuchum. In the defeat of the Khanate, a prominent role was played by Yermak's campaign in Siberia, which was equipped by the Stroganovs. The campaign began in the autumn of 1581 and continued throughout the year. Under the command of Yermak, the capital of the Khanate was taken, while other detachments completed the complete defeat in 1586. Since that time, the Trans-Urals became part of the Russian state.

Kurgan district in the XVII-XIX centuries.

The colonization of the Southern Trans-Urals by the Russian population began in the middle of the 17th century. The earliest settlements - the Dalmatovsky Monastery (1644), the Katai prison (1655), the Shadrinskaya Sloboda (1662) and others - were founded along the Iset and Tobol rivers. The question of the time of the foundation of the settlement of Tsarevo Gorodische (the modern city of Kurgan) is debatable. The most probable period of its foundation refers to the 1660s.
During the second half of the 17th - 18th centuries, the colonization of the region by the Russian population was activated. Numerous settlements and fortresses are being built. Administratively, the territory of the Southern Trans-Urals was part of several provinces. Russian Empire: Kurgan district - in Tobolsk, Shadrinsky - in Perm, and the southwestern regions in the Orenburg province. Kurgan and Shadrinsk became county towns.
Agriculture was one of the main sectors of the region's economy. The combination of chernozem lands with the presence of large forests attracted peasants from European Russia here. Traditional crops were mainly grown - rye, barley, wheat, peas, buckwheat, millet, flax and hemp. important industry was animal husbandry. V late XIX century, the Southern Trans-Urals becomes one of the largest oil exporters in Russia. An indicator of the development of trade could be considered the famous fair with a million turnover - Krestovsko-Ivanovskaya (Krestovskoye village, Shadrinsk district).
First educational institution in the Southern Trans-Urals - a school teaching secular sciences - appeared in the Dalmatov Monastery in 1719 by order of Emperor Peter I. Later, already in 1789, a school was opened in Shadrinsk, on the basis of which a three-year educational institution was established in 1812. In the Kurgan district in 1817, a district school was also founded. At the end of the 19th century, more than two hundred rural schools were already operating in the region.
The construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway had a great influence on the socio-economic development of the region. Work on its construction in the Trans-Urals began in July 1892, and already in October 1893, the first train with materials for the continuation of the construction of the railway line approached Kurgan. The first passenger train departed from Kurgan station in August 1894. Railway allowed the region to become more actively involved not only in the all-Russian, but also in the world market. As a result, commodity production begins to develop rapidly. Numerous factories and plants are being built, mainly for the processing of agricultural products. The architectural appearance of the Trans-Ural cities is changing, the population is growing rapidly. Libraries were opened, two cinemas operated in Shadrinsk by 1910, in 1914 the Lyra electrotheater and the Progress cinema appeared in Kurgan. In 1901, a women's gymnasium was opened, and in 1911, a vocational school.

Kurgan County during the Civil War

In 1914-1917, there was a massive involvement of the population of the Trans-Urals in political life society, despite the remoteness from the European center of Russia, despite the peasant conservatism. A feature of the political situation in the province was the undivided structure of the socialist parties. In July 1917, in the elections to the Kurgan City Duma, the Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, Socialist-Revolutionaries and other revolutionary parties acted as a single bloc, creating an electoral association called the United Socialists. In central Russia, this time is characterized by increased confrontation political parties in the struggle for power. Subsequent events showed an increase in the popularity of the Socialist Revolutionary Party (SRs) among the peasants of the Southern Trans-Urals.
The October Revolution of 1917 was greeted by the Trans-Urals with wariness. Only in January 1918 did Soviet power begin to establish itself in the region. The peasants took the side of the Bolsheviks after the attempt of the Kolchak administration to restore the former system of land use, to restore the pre-revolutionary authorities. The Trans-Urals fully experienced the tragedy of fratricidal civil war: mass executions, requisitions, etc. At the end of October 1919, hostilities against the Kolchak troops ended, but already in February-May 1921, the region was engulfed in a peasant uprising. Peasants who were dissatisfied with the food policy of the authorities took part in it.
NEP period - new economic policy in the Trans-Urals began with a famine caused by drought. In the Chelyabinsk province, about 90% of crops burned out. In the Kurgan district, according to August 1922, about 2.5 thousand people died of starvation, in Shadrinsk - more than 2300 people. Against the background of the devastation after the civil war, this situation seriously threatened the loss of power of the ruling Bolshevik party. A way out of it was found along the path of economic liberalization and the admission of market relations. A serious stabilizing factor was the activity of the revived peasant cooperatives in its various forms (credit, dairy, agricultural, consumer, etc.). In 1925, in the Kurgan district, almost 30% of peasant farms were covered by the system of cooperation, which is significantly higher than the all-Union indicators.
The restoration of the economy of the Southern Trans-Urals was completed in 1927: the number of livestock reached the pre-war level, the grain yield rose to 8 centners per hectare, work was resumed industrial enterprises, in general, there was a stabilization of public life.

Kurgan region during the Great Patriotic War

The Great Patriotic War seriously changed the face of the region. The entire economy worked for the needs of the front. Fifteen large plants and factories were evacuated from European Russia to the Trans-Urals. The region has gained important strategic importance as an agricultural granary of the industrial Urals.
65 years ago, on February 6, 1943, the Kurgan Region was formed by the Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The city of Kurgan becomes a regional center, and Shadrinsk a city of regional significance. During the formation of the region, the economy worked for the needs of the front. 15 enterprises from the European part of the country were evacuated to the region. The enterprises produced fragmentation and chemical mines, housings for them, mortars, gas tankers and other products. Volume industrial production during the war years increased 1.5 times, including machine building and metalworking - 3.7 times. By the end of the war, mechanical engineering had taken a leading position in the industry of the region.
The agricultural workers of the region made a great contribution to the defeat of Nazi Germany. During the war years, village workers sent 435 thousand tons of grain, 2.1 million tons of milk, 63.7 thousand tons of meat for the needs of the front.
More than 200 thousand Trans-Urals (almost every fifth inhabitant) went to the front, more than half died. Numbers speak about the military prowess of the inhabitants of the region: 108 Zauralians became Heroes Soviet Union, of which three - twice: Grigory Panteleevich Kravchenko, Sergei Ivanovich Gritsevets, Kirill Alekseevich Evstigneev (shot down 56 aircraft, the third result for the war, second only to Kozhedub and Pokryshkin), 75 thousand were awarded orders and medals.

Postwar years

In the first post-war years, the industry of the region made a sharp leap. The restructuring of enterprises for the production of peaceful products was accompanied by the introduction of advanced technology.
In 1945-1947. mastered the production of agricultural machines, asphalt distributors, gas stations, centrifugal pumps, fire fighting equipment.
V agriculture the fleet of agricultural machines and tractors was being renewed, virgin and fallow lands were being developed. Another important task was also solved - increasing the yield of grain crops.
For the outstanding successes achieved in increasing grain production and fulfilling obligations to sell it to the state, in 1959 the Kurgan region was awarded the Order of Lenin.
In 1956, the first turbogenerator at the Kurgan CHPP and the Chelyabinsk-Kurgan power line were put into operation. This allowed the region to launch a broad program of construction of new and reconstruction of existing enterprises. In the second half of the 1950s, the machine building plant, reinforcing, chemical engineering plant, bus, plant medical preparations, 4 large factories and combines for the food and meat and dairy industries.

The Kurgan district was formed on January 19, 1782 as part of the Tobolsk region of the Tobolsk governorship. Since 1796 - in the Tobolsk province. On April 3, 1918, the Provincial Conference of Soviets decided to transfer the provincial center from the city of Tobolsk to the city of Tyumen and rename the Tobolsk province to Tyumen. By the decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of August 27, 1919, the Kurgan district was included in the Chelyabinsk district. The settlement of the county by Russians was carried out in the XVII-XVIII centuries. In the 1730s in order to protect the steppe space between the rivers Tobol, Ishim and Irtysh, the Ishim fortified line was built, part of the Siberian line. Its fortifications stretched from the Utyatsky outpost down the Tobol River, through Tsarevo Gorodishche, Ikovskaya Sloboda, the village of Shmakovskoye and further to the territory of the Yalutorovsky district. Military service was carried out by white-seated Cossacks and dragoons of light field teams. They protected from attacks by nomads (Kyrgyz-Kaisaks, Tatars, Bashkirs). In 1752, a new 576-kilometer Tobol-Ishim line was built, otherwise called Presnogorkovskaya (there were many fresh and salt lakes in the Ishim steppe. Its fortifications are located along the southern border of the Kurgan district. This line made it possible to accelerate the settlement of the territory of the district by Russians. The absence of serfdom in Siberia was greatly facilitated by settlement.The construction of a line of defensive fortifications required the construction of roads, near-tract villages to ensure the Yamskaya chase, and the repair of roads - all this was ensured by the forced labor of the exiles. settled separately, in a new place, forming settlements of exiles, and not in populated villages, so that they would not spoil the morals of the peasants.By the time the county was formed, the Russian population mainly lived in its northwestern part. settlements were: * settlements: Belozerskaya, Ikovskaya, Lebyazhya, Maraiskaya, Saltosaraiskaya, Tebenyakskaya, Ust-Suerskaya, Utyatskaya, Tsarevo Gorodishche (now Kurgan) Chimeevskaya * villages: Barabinskoye, Karachtinskoye (Borovsky volost), Krivinskoye, Mostovskoye, Paderinskoye, Niz Chernavskoye ( Chernavskaya volost), Chernavskoye (Vvedenskaya volost), Cheremukhovskoe, Shkodskoe, Shmakovskoe. The southern part of the county was to be settled in accordance with the state plan in 1804-1806. In 1822, the Senate issued a decree authorizing the resettlement of farmers in near-linear areas suitable for arable farming. In the second edition of the Code of Laws for 1842, the legislative act “The Charter on Improvement and State Settlements” is placed, which establishes in detail to whom, when and where resettlement can be allowed, what settlers should receive on the spot, what benefits they receive in a new place. In 1845-1849 the population of the county was significantly increased due to immigrants from the provinces of central Russia. Settlement of settlers took place on specially allocated lands, but in addition to resettlement on free lands, settlers were also settled with old-timers with their permission. The construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway had a great influence on the socio-economic development of the district. Work on its construction in the Trans-Urals began in July 1892, and already in October 1893, the first train with materials for the continuation of the construction of the railway line approached Kurgan. The first passenger train departed from Kurgan station in August 1894. The first General census of the population of the Russian Empire in 1897 showed that 260,095 people live in the Kurgan district, incl. 125710 men and 134385 women. Duck here is the village of Byrilino who was inhabited and from where ??? See the album "HISTORY IN CHRONICLES"

Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian . 6

Kamyshnaya, village of Arlagulskaya volost, Kurgan district .. 7

Karasya, village of Butyrinsky volost, Ishim district .. 7

Karatchinskoe (Borovskoye), a village in the Belozersky volost of the Kurgan district .. 8

Karpunina, village of Solovyovskaya / Mokrousovskaya volost, Yalutorovsky district .. 8

Klyuchevskoye, the village of Kamyshevskaya / Chernavskaya volost, Kurgan district .. 8

Kovaleva, village of Belozersky volost, Kurgan district .. 9

Kodskoe, village of Kodskoy volost, Yalutorovsky district .. 9

Church in the name of the Kazan Icon Mother of God, co-religious . 10

Kozlovskoe, village of Tebenyakskaya volost, Kurgan district .. 10

Church of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica . 10

Kokareva, village of Solovyovskaya / Mokrousovskaya volost, Yalutorovsky district .. 10

Konovalova, village of Paderinsky volost, Kurgan district .. 11

Kopayskaya 1st, village of Salamatovskaya / Sychevskaya volost, Kurgan district .. 11

Korobeynikovo (Kolesnikovo), the village of Malo-Chausovsky volost, Kurgan district .. 11

Kostousovo, a village in the Paderinsky volost, Kurgan district .. 12

Church of the Intercession Holy Mother of God, Old Believer . 12

Krivinskoye, village of Krivinskaya volost, Kurgan district .. 12

Church in the name of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene .. 13

Kruglaya, village of Mostovskaya volost, Kurgan district .. 13

Krutikhinskoye, village of Verkh-Suersky volost, Yalutorovsky district .. 13

Kuzminskoye, village of Belozersky volost, Kurgan district .. 14

Kulikova, village of Belozersky volost, Kurgan district .. 14

Church in the name of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky . 18

Church in the name of the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon, brownie . 19

Church in the name of the Apostle Evangelist John the Theologian, brownie . 20

Kurganskaya, village of Malo-Chausovsky volost, Kurgan district .. 20

Kureinskoye, village of Kureinskaya volost, Kurgan district .. 21

Kurtan, village of Mogilev volost, Kurgan district .. 22

Church in the name of St. Alexis, Metropolitan of Moscow, co-religionist . 22

Kazantsevskoe, the village of Petukhovskaya volost, Ishim district

The village of Kazantsevskoe (Golodnoe) of the Petukhov volost near the lake of the same name, on the zemstvo highway. It was part of the parish of the Epiphany Church in the village of Petukhovsky.

Church of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God

In 1901, a wooden single-altar church was built in the village in the name of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, attributed to the Petukhovskaya church.

Kazarkinskoe, village of Kazarkinskoy/Morshihinskaya volost, Kurgan district

The village of Kazarkinskoye near the lakes Zheltoy and Mokhovoy, on the trade route Kurgan - Ishim. Every year, two fairs were held in the village, which turned to the beginning XX v. to fairs: December 29 - January 2 (New Year's) and June 28 - July 2 (Petro-Pavlovskaya).

Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul

In 1849, the inhabitants of the villages of Kazarkina, Kopyrin, Utechya, the parish of the Candlemas Church in the village of Morshikhinsky, and the village of Malo-Kamennaya, the parish of the St. George Church in the village of Mogilevsky, separated from the parish churches at a distance into an independent Kazarkinsky parish. In the same year, on June 1, in the village of Kazarkina, at the expense of the parishioners, the construction of a stone one-story and one-altar church in one connection with the bell tower began, which was completed by 1857, after which the interior and exterior decoration began. The iconostasis was made by Ishim peasant from settlers Stepan Krutov. By 1889, a new brick fence was built at the church, at the corner of which a stone building of the gatehouse was located.

In 1913, the parish of the Peter and Paul Church in the village of Kazarkinskoe included the following villages: Kopyrina, Khokhly, Chistaya, Kilarina, Sladkaya, Bykova, Kosheli, Edunova, Malo-Kamennaya.

V Soviet time the gilded carved iconostasis of the Kazarkinskaya church was broken and looted, the crosses were knocked down, the bells were sent for melting down, and soon the temple itself was destroyed along with the church fence.

Kalashnikov, village of Lopatinsky / Lebyazhevsky volost, Kurgan district

The village of Kalashnikov (Kalashnaya) was founded at the beginning XIX v. immigrants from the Voronezh and Smolensk provinces. The village got its name from the fact that the first inhabitants settled around the lake, in the middle of which reeds grew, resembling kalach outlines. Until 1851, the village of Kalashnaya was part of the parish of the Alexander Nevsky Church of the Lebyazhevskaya Sloboda, and since that year it has been transferred to the new parish of the Mother of God-Kazan Church in the village of Lopatinsky, located at a distance of 12 versts.

Chapel in honor of the Holy Prophet Elijah

In 1872, a wooden chapel was built in the village in honor of the Holy Prophet of God Elijah, on whose feast day, July 20, they went to worship in the chapel. By the end XIX this chapel fell into disrepair over the centuries, so at the beginning XX v. the inhabitants of the village of Kalashnaya built a new chapel-school in honor of the same saint.

Kamenskoye, village of Kamenskoy volost, Ishim district

The village of Kamenskoye (Kamenka, Bolshe-Kamennoye) at the Kamennoye (Sofonovsky) lake, on the zemstvo tract. At the beginning of the twentieth century. fairs were held in the village: Afanasievskaya (January 14-18) and Kazanskaya (October 19-22).

Church in the name of the Ascension of the Lord

In 1819, the parishioners built a stone single-altar church in the village in the name of the Ascension of the Lord. In 1896, in addition to the village itself, the Kamensky parish included the following villages: Peschanaya, Susarly (Aktaban), Martynova, Novo-Lebyazhya and the village of Gusinovsky. Back to top XX v. as a result of the resettlement, the number of parishioners increased, as a result of which the parish was divided into three: in 1903 an independent parish was opened at the church in the village of Orlovsky, and in 1907 - at the church in the village of Pesyansky. In 1913, at the Ascension Church in the village of Kamenskoye, there were villages: Martynova and Novo-Lebyazhya, as well as the villages of Gusinovsky and Sergeevsky.

In 1931, by the decision of the Chelyabinsk Regional Executive Committee, the temple was buried, and a granary was placed in its premises. In 1935, the regional executive committee, at the request of the Petukhovsky district executive committee, decided to remove the bells from the Kamenskaya church, which were transferred to the regional Metallom office "for removal, cutting and shipment to their destination."

Kamyshevskoe, village of Kamyshevskoy/Chernavskaya volost, Kurgan district

The village of Kamyshevskoye near Lake Klabukov (Kamyshny), on the zemstvo highway. In the first half of the XIX century. the village of Kamyshnaya was part of the parish of the Prokopyevskaya church in the village of Chernavskoye.


It is not known when the chapel appeared in the village, but already in 1849 it is listed as “built long ago with the permission of the spiritual and civil authorities.” This chapel was wooden, consecrated in honor of St. Basil the Great, on whose memory day, January 1, local residents gathered in the chapel to pray.

Church of Saint Basil the Great

In 1850, residents of the villages of Kamyshi, Tolstoveretinskaya, Kolesovskaya, Sosnovka and the Lebyazhevsky section, parishioners of the Chernavskaya church, applied to the Tobolsk spiritual consistory with a request to build a church in the village of Kamyshi with the formation of a new parish. In 1853, followed by the issuance of a church building certificate for the construction of a wooden one on a stone foundation in one connection with the bell tower of the one-altar church. On October 4, 1853, the dean of the Kurgan Department, the priest of the Mother of God-Kazan Church of the Presnogorkovskaya fortress, Nikita Rozanov, laid the foundation stone for a church in the village of Kamyshi. The construction, entrusted to the peasant of the Vvedenskaya volost, Illarion Menshchikov, began in May 1854 and was carried out at the expense of the parishioners with the help of voluntary donations. By 1857, an iconostasis was installed in the temple, and on March 2, 1858, the church of the village of Kamyshevsky was consecrated in the name of St. Basil the Great. By 1892, a stone church fence was built with iron bars and in one connection with it is a stone hut for watchmen. The temple was repeatedly repainted both inside and outside, the crosses were re-gilded.

Opened in 1853, the Kamyshevsky parish included, in addition to the village itself, the villages: Tolstoveretinskaya (Tolstukha), Lebyazhya, Kolesovskaya (Wheel) and Sosnovskaya. From 1888 to 1894 the parish included the village of Pesyanaya, some of whose inhabitants belonged to the parish of the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Church in the village of Klyuchevsky. Since 1895, the village of Pesyanaya finally moved into the Klyuchevskoy parish. In 1913, the parish of the Vasilyevsky church in the village of Kamyshevsky consisted of villages: Sosnovka, Tolstoveretinsky, Lebyazhye.

Kamyshevskoe, village of Tersyuk volost, Yalutorovsky district

The village of Kamyshevskoye in the Teruk Volost near Lake Stanichnoye. At the beginning of the twentieth century. a fair was held in the village (October 27 - November 1) and a weekly fair.

Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos (Provisions of the Robe of the Lord)

The first two-altar wooden church of the village was built in 1799. The main altar in the cold church was consecrated in the name of the Position of the Robe of the Lord, in the warm church - in the name of St. Modest of Jerusalem. By the 1890s the old dilapidated church burned down.

In 1890, through the efforts of the rector of the church, Nikolai Bogoslovsky, the construction of a new two-altar stone church began. The iconostasis was made by the painter Anton Krechetov. Large donations for temple construction were made by Yakov Finikov. In 1900 the altar was consecrated in the name of Saint Modest of Jerusalem. On September 28, 1906, the main summer church in the name of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos was consecrated by the dean, priest Vasily Karpov, together with seven priests.

B X I X - early XX centuries. the parish of the Rizopolozhenskaya (later Intercession) church in the village of Kamyshevsky included the villages of Ozhogina and Kamyshevka (Big Odina).

Kamyshevskoe, village of Utyatskaya volost, Kurgan district

The village of Kamyshevskoye, Utyatsky volost, near the Kamyshenka River, on the zemstvo (postal) route. It was part of the parish of the Epiphany Church in the village of Utyatsky.

Chapel in honor of the Holy Martyr Paraskeva

In 1868, a chapel was built in the village in honor of St. Paraskeva Pyatnitsa. Every year on October 28, divine services were held in it, candles were sold throughout the year.

Church-school in the name of the Holy Martyr Paraskeva

In the 1890s Residents of the village of Kamyshnaya applied to Tobolsk with a request to rebuild a dilapidated chapel in honor of the Holy Martyr Paraskeva into a church-school.

The project of the church-school was drawn up by the diocesan architect Bogdan Zinke. On September 11, 1895, the dean of the Kurgan city and district churches, Archpriest Dmitry Kuznetsov, co-served by three priests, laid the foundation stone for the church-school in the name of the Holy Martyr Paraskeva. The iconostasis was made by the Yekaterinburg merchant Alexander Kozhevnikov, the icons were painted by the nuns of the Yekaterinburg Tikhvin Monastery. On May 26, 1898, the priest Dmitry Kuznetsov, in fulfillment of the decree of the Tobolsk spiritual consistory, consecrated the new church.

In 1907-1908. parables of the Utyatskaya church expressed a wish to separate the village of Kamyshevsky into an independent parish for the following reasons: “The village is populous, more than a thousand people of both sexes, and prosperous. Over the past ten years, the inhabitants of the village have built a beautiful church, supplied it with rich and expensive utensils and sacristy, and for several years now they have been living their separate parish life ... they have introduced an independent church economy, separate from the Utyatskaya church, with their own separate church documents " . However, the attempt to single out the village of Kamyshnoye and the villages close to it into a separate parish did not meet with support from either the Kamyshens or the residents of neighboring villages.

Kamyshnaya, a village in the Paderinsky volost of the Kurgan district

The village of Kamyshnaya (Malaya Kamyshnaya, Bezkamyshnaya) of the Paderinsky volost on the shore of the lake of the same name, on a commercial route. In a day village holiday- July 1 - a one-day torzhok was arranged. She was part of the parish of the Catherine Church in the village of Barashkovsky.

Chapel in honor of Saints Cosmas and Damian

In the XIX - early XX century. in the village there was a chapel in honor of the Holy Unmercenaries Kozma and Damian. By the beginning of the twentieth century. it became very dilapidated and became unsuitable for the increased number of parishioners. In this regard, in 1905, the inhabitants of the village of Kamyshnoy decided to build a more spacious prayer house.

Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian

In March 1909, a charter was issued for the construction of a prayer house in the name of Saints Cosmas and Damian. On June 21, 1909, the dean of the 2nd deanery, Archpriest John Redkin, in co-service with the priest of the Catherine Church in the village of Barashkovsky, Vasily Gomilevsky, laid the foundation stone for the prayer house. The construction contract was concluded with the contractor, a peasant from the Vyatka province, Semyon Konakov. For the construction, a purchased wooden chapel with an altar from the village of Likhachevsky and materials from the old chapel were used. The contract for the installation of the iconostasis was concluded with the Ekaterinburg tradesman Iosif Khlopotov.

On July 1, 1912, priests John Redkin and Vasily Gomilevsky consecrated a prayer house in the village of Kamyshnaya. In 1913, a charter was issued for the consecration of a prayer house according to the order for the consecration of the temple, after which the altar and the altar were built. On October 7, 1913, the dean of the 2nd deanery, priest John Naumov, concelebrated by six priests, consecrated the church in the name of Saints Cosmas and Damian. Assigned to the parish of the Catherine Church in the village of Barashkovsky.

In 1917, the Kosmodemyanskaya church in the village of Kamyshnoy burned down, and was not subsequently restored.

Kamyshnaya, village of Arlagulskaya volost, Kurgan district

The village of Kamyshnaya, Arlagulsky volost, near the lake of the same name, on the zemstvo highway, 10 versts from the village of Arlagulsky.


At the turn of XIX - XX centuries. in the village, which was listed in the parish of the Ascension Church in the village of Arlagulsky, there was a chapel (in honor of which holiday or saint it has not been established).

Church of St. John the Evangelist

At the beginning of the twentieth century. a decision was made to transfer the old Arlagul temple to the village of Kamyshnaya for the construction of a new wooden church. In 1904 the church in the name of St. John the Theologian was built. Assigned to the Church of the Ascension in the village of Arlagulskoye. The temple was closed in 1928.

Karasya, village of Butyrinsky volost, Ishim district

The village of Karasya, Butyrinsky volost, near the lake of the same name, on a country road, 12 versts from the village of Butyrinsky.


At the beginning of the 20th century, a chapel operated in the village (in honor of which saint or holiday has not been established), which was listed in the parish of the Holy Trinity Church in the village of Butyrinsky.

Karatchinskoe (Borovskoye), a village in the Belozersky volost of the Kurgan district

The village of Karatchinskoye (Borovskoye) by the river Borova-Karashta on a country road. Every year on July 20 and January 30, markets were held in the village.

Church in the name of the Holy Prophet of God Elijah

In 1798, a wooden church with two altars was built in the village: in the name of the Holy Prophet of God Elijah and the Three Hierarchs Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom.

In 1913, the parish of the Prophet Elijah Church in the village of Karatchinsky included the following villages: Maslyanaya, Glubokaya, Kovaleva, Peshnaya, Zyuzina, Baitova, Malo-Baitova, Diankova.

Karpunina, village of Solovyovskaya / Mokrousovskaya volost, Yalutorovsky district

The village of Karpunina in the Solovyov Volost near the Small Kizak River, on a country road. She was part of the parish of the Holy Trinity Church in the village of Mokrousovsky.

Chapel in honor of the Righteous

In 1895, in memory of the commemoration of the miraculous event of October 17, 1888, the peasants of the village built an ancient wooden, in the form of a temple, chapel in honor of Righteous Simeon of Verkhoturye.

Closed in 1934. By this time, the chapel was destroyed.

Klyuchevskoye, the village of Kamyshevskaya / Chernavskaya volost, Kurgan district

The village of Klyuchevskoye in the Kamyshevskaya/Chernavskaya volost near the spring, on a country road. A fair and a weekly fair were held in the village.

Church of the Archangel Saint Michael

In 1848, migrant peasants from the Ryazan and Pskov provinces, residents of the village of Klyuchiki (Klyuchi), the parish of the Epiphany Church in the village of Utyatskoye, and the settlement of Pesyanoy, the parish of the Prokopievskaya Church in the village of Chernavskoye, turned to the Tobolsk spiritual consistory with a request to build a new church with the formation of an independent parish. A certificate for the construction of a wooden church on a stone foundation in the village of Klyuchi was issued on October 13, 1852. On October 5, 1853, the dean of the Kurgan department, priest Nikita Rozanov, laid the foundation stone for the church in the name of Archangel Michael.

After the enrollment in the same year of the nearby village of Stepnoy, the parish of the church of the village of Shmakovsky, a priest was sent to the new Klyuchevskoy parish. In 1854, the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk church in the village of Klyuchevskoy was included in the number of independent ones.

An old wooden church in the village of Shkodsky, Smolinskaya volost, was purchased for the construction of the temple. The construction was completed by Prokopy Zhukov, contractor, peasant of Count Bobrinsky, Epifansky district, Tula province, in 1854.

On March 8, 1858, with a large gathering of people, priest Nikita Rozanov consecrated the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk church in the village of Klyuchevskoy.

In 1913, the parish of the Klyuchevskaya church consisted of villages: Stepnoy, Pesyanoy, Kondakova.

The Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk church in the village of Klyuchevskoy was closed in 1937. A granary was arranged in the temple.

Kovaleva, village of Belozersky volost, Kurgan district

The village of Kovaleva, Belozersky Volost, near the Uzkaya River, on a country road. Belonged to the parish of the Assumption Church in the village of Kuzminsky.


At the beginning of the 20th century, a chapel operated in the village (in honor of which saint or holiday it has not been established).

Kodskoe, village of Kodskoy volost, Yalutorovsky district

The village of Kodskoe (Monastery), in XVII century Nikolskaya Zaimka of the Kondinsky Trinity Monastery, by the Iset River, on the Zemstvo tract.

Church in the name of St. Nicholas

In 1690, a wooden church was built in the village in the name of St. Nicholas. In 1713 the temple burned down. Soon a new wooden church was built. Over time, the building fell into disrepair.

In 1753. at the expense of the rector of the Ioannovsky Intermountain and Kondinsky monasteries, Archimandrite Iakinf, the construction of a stone church began. By 1761, a three-altar church was built: the main altar was consecrated in the name of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity, in the right aisle - in the name of Saints John and Procopius of Ustyug, the left aisle - in the name of St. Nicholas. Later, through the efforts of the Koda merchant Samson Kolosov, the church was renovated: inside it was decorated with paintings, external walls painted with frescoes, gilded iconostasis of the main summer church and aisles.

In 1913, the parish of the Holy Trinity Church included the villages: Chernaya, Makarova, Kulchan.

The Holy Trinity Church in the village of Kodskoe was closed in 1930. In 1932, the temple was dismantled, and the building of a machine and tractor workshop was built from its bricks.

Church in the name of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

In the 1830s, the Old Believers of the village of Kodskoe converted to the same faith. In May 1836, in the village of Kodskoye, a co-religious wooden double-altar church was laid. Construction completed in 1838. The main altar was consecrated in the name of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, in the warm aisle - in the name of St. Nicholas.

In 1913, the parish of the Mother of God-Kazan Church consisted of the village of Turushevsky and the villages: Cape, Dukhovka, Mamontova, Chuvarina, Dolmatova, Verkh-Mostovskaya, Ozhogin, Shirokov, Salomatov, Shuravin, Reshetnikov.

Chapel in honor of St. John of Ustyug

In 1907, a wooden chapel was consecrated in honor of John of Ustyug on the site of Svyatogor, two versts from the village, where the image of the Lord Almighty miraculously survived from the fire of 1713 was found. Every year on May 29, services were held in the chapel.


In XIX - the beginning of the twentieth century. in the village of Kodskoe, a wooden chapel operated at the Orthodox parish cemetery.

Kozlovskoe, village of Tebenyakskaya volost, Kurgan district

The village of Kozlovskoye (Kamaganskoye) of the Tebenyaksky volost near Lake Kamagan, on a country road. It was part of the parish of the Candlemas Church in the village of Tebenyakskoe, since 1859 - in the parish of the Candlemas Church in the village of Pershinsky.


In the 19th century, a chapel operated in the village (in honor of which holiday or saint it has not been established). In the 1890s, the chapel was rebuilt into a temple.

Church of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica

On November 14, 1893, in the village of Kozlovskoe, the dean, priest Alexander of Olives, concelebrated by three priests, solemnly consecrated a new wooden church in the name of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica. A small church could not accommodate everyone who wanted to pray, and "the people stood around the temple like a solid wall." Assigned to the Sretenskaya church in the village of Pershinsky.

Kokareva, village of Solovyovskaya / Mokrousovskaya volost, Yalutorovsky district

The village of Kokareva in the Solovyov Volost near the Kizak River, on the zemstvo highway. She was registered in the parish of the Holy Trinity Church in the village of Mokrousovsky.


In 1870, a chapel was built in the village (in honor of which holiday or saint it has not been established).

Konovalova, village of Paderinsky volost, Kurgan district

The village of Konovalova, Paderinsky Volost, near the Tobol River.

Chapel in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

According to the data of 1754, in the village of Konovalova, belonging to the parish of the Vasilyevsky church of the Ikovskaya settlement of the Yalutorovsky district, there was a chapel in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. In 1759, the village became part of the new parish of the Nicholas (later Ascension) church in the village of Paderinsky.

Kopayskaya 1st, village of Salamatovskaya / Sychevskaya volost, Kurgan district

The village of Kopayskaya 1st (First Kopay) of the Salamatovsky volost near the lake of the same name, on a country road, 10 versts from the village of Salamotovsky. The village was predominantly inhabited by Old Believers.

She was registered in the parish of the Trinity Church in the village of Morevskoye, since 1858 - in the parish of the Ascension Church in the village of Dubrovsky, since 1909 - in the parish of the Holy Trinity Church in the village of Salamatovsky.

At the end of the 1830s, part of the Old Believers of the village of Kopay joined the Edinoverie and entered the Edinoverie parish of the St. George Church in the village of Shchuchevsky, then into the parish of the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Church in the village of Ploskovsky (assigned to the Shchuchevsky Church).

Prayer House, Old Believer

According to 1916 data, in the village in the house of Salomatovsky foreman Evstafy Kaygorodov there was its own Old Believer chapel. This year His Grace Bishop Barnabas of Tobolsk and Siberia visited the chapel. Taking bread and salt from the gathered people on the street, “he went into the house, where by that time all the Old Believer rulers had gathered, Vladyka talked with them about the Church, the sacraments and the differences in rituals, and at the same time in conclusion he said:“ I pray and ask God, so that that saving day and hour would come when together we would form one Church of Christ…”.

Korobeynikovo (Kolesnikovo), the village of Malo-Chausovsky volost, Kurgan district

The village of Korobeynikovo (Kolesnikovo) of the Malo-Chausovsky volost near the lakes Korobeynikovo and Maloye, on a country road. It belonged to the parish of the Trinity Church, since 1841 - to the Mother of God-Christmas parish in the city of Kurgan. A significant number of Old Believers of Pomeranian consent lived in the village.

Church of St. Simeon of Verkhoturye

In the eighties XIX v. the parish priests decided to build a church in the village, and "began to incline the locals in every possible way to this." The townspeople took part in the construction of the new church. Merchants Semyon Berezin, Dmitry Smolin, Ivan Bakinov and his sons, landowner R.N. Antonova. The old iconostasis of the city's Trinity Church was handed over. An icon of the Holy Righteous Simeon was sent from Verkhoturye. On December 28, 1891, the local dean, Archpriest Nikanor Griftsov consecrated the church in the name of St. Simeon of Verkhoturye.

In 1913, the parish of the church consisted of the villages of Patronnaya and Lukina.

In Soviet times, the Simeonovskaya Church continued to function. In 1964, the building of the current church in the village of Kolesnikovo was in disrepair, threatened with collapse. In the same year, the Ketovsky District Executive Committee decided to close the temple. Believers are invited to visit the prayer house in the village of Smolino. The church building was later demolished construction material used for the repair of social institutions.

Kostousovo, a village in the Paderinsky volost, Kurgan district

The village of Kostousovo, Paderinsky volost, by the Tobol River, on the zemstvo highway. It was part of the parish of the Intercession Church in the village of Shkodskoe. Most of the inhabitants of the village are Old Believers.

In Kostouso, there was an Old Believer community of “Austrian” consent (the Belokrinitskaya hierarchy), which united the peasants of this village, the villages of Maksimovka, Noskov and Gubanov’s estate. According to the data of 1903, a prayer house operated in the village.

Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, Old Believer

The destroyed building of the church in the village of Kostousovo. Photo by Vladimir Shevtsov, 3.10.2009.

In 1905, after the signing of a number of legislative acts “on strengthening the principles of religious tolerance,” the Old Believer societies of the Tobolsk province were given the opportunity to legalize their activities. The construction of the Church of the Intercession, presumably, was carried out in the period from 1906 to 1917. The stone room of the temple was built in one connection with the bell tower. In 1923, the main building of the church was estimated at 6 thousand rubles, five bells - at 300 rubles. The Intercession community in the village of Kostousovo had a large collection of icons and liturgical books.

It was closed in 1936. The premises of the temple were used as a granary.

Krivinskoye, village of Krivinskaya volost, Kurgan district

The village of Krivinskoye by Lake Krivinskoye (Gorky), on the cattle route from Kurgan to the village of Presnovskaya and the city of Petropavlovsk. It emerged in the 60s. 18th century

Church of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene

In 1779, a wooden church was built in the village in the name of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene. In the 1820s the temple fell into disrepair, therefore, according to the order of the Kurgan spiritual board, the bells were removed and “hang on poles”.

On July 22, 1837, a new stone church was laid with two altars: in the name of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene and in the name of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. Trofim Vyrypaev, a peasant from the Rafaylovsky volost, Yalutorovsky district, acted as the construction contractor. In 1850 the construction of the temple was completed.

In 1913, the parish of the Church of Mary Magdalene included the following villages: Malo-Krivaya, Ostrovnaya, Bolshe-Ostrovnaya, Prudo-Ostrovnaya, Umreshevaya, Bolshe-Umreshevaya, Setovaya, Grenadiers, Splavnaya, Prudo-Zolotaya.

Kruglaya, village of Mostovskaya volost, Kurgan district

The village of Kruglaya, Mostovskaya volost, on the shore of the lake of the same name, on a country road. She was part of the parish of the Church of the Sign in the village of Mostovskoye. In the village, two icons brought from Athos were especially revered - the icon of the Mother of God, called the Three-handed, and the icon of the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon. Every year on June 28 and July 27, holidays were held in honor of these shrines, to which wanderers came, prayer services were served and a procession was made on the water. On October 22, a holiday was celebrated in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

Chapel in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

In 1859, a wooden chapel was built in the village in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

In 1911, the inhabitants of the villages of Kruglaya and Osiev applied to the Tobolsk spiritual consistory for permission to rebuild the existing chapel into an ascribed church in the name of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. The parishioners of the Mostovskaya Church handed over the old iconostasis for the construction of a new church. In May 1915, the addition of the altar to the chapel building was completed. On June 24, 1915, His Grace Barnabas, Bishop of Tobolsk and Siberia, co-serving with the local dean, Priest Nikolai Burov, and local priests, consecrated a church in the name of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in the village of Krugloya.

Krutikhinskoye, village of Verkh-Suersky volost, Yalutorovsky district

The village of Krutikhinskoye in the Verkh-Suersky volost on the Krutikha River, on the Zemstvo highway. From the very bottom in the middle XVIII centuries, the Old Believers lived in the village, who in the 40s. XIX century adopted the unanimity.

Church in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

In 1849, a wooden church of the same faith was built in the village in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Rebuilt in 1870

In 1898, a new stone church was built "instead of the burnt wooden one".

In 1913, the parish of the St. Nicholas Church in the village of Krutikhinsky consisted of the village of Shchukinsky and the villages: Shmakov, Oshurkov, Prosekov, Borodin, Shlemov, Drobinin, Osiev, Polyakov.

Kuzminskoye, village of Belozersky volost, Kurgan district

The village of Kuzminskoye, Belozersky Volost, by the Tobol River, on a country road. Initially, it was part of the parish of the Prophet Elijah Church in the village of Borovsky (Karatchinsky).

Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God

On August 15, 1862, the construction of a stone church began with the diligence and dependence of the Kurgan merchants Ivan, Vasily, Pavel Menshchikov and Ivan Kocheshev. The construction of the three-altar church was completed in 1867. The main altar was consecrated in the name of the Assumption of the Mother of God, the right one - in the name of St. John the Scribe of the Ladder, the left one - in the name of St. Paraskeva.

In 1913, the parish of the Assumption Church in the village of Kuzminsky consisted of the villages: Zagrebaeva, Istokskaya, Slobodchikova, Kovaleva, Malo-Zapolaiskaya, Bolshe-Zapolaiskaya.

On August 2, 1763, Metropolitan Pavel of Tobolsk and Siberia issued a charter for the construction of a stone church with three altars: in the Name of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity, in the name of the Nativity of Christ, in the name of the Great Martyr Demetrius. It was founded on July 13, 1765. Prior to the construction of the new church, church services were held in an adapted room that previously belonged to the office of the Siberian Dragoon Regiment. In 1771 the Russian academician P.-S. Pallas, passing through the Tsarekurgan settlement, noted that “instead of the old wooden church, they began to build a stone one, but since there is a lack of lime in the vicinity of this place and it must be brought from Shadrinsk and Tyumen, the buildings are being built slowly.”

In 1778, probably, the right aisle of the temple was built and consecrated - in the name of the Nativity of Christ. Therefore, until 1804, the church was called the Church of the Nativity in the documents and on the plans of the city. In 1804-1805, presumably, the consecration of the main altar took place - in the name of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity. Since that time, the church became known as Trinity.

Throughout the XIX - the beginning of the twentieth century. Trinity Church was one of the city-forming buildings of Kurgan. She gave the name to the street, lane, square. A significant event in the life of the temple was the visit on June 6, 1837 of the service by the Grand Duke, heir to the throne Alexander Nikolayevich, the future Emperor Alexander II.

In 1783, the parish of the Trinity Church consisted of the villages: Pimenovka, Bolshaya Chausova, Kurganskaya, Smolina, Novaya (Ryabkova), Kolesnikova, Voronova, Pestereva, Sheveleva, Glinskaya, Pervukhina, Dubrovnaya, Patronnaya, Sycheva, Galkina, Parfenyeva, Shchuchya, Chesnokova, Malaya Chausova, Pavlutskaya, Mikhnyakova, Zarechnaya; in 1884 - Smolina, Malaya Chausova, Glinka, Voronovka, Bolshaya Chausova, Ryabkova; in 1913 - Smolina, Malaya Chausova, Glinka, Voronovka, Bolshaya Chausova.

Trinity Church in Kurgan. Photo by Kocheshev A.I. 1900s.

Service in the Trinity Church continued until 1937. After its closure, the building was used for city needs. In 1957, by decision of the Kurgan Regional Executive Committee, the temple was blown up.

Exploded building of the Trinity Church in Kurgan. 1950s.

Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

In 1834, on Troitskaya Street of the city, work began on the construction of a new stone church with three altars: in the name of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in the name of the Archangel Michael, in the name of St. Alexis, the man of God. Kurgan police chief Alexander Duranov and merchant Alexei Kuznetsov were elected trustees of the construction. The plan of the temple was made by the exiled Pole Franz Chernetsky. In 1836, probably, the laying of the temple took place. In 1845, the unheated summer part of the cathedral was built and consecrated.

In 1836, the Mother of God-Christmas parish was formed. Part of the city (the border ran along Troitsky Lane) and the villages of Smolina, Glinki, Malaya Chausova, Voronova, Mikhnyakova, Bolshaya Chausova, Galkina, Sheveleva, Novaya, Vyselok, Pimenovka, Kurganskaya, Pervukhina, Zaimka Mr Kalugin. In the future, the composition of urban parishes has repeatedly changed. In 1913, in addition to part of the city, the Bogoroditsa-Rozhdestvensky parish included the following villages: Galkina, Kurganskaya, Kropani, Sheveleva, Ryabkova.

In 1861, at the request and at the expense of the church warden, merchant Semyon Berezin, work began on expanding the temple. On May 24, 1864, the project for the addition of two warm aisles to the Mother of God-Nativity Church was approved by the Highest. In 1868, two thrones were built and consecrated: in the name of St. Simeon the God-Receiver and in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

In 1851 the temple building was surrounded by a fence. In 1872, Ivanov, a private Kurgan architect, proposed a project for a new stone fence with cast-iron gratings. The construction of a new fence was carried out at the expense of Kurgan merchants Vasily Shvetov and Semyon Berezin.

Mother of God-Nativity Church in Kurgan. Photo by Kocheshev A.I. 1900s.

In 1931 the temple was closed. Its premises housed the artel "Culture", which was engaged in the production of musical instrument. During the Great Patriotic War, the building was transferred to the plant of woodworking machines.

The red brick wall of the building standing on the site of the former woodworking machine factory is all that remains of the Nativity Church in Kurgan. Photo by Shevtsov V.V. 2008

Church in the name of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky

In 1895, thanks to the selfless activity of the Kurgan police chief Ivan Yakovlev, fundraising began for the construction of the third city church. In July of the same year, the city duma determined a land plot for a new church - on Horse Square, next to a closed cemetery. Merchant Dmitry Smolin assumed the duties of a trustee for the construction of the temple. The church was designed by the architect Nikolay Yushkov.

On March 6, 1896, a charter of the church was issued. On June 2 of the same year, with a large gathering of people, Archpriest of the Mother of God-Nativity Cathedral John Volkov laid the foundation stone for the church in the name of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky.

On June 22, 1902, the consecration of the church took place. Bishop Anthony of Tobolsk and Siberia was present at the consecration.

In October 1929 the Alexander Nevsky Church was closed. At various times, the building of the temple housed the museum of local lore, the faculty of mechanization of the Higher Party Agricultural School, the clothing warehouse of the 32nd ski regiment, and again the museum. In 1991, the church was returned to believers, the service was resumed. Since the creation of the Kurgan diocese in 1993, the church has become the Cathedral.

The parish of the Alexander Nevsky Church included the northern part of the city.

Alexander Nevsky Church in Kurgan. Photo by Shevtsov V.V. 2007

Church in the name of the Transfiguration of the Lord, brownie

In 1856, a prayer room was equipped in the Kurgan prison castle. Later, the Kurgan attorney I.N. Nemtsov initiated the construction of a house church at the Kurgan prison. He collected donations for the conversion of the prayer room into a church. To do this, the room was expanded, an altar was arranged. On December 23, 1868, a consecration of a church in the name of the Transfiguration of the Lord took place at the Kurgan prison castle. In 1895, a bell tower was built in the courtyard of the prison, on the lower floor of which a chapel was built.

Church in the name of the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon, brownie

In 1880, the City Council decided to build a city hospital. In the same year, the former mayor Fyodor Shishkin donated 2,000 rubles for the construction of a house church in the hospital under construction in the name of the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon. When designing the hospital, the architect Yushkov took into account the specifics of the church premises with the canonical location of the altar to the east. The manufacture of the iconostasis and the painting of icons was entrusted to Efim Pomytkin. The crosses on the domes were made by the tradesman Ivan Borovkov, the bars on the windows were made by the nobleman Semashko. In 1883 year merchant Dmitry Smolin, the heir of F. Shishkin, donated church utensils and service books for the new church. On March 5, 1884, the dean, priest Andrei Tutolmin, consecrated the Panteleimon Church. It was under the jurisdiction of the Mother of God-Nativity Cathedral.

Panteleimon Church in Kurgan. 1900s

Church in the name of the Apostle Evangelist John the Theologian, brownie

At the beginning of the twentieth century. during the construction of the theological school on the third floor of the building, a place was allocated for a house church in the name of the Apostle Evangelist John. The church was located in the middle part of the building with windows on Novo-Zapolnaya street. In September 1905, the school moved to its own premises. On September 24, 1905, in the presence of Bishop Anthony of Tobolsk and Siberia, the house church was consecrated. The Church of St. John the Theologian probably ceased to exist in August 1919 (since the establishment of Soviet power in the city of Kurgan).

Kurganskaya, village of Malo-Chausovsky volost, Kurgan district

The village of Kurganskaya in the Malo-Chausovsky volost near the Tobol River, on the commercial route Kurgan - the village of Presnogorkovskaya, 8 versts from the city of Kurgan. Initially in the parish of the Holy Trinity Church, then the Mother of God-Nativity Cathedral in Kurgan.

Large mounds existed on this site since ancient times, later the settlement of Tsarevo Gorodische was founded, and in 1782, with the opening of the Tobolsk governorship, the village of Kurganskaya was formed from Tsarevo Gorodische, and the city of Kurgan was formed from the second part of Tsarevo Gorodische.

Chapel in honor of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity

In memory of the first Holy Trinity Church in the settlement of Tsarevo Gorodische, a wooden crucifix was originally erected in the village. In 1820, Archpriest Narkiss Nikitin from Kurgan installed a new, “picturesque, image of the crucified Lord” instead of the old cross. Later, a chapel was built in the village in honor of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity.

On the patronal feast of the Holy Trinity, the Kurgans arranged procession in the village of Kurgan. The day before, the image of the Holy Trinity was solemnly brought from the chapel to the city Holy Trinity Church for the vigil. The next day, the icon also solemnly returned back. The people who came with the procession remained in the villages until late at night: they led round dances, competed in wrestling, walked and had fun.

Church of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity

In 1907, the construction of a wooden church in the name of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity was allowed in the village. In 1910, permission to consecrate the temple followed from the Tobolsk spiritual consistory. Archival sources testify that in 1926 the church continued to operate.

Kureinskoye, village of Kureinskaya volost, Kurgan district

The village of Kureinskoe on the shores of lakes Kurein and Tyrinkule, on the trade route Kurgan - Petropavlovsk.

Church of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity

In 1827, residents of the village of Kureinsky and the village of Stepnaya Kureinsky volost of the Petropavlovsk District of the Omsk Region, the villages of Peganoy and Slivinskaya Krivinsky Volost of the Kurgan District of the Tobolsk Province, the parishioners of the Church of Mary Magdalene in the village of Krivinsky, as well as the peasants of the newly formed village of Privolnaya, not assigned to any parish, turned to with a request to build a wooden church. On August 21, 1829, the Holy Governing Synod allowed the construction of a wooden church in the name of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity in the village of Kureinsky, with the formation of an independent parish. The laying of the church and the construction were carried out under the supervision of the officers of the Petropavlovsk engineering team of the Siberian Engineering District. Built in 1832

In 1888, the construction of a stone church began. Malyshev acted as the construction contractor. On August 21, 1900, priest Peter Burov held consecration of the new temple. In 1905 the old wooden church was moved to the village of Bolshe-Martina.

In 1913, the parish of the Holy Trinity Church in the village of Kureinsky consisted of the following villages: Malo-Kureinskaya, Pegan, Pokrovka, Stepnaya, Privolnaya.

Kurtan, village of Mogilev volost, Kurgan district

The village of Kurtan, Mogilev volost, near the lake of the same name, on a country road. Some of the inhabitants of the village belonged to the parish of the St. George Church in the village of Mogilevsky, the other - to the parish of the Annunciation Church in the village of Sivkovsky, Ishim County.

Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

In 1904, the Kurtan peasants, who professed Orthodoxy, filed a petition for permission to transfer the old wooden church of the village of Mogilevskoye and arrange an ascribed church in their village. In 1905, the technician Permyakov drew up a project for the reconstruction of the temple. In March 1907, the diocesan authorities agreed to the construction of a new church. On September 26, 1907, the deans of the 6th deanery of the Kurgan district, priest Nikolai Burov and the priest of the Mogilev church Grigory Paryshev laid an Orthodox church in the name of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. The construction contractor was Pavel Shubin, a peasant from the village of Armizon, Ishim uyezd. On May 23, 1909, priest Nikolai Burov, in concelebration with neighboring priests, consecrated Orthodox church in the village of Kurtan.

Church in the name of St. Alexis, Metropolitan of Moscow, co-religionist

In 1909, residents of the villages of Kurtan and Shelepova, fellow believers, applied to the Tobolsk spiritual consistory to build a church for them, due to the distance from the parish church of Sivkovskaya by 45 versts. In April 1914, permission was issued to build a church of the same faith in the village of Kurtan from the old wooden building of the church in the village of Sosnovsky. On September 7, 1914, according to the rank of old printed books, the church was laid in the name of St. Alexis, Metropolitan of Moscow. The construction contractor was Matvey Bulatov. In 1916, the old iconostasis was moved from the Sivkovskaya church and installed. In the same year, an independent Kurtan parish of the same faith was formed. On May 7, 1918, the fellow-faith dean, priest Yermiy Berdyugin, co-serving with the parish and nearby parishes of priests, consecrated the church of the same faith.

One of the churches closed in 1929.

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