Scenario of the holiday "village gatherings". The scenario of the mini-performance "Village gatherings

Landscaping and planning 01.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

Can be used at any seniors party. It will also come in handy, anniversary, March 8, New Year etc.

The meeting room is decorated balloons, the windows are closed with curtains, tables are set up and served for tea drinking. There are candlesticks with candles on a separate table of the hostess. Children prepare several musical numbers for guests in advance.

The hostess enters the hall where the guests have gathered and lights candles. The accordion player sat on a chair.

Ditties for pensioners

Gatherings gathered us for fragrant tea,
Here we do not notice sores and hardships.

We will remember our friends and our successes,
We will arrange competitions together, various joys.

Don't let your neighbor get bored, make your neighbor happy
Take a sweet candy with a hot tea.

Our daring harmonist invites us to dance,
Well, and who will go with whom, everyone decides for himself.

And now the first competition: our respected harmonist will play melodies, and we will try to guess them.

Guess the melody

The harmonist plays, for example, “Golden Mountains”, “Someone went down the hill”, “Daisies hid”, “Ah, Samara-town”, “Old maple”.

It can be seen that you know the melodies of youth well, but let's listen to something modern. Can you recognize them.
The accordionist plays such tunes as "Birches" (Lube), "Tractor Drivers" (Igor Rasteryaev), the Anthem of the Russian Federation.

I propose now to sit, chat, drink tea with sweets, listen to music.
Guests spend time over a cup of tea.

Do we have delicious tea? What about sweets? But they are not simple. Each wrapper has a riddle written on it. Let's try to figure them out, shall we?
Everyone reads the riddle and guesses it together.

I see that everyone got used to it, got acquainted with the neighbors. Let's remember what was the happiest in our life. It's personal for everyone. Share the joy. Let's start with this table. Please, Maria Ivanovna, tell us what was the happiest moment in your life for you.
3-4 people listen to stories.

We shared happiness. And what difficulties you had to overcome in life, remember the most memorable moments.
3-4 people are also interviewed.

In order not to make us sad, we need to cheer you up,
Let's gather in a circle, we'll all start dancing.

We warmed up well, you can take a breath. In addition, the grandchildren came to greet you. They have prepared small musical numbers that you are invited to appreciate. And so, meet! Young dancers and pop performers.

Children perform with small numbers.

We have gatherings present married couple who lived together for decades. This is Nina Alekseevna and Ivan Nikolaevich. Let's ask them to get up. Let's open the secret that you recently celebrated ... the anniversary of family life. Let me congratulate you on this date and present you with a memorable address. The song “Wedding Flowers” ​​performed by Irina Allegrova sounds for you.

Most of you are now on a well deserved rest. But I don't think it's boring. Household chores, a garden, children and grandchildren, but you never know the different things that you do during the day.

Now we will hold a competition for the most efficient pensioner. I'll ask three people to come out. Before you are three potatoes that need to be peeled, a doll that needs to be swaddled, and an electricity bill, the amount of which you must calculate and enter on the receipt. The first one to complete all three tasks qualitatively and correctly is the winner.

Our meetings continue. Let's move on to dancing. Those who wish can go out into the circle, and the rest can drink tea.

Extra-curricular work and moral education of a younger student in our gymnasium No. 3 contribute to the development of personality, the upbringing of a high spiritual culture, the development professional qualities, preservation of moral and physical health. The educational process is carried out through training sessions and extracurricular activities.
Extracurricular activities in the gymnasium have a personality-oriented orientation, which manifests itself in a variety of types and forms of classes. At gymnasium No. 3, an art school has been operating for 10 years. There are the following departments: art studio, dance club, theater studio, music department. During the first year of study, children attend all departments. Teachers, taking into account the individual capabilities of the child, the desire of parents, select children by department. From the 2nd grade, children are distributed according to an individual circle schedule and additionally 4 hours a week develop their abilities in mini-groups.

We teachers primary school Menyailo Irina Leonidovna and Nazarova Marina Yurievna have been working in close cooperation for 14 years. Developed interesting scenarios holidays, competitions, KVN, quizzes, sports holidays: "Dad, mom, I am a sports family." Special attention dedicate to holding family holidays associated with rituals. One of these holidays is "Village gatherings", staged for a joint holiday with parents.
At extracurricular activities, children interact with leaders and with children of three grades. Class teachers imperceptibly carried out the cooperation of children with their peers in parallel, with the heads of art schools in various activities: during the recitation of poems, in singing songs in chorus, in an ensemble, in dances. Children perceived what was happening on the stage as a standard of behavior during performances, they get acquainted with the history of the people of Russia.
The efforts of all teachers are well tracked: how class teachers, and teachers of the school of arts, influencing the formation and development of the moral personality of high school students.
The purpose of these activities: to show the achievements of each child at the end of elementary school. Establishing contact of mutual understanding with each individual child, correction of interpersonal relationships between children. A fair decision for all conflict situations(if they occur). Achieving mutual understanding between parents, teachers and children. Create an atmosphere of celebration and kindness.
The administration of the gymnasium, parents, all relatives, all working teachers in primary school. Teachers of the art studio help in the design of the scene, teachers of the art school help in recording phonograms, selecting costumes.
Holidays are colorful, bright, memorable, kind. The theme of the family, the traditions of the Russian people, runs like a red line through the entire scenario: lyrical melodies, dances, colorful costumes, beautiful Russian word. Children are proud of their country, people, family, gymnasium.
If possible, a video film is made to show it at the graduation ball of the 11th grade. Extra-curricular work is carried out not from case to case, but includes it in a well-thought-out system of comprehension of folk culture. Constantly children go on excursions to the historical places of the city of Kazan. We visited the holy places in the men's Raifa monastery, on the island of Sviyazhsk. Mandatory visits to theaters and ballet performances.
It is this kind of impact on the souls of a younger student that creates an invaluable worldview impact on children.

Scenario extracurricular activities"Village Gatherings"

The song "Kalinka" sounds (ensemble)
Leading: Russia, Russia, dear edges,
Russians have been here for a long time people live.
They glorify native spaces,
Razdolny Russian songs are sung.
The Russian people have many wonderful melodious songs, beautiful incendiary dances, ancient customs and traditions. And in what people you live - you keep such customs. Perhaps the most beautiful and interesting of them is village gatherings!
Leading: In the good old days, red girls and good fellows gathered together to while away the long winter evenings. They spent time doing their favorite pastime: who is spinning, who embroiders, who knits,
who sculpts dishes from clay, who grinds various spoons and toys from wood.
presenter: And then they put aside their affairs for a while and start to have fun: sing songs and dance, start different games, tell jokes and jokes. Would you like to visit such gatherings and see with your own eyes? Well then close your eyes and count everything to 10...
Leading: We ended up in Russian wooden hut. And here is the owner and the hostess. Every house is kept by the owner and hostess.
(The hostess is busy at the stove, her daughter is embroidering).
Mistress: Lead the house - do not shake your head,
Everything needs to be saved.
Shark, Shark, what are you sewing on the back?
Daughter: Yes, I, mother, will still flog.
hostess: Hurry - you make people laugh.
Daughter: I know, mother, I know. Seven times measure cut once!
Master: To live at home - you have to grieve about everything. (Weaves bast shoes, teaches his son Fedyusha).
Presenter: Parents are hardworking
The children in this house are not lazy.
Son: Tyatenka, and tyatenka, let's play rhymes with you.
Master: And what is it - rhymes?
Son: And this is how it should be said, so that it is difficult. Tell me, what was your father's name?
Master: My dad's name was Kuzma.
Son: Here I will take your Kuzma by the beard!
Master: Why are you going to take my dad by the beard?
Son: Dude, this is a joke. So for the rhyme they say. What was your grandfather's name, dear?
Master: My grandfather's name was Ivan.
Son: Your grandfather Ivan
I put the cat in my pocket.
The cat is crying and sobbing
Your grandfather scolds.
Master: This is why my grandfather will put a cat in his pocket? (angrily) Why are you tidying up such trifles?
Son: Yes, this is for rhyme, tyatenko.
Master: I'll tell you a rhyme myself! What is your name?
Son: Fedya!
Master: If you are Fedya, then you caught a bear in the forest.
Climb on the bear, and get off my bench!
hostess: You will swear and quarrel, better guess the riddle.
Not sown, not plowed, not winnowed, not milked, moistened with water, pressed down with a stone, hidden for the winter. (Pulls out pickles.)
Daughter: And I know the riddle.
Philip came, he had a hundred lindens on him.
It is small and short, ran around the town, snuggled into a corner. (Broom)
The neighbors are running.
neighbors: Did you hear? Have you heard about the fire? Oh what happened!
hostess: Oh, neighbors, do not rush, take a break, really tell us everything.
1 neighbor: Water caught fire near Ivanov's yard.
The fire was extinguished throughout the village, but the fire was not extinguished.
2 neighbor: Grandfather Foma came, spreading his beard.
He drove the people into the barn, extinguished the fire alone.
3 neighbor: How Foma put out the fire, he did not say about it.
You can only hear it from the side, he extinguished it with his beard!
Master: Oh, you can't keep up with your tongue barefoot.
hostess: You can't listen to all the speeches!
Stay, neighbors, we will have guests today.
1 neighbor: Today goulash, tomorrow goulash,
Stay shirtless. (run away)
Knock on the door.

Master: Who else is not easy to bear?
Neighbor: May I, master?
Host: A guest is not a bone, you can't throw it out the door. Come in.
Neighbor: Yes, I'm not alone.
Owner: Come on in. Hey Thomas, why aren't you going?
Neighbor: Yes, I caught a bear.
Master: So bring him here!
Neighbor A: Yes, he does not go.
Master: Go ahead yourself.
Neighbor: But he won't let me.
Master: Run, help now.
Hunters enter - dragging a bear.
Hunters: Close neighbors are better than distant relatives. You, neighbor, help us!
hostess: Fedul - why did you pout your lips?
Neighbor: Yes, the caftan broke!
Hostess: Can you fix it?
Neighbor: Yes, there is no needle!
hostess: How big is the hole?
Neighbor: Yes, there is one gate left!
Hostess: He did a good job - he was left without a caftan!
Master: Well, take it, brothers, together, it won’t be heavy!
They leave and take the bear away.
Leading: Near the road to live - all neighbors should be good!
There is a knock, a noise at the door.
hostess: Good guests are always on time!
Daughter: (looks out the door).
Ah, tara, tara-ra-ra! The girls are coming from the yard!
The girls come in, bow and chorus:
Girls: We came to sing songs, dance, and show ourselves. Peace to your home!
They preen, sit down on the bench.
1 girl: Hostess, what will you give us to do today?
hostess: Red young ladies to embroider white lenok.
Distributes the hoop, the song sounds.
presenter: Girls sit, embroider, amuse themselves with a song, each craftswoman works, is not lazy.
It is not for nothing that good people say: "What is the spin, such is the shirt on it."
Leading: Make way, honest people, do not dust the path,
Good fellows go - to walk a little.
They joke, sit down.
1 boy: The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand.
2 boy: Young - green - ordered to walk.
3 boy: Hey, white girls, where did you get white?
Girls: We milked cows yesterday, washed ourselves with milk.
hostess: Well, the time has come - put things aside.
Cause time - fun hour!
boys: Oh, let's pick up a balalaika!
Yes, we will amuse the owner with the hostess!
Hey Timokha, hey Ivan, Nikolay, Demyan,
Let's sit down, brothers, let's sing ditties in a row!
Girls: Balalaika, balalaika, he knows his business,
She plays well in Vanya's hands!
boys: We are friends with a cheerful song, we speak Russian,
We live well, we don’t stew, we eat bread without sour cream.
Girls: Eh, dear side, dear side,
Here everywhere we are met, oh, Russian antiquity.
boys: Oh, birch, birch,
Raskudri - curly,
You are good, the Volga River,
Volga is majestic!
boys: You listen girls,
We will sing awkwardly.
A pig grazes on an oak
A bear is steaming in the bath.
Girls: And in our yard frogs croaked,
And I'm from the stove - barefoot, I thought - girlfriends.
Boys: A hedgehog is sitting on a fence, a white shirt,
On the head - a boot, on the leg - a cap.
Girls: There is a cart on the mountain, tears drip from the arc,
Under the mountain stands a cow, puts on boots.
boys: I'll harness the cat to the droshky, and the kitten to the tarantass,
I'll take my girlfriend to show off to all the neighbors!
Girls: I walked through our village and saw Fedyusha -
He sat under a bush and cried, the chicken offended.
boys: If there was no water, there would be no mug,
If there were no girls, who would sing ditties?
boys: You play more fun, balalaika - three strings,
Sing along, who knows how, do not be shy, dancers.
Girls: Wider circle, wider circle, guys circle - wider,
I'm not going to dance alone, there are four of us.
boys: I danced with three legs, lost my boots,
I looked back - my boots are lying.
Girls: I didn’t want to dance, I stood and was shy,
But the harmonica played like that, I could not resist.
Eh, I'll stomp my foot, but I'll stomp another -
I can not resist: such a character.
Girls: Are our ditties good?
Good tunes?
Do well in school
Boys and girls?
Leading: Good fellows sing well, and the girls do not lag behind them.
Hostess: Well, now, the girls are red and kind young, dress up, and go dancing.

Dance "Russian dance".

hostess: Well, dear guests, got drunk, danced, got hungry for tea?
Leading: The hut is not red with corners, but red with pies.
Master: All that is in the furnace - all swords on the table!
hostess: I go, go, go, I carry a samovar in my hands, I sing a joke.
Here is tea, tea, tea ... Meet the guest hostess! Answer with a joke!
1 guest: Drinking tea is a pleasure to live.
2 guest: Have a cup of tea - forget about melancholy!
3 guest: You don't drink tea - what strength? He drank tea - he was completely weak!
4 guest: From tea dashing does not happen.
hostess: How Marfusha cooked for Peter, baked, 92 pancakes, 53 pies. That's how many pies!
Enough for all eaters!
Master: Amuse our hostess,
Blinks, eat pies.
1 guest: We are not proud people -
No bread - serve pies!
2 guest: A tidbit - rather in the mouth.
3 guest: Eh, with butter and sour cream and eat the host's bast shoes!
presenter: There are many guests at the table, you will hear a lot of different news!
1 guest: Nazar, and Nazar, go to the market!
Buy me a sundress, neither long nor short,
Not to go into the forest, not to catch hares!
2nd guest: Ah, tari, tarra-ri, I will buy Masha amber,
If there is money left, I will buy Masha earrings,
Pennies will remain - I will buy Masha shoes,
If there are pennies left, I will buy Masha spoons.
3 guest: I went to the mountain to tear bast,
I saw a lake floating on ducks.
I cut down 3 sticks: one spruce,
Another birch, a third rowan,
I threw the spruce tree - I didn’t do it,
I threw a birch tree - I threw it,
Threw rowan - pleased,
The lake fluttered, flew away, but the ducks remained.
4 guest: There was a neighbor - a merchant past the market,
She grabbed a basket
And fell into a hole - bang!
Squashed 40 flies!
Leading: Well, dear guests, it's time and honor to know, It's time for the owner and hostess to rest.
2 guest: The "thank you" table is being painted.
3 guest: Thank you, host and hostess.
1 guest: Your pies are good, your hearts are friendly.
4 guest: Thank you, this house, let's go to another.
Leading: Here are the jokes, the jokes are over,
And who was here, but listened to us - well done!

The holiday was shown at the city seminar of primary school teachers working according to the RO system of L.V. Zankov, on April 24, 2003, class 4B.

Hello. My name is Burkova Olga Mikhailovna. Today we present to your attention the project of the folklore holiday "Village Gatherings" as part of the program extracurricular activities in the spiritual and moral direction, the circle "Origins".

According to the Federal State Educational Standard of the second generation - spiritual, moral and patriotic education the younger generation is the paramount task of modern educational system and represents important component social order for education.

modern upbringing relies on the postulate: "No, and there can be no school ... without the desire to help the child become a moral, independent, spiritual person, capable of giving himself to other people, the people, the Fatherland."

Since the basis for successful learning activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard is the technology of a system-activity approach, then for the formation personal qualities students should use the same technology, wherethe student does not act as a passive listener, but as a direct participant in the process itself.The upbringing of a full-fledged personality, the development of moral potential, the aesthetic taste of children and adolescents is impossible if we talk about this in the abstract, without introducing them to that peculiar, bright, unique world that the imagination of the Russian people has been creating for centuries.

The richest folk crafts embody the historical memory of a generation, capture the soul of the people who created genuine masterpieces of art, which testify to the talent and high artistic taste of craftsmen.

The Origins program has a good potential to contribute to the revival of the centuries-old traditions of Russia. Also, work on the formation of the spiritual and moral culture of students is implemented in the process of studying academic subjects " Literary reading”, “Music”, “Technology”, “ art”, the program of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren “Mobile games”, through interaction with parents.

Objective of the project : education of patriotism, introducing children to the origins of folk culture and spirituality, based on the study of folklore.

In the process of working on the project, during the implementation of the presented project, the followingtasks:

Education for love native land introducing children to characteristic features folklore.

Education of the moral qualities of the child's personality: kindness, justice, truthfulness, pride in one's own land.

Development creativity: singing skills, acting skills, musicality of children based on different genres of folklore.

For the successful implementation of the tasks, we determineddirections on which activities were carried out in the course of previous work:

The study of literary folklore (tales, proverbs, nursery rhymes, sentences, legends)

The study of musical folklore (round dances, songs, dances, ditties, holidays)

The study of game folklore.

During the preparation of the project, a largeprevious work with children, parents. Collected folklore material: fairy tales, songs, round dances, ditties, dances, ritual holidays, games. Conversations, games, learning folklore works were held with children.

The result of the work represented by the folklore holiday "Village Gatherings".

The presented project is recommended to use teachers, music directors in the organization of work on folklore.

So, we present you our project "Village Gatherings". A music school teacher (accordion player) will help us.

Dear guests,

Make yourself at home!

Our comfort at home

Everyone is visible.

In tightness, perhaps

Don't be offended.

On the mound, in the light

Or on some logs

Gatherings were going

The elderly and the young.

The life of people is marked by a century,

The old world has changed.

Today we are all in the bottom of the barrel

Personal cottages or apartments.

Our leisure is sometimes shallow,

And what is there to say

It's boring to live without gatherings,

They should be revived!

The hostess cleans up "in the hut", puts the samovar, thresholds. He sings the song "PIROGI", at the loss the girls enter and begin to sing along to the hostess.

music by Vitaly Alekseev
lyrics by Inga Leime


I'm waiting for dear friends
Visit during the week.
I want you to mine
They ate pies.

Pies, pies
Fluffy, delicious.
Pies, pies
With meat, with cabbage.

There will be tea with pies
With mint and hops.
Hey girlfriend, don't be bored
Pour fuller!

Pies, pies
Fluffy, delicious.
Pies, pies
With meat, with cabbage.

Let's sing songs
I'm standing on the ledge.
Let's dance "Lady"
With exit from the oven.

Pies, pies
Fluffy, delicious.
Pies, pies
With meat, with cabbage.

We are about delicious pies
They sang ditties to you.
Ah, thanks for coming.

Pies, pies
Fluffy, delicious.
Pies, pies
With meat, with cabbage.


Glad to have you as a guest.

I've been waiting for you for a long time.

A big holiday, a joyful holiday begins,

which, according to the old custom, are called gatherings.

To a Russian folk song"Shining Moon"the boys come out playing their instruments.

Boy:Worth Thomas

In the middle of the yard

Opposite the high tower,

Opposite the wide porch.

Netyosan Terem,

Netyosan, only well-painted.

Boy:Is Marya at home, is Daria at home,

Is darling Nastyushenka at home?

Girls:(all together from the tower) We are here! (Girls come out to the music from behind the tower).



Disperse, honest people, no dust, path!

Good fellows go for a walk a little!


Bread and salt for a long time!

The hostess even more!


Live, hut, great, live richly!

To be warm, to be light,

To have our own and we had enough!


And we brought gifts to the beautiful girls:

Printed gingerbread, sugar candies.

(They give treats to the girls and sit on the benches)


Thank you for the kind words. Where did you come from?


We came from the village of Veselukhino! There are songs and dances all year round. And our village stands in the middle of two roads: whoever does not pass, everyone will laugh, whoever does not pass, everyone will dance and sing.


That's how funny you are! And with what did you come to our gatherings?


And we came with a cheerful song "In the forge" (after the performance, they sit down in their places).

Girl:We've got some fun for you

For every taste -

To whom a fairy tale, to whom the truth,

To whom a song.

Girl:Fables in faces

They sit in the towers-svetlitsy,

cracking nuts

Yes, they say ridicule.

Children take turns going out and staging nursery rhymes:

Two boys in turn:

Fedul, what pouted his lips?

The caftan burned through.

Can you sew?

Yes, there is no needle.

Is the hole big?

Yes, one gate remained!

Girl and boy:

Son, go fetch water.

Yes, my stomach hurts.

Son, go eat porridge!

Well, since mother is calling, we must go!

Two girls:

Two chickens outside

They fight with a rooster.

Two beautiful girls

Watching and laughing

- “Ha ha ha, ha ha ha

We feel sorry for the cock."

- “Ha ha ha, ha ha ha

We feel sorry for the cock."

Two boys:

Thomas, why aren't you coming out of the forest?

Yes, I caught a bear.

So bring him here.

Yes, he doesn't go.

Well, go ahead yourself.

So he won't let me.


Where is it seen
And in what village is it heard
For a hen to give birth to a bull,
Piglet laid an egg
Yes, I took it to the shelf.
And the shelf broke
And the egg broke.
The sheep fluttered
The mare clucked:
— Oh, where-where-where!
We didn't have it like that
So that the armless man robs our cage,
The bare-bellied man put it in his bosom,
And the blind man was peeping
And the deaf man overheard
And the legless water carrier ran,
The tongueless "guard" screamed!

Two boys.

Hello, Nicodemus!
- Hello, Yegor!
Where are you going from?
- From the Kudykin mountains.
- And how are you, Egor, doing?
- They put an ax on their bare feet,
They mow the grass with a boot,
They carry water in a sieve.
Our sleigh
They go by themselves
And our horses - with mustaches,
Run underground for mice.

Yes, they are cats!
- A mosquito in your basket!

Our cats live in a nest
They fly everywhere.
Arrived in the yard
Started a conversation:
"Kar, kar!"

Yes, it's a crow!
- Boiled fly agaric for you!

Our crow is big-eared,
Often roams in the garden
Skok yes skok
across the bridge,
White speck - tail.

Yes, it's a bunny!
- A spruce cone is in your nose!

Our hare
All animals are afraid.
Last winter in the bitter cold
The gray hare took the ram away.

Yes, it's a wolf!
- Click on your forehead!

Have you never heard
That our wolves are horned?
The wolf shakes his beard
I ate swan.

Yes, it's a goat!
- A thousand clicks for you!

Our goat
Gone under the snag
Tail moves,
It does not order to set up nets.

Yes, this is burbot!
- No, not burbot.

We are not talking about burbot.
Halim Nicodemus
Proud of himself
Halim Nicodemus
Wears a sable hat
Doesn't break it before anyone
And he doesn't understand jokes either.

A girl and a boy come out.

Girl:Well, stop talking

Time to start dancing.

Boy:Go around the whole planet

There is no better Russian dance.

Balalaika and accordion

They kindle a fire in us.

Girl:Break out, people!

The dance takes me!

I'll go, I'll dance

I'll look at people!

"Like ours at the gate"(dance)

Girl:Along the street to the end

There was a daring fellow.

Boy:That was Vanya - a daring fellow!

Daredevil - well done!

Girl:The dog was walking across the bridge

Four paws - fifth tail,

And the sixth belly.

Come out, Vanya!

Boy:Hey girly girls

Sing ditties.

Sing it fast

To please guests.


I start the chorus

First, initial.

I want to cheer

The audience is sad.

To fire up the stove

Gotta turn up the heat.

To make the song sing better

We must dance to help.

Don't look at me -

Break your eyes.

I'm not from your village

You do not know me.

I have a big braid

The ribbon is short.

Don't think about me boy

I'm still young!

I'll break lilacs

I'll drop it at the gate.

I will braid a Russian braid.

Let the people envy!


There are two flowers on the window -

Blue and scarlet,

I'm a fighting boy

Although small in stature.

I danced on three legs

I lost my boots.

looked back -

My boots are on.

Fir-trees-debts, fir-trees-debts,

Christmas trees and donkeys.

Girls are dancing in the meadow

Shoes creak.

sings againgirl.

For ditties, my dear friend,

I will give you three rubles

You can see in your eyes,

What did you like about us.

After the performance of ditties is carried outgame "Like Uncle Tryphon".

Like Uncle Tryphon
There were seven children.

There were seven children - there were seven sons.
They didn't drink, they didn't eat,
Everyone looked at each other
Together they did this:
All: "How?"
"Tryphon": "And so!" (one shows some kind of dance movement, everyone repeats to the tune).

Girl:We baked for guests

Lots of different sweets!

All:Containers - bars - rastabars,

Let's drink tea from a samovar!

In turn:- With crackers!

With pretzels!

With delicious bagels

With dryers, cheesecakes!

All:Containers - bars - rastabars,

Let's sit by the samovar!

Let's drink sweet tea

Let's sing our song!

Staged Russian folk song"Pancakes".

(At the last verse of the song, the girl passes through the hall and treats the guests with pancakes.)


The corners of the hut are not red,

And red with pies!

Like Marfusha for Peter

Boiled, baked:

Two troughs of jelly,

Ninety-two pancakes.

Come on, come on!

Take a treat!

Drink tea.

Us kind word remember!

General bow. The holiday ends with tea.

Leading in Russian costumes meet guests.

1st led.: Hello dear guests!

2nd led.: Hello little ones and big ones!

1st led.: On the mound today

The honest people gathered

So that on Russian gatherings

Sing, lead a round dance for everyone.

Tradition is alive, alive -

From the older generation

Rituals and words are important

From our past.

2nd led.: On the mound, in the light

Or on some logs

Were going gatherings

The elderly and the young.

Did you sit by the torch

Ile under the bright sky -

They talked, they sang songs

And they led a round dance.

1st led.: Kind tea treated themselves

With honey, obviously without sweets

How do we communicate today?

There is no life without communication.

Rest is not trifles,

Time for games and news.

Begin gatherings

For friends and guests!

2nd led.: On the mound today

A joyful holiday awaits you

I see to amuse you

The orchestra is coming to us.

The game "Noise Orchestra".

The children are given various items household items (washing board, jars, etc.) and they perform the melody of the song “In the forge”.

1st led.: As once in the old age,

In those distant years

Quizzes were held

Like "What? Where? When?"

How then, friends, for you

Let's run it now.

Participants are divided into two teams: 1- "Ryabinushki", 2- "Birches".

Quiz What? Where? When".

1. What are the holidays of the Russian people that have come to us from time immemorial? (Christmas, Maslenitsa, Easter, Ivan Kupala Day, Ilyin's Day, etc.)

2. Which Rus was baptized in turn from all Slavic peoples? (last)

3. Most famous traveler from a Russian fairy tale, which everyone knows, from young to old. (Kolobok)

4. On what in Russian fairy tales do they move through the air? (On a flying ship, on a flying carpet, in a mortar, on a broomstick, in walking boots)

5. What words are sentenced in Russian fairy tales before a very serious matter? (The morning is wiser than the evening)

6. What was the name of the ancient fairy-tale Russian tsar? (King Peas)

7. What is the name of a cradle on a flexible pole? (unsteadiness)

8. What was the name of the old coin of 3 kopecks? (altyn)

9. What was the name of the old outerwear made of coarse homemade cloth? (zipun)

10. What is a tow? (linen fiber for yarn)

11. There is a saying: "Pip on your tongue." What is a pip? (avian disease, cartilaginous growth on the tip of the tongue)

12. What is a six? (a platform in front of the mouth of the Russian stove)

2nd led.: On the rubble people

He sings Russian songs.

Hey guys don't yawn

Sing along with us.

Competition "Russian song".

Teams must remember as many Russian folk songs as possible and sing one verse of each of them. Which team sings more and more amicably, that one won.

1st led.: Come on stage, spin

Thread for a shirt

Only that gift awaits

Who is more likely to spin the thread.

The game "Spin".

Two people from the team come out. They must wind the thread onto the spindle. Whoever is faster, the team won.

Game "Needle".

Teams line up one after the other. Each team is given a fake needle and a ball of thread. The first player in the line has the needle, and the last player has the ball. The last player starts to pass the thread through the players to the first player. He puts the thread in the eye of the needle and passes the thread back to the last player. When the thread reaches the last player, all participants, holding the thread, run to the pin, go around it and run back. The team that runs faster wins.

2nd led.: Work is always respected by us,

We are all in business and care.

Everything will be fixed, will make

Russian master hardworking

He is a real craftsman.

Who now, honest people,

Will he name more proverbs about labor?

(Auction of proverbs about labor.)

What do you know?

Auction of Russian crafts.

Pottery, rolled, weavers, blacksmiths, embroiderers, etc.

1st led.: Who has a narrow soul,

Anyone who loves Russian dance

Dances, not ballroom dancing,

not international,

Leave without further ado

There will be a dance competition.

Competition "Dance".

Competition for the best performance of Russian dance or dance marathon.

2nd led.: And now we are announcing a competition for connoisseurs of Russian proverbs and sayings.

Competition "Connoisseurs of sayings and proverbs."

To each team, the leader reads the beginning of the proverb and gives four options for continuing. Teams must choose the correct one.

1. Where the mind is, there

a) a lot of brains

b) wealth

c) stupidity

d) sense

2. Every Jeremiah

a) do not have a hundred rubles

b) think about yourself

c) have a hundred friends

d) drink quickly

3. A fool is scolded, but he speaks

a) they call for lunch

b) women squeal

c) they tell you to shut up

d) mice squeak

4. At the lazy spinner

a) there is no matchmaker

b) everything is like a slut

c) oh yeah

d) no shirt for myself

5. Alone

a) you will not give birth to a daughter

b) you will not overcome a bump

c) you won’t even drink a barrel

d) do not put a point

6. Where two fools fight, there is a third

a) looks

b) helps

c) running away

d) wins

7. The chicken bites, yes

a) spit on everyone

b) lays eggs

c) ko-ko-ko yells

d) live full

8. Pig face

a) looks like everyone else

b) enter everywhere

c) more expensive

d) he too

9. Curve your soul

a) be good

b) serve the devil

c) blame yourself

d) sharpen fringes

10. What is poorer then

c) worse

d) more generous

11. Bread - eat salt, and

a) don't listen to anyone

b) keep your ears open

c) listen to the owner

d) do not beat the buckets

12. Easily

a) always good

b) never get overwhelmed

c) neither here nor there

d) you can’t even pull a fish out of a pond

1st led.: That's right, everything you said

They just didn't test themselves.

We start the competition

We invite everyone to go fishing and go to the forest.

The game "Transfer of fish around the hall."

Players must "catch" all the fish and put them in a basket. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Game "Collect mushrooms".

Mushrooms grow in the clearing in an amount less than the number of participants per mushroom. Participants walk around the clearing to the music. When the music stops, the participants must grab one mushroom each. The participant who did not have enough mushroom is out of the game. One mushroom is removed from the clearing and the game continues. At the end, one participant remains, he becomes the winner.

2nd Vedas: What kind of gatherings without tea. Guests will sit, sing songs, sip tea. And they will drink tea in our Russian way. But as? (Samovar, tea in saucers)

Tea came to us from China, where it was known 4700 years ago. But in Russia, tea appeared only in the 17th century. Moreover, at first it did not have much success with the Russian people, because, firstly, it was very expensive, and secondly, few people knew how to brew it. Only at the end of the 19th century did tea become widely distributed throughout Russia, tea houses began to open, people invited each other to visit not just like that, but for tea. Tea is included in proverbs, sayings, fairy tales.


1. You don’t drink tea - what strength, you drank tea - completely weakened.

2. Eat a seagull and listen to an organ.

3. Drink a cup of tea - you will forget longing.

The game "Fold the proverb."

Teams receive a proverb about tea cut into separate words and add it up for speed.

1. There is no dashing from tea.

2. Drinking tea is not chopping wood.

Vedas 1: But I wonder how tea should be brewed? (Answers of children). Russians traditionally brew tea in the following way. A clean teapot is rinsed with boiling water and dried slightly. Put tea into it at the rate of 1 teaspoon per glass, pour boiling water over it, cover with a napkin and set for five minutes. When the tea is infused, it is poured into a glass and diluted with boiling water.

A specific feature of Russian tea drinking is to dilute the tea leaves with boiling water directly in the cup. Therefore, a vessel for boiling water takes part in Russian tea drinking. Previously, samovars coped with this perfectly. And now boiling water is poured directly from the kettle in which it boiled.

2nd Vedas: And of course, various treats were served for tea. Let's now guess riddles that somehow relate to tea.

Contest "Mysterious".

1. There was a green leaf - 2. There is a fat man,

He became black, languishing, akimbo side,

There was a jagged leaf - Hisses and boils,

The leaf became tubular. He tells everyone to drink tea.

He was on the lozin- (samovar)

He was in the store.


3. The ring is not simple, 4. There is a bath in the belly,

Golden ring, sieve in the nose,

Brilliant, crispy. Button on the head

Everyone is a feast for the eyes ... One hand,

Well, food. Yes, it's on the back.

(bagel) ( teapot)

5. I'll take it magnificently, 6. Four legs,

I'll do it smoothly, two ears,

Throw into the flames, One nose

It will be like a stone. Yes belly.

(pie) (samovar)

7. White as snow, 8. What is poured into the pan

In honor of everyone, but they bend four times?

Got in the mouth - (pancake)

There he disappeared. (sugar)

9. Chernenko, 10. On the iron bridge

Hot and everyone loves it. heads are growing.

(tea) (fritters)

11. They beat me, beat me, cut me, 12. Sheep ran along the Kalinov bridge,

And I endure everything, I serve people. They saw the dawn, they left for the water.

(bread) (dumplings)

1st lead.: On the mound today

We rested together

Remembering songs, games, jokes

Our Russian antiquity.

Tea drinking.

2nd led.: We shared news

We tried to entertain you

And saying goodbye, we are with the guests,

We say: See you soon!

Scenario of the event "Village gatherings"

Leading (against the background of music): The story has a beginning -
This is the first line.
Starts from the pier
Sailor's path on the sea.
The twist has a reason
Poems have a string of words.
Starts from the beginning
A fairy tale, a song and… love.
Gathered together when
How they beat: “ rank rank”,
We start with bread - salt,
With a good song, our beginning!

Three girls in Russian costumes come out with bread and salt. They bow.

They bow low on all four sides and hand bread and salt to the oldest. Or they put a plate on the table, and the bread “travels” in a circle and each participant pinches off a piece from the loaf, dips it in a salt shaker and eats it.


On the rubble, in the light,
Ile on logs, what.
Gatherings were going
The elderly and the young.

Did they sit by the torch,
Ile under the bright sky -
They talked, they sang songs
Yes, they led a round dance.

Enjoyed good tea
With honey, obviously without sweets.
As now we talked, -
There is no life without communication.

And how did they play? Into the burners!
Ah, the burners are good,
In a word, these gatherings
They were a celebration of the soul.

The life of people is marked by a century.
The old world has changed.
Today we are all in the bottom of the barrel
Personal dachas, their apartments.

Our leisure is sometimes shallow
And what is there to say
It's boring to live without gatherings,
They should be revived.

If you are at ease
And they came to us not for an hour,
We offer gatherings
Spend right here now.

Rest is not trifles -
Game and news time
Let's start the party!
We open gatherings!
For friends and guests!

Leading: Good afternoon, glorious people! We are glad to welcome you to our native land. The village people are cheerful, they love to sing songs and play games, lead round dances.

Zabava and Emelya's buffoon appear.

Fun: Hello!

Leading: Have you met people?

Emelya: This is Fun! I am Emily!

They bowed low, caps fell off,

We put on caps, we start again!

This is the Entertainer!

Fun: This is Emelya.

Together: You came for a walk

Look at the guys, show yourself!

Fun: Guys let's play! Let half of the hall be Sorokino street, and I will live in it! The second half of the hall will be Voronino Street, where Emelya will live and live. Do you agree?

Emelya: What is our name, you know. But our names are unknown to us. You need to fix the error.

Fun: Residents of my Sorokino street will be called "Petka".

Emelya: And the inhabitants of my street - Voronino will be called "Vaska". Remembered ”Fun and I will sing a song and ask questions, and you will answer us!

And whoever answers louder, he will be well done! So, Vaska, remember your words:

Emelya: "Vaska, I have polka-dot pants,

I came from a fairy tale because I'm good!"

Fun: And Petka will answer with these words:

"Petka, I have a plaid shirt,

I came to you kids to eat candy!”

(Zabava and Emelya are rehearsing with the chant hall.)

Emelya: Ready? Your task is to answer our question as loudly and friendly as possible!

(Emelya and Zabava sing the chorus, after the first - Petka answers, after the second Vaska answers, and then all together).

Fun: On a sunny field

There is a green house

And next to this house

A cheerful gnome lives.

Dwarf! Dwarf! What is your name?

Emelya: In my opinion, both on your street and on mine there are the same number of good fellows and red maidens.

Fun: Not for nothing, friends, we bow to you,

By resorting to courteous words!

We like your fighting character,

Your temperament is perky, mischievous.

Leading: Russia is wooden - the edges are expensive,
Russian people have been living here for a long time,
They glorify their homes,
Razdolny Russian songs are sung ...

(The song "I'll go out into the street" is performed)

Emelya: And we came here to disperse boredom.

We're here to have fun and play.

(The game "Dress the young man" is being held).

Fun: - Oh, beautiful girls!
Do not sit on the stove - go out to the circle.
We honor our guests with:
Let's look at the people and show ourselves!

Children perform a dance

Fun: Guys, let's play with you. What did they use to carry buckets in Russia?

(A game with rocker arms is being played)


In the sky as if from whitewash
The Milky Way lit up
Noisy gatherings
In our festive light,

Where we had to rest.

Days of communication - happiness milestones,
Everyone is happy to have a get-together.
Business time, but fun

Happy people anyway.

We shared the news
We tried to entertain you.
We say goodbye to guests

Saying: See you soon!

Won't fade, won't fade
On the hills of the seven winds
Mastery of Russian cuisine,

Glory to Russian chefs!

Won't fade, won't fade
If you are not dumb, not deaf,
The lightest, the clearest

Gatherings Russian spirit.

gatherings, parties,
Stars in the festive heights -
These are Russian pictures.

Our life in Russia.

Life is not different
Not overseas, foreign
This is our side.

All that was, remembering
Let the native country live.
Very Russian, earthy,
The best country in the world!

Child: Russian nesting dolls are famous all over the world,
You look at them, well, why not beauties.
These funny, funny nesting dolls
Children will give you today.

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