Conditions for extracurricular activities according to fgos. Extracurricular activities required or not

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Borisevich Varvara
Report "Extracurricular activities as an important condition for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard"

1 slide. In accordance with the federal state educational standard for the education of students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities) adapted basic general education program implemented educational organization through lesson and extracurricular activities.

2 slide. Extracurricular activities - educational activities, aimed at achieving the results of the development of AOOP, carried out in forms other than classroom. Essence and main purpose extracurricular activities is to provide additional conditions for the development of interests, inclinations, abilities of students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities, organization of their free time.

3 slide. aim extracurricular activities is - creation conditions for the child to manifest and develop his interests on the basis of free choice, comprehension of spiritual and moral values ​​and cultural traditions.

4 slide. Extracurricular activities resolves the following tasks:

Ensure a favorable adaptation of the child in school;

Optimize the teaching load of students;

Improve terms for the development of the child;

Take into account the age and individual characteristics of students.

5 slide. For organization extracurricular activities must comply with certain terms:

parent request;

Availability of educational and material base;

Availability of trained personnel;

Compliance with SanPiNs, requirements for shifting classes and scheduling;

The educational institution independently chooses the forms, means and methods of organization extracurricular activities in accordance with the charter and with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"

6 slide. Kinds extracurricular activities within the framework of the main areas, except for correctional and developmental, are not enshrined in the requirements of the Standard. For their implementation in an educational organization may be recommended: play, leisure and entertainment, artistic creativity, social creativity, labor, socially useful, sports and health, tourist and local history, etc.

7 SLIDE. Forms of organization extracurricular activities are diverse and their choice is determined by general education organization: excursions, circles, sections, competitions, holidays, socially useful practices, competitions, quizzes, conversations, cultural trips to the theater, festivals, games (role-playing, business, etc., hiking trips, etc. During the period holidays to continue extracurricular activities the possibilities of organizations for the recreation of students and their rehabilitation, thematic camp shifts, summer schools created on the basis of general educational organizations and organizations of additional education for children.

8 slide. Depending on the capabilities of the general educational organization, the characteristics of the surrounding society extracurricular activities can be carried out according to various schemes, in including:

Directly in a general education organization like a full-time school;

Together with organizations of additional education for children, sports facilities, cultural organizations;

In cooperation with other organizations and with the participation of teachers of a general education organization (combined scheme).

9 slide. Based on the tasks, forms and content extracurricular activities can be carried out through:

Curriculum of an educational institution,

Additional educational programs of the institution;

organization activities after-school groups;

Educational program of the class teacher.

Organization extracurricular activities involves that all pedagogical workers of a general educational organization (teachers-defectologists, teachers of after-school groups, educators, speech therapists, pedagogues-psychologists, social pedagogues, etc., as well as medical workers) take part in this work.

10 slide. In the requirements for the structure of AOOP (option 1) determined that extracurricular activities organized in 5 areas of development personalities:

Spiritual and moral;



general cultural;

Sports and recreation.

These directions are a meaningful guideline for program development extracurricular activities. Due to the fact that extracurricular activities implemented the first year, we settled on priority areas, taking into account real conditions, characteristics of students, needs of students and their parents (legal representatives).

11 slide. Programs extracurricular activities according to AOOP 1 option:

"I know the world"- the program is aimed at expanding students' knowledge about the world around them, expanding their vocabulary and enriching the vocabulary. There are children in the class who did not attend preschool institutions and were brought up in a family, there are also children whose families speak two languages. The program helps students learn more about the phenomena of the surrounding reality, about the rules of behavior in public places, about animals and plants. Classes for extracurricular activities take place in the form of games, thematic conversations, creative activities.

"Math Steps"- the program is aimed at consolidating and expanding the knowledge gained in mathematics lessons, since from the moment of entry GEF the number of hours in this subject has been reduced from 5 to 3 hours per week. Classes are held in the form of a game, using a large number of visual materials, interesting tasks for the development of logical thinking.

12 slide. Also, for students of the 1st grade, an educational program has been developed. activities, which implemented class teacher and contributes to the achievement of goals and objectives. The class takes an active part in school-wide sports and recreational and festive events.

13 slide. Thematic discussions are held in the classroom about politeness, about the rules of good manners and behavior in public places. Quizzes and cool hours based on fairy tales and stories.

14 slide. Children enjoy attending classes in arts and crafts and take part in competitions.

15 slide. Also, for students of the 1st grade, a dynamic break in the fresh air is organized.

16 slide. In the requirements for the structure of AOOP (option 2) determined that extracurricular activities organized in 6 areas of development personalities:


Sports and recreation;




General cultural.

17 slide. Priority directions implementation of extracurricular activities AOOP students 2 option chosen: creative - "Color World". A program to guide the emotional and aesthetic development of students through familiarity with color and shape. During these classes, children get acquainted with various simple drawing techniques, with basic colors and shapes, draw elementary phenomena and objects. (weed, fruits and vegetables, colorful balls)

19 slide. socio-emotional - "Look, it's me"- the program is aimed at the formation of communication and speech skills using the means of verbal and non-verbal communication, the ability to use them in the process of social interaction. Students get acquainted with the basic rules of behavior and communication in the classroom, through role-playing games, conversations, quizzes. course:

Training in communication and cooperation skills;

Formation of students' skills of speech etiquette and culture of behavior;

Development of communication skills in the process of communication;

Introduction to the world of human relations, moral values, personality formation.

20 slide. cognitive - general cultural - "I say". The program aims to achieve the following goals:

Maximum inclusion of students in the educational process to familiarize themselves with the outside world and develop speech;

Shaping the Views Accessible to Them activities(elementary educational, game, communication activities, observation, subject-practical, labor);

Development of the ability to collective activities;

Formation of interest in the lesson.

Tasks that are solved in the process of teaching students the following:

To form initial ideas about oneself and about the immediate social environment ( "Me and an adult", "It's me", "I am at school")

Arouse interest in the diversity of the surrounding world (the world of people, animals, plants, natural phenomena;

Learn to establish the simplest family relationships between people (dad, mom, me, grandma, grandpa);

Create terms for the emergence of children's speech activity and the use of learned speech material in everyday life, in the classroom, in games, in self-service and in Everyday life;

Provide the necessary motivation for communication and speech through the creation of communication situations, support the desire for communication;

To form and expand vocabulary related to the content of emotional, everyday, subject, gaming and work experience;

To form an idea about the parts of one's own body, their purpose, location;

form elementary representations about household items necessary in human life.

21 slide. Important to keep in mind, what extracurricular activities- this is by no means a mechanical addition to basic general education, designed to compensate for the shortcomings of working with children.

School after school should become a world of creativity, manifestation and disclosure by each child of his interests and hobbies. This will make it possible to turn extracurricular activities into a full-fledged area of ​​upbringing and education.

Hello, does the school have the right to force my 8th grade child to attend after school activities in without fail by law? We are forced to write a statement of consent

Lawyers Answers (2)

The main educational program of general education is implemented by an educational institution through the curriculum and extracurricular activities (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 26, 2010 No. 1241). This order established that extracurricular activities are outside the scope of curriculum and is not included. Thus, according to the “Law on Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012, Article 43, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, attending extracurricular activities is optional.

According to paragraph 16 of Art. 50 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" No. 3266-1 dated 10.07.1992, students have the right to voluntarily attend classes for extracurricular activities. The requirements of SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions", extracurricular activities are not regulated, because is not mandatory, and parents have the right to refuse it.

Based on the above legal acts, you can write a refusal to attend classes for extracurricular activities.

Hello, does the school have the right to force my 8th grade child to attend after school activities without fail by law? We are forced to write a statement of consent

A colleague referred to the Federal State Educational Standard of primary general education, and therefore made such an unambiguous conclusion, but your son is in the 8th grade!

(clause 13) The main educational program of basic general education defines the goals, objectives, planned results, content and organization of educational activities in obtaining basic general education and is aimed at developing common culture, spiritual and moral, civil, social, personal and intellectual development of students, their self-development and self-improvement, ensuring social success, development of creative, physical abilities, preservation and strengthening of students' health. (Paragraph as amended, put into effect on February 21, 2015 by order Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 29, 2014 N 1644.

The main educational program of basic general education is implemented by an educational institution through classroom and extracurricular activities in compliance with the requirements of state sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations.

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Article 34)

item 4. Students have the right to visit at their choice activities that are carried out in an organization that implements educational activities, and not included in the curriculum, in the manner prescribed by local regulations.

Thus, if this extracurricular activity is not provided for by the curriculum, then you have the right to refuse, and if provided, then

1) conscientiously master the educational program, fulfill the individual curriculum, including attending the training sessions provided for in the curriculum or individual curriculum, carry out independent preparation for classes, perform tasks given by teachers within the framework of the educational program (Section 43 of the Law).

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Subject: Mandatory extracurricular activities - letter to the education committee

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Mandatory extracurricular activities - letter to the education committee

Extracurricular activities are presented as a MANDATORY activity that the child must do at school, and therefore be at school until almost 4 pm (Quote "In our class, the first conversation on the topic of extracurricular activities began with the fact that" This is the order of the director, if anyone has something If you don't like it, look for another school."

In some schools, it has come to the point that children are simply NOT given to their parents immediately after school, but left to WOOD

In some schools, it has gotten to the point where children are being bullied with poor grades in some subjects if the children do not go to the VUd. At the same time, children study in DDT circles, with tutors .. and are forced to give up their favorite activities with tears in their eyes.

Some schools DO NOT accept certificates from DDT or "wrong organizations"

A quote from the "emotional topic" "and today we were told that only a certificate stating that the child is engaged somewhere in the amount of 10 hours a week can save us from this obligation. But the trouble is, these certificates should be issued by the relevant organizations, but my child all classes with private tutors" (the very requirement of certificates is illegal, but based on a letter from the Education Committee to schools, but nevertheless, schools are already overdoing it even in this)

The answer of one of the schools (a copy from the "emotional topic") "Help will suit, but it will close only one area of ​​extracurricular MANDATORY activities, and it is also necessary that the child go in for sports, develop spiritually and morally, and something else. And all this is STRICTLY REQUIRED. Child must be at school by 3:15 p.m.".

There are other factors, but I can’t remember everything, I’ll write it off only in the evening, so that a FULL picture of what resulted in a generally good undertaking would appear.

we are NOT AGAINST WOOD as a whole, against the OBLIGATORY of all under the same brush,

against the illegal collection of certificates from families with the requirement to report what and where and how much children do AFTER school hours (interference in the private life of the family)

This topic will contain exactly what is related to the official part (the legal framework governing the activities of schools and VUD in particular, the version of letters to the Committee, the result of the answers, etc.)

**** called the committee of the min. by calling the hotline, where everything was clearly explained to me, to the point that a free-form application addressed to the director indicating the classes where the child goes (even if it's just a tutor) is enough.

Further, as for the 10 hours of obligation - they are not. All documents state that this is the recommended time with the wording "up to 10 hours", and how much each child actually does is already everyone's business for at least 2 hours, at least 20, the main thing is that all these activities do not cause physical and psychological harm to the health and development of the child.

As I was told, what can be attached (if the institution can give such a certificate), but everyone understands that children can also study with private teachers, who, in turn, cannot give any information, respectively, a written statement from a legal representative is sufficient.

And if the children do something in the evenings, this is also taken into account, and not just in the daytime.

Happiness is inside (c)

From these articles, it can be concluded that EA is part of the educational program, therefore schools are obliged to provide students with the opportunity to participate in EA. At the same time, VUD is not included in the curriculum, but is issued separately.

Below are excerpts from laws related to this topic.

federal state educational standard primary general education (grades 1-4)

The curriculum of primary general education and the plan of extracurricular activities are the main organizational mechanisms for the implementation of the main educational program of primary general education.

19.10. The plan of extracurricular activities is an organizational mechanism for the implementation of the main educational program of primary general education.

The plan of extracurricular activities ensures that the individual characteristics and needs of students are taken into account through the organization of extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activities are organized in the areas of personality development (sports and recreation, spiritual and moral, social, general intellectual, general cultural), including through such forms as excursions, circles, sections, " round tables", conferences, debates, school scientific societies, olympiads, competitions, search and Scientific research, socially useful practices, on a voluntary basis in accordance with the choice of participants in the educational process.

The plan of extracurricular activities of an educational institution determines the composition and structure of areas, forms of organization, the amount of extracurricular activities for students at the level of primary general education (up to 1350 hours in four years of study), taking into account the interests of students and the capabilities of the educational institution.

An educational institution independently develops and approves a plan for extracurricular activities.

4. Students have the right to attend events of their choice that are held in an organization that carries out educational activities and are not provided for by the curriculum, in the manner prescribed by local regulations.

1. Students are required to:

1) conscientiously master the educational program, fulfill the individual curriculum, including attending the training sessions provided for by the curriculum or individual curriculum, carry out independent preparation for classes, perform tasks given by teachers within the framework of the educational program;

1) before the child completes the basic general education, taking into account the opinion of the child, as well as taking into account the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission (if any), the forms of education and forms of education, organizations engaged in educational activities, language, languages ​​of education, optional and elective subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) from the list proposed by the organization carrying out educational activities;

The value of the weekly educational load (number of training sessions), implemented through classroom and extracurricular activities, is determined in accordance with table 3.

The entire document is devoted to extracurricular activities "Instructive-methodical letter" On the organization of extracurricular activities in state educational institutions of St. Petersburg"

Paragraph 2 once again specifically about the same and says "2. Organization of extracurricular activities."

Clause 1.3. from the NGO it is required to familiarize the parents with the educational program of the NGO, including extracurricular activities. And parents are required to be responsible for compliance with these requirements. (By the way, just now an idea came to my mind - until they show everything that should be done after school - namely, the plan, mode, schedule, and most importantly - work programs - and oh! how long it takes to compose, write and draw up - I can do nothing do not sign, because in fact they did not acquaint me with anything)

Clause 2.5. puts forward requirements for the organizer of extracurricular activities. And this is already easier for a simple teacher to do. Print puzzles, charades, puzzles, distribute board games. "Here's to you, kids, and not a traditional lesson."

hotline of the Committee on Education of St. Petersburg tel 576-20-19.

often in schools they say that according to the Federal State Educational Standard, extracurricular activities are included in the curriculum. So, extracurricular activities are included in the educational program, and not in the curriculum. So do not be fooled, comrade parents. Mandatory attendance is only the classes provided for by the curriculum.

Article 43 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" No. 273 dated December 29, 2012 (as amended):

To the Education Committee of St. Petersburg

E-mail address

(postal address, phone - optional)

Please explain to me. Please send your reply to the following email address.

And then what do you want to know. For example, is WUD mandatory. How does she fit in with Sunpin? If yes, how many hours exactly? Should parents carry certificates. If so, from which institutions? How hours are counted. Well, etc. You can ask, for example, whether it is legal that WOOD is inserted before the main lessons (while always referring to the specific paragraph of Sanpin, where it is written that it is impossible).

In electronic form, the appeal can be sent through the feedback of the official website of the Administration of St. Petersburg, the portal of St. Petersburg Education or by the official e-mail of the Committee on Education [email protected]

If the WUD is mandatory for attendance, then to what extent, from the minimum to the maximum, and on the basis of what laws or other legal documents?

Is it legal for school administrations to provide them with certificates of what classes and to what extent the child attends outside the school? Under what legal document can a school require such reporting of a child's parents?

Please also explain how the EA classes correlate with the norms of the maximum teaching load for schoolchildren prescribed in SANPIN (for first grade students - no more than 21 school hours). Indeed, in most schools these hours (for first graders 21 hours, for second graders 23-26) are occupied by lessons included in the curriculum.

Please explain how the day should be organized for schoolchildren who remain in the extended day group, but do not want to go to the VUD offered by the school? The problem lies in the fact that during the time of the VUD, the teacher of the extended day group is absent in schools. Thus, a child who stays at school until 4 p.m. is deprived of the right to choose - he is forced to go to VUD, since there is no teacher at school to look after him.

Also, as a mother, I am worried that with the introduction of WOOD, children are actually left without a walk. Thus, their right to health protection suffers. The fact is that the time from the end of the lessons to the start of the VUD is from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours. During this time, children should have time to have lunch and take a walk. If the pause is 45 minutes, then the children actually only have time to have lunch. If the interval is 1.5 hours, then the walk is still very short. After all, during this time, the children should have lunch, and if all the parallel classes or even half of the elementary school have lunch at the same time, then the lunch is greatly stretched in time. Then the children should go down to the wardrobe, change clothes, take a walk, return to school, change clothes again, go up to the classroom. And schoolchildren, the youngest of whom are not yet 7 years old, cannot perform all these actions as quickly as possible.


Also, my child has already made his free choice of the type of extracurricular activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, and attends

To the director of school No. ______

I, the parent of _______________, student (s) of ____________ class, refuse to conduct extracurricular activities with my child. I draw your attention to the following provisions of the law:


Director _______ school No.

“We have the following scheme: lessons, then a 45-minute break, then extracurriculars. It turns out that the child will be free only after 15.00. And this is in the first grade. but I'm not satisfied at all. My child will definitely get tired"

And this is during the adjustment period.

Extracurricular activities are carried out by the whole class without taking into account the wishes of the parents. (that is, in the evening, the schedule is written in VK and out-of-class classes) the form of conducting out-of-class classes does not differ from the lesson.

in our school they said that if a child attends additional classes not during the time allotted for extracurricular activities - from 14 to 16, but in the evening, for example, then this no longer works)) i.e. from 14 to 16 you need to be at school, and then wherever you want, go there.

And even after a letter from the Committee dated September 15, 2014, some schools continue to bend their "policy", for which they get into the topchart

"yesterday I was at a meeting at the school .. I was the head teacher of the primary classes .. So here she was crucifying about the obligation of the VUD on the basis of the order .. In response to the fact that her parents showed her a letter from the commander (note - letter dated September 15, 2014, there is a link to it above), she said that this "pisyulka" has no force, the order does not cancel and we can wipe it off. What if there is a prosecutor's office. checking for the presence of children in the school during the VUD, it will be bad for us if there are no children.

When asked about Sanpin's norms, she said that the curriculum has 23 hours, and 5 hours of WOOD (this was also met with us and allowed only five hours, not all ten) will begin after an hour and a half of a walk .. When the head teacher left, they read to us schedule .. so here are the children every day! 7-8 lessons WITHOUT any break .. In fact, we get 23 hours in the curriculum + 4 hours of additional paid classes (English, geometry, rhetoric) + 5 hours of WOOD. some 32 hours.

Our certificates are not suitable, because the certificate must contain the number of the order for enrollment in an institution of additional education .. and if the child is engaged somewhere in a non-state institution, then all these classes "do not count."

Plus, the head teacher said that soon all sports schools, artists, musicians will be transferred to classes after 4 pm. There will be such an order soon .. "



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Because these are excesses and most likely they are caused by a misunderstanding by regional and municipal officials of the work on the new Federal State Educational Standards.

Moscow region, Samara region, Krasnodar region etc.

There are a lot of unhappy parents. But it is expressed in different ways, I see it in our class. Some, complaining to each other that it is hard for the child and he cannot withstand such loads, they still leave him out of school, because. the school ordered "it is necessary", but they do not want to argue and defend their rights and do not know how.

Or people like me. Declaring that I am categorically against extracurricular activities, we come after school and take us home to have dinner, sleep and to interesting activities for the child outside of school. But I don’t write letters and complaints, because let them shake my nerves with a binding, but they still let me go for now.

That is why I am fighting for the voluntariness of extracurricular activities from above, and not specifically at school, because the child will still be taken even if I write 10 statements to the director. It is important for me to resolve the issue in principle, at least on the scale of the Moscow region, especially since the regional minister, as if in words, affirms voluntariness.

PySy: 05ArSi always read you. After all, this experiment called "extracurricular activities" began just with our first-graders, and it is not yet known how this "good" will affect the psychological and physical health of children in the future.

1. I posted a refusal form here, where the reasons for the refusal are clearly indicated, that is, laws, and not their internal instructions. Print and distribute to parents.

2. DON'T BE AFRAID TO WRITE COMPLAINTS! this is very important, and you need to write not to the education department of your district, but to the regional one, because they are responsible for the violations. I'll post a complaint form soon. I wrote and the result is, and on a regional scale!

I'll just wait for the reaction of the school to this, what will they say at the meeting now;)

Is this waiver still valid or has something changed?

visiting extracurricular activities

I apologize if the question turned out to be unrelated. at the most from all this mess in the head.

Re: attending extracurricular activities

Otherwise, in terms of extracurricular activities, there are no differences. You can choose 1 or 2 clubs (as many as you want) from those provided by the school or any of their own, it does not have to be 10 hours a week. Nowhere, not a single document says that the child must attend exactly 10 hours. The school must organize them, and the student has the right to choose as many as he needs.

Clause 1. Students are required to:

item 1) conscientiously master the educational program, fulfill the individual curriculum, including attending the training sessions provided for by the curriculum or individual curriculum, carrying out independent preparation for classes, performing tasks given by pedagogical workers within the framework of the educational program.

Edited at 2013-09-19 09:34 am (UTC)


school program

1. Teachers do not let children leave the school, because they say that this is part of the school curriculum, and therefore attendance is mandatory. Parents either believe (and then dutifully do not interfere), or do not believe (and do not take away, because they are afraid to quarrel with the teacher and the administration).

2. They work and are unable to pick them up after school. Anticipating the question, I’ll say right away that there is an after-school program where children can easily do their homework and relax instead of unnecessary extracurricular activities, or they can go to normal circles at the same school, which they are not allowed to attend because it’s extracurricular.

Compulsory attendance at extracurricular activities

Is this actually legal?

Re: Mandatory attendance at extracurricular activities - not

1. The development of the educational program (with the exception of the educational program of preschool education), including a separate part or the entire volume of the subject, course, discipline (module) of the educational program, is accompanied by an intermediate certification of students, carried out in the forms determined by the curriculum, and in the manner established by the educational organization."

You have no right to refuse to familiarize yourself with these documents.

Official clarifications

Re: Official clarification

Because in Moscow, let's say, this is quite simple and everything is voluntary, but in the Moscow region it is mandatory almost everywhere.

Extracurricular activities required or not

Studying at school is not only lessons. You will have to get used to this because of the new educational standards.

In the first two weeks of September, we all have already managed to thoroughly immerse ourselves in the new school year. Mastered new names and patronymics of teachers, read the first chapters in textbooks and wrote dozens of lines in notebooks. The educational process is in full swing. And some people are starting to get worried. Namely, the parents of elementary school children, and even five-graders, also express their so far restrained bewilderment: why do children spend so long at school?

They come home only at three or four in the afternoon and only then sit down to do their homework. But how about taking a walk, relaxing, going to classes at an art school or just reading a book? There is no free time at all, childhood passes by, along with the last warm autumn days. Let's see why and what our junior and middle school students are doing at school after school.

The main reason is the introduction of new federal educational standards (FSES). Primary school has been mastering these standards for several years, and the secondary school has entered its new era recently. But in any case, parents should already be familiar with such a phrase - extracurricular activities.

Under extracurricular activities, - Lidia Burovikhina, the chief specialist of the department of general and additional education of the Department of Education, informs us, - is understood educational activity that differs in form from the lesson and is aimed at achieving the planned results of mastering the main educational program.

Here it is necessary to make a small digression. The fact is that in all Russian schools, education is in accordance with the basic curriculum. It, in turn, is divided into a mandatory part, which must be mastered by all schoolchildren without exception, and a variable part, which is formed by the schools themselves. This second part of the plan is designed to ensure the implementation of the individual needs of the child and, in accordance with the requirements of the standard, is carried out through extracurricular activities. I would like to emphasize that extracurricular activities are not an extended day group. It is an equal part of the whole educational process.

Each school approaches the organization of extracurricular activities to the extent of the imagination of the leaders and according to the capabilities of the staff. The forms of classes can be very different: excursions, circles, sections, school scientific societies, olympiads, competitions, competitions, search and scientific research, socially useful practices, and so on.

In the author's programs, which are posted on the websites of Togliatti schools, the following messages are most often found: education, development, creativity. For example, in the author's program T.V. Chetkova “In the world and in harmony” (school No. 94) it is written that this program involves the formation of the personality of a Russian citizen through the education of such qualities as patriotism, citizenship, respect for the history of one’s people, adherence to national traditions, knowledge of the cultural heritage of one’s own and other peoples. The author sets himself very correct tasks and here are the thoughts he suggests.

We all often commemorate Soviet education, some with a kind word, some not so much. One way or another, but earlier the school was engaged in the education of a comprehensively developed personality of a citizen and patriot at the behest of the party and government. Then, in the ensuing chaos of the nineties, this function of the school went into oblivion. And society sounded the alarm.

Almost twenty years later, the state realized that it was impossible to do without the education of basic values ​​at school. And ministerial officials have prescribed this function in the new state standards.

Extracurricular activities, of course, are not limited to spiritual and moral education. Classes in social, general intellectual, general cultural, sports and recreation areas must be organized without fail in schools. By the hour, not much time is allotted for this: from one to three classes a day for elementary school. Moreover, these classes are not lessons, they are (or should be) fun and interesting, without homework.

But is it still possible to refuse extracurricular activities if parents consider such a load excessive for their child?

The development of a child is a purposeful process and cannot be fully ensured only in the process of educational activities, - explains Lidia Burovikhina, - therefore, if a student attends specialized institutions of additional education (a music school, a children's choreographic school, swimming pools, sports sections, and so on), then it is enough for parents to notify the class teacher and the administration of the educational institution in writing. Thus, a student may not attend extracurricular classes at school in those areas (and there are five of them) that duplicate classes in an additional education institution.

That is, if a child goes to a music school, then he may not attend, for example, the school choir.

By the way, how many complaints to all the authorities have been quite recently: children run around the streets, there are no free circles and sections. Now the school is obliged to occupy children with creativity, sports, it is obliged to develop the intellect and educate. And this, after all, is paid by the state. But what will come of this, we will all evaluate a little later.

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Good deal! Well done!

my opinion about TLT site

The editors who wrote this headline are cynical people. Disappointed..

Very funny. Ha ha ha. Again, they will divide the allocated money, but there will be no result, however, as always.

Regulatory and legal issues of organizing extracurricular activities

The federal state educational standards of general education (primary general, basic general, secondary general education) introduce the concept of extracurricular activities, which are an integral part of educational activities.

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation published a letter dated December 14, 2015 No. 09-3564 “On extracurricular activities and the implementation of additional general educational programs”, which reflects methodological recommendations for organizing extracurricular activities and implementing additional general educational programs in educational organizations. Consider these recommendations.

Organization of extracurricular activities

The content of general education, as well as its goals, objectives and planned results, are determined by the main educational program of the general educational organization, developed by it independently in accordance with the federal state educational standards of general education (hereinafter - the Federal State Educational Standards of General Education) and taking into account the exemplary basic educational program (Articles 12 and 28 federal law dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter - Federal Law N 273-FZ).

The main educational program of a general educational organization is implemented through classroom and extracurricular activities in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in general educational organizations (Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2010 N 189, as amended by Changes N 1, approved Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of 06.29.2011 N 85, amendments No. 2 approved by Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of 25.12.2013 N 72, hereinafter - SanPiN

GEF of general education determine the amount of hours extracurricular activities at every level of general education, which is:

up to 1350 hours at the level of primary general education;

up to 1750 hours at the level of basic general education;

up to 700 hours at the level of secondary general education.

An educational organization independently determines the amount of hours allocated for extracurricular activities, in accordance with the content and organizational specifics of its main educational program, realizing the specified amount of hours both during school hours and during vacation time.

In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of May 8, 2010 N 83-FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Improvement of the Legal Status of State (municipal) Institutions", the directions of financing of educational activities (including extracurricular activities) and the amount of funds are determined the state task of the founder of the educational organization.

Extracurricular activities are mandatory.

Extracurricular activities are an integral part of educational activities and are organized in the areas of personal development: sports and recreation, spiritual and moral, social, general intellectual, general cultural.

The school determines the forms of its organization independently, taking into account the interests and requests of students and their parents (legal representatives). The parents (legal representatives) of the student have the right to choose the directions and forms of extracurricular activities, taking into account his opinion until the child completes the basic general education.

The plan of extracurricular activities, like the curriculum, is the main organizational mechanism for the implementation of the main educational programs of general education, determines the composition and structure of areas, forms of organization, and the amount of extracurricular activities.

Extracurricular activities during vacation time can be implemented within the framework of thematic programs (camp with day stay on the basis of a general educational organization or on the basis of suburban children's centers, on hikes, trips, etc.).

In the absence of the possibility for the implementation of extracurricular activities, the educational organization, within the framework of the relevant state (municipal) assignments formed by the founder, uses the possibilities of educational organizations of additional education, cultural and sports organizations.

Extracurricular activities and SanPiN requirements

During the preparation and publication of these guidelines, changes were made to sanitary norms and rules (Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated November 24, 2015 No. 81 “On Amendments No. 3 to SanPiN “Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements to the conditions and organization of training, maintenance in general educational organizations ”(Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 18, 2015 N 40154).

The SanPiN states that “the main educational program is implemented through the organization of classroom and extracurricular activities. The total amount of workload and the maximum amount of classroom workload for students should not exceed the requirements ", which are indicated in the table below.

Hygienic requirements for the maximum total weekly educational load of students

Maximum allowable classroom weekly workload (in academic hours)<*>

The maximum allowable weekly load of extracurricular activities (in academic hours)<**>

at 6-day week, no more

at 5-day week, no more

Regardless of the duration of the school week, no more

<*>The maximum allowable classroom weekly load includes a mandatory part of the curriculum and a part of the curriculum formed by participants in educational relations.

<**>Hours of extracurricular activities can be implemented both during the school week and during the holidays, on weekends and non-working holidays. Extracurricular activities are organized on a voluntary basis in accordance with the choice of participants in educational relations.

The hours allocated for extracurricular activities are used for socially useful practices, research activities, implementation of educational projects, excursions, hikes, competitions, visits to theaters, museums and other events.

It is allowed to redistribute the hours of extracurricular activities by years of study within the same level of general education, as well as their summation during the academic year.

It should be noted that neither the recommendations nor the SanPiN establish the minimum number of hours of extracurricular activities, only the maximum number of hours per week (at a certain level of education) is indicated. At the same time, it is indicated that extracurricular activities are mandatory!

Introduction. Relevance of the topic.

2. The main part. Extracurricular activities as an important condition for the implementation of the activities of the GEF of the new generation

a) The purpose of extracurricular activities;

b). Tasks;

in). Directions of personal development;

G). Forms of extracurricular work;

e) Planned results of education and development of primary school students;

e). Educational results and effects of extracurricular activities;

e). Primary school graduate model;

g).Planned result;

h). Expected Result;

3. Conclusion.

4. Literature.



The priority task of the modern school is to create the necessary and complete conditions for the personal development of each child.

The concept of extracurricular activities includes all those activities of schoolchildren, except for educational activities, in which it is possible and expedient to solve their problems. education and them socialization.

Extracurricular activities - the activity of children shown outside the lessons, due to their interests and needs, aimed at understanding and transforming themselves and the surrounding reality, which plays an important role in the development of students and the formation of a student team. The specificity of extracurricular activities is determined by the focus on achieving personal, subject, meta-subject results of the educational program of primary general education. Extracurricular activities act as one of the main components of the socialization of a younger student.

Extracurricular (extracurricular) activities schoolchildren is one of the innovations of the Federal State Educational Standard of the second generation. According to the draft of the new Basic Curriculum, it becomes an obligatory element of school education and sets the task for the teaching staff to organize a developing environment for students.

The fundamental difference between the educational standards of the second generation is the strengthening of their focus on the results of education as a system-forming component of the design of standards. The new Federal State Educational Standard specifies the relationship between education and upbringing: upbringing is seen as the mission of education, as a value-oriented process. It should cover and permeate all types of educational activities: educational and extracurricular.

Extracurricular activities - This is a concept that unites all types of schoolchildren's activities (except educational), in which it is possible and expedient to solve the problems of their upbringing and socialization.

Main goals extracurricular activities according to the Federal State Educational Standards are the creation of conditions for students to achieve the social experience necessary for life in society and the formation of a system of values ​​accepted by society, the creation of conditions for the multifaceted development and socialization of each student, the creation of an educational environment that ensures the activation of social, intellectual interests of students in their free time, the development of a healthy, a creatively growing personality with a formed civic responsibility and legal self-awareness, prepared for life in new conditions, capable of socially significant practical activities, the implementation of volunteer initiatives.

Extracurricular activities are an integral part of the educational process at school, which makes it possible to fully implement the requirements of the federal state educational standard. The features of this component of the educational process are providing students with the opportunity of a wide range of activities aimed at their development; as well as the independence of the educational institution in the process of filling extracurricular activities with specific content.

The following types of extracurricular activities are available for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard at the school:

    gaming activity;

    cognitive activity;

    problem-value communication;

    leisure and entertainment activities (leisure communication);

    artistic creativity;

    social creativity;

    labor (production) activity;

    sports and recreational activities;

    tourism and local history activities.

Extracurricular activities pose a number of tasks:

    development of interests, inclinations, abilities, opportunities for students in various activities;

    expanding the scope of communication in society.

The main principles that should guide the teacher in the implementation of the VD should be:

    Free choice by the child of types and spheres of activity.

    Orientation to the personal interests, needs, abilities of the child.

    The possibility of free self-determination and self-realization of the child.

    The unity of training, education, development.

    Practical and activity basis of the educational process.

The GEF presents a basic model of extracurricular activities.

The curriculum of an educational institution, namely, through the part formed by the participants in the educational process (additional educational modules, special courses, school scientific societies, educational scientific research, workshops, etc., conducted in forms other than classroom);

Additional educational programs of the general educational institution itself (intra-school system of additional education);

Educational programs of institutions of additional education for children, as well as institutions of culture and sports;

Organization of activities of extended day groups;

Class leadership (excursions, debates, round tables, competitions, socially useful practices, etc.);

The activities of other pedagogical workers (teacher-organizer, social pedagogue, teacher-psychologist, senior counselor) in accordance with the official duties of the qualification characteristics of the positions of educators;

Innovative (experimental) activities for the development, testing, implementation of new educational programs, including those taking into account regional characteristics .

Recognizing socialization as one of the tasks Russian education, it is important to orient the child in time in the modern socio-cultural environment, spiritual and cultural heritage. Solving the problems of upbringing and socialization of schoolchildren, in the context of the national educational ideal, their comprehensive development, is most effective within the framework of organizing extracurricular activities, especially in the context of the system of basic general education. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) of the new generation, the organization of extracurricular activities for children is an integral part of the educational process at school, and education is seen as the mission of education, as a value-oriented process. Extracurricular activities in MOU Tushninskaya School are carried out on the basis of an optimization model for organizing extracurricular activities and combines all types of schoolchildren's activities (except for educational activities in the classroom), in which it is possible and expedient to solve the problems of educating and socializing children.

Extracurricular activities are understood today mainly as activities organized with the class during extracurricular time to meet the needs of schoolchildren for meaningful leisure, their participation in self-government and socially useful activities, children's public associations and organizations.

This work, in my opinion, allows teachers to identify potential opportunities and interests in their wards, to help them realize them. Extracurricular work is focused on creating conditions for informal communication of students in a class or educational parallel, has a pronounced educational and socio-pedagogical orientation. Extracurricular work is a good opportunity for organizing interpersonal relationships in the classroom, between students and the class teacher, teacher in order to create a student team and student self-government bodies. In the process of multifaceted extracurricular activities, it seems to me that it is possible to ensure the development of the general cultural interests of schoolchildren and contribute to the solution of the problems of moral education.

Thus, extracurricular activities of schoolchildren are a set of all types of student activities (except for educational activities and activities in the classroom), in which it is possible and expedient to solve the problems of their education and socialization.

Under the new conditions, an opportunity is provided for the general and additional education of children to become equal, mutually complementary components capable of creating a single educational space necessary for the full personal development of each child. Under these conditions, educational institutions are faced with qualitatively new tasks: it is necessary to create a basis for the successful adaptation of schoolchildren in society, the disclosure of their creative possibilities, abilities and such personality traits as initiative, initiative, fantasy, originality, that is, everything that relates to the individuality of a person.

The implementation of the principle of completeness of education is laid down in the Federal State Educational Standard and is becoming a key moment for building a new system of relations between general and additional education, integrating both formal and non-formal, compulsory and voluntary, traditional and uniquely specific. Integration of general and additional education,

undoubtedly becomes an important condition for the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard, as it leads to a qualitatively new result.

Taking into account the requirements for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, educational institutions, having certain resources and experience in interacting with parole, should create conditions for the implementation of extracurricular activities, develop a model of interaction with parole.

Since the goals of additional education are aimed at realizing extracurricular individual interests, the educational needs of each student and providing opportunities for building their own, individual educational trajectory, individual educational module, the realization of such opportunities increases with the combined educational resources of the school and the institution of additional education. In fact, we can talk about the need to create a new learning environment focused on independent learning activities, development creativity trainees, on the socialization of children.

Taking into account the fact that the standards of general education predetermine the allocation of hours for extracurricular activities (10 hours a week) in the BUP, and the choice of activities within these hours falls on the “shoulders” of the school and completely depends on the available human and material resources, institutions of additional education can contribute a significant contribution to the implementation of new standards.

Extracurricular activities organized in the areas of personality development:

sports and recreation,

spiritual and moral,


general intellectual,

general cultural.

Forms of organization of extracurricular activities, as well as in general educational process, within the framework of the implementation of the main educational program of primary general education, determines the educational institution.

There are several main types of organizational models of extracurricular activities:

additional education model (based on the institutional and (or) municipal system of additional education for children);

full-time school model;

optimization model (based on the optimization of all internal resources of an educational institution);

innovative educational model.

Each OS chooses the most suitable model for itself, it is possible to combine models (as we did).

For the successful introduction of GEF IEO, including extracurricular activities, a number of conditions must be met:

Organizational support

Regulatory support

Financial and economic conditions

Information Support

Scientific and methodological support

Human Resources

Material and technical base

In our "MOU Tushninskaya School" we implement extracurricular activities in the following way. The system of additional education has been successfully functioning in our school for several years. Since 2008, the school has been working on the topic “The system of additional education within the framework of a general education school as a condition for activating personal self-determination and self-realization of students.” Today, 10 creative associations work at the school (25 teachers are involved).

The block of additional education of the school provides a wide range of various services, satisfies the individual, socio-cultural, educational needs of children, provides students with the freedom to choose types, forms of activities and children's associations of interest.

As part of the DL system in the school, we interact with a number of institutions in the district.

Today, our educational institution meets all modern requirements for the educational process. And has some success in developing the abilities of students. It should be noted that school teachers understand and accept the fact that elementary school has become the first step in approbation of the Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation is not accidental. After all, the effectiveness of introducing changes at other levels of education largely depends on what the results of primary school will be, since it is the foundation of all subsequent education of children in school.

The transition of the school to the new standard requires serious preparatory work- one of which is the development of a program for extracurricular activities. Based on the position of this program, each teacher creates his own work program in the chosen direction.

Students reveal their spiritual, physical and intellectual potential during extracurricular activities carried out at school in five areas (directions):

Extracurricular activities at our school cover a wide range of work.


    Meetings with the ministers of the church. Participation in Orthodox holidays and festivals, holidays and meetings;

    Making presentations and projects. Participation in projects and actions "Lend a helping hand".

    Excursions and acquaintances with representatives of different professions, classes on the role of labor and useful activities, participation in events dedicated to the traditions and work experience of the family, industrial tourism.

Meetings with representatives of creative professions, excursions to monuments; conversations and class hours about the rules of behavior, about actions.

When organizing extracurricular activities of schoolchildren, the teacher needs to understand the difference between the results and effects of this activity.

Result - this is what was the direct result of the participation of the student in the activity. Effect is a consequence of the result; what led to the achievement of the result.

The educational results of extracurricular activities are divided into three levels.

First level - the acquisition by the student of social knowledge (knowledge about social norms, about the structure of society, about socially approved and disapproved forms of behavior in society, etc.) This is achieved in cooperation with the teacher.

Second level - obtaining by the student the experience of experiencing and a positive attitude towards the basic values ​​of society. Achieved in a friendly children's environment (team).

Third level - obtaining by the student the experience of independent social action. It is achieved in interaction with social subjects.

The results of successful extracurricular activities are the achievement by the student of knowledge and understanding of public life, the desire for a value attitude and independent actions in public life.

Achieving three levels of results of extracurricular activities increases the likelihood of the effects of education and socialization of children. Students can be formed communicative, ethical, social, civic competence and socio-cultural identity in its country, ethnic, gender and other aspects.

optimization model. The model of extracurricular activities based on the optimization of all internal resources of the school assumes that the teaching staff of the school (teachers, teacher-organizer, social pedagogue, teacher-psychologist, librarian) take part in its implementation.

The coordinating role is played at the class level by the class teacher, who, in accordance with his functions and tasks:

interacts with teaching staff, as well as teaching and support staff of the school;

organizes an educational process in the classroom that is optimal for the development of the positive potential of the personality of students within the framework of the activities of the general school team;

organizes a system of relations through various forms of educational activities of the class team, including through self-government bodies;

organizes socially significant, creative activity of students.

The advantages of the optimization model are the minimization of financial expenses for extracurricular activities, the creation of a single educational and methodological space in an educational institution, the content and organizational unity of all its structural divisions.

The model of extracurricular activities at school ensures that the individual characteristics and needs of students are taken into account through the organization of extracurricular activities, which is carried out in the areas of personality development (sports and health, spiritual and moral, civil and patriotic, artistic and aesthetic), including through such forms as excursions , circles, sections, round tables, conferences, debates, school scientific society, olympiads, competitions, search and scientific research, socially useful practices, on a voluntary basis in accordance with the choice of participants in the educational process.

The model of extracurricular activities of the school determines the composition and structure of directions, forms of organization, the amount of extracurricular activities for students at the level of basic general education, taking into account the interests of students and the possibilities of the school.

The school independently develops and approves a plan for extracurricular activities. The plan of extracurricular activities of the MOU Tushninskaya secondary school is given below.

In addition to the extracurricular activity plan, the extracurricular activity model also provides for the use of the following documents:

- an individual card of the student's employment in extracurricular activities;

General Map employment of class students in extracurricular activities;

- journal of students' achievements in extracurricular activities

These tools ensure the implementation of the model of extracurricular activities of the school, as well as create the prerequisites for designing individual educational routes for students, including, among other things, their extracurricular activities.

The main factors that determine the model for organizing extracurricular activities are:
the location of the school;
- the level of development of additional education at school;
- methodical, software educational activities of teachers and class teachers;
-staffing of the educational process of extracurricular activities (the presence of a psychologist, social pedagogue, teacher-organizer, teachers implementing extracurricular activities.),
- material and technical support of extracurricular activities.
Type of organizational model of extracurricular activities:

Transition model

The main idea of ​​the program: creation pedagogical conditions developing environment for the education and socialization of schoolchildren in extracurricular activities.

The purpose of extracurricular activities: creation of conditions for the manifestation and development of their interests by the child on the basis of free choice, comprehension of spiritual and moral values ​​and cultural traditions.

Main goals:

    identifying the interests, inclinations, abilities, opportunities of students for various types of activities;

    creation of conditions for the individual development of the child in the chosen field of extracurricular activities;

    formation of a system of knowledge, skills in the chosen area of ​​activity;

    development of experience in creative activity, creative abilities;

    creation of conditions for the implementation of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities;

    development of the experience of informal communication, interaction, cooperation;

    expanding the scope of communication with society.

Principles of organization of extracurricular activities:

    compliance with the age characteristics of students, continuity with the technologies of educational activities;

    reliance on traditions and positive experience in organizing extracurricular activities of the school;

    reliance on the values ​​of the educational system of the school;

    free choice based on the child's personal interests and inclinations.

According to paragraph 16 of Article 50 of the Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 “On Education”, students, pupils of civil educational institutions have the right to freely attend events not provided for by the curriculum.

Therefore, that part of extracurricular activities, the hours of which are included in the curriculum of the educational institution (within the part formed by the participants in the educational process), is mandatory for attendance and is subject to the restrictions imposed by clause 10.5. sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of education in educational institutions", on the maximum weekly educational load.

Extracurricular activities implemented within the framework of functional duties class teachers, educators of extended day groups, teachers of additional education and other pedagogical workers, whose activities are not regulated by the curriculum of an educational institution, is optional for visiting.

Model description

When organizing extracurricular activities of students, their own resources will be used (teachers, teachers of additional education, teacher physical education, librarian, counselor).

The section of the variable part of the curriculum of the school "Extracurricular activities" fully implements the requirements of the federal state educational standards of general education. At the expense of hours for extracurricular activities, the school implements additional educational programs, a program for the socialization of students, and educational programs.

The school forms such an infrastructure for the useful employment of students in the afternoon, which would help ensure that the needs of participants in the educational process, including the personal needs of students, are met. Depending on their interests and needs, each student forms his own individual educational extracurricular vector.

A special educational space is created for the child, which allows them to develop their own interests, successfully undergo socialization at a new life stage, and master cultural norms and values.

The organization of classes in the areas of the "Extracurricular Activities" section is an integral part of the educational process in our educational institution and provides students with the opportunity to choose a wide range of activities aimed at their development.

The content of the classes provided for as part of extracurricular activities is aimed at implementing the Educational Program of the school. A set of extracurricular modules is formed taking into account the wishes of students and their parents (legal representatives) and is implemented through various forms of organization; such as excursions, circles, sections, olympiads, contests, competitions, quizzes, educational games, exploratory research, etc.

During the holidays, in order to continue extracurricular activities, children will attend a children's health camp with a day stay "V quarter" at the school.

For the implementation of extracurricular activities, work programs for extracurricular courses are drawn up in accordance with the goals and objectives set out in the Educational Program of the school.


To implement the model of extracurricular activities in the school, there are the necessary conditions provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC.

To organize extracurricular activities, the school has an equipped sports hall, an equipped dance hall, an assembly hall, a library with student places for accessing the Internet, sports ground, classrooms by subject.

The school has classrooms equipped with computers and equipped with interactive equipment.

Organization of extracurricular activities

The form of the event is group.

Extracurricular activities are represented by the following areas of work:

spiritual and moral;

general intellectual


sports and recreation

general cultural

Forms of extracurricular activities of the school in the following areas:

1. General intellectual:

    subject weeks;

    library lessons;

    Competitions, excursions, olympiads, business and role-playing games, etc.

    Participation in the Olympiads

    Development of projects for lessons.

2. Sports and recreation:

    Organization of trips, excursions, "Health Days", outdoor games, "Merry Starts", intra-school sports competitions.

    Conduct health talks.

    Application in the lessons of game moments, physical education minutes.

    Participation in regional sports competitions.

3.. Social:

    Conversations, excursions, targeted walks, role-playing games, observations, experiments.

    Workshops, competitions, story- role-playing game, the game is a journey.

    Participation in creative competitions, in promotions.

    Conversations, excursions.

    Participation and preparation for events.

    Project development.

4.. General cultural:

    Conversations, excursions.

    Preparation and participation in competitions.

    Role-playing games, travel games

5. Spiritual and moral:

    Organization of excursions, Days of Theater and Museum, exhibitions of drawings, crafts and creative works of students;

    Conducting thematic class hours, meetings, conversations;

    Participation in competitions, exhibitions of children's creativity of the humanitarian cycle at the level of school, city, region.

    Ethics lessons, visiting art exhibitions, correspondence trips, excursions.

    Literary and musical productions, compositions.

    Learning the rules of behavior at school and on the street, about relationships in the family.

    Making presentations and projects.

    Excursions and acquaintances with representatives of different professions, class hours about the role of work and useful activities, participation in events dedicated to the traditions and work experience of the family.

    Visiting natural monuments and natural objects in need of protection; ecological games, trainings, holidays, subbotniks, actions, release of posters and wall newspapers; quiz

    Meetings with representatives of creative professions, excursions to architectural monuments; conversations and class hours about the rules of behavior, about actions,

Implementation of activities


Module name

Number of hours

Sports and recreation

"Gymnastics", "Young traffic inspectors"

general intellectual

“We are Russians”, “Learning to create a project”, “Entertaining mathematics”

general cultural

"Reading with Simbirchit"


"Development of cognitive abilities"

Extracurricular activities are aimed, first of all, at achieving the planned results of mastering the corresponding basic educational program of the school. The model for organizing extracurricular activities describes the tools for achieving these results.

The results of the first level (the acquisition of social knowledge by the schoolchild, understanding of social reality and everyday life): the acquisition by schoolchildren of knowledge about the ethics and aesthetics of everyday human life; about the norms of behavior and communication accepted in society; about the basics of a healthy lifestyle; about the history of his family and Fatherland; about Russians folk games; about the rules of constructive group work: about the basics of developing social projects and organizing collective creative activity; about ways of independent search, finding and processing of information; on the rules for conducting research.

The results of the second level (the formation of a positive attitude of the student to the basic values ​​of our society and to social reality in general): the development of the student's value relations to his native Fatherland, native nature and culture, work, knowledge, his own health and inner world.
The results of the third level (acquisition by the student of the experience of independent social action): the student can gain research experience; public speaking experience; experience of self-service, self-organization and organization joint activities with other children.
The achievement of all three levels of the results of extracurricular activities will indicate the effectiveness of work on the implementation of the model of extracurricular activities.
Diagnostics of the effectiveness of the organization of extracurricular activities
Purpose of diagnosis- find out whether and to what extent those types of extracurricular activities that the student is engaged in are educating.
Diagnostics of the effectiveness of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren
The personality of the student
Children's team
Professional position of a teacher
Methods and techniques for monitoring the study of the children's team
The main results of the implementation of the program of extracurricular activities of students are evaluated as part of monitoring procedures that provide for the formation of the cognitive, communicative, moral, aesthetic potential of the individual.

Monitoring of students' competencies

Student competencies


Methodological tools

Formation of the cognitive potential of the individual learning and features of motivation.

1. Cognitive activity of learning.

2. The arbitrariness of mental processes.

3. Emotional state (anxiety level)

1. Methods for studying the development of cognitive processes of a child's personality.

2. Pedagogical observation.

3. Philips Anxiety Assessment

Anxiety scale.

Formation of the communicative potential of the individual and its dependence on the formation of the general school team.


2. Knowledge of etiquette.

3. The comfort of the child at school.

4. The formation of joint activities.

5. Interaction with adults, parents, teachers.

6. Compliance with social and ethical standards.

1.Methodology for identifying communicative inclinations of learning.

2. Pedagogical observation.

3 A. A. Andreev’s methodology “Study of student satisfaction with school life”.

4. Methods "Our relations", "Psychological atmosphere in the team."

5. Questionnaire "You and your school."

6. Observations of teachers.

Formation of the moral, aesthetic potential of the student.

1. Moral orientation of the personality.

2. The formation of the child's relationship to the Motherland, society, family, school, himself, nature, work.

3. Development of a sense of beauty.

1. Test by N.E. Shchurkova "Thinking about life experience."

2.observations of teachers

3. study of documentation

4. Monitor overall behavior

Expected results:

    increase in the number of children covered by organized leisure;

    fostering a respectful attitude towards their school, microdistrict, city, a sense of pride;

    education in children of tolerance;

    healthy lifestyle skills;

    formation of a sense of citizenship and patriotism, legal culture;

    development of the social culture of students through the system of children's self-government.

Indicators of the activities of teachers in the implementation of the model of extracurricular activities (see appendices No. 1-No. 8)

    The results of the intermediate and final certification of students (the results of the academic year);

    Project activities of students;

    Participation of students in exhibitions, competitions, projects, competitions, etc. out school;

    The number of students involved in school-wide and extracurricular activities;

    Attendance at classes, courses;

    The number of students with whom an accident occurred during the educational process;

    Participation of parents in activities;

    The presence of gratitude, letters;

    Availability of a work program for a course of extracurricular activities and its compliance with the requirements

    Conducting analytical activities of their extracurricular work with students (tracking results, correcting their activities);

    The use of modern technologies that ensure the individualization of education;

    Satisfaction of students and their parents with the chosen courses of extracurricular activities;

    Presentation of experience at various levels.

An elementary school graduate is a person

    possessing the basics of the ability to learn, capable of organizing their own activities;

    loving his native land and his country;

    inquisitive, actively cognizing the world;

    knowing history and traditions native land, peoples of Russia;

    respecting and accepting the values ​​of the family and society;

    ready to act independently and be responsible for their actions to the family and school;

    benevolent, able to listen and hear a partner, able to express his opinion;

    fulfilling the rules of a healthy and safe lifestyle for themselves and others;

    respecting labor and working people, able to work;

    able to show their creative abilities in various activities.

The student will receive:

    Knowledge of the basic moral norms of behavior and orientation towards their implementation;

    Installation on a healthy lifestyle;

    Orientation to the moral content of the meaning of both one's own actions and the actions of people around;

    Fundamentals of ethnicity, as a family member, representative of the people, a citizen of Russia, ownership and pride in their homeland, people, history;

    The development of ethical feelings - shame, guilt, conscience, as regulators of moral behavior.

    Fundamentals of ecological culture: acceptance of the value of the natural world, the ability to follow the norms of environmental protection, non-wasteful behavior .

    Adequately use speech means of communication to solve communication problems;

    Allow for the possibility of people having different points of view, including those that do not coincide with his own opinion;

    Build statements that are understandable for the partner, ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with the partner;

    To exercise mutual control and provide necessary mutual assistance in cooperation;

    Contribute productively to conflict resolution based on the interests and positions of all participants


In conclusion, I would like to say that school is not only a place where children study. Here, children should live a bright, creative, fulfilling life. After all, every child has abilities and talents. The activity of students, its content, communication, the attitude of children and adults is the natural environment in which the moral and spiritual image of a growing person is formed. To do this, we must create conditions under which the life of children should be filled with a variety of activities, organized in such a way that each child finds his own business to his liking, experiences the joy of creative success.

School after school is a world of creativity, a child's disclosure of his interests, his "I". It is important to interest the child in activities after school, this will make it possible to turn extracurricular activities into a full-fledged space for upbringing and education.

After all, the main task of the school is not only to educate, but also to educate a worthy person!!!

Although teaching is a mass profession ... in essence, teaching is a creative work. He does not succumb to any rules or restrictions of his essence, but at the same time teachers, like great artists, along with creativity, are also good artisans. You need to master the basics of the craft, then to become a great artist.

V. V. Davydov

Attachment 1


FOR 4 YEARS (Methodology by N.P. Kapustina)

Evaluation of six personality traits: curiosity, diligence, respect for nature, school, beauty in the life of a student, attitude towards oneself. Personal qualities that must be developed in oneself in order to achieve success.

Appendix 2



Annex 3



The diagram shows a positive increase in the percentage of participation in project activities in areas. Projects of cognitive direction occupy a leading position. Special attention must be turned to the spiritual, moral and social direction.

Appendix 4






Annex 5



Appendix 6





Diagnostics showed that the use various technologies, forms and methods in extracurricular activities has a beneficial effect on the intellectual level of children. The graph shows that the number of students with a low level intellectual development decreased by 10%; with an average level - increased by 14%; and the number of students with a high level increased by 6%.


1. The concept of federal state educational standards of general education: project /Ros. academic education; ed. A.M. Kondakova, A.A. Kuznetsova. - 2nd ed. –M.: Enlightenment, 2009. -39 p. – (Standards of the second generation).

2. Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education. [Text] / Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. - 2nd ed. -M., 2011
3. Grigoriev, DV Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. Methodological constructor: a guide for the teacher. [Text] / D. V. Grigoriev,P. V. Stepanov. - M., 2010
4. Asmolov, A. G. Burmenskaya, G. V. Volodarskaya, I. A. How to design universal learning activities in elementary school. From action to thought: a teacher's guide. [Text] / A. G. Asmolov, G. V. Burmenskaya, I. A. Volodarskaya. - 3rd ed. - M., 2011
5. Stepanova, E.N. Pedagogical analysis of the educational process: modern ideas and technologies: Sat. method, developments. [Text] / E.N. Stepanova. - M., 2010.
6. Vorontsov, A.B. Zaslavsky, V. M. Egorkina, S. V. Design tasks in elementary school: a guide for the teacher. [Text] / A. B. Vorontsov, V. M. Zaslavsky, S. V. Egorkina. - 4th ed. - M., 2012

7. Bezrukikh M.M., Filippova T.A., Makeeva A.G. Talk about proper nutrition. Toolkit. M. OLMA Media Group, 2007.

8. Buylova L.N., Klenova N.V. How to organize additional education for children at school? Practical guide. M., 2005.

9.Vorobeva O.Ya. Pedagogical technologies of education of students' tolerance. M., 2007

10. Gribova E., Chepurnykh E. New in the children's movement // Education. schoolchildren. - 1991. - No. 5. - S. 11-13.

11.Internet: Faros Plus publishing house, articles on proper nutrition for children

Kodzhaspirov Yu.G. Physical training! Hooray! Hooray! - M., 2002.

12. Kolesov D.V. Tolerance (introduction to the problem). M., 2003.

13. Korostelev N.V. From A to Z for children about health. M. Medicine, 1987.

14. Collection of the Festival of Pedagogical Ideas " Public lesson"Publishing House "First of September", 2009.

15. Stepanov P.V. How to cultivate tolerance? // National Education.–2001– No. 9, 2002 No. 1.

16. Shulgina V.P. 25 modern themes of parent-teacher meetings at school. Handbook of the teacher - Rostov on / D: "Phoenix", 2002.

With the introduction of new standards in Russian schools, the place of extracurricular activities has radically changed, since it has received the status of an almost equal member of the educational process along with the classical curriculum. In addition, it became mandatory, which emphasized its importance in the new educational concept. One of the main tasks that extracurricular work at school was supposed to solve was the opportunity to open access to additional forms of education for primary school children who, for various reasons, could not attend sports, music, and art schools. In addition, it is the extracurricular process that makes it possible to implement the notorious individual approach to the child, giving him the right to choose classes in terms of content and form, taking into account his desires and interests.

Organization of extracurricular activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

A student who learns without desire is a bird without wings.


Legal and Regulatory Issues

  • The federal state standard of education in paragraph 16 considers extracurricular activities as a full part of the educational process along with the mandatory curriculum.

The introduction of the Federal State Standard of the new generation provides for the widespread use of extracurricular activities

Extracurricular activities - all types of educational work that are not implemented in the form of a lesson.

  • The methodological guidance indicating the goals, content and algorithm for organizing and conducting extracurricular activities is the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2015 No. 09–3564 “On extracurricular activities and the implementation of additional general educational programs”.
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 6, 2009 N 373 "On approval and implementation of the federal state educational standard for primary general education" establishes the total number of hours of extracurricular activities at the level of primary education in the amount of up to 1350 hours.
  • Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated November 24, 2015 No. 81 “On Amendments No. 3 to SanPiN–10 “Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Conditions and Organization of Training, Maintenance in General Educational Organizations” regulates the maximum allowable weekly load.

The meaning of extracurricular activities lies in the development of intellectual, creative abilities through the project activities of schoolchildren

Please note that 10 hours is the maximum allowable weekly load, unfortunately, the lower limit is not indicated, therefore, locally, parents may encounter a situation where an educational institution plans to extracurricular activities, focusing on the maximum load level, referring to the requirements of the new standard. At the same time, the letter clearly states that the school itself determines and regulates the amount of hours allotted for extracurricular activities in accordance with the characteristics and requirements of the general education program, taking into account the interests of students and the capabilities of the educational organization, as well as the amount of funding, using both educational and vacation time.

To create optimal conditions for the harmonious development of pupils, all areas of extracurricular work should be reflected in the basic general educational program of the school, while it is important to note that the participants in educational activities, which are students, the teaching staff, as well as parents as legal representatives of children, have the right to choose directions and forms of work.

Extracurricular activities are mandatory for an educational organization and are implemented in the interests of the harmonious and comprehensive development of the student's personality.

Fascinating and informative quizzes, olympiads bring the spirit of competition between classes, allow children to experience the feeling of joy of victory

Please note that for some categories of students an exception can be made and they can take advantage of selective or full exemption from compulsory attendance of extracurricular activities.

  • In accordance with clause 7 of part 1 of article 34 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation"
  • Children attending institutions of additional education, for example, sports, music, art schools, in this case, in these areas, the child may not attend extracurricular activities. The class teacher develops an individual route for the student's extracurricular activities, after which a local act is drawn up or, in other words, an agreement between the parents (legal representatives) of the child and the school administration represented by the director.
  • A student's health condition that requires a special diet or control of the general educational load. In such a situation, the release is issued at the request of the parents in the name of the school principal and medical certificates confirming the child's need for a special approach to organizing the educational process.

Sample letter to school principal.

  • Director ________ No.


    I, ____________________________________________________________, parent of ______________________________________________, student(s)

    The class, taking into account the opinion of the child, chose the following classes as extracurricular activities for the 2016–2017 academic year:


    Also, my child has already made his free choice of the type of extracurricular activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, and attends


  • In accordance with Parts 1 and 3 of Article 44 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ, the parents of a minor have the primary right to education and upbringing and are obliged to ensure the intellectual, moral and physical development of the child.

Thus, the student or his parents (legal representatives) retain the right to review the programs offered by the school and choose areas and forms of extracurricular activities based on their requests.

If the school administration ignores the student's legal right to make a choice and insists on the mandatory attendance of all extracurricular activities, i.e. violates the child's legal rights and interests, parents can apply to the executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for clarification.

Directions and forms of extracurricular activities

Extracurricular activities are implemented by an educational organization according to key vectors of student personality development:

  • general intellectual;
  • general cultural;
  • spiritual and moral;
  • social;
  • sports and recreation.

The tour for junior schoolchildren was organized as part of the "School of Safety" program, which is aimed at developing the skills of correct behavior in everyday life, in dangerous and emergency situations

The forms of extracurricular work should differ from the class-lesson form of organization of the educational process. The most popular forms of extracurricular activities:

  • excursions;
  • class hours;
  • electives and circle work;
  • round tables and scientific sections;
  • role-playing and business games;
  • olympiads, quizzes and competitions;
  • exhibitions and concerts;
  • sports competitions and Health Days;
  • holidays and theatrical performances;
  • visiting the theater and art exhibitions;
  • socially useful activity;
  • social projects, for example, within the framework of environmental education.

Usually the game consists of 8–12 stages of different form: there are tasks and puzzles for attentiveness, logic, quick wit, physical activity, dexterity, as well as cohesion exercises

According to the scale of the form of extracurricular work, they are divided into:

  • Individual - the main goal is for the child to master the skills of self-organization and self-control, this can be the development individual project, preparing a story, report, amateur performances, designing, etc. It is noted that it is possible to use extracurricular activities for more detailed consideration and fixing individual program moments in the study of general education subjects.
  • Kruzhkovaya - visiting circles and sections on interests, disclosure and improvement of the intellectual and creative potential of students.
  • Mass traditional school events aimed at the moral and civic-patriotic education of students (Knowledge Day, Teacher's Day, calendar national holidays).

The children put on a Christmas performance. On holidays, young actors were able to present the most valuable gift: they tried hard, put a piece of their soul, which means they shared their love with the audience

Tasks and ways of implementing the extracurricular process in elementary school

The main tasks that are designed to solve extracurricular activities:

  • improve the conditions for the development of the child's personality by expanding and enriching the standard range of programs and forms of work;
  • effectively distribute the teaching load, taking into account the individual intellectual and creative needs of students;
  • contribute to the favorable passage by the child of the stage of adaptation to school life;
  • provide assistance to children with learning difficulties.

Ways to implement extracurricular activities:

  • a variable part of the basic curriculum (20%) in the format of modules, special courses, classes conducted in extracurricular form;
  • system of extracurricular education of the school, based on additional programs, which are developed by school teachers on the basis of the author's or exemplary programs recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and are approved by order of the director;
  • the work of institutions of additional education, such as sports, music, art schools;
  • activity of extended day groups;
  • activities of a teacher-organizer, a teacher-psychologist, a social pedagogue;
  • class management (socially useful activities, excursions, competitions, projects).

Project activities help to increase motivation for learning, the formation of scientific thinking, skills for independent work and self-education, as well as the ability to present the results of their work.

The extracurricular educational process is subject to a separate work plan approved by the school administration and agreed with the parents (in the form of a survey), according to which a schedule of classes is developed, evenly distributed during the working week or on Saturdays. Classes have a pronounced individual focus, since when choosing the forms of conducting it is recommended to rely on modern innovative technologies, such as project activity students, research, experiment, etc.

An example of the selection of extracurricular activities for grades 1–2.

Directions of personality development Name of the work program Number of hours per week Class Total
Sports and recreation ABC of health
Outdoor games
Rhythmic mosaic
3 o'clock 1st and 2nd grades 6 hours
Spiritual and moral good road
We are patriots
school etiquette
me and the world
2 o'clock 1st and 2nd grades 4 o'clock
social Psychology and us 1 hour. 1st and 2nd grades 2 o'clock
general intellectual Development of cognitive abilities 1 hour 1 class
Entertaining computer science grade 2
Informatics in games
1 hour Grade 2
Entertaining English 1 hour 1 class
general cultural Museum in your classroom
From game to performance
Nature and artist
The magic of creativity
2 hours

1 hour
1 hour

1.2 class

Grade 2
1 class

Total 20h.

The program "In a healthy body - a healthy mind" is designed to provide an opportunity to maintain the health of children during the period of schooling, to teach children to be healthy in mind and body

Implementation algorithm individual approach in choise priority areas and forms of extracurricular activities of the child.

  • Stage 1. Parent meeting, the purpose of which is the presentation of programs in all areas of extracurricular activities.
  • Stage 2. The school psychologist diagnoses (tests) the level of intellectual and psychological readiness of students for systematic learning, as well as the individual abilities and inclinations of the child.
  • Stage 3. Consultations of parents on the results of a test study, provision of psychologist's recommendations, individual discussion of the optimal program for the development of the child.
  • Stage 4. Based on the recommendations of the psychologist and the study of programs, parents make a voluntary conscious choice of the volume and content of extracurricular activities for their child.

To exclude possible overloads, an individual plan for extracurricular activities is drawn up taking into account the sections and circles that the child attends outside the general education school. The teacher has an electronic version of the extracurricular work schedule for each student and can make the necessary adjustments. Parents of students also have an individual itinerary for their child, so they have complete information about the whereabouts of the child during the day.

An example of an individual route for an elementary school student.

Days of the week/destinations
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
general intellectual My first
13.45 - 14.25
general cultural Studio Theater
13.45 - 14.20
Studio Theater
13.00 - 13.35
Spiritual and moral Young journalist
13.00 - 13.35
Our native land
13.45 - 14.20
Sports and recreation FOK "Karate"
FOK "Karate"
FOK "Karate"

Parents are also given a kind of "homework assignments", i.e. recommendations on family education of a child in different directions, taking into account the individual interests or needs of their son or daughter, for example, visiting art museums, exhibitions, cycling, family reading, viewing children's developing broadcasts, documentaries. Control is carried out with the help of conversations and observation of the child.

At planned parent-teacher meetings, the teacher conducts a survey in order to monitor the level of satisfaction of parents with the quality of teaching and the results of extracurricular work. A similar survey is carried out among children, the forms and directions of work that cause the greatest interest among the pupils are clarified. Based on the final conclusions, the teacher makes changes to the planning of extracurricular activities.

Extracurricular activities are recorded in a special journal that contains information about the teacher, the composition of students, time, form and content of classes. If an educational organization cannot implement extracurricular activities due to understaffing, then it is possible to attract the help of parents, use the opportunities of sports, music or art schools. Extracurricular work can also be carried out within the framework of school summer playgrounds or thematic shifts for children during the holidays, as well as combined with the work of an extended day group, but in this case their schedule should not coincide.

In the summer, a children's language playground is traditionally organized for elementary school students, which works according to programs developed by school teachers

Supervises extracurricular activities carried out class teachers and school teachers, head teacher educational work or the head teacher for additional education, and he, in turn, is accountable to the director of the school.

Report forms:

  • A report that includes a teacher's work plan indicating the hours, topics, forms, content and results of the classes or activities; individual route list of extracurricular activities of the child; journal of extracurricular activities.
  • Report of the teacher-organizer, teacher-psychologist, social teacher indicating the activities and results of the work carried out.
  • Open classes, reporting concerts, exhibitions of works, presentations of all teachers involved in the extracurricular process.

Extracurricular benefits

Within the framework of the modern concept of education, sets of textbooks and additional manuals for extracurricular activities on developing learning systems by L.V. Zankova, D.B. Elkonina, V.V. Davydov, a set of textbooks "School of the XXI century" edited by Academician N.F. Vinogradova, a set of textbooks "Harmony". The manuals are independent textbooks for optional subjects (“Theater”, “Economics in fairy tales”, etc.), as well as additional materials for extracurricular reading and workbooks for individual work in the disciplines of the basic curriculum (a book for reading on the subject of "The World Around"). A set of benefits is not mandatory, the teacher himself decides on the appropriateness of their use.

The team of authors proceeded from the humanistic belief that every child can succeed in school if the necessary conditions are created. The main thing is the implementation of an individual approach to the personality of the child based on his life experience. The concept of a child's life experience includes not only the features of developmental psychology, but also the worldview, which is formed under the influence of the natural and social environment. Such an environment can be a modern city with a fast rhythm of life and a developed information infrastructure, or maybe a village in the outback, respectively, with a calm, often patriarchal way of life in natural conditions. As conceived by the authors, each child should feel that the textbook was written personally for him, so that he can find answers to his questions in a language that is understandable to him.

Description of several benefits for extracurricular activities for the 2nd grade (textbooks, workbooks).

Polyakova A.M. Word transformations, Russian language in crosswords and puzzles.
1–4 grade
The book contains task cards on the main topics of the Russian language course in elementary school. The game form, diverse language material, non-standard formulation of questions allows children to test themselves: their knowledge, ingenuity, attention, determination, and the teacher - to diversify the teaching of the subject.
Benenson E.P., Volnova E.V.
World of lines. Workbook
Prepares junior schoolchildren for the study of geometry in the main element of the school. This workbook introduces younger students to lines considered on a plane and in space. Interesting creative tasks are aimed at the development of logical thinking, the formation of initial knowledge and skills in geometry. The notebook can be used for independent work at home, as well as in the classroom at school.
Benenson E.P., Volnova E.V.
plane and space. Workbook.
Children get an idea about such concepts as planar and volumetric figures, learn to work with sweeps, develop spatial thinking. Interesting creative tasks are aimed at the development of logic, the formation of initial knowledge and skills in geometry.
Smirnova T.V.
Amazing adventures of Anya in the land of Oznobysh. Book for reading. The world
In a fascinating fairy-tale form, the book tells about the amazing journey of a little girl, teaches to overcome unforeseen life situations, not to lose heart, not to stop in front of difficulties, to be able to make friends ... The secrets of medicinal herbs, the healing properties of plants, folk wisdom, signs - all this is unpretentiously woven into the plot outline of a fairy tale. The book can be used for extracurricular reading lessons in elementary grades.
Tsirulik N.A., Prosnyakova T.N. Technology Students work with different materials, textbook assignments vary in difficulty level. The book consists of four thematic blocks - "The World of Nature", "A Gift with Your Own Hands", "The World of Fairytale Heroes", " cozy house”, within which there are the following sections: “Modeling”, “Applique”, “Mosaic”, “Origami”, “Weaving”, “Modeling and design from geometric shapes”, “Sewing and embroidery”, “3D modeling and design”.
Smirnova T.V. Belka and company. Economics for children in fairy tales, games In the form of fairy tales accessible for children's education, the basic concepts of the economy are revealed. For consolidation and assimilation of the material are used game tasks, riddles and tasks.
Generalova I.A.
Textbook for additional education in the optional course "Theatre", developed within the framework of educational system"School 2100" is focused on the development of the child's creative abilities through introducing him to the world of theater.
Prosnyakova T.N. Butterflies. Encyclopedia of applied art technologies The book in a fascinating form offers interesting natural science information, fairy tales, riddles about butterflies. But the main thing is that it tells and shows how children can translate their images into various techniques(applique, mosaic, modeling, weaving, origami, etc.) from a variety of materials.
Savenkov A.I. I am a researcher. Workbook The manual is designed specifically for dialogue with the child and allows not only teaching observation and experimentation, but also contains a full range of research activities - from identifying the problem to presenting and defending the results.
Prosnyakova T.N. Magic Secrets. Workbook During the classes, children learn new techniques for working with paper: tearing, corrugating various geometric shapes, rolling paper into a ball and twisting into a bundle, learn new weaving techniques, perform origami compositions from squares and circles.

Photo gallery of benefits for extracurricular activities for the 2nd grade

Tsirulik N.A., Prosnyakova T.N. Technology Prosnyakova T.N. Magic secrets. Workbook Savenkov A.I. I am a researcher. Workbook of Generalov I.A. Theater Benenson E.P., Volnova E.V. Density and space Benenson E.P., Volnova E.V. The world of lines Polyakova A.M. Transformations of words Smirnova T.V. Amazing adventures of Anya in the land of Oznobysh Smirnova T.V. Belka and company. Economics for children in fairy tales, games Prosnyakova T.N. Butterflies. Encyclopedia of applied art technologies

Determination of the results of extracurricular activities

Evaluation of the results of extracurricular activities is not recorded in the journal, since the result of extracurricular activities is not subject to mandatory and systematic control. The implementation of student development programs is aimed at achieving the three levels that the NOU GEF focuses on.

  • The first step provides for the acquisition by children of knowledge about the permissible norms of social behavior, the structure of society, the formation of students' understanding of everyday reality and the world around them of social relations between people. Of great importance is the relationship with teachers, who in the eyes of children are an authoritative source of social knowledge, it is important that the personality of the teacher be respected by the pupils. Only under such conditions is it possible for the student to adopt the life experience of the teacher.
  • The second stage determines the level of understanding of the significance of basic moral and spiritual values ​​that are the semantic core of the life of society, such as the family, the value of human life, peace and stability, love for the Fatherland, respect for work, respect for nature, etc. To achieve the pupil level of the second stage, it is important to create a friendly social environment, built on the principles of solidarity and mutual understanding, the priority of democratic relations, respect for the interests of the child. It is at school that a child receives the first serious experience of social adaptation, at this age his self-esteem and a picture of the world are formed, therefore it is extremely important that he gain a full experience that allows him to form the qualities of a worthy personality.
  • The third stage raises to the level of independent and responsible social action. The child goes beyond school life into the big social world, faces new challenges, learns to overcome new problems, solve the problems of self-realization and self-determination, and search for his place in society.

An effective method for evaluating a student's achievements can be the Portfolio technique, which involves creating an individual folder with a description of personal character traits, indicating interests and inclinations, and creative success of each child. Such a portfolio may include sections "My hobbies", "My projects", "Family", "Friends", "What am I", "Travel", "My achievements". A collection of works will be interesting and indicative, which will clearly demonstrate the progress of the child's skills and mastery in one form or another of cognitive or artistic activity, search work and can become a source of pride and a source of inspiration. Note that the student himself takes part in the choice of materials that will make up his report, teachers and parents only help him, thus, the skills of introspection, an objective perception of the results of his efforts and adequate self-esteem, which are so necessary in adult life, are laid down.

Children are invited to fill out their personal folder, which will include a report on successes and creative achievements, as well as a self-analysis page, where the child will write the character traits that he would like to develop in himself.

Diagnostics is carried out at the beginning and end of the academic year in each area and includes the following list of criteria:

  • The degree of personal participation and activity in the affairs of the school.
  • The general level of behavioral culture, good breeding.
  • Assessment of the degree of adequacy of self-assessment.
  • The level of openness and sociability.
  • Assessment of the level of physical and psychomotor development.
  • Development of thinking, skills of mental operations of observation, synthesis and analysis, comparison, the ability to highlight the main thing.
  • Development of creative imagination, aesthetic perception of the world.

In the process of research, they resort to the help of author's testing methods:

  • V.V.'s technique Sinyavsky to identify organizational skills;
  • A. Kriulina's test for the formation of interaction skills;
  • game methods (game "Leader");
  • sociometric methods for assessing the psychological climate of the class.

A favorable atmosphere in the classroom is made up of the relationship of students to each other, which can be assessed using sociometry

Extracurricular activities programs developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

School teachers develop programs for extracurricular activities based on copyright programs or other exemplary programs that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, then the programs are approved by order of the school principal.

A set of programs developed by the educational and methodological center "School 2100":

  1. “I will be a real reader” (authors E.V. Buneeva, O.V. Chindilova).
  2. “I open knowledge” (authors E.L. Melnikova, I.V. Kuznetsova).
  3. “I am learning to evaluate myself” (authors D.D. Danilov, I.V. Kuznetsova, E.V. Sizova).
  4. “I know everything, I can do everything” (authors A.V. Goryachev, N.I. Iglina).
  5. "Theater" (author I.A. Generalova).
  6. "Rhetoric" (authors T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, N.V. Ladyzhenskaya and others)

Programs of the educational and methodological complex (curricula, methodological recommendations, textbooks, workbooks for independent and additional work) "Promising primary school":

  • "Museum in your class" - a course in museum pedagogy, will prepare the child for the skills of independent perception and analysis of a painting (images in the form of a reproduction).
  • Clubs of scientific experimentation "We and the world» - the awakening of interest in research activities.
  • "Calculation and Design Bureau" - implements the tasks of acquaintance with the laws of the world around with the help of mathematical tools (diagrams, drawings, construction from different materials). “What's inside volcanoes?”, “Is there a lot of salt in sea water?”, “Is it far from Mars?”.
  • "Journey to the Computer Valley" - development of modern projects based on information technologies. "Who am I?", " Family tree”, “Funny letters”.
  • "Nature of the native land" - acquaintance with the natural world of the small motherland.
  • "The world of ecology" - the formation of ecological consciousness, the use of interdisciplinary connections.
  • "City of Masters" - a complex of creative laboratories, mastering the skills of modeling, origami, designing, studying the basics of design.

Basic provisions:

  • the relationship of the lesson and non-class parts of the program as a variable;
  • expansion of the base level;
  • it is possible to develop other programs by school teachers, but with a focus on the content of the teaching materials of the “Promising Primary School”.

The master class "Decorating confectionery" was held for younger students by students and teachers of the college

Program "City of Masters".

1 class Grade 2 3rd grade 4th grade
Toy library workshop 2 3 3 2
Sculpting workshop 5 4 2 3
Floristics workshop 4 5
Workshop of Santa Claus 6 4 4 4
Idea collection workshop 8 10 3 7
Origami workshop 4 4
Design workshop and
4 4 3
Puppet theater workshop 5
Design Workshop 11 5
Isothread workshop 3
Soft Toy Workshop 4
Magic Web Workshop 5
Paper plastic workshop 4
Total: 33 34 34 34

An example of a set of manuals developed by a team of authors of the teaching materials "Promising School" (R.G. Churakova, N.A. Churakova, N.M. Lavrova, O.A. Zakharova, A.G. Pautova, T.M. Ragozina, etc. d.)

This set of manuals can be used in the classroom of a literary or mathematical circle, for independent work of students of the whole class, as well as in individual work in order to consolidate and deepen educational material general education program, preparation for olympiads, competitions.

Literary reading grade 3
Reader, ed. ON THE. Churakova
The goal is to arouse interest in the knowledge of the world through reading, to acquaint with exotic plants and animals. Illustrations, tasks and questions to texts contribute to the formation of a culture of meaningful reading.
Literary reading. Grade 3 Notebook number 1 Acquaintance with the history and genre differences of the fable, the aesthetic nature of the comic, the peculiarities of the poetic worldview. The study of the genre of the story, practical skills in describing the character of the main character of a fairy tale. Through the selection and demonstration of paintings, listening to music, reading stories and fairy tales, an understanding of the integrity of the world of artistic culture is laid.
Literary reading. Grade 3 Notebook number 2 It is included in the “Literary Reading” TMC, includes questions that develop attention, analytical thinking, the ability to draw independent conclusions, instill the skills of perceiving a text as a useful and interesting source of information, and teach how to work with text.
Maths. Grade 2 Notebook number 1 Trains the ability to perform addition and subtraction operations within a hundred, teaches a short method for writing a problem, introduces the arithmetic operation of multiplication. "Multiplication Table".
Maths. Grade 2 Notebook number 2 Designed for individual work in order to consolidate skills, develops the ability to bitwise addition and subtraction, multiplication.
Maths. Grade 2 Notebook number 3 Aimed at the formation of practical skills of arithmetic operations of subtraction and addition, multiplication and division single digits, gives the initial geometric representations.
Maths. Grade 2 School Olympiad. Notebook for extracurricular activities.
Tasks for mathematical olympiads, circles, individual forms of work with gifted students are included.
Maths. Grade 2 Practical tasks Notebook
Teaches how to work with diagrams, tables, measurements, constructions. It is recommended for work in extracurricular activities and in preparation for olympiads of various levels.

Photo gallery of teaching aids for extracurricular activities of the teaching materials "Perspective School"

T.A. Baikova Russian language O.V. Malakhovskaya Literary reading O.V. Malakhovskaya Literary reading O.V. Malakhovskaya Literary reading O.V. Zakharova Mathematics in questions and assignments O.V. Zakharova Mathematics in practical tasks R.G. Churakova Mathematics. School Olympiad O.A. Zakharova Practical problems in mathematics

Examples of classes in areas of extracurricular activities

The game "The Road of Good" (based on the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen " The Snow Queen"") - spiritual and moral direction

Purpose: the formation of ethical ideas, awareness of the importance of the moral qualities of a person, understanding the importance of confirming kind words and wishes with good deeds.

  • the formation of the ability to communicate, the development of the correct perception of a real life situation, adequate assessment and reaction;
  • to promote the manifestation of a sense of friendly participation, support and mutual assistance, to teach to value friendship and cherish warm relations;
  • to cultivate tolerant relations with each other, built on respect and mercy and the desire to help others, to do good deeds;
  • involvement in the world of universal values.

Event plan:

  • Guess the hero. The teacher describes the character of the fairy tale and asks the children to name his name.
  • Each team is given a set of cards with the names of the heroes that need to be characterized.
  • The children are offered to look at illustrations depicting scenes from life, and are asked to sort them according to the good-bad principle and explain their decision.
  • The next stage of the game will require the children to connect fragments of proverbs or aphorisms about good and evil in meaning.
  • Children will have to write a wish on a postcard to their relatives, friends, teacher or fairy-tale hero.

Video: Class hour for the 4th grade "We are different - this is our wealth" - social direction

"Opening children's Cafe» - research direction, 2nd grade

Purpose: development of children's initiative, creative imagination and modeling skills.

  • formation of the ability to set a task, plan activities, dividing it into stages;
  • training in the skills of organizing teamwork in a group;
  • development of attention, thinking, ability to reason, compare, see the reason for what is happening;
  • improvement of intellectual, communication skills, awakening of creative potential, research activity.
  • The guys got an important and interesting task to design a cafe where children from all over the city could have fun celebrating holidays. The teacher precedes the assignment with a story in which the context is a problem that the children must independently identify and formulate.
  • The planning stage is designed as a game of cards that must be placed in correct sequence(the issue of land lease, the conclusion of contracts for the right to build, building materials, equipment, a team of builders, design, advertising, etc.).
  • Children are given large sheets of drawing paper and pictures with furniture, flowers, dishes, interiors, etc. Cheerfully and provocatively, to energetic music, the guys model their cafe, and then present their stage of work.

Video: Class hour on the topic "Conflict" - social direction

"Healthy Eating" project-presentation of the course "ABC of Health", 2nd grade - health direction

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the principles and rules of healthy eating.

  • develop the skills of attentive perception of the speech of the interlocutor, the ability to listen to the teacher or classmates;
  • to promote the acquisition of experience of self-assessment and introspection, free initiative and responsible behavior;
  • to form the ability to conduct a conversation correctly, the ability to listen, to enter into a dialogue in time, to keep the thread of the conversation, to track the logic;
  • to teach how to plan one's actions, adjust preliminary plans depending on the situation, exercise control over one's behavior and emotional reaction, and look for effective ways to overcome the difficulties that have arisen.

Conduct scenario:

  • The teacher reads a letter from Carlson, in which he reports that he is extremely ill and asks the children to help him become cheerful and cheerful again.
  • Determining the causes of the illness of a literary hero, discussing the problem of malnutrition and lifestyle.
  • Recommendations to Carlson for a speedy recovery: daily routine, healthy eating, physical activity, hygiene, etc.
  • Guessing riddles, holding a discussion about harmful and healthy cuisine.
  • Summing up, systematization and generalization of the acquired experience.

Video: Circle "Technical modeling" - general intellectual direction

“Open space and architecture” - general cultural direction

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​such an art form as architecture, to master the skills of artistic drawing technique using cardboard.

  • to study the concept of open space and architecture;
  • learn to depict the nature of native places;
  • master the search skills of working with information;
  • learn to express your opinion about works of art, to show an emotional reaction;
  • analyze the reasons for success or failure in achieving the goal;
  • soberly assess their actions and make timely adjustments to plans, taking into account previously made mistakes.

Task: draw a picture on the theme "My favorite corner of nature."

Game scenario:

  • An exposition of children's works in various genres of art is being prepared.
  • "Who is bigger?". The children must carefully analyze the exhibited works and correctly determine their genre affiliation (natural, rural, urban, architectural landscape, open space). The title of each term is accompanied by a demonstration of the corresponding slide.
  • Work with explanatory dictionaries, the teacher asks to find the word architecture.
  • Discussion of future work, a conversation around the topic of landscape, thinking over a suitable name for your drawing.
  • The kids are starting to get creative. With the thickest brushes, paint over the surface of the sheet, passing the horizon line separating the sky and the earth. The teacher suggests experimenting with cardboard as a drawing tool, for example, a wide strip of cardboard will help to draw a house with a slight movement of the hand, and narrower ones will be useful for drawing a window, door or fence. Finally, with thin brushes, we complete the drawing of the details of the landscape.

Homework: draw a sea or mountain landscape.

Video: Occupation of the "Little Genius" circle, solving inventive problems - a general intellectual direction

Unfortunately, many parents perceive electives, class hours, game methods and children's creative projects as a secondary and burdensome burden on the child. However, it is worth noting that it is the student’s activity outside the traditional form of the lesson that liberates and opens up new horizons of knowledge and experimentation for the child, interests and captivates, inspires confidence and helps him to successfully realize himself, find his self, allows the school to get away from the routine of daily monotony of monotonously replacing each other. friend lessons. Let's hope that this promising innovation will nevertheless successfully overcome the period of misunderstanding and, thanks to the enthusiasm and skill of teachers, will take root in the Russian school, to the delight of children and their parents.

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Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Extracurricular activities in questions and answers Author: Lecturer GBPOU "SSPC" Lebakina NA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE SAMARA REGION Samara, 2017

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Description of the slide:

What is meant by extracurricular activities? Extracurricular activities in the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard should be understood as educational activities carried out in forms other than classroom and aimed at achieving the planned results of mastering the main educational program

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Description of the slide:

What is the main purpose of extracurricular activities? Extracurricular activities, as well as the activities of students within the framework of the lessons, are aimed at achieving the results of mastering the main educational program. But first of all, it is the achievement of personal and metasubject results. This also determines the specifics of extracurricular activities, during which the student not only and even not so much must learn how to learn how to act, feel, make decisions, etc. If subject results are achieved in the process of mastering school disciplines, then in achieving meta-subject, and especially personal results - values, guidelines, needs, interests of a person, the proportion of extracurricular activities is much higher, since the student chooses it based on his interests, motives.

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Description of the slide:

What are the main tasks of extracurricular activities? Tasks of extracurricular activities: to ensure a favorable adaptation of the child at school; optimize the teaching load of students; improve the conditions for the development of the child; take into account the age and individual characteristics of the student.

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Description of the slide:

What kind regulations regulate the organization of extracurricular activities? Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (as amended); Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education; Federal requirements for educational institutions in terms of the minimum equipment of the educational process and educational equipment; SanPiN 2.4.2. 2821 - 10 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of education in educational institutions"; Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for institutions of additional education SanPiN"

6 slide

Description of the slide:

Federal requirements for educational institutions in terms of protecting the health of students and pupils; The concept of spiritual and moral education of Russian schoolchildren; The program of education and socialization of students (primary general education); Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of primary general education (hygienic requirements); Methodological materials on the organization of extracurricular activities in educational institutions implementing general educational programs of primary general education.

7 slide

Description of the slide:

What local acts of the educational institution ensure the implementation of extracurricular activities within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO? Charter of the educational institution; Internal regulations of the educational institution; Agreement of an educational institution with the founder; Regulations on the forms of self-government of an educational institution; Agreement on cooperation between a general educational institution and institutions of additional education for children; Regulations on the extended day group (“full-day school”);

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Description of the slide:

Job Descriptions employees of an educational institution Orders on the approval of work programs training courses, disciplines (modules); Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund for employees of an educational institution; Regulations on various infrastructure facilities of the institution, taking into account federal requirements for educational institutions in terms of the minimum equipment of the educational process and the equipment of educational premises.

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Description of the slide:

How many hours are devoted to organizing extracurricular activities? The number of hours allocated for extracurricular activities is not fixed, which allows you to rationally plan the employment of students during the day. Total number of hours at LEO level Up to 1350 hours Number of hours per year Up to 338 hours Number of hours per week Up to 10 hours

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Are all students required to attend all extracurricular activities? Hours allocated for extracurricular activities are used at the request of students. The number of courses attended on extracurricular activities is chosen by the student himself and his parents (legal representatives).

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What are the basic principles for organizing extracurricular activities? Basic principles of organizing extracurricular activities: taking into account age characteristics; combination of individual and collective forms work; connection of theory with practice; accessibility and visibility; inclusion in an active life position.

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Description of the slide:

What are the types of extracurricular activities? Based on the basic model, several main types of organizational models of extracurricular activities can be proposed: a model of additional education (based on the institutional and (or) municipal system of additional education for children); full-time school model; optimization model (based on the optimization of all internal resources of an educational institution); innovative educational model.

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Description of the slide:

What conditions for organizing extracurricular activities should be taken into account in the OS? scientific and methodological support (Methodological Council, ShMO, PDS, etc.); logistics (equipment of classrooms, gym, leisure center, etc.); information support (availability of modern multimedia equipment and access to the Internet); external relations and partnerships (cooperation with preschool educational institutions, cultural and sports institutions, parents).

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What areas of extracurricular activities are enshrined in the GEF IEO? sports and recreation; spiritual and moral; social; general intellectual; general cultural.

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What are the types of extracurricular activities? gaming activity; cognitive activity; problem-value communication; leisure and entertainment activities; artistic creativity; social creativity; labor activity; sports and recreation activities; tourism and local history activities.

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What forms of organization of extracurricular activities exist? Extracurricular activities are organized in such forms as excursions, circles, sections, round tables, conferences, debates, school scientific societies, olympiads, competitions, search and scientific research, socially useful practices and others. Classroom studies should not be more than 50%

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Description of the slide:

What are the main results of extracurricular activities? The educational results of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren are distributed over three levels. The first level of results is the acquisition by the student of social knowledge (about social norms, the structure of society, about socially approved and disapproved forms of behavior in society, etc.), a primary understanding of social reality and everyday life. The second level of results - the student gaining experience and a positive attitude towards the basic values ​​of society (person, family, Fatherland, nature, peace, knowledge, work, culture), a value attitude to social reality as a whole. The third level of results is the acquisition by the student of the experience of independent social action.

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What are the main methods for diagnosing the effectiveness of extracurricular activities? The purpose of diagnostics is to find out whether and to what extent those types of extracurricular activities that the student is engaged in are educating. Objects of diagnostics: the personality of the pupil himself, the children's team, the professional position of the teacher. Diagnostic methods: observation, questioning, testing.

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