Literacy day in elementary school class hour. Methodological development in the Russian language (grade 10) on the topic: Methodological development of the extracurricular event "International Literacy Day"

Encyclopedia of Plants 29.09.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

State educational institution

Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region- Ugra

"Cadet boarding school named after Hero of the Soviet Union Beznoskov Ivan Zakharovich"

Classroom hour

"international day


Conducted by: Kolmakova E.Yu.

with. Nyalinskoe

Class hour "September 8 - International Literacy Day"

Target. Introduce students to the history of the holiday.

Instill a desire to be literate.

Cultivate a sense of pride in your country.

Class hour progress .

Educator. Every day of life gives us knowledge. How do we acquire them?

( Through books, TV, computer).

Educator. Yes, that's right. But there is another way to acquire knowledge - this is travel. I invite you to make an unusual journey - virtual.

During the first centuries of their existence, the pagan Slavs did not know writing. True, there is evidence that they tried to create it and even used "features and cuts", that is, some kind of badges. But the fact remains: Slavic writing was created and began to spread only after the adoption of Christianity.

Why Slavic writing arose (conversation)
- What do you think, what connection existed between the emergence of writing among the Slavs and their adoption of Christianity?

How were books made in Russia before the middle of the 16th century? (Printing appeared in our country in 1564. Ivan Fedorov was the first printer.)
- How do you understand the expression "read the book from blackboard to blackboard"?
- What did the old books look like?
- Could a poor person in Russia afford to buy a book? Why?
- What were the rules for handling the book in Ancient Russia?

Which of these rules have survived to this day?

Watching a movie "Writing and books in Russia"

caregiver . Personal freedom, mutual understanding with the outside world, independence, development of one's own potential, conflict resolution. All this gives literacy. She even has her own day on the calendar.

On September 8 the whole world celebratesLiteracy Day.

Today, September 8, the whole world celebrates International Literacy Day.

Literacy - the degree of a person's proficiency in writing and reading in their native language. Traditionally under the word"literate" means a person who can read and write or only read in any language. In a modern sense, this means the ability to write according to established norms of grammar and spelling. People who can only read are also called"semi-literate".


The celebration of International Literacy Day is an opportunity to draw attention to the fact that, despite the role of literacy in human empowerment and its importance for development, there are still 776 million illiterate adults in the world and 75 million children out of school.

The history of the holiday

Student 1. There are over 700 million illiterate adults in the world, and more than 72 million among children. The most commonilliteracy problemin countries where there are wars, civil unrest, and in third world countries. This became the prerequisite for the emergence of the International Literacy Day, designed to draw public attention to this problem.

World Conference of Ministers of Education, the theme of which was "Eradication of Illiteracy", opened and took placeSeptember 8, 1965in the capital of Iran, the largest city of Tehran. At the suggestion of this conference, UNESCO in the following year, 1966, proclaimedInternational Literacy Day (International Literacy Day- 8 September.

Student 2. The United Nations has designated 2003-2013 as the "Decade of Literacy" and UNESCO has been designated as the coordinator of all activities.

The main objectives of the Decade were announced: a significant increase in literacy rates, the provision of affordable and universal primary education and the promotion of equality between women and men in education.

Every year on this day, international conferences are held on a variety of topics (“Literacy ensures development” (2006), “Literacy and health” (2007), etc.).

And Literacy Daybegins to acquire its own habits.

3 student

Literacy Day Traditions

On September 8, Olympiads are held in schools in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, open lessons, quizzes, competitions in the Russian language, the purpose of which is to highlight diligent and diligent students.

Lectures on the problem of people's illiteracy are recited. Conferences and meetings of teachers are arranged, outstanding teachers are awarded.

Libraries organize literacy lessons on this day, special books are selected to improve the quality of literacy.

In Russia, activists distribute leaflets that describe the elementary rules of the Russian language.

Librarians arrange actions right on the streets, distribute books and magazines to people at bus stops and just passers-by. Entertaining grammar lessons are held before entering the library.

Interesting Facts about literacy

1. In the world, only 19 countries have a higher literacy rate for women than for men. And out of 143 states in 41 countries, a woman is twice as likely to be illiterate as a man.

2. Illiteracy flourishes not only in the poor, but also, as the UNESCO organization points out, in richer countries such as Egypt,Brazil, China.

3. In 15 countries of the world, more than 50% of children do not even have a basic general education.

4. The All-Russian population census showed that in Russia in 2010, 91% of Russians have a secondary school and higher education.

You should never forget about your own literacy, you always need to improve it.

Literacy is a kind of “face” of a person. In society, literate people are always valued. To be literate is to be prestigious.

The decision to establish September 8 as International Literacy Day was made in 1966 at the 14th session of the General Conference of UNESCO. Since January 1, 2003, UNESCO has assumed the role of coordinator for the international implementation of activities carried out within the framework of the United Nations Literacy Decade initiative. This year marks the end of a multi-year program to promote the development of education in the world, during which about 90 million people have become literate thanks to the help of different countries, communities and international organizations.

Let's try not to make mistakes!
Let's respect ourselves and others
So that the rules are not forgotten by us,
Learn to conscience and only "5"!
Wrong write - waste another's time!
Don't let yourself be mocked.
Writing without errors is the basis of the foundation!
Let's love our language

Methodical development for the middle school (for high school students - on), dedicated to the International Literacy Day. The holiday is celebrated according to calendar educational events dedicated to state and national holidays Russian Federation, anniversaries and events Russian history and Culture, for the 2018/19 academic year (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, April 27, 2018). The developments can be used in carrying out extracurricular activities, class hours and thematic lessons. The script is based on: Guidelines on working with dictionaries in Russian language lessons. A. D. Deikina, O. N. Levushkina, N. A. Nefedova "WORKING WITH DICTIONARIES IN THE SCHOOL EDUCATION SYSTEM". M., 2016.

International Literacy Day is one of the international days celebrated under the auspices of the United Nations. It was established by UNESCO in 1966 on the recommendation of the World Conference of Ministers of Education for the Eradication of Illiteracy, held in Tehran in 1965. September 8 is the day of the grand opening of this conference. the main objective this Day - to intensify the efforts of the international community on Literacy, one of the main areas of action of UNESCO, as a tool for empowering individuals, communities and communities.

Since 1967, UNESCO has declared 8 September as International Reading and Literacy Day. On this day in different countries world various state and public buildings decorated with photo posters famous people reading books, newspapers and magazines; prominent cultural figures, charismatic leaders, famous athletes, etc.

In the first week of September, book exhibitions and fairs open, competitions and quizzes, conferences and seminars are held. In our country, Reading and Literacy Day has been celebrated since 2000 in Moscow, in the city of Rezh, Sverdlovsk Region, Yekaterinburg, where the Krapivin Readings were held, dedicated to the wonderful children's writer V.P. Krapivin, a native of this city.

In the mid-70s of the twentieth century, when this day began to be celebrated, “being literate” meant the ability to read and write. Then they began to talk about academic and functional literacy. The first is needed in order to study, and the second is to enjoy reading and writing every day in life.

The World Health Organization includes the literacy rate in the 12 most important indicators that determine the health of the nation. The UN considers literacy and longevity equally important

Characteristics of the life of the people. The International Monetary Fund has calculated that economic development country begins when the literacy rate exceeds 40%. And according to UNESCO, there are more than 700 million illiterate people in the world among adults, and among children this number exceeds 72 million. These are countries in which wars are being fought, countries of the “third world”.

  • 1 Globally, only 19 countries have higher literacy rates for women than for men. And out of 143 states in 41 countries, a woman is twice as likely to be illiterate as a man.
  • 2 Illiteracy flourishes not only in the poor, but also, as the UNESCO organization points out, in richer countries such as Egypt, Brazil, China.
  • 3 In 15 countries of the world, more than 50% of children do not even have a basic general education.
  • 4 In 1989, the King Sejong Award for work in this field was established in the Republic of Korea. The winners are awarded a prize in the amount of 20 thousand US dollars.
  • 5 World statistics have shown that a larger percentage of illiterates (37% of adults) live in India.

Quiz (for students in grades 5-8)

All participants are given sheets of red and green paper. The facilitator reads some statement about the language or literature, which may or may not be true. If the participant believes that the presenter told the truth, he raises green leaf. If you do not agree with the presenter - a red sheet. The correct answer in some cases may be "YES", in some - "NO". All correct answers advance to the next round, incorrect answers are eliminated. And so on until there is 1 (maybe 2) winner.

Sample: presenter approves: Strict literary norm forbids saying "two girls". Correct answer: YES. All those who raised the green leaf move on, those who raised the red leaf (i.e., those who disagree with the statement) are eliminated.

Quiz 1 Language norms (orthoepy, vocabulary, phraseology, grammar)

  • 1 The emphasis we call is correct. NO
  • 2 word shampoo male. YES
  • 3 We put on coats, but we put on headphones. NO
  • 4 On the Volga River - this is the right combination for literary language. YES
  • 5 The sender is the recipient of the message. NO
  • 6 Potemkin villages - this is how they call very deaf, abandoned places, something
  • distant and obscure. NO This is what they say about what is arranged, equipped for
  • creating the appearance of well-being.
  • 7 The prefix quasi ... means "imaginary, not real." YES For example, a quasi-scientist is not a real scientist. Quasi - the same as "pseudo".
  • 8 In the word butik, the stress on AND is also preserved in oblique cases. For example, opening a boutique is correct. YES
  • 9 The Russian Constitution guarantees us freedom of religion. YES
  • 10 I collect keychains - so you can say YES
  • 11 Permanent is temporary, impermanent. NO It's continuous,
  • constant.
  • 12 Eight hundred fifty-six - this is how the number should be declined. NO

Quiz 2 Spelling rules (spelling, punctuation)

  • 13 In the words gra (m / mm) ota and gra (m / mm) atika, a different number of letters M is written. YES
  • 14 In the word oduv (n? h) ik there is no soft sign YES
  • 15 Open the window Nastya (f?) - and here already soft sign there is. YES After adverbs hissing at the end, b is written, exceptions - already, married, unbearable.
  • 16 In the word silver (n / nn) th, one letter N is written. YES
  • 17 Moscow (g / g) state (u / u) university - all words must be capitalized NO
  • 18 If in a sentence, first the words of the author, then direct speech, then after the words of the author, a dash is placed before the direct speech. NO
  • 19 City of Aleksandrov, Vladimir Region. Correctly write under the city of Aleksandrov NO
  • 20 Make and (s / s? Under) tishka - here, after all, a hyphen is needed. NO
  • 21 Diploma issued to Anastasia - this is the correct spelling NO
  • 22 Access to (I/I) the Internet - in this combination, the word Internet/Internet can be written with both capital and small letters YES
  • 23 In the word chlorophy(l/ll) there are two letters L at the end. YES
  • 24 Combination ex Soviet Union written in three words. YES
  • Quiz 3 Fiction
  • 25 “At the Lukomorye there is a green oak…” – the famous lines from “Eugene Onegin”. NO "Ruslan and Lyudmila"
  • 26 Russian Language Day is celebrated on the birthday of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. YES
  • 27 "Shouldn't we take a swing at William our Shakespeare?" This is popular expression
  • - from the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus". NO "Watch out for the car."
  • 28 “The Geographer Drank His Globe Away” is the name of one of the novels by the author of the text
  • Total dictation of 2015 by Evgeny Vodolazkin. NO This is Alexei Ivanov.
  • 29 Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov told us about the journey on the frigate Pallada. YES
  • 30 The Man in the Case is a famous play by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. NO Story.
  • 31 “All unhappy families are alike” are the famous catchphrases of Leo Tolstoy from the novel Anna Karenina. All right? NO
  • 32 Onegin has the same name as Bazarov. YES Eugene
  • 33 The Adventures of the Good Soldier “Schweik” deals with the events of the First World War, not the Second. YES.
  • 34 The famous anti-Stalinist poem “We live without feeling the country under us” was written by Anna Andreevna Akhmatova. NO Osip Mandelstam.
  • 35 “Our mournful work will not be wasted, a flame will ignite from a spark” - these words belong to the Decembrist poet Alexander Odoevsky. YES.

On September 8, 2019, many countries around the world, including ours, celebrate International Literacy Day. This holiday was established in 1966 by UNESCO.

The program of events includes meetings with writers, journalists and publishers, conferences, round tables, lectures in libraries and educational institutions, performances by creative teams. We offer you one of options school event dedicated to this holiday.

Scenario of the event for the International School Literacy Day

The holiday can be started with the performance of the hosts:
- Dear Guys! Today we celebrate International Literacy Day. Unfortunately, the problem of its distribution remains unresolved in many countries. About 860 million adults worldwide cannot read or write.

– For many years, the population of our country remained mostly illiterate: in late XIX century it was 80% of Russians. In the first years of Soviet power, a decree of the Council of People's Commissars "On the Elimination of Illiteracy in the RSFSR" was adopted. According to this document, the entire population of the country aged 8 to 50 years old, who could not read or write, was obliged to learn to read and write in their native language or in Russian (optional).

- The decree provided for the creation of "schools for overage", schools at orphanages, colonies and other institutions. In the autumn of 1923, the All-Russian Voluntary Society "Down with Illiteracy" was created. As a result, by the end of the 1930s, about 90% of Russians aged 16 to 50 were literate.

– It would seem that this problem in our country has been solved once and for all. However, since the 1990s, a decrease in the literacy of the population has begun in Russia. This is evidenced by various studies.

“According to the results of one of them, conducted by the International Reading Institute, the students of our country took only 32nd place out of students from 40 countries. Recently, in our newspapers and magazines, illiterate announcements are increasingly common, in ordinary speech - ear-cutting tongue-tied tongue.

– I love my mother tongue!
It is clear to everyone
He is melodious
He, like the Russian people, is many-sided,
As our power, mighty.
He is the language of the moon and planets,
Our satellites and rockets.
At the round table
Speak it:
unambiguous and direct,
It is like the truth itself.
(A. Yashin.)

- Our beautiful language -
Rich and resonant
That powerful and passionate
It's softly melodious.
It also has a smile.
Both softness and kindness.
Written by him
And stories, and fairy tales -
magical pages,
Exciting books!
Love and keep
Our great language!

Then, according to the scenario of the Literacy Day at the school, quotes from the classics about the native language will be heard:

- Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin said: "The Russian language is an expressive and sonorous language, flexible and powerful in its turns and means." It is characterized by "stately smoothness, brightness, simplicity and precision."

Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol wrote: “You marvel at the preciousness of our language: every sound is a gift: everything is grainy, large, like pearls themselves, and, really, there is another name even more precious than the thing itself.”

- Leo Tolstoy believed: "The Russian language is real, strong, where necessary - strict, serious, where necessary - passionate, where necessary - lively and lively."

- Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev dedicated a prose poem to the Russian language: “In the days of doubt, in the days of painful reflections about the fate of my homeland, you are my only support and support, oh great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language! .. If you weren’t, how do not fall into despair at the sight of everything that is done at home. But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people!

After that, the leaders will again take the floor:
Is it important to be literate? Remember the cartoon about Vovka in Far Far Away, when one comma (in the sentence “You can’t be pardoned”) could decide the fate of a person.

Imagine that you are an employee of the personnel department of a large enterprise. You have received a letter from a job seeker who wants to apply for a job. You read the text - and there are solid errors, typos, small letters instead of large ones, a lot of extra commas ... Will you hire such an employee? Most probably not.

– While gadgets can help correct mistakes, they won’t help you find the right word to express your thoughts, nor will they correct a word from one style for a word from another.

Our whole life is connected with language. Without knowledge of the language, it is impossible to engage in science, master technology, get a job. Good work. Therefore, guys, learn your native Russian language!

Then the presenters will give funny mistakes from the essays, which the guys will be asked to correct.
The scenario of a school event for Literacy Day may include other tasks in the Russian language, for example, as follows.

In each of the rows, eliminate the word that does not match the rest in meaning:

  • briefcase, pencil, pen, felt-tip pen, chalk;
  • forest, wolf, bear, cow, hare;
  • road, street, highway, sidewalk, floor;
  • cat, letter, towel, plum, fast;
  • table, room, garden bench, chair, bookcase.

- From each word, take only the first syllables and make a new word:

  • car, brake (author);
  • ear, company, vase (ko-ro-va);
  • milk, spawning, cockroach (mo-not-ta);
  • bark, loto, boxer (ko-lo-bok);
  • ram, wound, attendant (ba-ra-ban).

- Explain what phraseological units mean:

  • skin and bones (thin);
  • even blood from the nose (mandatory);
  • at hand (close);
  • leaky memory (forgetful);
  • under full sail (fast);
  • wash the bones (discuss);
  • like a fish in water (sure).

One misspelled letter can change the meaning of what is said. Write the words correctly:

  • There are no roads in the swamp. I'm hopping and hopping for cats.
  • The sea shines before us. T-shirts fly over the waves.
  • The bug did not finish the booth: reluctance, tired.
  • My uncle was driving without a vest, he paid a fine for it.
  • We collect cornflowers, we have puppies on our heads.
  • Painters paint a rat in front of the children's eyes.

And at the end of the event on International Literacy Day at school, children will read poems:

- Many languages ​​​​in the world of different -
I couldn't learn them all
They are all beautiful in their own way.
Each has its own zest.

They speak French in Paris
Berlin speaks German;
My dear, familiar, Russian, is dear to me,
For me, he is the only one.

Melodic, flexible and melodious,
He has fascinated me since childhood.
And not in vain the great and mighty
Turgenev named our language.

Developing rapidly, dynamically,
Absorbing different words
The new one was great
But the wisdom of the ancestors is alive in him.

Yes, and only our, Russian speech
You can sing free Russia!
Our Russian language will live forever
And I can not, I believe, die!
(M. Kryukov)


Being literate is necessary in our century!
Everyone's duty is to write well.

Presenter 1

Today, September 8, the whole world celebrates International Literacy Day.

Literacy - the degree of a person's proficiency in writing and reading in their native language. Traditionally under the word"literate" means a person who can read and write or only read in any language. In a modern sense, this means the ability to write according to established norms of grammar and spelling. People who can only read are also called"semi-literate".

Lead 2

The celebration of International Literacy Day is an opportunity to draw attention to the fact that, despite the role of literacy in human empowerment and its importance for development, there are still 776 million illiterate adults in the world and 75 million children out of school.

Presenter 1

Great and mighty is our Russian language. From birth to gray hair, we do not get tired of enjoying its beauty. Today we are holdingInternational Literacy Day in primary school».

Lead 2

During the dayyou will receive assignments on the knowledge of your native language. Participation in individual and team competitions. Each of you will be able to express yourself. We wish you success.


2 teams participate: "Literates" and "Connoisseurs". I will ask questions. The jury will count the points. The team must find the answer, and the captain must raise his hand. If a team gives an incorrect answer, the other team has the opportunity to voice their answer.

1 competition-warm-up "Question-answer" (each correct answer - 1 point)

How many letters are in the Russian alphabet? (33)

How many consonants? (21)

How many vowels? (ten)

What is the name of the part of speech denoting the action of an object? (verb)

What is the name of the part of speech that refers to an object? (noun)

What is the name of the part of speech denoting the attribute of an object? (adjective)

What is the first sound in the word apple? (th)

What is the name of the main member of the sentence, answering the question "who?" or "what?" (subject)

The subject and predicate are ... (the main members of the sentence)

2 contest "Merry Grammar"

From the proposed syllables, compose and write down the words:

Lu mon li but nya na remer manya moma

3 contest "Who is more"

The names of the inhabitants of the seas and rivers are hidden in a square with letters. Find them and write them down on a sheet. Whose team will name more words gets 1 point. Note that words can be written horizontally, vertically, and diagonally. One word - crab - has already been found.

Material for the teacher:

Contest clues:

1. Dolphin

2. Pike

3. Carp

4. Perch

5. Crucian

6. Catfish

7. Crab

8 Shark

9. Whale

10 Cancer

11. Medusa

12. Octopus

13. Herring.

4 competition "Tell me a word"

1. A foal every day

He grew up and became ... (horse)

2. Who will color our album?

Well, of course... (pencil)

3. Round, crumbly, white

Came to the table from the fields.

You salt it a little,

After all, the truth is delicious ... (potatoes)

4. What kind of creak, what kind of crunch?

What is this bush?

How to be, without a crunch,

If I... (cabbage)

5. I rush like a bullet forward,

Only the ice creaks.

Let the lights flicker!

Who is carrying me? ... (skates)

6. Our Mashenka is walking along the road,

She leads a goat by a rope

And passers-by look in all eyes

The girl has a very long ... (braid)

7. In the pit sleeps in the long winter

But as soon as the sun begins to warm,

On the road for honey and raspberries

Departing ... (bear)

8. In a black field, the hare is white.

Jumped, jumped, did loops.

The trail behind him was also white.

Who is this hare ... (chalk)

9. Underground, in a closet

She lives in a mink.

gray baby

Who is this? ... (mouse)

10. He slept in a fur coat all winter,

He sucked his brown paw,

And when he woke up, he began to cry

This beast of the forest ... (bear)

5 competition "Halves"

(task for the development of verbal-logical thinking)

Children, after reading the first part of the proverb, must match it with the second.

You love to ride, love to carry sleds.

Live and learn.

An old friend is better than two new ones.

Business time, fun hour.

When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.

The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils.

5 contest "Guess the puzzles"

6th Calligraphy Competition

Each class gets a text to cheat on. The jury evaluates the purity, beauty and literacy of the written texts.

Presenter 1

We hope that today's event not only gave you pleasure, but also increased your literacy, introduced you to the richness of the Russian word, aroused interest in the Russian language in general.

Lead 2

Guys, our fun program came to an end. You are great, you know a lot and know how to work together. And we will sum up the results in the afternoon, when the jury will calculate the points and check your work. See you!

Summing up begins the performance of students in grades 2-4

Student 1. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin had a great attitude towards mother tongue. In his opinion, "the Russian language is an expressive and sonorous language, flexible and powerful in its turns and means." It is characterized by "stately smoothness, brightness, simplicity and precision."

Student 2. "The Russian language is real, strong, where necessary - strict, serious, where necessary - passionate, where necessary - lively and lively." So thought Leo Tolstoy.

Student 3. The classic of French literature, Prosper Merimee, spoke of the Russian language as follows: “This is the most beautiful of all European languages, not excluding the Greek.

Student 4. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev in 1882 dedicated a prose poem to the Russian language.“In days of doubt, in days of painful reflections about the fate of my homeland, you are my only support and support, O great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language! .. Without you, how not to fall into despair at the sight of everything that happens at home . But it is impossible to believe that such a language was not given to a great people!”

Student 5. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev asked: "Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language - this is a treasure, this is a property handed down to us by our predecessors!"

Student 6. I really like Gogol's statement about the Russian language: "You marvel at the preciousness of our language: every sound is a gift: everything is grainy, large, like pearls themselves, and, really, another name is even more precious than the thing itself."

Presenter 1

Word to our jury. (Voicing the results of the competition)

Lead 2

Learn Russian language -

Years in a row

With soul,



A great reward awaits you

And that reward is in himself”

(Sabir Abdullah)

Presenter 1

Thank you for your attention!

Most recently, the first school bell rang, left behind, and the students different ages sat down at their desks to start or continue the hard journey to the land of Knowledge. And already on September 8, the whole world will celebrate another date related to education - International Literacy Day.

History and traditions

The holiday owes its origin to the ministers of education of various countries (Russia, America, France, etc.), who half a century ago - in 1965 - gathered in Tehran for the World Conference to discuss the problem of illiteracy of the planet's population. By that time, the situation was deplorable: 44% of adults alone around the world remained illiterate. On September 19, the members of the conference that ended, prepared over 80 recommendations, among which was the establishment of a literacy day. And a year later, for the first time, International Literacy Day was celebrated on September 8th.

Gradually, the celebration of this day has its own traditions. At the world level, in addition to the annual conferences held at the headquarters of UNESCO, the prizes in the amount of 20 thousand dollars named after King Sejong and Confucius for the promotion of literacy are awarded.

And of course, various educational centers, exhibitions, film screenings are opening in different parts of the world. Master classes, open lessons, competitions, etc. are held.

In Russia, Literacy Day is just gaining popularity. For example, since 2011 there has been an action that has already become international, "Total Dictation". In schools, universities and other educational institutions Literacy Day has also become one of the main ones. Quizzes, olympiads, KVN in various subjects are arranged for students, because literacy is not only the ability to write, count and read correctly. This is a whole set of knowledge and skills in various scientific fields that help a person be successful.

Classroom event

Most often, educational institutions choose such a form of event for the International Literacy Day as a classroom hour. True, even more often it comes down to a short monologue of the teacher about the need to learn. But in order for students (especially after 12-13 years old) to really have a desire to become a literate person, more interesting motivation is needed than just a “lecture”.

Literacy, functional, makes a person interesting, successful. People will be drawn to such a person. And now you have a choice: make every effort to reach this height or remain the one whose words will be laughed at. And remember that the main thing on the way to the light is self-development and self-education.

Event outside of school

Compose for celebration international day literacy scenario is possible and independently: not all the same to lay on the shoulders of schools! Yes, and many have not studied anywhere for a long time, but they want to celebrate September 8th. In addition to a brief historical background, include in the script interesting contests and games - a holiday after all!

You can add to the script and various games on a literary theme, writing complex dictations or watching a suitable movie (for example, the short film “Love yourself with negative emotions”).

The holiday will be not only fun, but also useful: someone will remember the rules of the Russian language or the dates of history, and someone will understand that being literate is really great, and will begin their difficult path to knowledge!

We recommend reading
