Classification of gaming technologies in dhow. Methodical development on the topic: Game technologies in preschool educational institutions

Garden equipment 10.10.2019
Garden equipment

"Game technology" must meet psychologically justified requirements for the use of game situations in the learning process in kindergarten, creating the child the opportunity to take on the role of a character acting in a game situation. Such an organization joint activities a teacher and a child is a means that recreates some elements of the game, and helps to overcome the gap that occurs during the transition from leading play to learning activities.

The concept of "play pedagogical technologies" includes a fairly extensive group of methods and techniques of organization pedagogical process in the form of various educational games. In contrast to games in general, pedagogical play has an essential feature of a clearly stated goal of teaching and a corresponding pedagogical result, which can be substantiated, singled out in an explicit form and are characterized by an educational and cognitive orientation.

It includes sequentially games and exercises that form the ability to highlight the main, characteristic features of objects, compare, contrast them; Groups of games for generalizing objects according to certain criteria; Groups of games, in the process of which preschoolers develop the ability to distinguish real from unreal; Groups of games that develop the ability to control oneself, quick reaction to a word, phonemic hearing, ingenuity, etc. At the same time, the game plot develops in parallel with the main content of training, helps to activate the educational process, to master a number of educational elements. It is built as a holistic education that covers a certain part of the educational process and is united by a common content, plot, character. Compilation of gaming technologies from individual games and elements is the concern of each educator Game technology

I created a pedagogical system that is as close as possible to the ideal situation when a child learns himself. The system consists of three parts: a child, environment, teacher. At the center of the entire system is the child. A special environment is created around him, in which he lives and studies independently. In this environment, the child improves his the physical state, forms motor and sensory skills appropriate for age, acquires life experience, learns to arrange and compare different objects and phenomena, acquires knowledge from his own experience. The teacher, on the other hand, observes the child and helps him when required. The basis of Montessori pedagogy, its motto is "help me do it myself." Maria Montessori Italian educator and psychologist ()

Zaitsev Nikolai Aleksandrovich (born 1939) an innovative teacher from St. Petersburg Author of the "Zaitsev Cubes" manual, based on the natural need of any child to play and on the systematic presentation of the material. Zaitsev saw the unit of the structure of the language not in the syllable, but in the warehouse. The warehouse is a pair from a consonant with a vowel, or from a consonant with a hard or soft sign, or one letter. Using these warehouses (each warehouse is on a separate edge of the cube), the child begins to form words. He made the cubes different in color, size, and the ringing they create. It helps children to feel the difference between vowels and consonants, voiced and soft.

Vadimovich Voskobovich is an engineer-physicist, a Russian inventor and authors of educational games for children. The peculiarity of Voskobovich's developmental technique is that he tried to make a path from practical experience to theory. Basically, these are games - constructors and puzzles, accompanied by fabulous stories. Distinctive feature these toys are a combination of a fairy tale and a puzzle. According to Voskobovich's method, which he himself called "technology," the child, with the help of games, gets into a developing environment called the "Purple Forest".

Zoltan Dienes is an internationally renowned Hungarian teacher and mathematician, professor. Founder of the New Mathematics playful approach to children's development, the idea of ​​which is to teach children mathematics through fun logic games, songs and dances. Logic games with Dienes blocks contribute to the development of logical, combinatorial and analytical abilities of children. The child divides blocks by properties, remembers and generalizes. Game exercises based on the Gienesh methodology familiarize children with the shape, color, size and thickness of objects, with mathematical concepts and the basics of computer science. The blocks contribute to the development of mental operations in children: analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, generalization, as well as logical thinking, creativity and cognitive processes - perception, memory, attention and imagination. Children can play with Dienes blocks of different ages: from the smallest (from two years old) to primary (and even secondary) school. Currently, all over the world for the development of children and preparation for school, "Gyenesh logic blocks" are widely used in different options executions: volumetric and planar.

The Belgian elementary school teacher George Kuisiner () has developed a universal didactic material for the development of mathematical abilities in children. In 1952, he published the book "Numbers and Colors", dedicated to his textbook. Kuisener's sticks are counting sticks, which are also called "numbers in color", colored sticks, colored numbers, colored rulers. The set contains 10 prism sticks different colors and a length from 1 to 10 cm. Sticks of the same length are made in one color and represent a certain number. The longer the stick is, the greater the value of the number it expresses.

Glen Doman American neurophysiologist (born 1920) Philadelphia Founder of the Institute for Human Achievement. The main idea of ​​the method: in any child there is a huge potential that can be developed, thereby providing him with unlimited opportunities in life. Every child can become a genius, and early development is the key to his genius. The human brain grows thanks to its constant use, and this growth is actually completed by the age of six. Young children have an immense thirst for knowledge. They are easy to digest great amount information, and it remains in their memory for a long time. Young children are sure that the most wonderful gift for them is the attention that adults give them entirely, especially dad and mom. The best teachers are parents. They can teach their child absolutely everything that they know themselves, if only they do it sincerely and joyfully, using the facts.

Cecile Lupan (b. 1955) Belgium "A child is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be ignited." It is necessary not to "teach" children on a strict schedule, but to develop the innate "tendencies" of babies, to catch what the child is currently interested in and, accordingly, at the peak of this interest, to conduct developmental activities on this particular topic

Zheleznovs Sergei Stanislavovich Ekaterina Sergeevna Father and daughter - Zheleznovs Sergei Stanislavovich and Ekaterina Sergeevna are the authors of the program and methodological developments of early musical development "Music with Mom". They have released a lot of various audio and video discs with funny music, beautiful melodies, simple songs, vivid performances aimed at developing the musical abilities and absolute hearing of babies almost from their very birth. The Music with Mom technique is popular in many countries around the world.

Advantages of gaming technologies, the game motivates, stimulates and activates the cognitive processes of children - attention, perception, thinking, memorization and imagination; the game, having claimed the knowledge gained, increases their strength; one of the main advantages is an increase in interest in the object under study in almost all children in the group; through play, a near perspective is involved in learning; the game allows you to harmoniously combine the emotional and logical assimilation of knowledge, due to which children receive strong, conscious and deeply felt knowledge.

Gaming technologies have become an integral part of modern educational trends. Their skillful use by a teacher of a preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution) makes the lesson interesting for pupils, and also creates the necessary conditions for the assimilation of new knowledge, skills and abilities in the leading form of activity for them - in the game.

What is game technology in kindergarten

Play is important in a child's life, it has the same meaning as an adult's activity, work, service. What a child is like in the game, so in many ways he will be in work when he grows up. Therefore, the upbringing of the future doer takes place primarily in the game.

Makarenko A.S., Soviet teacher and writer

The period of preschool childhood is unique in that it is at this age that the child absorbs information like a sponge, receives primary ideas about the world around him and his place in it. One of critical forms cognitive activity for a preschooler is a game. This activity, properly organized by the teacher, contributes to the effective acquisition of information and skills by children, motivates them for independent research, and facilitates the socialization of students in the children's team.

Game pedagogical technology provides for the selection, development and preparation of games, the inclusion of preschool educational institutions in them, control of the course of the game, summing up

The use of gaming technologies in the classroom at the preschool educational institution:

  • makes the child more active;
  • increases cognitive interest;
  • develops memory, thinking and attention;
  • promotes the development of creativity, the development of speech skills and abilities.

The material learned during the game is stored in the child's memory for a longer time. In addition, according to the Federal State Educational Standard, training in this form:

  • develops logical and critical thinking;
  • forms the skill of building cause-and-effect relationships;
  • fosters a creative approach to solving tasks;
  • encourages the expression of initiative;
  • promotes physical development.

The importance of play technology lies not in making it a means of entertainment for children, but in making it a way of learning, if properly organized, an opportunity for learners to self-actualize and reveal their creative potential.

Goals and objectives of gaming technologies

For the entire preschool period, the goal of gaming technologies can be formulated in approximately the same way: to give the child the opportunity to live childhood in the game before enrolling in school, while forming knowledge based on motivation. However, the tasks can be concretized based on the age group of students. The general tasks of gaming technologies, according to the Federal State Educational Standard, can be summarized as follows:

  • Motivation of the child. The process of teaching a preschooler in a playful way awakens interest in activities, pleases and turns the acquisition of knowledge into an entertaining journey into the world of new information and skills.
  • Self-realization. It is through the game that the child learns to cognize his capabilities, to show initiative, to make an informed choice.
  • Development of communication skills. In the game, the preschooler learns to communicate with peers and with adults, tries on the role of both the leader and the performer, trains to find compromises and get out of the conflict, develops speech.
  • Game therapy. Play can rightfully be considered a proven way to relieve stress and overcome difficulties from different walks of life.

In play, preschoolers learn to interact with peers and master new social roles

For pupils of younger groups (2–4 years old), the main task of the teacher is to form an emotional connection between the child and the teacher, to create an atmosphere of trust and goodwill. In addition, at this age, the foundations of a heuristic approach to the acquisition of knowledge by children are laid: it is play that activates the curiosity of preschoolers, pushes them to ask questions, encourages the desire to find answers to them.

V middle group(4–5 years) playing activity becomes more complicated, games with rules, plot and distribution of roles appear. The teacher directs more and more search query children to external sources of information: instead of giving a ready-made answer to the question, he invites the children to play an exciting game and find the answer themselves. For example, during a walk, a child asks a question about where the street dirt comes from. The teacher advises to pour some water into the sandbox and blind something. This example explains to the preschooler that mud is formed by mixing sand / earth with water. This is the main importance of playing with pupils of the middle group: to organize their training by playing.

In the senior and preparatory groups (5–7 years old), the role-playing game becomes noticeably more complicated. Through well-known games such as "Mothers and Daughters", "Shop", "Hospital", you can implement the tasks of children mastering the elements of the culture of work and everyday life of adults, foster a sense of mutual understanding and respect for other people's work, teach the division of responsibilities.

Role play helps children understand the social importance of many professions and occupations

Without a game, there is and cannot be complete mental development... The game is huge bright window through which in spiritual world the child is poured into a life-giving stream of ideas, concepts of the surrounding world. The game is a spark that ignites the spark of inquisitiveness and curiosity.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky, Soviet teacher, writer, publicist

According to target orientations, the following types of games are distinguished:

  • Didactic: broadening one's horizons, cognitive activity, the formation and application of knowledge, skills and abilities in practice.
  • Upbringing: education of independence and will, the formation of certain approaches, positions, moral, aesthetic and ideological attitudes; fostering cooperation, sociability, communication, development of teamwork skills.
  • Developmental: development of attention, memory, speech, thinking, imagination, fantasy, creativity, empathy, reflection, the ability to compare, contrast, find analogies, invent optimal solutions; development of motivation for learning activities.
  • Socializing: familiarizing with the norms and values ​​of society, stress control and self-regulation, learning to communicate.

Gaming technology techniques

The techniques used in kindergarten are conventionally divided into 3 main groups:

  • verbal;
  • visual;
  • practical.

The essence of the first is that the teacher must explain and describe all the play actions to the children as clearly, brightly and colorfully as possible. The teacher pronounces the rules to the pupils accessible language without the use of bulky sentences and incomprehensible words. When introducing children to games, the teacher can use riddles or short stories that introduce the plot of the game.

Visual teaching methods are based on the visual perception of the world by preschoolers. Children literally live in a world of vivid pictures, images, interesting objects. To illustrate the story of the games (as well as to demonstrate the very process of the game), the educator can use different means clarity: a video showing how children play, pictures, cards on which the rules are beautifully written, etc.

When completing a new game task, the teacher always explains and shows by example how and what to do

Practical techniques can be partly associated with visual techniques. For example, children can express their impressions of games in crafts, applications and drawings. In addition, according to the results of the game, pupils can create a laptop with basic information about the rules of the game and what they have learned while playing. Practical teaching techniques allow kids to create props for future games themselves: sculpt fruits and vegetables, draw animals, make models of familiar surroundings.

Types of gaming technologies in preschool educational institutions

Pedagogical game technology should be viewed as a system that covers some part of the learning process, with a common content and plot. Key difference from entertaining games lies in the fact that the pedagogical game has a clearly formulated learning goal and a predictable result. As students grow up and their capabilities grow, the game technology gradually includes:

  • games and exercises that form the ability to highlight the main, characteristic features of objects, compare, contrast them (suitable for younger groups);
  • groups of games for generalizing subjects according to certain criteria (suitable for middle and senior groups);
  • groups of games, during which preschoolers develop the ability to distinguish between real and unreal phenomena (suitable for senior and preparatory groups);
  • groups of games that bring up the ability to control oneself, quick reaction to a word, phonemic hearing, ingenuity, etc. (suitable for senior and preparatory groups).

There are different classifications of games that a teacher can use when working with children.

Table: classification of games by the nature of the pedagogical process

Types of games Examples of games
Aimed at learning and training, as well as summarizing what has been learned
  • "Seven-flower flower". Can be used in an English lesson: a flower with removable petals is taken, children need to take turns calling the color of each in English. If someone is wrong, start over.
  • In the lesson on measuring the length for anchoring, children can try to help the game character - a mouse, who needs to choose the shortest path to the mink in order to escape from the cat. The children are given a conditional measurement, as well as a drawing showing 3 routes to the mink, which need to be measured and compared.
Aimed at the development of the child's cognitive processes, as well as educating him Games using Kewisner's counting sticks, Gienesh logic blocks, Voskobovich's square.
Developing Creative skills child, as well as teaching him to work on the model
  • "What the blot looks like." Children need to come up with object associations for blots on a piece of paper. The child who sees more objects wins.
  • "Draw by description." The teacher reads out a description of the subject (composition, landscape), and the children must quickly depict it.
  • "Draw the second half." Children have handouts on which only half of each object is drawn, and preschoolers need to complete the drawing.
Developing communication skills "Guide for the Blind". Children are divided into pairs, in which one child closes his eyes, and the second leads him by the hand around the room, helps to examine various objects, tells about the route of their movement. Then the children switch roles. The game helps to establish contact, create an atmosphere of trust in the group.
Diagnostic games Games can be used to diagnose not only knowledge and skills, but also various reactions and mental functions. For example, musical and outdoor games ("The sea is worried once") help to track the level of motor coordination and development of attention in pupils.

According to the type of activity, it is customary to divide games into:

  • physical (motor);
  • mental (intellectual);
  • psychological.

Modern approaches to education and training increasingly saturate various types of activities with gaming technologies, and it is in the preschool educational institution that the child's ability and desire to play is laid. For a maturing individual, in his increasingly complex activity, the elements of the game are not supplanted, but only overgrown with new rules, conditions, components and contribute to the formation of the ability to solve more and more challenging tasks... Thus, learning in the game, laid down from the preschool bench, in modern approaches is relevant throughout a person's life.

The use of gaming computer technologies for educational purposes is also important. The world does not stand still, and today the use of information technology innovations in educational institutions is gaining more and more popularity (although much here depends on the financial capabilities of the organization). A lot of computer games and online services have been developed to teach children the skills of writing, counting, solving logical problems and much more. For example, the training service "By Warehouses" provides many free tasks for preschoolers.

An example of an exercise for the development of speech technology and logic: the child needs to determine which image is more suitable for the proposed word

Video: communication game "The sea is worried once" with a detailed description Video can’t be loaded: Morning broadcast / Game "The sea is worried once" (

Another type of gaming technology that should be mentioned is problem gaming. A child is naturally curious, he is interested in experimenting, finding answers to his questions. This type of technology is most effective for children of the senior and preparatory groups, but such games are also available for younger preschoolers. The bottom line is that a task was set for the child, which he can solve by completing the game, and thereby satisfying his cognitive interest. The preschooler should be given freedom in how to solve the problem, but the teacher should have prepared a set of small tips that will help the young researcher get on the right path.

Toy "House" helps younger preschoolers develop fine motor skills, counting skills, logical thinking

For older preschoolers, within the framework of this technology, you can offer the game "Children's Clinic". Her the main objective is to show children how important the profession of a doctor is.

Examples of problem situations:

  1. The child went to his grandmother in the village for a month. To go to kindergarten, he needs a certificate.
    • To enter the kindergarten, you need a health certificate. Where can you get it? (In the hospital).
    • Is this hospital for adults or for children? (For kids).
    • Such a hospital is called a "children's clinic". Does it have one doctor or many? (Many).
    • And which doctor can give a certificate? (Pediatrician).
    • Is the hospital far away? (Yes).
    • How do we get to her? (By bus).
    • What route number will we take or any number? (On a specific one).
  2. Boarding the bus. There are many waiting at the bus stop. (Organization of the boarding queue).
  3. Checking tickets. On the bus, one passenger did not pay for the ticket. (Clarification of relations, explanatory work, statement of a fine).
  4. We arrived at the stop "Children's Clinic". There is a large roadway in front of it. How to cross the road correctly? How do we get around the bus? (At the permissive color of the traffic light. We bypass the bus from behind).
  5. There are many visitors in the queue to see the doctor. Newcomers take up the queue. The queue got confused. (Clarification of relations between visitors, peaceful resolution of the conflict).
  6. A small child began to be capricious, running along the corridor of the hospital and screaming. (Conversation with the child, entertaining him by reading poems).
  7. The pediatrician cannot make the correct diagnosis. (Examination of all specialist doctors, tests, issuance of a certificate to the kindergarten).

The use of gaming technologies in preschool educational institutions, methods of work

Game technologies have one important feature: they can be used in any student activity, be it GCD, regime moments, leisure, domestic self-service, etc. Game is an indispensable element of any activity in a preschool educational institution, regardless of whether it is conducted by a teacher or a narrow specialist. The common thing here is that in order to effectively master the methods of working with game technologies, the teacher must be not only a professional in his field, but also possess such personal qualities, as friendliness, the ability to win over children, create an atmosphere of trust in the group. Indeed, in the game, children should open up, receive a motivational impetus to explore new things, improve their knowledge and skills and do it voluntarily, without feeling that the game is being imposed on them. Let's consider the possibilities of using gaming technologies in different types of activities.

Game technologies in the work of a psychologist

Preschool age is an extremely important time for the formation of a child's personality, and the participation of a psychologist in the upbringing and educational process is necessary for the educational process to comply with the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard. The main task of a teacher-psychologist at a preschool educational institution is the development of the child's personality. In the work of this specialist, the game performs the following functions:

  • communicative, the development of the child's ability to communicate;
  • game therapy, helps to overcome difficulties;
  • diagnostic, helps to identify deviations from normal behavior, and also contributes to the process of self-knowledge of the child during the game;
  • social, helps the child learn social norms and get involved in the system of social interaction;
  • correctional, which is expressed in positive changes in personal indicators (kindness, responsiveness, honesty, etc.).

Sand play helps preschoolers overcome their fears, relax and become more self-confident

The tactics of the psychologist's work with the pupil of the preschool educational institution should be built so that the child in the game can reproduce those actions and situations that are the object of his excitement (for example, problems in the family). In the article by A. A. Shvedovskaya, Play as a diagnostic tool in psychological counseling, you can get acquainted with an interesting research that will be useful for pedagogical psychologists at preschool educational institutions for practical application. Also, an interesting card index of games was compiled by a teacher-psychologist from St. Petersburg M.A. Sukhanova.

Game technologies in the work of a speech therapist

It can be a dinosaur Zvukoozhka, a bear cub Umka who knows how to play a drum, a donkey playing a balalaika, a doll that tells children about body parts, a squirrel looking for friends, an old man with an old woman from a fairy tale, etc. Almost always, these toys immerse children in some kind of a fabulous or playful situation where children have to help the heroes or invite them to play, teach what the children themselves are learning. At the end of the session, they thank them for their help. Such a game situation fosters the moral feelings of children, they not only learned to pronounce any sound, but also helped Umka learn his favorite sound U, etc.

Yagolnik A.A. Game technologies in the work of a speech therapist

Video: playing techniques in the work of a speech therapist Video can’t be loaded: Game techniques in speech therapist work. (

Game technologies in the work of a defectologist

In the classroom of a teacher-defectologist, play is also an integral part of educational activity. It helps diagnose children's disorders: significant conclusions about a child's health can be made by observing his behavior in play, attitude to toys and other children. For intellectual development It is extremely important for a child to be able to follow the rules, to use various toys for their intended purpose (and to come up with new possibilities for them), in the older preschool age - the ability to play a given role and build the plot of the game. It is desirable that in the defectologist's office there were opportunities for using elements of Montessori pedagogy: games for the development of sensory perception of the properties of objects (color, shape, size, etc.), games for the development of visual and auditory analyzers, games that imitate performance labor functions, constructing games with a plot, etc.

Characters from the fairy tale "Kolobok" can be assembled from the constructor in the process of studying the topic of domestic and wild animals

Video: playing techniques in working with "non-speaking" children Video can’t be loaded: Play Tricks for Working with Non-Speaking Children (

Game technologies for ecology in kindergarten

Environmental education in working with preschoolers has become extremely important after the appearance of the decree "On the environmental education of students in educational institutions Russian Federation". Especially interesting here role-playing games that form an understanding of the social importance of caring for the environment in older preschoolers. For example, the game "Building a City", as a result of which preschoolers come to the understanding that any construction is possible only if environmental standards are observed.

The play set allows children to shape the urban environment, think over the location of objects, and also come up with adventures for the residents of the town

For older preschoolers, quiz games are interesting, allowing them to demonstrate knowledge about ecology, in which the element of competition is a motivational stimulus for the manifestation of activity. More value also have didactic games“Who lives where” and “Who has what house” (about ecosystems and habitats), “What comes first, what then” (about the stages of development of living organisms), “What's wrong in the picture” (about the rules of behavior in nature).

In my practice, the game "Help the baby to return home" showed interesting results. Purpose of the game: to develop children's knowledge about the habitats of various animals. Play condition: the animal has fallen into a habitat that is alien to it. Children should choose cards with those creatures for which this environment is native, so that they help the baby. You cannot choose the same cards several times. For example, a puppy ended up in a river. Who is this habitat for? Children choose pictures with different kinds freshwater fish (pike, ruff, crucian carp). The game was offered to a preparatory group of children. An interesting observation was that many children showed sympathy and sympathy for the baby who had fallen into a strange environment, worried about his return home.

Game technologies in patriotic education

Fostering love for the Fatherland is one of the most significant tasks in the education system. For preschoolers, this feeling manifests itself in an educational interest in national holidays and traditions, respect for the culture of their country, a desire to protect the achievements and values ​​of their people. To do this, you can use didactic games for learning folklore, studying the history of your street and city, as well as the nature of your native land.

An interesting game “Collect the Coat of Arms of St. Petersburg from Fragments” was conducted with older preschoolers to consolidate knowledge about the symbols of the city and develop logical thinking. The picture consisted of 16 pieces. At the end of the meeting, the guys had to briefly describe in words the elements of the coat of arms and tell about their meaning.

Part patriotic education preschoolers is holding creative, theatrical and intellectual events dedicated to important dates national history.

Video: theatrical performance "At the Halt" for the holiday of May 9 Video can’t be loaded: Theatrical performance At halt MADOU 364 (

Game technologies in theatrical activities

It is the theatrical activity in kindergarten that most organically contains the elements of play, moreover, it almost entirely consists of play. The use of theatrical and play technologies in teaching preschoolers largely serves the development of their communicative competence, imagination, the ability to be aware of their emotions and control them. Theatrical activities in kindergarten can be expressed in:

  • watching performances and talking about them;
  • participation of children in dramatization games;
  • short sketches to consolidate the material at the end of the lesson;
  • individual exercises to form the expressiveness of performance.

Staging a fairy tale helps children not only better remember the content, but also feel the emotions and character of the characters

Video: musical and theatrical activities in kindergarten Video can’t be loaded: Musical and theatrical activities in kindergarten (

Conducting a lesson using gaming technologies at a preschool educational institution

The duration of a lesson in kindergarten depends on the age of the pupils and can range from 10-15 minutes in the younger groups to 25-30 minutes in the senior and preparatory groups.

Time plan for the lesson

For all types of continuous educational activities (GCD), the time plan of the lesson can be divided into 4 main blocks:

  1. Introduction (up to 3 minutes). At this stage, you can use toys or short games as a motivational start to the lesson. The motive for help is well suited: the teacher gives the task to the children on behalf of a toy or a fairy-tale character who fell into difficult situation... For example, at the beginning artistic pursuits Ivan Tsarevich comes to the guys and tells that he needs to get a wonderful bird, but he has no idea what it looks like. Children must help him find her. Next, the teacher will offer to consider the pictures with the birds depicted in different styles painting and draw them ourselves. Another example: in a lesson on the topic "Couple" (the goal is to clarify the children's understanding of the concept of a pair as two objects that have common features), children are invited to help the doll Masha get ready for a walk. The teacher displays pictures with one sock, one mitten, one shoe on a slide and asks the children what is missing for Masha to go for a walk. Toddlers need to guess that the objects depicted are missing a pair.
  2. Main unit (up to 15 minutes). When submitting new material, you should also not neglect the games. In a speech development lesson, you can give pupils preparatory group task of composing words from tokens with letters. Also, short games should be used during physical exercises for warm-up (for example, finger games or an outdoor game "The third extra").
  3. Fastening (up to 10 minutes). Thanks to a variety of games to practice the learned skill, the lesson material is much better deposited in the child's memory. For example, for the preparatory group, the game "Countdown" in the lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical representations: children stand in a circle, the teacher throws the ball to the child, while calling a number (for example, 10). This child must say a number less than one and pass the ball to another student.
  4. Conclusion (up to 2 minutes). At the stage of summing up the results of the lesson, it is important to praise the children for their activity and curiosity, talk over the results of the games, paste encouraging stickers into the diaries of achievements (if any) for children, because for preschoolers this largely replaces assessment due to the form of play.

At the end of the lesson, you can perform a game ritual of friendship, which contributes to the rallying of pupils

Table: an example of an outline of a lesson on gaming technologies "Let's Help the Dwarfs" in the middle group (fragment)

author Zakharova N., educator, MADOU DSKN №6, Sosnovoborsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Target Generalization of the knowledge gained on FEMP.
  • Learn to classify according to three criteria: color, shape, size;
  • fix the account up to four;
  • develop the ability to distinguish and correctly name a circle, square, triangle, rectangle;
  • to form and develop the ability to work together in teams;
  • develop skills of mutual control and self-control;
  • cultivate cognitive interest, curiosity;
  • foster a benevolent attitude of children towards each other.
Course of the lesson Exercise for a working attitude "We are standing hand in hand ...". Children stand in a circle holding hands.
  • We stand hand in hand
    Together we are a great strength.
    Can we be big (Hands up)
    We can be small, (Squat)
    But no one will be alone. (Starting position).
  • What did you like?
  • What was the hardest part to accomplish?

Marina Alekseevna Gavrilchenko

Relevance use of modern gaming technologies in ECE is that the transition to new technologies learning in connection with changes in the conditions of existence and development of society.

With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, preschool education became the first stage in education. For the successful development of children preschool age relevant gaming technology.

Previously, the preschool educational institution held lessons in a lesson form with using game elements... Today, the leading activity is a game, or rather a complex play exercises which are closely intertwined depending on the topic.

The ability to choose the right play methods - pledge successful work... Thanks to gaming technology the educational process is easy throughout the day in regime moments.

It's no secret that game pedagogical technology Is the science of how the teacher and the child interact in the educational process with using a number of play techniques united by one theme.

Practice has shown that use of gaming technologies in our preschool educational institution significantly increased the interest of pupils in educational activities, they better than steel memorize the material, their consciousness and thinking became more liberated. Hence, the level of assimilation of knowledge by children increased.

Working with children in our preschool educational institution are used traditional printed board games(lotto, dominoes, six pictures, puzzles, etc., as well as elements of modern gaming technology.

Methodology of Maria Montessori.

This technique is mostly used in the group of early age and younger groups of preschool age, which contributes to the development of fine motor skills, sensory development. It is interesting in that improvised objects serve as material for development. (cups, spoons, cups, cereals, strainers, etc.)

We know that young children learn by doing things. At a time when an adult can learn some things by reading, observing or listening to information. The child learns everything practically only through his own action.

In this technique, all didactic material can be divided into five zones:

Zone practical life (here children learn to serve themselves and others);

In the zone of sensory development, the child learns to distinguish objects by signs (color, weight, shape, length, height, etc.) This zone includes materials that develop tactile sensations, vision, hearing, smell;

Math area brings together materials to help your child learn math operations (addition, subtraction, division, fractions);

In the language zone, children learn the basics of writing and reading. Pencils, a prefabricated alphabet, a magnetic board, letters of various sizes are always available to the child.

In the space zone, children get acquainted with the world around them, with a variety of fauna and flora, with the history of the culture of different peoples.

This technique does not limit working space... Pupils can move toys.

However, it is worth remembering that each game ends with cleaning, since order is mandatory element in the Montessori system.

Also in our preschool educational institution they use elements of Nikitin's gaming technology... This technique is interesting because the program game activity consists of a set of educational games, which, with all their diversity, come from general idea and possess characteristic features.

Each game is a set of tasks that the child solves using cubes, squares)

This technique is designed not so much for children as for the joint play of pupils with a teacher.

The Nikitins technique includes puzzles for the development of logical and imaginative thinking, a set of tasks aimed at recognizing and completing various images that can be performed using squares according to the principle of a puzzle or a constructor.

The most popular games in our preschool educational institution are "Fold the pattern", "Unicub", "Fold square", "Dots".

The game "Fold the pattern" includes 16 cubes of the same size, each of the faces of which is colored blue, white, yellow and red, and the remaining two faces are diagonally divided (yellow-blue and red-white)

The game "Unicub" consists of 27 cubes. Each of the faces is colored yellow, blue and red. As a result, there should be 54 faces of red, yellow and blue.

This game is more designed for older preschool age. Thanks to this game, in the future it will be easy for a child to master such sciences as mathematics and drawing.

The game "Fold square" looks like a set of different geometric shapes, from which you need to collect squares. Each of their parts is painted the same color.

As a rule, the active participation of adults is required first, but then the child can do it on his own. At the same time, you cannot prompt him, you must provide the opportunity to think independently. If the child does not succeed, then the task should be simplified, or this game should be temporarily left.

Didactic material "Blocks of Gienesh" is a set of 48 shapes in three colors (blue, red and yellow)

I want to warn you right away that this set is designed for joint activities of children with an adult.

Independent games of children with Dienes blocks do not allow effective use their developmental potential.

Can use a special auxiliary album, but as practice has shown, children like to play with blocks at random more.

In parallel with the Gienes blocks in the preschool educational institution Kuisener sticks are used. This material is a set of counting sticks of 10 different colors and different lengths from 1 to 10 cm.

Kuisener sticks are widely used in the educational field « Cognitive development» ... They help the child learn to:

Distinguish the arrangement of objects in space (front, back, between, middle, right, left, bottom, top);

Understand mathematical concepts ( "number", "more", "smaller", "as many", "figure", "triangle" etc., to form an idea of ​​the ratio of numbers and numbers, quantity;

Parse the number into its component parts and determine the previous and subsequent numbers within the first ten;

Master skills - addition and subtraction;

It is also helpful to make up letters and numbers with sticks.

Unfortunately, the ready-made manual is very expensive, so the teachers made this manual from double-sided cardboard.

I cannot but mention Voskobovich's didactic games.

Today this game technology includes about 50 games. Our preschool educational institution uses games "Geokont" and “Voskobovich Square, which the teachers made with their own hands.

The game "Geokont" represents plywood board which depicts coordinate grid and 33 push pins are nailed.

The game "Voskobovich Square" is a flexible field on which 32 triangles of two or four colors are glued.

The unique design allows you to transform a square into a huge number of flat and three-dimensional shapes with various patterns.

This game teaches you to design, model, think abstractly and navigate in space.

Seguin's technique presents didactic cubes, boards with windows carved on them.

Various tabs are inserted into these slots. Us are used both purchased manuals according to the Seguin method, and made by hand.

They are made from different material... But I would like to dwell on this interesting material like foamiran. This is enough new material, which contains vinyl acetate, which is a foamed rubber, it is also called ductile suede.

This material is used to make such materials as lacing, Seguin boards, game "Assemble a square"

The color palette allows you to fantasize. This material is a good help for such material as felt. It is much cheaper.

Summing up, I want to note that the use of the earlier declared gaming technologies, have a positive effect on the quality of the educational process and allows for the current correction of its results, since they have a double focus: to increase the effectiveness of upbringing and education of children and to remove the negative consequences of education.

As a result, the level of development of children increased, taking into account their individual characteristics and the achievement of targets for preschool education. She gained confidence in her abilities, a desire to actively participate in the learning process, improved memory, attention, imagination, developed the ability to act mentally, and an understanding of mathematical speech. And all this contributes to the all-round development of the preschooler.

Game technologies in kindergarten Completed by: Educator MADOU KV D / S "Svetlyachok" settlement Lyubokhna, Dyatkovo district, Bryansk region T. Maksimova 2013

Game technologies in kindergarten. "Play gives rise to joy, freedom, contentment, peace in and around oneself, peace with peace." Friedrich Froebel. “Without play, there is and cannot be full-fledged mental development. The game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts of the surrounding world pours into the child's spiritual world. The game is a spark that kindles the spark of curiosity and curiosity. V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

Any technology is a process in which there is a qualitative change in the impact on the student. In accordance with FGT, the presentation is based on scientific principles of construction.

Types of technologies: "Health-saving" technology Developing technology "Problem-based learning" technology "Maria Montessori" technology. "Game" technology, etc.

The main requirements (criteria) of the technology: Conceptuality Consistency Controllability Efficiency Reproducibility

"Game technology", in addition to the above criteria, must meet psychologically justified requirements for the use of game situations in the learning process in kindergarten, creating the child the opportunity to take on the role of a character acting in a game situation. Such an organization of joint activities of the teacher and the child is a means that recreates some elements of the game, and helps to overcome the gap that occurs during the transition from leading play to educational activity.

The goal of the game technology is not to change the child and not to alter him, not to teach him some special behavioral skills, but to give him the opportunity to “live” in the game the situations that excite him with the full attention and empathy of an adult.

Classification parameters of gaming technologies. By the level of application, all levels By the philosophical basis, adaptable By the main factor of development, psychogenic By the concept of assimilation of experience, associative-reflex By orientation to personal structures By the nature of the content By the type of management By organizational forms By approach to the child-free upbringing By the prevailing method- developing, creative, search In the direction of modernization-activation By category of trainees-mass, all categories

Target orientations of gaming technologies: Didactic: broadening one's horizons, cognitive activity, the formation of certain skills and abilities, the development of labor skills. Educational: education of independence, will, cooperation, collictivism, communication. Developing: the development of attention, memory, speech, thinking, the ability to compare, contrast, find anology, imagination, fantasy, creativity, the development of motivation for educational activities. Socializing: familiarizing with the norms and values ​​of society, adaptation to environmental conditions, self-regulation.

Play is a type of activity in the context of situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, in which self-management of behavior develops and improves.

Functions of the game: entertaining (this is the main function of the game - to entertain, please, inspire, arouse interest); communicative: everything related to play is in a single play space and serves as a means of transferring social experience; play therapy: overcoming various difficulties that arise in other types of life; diagnostic: identifying deviations from normative behavior, self-knowledge during the game; correction function: making positive changes in the structure of personality indicators; interethnic communication: assimilation of social and cultural values ​​common to all people; socialization function: inclusion in the system of social relations, assimilation of the norms of human community

Groups of games: Division by type of activity physical (motor) By the nature of the pedagogical process Educational, training, generalizing, cognitive, educational, developing, creative, reproductive, communicative, diagnostic. By the nature of the game methodology, subject, imitation, plot, role-playing, dramatization games By the game environment, which largely determines the specifics of the game technology Game environment: games with objects, without objects, tabletop, indoor, outdoor, on the ground, computer, with TCO , with different means of transportation.

Game technology is built as a holistic education covering a certain part of the educational process and united by a common content, plot, character. It includes sequentially: games and exercises that form the ability to highlight the main, characteristic features of objects, compare, contrast them; groups of games for generalizing objects according to certain criteria; groups of games, during which preschoolers develop the ability to distinguish real from unreal; groups of games that develop the ability to control oneself, quick reaction to a word, phonemic hearing, ingenuity, etc.

The compilation of gaming technologies from individual games and elements is the concern of each educator. Learning in the form of a game can and should be interesting, entertaining, but not entertaining. To implement this approach, it is necessary that educational technologies, developed for teaching preschoolers, contained a clearly marked and step-by-step described system of play tasks and various games so that, using this system, the teacher could be sure that as a result he would receive a guaranteed level of assimilation by the child of one or another subject content. Of course, this level of the child's achievements should be diagnosed, and the technology used by the teacher should provide this diagnosis with appropriate materials.

Gaming technologies in the educational process, an adult must have: benevolence, be able to provide emotional support, create a joyful environment, encourage any invention and fantasy of the child.

Features of gaming technologies: Labor and play, educational activities and play, everyday household activities associated with the implementation of the regime and play. In the future, an important feature of gaming technologies that are used by educators in their work is that gaming moments penetrate into all types of children's activities: work and play, educational activity and play, everyday household activities associated with the implementation of the regime and play. In activities with the help of play technologies, mental processes develop in children. Gaming technologies aimed at developing perception.

Gaming technologies can also be directed to the development of attention. In preschool age, there is a gradual transition from involuntary to voluntary attention.

Gaming technologies help in the development of memory, which, like attention, gradually becomes voluntary. Gaming technologies contribute to the development of the child's thinking. As we know, the development of a child's thinking occurs when mastering three main forms of thinking: visual-effective, visual-figurative and logical.

With the help of play technologies, the creative abilities of the child are also developed. In particular, we are talking about the development of creative thinking and imagination. Usage game techniques and methods in non-standard, problematic situations requiring the choice of a solution from a number of alternatives, flexible, original thinking is formed in children

The complex use of gaming technologies of different target orientations helps to prepare the child for school. Thus, gaming technologies are closely related to all aspects of the upbringing and educational work of the kindergarten and the solution of its main tasks.

References: Elena Sinyakova "Game technologies in preschool educational institutions" Valitova IE "Psychology of the development of a child of preschool age" Nekoz I.L "Developing the personality of a child in a game"


Consultation for educators

Mokan Galina Vasilievna

Game technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions

Development modern society requires generalization and systematization of the experience of pedagogical innovations, the results of psychological and pedagogical research. One of the ways to solve this problem is a technological approach to the organization of educational work with children.
In preschool education, pedagogical technology is a set of psychological and pedagogical approaches that determine a complex of forms, methods, methods, teaching techniques, educational tools for the implementation of the educational process both in several preschool educational institutions and in a specific kindergarten or even a group.
The need to use pedagogical technologies is due to the following reasons:
- social order (parents, regional component, requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard);
- educational guidelines, goals and content of education (educational program, priority, monitoring results, etc.).
The value of pedagogical technologyis that she:
- specifies modern approaches to assess the achievements of preschoolers;
- creates conditions for individual and differentiated tasks.
Preschool age is a unique and decisive period in which the foundations of the personality are laid, the will is developed, and social competence is formed.
These and other important qualities are not only in the process of special activities, but also in the game that gives the child:
- the opportunity to "try on" the most important social roles;
- to be personally involved in the studied phenomenon (motivation is focused on the satisfaction of cognitive interests and the joy of creativity);
- to live for some time in “real life conditions”.
The meaning of the game is not that it is entertainment and recreation, but that when the right leadership becomes:
- the way of teaching;
- activities for the implementation of creativity;
- by the method of therapy;
- the first step in the socialization of a child in society.
Educational and educational value of the gamedepends on:
- knowledge of the methodology of game activity;
- the professional skill of the teacher in organizing and managing various types of games;
- taking into account age and individual capabilities.
On the present stage play activity as independent technology can be used:
- to master the topic or content of the studied material;
- as a lesson or part of it (introduction, explanation, consolidation, exercise, control);
- as an educational program formed by the staff of the preschool educational institution.

The main goal of gaming technology- creation of a full-fledged motivational basis for the formation of skills and abilities of activity, depending on the conditions of the functioning of the preschool institution and the level of development of children.

Her tasks:

  1. Achieve a high level of motivation, a conscious need for knowledge and skills due to the child's own activity.
  2. Pick up means that activate the activity of children and increase its effectiveness.

But like any pedagogical technology, game technology must also meet the following requirements:

  1. Technological scheme - description technological process with division into logically interconnected functional elements.
  2. Scientific base - reliance on a certain scientific concept of achieving educational goals.
  3. Consistency - the technology must have logic, the interconnection of all parts, integrity.
  4. Controllability - it is assumed the possibility of goal-setting, planning the learning process, step-by-step diagnostics, varying means and methods in order to correct the results.
  5. Effectiveness - must ensure that a certain standard of training is achieved, be effective in terms of results and optimal in terms of cost.

Game pedagogical technology - the organization of the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games. This is the consistent activity of the teacher in:
- selection, development, preparation of games;
- the inclusion of children in play activities;
- the implementation of the game itself;
- summing up the results of the game activity.
The main feature of a pedagogical game in game technology is a clearly defined learning goal and its corresponding pedagogical results, characterized by an educational and cognitive orientation.
The types of pedagogical games are varied.
They can differ:

  1. By type of activity - motor, intellectual, psychological, vocational, etc .;
  2. By the nature of the pedagogical process - teaching, training, controlling, cognitive, educational, developing, diagnostic.
  3. By the nature of the game methodology - games with rules; games with rules established in the course of the game, games where one part of the rules is set by the conditions of the game, and is established depending on its course.
  4. In terms of content - musical, mathematical, socializing, logical, etc.
  5. For gaming equipment - desktop, computer, theatrical, role-playing, directing, etc.

The main component of game technology is direct and systematic communication between the teacher and the children.
Its meaning:
- activates pupils;
- increases cognitive interest;
- causes an emotional uplift;
- promotes the development of creativity;
- maximally concentrates the time of classes due to clearly formulated conditions of the game;
Allows the teacher to vary the strategy and tactics of game actions by complicating or simplifying game tasks, depending on the level of mastering the material.
Play lessons are very lively, in an emotionally favorable psychological environment, in an atmosphere of benevolence, equality, in the absence of isolation of passive children. Gaming technologies help children to be liberated, self-confidence appears. As experience shows, acting in a game situation close to real life conditions, preschoolers learn more easily material of any complexity.
Conceptual foundations of gaming technology:

  1. The play form of joint activity with children is created with the help of play techniques and situations that act as a means of motivating and stimulating the child to activity.
  2. The implementation of the pedagogical game is carried out in the following sequence - the didactic goal is set in the form of a game task, educational activity is subject to the rules of the game; educational material used as her means; the successful completion of the didactic task is associated with the game result.
  3. Game technology covers a certain part of the educational process, united by a common content, plot, character.
  4. The game technology includes sequentially games and exercises that form one of the integrative qualities or knowledge from the educational field. But at the same time, the game material should activate the educational process and increase the efficiency of mastering the educational material.

The game is usually own initiative children, therefore, the teacher's leadership when organizing game technology must meet the requirements:
- the choice of the game - depends on educational tasks that require their resolution, but should act as a means of satisfying the interests and needs of children (children show interest in the game, actively act and get a result veiled by the game task - there is a natural substitution of motives from educational to play);
- game proposal - a game problem is created, for the solution of which various game problems are proposed: rules and technique of actions);
- explanations of the game - briefly, clearly, only after the children's interest in the game has arisen;
- gaming equipment - must correspond to the maximum content of the game and all the requirements for the subject-playing environment according to the Federal State Educational Standard;
- organization of the game team - game tasks are formed in such a way that each child can show their activity and organizational skills.
Children can act, depending on the course of the game, individually, in pairs or teams, collectively:
- the development of the game situation is based on principles; lack of coercion of any form when involving children in the game; the presence of gaming dynamics; maintaining a gaming atmosphere; the relationship between gaming and non-gaming activities;
- the end of the game - the analysis of the results should be aimed at practical use in the real life.

Modern gaming technologies in a preschool educational institution assign the child the role of an independent subject interacting with the environment.
This interaction includes all stages of activity: goal setting, planning and organization, implementation of goals, analysis of performance results. Developmental education is aimed at developing the entire totality of personality traits. Game technologies in a preschool educational institution allow the teacher to develop independence, set in motion the internal processes of mental neoplasms.
Using gaming technologies in the educational process, the teacher must have goodwill, be able to provide emotional support, create a joyful environment, encourage any invention and fantasy of the child.
Play is useful for the development of the child and for creating a positive atmosphere of cooperation with the adult.
An important feature of modern gaming technologies that the educator uses in his work is that gaming moments penetrate all types of children's activities: work and play, educational activity and play, everyday household activities associated with the implementation of the regime and play.
Game technologies aimed at developing perception consist in the fact that the teacher organizes, for example, the game situation "What's rolling?" and uses it in educational activities "Introduction to Mathematics" to teach and consolidate the concepts of "circle", "square".

Gaming technologies aimed at the development of attention MAKE PRE-SCHOOL PERSONS A GRADUAL TRANSITION FROM INVOLUNTARY to arbitrary attention. Arbitrary attention involves the ability to focus on the task, even if it is not very interesting, but the teacher teaches this to the children, again using play techniques. For example: in the educational activity "Introduction to Mathematics" the teacher uses the game situation "Find the same".
In the educational activity “Acquaintance with the world around”, the educator uses the game situation “Find the mistake”.
Gaming technologies help in the development of memory, which, like attention, gradually becomes voluntary. The teacher uses specially designed games, such as "Store", "Remember the pattern", "Draw as it was", etc.
Gaming technologies contribute to the development of the child's thinking. At the same time, the teacher uses didactic games that allow you to teach the child the ability to reason, find cause-and-effect relationships, and make inferences.
With the help of play technologies, the teacher develops children's creativity, creative thinking and imagination. The use of play techniques and methods of non-standard, problem situations forms flexible, original thinking in children. For example: in classes to familiarize children with fiction (joint retelling of works of art or composing new stories, fairy tales), pupils gain experience that allows them to then play games - notions, games - fantasies.
Theatrical and playful activity enriches children with new impressions, knowledge, skills, develops interest in literature, theater, forms dialogical, emotionally rich speech, activates the vocabulary, contributes to the moral and aesthetic education of each child. Speaking about modern gaming technologies, it should be especially noted the technology of developmental games by B.P. Nikitin. consisting of a set of educational games, which, with all their diversity, are based on a common idea and have characteristic features. Children play with balls, ropes, rubber bands, pebbles, nuts, corks, buttons, sticks, etc.
Subject developmental games are at the heart of construction, labor and technical games and are directly related to intelligence.
Using the technologies of Nikitin's developmental games, the educator manages to combine one of the basic principles of teaching - from simple to complex - with a very important principle of creative activity independently according to his abilities, when a child can rise to the "ceiling" of his capabilities.
The teacher in the game solves several problems at once related to the development of creative abilities: tasks-steps always create conditions for the advanced development of abilities, while practicing independently to their "ceiling", children develop most successfully. Modern gaming technology is closely intertwined with technology problem learning, offering such an organization of the educational process, which involves the creation of problem situations by the educator and the active independent activity of children to resolve them, as a result of which there is a creative mastery of professional knowledge, skills, abilities and the development of mental abilities. The purpose of the problem technology is the acquisition of the assimilation of methods of independent activity, the development of cognitive and creative abilities of children.
However, one of the most relevant directions in modern gaming technologies is information computer technology. Information Technology significantly expand the capabilities of parents, educators and early learning specialists ICTs are used by the educator through play.
In the course of a preschooler's play activity, enriched with computer means, mental neoplasms arise: theoretical thinking, developed imagination, the ability to predict the result of an action, design qualities of thinking, etc., which lead to a sharp increase in the creative abilities of children. The possibilities of using a modern computer allows the most complete and successful implementation of the development of the child's abilities. ICT allows developing intellectual, creative abilities, the ability to independently acquire new knowledge. ICT enables the educator to lay the potential for the enriched development of the child's personality. Practice has shown that interest in classes increases significantly, the level of cognitive capabilities rises. The use of ICT by the educator makes it possible not only to enrich knowledge, to use a computer for a more complete acquaintance with objects and phenomena that are outside own experience child, enhances the creativity of the child.
Thus, modern gaming technologies cover a wide range of development of the abilities of preschool children, ensuring the effectiveness of learning the material. However, it should be noted that such an impact of play technologies on a child is achieved through the complex application of the achievements of pedagogy and psychology.

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