Abstract Node in patriotic education of children of the preparatory group "Flag of the CBD.

Reservoirs 22.09.2019

According to the new Constitution of the Republic, adopted on May 26, 1978, the names on the flag became complete. This was secured by Article 158 of the Constitution.

cT. 158. The State Flag of the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic is the State Flag of the RSFSR, which is a red rectangular cloth with a light blue strip in the all-width of the flag, which is one eighth flag length. In the upper left corner of the Red Cloths, golden sickle and hammer and above them are a red five-pointed star, framed by the Golden Border, and under them the inscription "Kabardino-Balkarian ASSR" in Russian, Kabardian and Balkarian languages \u200b\u200bis placed under them. The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is 1: 2.

Decree of the Presidium Sun Kbasss from October 25, 1978, an image of the flag was approved. On September 26, 1979, PVS Kbasssr approved the Regulations on the State Flag of Kbasr. The description of the flag in this position was supplemented by a paragraph of the relative sizes of the elements:

"Sickle and hammer fit into the square, the side of which is 1/4 of the width of the flag. The sharp end of the sickle accounts for in the middle of the upper side of the square, the sickle handles and the hammer are resting on the lower corners of the square. The length of the hammer with the handle is 3/4 diagonal of the square. A five-pointed star fits In a circle with a diameter of 1/8 width of the flag concerning the upper side of the square. The distance of the vertical axis of the star, sickle and hammer from the tree is equal to 2/5 width of the flag. The distance from the top edge of the flag to the center of the star - 1/8 width of the flag. "

On November 10, 1981, the Council of Ministers adopted a new version of the Instructions for the application of the State Flag Regulations.

January 31, 1991 Kbasssr was renamed Kabardino Balkarian SSR, and on March 10, 1992 - in Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. The flag has not officially changed.

On July 21, 1994, the Parliament of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic adopted the decrees approved by the coat of arms and the flag of Kabardino-Balkaria. At the same time, the Council of the Republic adopted the Law of the CBD on the state coat of arms and the law on State flag. On August 4, 1994, the laws were signed by the president, published and entered into force (the changes were made in Article 157 and 158 of the CBD Constitution);

The flag of Kabardino-Balkaria consists of three horizontal strips: blue, white and green. In the center of the white strip in a blue-green circle, Mount Elbrus is depicted. The ratio of the flag length to its width is 3: 2.

In practice, often the round emblem is completely within the boundaries of the white strip.

In the early 1990s, the political demonstrations appeared various options Unofficial flags of Kabarda and Balkaria. Often used the flag of the North Caucasian Government of Times civil War: seven green and white horizontal stripes, in the blue canton are white stars (their number varied).

The article uses materials M.V.revnivtsieva (ENGELS, Satar region)

CBD law No. 39-RZ of October 19, 2015 (accepted by Parliament on September 30, 2015) in the law of the CBD "On State Flag of the CBD" amended. External view And the descriptions of the flag they did not affect.

Kabardino-Balkarian Republic One of 85 subjects belonging to Russian Federation. It is located on the northern slope of the central part of the Caucasus and the plain adjacent to it. Kabardino-Balkaria is a multinational republic where representatives of more than a hundred nationalities live. Of these, the Kabardians make up about 55 percent, Balkarians - 11.6, Russians - 25.1, Ukrainians, Ossetians, Tats, Georgians and representatives of other nationalities - 8.3 percent. The Republic consists of 10 administrative-territorial districts: Baksansky (Administrative Center - G. Baksan), Zolsky (pos. Zalokocheszhezh), Mayski (Mayan), Prokhaladna (Cool), Terek (Terek), Urvansky (g . Natchal), Chegemsky (Chegem), Cherleksky (pos. Kashhatau), Elbrus (Tyrnyauz), Lesksensky (S.Norzey); Cities of republican subordination: Nalchik, Cool and Baksan. The share of the urban population is more than 60 percent and continues to grow.

The capital of the Republic of Nalchik is a major cultural, scientific and industrial center, the resort of All-Russian importance with a population of about 300 thousand. Kabardino-Balkarian Republic borders with Georgia, Stavropol Territory, with the Republic North Ossetia - Alanya, Karachay Circassian Republic. The territory of the republic is 12.5 thousand square kilometers. The population is about 900 thousand people; Density - 72 people per square kilometer, which is more than 7 times higher than the average Russian indicator.

In geomorphologically, the territory of the republic is divided into three parts: mountain, foothill and flat. Mountains occupy half of the Republic Square. Mountain and foothill parts are rich in minerals, mineral springs, pastures and forests, and plain - fertile soils. In the republic are available large deposits Molybdenum and tungsten, lead, tin, copper, iron Ore, gold, arsenic, antimony, stone and brown coals, oil, tuff, volcanic pumice and ash, phosphorites, limestone, mergels, plaster, refractory and floridine clays. There are about a hundred sources with cold and hot waters. The area occupied by the forest is 185 thousand hectares. Fauna is rich in a variety of animals and birds. The climate is moderate. The average annual temperature is 9-10 degrees of heat, and the annual amount of precipitation is 600-700 mm. 215 days a year The temperature is higher than +5 degrees Celsius. Kabardino-Balkaria is one of the most attractive, and most importantly, stable in economic and socio-politically policies; centers of the South of Russia, which opens up broad prospects for mutually beneficial cooperation in different areas foreign economic activity.

The basis of the material and resource base of the republic is the ores of color and rare Metals, oil I. natural gas, different kinds Mining and chemical raw materials, mineral and freshwater various values, numerous types of valuable building materials. Over 40 mineral deposits, and estimated reserves are exploited. mineral Water Make up more than 12 thousand cubic meters of daily debit. A number of deposits are unique on scale and type. On the basis of the ore reserves of tungsten and molybdenum, one of the world's largest Tyrnyaez Wolframo Molybdenum Plant was created.

The economy of Kabardino-Balkaria is mainly a developed multi-industrial economic complex, corresponding to the natural, climatic and demographic conditions of the republic. In the republic, oil-producing equipment, various types of electrocabels, diamond instruments, products from artificial leather and film materials. These goods are in great demand both in the domestic and foreign markets. main feature Industry - high concentration of production in a few industrial centers - Nalchik, Tyrnyause, Cool, Terek, Baksan, Mayski.

Kabardino-Balkaria - All-Russian and international land of tourism, mountaineering and skiing. There are tourist bases, alpalage and comfortable hotels here. The ski highways of the republic are not inferior, and in many respects and exceed world famous resort traffs Western Europe. Important part of The economic potential of the republic is the recreational complex, created on the basis of the use of therapeutic mineral sources and unique natural conditions. In the mountains, the center of the treatment of asthmatic diseases is functioning in the area of \u200b\u200bthe priest. Kabardino-Balkaria has a large cultural potential uniting the historical traditions of its peoples with the achievements of modern art.

Professional theaters, choreographic and folk-ethnographic ensembles, GosfilarMonia work in the republic. The artistic culture rich in traditions has been preserved in articles of arts and applied arts; The jewelry and blacksmithous craft are widely developed. The richest archival, ethnographic material on the development of the history and culture of the republic is assembled in the funds of the National Museum and the seven of its branches, numbering about 140 thousand copies. Admittedly, Kabardino-Balkaria is a republic with the most stable socio-political situation creating exclusively favorable conditions For different-sided mutually beneficial cooperation.

Photo Gallery "Kabardino-Balkaria"

Flag of Kabardino-Balkaria Adopted on July 21, 1994. The parliament of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic adopted the decrees approved by the coat of arms and the flag of Kabardino-Balkaria. At the same time, the Council of the Republic adopted the CBD law on state coat of arms and the law on the state flag. On August 4, 1994, the laws were signed by the president, published and entered into force (the changes were made in Article 157 and 158 of the CBD Constitution.
Flag of Kabardino-Balkaria Consists of three horizontal strips: blue, white and green. In the center of the white strip in a blue-green circle, Mount Elbrus is depicted. The ratio of the flag length to its width is 3: 2.
In practice, often the round emblem is completely within the boundaries of the white strip. In the early 1990s, various options for non-Flags of Kabarda and Balkaria appeared on political demonstrations. The flag of the North Caucasian Government of the Civil War is often used: seven green and white horizontal stripes, in the blue canton, white stars (their number varied).
Kabardino-Balkarian Republic is formed as Kabardian autonomous region in September 1921; Since 1928 - Kabardino-Balkarian JSC, from 1936 - Kabardino-Balkarian ASSR. The current name is wearing since February 1992. The capital is Nalchik (the distance to Moscow is 1873 km). The territory of the republic is 12.5 thousand square meters. km. Population - over 900 thousand people, urban population is 57US National composition - Kabardians, Balkarians, Russians, Ukrainians, Ossetians and others.
State authorities - Legislative Assembly and the Government of the Republic.
Administrative division - 9 districts including cities and countryside. The largest cities are Nalchik, Cool, Baksan, May, Natchal, Tyrnyauz.
Borders with the Stavropol Territory, Karachayevo-Cherkessian Republic of North Ossetia and Georgia.
The republic is located in the central part of the Northern Slope of the Big Caucasus (Mount Elbrus - 5642 m) and on the adjacent plain. At an altitude of more than 2000 m is the zone of subalpine and alpine meadows. Mountains make up half of the Republic Square.
The ancestors of modern kabardians, known as the name of Adygov, by the middle of the first millennium BC. had their own on the Taman Peninsula state Associationwhich later entered the bosporous kingdom. The invasion of the Huns in the IV century made the Adygs move closer to the mountains of the Caucasus. At about the same time, as a result of the mixing of North Caucasian tribes with tribes, Balkar national population was formed. In the XIII century, in connection with the invasion of Mongol-Tatars, the ancestors of the Balkarians moved to the mountains. By the XIV century, the Kabardians received the name of the Kabardians and took the modern territory of settlement.
In 1557, Kabarda voluntarily entered the Russian state. By 1827, the accession to Russia of Balkaria was completed. In the 60s of the XIX century, Kabarda and Balkaria were included in the art of the Teresk region.
In March 1918, the Terra region was proclaimed by the Soviet republic. On September 1, 1921, the Kabardian Autonomous Region was formed, on January 16, 1928, it was transformed into the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Region; From December 5, 1936 - Kabardino-Balkarian ASSR (in 1944, liquidated, in 1957 restored), from February 1992 - Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.
Kabardino-Balkaria - an area with a developed diversified industry, including mechanical engineering (telemechanical equipment, high-voltage equipment, machine tools, devices, diamond tools), non-ferrous metallurgy (tungsten-models), food industry (meat, butterfly, fruit and complex, confectionery, wine). Light industry Presented by the production of artificial leather, carpets, sewing and haberdashery products.
In the republic there are molybdenum, tungsten and polymetallic ores, nonmetallic materials. The most famous Ttrunauz Wolf Ramo-Molybdenum Rud, Mineral Sources are most well known.
Main directions agriculture: growing grain crops (wheat, corn, millet), vegetable growing, messenger; Breeding meat pot is large cattle, sheep. Much attention is paid to horse breeding (the famous Kabardian breed of horses).
Everything more important Acquires resort economy, as well as tourism and mountaineering. Kabardino-Balkaria is one of the centers of skiing in Russia. In the area of \u200b\u200bElbrus created modern complex Sports facilities, including cableways to Mount Chegenet and in Elbrus.
The entire territory of the republic crosses the North-Caucasian railway. Nalchik's good highway is connected with Vladikavkaz, Stavropole, Grozny, Makhachkala, Pyatigorsky, Krasnodar. There is a network of airlines.

Symbols of CBD

Chapter 9. Coat of arms, flag, anthem and the capital of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

Article 132.

The state coat of arms of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic represents an image of a gold (yellow) eagle in the shield (red) field of the shield; Eye Eagle - Ladurn (Blue, Blue). On the chest of an eagle - a small crossed shield, at the top - the image of silver (white) mountains about two vertices in Lazorus (blue, blue) field, bottom - gold (yellow) shaded with oblong sheets in a green field.

Article 133.

The national flag of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic is a cloth of three isometric horizontal strips: the upper - blue-blue, medium - white, bottom - green. In the center of the panel - a circle crossed by a blue-blue and green field; On a blue blue field - stylized image of Elbrus Mountain in white. The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is 2: 3.

Article 134.

The state anthem of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic is a solemn song created using intonations and colors of the Kabardian, Balkarian and Russian folk songs.

Article 135.

The order of the official use of the coat of arms, the flag and the anthem of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic is established by the Republican law.

Article 136.

The capital of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic is the city of Nalchik. The status of the capital is determined by the republican law.

The national flag of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic is a cloth of three isometric horizontal strips: the upper - blue-blue, medium - white, bottom - green. In the center of the panel - a circle crossed by a blue-blue and green field; On a blue blue field - stylized image of Elbrus Mountain in white. The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is 2: 3.

The state coat of arms of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic represents an image of a gold (yellow) eagle in the shield (red) field of the shield; Eye Eagle - Ladurn (Blue, Blue). On the chest of an eagle - a small crossed shield, at the top - the image of silver (white) mountains about two vertices in Lazorus (blue, blue) field, bottom - gold (yellow) shaded with oblong sheets in a green field.

The symbolism of Kabardino-Balkaria - the coat of arms and the flag - meet the classical norms of international symbols and emblems, combine the national flavor of the Kabardian and Balkarian peoples. Speaking about the values \u200b\u200bof symbols, signs and their colors used when creating the flag, it is necessary to clarify that:

green color The cloves of the Flag of the CBD means freedom in thoughts and affairs, actions, the joy of communication and understanding, hope for a bright future;

the blue-blue color of the panel symbolizes the fame of the ancestors of the Kabardians and Balkarians, the honor of living, loyalty and their sincerity in relationships;

white color of the plane-mix of peace and good;

blue-blue and green circles with the image of the mountain Elbrus in the center of the white cloth location of the highest mountain peak Caucasus, geographically located on the territory of the Unified Kabardino-Balkaria.

In the state coat of arms of the Republic:

golden color means the supremacy, greatness, respect, splendor and wealth;

red - right, strength, courage, love and courage;

eagle - the rule of mind, the power of the law, turnover;

shards - a symbol of fertility, means resistance and constancy.

Portrait of the CBD

Kabardino-Balkar Republic is one of 85 subjects that are part of the Russian Federation. It is located on the northern slope of the central part of the Caucasus and the plain adjacent to it. Kabardino-Balkaria is a multinational republic where representatives of more than a hundred nationalities live. Of these, the Kabardians make up about 55 percent, Balkarians - 11.6, Russians - 25.1, Ukrainians, Ossetians, Tats, Georgians and representatives of other nationalities - 8.3 percent. The Republic consists of 10 administrative-territorial districts: Baksansky (Administrative Center - G. Baksan), Zolsky (pos. Zalokocheszhezh), Mayski (Mayan), Prokhaladna (Cool), Terek (Terek), Urvansky (g . Natchal), Chegemsky (Chegem), Cherkoe (pos. Kashhatau), Elbrussky (Tyrnyauz), Lesksensky (p. Anzenoi); Cities of republican subordination: Nalchik, Cool and Baksan. The share of the urban population is more than 60 percent and continues to grow.

The capital of the Republic of Nalchik is a major cultural, scientific and industrial center, the resort of All-Russian importance with a population of about 300 thousand. The Kabardino-Balkarian Republic borders with Georgia, Stavropol Territory, with the Republic of North Ossetia - Alanya, Karachay-Cherkess Republic. The territory of the republic is 12.5 thousand square kilometers. The population is about 900 thousand people; Density - 72 people per square kilometer, which is more than 7 times higher than the average Russian indicator.

In geomorphologically, the territory of the republic is divided into three parts: mountain, foothill and flat. Mountains occupy half of the Republic Square. Mountain and foothill parts are rich in mineral, mineral springs, pastures and forests, and plain - fertile soils. In the republic there are large molybdenum and tungsten deposits, lead, tin, copper, iron ore, gold, arsenic, antimony, stone and brown coals, oil, tuff, volcanic pumice and ash, phosphorites, limestone, mergels, gypsum, refractory and floridine clays . There are about a hundred sources with cold and hot waters. The area occupied by the forest is 185 thousand hectares. Fauna is rich in a variety of animals and birds. The climate is moderate. The average annual temperature is 9-10 degrees of heat, and the annual amount of precipitation is 600-700 mm. 215 days a year The temperature is higher than +5 degrees Celsius. Kabardino-Balkaria is one of the most attractive, and most importantly, stable in economic and socio-politically policies; The centers of the South of Russia, which opens up broad prospects for mutually beneficial cooperation in various spheres of foreign economic activity.

The basis of the material and raw base of the republic is the ores of non-ferrous and rare metals, oil and natural gas, various types of mining and chemical raw materials, mineral and fresh water of various meanings, numerous types of valuable building materials. In total, over 40 mineral deposits are operated, and the estimated reserves of mineral waters are more than 12 thousand cubic meters of daily debit. A number of deposits are unique on scale and type. On the basis of the ore reserves of tungsten and molybdenum, one of the world's largest Tyrnyaez Wolframo Molybdenum Plant was created.

The economy of Kabardino-Balkaria is mainly a developed multi-industrial economic complex, corresponding to the natural, climatic and demographic conditions of the republic. The republic produces oil-producing equipment, various types of electrocabels, diamond instruments, products from artificial leather and film materials. These goods are in great demand both in the domestic and foreign markets. The main feature of the industry is a high concentration of production in a few industrial centers - Nalchik, Tyrnyause, Cool, Terek, Baksan, Mayski.

Kabardino-Balkaria - All-Russian and international land of tourism, mountaineering and skiing. There are tourist bases, alpalage and comfortable hotels here. The ski slopes of the republic are not inferior, and in many respects and exceed the world-famous highways of the resorts of Western Europe. An important part of the economic potential of the republic is the recreational complex, created on the basis of the use of therapeutic mineral sources and unique natural conditions. In the mountains, the center of the treatment of asthmatic diseases is functioning in the area of \u200b\u200bthe priest. Kabardino-Balkaria has a large cultural potential uniting the historical traditions of its peoples with the achievements of modern art.

Professional theaters, choreographic and folk-ethnographic ensembles, GosfilarMonia work in the republic. The artistic culture rich in traditions has been preserved in articles of arts and applied arts; The jewelry and blacksmithous craft are widely developed. The richest archival, ethnographic material on the development of the history and culture of the republic is assembled in the funds of the National Museum and the seven of its branches, numbering about 140 thousand copies. According to admission, Kabardino-Balkaria is a republic with the most stable socio-political situation that creates exclusively favorable conditions for various mutually beneficial cooperation.

What does the flag of Kabardino-Balkaria look like? When was it approved and what does it mean?

Kabardino-Balkaria: portrait portion

Kabardino-Balkaria is one of the southern regions of the Russian Federation with a population of about 860 thousand people. The present republic was formed as an autonomous region back in 1921.

The region is occupied small square (12.5 thousand square kilometers). The republic is located on the northern slopes of the Caucasian mountains and the plains directly adjacent to mining system. By the way, it is in Kabardino-Balkaria that is the highest point of Russia and the whole of Europe - Elbrus (5642 meters).

The largest cities of the Republic - Nalchik, Cool, Baksan. From minerals, tungsten are produced here. Local actively used quite actively recreational resources. In the region there are chemical, construction enterprises, food Industry, electric power industry and non-ferrous metallurgy.

In this republic, as well as from any other subject of the Russian Federation, there are characters. What is the flag of Kabardino-Balkaria? And what is his story? About it will we are talking Further.

Flag of Kabardino-Balkaria: description and history

The Republic of the Republic is a rectangular cloth with the standard aspect ratio (2: 3). There are only three colors in its design, which are well harmonized with each other: blue, white and green.

The modern flag of Kabardino-Balkaria consists of three horizontal strips of the same thickness. From above there is a blue band, the bottom is green, and in the center - white. In the center of the flag, there is a circle consisting of two color fields, blue and green. In this circle there is a stylized image of the main natural attractions of the edge - Mount Elbrus.

The flag of Kabardino-Balkaria in its current form was officially approved in July 1994. Before that, he had a completely different design. So, over the twentieth century, the flag of the region modified six times. True, all these changes were insignificant.

The very first version of the flag was a red cloth with a large inscription "RSFSR" in the upper left corner. The inscriptions with the name of the Republic were placed below (at that time it was the Kabardino-Balkar ASSR) in three languages: Russian, Kabardian and Balkarian. In 1957, the Republic of the Republic was decorated with a five-pointed star, as well as the traditional Soviet emblem with a sickle and a hammer, and the blue vertical band was added to the left.

Interestingly, some folk societies of Kabardians often use the flag, which today is the official symbol of the Republic of Adygea, since the Kabardians and Adygei consider themselves one people. As he looks, you can see the following photo.

Flag of Kabardino-Balkaria: What does it mean?

Immediately it is worth noting that the flag and the coat of arms of the republic correspond to all generally accepted norms of international symbolism. And they trace the national identity of both Balkarian and Kabardian ethnic groups.

The flag of Kabardino-Balkaria, as already noted above, consists of only three shades. This is blue, green and white colors. Balkarian people Symbolizes precisely blue colour, and Kabardian - green. In addition, some other symbols are laid in the flag of the republic.

So, the green color personifies the power, honor, valor and glory of ancestors. Blue symbolizes freedom in all its manifestations, as well as hope for a good, bright future. White color - This is the color of the world and complete mutual understanding, in which two people of the republic, Kabardians and Balkarians live.

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