What is upholstered sofas. Upholstery fabric for sofas: we keep style, convenience and practicality

Engineering systems 16.06.2019
Engineering systems

Today, when choosing sofas, it is possible to take into account not only the size of the product, functionality and build quality, but also the quality of fabrics, upholstery covering the thing. Depending on the purpose of the sofa and its place in the interior of the apartment, we choose the optimal type of fabric.

Upholstery types: great variety

Modern technologies make it possible to create a large number of aesthetically pleasing, wear-resistant options. How to navigate among the multitude types and choose your?

Skin and her "relatives"

Leather upholstery is a fairly old invention. Luxurious looking, matte sheen leather sofas are invariably associated with classic interiors. The advantages of leather are well known:

  • reliability and durability (will last for years);
  • respectable "appearance";
  • ease of cleaning (walk with a damp cloth or sponge - and the thing "shines" like new).

But there are also disadvantages:

  • if the skin is of low quality, it will very soon affect the appearance: it is rubbed, goes with ugly cracks;
  • The range of colors of manufactured products is not wide, and the color of the thing may not fit into the style and color solution your interior;
  • high cost, not practical.

Artificial leather (leatherette) outwardly almost does not differ from the real one, sold in huge number options and has its advantages. It:

  • wear resistance comparable to genuine leather, more practical than real;
  • moisture resistance;
  • impermeability to odors, dirt (which is why leatherette is often used in public buildings);
  • with high quality, it also looks expensive and respectable;
  • pleasant to the touch.
  • if the quality is doubtful, it may crack;
  • usually monophonic;
  • subject to fading as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • combustible.

IMPORTANT. The product, upholstered in leatherette, has nothing to do near fireplaces and heaters with an open spiral - it is a fire hazard!

eco-leather similar in characteristics to natural , but created using a porous polymer deposited on a cotton base. Its advantages:

  • wear resistant;
  • "breathes" - passes air;
  • has high ecological qualities.

Arpatek is a kind of leatherette, often used to decorate car interiors. Also similar to the "original":

  • serves for a long time;
  • easy to clean - dirt can be removed with a simple soapy solution,and it is advisable to purchase special equipment for caring for the leather interior of a car;
  • to the touch slips less and as if more "warm".

The disadvantages are the same as those of leatherette, and the main one is that it can crack.

IMPORTANT. Do not use compounds containing chlorine to clean the arpatek, and do not get carried away with cleaners with alcohol. A categorical “no” to acetone and bleach!

Luxurious triad: tapestry, jacquard, chenille

These materials, due to their high cost and "pathetic" appearance, are preferred by people who want to make a certain impression on friends and guests.

The tapestry is distinguished by its diverse colors and a wide range of patterns and ornaments. This is a plastic fabric suitable for furniture of any, the most intricate shape.

Advantages of the tapestry:

  • uh elegance and style, suitable for creating original interior solutions;
  • good deformation resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of care - stains are simply washed out, stubborn ones are removed with detergents (but not acidic and alkaline!), dry cleaning is possible.


  • no need to test for strength too frequent serious loads;
  • do not be zealous with "wet" cleaning;
  • a product upholstered with a tapestry should be protected from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

IMPORTANT. The lower the content of cotton components in the fabric (it can be from 40% to 100) - the longer it will last. But if you or your loved ones suffer from allergies, you should choose a material with a maximum of natural fibers.

Jacquard is a “complex” fabric, it is based on the most complex interweaving of high-strength fibers, but an excellent result is obvious: a variety of designs, a richness of shades. Advantages of jacquard:

  • luxurious appearance;
  • sophistication;
  • excellent wear resistance.

But "beauty requires sacrifice." Minuses:

  • furniture covered with jacquard is more decorative than practical - it is not very pleasant to sleep on it: jacquard is hard, “scratching”, cold;
  • no wet and intensive cleaning - only dry, otherwise the canvas will lose color and presentability.

Chenille resembles a tapestry, but is created using a slightly different technology. It is refined, attractive, but not too diverse in terms of color shades. In its advantages, it is again close to the tapestry:

  • looks respectable;
  • does not deform;
  • differs in wear resistance;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • dust can be removed with conventional vacuum cleaner.


  • if the chenille is not created on a fabric, but on a glued basis, it must be protected from moisture, absorbs easily, and dries for a long time, and dampness does not affect the appearance in the best way;
  • can also suffer from the claws of your pets - the threads are pulled out.

Scotchguard and thermal jacquard

These are optimized versions of jacquard, more resistant to wear and dirt. Scotchguard is impregnated with transparent protective composition, thermo jacquard is obtained by applying an ornament to the base under the influence of high temperatures. These varieties of jacquard are designed for intensive use:

  • they have a long service life;
  • they are less polluted;
  • they can be washed gently with soap and mild oh rag, water with a temperature not exceeding +40°C, then dry cleanwith a vacuum cleaner.

IMPORTANT. Do not use for cleaning abrasives, solvents and bleaches. Any aggressive solvent can damage the fabric.

Flock and

F lok, very similar to velvet - extremely popularen, and no wonder: he soft ok , pleasant en , produced in a wide range of colors and shades. It has many advantages:

  • not prone to deformation;
  • retains the brilliance and brightness of shades for a long time;
  • resistant to rough influences (it is difficult to tear and pierce, he is not afraid of uncut claws of pets);
  • moisture resistance and, therefore, ease of care - it is easy to wash;
  • environmental friendliness and hypoallergenicity;
  • does not fade from the sun.

There are also disadvantages:

  • subject to rapid abrasion - with active use, it will soon require replacement;
  • perfectly absorbs smells.

Curtisan, or Teflon flock, is a very recent invention, an improved version of flock. The fibers of the fabric are protected with Teflon - and it:

  • has increased resistance to mechanical damage;
  • antistatic;
  • resistant to high temperatures;
  • water repellent.

Stains - even from ink and coffee - easily leave the courtesan, you can wash it with a sponge and soapy water, and clean it with a vacuum cleaner.

Velours and ecovelours

Velor - cozy, very beautiful, varied in color schemes and pleasant to the touch, besides natural in composition- cotton wool. Undoubted advantages:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • strength - velor is not deformed;
  • high thermal conductivity;
  • excellent ventilation ("breathes");
  • softness.

But the disadvantages are undeniable:

  • quickly rubbed off;
  • requires caution - strong pollution is perfectly absorbed and cannot be removed on its own;
  • absorbs odors

Ecovelour is an improved version of the "big brother". It is stronger and wears less, does not stretch or sag, has a water-repellent impregnation, and does not fade.

"Washing" can be done at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C, cleaned with a dry soft brush.

IMPORTANT. Do not clean eco-velour with aggressive chemicals!


simple, natural origin upholstery fabric, often with a protective impregnation that prevents paint abrasion and extends the life of the paint. Pros:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • excellent ventilation.

Minus one - a short service life.

A lovely "lamb" material with a surface consisting of small dense nodules. Advantages:

  • cozy look;
  • increased "decorativeness";
  • low price.


  • susceptibility to damage - any sharp object will leave a puff on the surface;
  • easy contamination due to porosity;
  • difficulty in cleaning - stains cannot be scrubbed off, so as not to damage the upholstery, only try to remove it with soapy water using a soft sponge. It is possible that it will not work.

Can be vacuumed and washed with non-aggressive detergents by our means. No dry cleaning!

Made mostly from a combination of polyester and cotton. Advantages:

  • hygroscopic - well resists dirt, moisture absorption and odors;
  • resistant to wiping, tear resistant;
  • excellently ventilated;
  • "calmly" refers to the bright sun - will not fade, will not shed;
  • hypoallergenic.

One of the varieties of microfiber is "microvelour" called forest.

The disadvantage is difficult care: special compositions for washing, drying is only natural, “airy”. It is permissible to vacuum, carry out a careful wet cleaning.

Can be used to remove stains baking soda. Fat can be removed detergent, it is possible to use alcohol solutions, vodka.

IMPORTANT. Solvents must not be used! Also, do not iron the microfiber with an iron.

We choose upholstery in different categories of rooms

A pledge of good preservation upholstered furniture- its choice taking into account the characteristics of the room. It is clear that each room in the house has its own purpose, and sofas will experience different loads and impacts. So which fabric is the best?

To the living room

For the living room it is worth choosing upholstery material based on the lifestyle of the owners: if you spend relatively little time there and you have almost no guests, they will do:

  • jacquard;
  • tapestry;
  • velours;
  • boucle;
  • sh enill.

If the living room is used for its intended purpose - to receive numerous relatives, friends, colleagues, and the sofa will have to active exploitation, your choice:

  • skin or any of its "relatives";
  • thermo jacquard;
  • scotchguard;
  • flock.

To the nursery

The choice for a children's room depends on the age and gender of the child. Babies without distinction of gender are better off with a soft, but not afraid of damage and dirt surface: flock and chenille are very good. If you plan to reupholster furniture in the future, cotton will do.

For neat girls, velor, eco-velour, boucle, microfiber are suitable.

For active and violent boys, the best is artificial leather.

To the kitchen

The upholstery of the kitchen sofa should not absorb odors, why do you need an interior item that smells of several (individually quite fragrant) dishes at once - and not be afraid of pollution (even if you are neat and well coordinated - anything happens in the kitchen, splashes from cooking products and gas deposits are inevitable ).

What to choose upholstery for the kitchen? We can safely recommend artificial leather and courtesan.

It is not uncommon for fabric stores to offer a table or book with information about fabrics. But the disadvantages of the type of fabric are rare there.

When buying upholstered furniture, more and more people pay attention not to its functionality, practicality, but on the material from which the upholstery is made. This is a material that is mounted on top of sofas and armchairs. When choosing it, it is necessary to take into account some points - the quality of the fabric, wear resistance, cost. Very often, it is necessary to decide on upholstery not only when buying new furniture, but when reupholstering the old one, when its former material has already lost its aesthetic appearance.

Types and categories of fabrics

Today, the range of fabrics for finishing the sofa is huge. Manufacturers offer their customers natural and artificial materials.


The material got its name because of the thread that was included in the composition of the fabric. It looks like a furry caterpillar, it is characterized by a soft rounded surface. The production process of matter is carried out by twisting dense threads with chenille threads. Thus, it is possible to create an inextensible thread, which will set the properties of the future material. The composition of chenille contains cotton and synthetics in equal amounts.

The fabric is distinguished by its density and strength. The bouffant pile can occur with the help of special machine. The cost of the material is 680 rubles per meter.

Chenille is divided into two types:

  1. Fabric base. The material is resistant to moisture, so it can withstand wet cleaning. The disadvantage of the fabric is that you can’t sleep on it all the time. Because of this, it will wrinkle and lose its shape.
  2. Glued base. This material is afraid of moisture, as it can be deformed, and after cleaning it also dries for a long time.

The benefits of fabric include:

  • wear resistance due to the presence of synthetic threads in the composition;
  • ecological properties are close to natural matters;
  • You can remove dust from chenille stuffing with a regular vacuum cleaner.

Not without material and shortcomings, which include:

  • the color scheme does not differ in its diversity, but for a moderate style, you can choose several options;
  • the material is afraid of the influence of the claws of pets, as the threads will be pulled out.


This fabric is characterized by a fine texture. Most of the time it is monochromatic. Its peculiarity is that it is made of a thick dense structure, and the weaving of the threads is made roughly. The canvas is characterized by increased elasticity, since it does not wrinkle during the day, perfectly retaining its shape. Caring for matting is also not difficult, since there is no need to use special solutions.

The advantages of the fabric include high strength qualities, resistance to wear, ease of care. But to the minuses - the lack of a wide range of colors. The cost of the material is 270 per r.m.


This material is characterized by its velvety and pleasant to the touch surface. The pile may have vertical arrangement throughout the canvas or in some areas laid on one side. To finish the sofa, velor based on cotton and wool is used. detailed description furniture fabric velor.

Material benefits include:

  • ease of care, as it contains high-tech fibers with anti-allergic and antistatic qualities;
  • velor is characterized by a high abrasion threshold, and any dirt can be easily removed, making the canvas different long term socks.

The disadvantages of the material include high cost, low resistance to mechanical stress. The cost of velor will be 340 rubles per m.p.


This finishing material is obtained using polyester and cotton. A pile is applied to the surface of the canvas using an electrostatic method. First, canvas is made from cotton threads, and then impregnated with glue. On the picture - :

When it is stretched into electric field, spray pile. Fabric dyeing is carried out printed. The cost of the fabric is 390 rubles per r.m.

Flock has the following advantages:

  • keeps its shape for a long time;
  • ease of care;
  • excellent light fastness;
  • characterized by water-repellent properties;
  • has a high density;
  • the duration of the paint and the brightness of the shade;
  • environmental friendliness.

Teflon flock

This type of material is modern. The fabric fibers are equipped with Teflon protection, so that the upholstery can be washed and soiled. The peculiarity of the fabric is that it has excellent resistance to the bones of pets. You can buy material at a price of 480 rubles per m.p.


This is a natural matter, which differs from others in its correct interlacing of yarn with a figurine or ornament. The range of material has a lot of flourishes and shades. The fabric is washable, durable, pleasant to the touch and practical. Since the canvas can take any shape, has excellent plasticity, it can be used to finish absolutely any furniture.

The advantages of the tapestry include its aesthetic appearance and naturalness. But to the minuses: low resistance to frequent loads, fear of wet and frequent cleaning and high cost. The cost of the fabric will be 450 rubles per r.m.


The advantages include a wide choice of shades, high strength and durability. Of the disadvantages, one can note the high cost, the fear of intensive cleaning, as a result of which it can tightly lose its color. The cost of the fabric is 560 rubles per r.m.

Thermal jacquard and scotchguard

These varieties of material refers to improved types of jacquard. To obtain a thermo jacquard, the thermo dyeing method is used. The ornament under the influence of high temperature is transferred to the base. Thus, it is possible to obtain a stable surface of the fabric. The cost is 550 rubles per r.m.

Scotchgard is a jacquard that is impregnated on top with a transparent composition to protect against wear and dirt. At the same time, the aesthetic appearance of the canvas is completely preserved. It is advisable to use the material for sofas that are subject to intensive use. The cost is 500 rubles per r.m.


This type of material is similar to sheared lamb. The peculiarity of the canvas is that its structure is presented in the form of dense nodules that protrude above the surface. The material is original decorative look. Aesthetic appearance is achieved through the use of threads of different shades. Boucle is a very durable material. You can buy fabric at a price of 660 rubles per r.m.

The advantages include original look and low price. Of the minuses, you can cancel:

  • fear sharp objects, upon contact with which puffs can form;
  • because of its porosity, the matter is easily soiled;
  • difficult to remove dirt;
  • stains should not be rubbed, it is worth blotting slightly, and then treating with soapy water using a soft sponge.

A natural skin

This kind finishing material used for facing expensive and high-quality furniture. Its advantages include attractive appearance, durability, strength and ease of cleaning. The downside is the high cost. Purchase material at a price of 2000 rubles per m.

Faux leather

This fabric is characterized by the presence of one-sided monolithic or porous PVC coating. The basis is cotton and polyester knitted threads. Leatherette in its performance is not inferior to natural leather. It has high wear resistance, and it can be used when facing a sofa for domestic or public use.

The positive qualities of the material include resistance to stress and pollution, ease of cleaning and non-absorption of odors and dirt. Artificial leather has disadvantages - it is a monophonic surface, fear sun rays and high temperatures. The cost is 430 rubles per r.m.


This type of material is similar to genuine leather and is not inferior to it even in terms of environmental friendliness. To obtain the material, the method of applying porous polyurethane to a cotton base is used. Thus, it is possible to create a fabric that is resistant to wear, has a breathable surface and high environmental qualities. The cost is 670 rubles per r.m.


Previously, this material was used to decorate car seats. Arpatek is a type of artificial leather. It is resistant to light, abrasion and has high tensile strength. In the manufacture of the material used cotton, viscose and polyurethane. You can buy material at a price of 4000 rubles per meter.


It is a natural material that breathes and can be dyed. The disadvantage of cotton is a short service life. To enhance the characteristics of the fabric, manufacturers apply a protective impregnation to its surface. It does not allow the paint to wear out and prolongs the service life.

Most often, cotton is used when decorating sofas in a children's room. This is due to the fact that the material is environmentally friendly and completely safe for children. And a short service life requires replacement of the canvas along with the changing needs of a grown-up baby. The cost of matter is 230 rubles per meter. described varieties of cotton fabric.

Which fabric is best

When choosing a material for finishing a sofa, it is necessary to take into account the room in which the furniture will be installed. If you need to transform the interior in a children's room, then you should choose natural canvases. This includes linen or cotton. The flock option remains quite popular, because then the sofa can be cleaned and washed to remove various contaminants.

If upholstery is carried out for furniture installed in the living room, then you need to pay attention to materials with high wear resistance. If the sofa acts as a sleeping place, then you can use any material except leather, since it is uncomfortable to be on it without clothes.

On the video, how much fabric is needed for upholstery of the sofa:

How to calculate the quantity

calculation measures to determine the amount of fabric for finishing the sofa are not difficult. First, it is recommended to remove the old upholstery, take a tape measure and take all measurements. If the sofa parts have irregular shape, then they will be measured in the longest and widest parts.

Now add up all the vertical dimensions of the sofa elements and add 20% to them. The resulting value is the required length of matter in cm. And to determine the width, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the widest part most often facing materials have a width of 130-150 cm.

To determine the amount of matter for pillows on a sofa, you need to measure their length and height. Add these values ​​\u200b\u200band multiply by 2. Add 5 cm to the calculated value.

Modern textile industry produces many varieties of upholstery material, different in composition, color, texture and consumer properties. Tastefully selected fabric for upholstery of upholstered furniture will harmoniously complement overall design and transform the interior. The service life of a chair or sofa depends on the quality of the upholstery, so when choosing a material, you need to pay attention to the composition, density, wear resistance, the presence of protective impregnations and other important indicators.

What is the difference between furniture upholstery for different rooms?

The choice of material for upholstery, first of all, depends on the location and functional load on the furniture.

  • Living room.

It is impossible to imagine a cozy living room without soft chairs and a sofa. Guests are welcomed in this room, family evenings and holidays are held. Therefore, upholstery for furniture in the living room should be resistant to abrasion and unpretentious in care. These qualities are possessed by synthetic and artificial fabrics, for example, leather substitute, and others. They easily withstand intense loads, wash well, do not absorb odors, and thanks to special impregnations they repel dirt.

  • Bedroom.

In many apartments, the sofa is used as a permanent sleeping place. In this case, the requirements for furniture upholstery are completely different. The fabric should be chosen comfortable and pleasant to the touch, without chemical additives, environmentally friendly and containing at least 50% natural fibers. For upholstery of upholstered furniture in the bedroom, jacquard and velor are also suitable.

  • Kitchen.

For upholstered furniture located in the kitchen, there are special requirements. upholstery fabric should be well washed, repel grease and dirt, not absorb odors, not ignite. by the most the best option upholstery for the kitchen is . The coating of this material is practical, durable and is afraid, perhaps, only of mechanical damage. Also suitable, velor with a small pile.

  • Children's.

Caring parents always try to surround their kids with products from natural materials. When choosing a sofa upholstery, first of all, pay attention to its composition. Naturalness, environmental friendliness and hypoallergenicity - these are the criteria by which upholstered furniture is chosen for a child's bedroom. Examples of such fabrics are cotton or wool.

  • Hall.

For pieces of furniture that are usually installed in a hall or office, upholstery made of genuine leather is best suited, which, with its noble appearance, emphasizes the significance of the office space.

What is the best fabric for sofa upholstery?

There are characteristics by which you can determine the quality of furniture fabric. Usually, manufacturers in the product quality passport, which can always be asked from the seller, indicate the characteristics of textiles and test parameters.

When choosing upholstery material, you should pay attention to the following factors.

  • Compound. Furniture fabrics are made from both natural and synthetic fibers. Deserved popularity and love of buyers enjoy combined materials, bringing together positive traits synthetics and natural threads - for example, cotton with polyester, linen with acrylic, wool with the addition of nylon.
  • Design. Tastefully selected upholstery material will allow upholstered furniture to harmoniously fit into the overall interior of the room, therefore, when choosing upholstery for sofas and armchairs, one should take into account the color and pattern of wallpaper, finishing tiles and flooring.
  • Density. This indicator is measured in grams per one square meter and for sofa upholstery is at least 200 g/m 2 . The denser the material, the more wear-resistant and durable upholstered furniture will be.
  • Abrasion resistance. The abrasion resistance index of a fabric is determined using the Martindale test, which consists in the following: a piece of the test material is attached to a fixed substrate and rubbed with a piece of wool fabric, making movements in a figure of eight. The number of cycles passed before the fabric is damaged will show the resistance to abrasion. For furniture upholstery, this figure should not be less than 20 thousand cycles.
  • Wear resistance. The fabric used for upholstering furniture must be tear-resistant, not tear when stretched, and restore its shape after various deformations.
  • Flame resistant. Knowing the heat resistance class of matter is very important when choosing sofas for the kitchen. There are five classes, the first of which is the marking of the most fire-resistant material.
  • Color fastness. Every piece of furniture is exposed to sunlight and moisture. If color fastness is marked with the number 3.5 in the passport, it means that the fabric is produced according to the required standards and the fabric will not fade in the sun and fade when washed. Although over time, any upholstery changes color a little.
  • Environmental friendliness. Only ecologically clean materials with a minimum content of chemical dyes can be used for furniture. Usually the best fabrics are awarded the European certificate Oeko-Tex® Standard 100.
  • Breathability. How easily the canvas passes air can be determined very in a simple way. To do this, you need to attach a piece of matter to your face and exhale quickly. If the air passes freely through the material, you can safely buy a canvas for sheathing.
  • Additional processing. Moisture-resistant and dirt-repellent properties of the fabric can be improved with the help of special impregnations. The most famous of them are Teflon and Scotchgard. Furniture with upholstery made from treated materials retains all its original characteristics and requires almost no maintenance.
  • Possibility of cleaning. Not every fabric can be cleaned with chemicals, so before buying, you should ask the seller what types of cleaning furniture from the selected material can be subjected to.
  • Peeling. High-quality upholstery should not be covered with spools. The index of susceptibility to peeling is determined by the same Martindale test. If the material withstands more than 500 cycles without lint, this will indicate that the quality is at the proper level.

It is not easy to answer the question of which fabric to choose for upholstery. Ideally, its quality should correspond to the above indicators and characteristics.

Categories and types of furniture fabrics

Furniture fabrics are divided into several categories.

  1. The first category combines the lightest materials: cotton, jacquard, lightweight chenille fabrics.
  2. The second is velveteen and, suede and flock, chenille.
  3. The third category of fabrics includes any fabric of medium density.
  4. Fabrics of the fourth and fifth categories are dense chenille or suede.

Today, along with fabrics with familiar names, new materials have appeared on the shelves of textile stores, such as chenille, flock, arpatek. It is difficult for an unprepared buyer to grasp all this diversity at once and decide which material is better to choose. Therefore, before going to the store, it is better to familiarize yourself with new products in advance.

The fabric is a blend of cotton and synthetics. Translated from French chenille means "caterpillar". Synthetic threads used to make chenille have a soft fleecy surface and outwardly very much resemble the body of an insect.

Chenille can have a fabric or adhesive base. In the first case, a moisture-resistant lining is obtained, which is easily wrinkled and quickly loses its shape. It is not recommended to use it for upholstery of sofas intended for sleeping. Matter on an adhesive basis, on the contrary, is very wear-resistant, but is afraid of moisture. Furniture made from this fabric should not be wet cleaned.

Among the advantages of chenille, it should be noted high wear resistance, environmental friendliness, undemanding care. The disadvantages include the meager color range and the lack of anti-vandal impregnation.

When buying chenille, you need to pay attention to the basis of the material, otherwise you can choose and purchase the wrong fabric.


Flock is a fabric with a cotton or mixed base, on the surface of which a synthetic pile is applied. In appearance, the fabric resembles velor or differs from them mainly in the way it is made.

Flock has a number of advantages and almost no drawbacks, therefore it is widely in demand when sewing armchairs and sofas.

Advantages of flock fabric:

  • flock products retain their shape for a long time, as the fabric has a dense structure;
  • matter does not attract dust and does not accumulate static electricity;
  • health safety;
  • has water-repellent properties;
  • It does not require special care.

The quality of the flock is determined by the density and thickness of the fibers.


This type of fabric is obtained by coating jacquard transparent film which protects the surface from dirt and wear. Scotchguard furniture is great for heavy use and when there are pets in the house.


Arpatek artificial leather was conceived as a material for car interior trim. Made of cotton, viscose and polyurethane, arpatek material is highly resistant to sunlight, tear strength, and abrasion resistance.

Everyone chooses upholstered furniture to their taste, guided by their own concepts of beauty and comfort. Armed with knowledge about the qualities and properties of a particular matter, you can avoid mistakes when choosing and buy the only suitable furniture fabric.

When choosing a sofa, each buyer is faced with many questions: which sofa is better to buy, and, finally, What is the best sofa upholstery?

Indeed, the choice of sofa - not an easy task. To comply with all the parameters and at the same time to buy a sofa that would meet all your desires is the dream of any person. And if you have already decided on the type and design of the sofa, then we’ll talk about what upholstery to choose for the sofa.

What is the best sofa upholstery?

A practical component of any sofa is upholstery fabric. But let's not forget that calling card any home is a wonderful sofa appearance. Any furniture store presents various models of sofas. And for each instance, you can choose from a huge variety of upholstery options. It is better to choose upholstery for a sofa, focusing on the design and style of the room. Consider the main sofa upholstery types.

Leather upholstery sofa

sofa upholstery in leather, no doubt, will give a presentable and solid look to your home. A leather sofa has a number of advantages:
  • the skin is pleasant to the touch,
  • durability and strength,
  • ease of care
  • waterproof.
Along with the positive characteristics of the leather surface has a number of limitations. Upholstery in leather is not recommended for homes with pets, especially cats. Be careful when choosing genuine leather upholstery, it must be of high quality, otherwise, over time, the leather will begin to fade, crack and wear off. Along with other upholstery fabrics, genuine leather is a real classic.

But, of course, many are stopped by the fact that the price category of sofas upholstered in leather is very high. However, for those who want to buy a leather sofa inexpensively, there is a great alternative - eco-leather or leatherette upholstery. Excellent appearance, easy care, much large quantity The colors and affordable price of leather substitutes make them a very popular choice with sofa buyers.

Sofa upholstery fabrics

Manufacturers of upholstery fabrics offer a wide and regularly updated range of upholstery fabrics. Most furniture manufacturers cooperate with different factories, so ordering a sofa in the color and design you need is easy.

A variety of all categories of fabrics is presented in the catalog of fabrics for sofas. Furniture fabrics for sofas are divided into natural fabrics and synthetic. Moreover, 100% natural fabrics are usually not used as furniture upholstery due to their low strength. A small percentage of synthetics makes natural upholstery more practical, without depriving them of the advantages of natural fibers.

Types of fabrics for sofas can be distributed as follows:

  • Flock- a very common upholstery fabric. It is very suitable for houses where there are animals. There are practically no traces of claws on it and wool does not stick. This is a soft, fleecy material of various colors and shades, moisture resistant, hypoallergenic and easy to care for. In addition, among upholstery fabrics, it has an affordable price. The negative qualities of flock are that it absorbs odors and wears out quickly.
  • Tapestry, jacquard and chenille- These are the most expensive, luxurious and unique categories of fabrics for sofas.
    • Tapestry it is distinguished by its naturalness (cotton up to 100%), spectacular texture and durability, but it does not absorb moisture well and fade in the sun.
    • Jacquard famous for its intricate patterns, interweaving pattern and suitable for creating a spectacular look of the sofa. However, this fabric is not soft and cozy, so it is not suitable for permanent use. At the same time care of this upholstery is necessary only dry.
    • chenille good for allergic people. This is a very practical, durable fabric that does not lose color and shape over time. However, chenille requires special attention in care.
  • sofa upholstery velor helps out the first time - it creates a pleasant to the touch, delightful look of the sofa. It gives a feeling of airiness, softness, while not stretching and perfectly breathable. But over time, the pile is erased, falls out, the color fades, it becomes almost impossible to remove the stains.
Upholstery fabrics for sofas differ not only in their variety, but also in rich colors. Here there is any palette, it remains only to choose!

Choosing the best sofa upholstery

The modern interior of any home is complete without a beautiful and comfortable sofa. Are you going to buy a sofa and do not know what upholstery to choose for the sofa? The upholstery of the sofa sets the tone and style for the whole room. Therefore, choosing the best sofa upholstery fabric is one of the main tasks when planning a room design. Not without reason, the cost of a sofa by 50% depends on the quality of the upholstery.

Categories of fabrics for sofas

In the catalog, fabrics for upholstery of sofas are divided into categories. Prices for upholstery fabrics for sofas vary depending on the practical qualities of the materials: strength, naturalness, resistance to fading, abrasion, moisture absorption, odors, care and other parameters. By choosing a more expensive upholstery fabric, you can be sure that you have done the best choice. Such a sofa will delight you longer with a beautiful appearance and remain pleasant to the touch.

What is the best upholstery for a sofa?

To decide which fabric better fit for your sofa, you need to study the basic quality parameters of fabrics.

The best upholstery for sofas is not cheap. Here in the first place, of course, Genuine Leather good workmanship. It is to be found in the latest and most expensive sofa upholstery category. But with it, the guarantee of durability, presentability and sophistication of the sofa is guaranteed to you.

But, for example, modern eco-leather in some parameters of practicality, it even surpasses genuine leather. So maybe, in order to become the owner of a stylish one, you should not chase the high cost?

Upholstery fabrics differ in their texture and color, so any flight of fancy will find its solution. The variety of the best fabrics for sofa upholstery is presented in the catalogs furniture stores. The best fabrics for wear resistance and durability for sofas are tapestry, jacquard, chenille.

How to choose the best sofa fabric?

First of all, evaluate the place of service of the future sofa. If it will sofa in the kitchen, then, of course, it is better to choose waterproof fabric, Maybe with teflon impregnation to prevent the ingress of moisture, dust and dirt. This fabric is easy to clean and is very suitable for kitchen sofas.

How to choose fabric for a sofa if there is one in the house pets? This question is asked by many buyers. For a sofa in this case it is better suited flock upholstery- there are no traces of claws of animals on it, also wool does not stick to it.

The design of the room, the interior of the house set the tone for the future sofa. For example, it is impossible to imagine a large leather sofa or colorful tapestry upholstery in a style room. hi-tech. But there are many fabrics of a suitable style in other categories. Therefore, which fabric is better to choose for a sofa depends on overall picture interior.

Solemnity and wealth will give sofa for classic interior fabrics such as tapestry, jacquard.

Need bright upholstered furniture? Many colors of sofa upholstery boast fabrics flock, velor, artificial leather.

To the children's room it is better to choose a soft, hypoallergenic, safe and easy-care fabric. Furniture fabrics with high content natural fibers are preferred.

Many types of upholstery fabrics for sofas are presented in the catalogs on the website www.site. Do you want to pick up quickly? best sofa upholstery- call! Sales consultants will tell you in detail about the features of each type of upholstery and help you choose the perfect fabric for your sofa.

  • A sofa in microvelour upholstery fabric is in great demand in any store. The reasons for this are its increased wear resistance, practicality, pleasant to the touch surface. In addition, the price of microvelor is not too high, it belongs to the middle price category. It is hypoallergenic, as it does not retain dust, and antistatic, which only adds to its advantages.
  • Flock - the most common type upholstery fabrics for upholstered furniture. It is attractive and durable, easy to care for. Such material is very resistant to mechanical stress, which is very important for pet owners.

But when choosing which fabric is more practical for upholstery: flock or microvelour, you need to consider that flock has one drawback - it strongly absorbs various odors. So its better to use for furniture upholstery standing in the living room, not in the kitchen.

  • Perfect by appearance option is genuine leather. The drawing can be absolutely anything. And the quality is the same for any leather sofa, when it comes to choosing really high-quality leather.

Such furniture looks very solid, noble and rich, it is simple and easy to clean, durable. The only disadvantage of such upholstery is the high price.

  • However, you can find a similar option at a lower price if you choose leatherette or eco-leather, which is popular these days. Outwardly, a cheaper sofa will practically not differ from an expensive one, but this will affect the quality.


on the soft furniture after a while, it will begin to crack and wear out, which will give it an improper appearance.

  • A good option upholstery for natural fabrics it's cotton. It is harmless and not at all toxic, it passes air well and absorbs moisture. Ideal for furniture in the children's room.

A significant disadvantage of natural cotton is rapid wear. But manufacturers often get rid of this “minus” when they cover cotton sofas with special compounds to increase the wear period and prevent color loss.

  • Looks very pretty and elegant jacquard. It is quite dense, practically does not wear out and does not lose color, durable. An even better option is stretch jacquard.

to all previous positive characteristics you can add such a feature as debris and dust that do not stick to the surface due to special substances that cover the material.

Not everyone can afford jacquard or stretch jacquard upholstery because of the high price.

For frameless furniture quite popular jacquard furniture scotchguard with various prints: Newspaper, Travel, Patchwork and others.

  • A wonderful mixture of man-made and natural fibers is a fabric called chenille, which is very common in upholstery.
    It gives the sofa a rather aesthetic appearance, allows you to make the interior of the room more comfortable, thanks to a pleasant fleecy surface. Chenille is very durable and easy to care for, dirty surfaces are easily cleaned with a conventional vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth or sponge.

  • Silk is unusual for upholstered furniture; this option is extremely rare in stores. But when hauling an old sofa in your house or apartment, nothing prevents you from using it.

A silk sofa fits well into the corresponding interior, which most often looks elegant, solid and luxurious. The surface of such furniture is very pleasant for the body, strong enough and safe due to its hypoallergenicity and antistatic properties.

  • Tapestry for hauling has been used for several centuries. Not without reason in antique shops and apartments with vintage interior often found precisely tapestry furniture.

The tapestry is strong and durable, the colors and patterns are diverse, it is wear-resistant. But the surface easily burns out when exposed to direct sunlight, so you should not put such a sofa next to the window.

  • Arpatek is a fabric that was not originally planned for use in residential areas. Manufacturers recommended using it in the manufacture of covers for cars, so it is as resistant to abrasion as possible.

Arpatek looks like leather, has remarkable characteristics - it is not subjected to mechanical stress, does not lose color when exposed to light, is moisture resistant and easy to care for.

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