How to issue a vintage interior? Vintage What is vintage things.

Reservoirs 16.06.2019

Fashion of the past is attached to some mysteriousness and charm. In clothes attracts those who love things with a story that resembles us that much is not forgotten, and some can even be in demand and today. This is another directions in, but knowing the price and deserved recognition by many decades.

Vintage. From English means "brand, ancient, rare". This term is used in winemaking, as an assessment of the quality and exposure of wine. Gradually, he switched to fashionable terminology denoting things created by past generations.

Vintage things are those who are over 30 years old. But this is not the only condition. Products must meet some requirements.

- Clothes should be original

- Products must be good quality And without changes

- Products must belong to famous stamps with history.

This direction appeared even in, but it received real active distribution only in the 90s, thanks to the stars of show-business, film industry and designers. Many of Celabriti turned their views on the old products and created interesting images for themselves.

Of course, not all vintage style lovers can fully follow the requirements listed. Genuine products of famous brands are not small money, so most of People are satisfied with things from the "grandmother's chest" or bought on "flea markets."

Such products may not be the works of vintage brands, but can also be perfectly fit under the vintage style. Experts distinguish vintage things in several categories: original vintage, combined vintage and non-evant.

Combined vintage is an union in a suit modern materials With genuinely old, which can use a cloth or accessories from the past.

Neovintage Created with the help of special compositioning of products produced today. Models must fully correspond to the flow of the time that the model itself indicates.

One of bright representatives Mira fashion that touched the topic of vintage was John Galiano. He not only turned to the fashion of past decades, but also adopted the technique of building products. Galliano was first returned to the cut in oblique, applying it to the atlas and crep. This technique has become famous madame VIONNE also in .

"When I first applied the cut in oblique, everyone said that it was vintage, since at that time the dresses tailored in oblique, it was possible to find only in flea markets. But such a cut gives elasticity without the use of lycra. "

Thanks to John Galjano, this technique Croy was introduced even into broad production and now we can see enough products stitched by oblique. In the 90s, Galliano introduced into a modern women's wardrobe and jackets made in this technique.

But the style of vintage is not only clothes. This is a properly chosen kit in combination with, because, as a rule, vintage clothes are very elegant and sophisticated. It requires a demonstration of good manners, reminiscent of the times of true ladies, immaculately educated and having a royal posture.

The original vintage style does not fit into our speed life, but his fans do not scare it. They continue to study, story, in order to get as much as possible at the time to which their image corresponds. The films of those years, books and magazines who contribute to the creation of the correct culture of wearing things are going to help.

A skillfully selected vintage can be very modern and relevant. Do not clearly go into another era. It is enough to take one thing, how do it, and feel her mood, treat it not as an old thing, but, on the contrary, as a super-modern, but with a flaw story.

Recently, the weddings in the style of Vintage became popular. Such ceremonies fit perfectly into this sophisticated style. And the groom's outfit look very elegant and exquisitely, in a general holiday, a note of gorgeous antiques.

Vintage style combines clothes, shoes and accessories. Footwear on the platform, shoes - boats, ballet shoes, handkerchiefs and ,,,,, bags are sacrifice, massive robes, hats, and much more, all these things from the past. But they are relevant in our days. The main thing is to correctly make a vintage kit.

Creating an image is always a very creative process, but creating a vintage image, as well as, this is a complete immersion in the history of fashion, its patterns and curious unexpected moments. This is a touch of products made by arms or small craftsmen.

But, in any case, these are things with a soul that retained a particle of the time when they were created. It is always interesting and informative. There are many shops in the world, in which you can find (if you're lucky) original products and for a completely acceptable price, but this thing will not be similar to those that in huge quantities Sold in modern stores. Want to be original? Choose vintage.)

Experiment and create your own unique image.

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Many of those who think about the purchase of vintage trifles or objects of furniture for the house, faced with the fact that they absolutely do not imagine how to choose it correctly and where to find. Anastasia Jiresh lives in the Czech Republic and is engaged in searching and selling a vintage in the Vintage Pin shop. In the article, she will tell where to look for ancient treasure, what to pay attention to when buying and what should be afraid.

Vintage is a very fashionable trend.Moreover, in all areas: in clothing, design, interior and even architecture.

Have you noticed how now is popular to open offices, restaurants and even make apartments in loft? And noticed how often in the interior of some coffee shops use upward parts, put a vintage cabinet, or used instead of part tables from sewing machines Singer. Very fashionable to add vintage details to the wardrobe: bag, grandmother's brooch, make a retro hairstyle.

Let's see together what Vintage is where to take it and how to use it.

Vintage is the thing older than 25 years old. That is, the thing that our parents used at least enjoyed. In order to use the vintage in his wardrobe or the interior of his home you need to have a sense of style ... well, or at least a sense of measure. And then you can turn your house in a flea market, a puffwind apartment with a bunch of older, and Total Retro Look looks applemented only on thematic parties. Let's decide why we need vintage? We will analyze the most frequent options when vintage things will be very by the way:

Home decor

Vintage trifles will add a feeling of an obsitory room and comfort. Vintage coffee pair will give the morning a special mood. You can get a vintage service or vintage wipes with manual embroidery. Well, of course the little things, such as candlesticks or statuette, always decorate the house ..

You can go from the opposite: choose an interesting bright detail And from it to make the whole interior. I have seen many times in the photo of European apartments (especially in Paris and Amsterdam) when in the middle of the room is a vintage red leather sofa or big dinner table From the old untreated tree, and the rest of the interior is built as if around this object of furniture.

Wedding decorations

Well, in fact, not only wedding. I meant the decor to photo sessions or any event, but at weddings vintage use most often.

At the wedding table, great vintage plates with painting and gilding will be very cool, because at home you won't eat every day, and for the wedding - just perfect! Well, and the vintage frames in which you can be photographed, ceramic vases, brass candlesticks, vintage bottles for colors, etc.

At weddings, special photocons are often arranged, where they put an antique chair or sofa, make decor from flowers, feathers and the like. In general, the brighter and an unusual thing, the better it will fit into the atmosphere of the celebration.

So decorators and photographers are one of the most active hunters for vintage treasures.


Here the most important thing to stay on time.If you wear a vintage dress, then shoes and accessories should be modern.If it is a vintage decoration, it should be combined with a modern dress, etc.In general, so that it is not created that you robbed Babushkin Cabinet.

Where to take vintage?

Parents, grandmothers, neighbors

The most amazing thing is that they even be happy to give you an old thing, and the most pleasant thing that such things will have a special story. Because she belonged to someone from your loved ones.

Such things are very valuable not only in their own way. appearance and history, but also by energy.

Flea markets

In each more or less large city on weekends, flea markets are held, where everything (most of her grandmother and gypsies) are sold old.

In such markets, you can buy quite interesting things for a penny. But the percentage of interesting things is 5/100, that is, on 100 junction units you can find 5 interesting things and worthwhile things.

It is better to come to such markets as early as possible to have time to buy the best ...or as long as possible, because the sellers are ready to give things to almost free.

Well, the main rule: bargain! Sometimes the seller does not understand the values \u200b\u200bof things and ready to sell it for a penny, and sometimes, on the contrary, trying to give out the Chinese bauble for something old and very valuable. Therefore, you need to learn to read marking, factory stamps and be able to determine the eye and touch, old it is a thing or modern.

EBay, Etsy, etc.

In online stores you can buy really interesting things: there you have already chosen sellers, washed and cleaned these items, you can compare the offers of several stores and choose the product suitable for you. The prices are truth is higher than on the flea market, but here the main comfort and convenience of purchase, as well as huge range choice.

Antique store

Antiques cost more than vintage, because it has a higher historical and cultural value.

As a rule, in antique stores sell gorgeous vintage things for astronomical money.

If you are not a collector, not a millionaire and not a connoisseur of art, then buying things in an antique store no sense. Of course, you can buy a tea couple of the XVIII century for several tens of thousands, but it is better to buy a new phone for this money.

Search Treasure

Here I wanted to write about who is looking for, he will always find.If you truly love Vintage, you can find other ways to search.

For example, in our Czech Republic, two times a year around the city drives the machine for collecting an older. People put old furniture and things to the houses. In general, for the disposal of old things you need to pay, you can't just bring to the garbage old cabinetYou need to pay to be taken away, but twice a year it can be done for free.

So, what is just not to carry out: and old furniture and carpets, mirrors, even saw a recently a couple of amazing vintage frames for paintings with gilding. In general, an excellent opportunity to walk around the city in the morning and see, someone will bring the old bedside table of your dream, which you can completely take yourself.

Or just look into the neighbors' courtyard. Ours, for example, in the yard lies a bunch of unnecessary wooden boards For termination of the fireplace. So in this pile they have vintage sledges. Fully wooden, with bent to the top of the seasons, covered with skin, I saw only in the movie "Morozko" and on the old New Year cards.

For neighbors, it's just the old sleds that they will trample a fireplace, and for someone it is a cool and fashionable subject of the interior.

Old house cleaning services

There are such services that are cleaned by old houses. For example, a man bought old houseand to start there repair, wants to completely clean it from old furniture And things from the previous owner. For this, he hires the guys who will be taken away from home. Among this trash can be completely unique things.

Nuances of buying:

About Vintage can not be said how much he should cost. Here everyone determines for himself, "how much I am willing to pay for this thing."Sometimes surprised how expensive some trifle can cost, and sometimes you find an unrealisticly chic thing for almost a snapsicle.So buying a vintage is also the hunt for the most interesting things.

Buying vintage, you must not forget that it vintage. That is, at least 25-30 years of this thing someone used.And she physically can't look like a new one (even if these 30 years she just stood on the shelf).Here you need to decide whether you are ready to use a vintage thing. For someone it is unacceptable. Someone absolutely calmly uses the old dishes, forks, spoons.

There may be cracks, scuffs, chips. These are all traces of time, and they give this thing even greater attractiveness.Like wrinkles on the face. Someone appreciates them and loves, as traces of time, experience and life, and someone is terribly afraid and takes only a completely smooth face.

Also, do not forget about the time when this or that product was done. For example, before the Second World War, the dishes were made and painted manually, so in one set you can see the discrepancy in the shades of the product. One saucer will be more saturated by color than another. One flower will be drawn a little more, the second is smaller.Or, for example, only 4 plates used in a set of 6 persons, then these plates will look more dull and possibly with traces of chip paint.

It is still important how this thing stored: if the tablecloth lay in front of the window, then her side will be slightly burnt, and the other is brighter.Do not forget, Vintage will never look like a completely new product. But this is his charm and uniqueness!

I hope I was able to restrict the veil over the world of vintage vintage things.And you love the vintage just as I love him.

If you have questions about Vintage - I will be happy to help and suggest in this matter, most importantly, feel free to ask!

Concept itself Vintage style It did not appear in the world of fashion, but in the field of winemaking. Specialists - winemakers came up with the name of the wine, which was kept for many years in necessary conditions. Translated by S. french This word means "high-end wine of many years of exposure." The style of the style of Vintage is a product quality and expensive, which can be saved for a long time.

Vintage style: style features

This style includes clothing, accessories, furniture, equipment, household items that were created no earlier than 20 years ago and no later than the tenths of the 20th century. Some fashion experts say that the vintage can be considered clothes that was created until the 60s of the XX century.

Very often vintage confused with retro. Fashion experts delimit these concepts. Retro - more extensive culture and less clearly directed, rather than vintage.

It is for this reason that fashion suites should be known that it was fashionable at a time or another. The vintage thing must be created at least 20 years ago, be fashionable and exclusive for that time pore.
In this style, accessories are extremely important - glasses, bags, gloves, decorations, as a rule, famous brands. It is impossible to call a vintage thing that was not exclusive at the time of its tailoring. The addition of accessories makes a vintage image more bright.

Vintage style: rare decorations

Rarity decorations are very expensive and not everyone afford. You can apply Hand Made jewelry. You can make such jewelry on your own, using as a sample vintage photos. This will already be Neevintage (imitation of rare things)

Vintage style: types

Vintage style is divided into several types:

Genuine - rare things created many years ago

Neevintage - Agreements

Combined - a combination of vintage and modern things.

Follow the rules
The main thing is not to overdo it. Combining clothes of different times, you can create a ridiculous tasteless image. Style Vintage follows the fashion of different decades.
Currently there are boutiques that sell exclusively vintage or non-inductive things.
To look beautiful and stylish in vintage clothes, fans of this style are examined not only the fashioned eras. Many studies old cinema, read the vintage books and periodicals to imbued with the spirit of the past years.
Dress in Vintage style is not easy. Need to competently take into account all fashion trends of the time you are trying to reproduce with clothes.

In the field of fashion - clothing released in the 20th century and gained relevance in the context of the fashion of the early XXI century ( vintage clothing). IN wide sense - Any household items in modern interpretation (retro style).

  • Vintage in music - old but well preserved, good Tool.
  • Vintage In the sphere of photography - photo series, which was made at the same time as the negative, or shortly after that.
  • "Vintage" - Russian pop group.
  • Vintage - Photo and video spornography Earlier in 1970, especially black and white.
  • Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


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    • Vintage chic Create for home and for the soul, Mikhailovskaya L .. Vintage chic "will decorate your house with Shebbi-chic pastel tones, will add lavender styles of Provence and intriguing retro-style motifs.. Among the vintage models of the book: Zagadyvaz" Angels ...

    The concept of vintage in modern fashionnits is associated with exclusivity, originality and high quality. The main purpose of this area is the revival of stylish models of clothing of past years. In practice, rarityvintage clothing Allows the representatives of the fine sex to meet the trends of the fashionable era, transmitting its spirit, style and mood. Not every old thing It is considered vintage, in this definition Fashion designers include the best design samples of clothing, made in the 20-60 years of the XX century.

    The rare things are fashionable to date, characterize the main style tendencies of a certain era. Generally,vintage style in clothes divided into several varieties:

    • neevintage - shabby, lost color, artificially aged models of clothing, which may not belong to the vintage era;
    • vintage - exclusive originals (originals) of famous fashion designers or trading houses created no later than the 80s;
    • stylization under Vintage - new samples of things, spent under a certain style of past decades. IN this case It can be used both full copying of a fashionable sample (replication) and underscores of individual nuances of Vintage style - prints on fabric, cutting, finishes, silhouette;
    • combination - In the manufacture of new clothing samples, elements of vintage trim - braid, buttons, bows, lace, fringe are used;
    • tailoring from rare (vintage) fabric - thanks to cuts of vintage material, you can sew clothes models like modern designand past years.

    Vintage style In clothes Directly associated with the age of things - blouses, tunics, caps, dresses are the personification of the style of the departed eras.

    • women could afford skirts / dresses slightly above the knees;
    • clothing styles have highlighted free, sometimes unformed eforming;
    • the bottom of the dresses, the skirt was asymmetric;
    • the waistline in clothes is slightly understated;
    • when sewing stylish evening outfits, the most diverse decor (feathers, sequins, grid, fringe, sequins) were used.
    • wardrobe acquired femininity, glamor;
    • fabrics were distinguished by a metal glitter;
    • blouses, dresses were with a high collar, clamps with ties, bows on the neck;
    • with the cover of clothes used chiffon, viscose, satin, silk, crepe.
    • in the wardrobe of women of those years, pants, sweaters, turtlenecks, strict jackets, jackets appeared;
    • apparel decor goes into the backgroundWhen you sewing things, attention was paid to convenience, practicality, comfort, not by beauty;
    • they prevailed in clothing, mainly dark monotonous shades.
    • the relevance acquired shirt-tunic casuals, trapezoidal dresses and lush skirts with a high waist;
    • magnical, volumetric hairstyles entered the fashion;
    60s The wardrobe of girls is radically changing - short haircuts, mini skirts, boots, shoes, shoes on the platform / heel are becoming popular.

    According to fashionable critics, only samples released to the 60s of the last century can be attributed to the vintage style. Clothing items made later include retro style.

    Used colors and drawings

    The vintage style of each era was distinguished by a particular palette of colors, drawing type:

    • in the 20s, the outfit of beautiful sex representatives looked elegant, throwing with a predominance of white, black flowers with a decoration under gold or silver. In the fashion there were monophonic silk, velvet shiny fabrics with sequins, rhinestones, beads;
    • 40th - Wardrobe Modnitz was distinguished by simple cut, natural tissues of blue, gray, brown, swamp, blue shades;
    • The 50-60s were distinguished by bright, joyful, in something naive gamut. Milk-white colors prevailed in fashion, shades egg shell, marine motives ("Telnyashka"), colors of milk and white chocolate, red-pink, coral, lemon shades;
    • 60-70-E - a period of stylish, bright hippies, ethnic motifs, geometric patterns, ornaments.

    Rules of drawing up image

    To recreate a unique, luxurious, emotional image, Vintage girls and women can look for inspiration in such stylish things, as:

    • elegant vintage silk or velvet dress with beads or sequins (for dates, dinner dinners);
    • dress-tunic of knitwear in style vintage, smooth fitting silhouette;
    • light vintage blouse with "neck" and a neat bow (combined with a pencil skirt);
    • vintage bitter, which can be thrown on the open shoulders, putting on the evening maxi dress;
    • a strict vintage jacket with high leaflets and a pronounced waist;
    • monophonic either color (in polka dot or cage) dress trapezium until the middle of the leg either before the knees;
    • stylish color shirt-blazer in Vintage style, which can be supplemented with a belt (well combined with jeans-jeans).

    Vintage style in clothes gives girls Special attractiveness, charm, you just need to competently pick a wardrobe, to wear it correctly. In order to look irresistible in the image of Vintage, stylists recommend representatives of beautiful sexfollowing:

    • learn Make up the image "Vintage" gradually.First you should addone thing, try to beat it with ordinary outfits;
    • never dress from head to head in vintage clothing. Enough 2-3 items, the rest is a movietone, which is suitable only for costume parties;
    • not all vintage samples may look attractive, fashionable, expensive. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the features of the individual shape ("Hourglass", "Apple"). Try to avoid excessiveness, lackless, stripping;
    • boldly experiment, show Fantasy when creating an individual, inimitable vintage image. This will stand out on the background of equally dressed fashionistas;
    • use Layout in the wardrobe - on top of the blouse, shirts you can wear a jacket or a soft pullover. The combination of old vintage clothing models with modern trends Express your extraordinary taste, unique style;
    • vintage outfit should be appropriate - create stylish wardrobe Suitable to the situation (Working atmosphere, date, ride out of town);
    • in order to look decent, for everyday socks it is recommended to choose vintage clothing in a concise style with elegant accessories. For exits, bright, complex images can be used.

    Creating an extraordinary image, you should listen to the recommendations of fashion critics, stick to the golden middle, then you will look irresistible and fresh.

    Accessories and decorations

    It is believed that it is correctly selected accessories that are able to transfer the real vintage chic.Women choosing vintage clothes Also worth paying attention to such details as:

    • vintage shoes are elegant shoes with an oval sock on a stable heel, the Lofer (for sports bow).
    • graceful and flirty vintage hats (for walking);
    • long gloves;
    • massive vintage glasses in horny frames.

    Special attention deserve bags - an integral part of any stylish vintage onion:

    • little leather clutches Chanel with a gold chain and corporate label (for a festive or evening dinner);
    • ridicul is a small accessory on a long belt, which can be processed by rhinestones or embroidery (combined with sophisticated dresses);
    • strict portfolio for Militari style;
    • square - a trapezoidal rigid skin bag (artificially aged).

    Decorations - complete barcode of a single vintage style. These are exquisite earrings, necklaces, bracelets, semi-precious rings, precious stones or high quality jewelry. Vintage decorations are selected, rumped into account the time of day and the type of event (evening and day bow).

    Also important meaning in the image Vintage has a spectacular hairstyle, competently applied makeupand, of course, the mood.



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