How to decorate a closet. Some creative ideas on how to update an old closet

landscaping 29.08.2019

You will need

  • - polished cabinet;
  • - self-adhesive film;
  • - roulette;
  • - scissors;
  • - flower sprayer;
  • - felt spatula or soft cloth.


Use self-adhesive film for decorative finishes closet. This is the cleanest way. You do not need the time-consuming process of removing the old coating. The film will perfectly lay down on the smooth polished tree.

Measure the surfaces of the cabinet that you will update. Get a self-adhesive of a suitable color and texture. Pay attention to the width of the film to avoid unnecessary seams on visible surfaces.

Carefully inspect the polished surface. If it has deep and wide scratches, chips, seal them with putty for woodworking. Pre-sand these places and prime them. After the putty has dried, sand the bumps again.

Postpone required dimensions on the lined back of the self-adhesive. You can update the entire surface of the cabinet, only the doors, or make an imitation of decorative inserts from the film. For this purpose, it will be interesting to look at a film with a pattern for weaving or leather.

Fill a flower spray bottle with water and add some dish soap or liquid soap to make a slightly soapy solution.

Spray soapy water on the surface of the polished cabinet where you will stick the self-adhesive film.

Separate the self-adhesive from the base from one edge by 5-10 cm. Bend the paper, and attach the sticky side of the film to the moistened surface of the cabinet. Pick up a felt spatula or a soft cloth. Carefully smoothing from the middle to the edges, expel water drops and air from under the film.

If a wrinkle forms, smooth it out immediately by peeling off the nearest edge of the film. Prick a random air bubble with a needle, then press this place with a cloth.

Choose new handles for the cabinet and decorative overlays. Can frame doors wooden architraves or polyurethane moldings or fillets.


On the surface of your old convenient closet there were chips and abrasions. Do not rush to carry it to the trash. Reestablish decorative coating, eliminate scratches, refresh the look of durable home furniture you can do it yourself.

You will need

  • - Grinder;
  • - Sandpaper;
  • - Paint remover;
  • - Putty knife;
  • - Brushes;
  • - Roller;
  • - Screwdriver;
  • - Varnish or paint;
  • - Primer for wood;
  • - New hinges and handles;
  • - Putty.


Remove all things from the closet and remove them from the room. Take it out, inspect them carefully, stroke them with your hand. There should be no hooks or roughness on their plane, otherwise you will ruin your things. Small irregularities can be sanded and varnished, or new shelves can be cut out of suitable material.

Remove old lacquer or paint from the cabinet. Use a blow dryer to remove old paint or special wash. After softening the paint layer, remove it with a spatula. Remove the lacquer with a grinder. Small parts sand with sandpaper.

Treat the entire cabinet with a wood primer. If on wooden surface traces of insect pests are observed, then smear damaged places with a special composition from carpenter beetles.

Choose a putty to match the cleaned wood. Repair small cracks and chips. Let the putty dry well. Sand the repaired areas.

Cover the surface of the cabinet with varnish or paint. If you varnish a fuck, then after each new layer, pass over the surface with a fine sandpaper. Then, do not forget to remove the dust with a damp cloth, and only then apply the next layer of varnish. If you paint the cabinet with paint, dry each layer thoroughly before applying a new one.

Install shelves, screw handles and locks. Look at the store for handles and other decorative items. New fittings can transform your old closet in an extraordinary way.

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Useful advice

When restoring the room, work with acrylic varnish and paints. They are strong enough and odorless.


  • do-it-yourself cabinet restoration

Gone are the days of oil-painted tables, chests of drawers and wardrobes. Mankind is experiencing an era of polished surfaces. But the polishing gets old, cracks, chips off during operation.

You will need


Purchase sandpaper and paint thinners from the home improvement section of the store. And if the furniture itself is still quite suitable, then it is not difficult to return it to its original form. And if you wish, you can change the color to a more modern or the most acceptable in the ensemble of the entire headset. To do this, first of all, you need to get rid of the old polishing.

If there are chips, remove the old varnish with an emery cloth. First coarse-grained, then fine, slowly, in a circular motion, clean the surface. For ease of use, screw the skin onto a wooden block and secure with small carnations. Choose the size of the bar according to your hand. If the damage is small and there are no chips, scoring can be limited to surface treatment with a cloth soaked in solvent.

Paint the prepared degreased surface in the desired color. Use acrylic or alkyd paints. Oil paints for a very long time, according to today's times, dry. As a rule, it is not possible to delay the repair process in the city. After the paint has dried, cover the surfaces with a colorless varnish.

There are less laborious, but no less effective method: updated with self-adhesive film. Measure all areas requiring restoration and record the data. Go to hardware store and choose the color of self-adhesive film you like.

Remove any metal or plastic protruding parts from the furniture. Wash the surfaces to be pasted thoroughly with a soapy detergent solution. Before applying the film, moisten the surface to be glued with clean cold water so that the glue does not immediately set. This precaution will allow you to correct the canvas if you immediately lay it inaccurately. When laying sheets of film, expel water from the center to the edges.


It is not advisable to paste over long and small-section parts with a film, for example, table legs. It's better to paint them.

Useful advice

If the work is large in volume, you can use grinder by renting it or from friends. The work will go faster.


  • furniture polishing

If you have old furniture left in your house, do not throw it away. You can breathe a second life into an old wardrobe with the help of restoration. Of course, you can not completely update the furniture. This is not required. You can bring back old furniture attractive appearance. This is for everyone. Choose the right design idea and get started.

Restoration stages

First you need to remove the shelves and doors. Don't forget the pens. The easiest way is to repaint the cabinet. Take a sander and remove the old layer of paint. This process must be done. Treat the surface of the cabinet outside and inside. Carefully go through each drawer with a sander.

Paint the surface in suitable color. When choosing it, focus on the overall color scheme of the interior. Don't want to practice? Then buy an adhesive film, try the options with a pattern. Do not rush, carefully align the film in the pasting process.

If you are not satisfied with the doors, remove the old ones and order new ones in the workshop. Decided to leave old door? Then be sure to tighten the screws. The door should close easily, without creaking. If you want, you can use old pens. Carefully remove the paint from them. This can be easily done using a special etching compound. Then paint the handles in the color of your choice.

If you don't have a sander, wash your closet with laundry detergent. Wait for the cabinet to dry. Wipe the surface with a degreaser. Old cabinets may be varnished. In this case, it is ideal to use a nail polish remover. If it is possible to spray the cabinet with a fungicide or insecticide, do so. Often there are cracks or chips on the surface of old cabinets. Putty these places, otherwise the appearance of the cabinet will be spoiled.

Buy a primer and coat the cabinet with it. Wait for the surface to dry completely and perform the sanding process. This is easy to do with a fine-grained sandpaper. Don't forget to sand the surfaces inside the cabinet. Remove dust carefully. Only after that is it worth it. Start painting inside the closet. Use a roller to apply the paint evenly.

Coat the cabinet with clear varnish after the paint has dried. Replace shelves and doors. Screw on new or refurbished knobs. The cabinet will serve you for a very long time. All work can be done independently. If you do not want to engage in restoration, you can contact specialized workshops.

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Cupboard in home interior- This is a thing that, as a rule, is used for more than one year.

Unfortunately, we are often faced with the fact that furniture, once modern and served faithfully, is becoming obsolete.

It is not surprising that over time appearance loses its former gloss surfaces scratches and cracks appear, varnish, dye dim, or change the rest furniture in the room makes it irrelevant in the new design. In the end, the question arises: what to do with it next?

The very basis of such furniture, as a rule, remains strong enough, and it is simply a pity to throw it away.

In this case, there are two options. Either purchase a new one, or, if there is a desire and a creative mood, update your closet. The second option will significantly save money and allow you to be proud of your own piece of furniture art.

Why throw away something that can still serve properly, at least for several years?

What can be done from an old closet ? There are many ways to update furniture. Before you get down to work, you should draw up a project in advance and imagine what it will be like. new look. Based on this, it becomes clear help what is to be finished furniture surfaces.

If your wardrobe is well preserved and perfectly fulfills its utilitarian functions, then updating it will not be difficult.

Restoration techniques are classified based on the materials used: specialists apply wallpaper and paint , photographs and fabrics, mirrors and decorative plaster. Having considered all the options, you can choose the most acceptable one from them and decide how to update an old closet.

As practice shows, you can give a second life to almost any thing.

One of the most economical and affordable ways do-it-yourself renovation of an old wardrobe - wallpapering . This does not require special skills or efforts. The restoration procedure is no different from a conventional repair with regluing wallpaper - except that the surface will be different.

It is advisable to select a material that would be easy to wash using special chemicals.

  1. First you need to choose a design wallpaper, color , which will "fit" into the interior of the room.
  2. Buy right amount material, having previously measured the area of ​​​​the body furniture.
  3. After that, it remains only to cut the strips of the desired length, apply a layer of glue on the surface of the cabinet and iron the glued roller wallpaper.

If there are certain patterns and patterns on the room wallpaper, it is desirable that the furniture be finished with a single-color coating.

With wallpaper can be turned old wardrobe into a harmonious part of the interior. This technique is often resorted to by interior designers, creating unusual projects.

Glue beautiful canvases, update old furniture, almost everyone will be able to restore it with their own hands.

Photo restoration

Another option is how to transform an old closet, is the use of photographs or photo wallpapers. This can be done with the help of large-format printing companies: with their help, you can enlarge any pictures and decorate the surface of the case with them, turning it into a panel or collage.

Modern technologies make it possible to make pictures of large size and high quality and on almost any surface.

Before pasting the photo on, needs to be cleaned surface furniture from old paints and level it with sanding and layer primer coating. After that, you can start sticking photos. Also practicing the consolidation of a new lookby applying layer transparent varnish.

When applying a picture on glass or a mirror, the picture will be glossy, and on chipboard it will be matte, like a photograph printed on matte paper.

Paint update

New design of an old cabinet can be created by recoloring. And we are talking about how to refresh the faded surface , and radically change it color with paint , giving the furniture freshness and originality. This is one of the most popular restoration methods, opening up a wide range of possibilities for changing the interior and increasing the options for What can be done from an old closet.

The best way to decorate and update an old wardrobe is to paint it.

Use of paint will require prior preparation.

Fabric decor

Update an old closet You can also use fabric. This will give the outlines softness and volume and allow you to harmoniously combine the furniture with the interior. The convenience of this technique is that at any time you can change the selected color without resorting to retraining surfaces.

The facade design fabric should be combined with textiles already in the room.

To update you will need:

  • Textile;
  • P rosolka (synthetic winterizer or foam rubber);
  • FROM furniture warmer.

Contrasting drawings on the fabric facade of the cabinet are very elegant, besides, they give the interior a “Japanese” atmosphere.

First, the lining is attached to the entire surface of the body with staples (another option is to use liquid nails). Matter is stretched over it and symmetrically fixed.


Applying decorative plaster is a more complex procedure that allows you to create three-dimensional facades with an unusual three-dimensional pattern.

This method produces three-dimensional elements, which can then be painted or gilded.

The updated surface can also be painted in the desired color , apply gilding or even patina, giving the effect of light aging.

If the product you will be decorating is covered old paint, it is necessary to process the entire surface with sandpaper.

For work you will need:

  • D decorative plaster;
  • Putty knife;
  • FROM special adhesive tape;
  • W trigger for stripping the body;
  • T stencil (you can buy it or make it yourself from cardboard).

Rollers for decorative plaster.

First you need to process the areas on which the decor will be applied. Stripping is carried out to the wood layer. If there are cracks, it is recommended to cover them with a layer of putty to even out surface.

The stencil is attached to the cabinet with adhesive tape, and a layer of decorative plaster is evenly applied on top of it.

The stencil is removed before the plaster dries. The irregularities that appear are leveled with a knife or spatula.

When the decor dries, it can be sanded again.

After that, you can start painting or coating with acrylic varnish. This will save surface from damage for a long time.

Mirror decoration

An elegant solution is to install mirrors on the facades old cabinet.

Mirrors will give volume to the room and brighten the space, making it more inviting.

For such a transformation, you will need mirrors and mounts. Having carefully measured the facade, you can order canvases in a specialized workshop.

A mirror on the cabinet door will immediately transform the room and update the interior.

It should be noted that the use liquid nails implies a horizontal surface. Therefore, you will either have to disassemble the caseor use conventional hinged mounts.

There is no need to smear the entire surface or apply thick stripes too close to the edge.

Old furniture that has served for a long time does not necessarily need to be replaced. Having shown imagination and making a little effort, you can give it a new look with your own hands and increase its service life by several years.

We hope that our ideas and tips will be useful to you.

VIDEO: How to paint an old wardrobe.

50 photo ideas for updating and decorating old cabinets:

After several years of living together, you suddenly catch yourself thinking: “What a clumsy and gloomy closet this is!”. And it's a pity to throw it away - on new money no, and this one has not yet worked out its resource. It's time to make your own cabinet decor.

Transform it with your imagination and our tips.

There are many ways to give old but still sturdy furniture a second life. At the same time, it will not only perform the usual functions, but also be a juicy and bright detail of the interior of your apartment.

Watch, learn the tricks, and then upgrade your closets with complete confidence in a great result!

"Rehabilitation" course

Inspect and restore first. In the course of the audit, imperceptible defects and malfunctions will necessarily be detected.

The main stages of restoration.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! Restoration is useful for any cabinet furniture, not just old cabinets.

If the result of the restoration suits you, then you can stop there.

Wallpaper can be glued on furniture

Better to use vinyl wallpapers and special glue. Having previously carried out an audit and restoration, we do the following.

ON A NOTE! If there are no convex or decorative elements, then you can paste it completely with wallpaper.

Plaster can make patterns

You can apply a three-dimensional ornament. To do this, you need a pattern stencil, a spatula and a special decorative plaster. After repairing minor defects, do the following.

ON A NOTE! The stencil is best made from plastic or PVC. Cardboard wears out quickly, gets wet and loses its shape.

Decorative plaster will appeal to those who appreciate the sophistication of interior solutions.

"Dress" for an old closet

Yes, you can paste over the body and doors with cotton fabric with a suitable pattern! You will also need - PVA glue, acrylic paints and varnish.

One of the original and affordable ways to decorate a cabinet is to paste it with a bright fabric.

After priming, do the following.

Cute cabinet with decoupage

If you admire this decor technique, then old furniture is a great place to experiment. Pick pictures for paper basis, buy fine sandpaper.

You will also need PVA glue, varnish, brushes and a roller to smooth the pictures.

After restoration, do the following.

Acrylic paints expand the range means of expression available to you as a designer.

It is necessary to find suitable old furniture on which you can give free rein to your imagination.

To conduct "experiments" on the cabinet you need:

  • Paints in dark and light pastel shades, as well as two or three bright colors;
  • Clear varnish and shellac;
  • A sheet of fine-grained sandpaper;
  • Furniture wax - bituminous (dark) and transparent;

Acrylic paints for furniture painting.

Do the following in that order.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! In order not to inadvertently give out the real age of the cabinet, “aged” with your own hands, use wooden handles and other fittings processed in the above way.

Antiquity in noble craquelure

Create with your own hands an antique rarity from the closet with a beautiful gilded texture, consisting of many small and deep cracks, “testifying” to the venerable age of the thing.

Craquelure is a painting method in which the main layer of paint, enamel or putty cracks.

To create a "magic potion" you will need:

  • Two-phase craquelure varnish;
  • Transparent acrylic lacquer with a matte texture;
  • "Golden" powder as a grout (powder made from non-ferrous metals ground to a finely dispersed state - bronze, aluminum, copper);
  • Sponge for grouting.

In order for the paint to become cracked, the surface is first covered with craquelure varnish.


ON A NOTE! Instead of powder, a special composition for patination and bituminous wax, “dry” pastel, are suitable. The longer the craquelure layer dries, the deeper the cracks on the surface of the furniture.

Secrets of Good Design

If you want to decorate furniture with a pattern, then do not use more than two or three colors. They should overlap with similar shades of interior elements of the room. In this case, the furniture will not look like a foreign body.When pasting furniture with wallpaper, follow the same principle.

Try to choose such wallpapers, the background of which matches the general color scheme of the interior, and the pattern itself is made with brighter and more contrasting colors.

Another option is also possible. When the walls are painted in thick colors (such as dark purple), use paint light tone(for example, white), and the doors and front walls drawers paste wallpaper with a small interesting ornament.There are cabinets with open shelves, on which there will be small interesting gizmos - paintings, figurines, books.

To give them an expressive background that emphasizes their beauty, wallpaper the inside of the back of the cabinet with wallpaper with a single-color ornamental pattern.

Choose a color so that it does not "clog" items on the shelves and emphasizes their beauty.Do not rush to throw away old furniture. Put a little effort, use our tips and you will create a small miracle from the closet with your own hands.

VIDEO: Restoration and decoration of an old kitchen cabinet.

50 photo ideas for decorating cabinets with your own hands:

I promised to talk about some methods of self-finishing cabinet fronts.
As you know, the main and most common filling sliding system cabinets is a mirror or glass.
And how this mirror or glass will be processed will subsequently affect everything general view any closet, i.e. no matter how bizarre geometry it is in shape, it is still the facade (face) that is the main advantage and beauty!

In fact, there are quite a few processing methods. From the simplest to the most complex, high-tech and costly.
I think it makes no sense to talk about everyone, because not everyone will be able to process glass / mirror with sandblasting or a special alkaline suspension, engraving or silk-screen printing at home.
Therefore, we will consider a couple of options for the simplest and at the same time quite beautiful finish wardrobe doors, which any master can independently make.

How to stick photo printing on glass yourself?

I already said in the article "" that one of the latest popular trends in interior design and decoration furniture facades- 3D photo. Sliding wardrobes with 3D photo printing and furniture with photo printing will make the design of any room unique.
The technology is like this:
Any image is printed on synthetic paper using a special large-format printer. For example, the company "ORACAL®".
This paper is self-adhesive (very similar to ordinary self-adhesive, only denser), which comes in rolls 1000 mm wide, and the length depends on how many doors. There are sizes and more.

in order to order 3D photo printing, you need to know exact dimensions glass, which will fill the frame of sliding doors.
For example.
The overall size of one door is 2260×907 mm.
Glass for such a door, based on calculations, should be 2198 × 872 mm and 4 mm thick.

For work we need:

  • Scissors.
  • Wallpaper knife.
  • Plastic wallpaper spatula ("wing") for smoothing wallpaper.
  • Household water dispenser.
  • Clean rag.

Let's get to work.

✓Cut off with a slight overlap (3-5 mm per side) the extra white margins of the photo printing sheet.

✓Gently, so as not to cut yourself, put the glass on the table.
✓ Wipe with a cloth and detergent glass from streaks and stains.

Now comes a very important technological moment.

  1. Glass before sticking must be sprinkled with water. This is the main condition. If this is not done, then you simply do not smooth the paper and ruin the material.
  2. You need to glue the image down, i.e. sticky base.

✓ We smooth the canvas with high quality and accuracy using a plastic pressure wallpaper spatula (“wing”).


It is better to work together - much more convenient.

✓Cut off the excess along the glass contour with a wallpaper knife.

All glass with photo printing is ready.

Now we are assembling the frame of the future door for the wardrobe.
✓ We put a silicone sealant on the ends of the glass around the perimeter.

✓Insert the upper and lower aluminum profile.
✓Insert the left and right racks.
✓ We fasten the entire frame with self-tapping screws that come with the rollers.
✓ We put the rollers (top / bottom).
How to collect, I described in detail in this.

Everything - the door is ready.

Drawing a photo on a sliding wardrobe gives practically unlimited scope for your imagination. The choice of plots is truly unlimited, and the material for applying the image will only emphasize and enhance your idea.

So, decorating the doors of sliding wardrobes with photo printing, for example, with the image of lips or palm trees, as in my case, you will create a special atmosphere that will excite and cheer you up.
By the way, in principle, this method can be used to update the facade of your old closet.
✓Only for this you need to disassemble the door frame, remove the filling from the chipboard (10 mm).
✓Measure its size.
✓Order glass (4 mm) according to its dimensions minus 2 mm in height and width for sealing.
✓Order your favorite photo printing according to glass size.
✓Buy a seal.
✓ And do everything as I said above.

How easy is it to decorate a closet mirror?

by the most in a simple way mirror decoration today is a decor sticker in the form of faceted elements from a mirror. They can also be tinted and highlighted in different colors.
In short - facet.

The modern technology of processing a mirror with facet is produced using high-tech machines that allow you to high precision chamfer the mirror at an angle of 30º-45º and simultaneously grind the cut surface.
You can order and buy such decor in furniture fittings stores.

Normal facet.

Facet on a mirror can be made on a mirror or glass with a thickness of 3 to 19 mm. The minimum mirror size for straight processing on a beveling machine is 50×50 mm, for curvilinear processing - 110×180 mm. The width of the bevel edge can vary from 5 mm to 50 mm.

Double facet.

In addition to the usual facet on the mirror, there is a double facet. In this case, along the wide edge of the edge, another narrower one is made. Double facet on the mirror forms a refraction of light with the effect of a brilliant cut

Artistic facet.

In this case, unique drawings are created - stained-glass windows made of multi-colored glasses decorated in a metal frame and faceted mirrors. Considering the possibility of making facet even on small glasses or mirrors, you have the opportunity to get a genuine work of art!
This is up to you to choose.

Operating procedure.
✓ Take the wardrobe door and remove it from the sliding system.

This is not difficult to do.
Just lift it up to the stop and at the same time pull the bottom towards you.

✓Place the door on a table or on the floor.
✓Glue bevelled products with silicone or liquid nails transparent glue, as you like.
✓ After two hours, when the glue dries, put the door back.


Putting the door is better with two people. One lifts, and the second falls with rollers into the slot of the lower guide.

You can also decorate the facades with frosted glass inserts and LED illumination. It also looks good.

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