How to glue torn linoleum at home. Linoleum repair: causes of damage and how to eliminate the consequences yourself

Decor elements 16.06.2019
Decor elements

Linoleum is enough durable coating, and with proper use even longer than the warranty period. But sometimes careless handling leads to the formation of tears in the material. For example, damage when rearranging furniture.

How to seal linoleum if the gap is small?

  • Examine the gap and evaluate its edges. If they are uneven, cut the fringe with a knife.
  • Raise the linoleum at the point of break, using a brush, apply PVA glue to the base and edges of the linoleum.
  • Glue by pulling the edges tightly. On the wooden base it can be fixed with very thin nails.
  • On the concrete base You can use double sided tape.
  • Seal the seam with cold welding.

How to seal linoleum with a large gap

In this case, you can glue the patch.

  • Cut a little patch from a piece of the same material bigger size.
  • Insert a patch under the linoleum into the place of the rupture - the edges will turn out to be "overlapped".
  • Carefully cut the border of the patch under the ruler, remove excess pieces.
  • Glue the patch, weld the edges with cold welding (a chemical adhesive that dissolves the edges of the coating with chemical reaction and forms a monolithic canvas).

To make the patch less noticeable, you need to know how to cut linoleum and do it according to the drawing. You can make several symmetrical patches so that they do not attract attention. If suitable material not found - you can take a piece from inconspicuous places - for example, under furniture, and in that place glue a piece of another material.

How to seal linoleum if the gap is very small?

There are several ways to prepare material for puttying a cut:

  • Rub a piece of similarly colored linoleum to form a powder. Mix it with clear nail polish or glue. Apply the resulting homogeneous composition to the cut - leave to dry.
  • Dissolve a piece of material in acetone to a state of thick sour cream, pour into the gap between the pieces.
  • Melt the pieces of linoleum with a soldering iron and glue the cut.

During operation, any floor covering wears out, loses its appearance, strength and integrity. This also applies to linoleum. Under influence external factors the material may show scuffs, dents, tears, and holes.

The reason for the appearance of defects on linoleum may be furniture legs, exposure sharp objects or shoes (heels). Damage can be repaired without complete replacement coatings. To do this, you only need to have necessary tools and materials. And how to close a hole in linoleum depends on the nature and size of the defect.

Troubleshooting can be done alone

To fix the damage, you will need the following tools:

  • Pen;
  • Ruler;
  • Rubber roller;
  • Cutter.

From the materials you need the following:

  • A piece of similar linoleum;
  • Glue;
  • Primer;
  • Turpentine;
  • Rosin;
  • Plywood;
  • putty;
  • Mastic;
  • Pigment.

Adhesive for linoleum

The process of sealing holes in linoleum is not dusty, but there will still be debris, so it is better to use a vacuum cleaner rather than a broom.

During the operation of the coating, careless rearrangement of furniture or other actions can lead to the formation of holes. They not only spoil the appearance of the floor, but also cling to the legs, leading to moisture getting under the flooring. The hole must be patched immediately, otherwise recovery will be problematic.

Repair of large damage

If a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe flooring is damaged, then it will not work to seal the hole. Linoleum can only be revived with a patch.

Replacing part of the deck

It is best for these purposes the same coating or as similar as possible is suitable. The patch is applied to the damaged area to adjust the pattern. Using a ruler and a sharp knife, cut off the excess. Align the edges of the hole with scissors, clean the base from dust. Glue the patch with glue or "hot welding".

Linoleum went in waves

It is quite easy to remove the waves that have appeared on the coating. First you need to check what caused this defect - to find the cause. Whether the skirting board is pressed strongly against the material, which prevents it from becoming smoother. Reinstalling the baseboard with a gap can solve this problem.

If the problem is not in the baseboard, then the next step is to check the fit of the coating to the wall. Is there a gap there, does the material rest against it. If required, then remove the excess, and put the plinth in place.

Reinstalling the baseboard might help

Also, waves can form from the presence of moisture and dust under the flooring. After checking and removing the causes, carefully seal the material and smooth it well to remove air.

Holes from coals

A burnt hole in linoleum is masked with a patch. To do this, a damaged area is cut out in linoleum in the form of a flat geometric figure. Ideal if after laying floor covering leftover material. You can cut a patch out of it. If not, then a similar material is selected in the store.

burnt floor

The patch is adjusted to the coating to match the pattern, size, texture. The area around the hole is sealed with masking tape. The floor around the defect is cleaned of dust, dirt, treated with a primer. Glue is applied to the place of the hole and a patch is glued. From above, install something heavy for a few days. When repairing linoleum, you can show your design skills and creatively decorate the defect with canvases of different colors or an unusual shape appliqué.

Docking seams

In large rooms or at joints on the threshold, the coating is joined by cold welding. During operation, linoleum can peel off at the junctions. You can fix this problem quite easily. To do this, the sheets of material must be stretched so that they overlap easily by 5 mm. Cut the resulting tubercle by attaching a ruler. Remove the cut pieces, degrease the edges, secure the nearby surface with adhesive tape. You can glue the seam with PVC glue (type C). From above set oppression for better fixing. After the glue has hardened, remove the adhesive tape, coat the joint with special wax.

Gluing with cold glue

torn holes

Depending on which edges of the torn hole in linoleum, one or another repair is selected. With smooth edges, you can do without a patch, and use glue for repairs. Otherwise, you should only patch it with a piece of linoleum of the right size.

When peeling off the flooring, it is removed, the old mastic is removed and carefully folded in another room. Then the base of the floor is also cleaned of mastic, existing defects and irregularities are eliminated, and treated with a primer. Further actions look according to traditional method linoleum flooring.

Sometimes the only way to solve a problem is to

How to eliminate blisters in linoleum

Bloating is formed due to the fact that the material did not have time to level off before fixing it with a plinth. It prevents the expansion of the coating under the action of temperature, and a wave appears on the surface. To fix such a defect, you need to perform the following steps:

  • Take the furniture out of the room;
  • Remove plinth;
  • Trim the linoleum around the edges, leaving a gap between the wall and the flooring;
  • Allow the material to lie down for a day;
  • Pass over the surface with a roller;
  • Glue the coating to the floor;
  • Install plinth.

If the swelling is small (bubbles, stripes), then there is no need to remove the plinth. To eliminate the defect in the center, make an incision, level the surface and install oppression. After a while, under the cut area, introduce glue and press until completely solidified.

To get rid of dents, the floor is treated with putty. It is prepared in two ways:

  • A mixture of 5 parts alcohol, 25 parts rosin, 4 parts castor oil with the addition of dye;
  • A mixture of 4 parts of turpentine and 1 part of rosin with the addition of a dye of the desired color.

After applying the mixture to the dent, it is necessary to level well and leave to dry. Clean the surface after drying sandpaper.

Dents are a common defect in linoleum.

If holes are formed on the linoleum, water can enter them, which will lead to swelling of the coating. Therefore, you need to fix the problem immediately with the help of PVC glue.

Stick masking tape on a small hole, in which to make a puncture right above the hole. Pour a little glue into the puncture (type A). Remove the tape after drying. Cut off the protruding parts of the adhesive and clean the surface.

Cavity filling

If the hole is large, then you need to follow the same steps, but without adhesive tape and use glue (type C).

Restoration of small holes

Thanks to the presence a large number modern means repairing minor damage will not be difficult. You can repair such defects using:

  • Mastics;
  • PVC glue;
  • sealant;
  • Homemade adhesive composition.

Before repair, the defect site is cleaned of dust and dirt. Then it is filled with one of the means.

Serious deck damage

Putty is used to remove scuffs, cuts and scratches. If unable to purchase ready mix, then you can make it yourself. It is prepared from rosin, turpentine and dry pigment. First you need to mix 4 parts of turpentine and one part of rosin, and then add a dye of a certain shade. The resulting mixture is applied to the defect in the coating. After the mass has solidified, it is cleaned of excess. For polishing and polishing the floor after repair, mastic is used.

Removal of paint from the surface depends on the freshness of the stain. Immediately after the paint hits the floor, it can be removed with a regular rag. If the paint is dried, then you can get rid of it mechanically or chemically.

Dried spots on the surface

At mechanical removal abrasive cleaners are used. It should be borne in mind that mechanical removal may damage the upper decorative layer of the material.

How to fix a hole in linoleum? - actual question at all times. In spite of big row advantages of this flooring, its tensile strength is not unlimited. At the time of device or operation, scuffs and holes may occur. Let's take a closer look at how to deal with this.

The following tools and materials are used for work:

  1. A piece of linoleum Required to make a patch.
  2. Plank metal or wood. For even cut material.
  3. Knife. The blade must be sharp and strong enough. A large clerical or painting knife are the best options.
  4. Spatula (rubber), masking tape, brush.
  5. Syringe for glue.
  6. Consumables for surface preparation and gluing: primer, glue, rosin, mastic, etc.
  7. Building hair dryer.

The list provided is for different types linoleum restoration.

Ways to solve the problem

Depending on the damage, the following recovery methods are distinguished:

  • Sealing with mastic, cold welding. Suitable for cuts, open butt joints.
  • Installing a patch. Produce the restoration of large torn holes.
  • Elimination of minor scratches, abrasions with the help of mastics, sealants.

For a specific case, its own technology of work, a tool is used. Consider separately the methods of patching holes.

How to fix a hole in linoleum without a patch

You can get rid of dents and holes of small diameter using special adhesives for linoleum:

A-type PVC adhesive. The consistency of the composition is quite liquid, suitable for sealing deep scratches, holes with a diameter of up to 1.5 mm. In order not to stain the adjacent surface, masking tape is glued to the place of the defect. In it, a neat incision is made above the hole in the floor covering. Syringe pumped up adhesive composition. Preferably flush with the surface. After hardening, remove the adhesive tape. If the glue sticks out above the surface, then it is carefully cut off with a knife. For best effect the place is waxed.

C-type PVC adhesive is suitable for larger holes. Has a thicker texture. The best option is the use in conjunction with a tint to match the color of the coating. Both compositions are mixed, poured into the hole.

In this way, small holes can be restored: a hole from a drill, deep scratches etc. For larger size, different technology is applied.

Features of sealing holes

Restoration of flooring has a number of subtleties:

  1. Location of the defect. If this is the center of the room, you will have to work hard to disguise the place of repair. In the corners, under the furniture, damage to the linoleum will be less noticeable.
  2. Defect scale. It is more difficult to repair large areas, it is impossible to do without a patch.
  3. The presence of a drawing. With such linoleum, for small defects, you will have to select several colors if there is no piece left from the installation of the floor covering.

If you do not immediately close up the hole that has appeared, then gradually it will spread under mechanical influence. Dirt will accumulate in it, which over time will lead to swelling of the coating, the appearance of unpleasant odors.

Repair of large damage

This section highlights 4 main problems and how to solve them:

If a defect occurs near the wall, then most likely the technical clearance was not observed during installation. They unscrew the plinth along three walls, trim the canvas, leave it to lie down for several hours, days, depending on the thickness of the material, the ambient temperature. The floor covering is straightened out, installed back.

If the linoleum is swollen with a bubble in the middle of the room, then neat cuts are made along the swelling on both sides, air is released, glued with masking tape so that excess glue does not stain the adjacent area. Glue is injected into the holes formed with a syringe, the edges are joined, fixed with masking tape, and left under the load.

The swelling of the coating is often due to stretching of the web. It will be necessary not only to cut the canvas, but also to remove its excess. Gluing is performed similarly to the previous methods.

Docking seams

When installed in large rooms and on the thresholds, the connection of linoleum is often performed using cold welding. During operation, such seams sometimes diverge. Anyone can glue linoleum on their own. Cloths should be stretched with an overlap of 5 mm. In the middle of the resulting mound, make a cut, capturing two edges. The operation is performed by applying a flat bar. Remove cut off excess. Degrease the edges, protect the adjacent surface with masking tape. For work, you need PVC glue C-type. Process the edges, glue, leave under oppression. The glue has frozen, the excess is carefully cut with a knife, the adhesive tape is removed, and the place of welding can be waxed.

Close up a hole from coals

Fixed by installing a patch. A damaged area is cut out on the floor. It is better if the hole is prepared in the form of a regular shape: square, circle, rectangle. If there is a trim left after installing the flooring, this is perfect option, otherwise you will have to go to the store, select the material that matches the color and pattern (if available). After that, a patch is cut out under the resulting hole, tried on. The pattern should match, the size (the patch fits into the cut-out space on the floor, fits snugly to the edges), the direction of the texture.

The edges around the hole are protected with molar tape. The floor in the area of ​​​​the hole is cleaned of debris, treated with a primer. Glue is applied to the patch, glued into the prepared hole. PVA, PVC glue are used. At the place of repair, oppression is set for 2 days. You can restore a burnt hole by showing design abilities. For example, make an application using canvases of different colors.

torn holes

It is solved with a patch or by gluing the torn surface back into place if the edges are even at the defect site.

Even large holes that have arisen at the time of operation can be repaired thanks to modern adhesives and ingenuity.

Elimination of minor damage

How to fix a small hole in linoleum? is a frequently asked question. Modern market offers a large assortment repair compounds:

  1. Mastic. Sold as a pencil or paste. A wide range of colors allows you to choose the right option.
  2. PVC glue for linoleum ( cold welding). Allows you to eliminate holes with a diameter of up to 2 mm.
  3. Wood sealer. These formulations are available in various color scheme, so they are often used to repair minor defects in flooring.
  4. Homemade composition. Made from various components. For example, colorless nail polish and shavings from the top layer of linoleum are used.

Before repair, the surface is prepared: cleaned of debris, degreased. After that, the holes are filled with the selected agent.

How to eliminate scuffs?

Minor scratches, surface damage to linoleum are eliminated by the following means:

  1. Wax for linoleum. Such a renewal of the coating is carried out if the damage is shallow. They are rubbed with the edge of a coin, eliminating the uneven edges. Treated with wax, get a uniform glossy surface. But this procedure will have to be repeated periodically.
  2. Mastic. It is important to choose the desired color. Shallow damage can be covered with mastic.
  3. Polish. This tool is used to restore the protective layer of the floor covering.

Such materials will allow you to update the coating, eliminate scuffs that have arisen due to damage to the protective layer of linoleum.

How to seal linoleum is selected in a particular case. It largely depends on the type, scale of damage, financial capabilities. Any chosen method requires a patient and careful attitude. Then the place of repair will not have to be additionally masked with carpets and furniture.

Useful video: Restoring old linoleum

PVC floor or natural roll coatings look presentable and are characterized by good resistance to compressive loads and abrasion. But in case of violation of the conditions of laying and operation, it is easy to make a hole in linoleum or a cut, burn it or even “decorate” it with hard-to-remove stains. Any defects can be dealt with at home with your own hands.

Features of linoleum coatings

For the home, most often, buyers choose inexpensive household or semi-commercial series 21-23 and 31 wear resistance classes. Linoleum, although it belongs to elastic floor materials, but the surface of natural and PVC products is sufficiently resistant to abrasive effects, and some collections can even withstand furniture rollers, sharp heels women's shoes and animal claws.

But, unfortunately, buyers do not always listen to the recommendations of manufacturers, or do not have financial capabilities. Therefore, a coating that does not correspond to the load class of the room is chosen. For example, for a corridor or a kitchen in a house with small children and pets, class 21 economy series are purchased. Or even worse - due to the limited budget in schools and kindergartens, material of 21-22 categories from the household series is laid on the floor with the lowest possible protective layer. And do not be surprised that the linoleum broke so quickly, gathered "accordion" or lost its gloss. For such rather harsh conditions, completely different coatings are designed - from class 31 and above.

Blaming manufacturers for the manufacture of low-quality floor products, buyers forget about another important factor - correct styling. Factories Tarkett, DWL, Juteks, Grabo, Forbo and others strongly recommend that you carefully read the instructions before installing the coating. It states in black and white that:

If mistakes are made, and the surface of the linoleum is damaged, then do not despair. With the desire and some skill, almost any defect can be corrected.

Do-it-yourself linoleum repair

One of the characteristics of rolled marmoleum and PVC coating is partial maintainability. This means that, for example, a small cut or swelling is easy to repair - it is enough to carefully seal the torn linoleum using special compounds. But the burnt area and other types of holes are more difficult to eliminate. We will tell about everything in order below.

Stubborn stains, traces of rubber, glue, varnishes

Stubborn stains.

Such contaminants are classified as complex, so a special tool is used to remove them. household chemicals. For example, Forbo and Wicanders have a whole series of care, cleaning and protection products. natural coatings(marmoleum, cork, parquet). And Dr. Schutz, InterChem and Tarkett produce professional cleaning and maintenance chemicals for vinyl flooring. Including:

Advice! For cleaning PVC roll coatings, marmoleum and cork, it is not recommended to use products containing chlorine, abrasive powder cleaners, solvents and petroleum products.

Of course, this list is far from complete. The range is huge, so choosing the right one is not difficult. But you should not listen to the advice of unfortunate masters and worsen the condition of the coating with sandpaper, abrasive powders. It will not restore a burnt or contaminated area. On the other hand, durable upper layer will be deleted, and the defective area will be irretrievably damaged.

Small defects associated with a violation of the integrity of the coating

Cuts, punctures, torn areas

What to do if by negligence cut or torn linoleum? Everything is very simple - fix it by gluing using PVA or "cold welding". The latter is a series of adhesive polymer compounds that not only connect, but fuse parts of the web, forming a strong, almost invisible seam. Available in three variations:

In order to glue the parts as accurately as possible, special needle-shaped tips with a standard or C-, T-shaped nozzle are included with the adhesive tube.

"Cold welding" refers to slightly toxic and flammable building materials therefore, it is necessary to work with it carefully, preferably using personal protective equipment (glasses, gloves)

Before work, the glued elements of linoleum must be cleaned of dirt, mastic residues, torn felt or pieces of foam base, dust. If there are recesses in the base, they must be filled with quick-drying cement and vacuumed. Protect the cut or torn canvas from excess glue protruding to the surface with a piece of masking tape, insert a needle into the joint or puncture and squeeze out a little adhesive mass and leave to dry. After a few hours (the exact period is indicated in the instructions), you can load the coating as usual.

Formation of waves on the surface

Wave-like swellings on the surface almost always appear due to incorrect, glueless installation. Less often due to high humidity bases (dampness, etc.). In the first case, you need to remove the furniture from the room, remove the baseboards, heat the linoleum with a building hair dryer and smooth it thoroughly. It is advisable to load the surface for several days in order to fix the coating in the desired position.

But dampness and its consequences will have to be dealt with seriously. First you need to eliminate the source of high humidity, dry the base, if possible, waterproof. Only after that it is possible to lay linoleum using adhesive compounds.

Blisters, seams

Locally swollen areas can be eliminated with PVA glue or “cold welding”: we pierce the bubble or make a cross-shaped incision, introduce the composition under the canvas and glue the linoleum to the base.

The "raised" edges of linoleum are easily repaired with the same adhesives - welding or polyvinyl acetate. But you need to strictly follow the instructions.

If the joints in doorways or in the middle of the room they diverged by more than 4 mm, the edges are frayed, then it is better to use metal or PVC thresholds to connect them. The range of products is wide: with open or hidden fasteners, painted with a polymer powder composition or laminated to match the color and texture of linoleum. Picking the right one, we believe, will not be difficult.

How to seal punched holes, blackened or delaminated areas

In this case, a local replacement of the damaged piece is carried out. To do this, a section of the coating is selected, if possible, of the same color and design. The defective area is removed, the remnants of old glue or mastic are cleaned off the base, if necessary, alignment, cleaning from dust and dirt is carried out. Next, a fresh adhesive composition is applied with a brush to the base floor, a patch is inserted, and carefully smoothed. You can put the load on the surface for several days.

In conclusion, I would like to note that any repair of linoleum should be carried out immediately upon detection of defects. Otherwise, the damaged area will increase day by day, and the possibilities for its repair will decrease.

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Today on construction market many various options floor coverings. Nevertheless, linoleum is still just as popular. It attracts with its low cost and practicality. Even the fact that the material is not sufficiently resistant to mechanical stress does not play a special role, since it is not difficult to repair such a floor covering on your own.

Buying linoleum these days is very simple. The store will offer you all kinds of options for this floor covering, which differ in different characteristics: household linoleum, semi-commercial and commercial, and even 3D linoleum.

What is the cause of defects

A novice master can also handle laying a linoleum floor if he follows the manufacturer's recommendations. The main requirement is the presence of a flat and dry base. The conditions are simple, but very important.

  • Many believe that due to its elasticity, it will lie flat even on an insufficiently leveled base. Perhaps, but only if it's not a hole in the floor. The material, of course, will hide them, but will not fill them. And this means that a sharp heel will make a hole in the coating in this place.
  • If the substrate is damp, the linoleum may swell. A similar defect can be encountered if the laying is performed on an overly thin mastic layer or poorly prepared glue. After drying, the coating begins to flake off the floor.

In case of violation of the installation technology or inaccurate handling, various mechanical damages may occur on the floor surface, for example, tears or cuts may form, delamination of seams may begin, and more.

Any defect will primarily affect appearance gender. Replacing it entirely is a big extra expense. That's why self repair linoleum can become great solution Problems.

How to remove stains from linoleum

Immediately, we note that it is undesirable to use emery cloth or abrasive powders for cleaning linoleum. They can damage the polyurethane layer responsible for its wear resistance, and it will be hopelessly damaged. Also, solvents and chlorine-containing compounds should not be used for these purposes.

There is an opinion, for example, that gasoline and turpentine have exceptional cleaning qualities. However, they can easily spoil the coating pattern. If they are used, then only as minimal additions to water. So, first think carefully about how to wash linoleum after repair and how.

Usage special means produced by FORBO, INTERCHEM or others are much more effective and safer. They offer buyers various means designed to care for linoleum, for example, various

  • polishes;
  • emulsions containing modified polyurethane, which can be used to restore the wear-resistant layers of the material;
  • mastics for the restoration and repair of linoleum;
  • concentrates used to remove oil and grease stains. They also help remove paint, graphite, ink, and traces of rubber from the floor surface.

How to deal with blisters in linoleum

Such a defect is most often associated with the fact that the material did not have time to “lie down” and was immediately fixed around the perimeter with the help of skirting boards. They will prevent thermal expansion of the coating. This will cause the formation of "waves" on large area. In such cases, linoleum repair is performed in the following order:

  • furniture is completely removed from the room;
  • remove skirting boards;
  • the coating can rest against the walls, then it is cut at the edges by 20–25 mm;
  • linoleum is left in this state for a day, then rolled using a roller or a heavy bag;
  • if swelling remains after rolling, these sections are glued to the base.

If we are talking about repairing only small bubbles or stripes, then there is no need to shift the floor. It is enough just to cut these sections in the center, straighten the edges and press down with a load. After a while, under the straightened sheets they start right amount glue and press until fully set.

On a note

The material may stretch, causing a wrinkle. In this case, you first need to cut off the excess so that you can dock the parts.

small hole repair

To restore a point area - up to 1 sq. cm use adhesive mixture. It is possible to buy ready kit for repair, containing a solvent, color, repair compound and a spatula, or use a special PVC adhesive.

  • the damaged area must be cleaned;
  • choose the right shade of color;
  • add it to the repair composition and mix until you get the desired shade;
  • the resulting mixture fills a hole in the linoleum, level and remove excess.

How to apply a patch

If the damaged area is large enough, then it will have to be replaced. You just need to pick up a piece of the same color so that you can combine the pattern as much as possible.

On a note

It is desirable to save the remains of the material after the installation of the floor, they may be useful in the future for repair work. The patch from the waste will be almost invisible.

Repair sequence:

  • roughly determine the size of the patch;
  • a new piece of canvas is applied to the repaired area and the pattern is adjusted;
  • then both canvases are cut along the perimeter with a sharp knife. It is better to do this by laying a metal ruler along;
  • the damaged material is removed, and the exposed area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe base is cleaned with an emery cloth;

Fight against punctures and dents

Water can seep under it through a puncture in the coating, and as a result, it may swell. Therefore, it is better to remove them as soon as they appear. For repair use polyvinyl chloride glue.

If the puncture is small - up to 1.5 millimeters in diameter:

  • masking tape is stuck on it:
  • a thin hole is made just above the puncture. Its size is selected so that the tape at the edges does not go into a puncture;
  • pour a small amount through the hole liquid glue A-type;
  • after waiting for crystallization, the tape is removed;
  • cut off tubercles of hardened glue from the surface of the coating.

For repairing punctures with a larger diameter (up to the size of a large coin). Filling is performed using the same technology, only without the use of adhesive tape.

Dents are sealed with putty. Prepare it in one of the following ways:

  • Prepare a mixture of alcohol, rosin, castor oil, taken in a ratio of 5:25:4, add dry paint under the shade of the coating and mix thoroughly.
  • The mixture is prepared from thick turpentine and rosin (4: 1), where the color of the corresponding color is added.

Having finished sealing the dent, smooth the putty with a spatula and leave to dry. The surface is then sanded using sandpaper.

Linoleum is torn: what to do

In this case, C-type PVC adhesive, the so-called cold welding, will come to the rescue. It has a thick consistency and is close in composition to the polymers used in the production of linoleum. That is why various coating defects can be eliminated in this way.

Repair work begins with the preparation of the coating:

  • clean the repaired area;
  • pass along the edge of the breaks (cuts) with sandpaper to remove burrs. With an uneven cliff, a fringe is formed along the edges, which is removed with a paint knife;
  • the coating at the rupture site is carefully lifted, glue is squeezed out into the opened space and distributed along the rupture. The adhesive composition is thick and will not spread.
  • pulling tightly, the processed edges of the linoleum are carefully connected and left to dry;
  • it is desirable to additionally fix the damaged area around the edges. Small nails are used for wooden floors, and thin tape is used for concrete floors;
  • after a couple of days, the adhesive tape and nails are carefully removed and the surface is cleaned of traces of adhesive tape and glue;
  • the repaired area is masked with mastic of the corresponding color.

It will be useful

  • A small defect, as an option, can be hidden under the original applications in the form of contrasting patches that create some kind of pattern: a rose, a butterfly, and so on. Then a special varnish for linoleum is applied to these places.
  • Small gaps formed at the joints of the coating are filled with hot paraffin. It should be enough to form a convex seam. The frozen seam is carefully cleaned with a blunt knife (so as not to accidentally damage the linoleum) and polished with a dry woolen cloth.
  • Stubborn stains can be removed with fine sandpaper. In any case, it will not work to get the full effect, but the stain will become lighter. It will need to be rubbed with a piece of cloth dipped in vegetable oil, or shoe cream for shoes of the appropriate shade after each wet cleaning floor covering.
  • Receding corners can be fixed with foam and acetone. A small, approximately 20x20x20 mm, packaging foam is placed under the departed area and acetone is applied to it with a pipette - 9-10 drops. When the foam is completely melted, the corner is quickly returned to its place and strongly pressed. It is advisable to crush it with a load.

If for one reason or another you do not undertake the restoration of the floor yourself, you can always find a linoleum repairman who will solve your problem.

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