The image of Eugene Onegin presentation for a lesson in literature (grade 9) on the topic. Presentation, report Image of Eugene Onegin

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"Lessons on Pushkin Eugene Onegin" - Summing up the lesson. Lesson-prologue to the study of A.S. Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin". composition of the novel. Anna Akhmatova. Introduction by the teacher. The novel "Eugene Onegin". The heroic world of the novel. Lesson plan. A.S. Pushkin.

"About Eugene Onegin" - Onegin is not looking for a quiet family life. The history of the Russian realistic novel begins with "Eugene Onegin". A.S. Pushkin - Evgeny Onegin (First edition). Tatyana Larina is the prototype of Avdotya (Dunya) Norov, Chaadaev's girlfriend. Olga Larina is a generalized image of a typical heroine of a popular novel. It was created over 7 years: from May 1823 to September 1830.

"Pushkin Eugene Onegin" - A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" A novel in verse. Not that...not that, God forbid! Essays. Pushkin published the novel in chapters as it was being written. In which work of A.S. Pushkin, we have already met with the symmetrical construction of the plot? And the distance of a free novel I still did not clearly distinguish through the magic crystal. Onegin, Tatyana and the Author are central works in the figurative system.

"Eugene Onegin game" - Alexander I, October 19, 1811 Eugene Onegin Vladimir Lensky Tatyana Larina Olga Larina. How did the Russian critic V. G. Belinsky call the novel "Eugene Onegin"? Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. Here Pushkin worked very fruitfully. If the answer is incorrect, then the right to move passes to the other team. Who are we talking about?

"A lesson on Eugene Onegin" - Vladimir Lensky. Eugene Onegin. Lesson topic: "The system of images of the novel "Eugene Onegin". Tatiana. My God! I thought: liberty and peace Replacement for happiness. How wrong I was! how punished! -. Task: Give an assessment of the character you like most from the novel "Eugene Onegin". Working with a baseline. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

"Eugene Onegin letter" - What a bitter contempt your proud look will portray! Alien to everyone, not bound by anything, I thought: happiness and peace Replacement for happiness. Chapter 2. Tatyana's letter to Onegin. A.S. Pushkin. Why did you visit us? And we ... we do not shine with anything, Though you are welcome and ingenuously. Paleness is Tatyana's constant epithet: "pale color", "pale beauty".

In total there are 14 presentations in the topic

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Presentation on the topic: The image of Eugene Onegin Grade 10

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Life of Onegin. Eugene Onegin is the central character of the novel of the same name by A.S. Pushkin. The plot of the work is built around this image; the author tells about the fate of Onegin for eight chapters. Eugene is a contemporary of Pushkin, his "good friend", and many critics identify the author and his hero. But the poet himself constantly draws the line: Always glad to notice the difference between Onegin and me From the first pages of the novel, readers will learn about how Pushkin's hero was brought up, what he was interested in, what habits he had. The upbringing of Eugene, in the fashion of that time, was entrusted to French tutors. These people in their homeland served as hairdressers, bakers, tailors, so they could hardly give Russian “undergrowths” a decent education. Therefore, talking about the upbringing of Onegin, Pushkin ironically: ... a poor Frenchman, So that the child would not be exhausted, He taught him everything jokingly, He did not bother with strict morality, Slightly scolded for pranks And drove him to the Summer Garden for a walk. We see that the hero received a very superficial education, he could only “touch everything lightly”, but for the high society of that time this was quite enough. Onegin carried out a progressive socio-economic transformation on his estate: and the slave blessed the fate, ”but that was where all his participation in the life of the peasants ended.

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In the first chapter, Pushkin describes in detail one day in the hero's life. Onegin leads a lifestyle typical of secular youth: attends the theater, restaurants, balls. ". But Onegin stands out from the general mass of aristocratic youth: no matter what he does, he is constantly accompanied by a state of disappointment, dissatisfaction, "spiritual emptiness." His “dreamy devotion, non-imitative strangeness and sharp chilled mind”, inner nobility, self-criticism, decency did not allow him to indulge in idleness, lead a wasteful lifestyle, and “free, in the prime of his best years, among brilliant victories, among everyday pleasures” Onegin feels a sense of bitterness, boredom, contempt for the “empty light”: But is he happy? We see that he is not: he is bored in the theater, he is not interested in Onegin's ballet, so he yawns. Friends and women surrounding him in St. Petersburg are tired: Until the morning his life is ready, Monotonous and motley, And tomorrow is the same as yesterday ... Trying to realize himself in life, Onegin tries to write, but "nothing came out of his pen", reading also does not bring pleasure to the hero: "I read, read, but all to no avail." And then, in order to distract himself from the monotony of secular life, Eugene goes to the village: For two days he seemed new Secluded fields, The coolness of a gloomy oak forest, The murmur of a quiet stream; On the third grove, hill and field He was no longer occupied with more ...

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Friendship In the province of Onegin, he meets the educated, romantic young poet Lensky, who believed in the progressive transformation of society, “believed that his friends were ready to accept fetters for his honor ... That their immortal family would someday illuminate us with irresistible rays and bestow bliss on the world.” Enthusiasm, enthusiasm, daydreaming, “ardent conversation” of the young poet evoked a condescending smile of Onegin disappointed by life, having no illusions, having no ideals, not believing in the “world of perfection” Onegin. But the mind, education, rejection of the surrounding world of prudence and without spirituality brought the heroes closer. Vladimir Lensky is the complete opposite of Onegin, he is a fan of the idealistic philosophy of Kant, a poet, a romantic. The image of Lensky is necessary for Pushkin in order to show how far these heroes are from each other: Between them everything gave rise to disputes, And attracted to reflection: Tribes of past treaties, Fruits of science, good and evil ... Lensky's romanticism seems to Onegin a ridiculous, absurd fantasy. Vladimir is divorced from reality, he does not know life at all, he is in the clouds. Onegin, although cold and prudent, lives by reason, not by heart. Both Eugene and Pushkin himself ironically and laugh at the eccentric Lensky. However, Vladimir seems to fill in Yevgeny's soul what he lacks. And so the characters are friends.

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Pushkin introduces female characters into the novel as well. A special place in the development of the plot is occupied by the love of Onegin and Tatyana. Olga, her sister, Yevgeny considers an empty coquette, an anemone, and chooses Tatyana. This heroine grew up in a village alone with nature, and therefore knows how to feel subtly, empathize. However, Onegin rejects the love of a sweet village noblewoman only because he considers himself not created for family life, he is afraid of losing his freedom. And at the same time, he does not want to be a burden for Tatyana, to make her unhappy: Marriage will be torment for us. Such an act can be considered noble. Onegin cannot change himself, his habits, and Tatyana is too pure and innocent for him, so he is afraid to tie himself to her with the “bonds of Hymen”. Onegin cannot resist the customs of the society in which he grew up

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Life of Onegin.

Eugene Onegin is the central character in the novel of the same name by A.S. Pushkin. The plot of the work is built around this image; the author tells about the fate of Onegin for eight chapters. Eugene is a contemporary of Pushkin, his "good friend", and many critics identify the author and his hero. But the poet himself constantly draws the line: Always glad to notice the difference Between Onegin and me From the first pages of the novel, readers will learn about how Pushkin's hero was brought up, what he was interested in, what habits he had. The upbringing of Eugene, in the fashion of that time, was entrusted to French tutors. These people in their homeland served as hairdressers, bakers, tailors, so they could hardly give Russian “undergrowths” a decent education. Therefore, talking about the upbringing of Onegin, Pushkin ironically: ... a poor Frenchman, So that the child would not be exhausted, He taught him everything jokingly, He did not bother with strict morality, Slightly scolded for pranks And drove him to the Summer Garden for a walk. We see that the hero received a very superficial education, he could only “touch everything lightly”, but for the high society of that time this was quite enough. Onegin carried out a progressive socio-economic transformation on his estate: and the slave blessed the fate, ”but that was where all his participation in the life of the peasants ended.

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In the first chapter, Pushkin describes in detail one day in the hero's life. Onegin leads a lifestyle typical of secular youth: attends the theater, restaurants, balls. ". But Onegin stands out from the general mass of aristocratic youth: no matter what he does, he is constantly accompanied by a state of disappointment, dissatisfaction, "spiritual emptiness." His “dreamy devotion, non-imitative strangeness and sharp chilled mind”, inner nobility, self-criticism, decency did not allow him to indulge in idleness, lead a wasteful lifestyle, and “free, in the prime of his best years, among brilliant victories, among everyday pleasures” Onegin feels a sense of bitterness, boredom, contempt for the “empty light”: But is he happy? We see that he is not: he is bored in the theater, he is not interested in Onegin's ballet, so he yawns. Friends and women surrounding him in St. Petersburg are tired: Until the morning his life is ready, Monotonous and motley, And tomorrow is the same as yesterday ... Trying to realize himself in life, Onegin tries to write, but "nothing came out of his pen", reading also does not bring pleasure to the hero: "I read, read, but all to no avail." And then, in order to distract himself from the monotony of secular life, Eugene goes to the village: For two days he seemed new Secluded fields, The coolness of a gloomy oak forest, The murmur of a quiet stream; On the third grove, hill and field He was no longer occupied with more ...

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In the province, Onegin meets the educated, romantic young poet Lensky, who believed in the progressive transformation of society, “believed that his friends were ready to accept shackles for his honor ... That their immortal family would someday illuminate us with irresistible rays and bestow bliss on the world.” Enthusiasm, enthusiasm, daydreaming, “ardent conversation” of the young poet evoked a condescending smile of Onegin disappointed by life, having no illusions, having no ideals, not believing in the “world of perfection” Onegin. But the mind, education, rejection of the surrounding world of prudence and without spirituality brought the heroes closer. Vladimir Lensky is the complete opposite of Onegin, he is a fan of the idealistic philosophy of Kant, a poet, a romantic. The image of Lensky is necessary for Pushkin in order to show how far these heroes are from each other: Between them everything gave rise to disputes, And attracted to reflection: Tribes of past treaties, Fruits of science, good and evil ... Lensky's romanticism seems to Onegin a ridiculous, absurd fantasy. Vladimir is divorced from reality, he does not know life at all, he is in the clouds. Onegin, although cold and prudent, lives by reason, not by heart. Both Eugene and Pushkin himself ironically and laugh at the eccentric Lensky. However, Vladimir seems to fill in Yevgeny's soul what he lacks. And so the characters are friends.

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Pushkin introduces female characters into the novel as well. A special place in the development of the plot is occupied by the love of Onegin and Tatyana. Olga, her sister, Yevgeny considers an empty coquette, an anemone, and chooses Tatyana. This heroine grew up in a village alone with nature, and therefore knows how to feel subtly, empathize. However, Onegin rejects the love of a sweet village noblewoman only because he considers himself not created for family life, he is afraid of losing his freedom. And at the same time, he does not want to be a burden for Tatyana, to make her unhappy: Marriage will be torment for us. Such an act can be considered noble. Onegin cannot change himself, his habits, and Tatyana is too pure and innocent for him, so he is afraid to tie himself to her with the “bonds of Hymen”. Onegin cannot resist the customs of the society in which he grew up

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Killing a friend.

At that time, men defended their honor in duels. By tragic accident, he kills his friend, Vladimir Lensky. But I think that in his heart Onegin regrets this act. He is suppressed, rejected by the light. To get rid of suffering, the hero leaves for Petersburg. Conclusion:

The tragedy of Onegin is that his life, his fate "spoiled by the light." He is trying to find an application for his strength, to be useful to society. But it is the spiritual emptiness of the surrounding world that makes the hero selfish, weak-willed. He himself suffers and suffers from this, but cannot change, become different. Onegin is able to feel, to suffer, but the inner world around him seems to be fenced off by a thick wall, and therefore he is perceived as a cold, prudent egoist. The image of Onegin opens a gallery of portraits of "superfluous people" in Russian literature. Following him, Lermontov's Pechorin, Turgenev's Rudin, Goncharov's Oblomov will appear... The fate of these heroes is also "spoiled by the world", by upbringing, and they suffer from the fact that they cannot find a use for themselves, be useful to society. But this is not only their personal tragedy, it is also the tragedy of the society in which they exist.

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But a few years later, Eugene reappears in St. Petersburg. This is no longer the same person we meet at the beginning of the novel. Life trials have changed the character of the hero, he is aware of his own mistakes and tries to correct them. Years later, Onegin realizes that he really loves Tatiana, but now she rejects him. From a provincial noblewoman, Tatyana turned into an important married lady. And although in her soul she remained the same, family duty for her is higher than love, she listens to the voice of reason. At this plot narrative of the novel is completed, Onegin is left alone with himself. But a few years later, Eugene reappears in St. Petersburg. This is no longer the same person we meet at the beginning of the novel. Life trials have changed the character of the hero, he is aware of his own mistakes and tries to correct them. Years later, Onegin realizes that he really loves Tatiana, but now she rejects him. From a provincial noblewoman, Tatyana turned into an important married lady. And although in her soul she remained the same, family duty for her is higher than love, she listens to the voice of reason. At this plot narrative of the novel is completed, Onegin is left alone with himself.

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Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school No. 11" Image of Evgeny Onegin Zotova Elena Anatolyevna teacher of Russian language and literature Sheregesh 2013

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Onegin, my good friend, Was born on the banks of the Neva, Where, perhaps, you were born...

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We all learned little by little Something and somehow, So education, thank God, It is not surprising for us to shine. Onegin was, in the opinion of many (Resolute and strict judges) A ​​small scientist, but a pedant ... He could not distinguish an iambic from a chorea, No matter how hard we fought, to distinguish. Branil Homer, Theocritus; But he read Adam Smith, And he was a deep economy, That is, he knew how to judge how the state is getting richer, And how it lives, and why ...

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Here is my Onegin at large; Cut in the latest fashion; How dandy (2) London dressed - And finally saw the light. He was perfectly able to speak and write in French...

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How early could he be hypocritical, Hold hope, be jealous, Dissuade, make believe, Seem gloomy, languish, Be proud and obedient, Attentive or indifferent! ... Easily danced the mazurka And bowed at ease; What do you want more? The light decided that he was smart and very nice ...

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The village where Eugene missed Was a lovely corner; There, a friend of innocent pleasures could bless the sky. "Our neighbor is ignorant, crazy, He is a freemason; he drinks one glass of red wine; He does not fit the ladies' hands; Everything is yes yes no; he will not say yes, sir Or no, sir." That was the general voice.

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Alone among his possessions, Just to pass the time, At first our Eugene conceived to establish a new order. In his wilderness, the desert sage, Yarem, he replaced the old corvée with an easy quitrent; And the slave blessed fate. But in his corner pouted, Seeing this terrible harm, His prudent neighbor. The other smiled slyly, And in a voice everyone decided that he was the most dangerous eccentric.

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They agreed. Wave and stone, Poetry and prose, ice and fire Not so different from each other. Then they liked it; then They came every day on horseback, And soon became inseparable. So people (I repent first) Nothing to do friends.

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He listened to Lensky with a smile. The poet's ardent conversation, And the mind, still unsteady in judgments, And the eternally inspired look, - Everything was new to Onegin; He tried to keep a cooling word in his mouth And thought: it's stupid to interfere with me.

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Enemies! How long has their bloodlust taken away from each other? How long have they hours of leisure, Meal, thoughts and deeds Shared together? Now it's vicious, Like hereditary enemies, Like in a terrible, incomprehensible dream, They prepare each other's death in cold blood in silence. "Well, what? Killed," the neighbor decided. Killed!..

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Say: which Tatyana?" - Yes, the one who is sad And silent, like Svetlana, Came in and sat down by the window. - "Are you really in love with a smaller one?" - And what? - "I would choose another, When I was like you are a poet. Olga has no life in features.

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Didn't you, with joy and love, whispered words of hope to me? Who are you, my guardian angel, Or an insidious tempter: Resolve my doubts. Perhaps this is all empty, Deception of an inexperienced soul! And something completely different is destined ...

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For two minutes they were silent, But Onegin came up to her And said: "You wrote to me, Do not deny. I read the Soul of a trusting confession, An innocent outpouring of love; Your sincerity is sweet to me ... I would surely choose you alone ... But I am not created for bliss My soul is alien to him...

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