Vintage in clothes with his own hands. Vintage style

Reservoirs 12.06.2019

IN last years Designers began to create more and more vintage collections. And this is not surprising, because fashion cyclic and fashion designers are simply forced to use old traditions, the use of which is quite appropriate and in modern fashion. In this article we will talk about what is vintage style in clothesWhat is its criteria and features.

Vintage style - fashion direction focused on the revival of fashion trends of past years. The word "Vintage" has French roots and means an exposure characteristic of wine.

In the wardrobe in the style of Vintage style, outdated things are actively used. However, all things from a grandmother chest can not be attributed to the vintage style. For vintage things, a certain temporary excerpt is characterized, which varies within 20 to 50 years. That is, these figures say that the thing should be at least twenty years and not older than fifty. If things are less than twenty years, it means that it can be attributed to the category of modern, and if older, then it corresponds to the retro style or simply can be called antiques.

We have already hinted at the grandmother's chest, in which you can go well and find a vintage thing. However, you should not wear all the old ones, because the vintage thing stacked in the time ranges described above should still be fashionable for that period of time.

The designers have and look at the definition of a vintage thing. Some of them converge in the opinion that the vintage thing is the one that was manufactured to the 60s of the last century.

What could be things in the style of vintage?

It should be known that the clothes and accessories in the style of Vintage can be several types:

  • Genuine vintage. These are rare things from the famous fashion designers. These things can be renovated to give a "commercial" species.
  • Stylized vintage. It involves the use of decor, cut, silhouette, drawing of past years when creating a new product.
  • Combined vintage. Things are created using how modern materialsand the materials of the past years.

The demand for vintage products appeared in the 50s of the last century, when fashionista appealed to the clothes older than them for 20-30 years. This allowed them to be distinguished among the gray mass of other women. Then Vintage came in the 90s and finally was reliably founded in 2004, when John Galliano presented his collection of clothes. In order not to be mistaken in creating a vintage image, it should be competently approaching the acquisition of things and repel from fashionable trends of the past years.

  • 20s. This is the time of gangsters, prohibitions and romanticism. For the image of that era characteristic short female haircuts, the image of gangster girlfriend with a cigarette in a long mouthpiece and spectacular make-up. Popular skirts and dresses, opening the knees, a low waist line, asymmetric outfits, loose dresses, a coat with a smell, a finish of the product by sequins, feathers and fringe.
  • 30s. The era of jazz. In fashion feminine forms. Recently peas, fabrics with metal glitter, tops and dresses with ties on the neck, collars-clamps, clothes from crepe, chiffon, silk and viscose, clothing decoration with zippers.
  • 40s. The beginning of the war. Women had no time to practice themselves. Preference was given to male military clothes, which at the time all the world factories were produced. Jackets were rushed directly to underwear, the zone of the neckline was covered with a scarf. At the end of the war, the Militari style gradually began to emerge.
  • 50s. The collections of Christian Diora and Coco Chanel are relevant. A, N and Y-shaped styles are used. In the fashion dress-shirt, ballet shoes and free on the head, as well as clothes with an overwhelmed waist. In those days a styling style appeared.
  • 60s. Elegant simplicity time. Popular peas prints are relevant blue and red colors, pastel shades. The bow decor is actively used by the bow. It rules the combination of black and white outfits characteristic of Chanel style. Skirts had trapezoidal forms and combined with the footwear on the platform. With straight skirts were blouses that were supplemented with a hat, a scarf or a pearl necklace. Baletches and sandals without heels were welcomed.
  • 70s. Hippie time. Fashionable wear Maxi-length dresses, broken pants, shirts with ethnic motifs, vests, handbags over shoulder large sizes. Also relevant clothing from Denim, sweaters, sneakers.
  • 80s. Mini skirts in tandem with blouses with bellows that make shoulders volumetric and wide, in fashion acid and metal colors, bright accessories, catchy makeup, tulip dresses and leggings of extraordinary colors.

Where and how to buy vintage things?

One familiarization with fashion past years is not enough to acquire a good vintage product. It is also necessary to know where it is best to acquire vintage things. For example, it can be:

  • Flea markets and specialized stores. Preference is given to the markets and shops in Europe and the United States, where a large range and competitive prices are offered.
  • Second hand.
  • On the Internet. It can be groups in social networksengaged in the sale of vintage goods, as well as special sites or forums.

When purchasing vintage things you need to be familiar with some concepts that consume sellers of vintage goods. These concepts tell about the quality of the thing and justify the price that they are asked.

  • Good. This term suggests that the thing is in a state when there are defects, fix that is impossible.
  • Very good. It characterizes things that have such defects that can be fixed.
  • Excellent. Such clothes have a small degree of wear.
  • Near Mint. The degree of wear of such clothes is low.
  • Mint. No one wore such clothes, it is very rare, and therefore it costs expensive.

In addition to this information, when buying vintage goods, do not forget:

  • Once again to view the era interesting to you
  • Watch clothes for defects
  • Acquire right size. The best option is to buy a thing on the size more so that in the future clothes it is easier to sew. Do not forget that the size of the past years may differ from the modern, since different sizes definition tables are used.

Vintage style image formulation rules

Vintage things need not only competently pick up, but also properly worn. It is reasonably referring to the compilation of the onions in the vintage style you will be helped by these minor recommendations:

  • Start gradually. Do not immediately overload the image with outdated things. Just a little vintage in the form of accessories - bracelets, scarves, straps, shoes or handbags. Gradually, you can move to the use of several things at once in one onion.
  • Do not wear all vintage little things for the image at once. There are enough three things in the vintage style or the preparation of your image in a ratio of 50 to 50. That is, 50% of things in the ensemble relate to modernity, and the other 50% to the outdated fashion.
  • Do not forget about the features of your figure. Having done the outfit, look in the mirror. Even the most vintage and "dear" style must "file" you from the favorable side.
  • Make the finish of old things. You can slightly appreciate the style of vintage things so that it "lay down" on the figure, or alter the buttons, or sew some decorated element, it is not projected.
  • Observe harmony. Modern type clothing and vintage products must "elastic" among themselves in a single ensemble.

Do not forget that fashion is cyclical, and therefore you can easily use when drawing up ensembles things of the left era. The main thing is that you make sure that the outfit is balanced, and you feel comfortable and comfortable.

Vintage style in clothes - modern fashion from the past

Vintage style is becoming increasingly popular. It is not surprising, because every year the value of vintage things is only increasing.

Vintage image: story, instilled and style features

Today it is difficult to find more elegant, emotional and intellectual style, rather than vintage. He is successfully embodied in, clothes, decorations and even looks for life. The real style of Vintage is as if impregnated by the aroma of France, refinement and tenderness, thanks to its exceptional uniqueness, he took possession of a lot of hearts around the world.

A bit of history

The very concept of "Vintage" passed into fashion from the lexicon of French winemakers. That is how they called the elite and expensive wine.

The word "Vintage" came from winemaking, in which it is used in two values: as the process of selection of grapes for a certain type of wines and as wine from the most successful years in terms of quality of winematic

Low later, Vintage became synonymous with everything that represented value, rareness and exclusivity. Therefore, it is the vintage style that causes associations with something in color, ancient and unique. He appeared in the mid-50s century, but unprecedented popularity gained only by the end of the century.

Vintage style Create accessories, decorative details that there are a great set

Initially, the vintage style became favorite among the leading fashion designers, a little later in Hollywood bohemia. At the beginning of its path, such a style was distinguished by eccentricity.

For those who want to look stylish by emphasizing their individuality, irreplaceable will be vintage style

Many mistakenly believe that Vintage is equivalent to retro style. In fact, it is completely wrong. If we consider what Vintage is in a temporary aspect, then the bottom plank is determined by the epoch after the First World War, and the upper one to the turning point of the 90s of the last century.

Retro style in clothing is a fashion period of the 20s and 50s of the last century, in which three main directions can be distinguished: Charleston, New Onion and Pea Print

Genuine style Vintage is fashionable echoes of the past, found a second life in the modern world.

Vintage style in clothes are impregnated with elegance, restraint and grace

It is believed that Metres John Galliano himself introduced to Vintage himself, which was always distinguished by eccentricity and originality. He turned to the fashion of past years, having moved the unique technique for building products.

Character and traits

To make sure the thing in a vintage style at first glance, it is necessary to know its features and differences from other directions.

The most fashionable vintage dresses - dresses from a grandmother's chest

The main characteristics are as follows:

  • Age things should not be under twenty years;
  • Persons created by individual order and in a single copy;
  • Vintage is a specific thing from the past, and not a shameless fake. You can add new notes, but the basis of the thing remains untouched;
  • True designer things;
  • Own style thing, reflecting the character of one or another era.

Vintage Fashion is a proven solution time

It is believed that the vintage style has its own soul filled with secrets and riddles of that time.

Vintage style in fashion is focused on the revival of fashion trends of past generations

The use of such a style in interiors or clothing is equal to art, the final result requires impeccability. But if the combination of things is correct, the image causes true admiration even from the most stringent critics.

Vintage style is unusually feminine and elegant

To understand what kind of clothing in the vintage style is needed short excursion in the style of fashion. The twentieth century was distinguished by speed and change, which could not but reflect on images in clothing.

Vintage style is stylish things, popular in the past century, which are currently relevant

Therefore, vintage things today can relate to several time periods:

  • 20s. The epoch was held under the sign of Gangsters, who for their women did not regret money on dear clothes, fur, decorations. Such an image may highlight a hat with a veil, a closed gate blouse, a sparkling dress with a fringe. Favorite materials of fashionistas were silk, atlas, velvet. Silhouettes were characterized by smoothness and seductive forms.

Vintage style is not limited to modern fashion frames and any woman can safely show their bright personality and feeling style

The main principle of creating a trendy image in a vintage style is the creation of the harmony of the last century, which is relevant and interesting in this time. This style today is associated with Bohemian Hollywood and Marlene Dietrich.

Marlene Dietrich - Standard female beauty and fashion 20s
  • 40s. The difficult time of the early World War I was reflected in fashion. Such an image is convenient and simple, full of strict lines and similar military form. The most relevant clothing was a jacket with "shoulder", emphasizing the waist, as well as a glue-glue length until the middle of the tibia.

Fashion of the forties dictated not to fashionable houses and designers, and harsh conditions in which almost all countries of the world were delivered
  • 50th. This time is considered to be an era of freedom, optimism and faith in a bright future. Clothing is distinguished by the liberalness of the styles: corsets, bodies without straps, stiletto shoes and bright red lipstick. Such an image in a vintage style is not for modesty, it is a supreme, discovered and brave.

It is believed that the style of the 50s was the most elegant and charming in the entire history of the twentieth century
  • 60s. The epoch is marked by the arrival of the style. Bright colorful grass dresses, high hairstyles, dresses, trapezoids, blazers, moccasins or shoes on stable heels. When creating such a vintage image there are no restrictions.

Trendy trends of 60s can be expressed by the phrase - the desire for minimalism
  • 70s. Hippie time, broken trousers, free jeans, sustainable shoes on a high wedge and multicolored batch service shirts. Moreover, men's clothing and female differed little from each other.

Fashion Decade 70s - Era Freedom and Eclectics, Mixing different styles and variety of colors


No one fashionable style It is impossible to imagine without accessories and jewelry. Often it is that they help create the desired image. Traditionally created by important little things. Where can I find accessories and decorations in such a style? Of course, there are many specialized shops offering a huge choice of fashionistas. But, as it turned out, when creating an image, you can not spend a penny!

Vintage decorations and accessories are suitable only for real fashionists who love sophisticated and sophisticated outfits.


Turning to a grandmother's or mother's chest, you can find many real fashion treasures.

Brooches, earrings, bracelets, beads, bags, hats and even shoes - all this will definitely be found in the arsenal.

Vintage accessories are toilet items from the last century, which complement your wardrobe.

You can wear such things in an original form, but you can, applying fantasy, decorate things themselves, creating a vintage exclusive.

Vintage accessories are works of art that characterize the fashion of their time

Many celebrities to find true vintage, storm flea markets, because it is there you can find a real rarity. Jewelry Or jewelry from semi-precious metals can be found in antique shops.

Vintage decorations enjoy a stunning success in many fashionistas

If it is not possible to find a genuine vintage, you can create it with your own hands on old sketches, applying popular equipment, patina, crabeller and decoupage techniques.


Nothing can give the image of greater elegance than a properly selected bag. This rule refers to any era of fashion.

Vintage Style Bags - Classical Execution, Impeccable Aesthetics, Elegance, Sophistication and Quality

To emphasize the vintage image, you need to stop your choice on these instances:

  • Ridicul is a small handbag on a long belt or cord. Such an accessory can be generously decorated with embroidery, patterns, ornaments, sparkling trim from beads, semi-precious stones, beads, pearls. Ridicul is suitable for adding a vintage evening image.

Vintage Ridicul - accessory, which is especially relevant today - because fashion for past epochs is constantly returning
  • Square. Usually such a bag has a trapezoidal or rectangular shape. Today, designers create vintage sacrifier from leather, textiles and even fur. The bag is spacious, perfectly completes the casual vintage image.

An extraordinary big female bag-sacrifice, made in a luxurious vintage ladies style
  • Portfolio. This accessory is especially good in addition to the vintage militaria. Vintage briefcase can be any color, but have strict shapes.

Male vintage genuine leather briefcase not only has an attractive design, but also practiced to use
  • The most striking representative of the vintage style today is the bag of Chanel with a characteristic diamond line, a strap chain and branded logo.

Chanel bags is wealth, inimitable sophistication and refinement.
  • Pear bag with narrowed riding. Such bags were popular in yet late XVIII - at first XIX century And sewed from heavy velvet.

Vintage handbag from the Italian velvet emerald color with an exquisite metal fermoir under bronze

All bags will help to emphasize the vintage stylistics as much as possible, giving it completeness and originality.

How not to make mistakes

Any, with taste, the selected image certainly causes admiration. But there is an axiom: Fashion does not forgive mistakes. That is why it is important with all attentiveness and liability to approach the choice of each little things.

Vintage style in clothes, expressed in wearing not just old, but, also fashionable, at the time, things

In order for the image to be truly vintage, it is not enough to become the owner of rare things. You need to be able to combine and emphasize correctly.

Vintage clothing can be boldly called antiques.

Vintage is a whole philosophy, so it's not enough to get dressed in such a style. To feel comfortable, you need to be able to penetrate the epoch.

Real connoisseurs of vintage clothes and its collectors always hunt for copies that were sewn a few decades to that, but never have been put

How to do it? Real style adherents listen to music, watch movies, read books that reflect the spirit of the time. Vintage is fascinating game, whose prize is an accurate hit in the exquisite and mysterious image of distant years.

Style Vintage in women's clothing has always caused interest and attention of others

There are several rules:

  1. Each rare item of the image should refer to the same time period;
  2. Do not mix vintage things with cheap or futuristic. It may look somewhat ridiculous and vulgar;
  3. Sewing vintage things should not become a hostage of past years. Modern notes should be made, it determines the style.

Today, the vintage style is considered one of the most popular in women's fashion.

As a rule, the style of Vintage impresses the images creative and artistic. It is not only clothing, jewelry or accessories, but also a certain model of behavior.

If a girl dreams of looking at a party or a responsible meeting bright and unique, then she will surely like the style of vintage

This does not mean that you need to imitate someone or create idols. Such an exquisite style helps to reveal individuality, charm, femininity and originality. You can combine things, but to do it skillfully and tastefully.

Vintage style in clothes will return you for several decades ago, and you will feel your beauty from old American films

Vintage direction is the eclectication of a new one with echoes of past years. It can be described by several words: experimentally, elitially, exquisite, soulful and authentic.

Be a person who is not like the rest, recognizable at first sight, touching and feminine or, on the contrary, confident and purposeful, what you like you, wearing what you feel harmonious and calm - that's what is fashionable today and Stylish

A fashionable vintage image invariably fascinates, causes admiration and fascinates. In order to mostly recreate the era of past years, it is enough to look at the old photos of beauties, listen to the romantic songs of Frank Sinatra and plunge into the modern shielding "Great Gatsby".

The word "Vintage" came to us from frenchwhere marked the wine strong excerpts, the decades that were waiting in the wing cellars. Then the concept was transferred to the interior to designate style direction, where in modern housing Moved old things. But the vintage style in the interior involves not only their presence in the house - the atmosphere itself has its own specifics.


Vintage thing is a really 30-year-old thing to a certain time, which is at least 30 years old and who has been fashionable for some time ago. Retro is general concept Styles for which are characteristic of both vintage things and modern, stylized under the antiquity, "Novodelki".

Babushkin Chest, who had once kept her dowry, is a vintage subject, as well as a buffet in which she kept the service donated to the wedding. And artificially aged table, hooked A rug embroidered with a cross in old style Tablecloth is retro. Vintage uses fashionable once things that have become popular. Retro does not depend on fashion, it simply belongs to its era or depicts it.

Apartment design in vintage style

The main features of the style of vintage

Today, the vintage style of the interior is meant to recreate the situation end XIX.- Invoice of the XX centuries. But we already live in another century, so things relating to the middle of the last century can be considered vintage.

Choosing a vintage style for the interior, it is necessary to decide what the era is closer to the spirit that you want to implement in your apartment. Do not forget that all residents of the dwellings must be decorated in a single style. Ultra-modern either, on the contrary, classic and especially - embodying luxury Baroque and other similar styles can not be combined on one territory with a breathable vintage vintage.

Important! The main requirement when making an interior in a vintage style is the presence of objects belonging to the recreated era.

Vintage style in apartment interior design

Room interior in vintage style

In fact, the vintage in the interior is not a napkin to the old furniture, yellowed napkins and subzor - things "with history" quite get along with modern, and there are no strict requirements here. But there are no random items here, so such registration is created for a long time, gradually. You should not like a plush and carry all the old things to the house, which will come out - they must be carefully chosen to each other.

The vintage interior is easy to create - it is not necessary to acquire antique furniture and household items - your relatives of the older generation, parents of friends will gladly give out what lies without a business in attics and in garages. Something can be found in flea markets, something to create with your own hands, artificially aged.

The main features of the vintage interior:

  • the combination of old and modern items;
  • easy interior;
  • some chaotic, light mess - casually made on the sofa plaid, left on the table magazines, basket with needlework;
  • romance raid;
  • floral stories - on wallpaper, textile;
  • lost, barely distinguishable inscriptions on things, as if (or really) erased from time to time.

Vintage style in the interior of the room

Apartment design in vintage style

Features of the design of the room

If you decide to place an apartment in Vintage style, you will have to abandon some fashionable ideas:

  • stretch, suspended ceilings;
  • laminate;
  • ceramic tile;
  • plastic windows;
  • stone window sills, countertops;
  • built-in lamps and similar modern methods Finishes.

Fill the room with old objects little. You need to create a corresponding environment. Therefore, you need to start with repair.

Vintage style in apartment interior design

Room interior in vintage style

Modern apartment design in vintage style

Wall decoration

The best material for decoration walls - wallpapers. They must be paper, with a small or large drawing. It looks well in the vintage interior of floral, geometric patterns, necessarily contrast. You can choose wallpaper in oriental style - Chinese or Japanese: butterflies, twigs, flowers, birds. However, if you plan to saturate the room with a lot of decorative parts, it is better to choose for walls monophonic wallpaper Or just paint them into one of the pastel tones.

As an option for finishes - you can apply a rolling pattern with a rubber roller with a convex pattern: applying paint on it, you can transfer the ornament on the wall. For the same purpose you can use stencils.

Finishing the ceiling

The ceiling is better to paint. Take it white for him water-emulsion paint. You can decorate the ceiling stucco - just do not use plastic imitation, only gypsum sockets are appropriate, cartel.

Important! Do not try to get rid of all cracks on the surface of the ceiling, walls. It is vintage, and small irregularities, cracks only emphasize the stylization, the main thing is that they are not much, and they would not be very deep.

Vintage style in the interior of the room

Apartment design in vintage style


For finishing floor, laminate will not fit, it is better to use parquet or ordinary wooden board. They will the best option For living room, bedrooms, other residential rooms.

Linoleum can be treated on the floor, because it is known since the end of the XIX century, although it was not so popular until the 1980s. It is better to use it for the kitchen, hallway, bathroom. For these premises, you can use tile.

The choice of materials for finishing a vintage interior will depend on what you decide to make an emphasis, which creates a stylization - if furniture, then limit the calm color gamut For walls, painting them into pastel colors or saving light wallpaper with a unobtrusive pattern. If there is a desire to create a bright environment for furniture, then you can choose a wallpaper with a bright ornament or a pastoral pattern by adding the interior with a small number of parts.

Any finishing materials should be artificially to create an impression that they experienced a time check.

Vintage style in apartment interior design

Room interior in vintage style

Modern apartment design in vintage style

Color Palette Style Vintage

Vintage is a romantic style, so the color gamut characteristic of it consists of pastel shades - ash, beige, light pink and light blue, gentle green tones. White, dairy colors can be used as the main, but on the background of soft warm paints white, beige, felling, covered with patina furniture will look harmonious, and the interior itself will be filled with light, warm and comfort.

Important! Colors should seem burnt out of time.

Bright color accents may be burgundy, purple, blue. Brown, green colors are more often used in textiles. Such elements of decor, like napkins, tablecloths, bedspreads are often chosen by white or color of unbleached flax.

Vintage style in the interior of the room

Apartment design in vintage style

Furniture Carrying Time Printing

The correct, harmonious vintage style is the mandatory presence of real antique, retro furniture on the background of stylized under the ancient walls. Appropriate in the interior:

  • high wardrobes;
  • buffets with slightly losing paint, scuffs;
  • wrought furniture;
  • dressers covered with patina;
  • low coffee tables on a copper frame and large wooden tables;
  • shelves, carved shelves.

If the furniture is wooden, it can have traces of cracked varnish, and painted surfaces are cracks on paint, scuff.

Important! Do not create from the "Streyvier's shop" from the room - everything should be moderately, although it is not worth combining ultra-modern and old furniture in one room.

In everything should be harmony: in the bedroom wooden dresser With a cracked facade, completed a wrought bed, covered with a lace coat, on the floor of a knitted "Babushkin" Round rug. In the living room you can put round table With a white tablecloth, on it - a simple vase with flowers. Clock with cuckoo on the wall and black and white photos on the shelf will complete the stylization.

Vintage style in apartment interior design

Room interior in vintage style

Modern apartment design in vintage style

Vintage Room Decor Features

To complete the stylization, you need lamps, textiles and other items that fill the space, pick up in the same style.

Luminaires in such a room can be both as simple as possible with strict geometric shapes and complex, with numerous parts, volumetric compositions:

  • chandeliers with thick glass plasters, abundance of screws, brackets, metal parts. To the ceiling, they are attached using a solid chain;
  • lamps with wooden ceiling;
  • large lamps with big lamps;
  • designer lamps handmade - Metal, tree. The form of them may be different: in the form of an old kerosene lamp, a dome-shaped cell.

Important! And lamps, and other decor items must correspond to the epoch, the stylization of which you create.

That is why it can be appropriate as an ancient copper samovar, a cast iron iron, sewing machine Factory Singer and the chandelier fan belonging to the Soviet era, the abundance of glass and crystal in a lacquered servant.

Vintage style in the interior of the room

Apartment design in vintage style

Adjust the interior of the living room in the vintage style can:

  • outdoor or wall Clock with cuckoo;
  • the mirror in the carved frame - you will find the old, with black spots on the amalgam - it will be perfect;
  • black and white photos on the wall or on the shelf of the cabinet;
  • a carpet on the floor (such as previously hung on the walls);
  • gramophone or coil tape recorder - depending on the period that is embodied in your room.

On the walls of the bedroom, the hallway, decorated in the spirit of the 50s and 60s of the last century, posters, posters, theatrical posters of that time, there will also be a place for a wrought or wooden shelf, tremor. To bed. Put the flooring on a high leg with a fabric lampshade.

Create vintage interior in modern apartment - Fascinating, interesting. Registration does not take much time and does not require significant costs, but you have and your friends will have the opportunity to plunge into past epochs, relax the soul from the reactive rhythm of modern life.

Video: Vintage style in the interior

50 Interior Design Photo in Vintage Style:

If you follow all the rules, then the "vintage" can be called only those things that are not less than 30 years. In such clothes, fashionable details should be clearly visible, characteristic of its creation. So, for the 20s, hats with lowered fields and dresses with thick fringe and sparkles were characterized, for the 40s - broken dresses until the middle of the caviar, and for the 50s - cotton t-shirts with an accented bodice and headbands.

Vintage features

This term began to apply in relation to clothing in early 90s, when women began to wear things whose age has long passed for 20 years. And they did it not because of the lack of money for the purchase of new clothes, and to feel the features of the past epoch, to become a person from the past, but in the present time. The interest of people with vintage prompted designers to create collections stylized under the 30s and 60s. However, there is a case, because such things can not be called "vintage", since they only imitate the style of past eras, without being an old one. In this regard, it is necessary to deal with vintage varieties:

1. Classic vintage.True things from legendary trademarkswhich were issued no later than the 80th year.

2. Stylization under retro. New clothes, stitched in the style of a certain era - permissible to complete copying and use of individual recognizable elements - print fabric, cut, finish, etc.

3. Neevintage.It practiced artificial formation (scuffing, digestion, etc.). In this case, the style does not have to correspond to a time period.

4. Combination. New clothes, when finishing with vintage elements - braid, buttons, brooches, lace.

Fashion epochs

If you seriously conceived to buy vintage clothes, then you will need to decide with the style it will display. Here stylists allocate several leading directions:

20th year. The most fashionable style of this time was "Sack-Linie". It was a dress resembling a smooth sleeveless shirt with an accented neckline. A beads, large bows and even brooches were used as decorations.

In addition to simple rectangular dresses in the 20s, another style was popular - "Robe De Style", which in its time popularized Lanwin. For this, the outfit was characterized by romantic parts, many jewelry and lush skirts on Krnoline.

50th year. The personnel of this era was the style of New Bow from Christian Dior. The fashion designer created a collection of dresses with an overestimated waistline and multilayer skirts. Much attention was paid to the accessory: hats, elegant shoes on the heel, gloves and miniature handbags. Another trend was the decoration of pearls. With them, the image acquired femininity and softness.

60th year. At that time, two opposite images were operated: the sophisticated and elegant style of Audrey Hepburn and the bold, provocative image from the famous TV model.

Vintage style stars

An example of a literate bearing of a vintage style is the image of diet background TIZ. It often uses romantic Pin Up dresses, completing them with cute hats and high heels. And of course, it is impossible not to note its stylish hairstyle and classic make-up, which is characteristic of the past epoch.

Concept itself Vintage style It did not appear in the world of fashion, but in the field of winemaking. Specialists - winemakers came up with the name of the wine, which was kept for many years in necessary conditions. Translated from the French language, this word means "high-quality wine of many years of exposure." The style of the style of vintage is a product quality and expensive, which can be saved for a long time.

Vintage style: style features

This style includes clothing, accessories, furniture, equipment, household items that were created no earlier than 20 years ago and no later than the tenths of the 20th century. Some fashion experts say that the vintage can be considered clothes that was created until the 60s of the XX century.

Very often vintage confused with retro. Fashion experts delimit these concepts. Retro - more extensive culture and less clearly directed, rather than vintage.

It is for this reason that fashion suites should be known that it was fashionable at a time or another. The vintage thing must be created at least 20 years ago, be fashionable and exclusive for that time pore.
In this style, accessories are extremely important - glasses, bags, gloves, decorations, as a rule, famous brands. It is impossible to call a vintage thing that was not exclusive at the time of its tailoring. The addition of accessories makes a vintage image more bright.

Vintage style: rare decorations

Rarity decorations are very expensive and not everyone afford. You can apply Hand Made jewelry. You can make such jewelry on your own, using as a sample vintage photos. This will already be Neevintage (imitation of rare things)

Vintage style: types

Vintage style is divided into several types:

Genuine - rare things created many years ago

Neevintage - Agreements

Combined - a combination of vintage and modern things.

Follow the rules
The main thing is not to overdo it. Combining clothes of different times, you can create a ridiculous tasteless image. Style Vintage follows the fashion of different decades.
Currently there are boutiques that sell exclusively vintage or non-inductive things.
To look beautiful and stylish in vintage clothing, the fans of this style explore not only the fashion of the steadfast eras. Many studies old cinema, read the vintage books and periodicals to imbued with the spirit of the past years.
Dress in Vintage style is not easy. Need to competently take into account all fashion trends of the time you are trying to reproduce with clothes.

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