Vintage style in clothes. Vintage style is trendy Vintage clothing

The buildings 16.06.2019
The buildings

Many of those who are thinking about buying vintage small items or pieces of furniture for the home are faced with the fact that they have absolutely no idea how to choose the right one and where to find it. Anastasia Jiresh lives in the Czech Republic and is engaged in searching and selling vintage items in the Vintage Pin store. In the article, she will tell you where to look for ancient treasures, what you should pay attention to when buying, and what you should not be afraid of.

Vintage is a very fashionable trend.And in all areas: clothing, design, interior design and even architecture.

Have you noticed how popular it is now to open offices, restaurants and even create apartments in lofts? Have you noticed how often in the interior of a coffee shop they use aged parts, install a vintage cabinet, or use parts from sewing machines Singer. It’s very fashionable to add vintage details to your wardrobe: a bag, a grandmother’s brooch, or a retro hairstyle.

Let's figure out together what vintage is, where to get it and how to use it correctly.

A thing is considered vintage if it is over 25 years old. That is, a thing that our parents at least used. In order to use vintage in your wardrobe or the interior of your home, you need to have a sense of style... well, or at least a sense of proportion. Otherwise, you can turn your house into a flea market, a kind of grandma’s apartment with a bunch of old things, and in clothes the total retro look looks appropriate only at themed parties. Let's decide why we need vintage? Let's look at the most common options when antiques come in very handy:

Home decor

Vintage little things will add a lived-in and cozy feeling to your home. A vintage coffee pair will give your morning a special mood. When guests arrive, you can get a vintage set or vintage napkins with hand embroidery. Well, and of course little things, like candlesticks or figurines, will always decorate the house..

You can do the opposite: choose an interesting bright detail and from it make up the entire interior. I have seen many times in photos of European apartments (especially in Paris and Amsterdam) when in the middle of the room there is a vintage sofa made of red leather or a large dinner table from old untreated wood, and the rest of the interior is built around this piece of furniture.

Wedding decorations

Well, actually, not only wedding. I meant decor for photo shoots or any event, but vintage is used most often at weddings.

Chic antique plates with painting and gilding will look very cool on the wedding table, because at home you won’t eat one of these every day, but for a wedding it’s just perfect! Well, and antique frames in which you can take pictures, ceramic vases, brass candlesticks, antique bottles for flowers, etc.

At weddings, special photo zones are often arranged, where an antique chair or sofa is placed, and decor is made from flowers, feathers, and the like. In general, the brighter and more unusual the item, the better it will fit into the atmosphere of the celebration.

So decorators and photographers are some of the most active vintage treasure hunters.


The most important thing here is to stop on time.If you are wearing a vintage dress, then the shoes and accessories should be modern.If it is a vintage piece, it should match with a modern dress, etc.In general, so as not to give the impression that you have robbed your grandmother's closet.

Where can you get vintage?

Parents, grandmothers, neighbors

The most amazing thing is that they will even be happy to give you an old thing, and the best part is that such things will have a special history. Because it belonged to someone close to you.

Such things are very valuable not only in their own way appearance and history, but also in energy.

Flea markets

In every more or less large city, flea markets are held on weekends, where everyone (mostly grandmothers and gypsies) sells old stuff.

In such markets you can buy quite interesting things for pennies. But the percentage of interesting things is 5/100, that is, for 100 pieces of junk you can find 5 interesting and worthwhile things.

It is better to come to such markets as early as possible in order to buy the best...or as late as possible, because by closing time sellers are ready to give things away for next to nothing.

Well, the main rule: bargain! Sometimes the seller does not understand the value of the thing and is ready to sell it for pennies, and sometimes, on the contrary, he tries to pass off a Chinese trinket as something old and very valuable. Therefore, you need to learn to read markings, factory stamps and be able to determine by eye and touch whether something is old or modern.

Ebay, Etsy, etc.

In online stores you can buy really interesting things: there the sellers have already selected, washed and cleaned these items, you can compare offers from several stores and choose the product that suits you. The prices are indeed higher than at a flea market, but the main thing here is comfort and ease of purchase, as well as huge assortment choice.

Antique store

Antiques are worth more than vintage because they have higher historical and cultural value.

As a rule, antique stores sell chic antiques for astronomical money.

If you are not a collector, not a millionaire or not an art connoisseur, then there is no point in buying things in an antique store. Of course, you can buy yourself an 18th-century tea pair for several tens of thousands, but it’s better to buy yourself a new phone for that money.

Treasure Hunt

Here I wanted to write about the fact that whoever seeks will always find.If you truly love vintage, there are other ways to find it.

For example, in the Czech Republic, twice a year a car drives through the city to collect junk. People bring old furniture and things to their houses. In general, you have to pay for the disposal of old things; you can’t just throw them in the trash old wardrobe, you have to pay to have it removed, but twice a year it can be done for free.

So, there’s everything they can’t stand: old furniture and carpets, mirrors, I even recently saw a pair of stunning antique picture frames with gilding. In general, it’s a great opportunity to walk around the city in the morning and see if someone can take out the antique bedside table of your dreams, which you can take for yourself absolutely free.

Or just look into your neighbors' yard. For example, in our yard there is a bunch of unnecessary wooden boards for lighting the fireplace. So in this pile they have an old sled. Completely wooden, with runners curved to the top, covered in leather, I have only seen these in the movie “Morozko” and on old New Year’s cards.

For neighbors it’s just an old sled that they will use to light the fireplace, but for others it’s a cool and fashionable piece of furniture.

Old house cleaning services

There are services that clean out old houses. For example, a person bought old house, and in order to start repairs there, he wants to completely clear it of old furniture and things from the previous owner. To do this, he hires guys who will take it all out of the house. Among this rubbish there may be completely unique things.

Purchase nuances:

It’s impossible to say about vintage how much it should cost. Here everyone determines for themselves “how much I am willing to pay for this thing.”Sometimes you are surprised how expensive some little thing can be, and sometimes you find an incredibly chic thing for almost nothing.So buying vintage is also a hunt for the most interesting things.

When buying vintage, we must not forget that it is vintage. That is, someone has been using this thing for at least 25–30 years.And it physically cannot look like new (even if it just stood on the shelf for these 30 years).Here you need to decide for yourself whether you are ready to use a vintage item. For some this is unacceptable. Someone absolutely calmly uses antique dishes, forks, spoons in everyday life.

Items may have cracks, abrasions, and chips. These are all traces of time, and they make this thing even more attractive.Like wrinkles on your face. Some people value them and love them as traces of time, experience and life, while others are terribly afraid of them and accept only a completely smooth face.

Also, do not forget about the time when this or that product was made. For example, before World War II, dishes were often made and painted by hand, so in one set you can notice a discrepancy in the shades of the product. One saucer will be more saturated in color than the other. One flower will be drawn a little larger, the second smaller.Or, for example, in a set for 6 people, only 4 plates were used, then these plates will look duller and, possibly, with traces of chipped paint.

It is also important how this thing was stored: if the tablecloth was lying in front of the window, then one side of it will be slightly faded, and the other brighter.Don't forget, vintage will never look like a brand new product. But this is its charm and uniqueness!

I hope I was able to lift the veil a little on the world of old vintage things.And you will love vintage as much as I love it.

If you have questions about vintage, I will be happy to help and advise in this matter, most importantly, do not hesitate to ask!

In life, we often come across the concept “vintage”, and, as it turns out, many people misunderstand its meaning. So what does the word “vintage” really mean? This is what we have to figure out.

Meaning of the concept

The concept of "vintage" comes from the history of French winemaking. Previously, this was the name for exquisite wine, which was very highly valued and incredibly expensive. The term itself can be interpreted in different ways. Firstly, this was the name of the process of selecting grapes for elite wine varieties. Secondly, the elite wine itself.

Subsequently, the concept of “vintage” was assigned to any exquisite and expensive thing, sometimes rare, that is, very, very rare.

The concept appeared in the middle of the 20th century, but became widespread only beginning of XXI century. So, vintage is rare, exquisite, elite. This is the original understanding of the term. We'll meet the other one a little later.

The main characteristic of vintage

In addition to the elements that date back to the fashion of the First World War and until the end of the 90s of the 20th century, the vintage style is particularly elegant, restrained, and laconic. The main characteristic is the age of the thing - at least 20 years. The most valuable copies are considered to be those made not as a streaming version, but in single quantities, unique and inimitable. And better - handmade. So, another understanding of the term: vintage is unique, unique, inimitable.

In addition, the basis of the thing, its historical component, must be preserved unchanged. Vintage is not a fake, but a truly designer work of art.

Fashion and vintage

In modern fashion, trends that turn us to the past in history and art are increasingly gaining strength. The "vintage" style in fashion as a trend is associated with the use of modern models clothing stylistic elements, details, materials, even technology that were used to create clothing models in past centuries for different segments of the population. Moreover, a clear time period is defined: from 1914 to the 1990s.

We can conditionally divide the “vintage” fashion into several directions according to their characteristic features.

Firstly, the fashion style of the 20s: furs, hats with veils, closed collars on blouses, shiny dresses with fringes. Materials for this direction: silk, satin, velvet, soft, plastic, flowing, emphasizing the flexibility and seductiveness of shapes. Type, prototype: Marlene Dietrich.

Secondly, the fashion of the 40s: jackets and dresses with shoulders and an accentuated waist, flared dresses with a mid-calf length, small hats (sometimes with veils). The lines are simple and geometric. The rigor and conciseness of the image. Reminds me of a military cut.

Prototype: military uniform.

Thirdly, fashionable in the 50s: bodices (often strapless), corsets, stiletto heels. The look is completed with bright red lipstick. main idea- the idea of ​​freedom, looseness, brightness of personality.

Fourthly, the fashion of the 60s, creating diverse and vivid images, reminiscent of dudes: used bright colors, stable heels, simple cut of dresses: flared and a-line, club jackets-blazers. The style of minimalism and conciseness.

Prototype: dudes.

Fifthly, the style of the 70s: flared and loose-fitting trousers and jeans, shirts, stable shoes with high wedges, etc. Fashion that is akin to eclectic style. Fashion for freedom of expression and self-awareness, freedom of the individual from society.

Prototype: hippie.

Styles cannot be mixed: all things in the image, hairstyle, makeup and accessories must belong to the same historical era. What makes an image complete is the internal component, when the person who tried on the image is imbued with the aroma and feeling of the era and becomes in harmony with it. At the same time, a new, fresh spirit brought into the image is welcomed.

Vintage and decoration

It is the sophisticated and sometimes even eccentric details and accessories that make the model and look vintage. Particularly valuable jewelry is what your mothers and grandmothers wore.

But if you want to express yourself as a designer in the vintage style, then it’s not difficult to do, or at least inexpensive.

For example, for the style of the 70s. You can make vintage jewelry yourself: learn how to weave various “baubles” bracelets from garus thread, tie your head over your forehead with a woven braid in the form of a “pigtail” or “flagellum,” decorating it with tassels at the temples, or use a leather strap or plastic cord. You can decorate your neck with the same cord or strap. And attach a stylized “razor blade” to it in the form of a keychain.

You can go to flea markets - sometimes there you can buy a completely unique vintage item for very little money. You can do it yourself using sketches that have survived, and photographs in old magazines from libraries. To create vintage jewelry, modern art stores sell various elements and materials. They can be used in a variety of techniques: patina, crackle, decoupage, which help to artificially “age” a vintage item.

Vintage art and design

A special role is given to vintage items in the design of bags and the everyday life around us.

Bags are an important component of the image we create. The most appropriate models are: handbag, travel bag, Chanel bag, briefcase, pear bag. To create them, various different materials from the past: genuine leather, textiles, velvet, silk and brocade, fur. As materials for decoration: beads, large beads made of plastic and glass, buttons, logos, sometimes simple or complex stitching, metal overlays, etc.

As for vintage in the interior, here, on the contrary, it is supposed to use a combination of things from different eras, among which there must certainly be old things, perhaps not valuable then, but made by them good materials and reflecting the era, as well as attracting attention with their unusualness. Often “reanimated” things can be used for purposes other than their intended purpose. So, in in this case An interior in the concept of “vintage” is an interior where elements and materials of several styles are successfully mixed.

The coloring of such an interior is usually restrained: muted, “dusty” colors, monochrome, lack of contrasts. The choice of materials depends on the idea: the most unimaginable combinations are possible. In general, the “image” of the environment should be a little “shaggy”, but always cozy and calming.

Vintage and art

In this case, vintage is works of decorative and applied art, made in the style of the historical periods indicated above, or created in those times and miraculously preserved. A special place in the decorative and applied arts is given to vintage dolls, which have recently become a common collectible. They are also used for interior decoration.

Various materials are used to make vintage dolls: wood, fabric, porcelain, metal, plastic, celluloid, etc. These dolls have a special “humanity,” childlike naivety and sincerity. Other vintage toys are no less interesting.

Nowadays, quite a lot of exhibitions are devoted to the history of toys and dolls, where you can see what they looked like during different periods of development of the toy industry in different countries. And from their authentic costumes you can learn the peculiarities of fashion history.

Attracts special attention antique clock, desktop ink sets and calendars, fireplace figurines, painted dishes and samovars, as well as items in the style of folk crafts: birch bark and bast weaving, wood and stone carving, embroidery and lace making, etc.

How to distinguish vintage from junk? A vintage item is rare, unique, unusual, attracting attention with some zest, and not just old thing, created in the 20th century.

Things with history always attract people with some mysterious charm, which is why vintage wins our hearts so easily. But how to distinguish real vintage from junk, because not all antique things are called vintage.

First, let's define the term. Word "vintage" borrowed from winemakers' terminology. In winemaking, a vintage is a year in which any unusual conditions climate gave the wine a unique taste and aroma. Today, “vintage” is a style of the past, and it’s not just about clothes. Vintage jewelry, costume jewelry, accessories, furniture and even appliances are in fashion. In order for an item to truly be called vintage, it must correspond to a number of requirements:

Firstly, the main difference between a truly vintage item is its exclusivity. This must be best thing of its time. It’s just that old things are retro, but a vintage thing is always exclusive, be it a Gucci bag or a Chanel jacket, to which a little shabbyness will only add charm. The main thing is that this thing was at the peak of popularity at one time, and you can determine the era by it.

Secondly, Of course, the manufacturer is important. A vintage item is always a brand, or, alternatively, a quality one handmade. That is, there must be a manufacturer’s story behind the item.

Thirdly, Vintage items should not be confused with antiques. Fashion historians have established a clear time frame, vintage begins in the Victorian era and ends in the 80s. However, if you find an original '91 bomber jacket, don't throw it aside. It's pretty serious nowadays investment, because over the years its price will only increase.

The question of how to combine vintage items with modern ones is extremely important for antique lovers. The main thing here is to recreate the general appearance of the era, without breaking out of the given time frame, while it is important to remember about the little things, because they are the ones who set the style.

Vintage nuances

It is impossible for an amateur to distinguish real vintage clothes from artificially aged ones, because great amount nuances remain beyond the horizon of knowledge. Skills come with time, with constant practice, besides prerequisite is knowledge of the history of clothing. For example, when did lightning appear, since when has it been used in everyday dress, what were its original colors, sizes, and location. Subtle differences will allow you to correctly assess the year the product was sewn. If clothing styles are transparent and intuitively we can determine the peak time of popularity of products, then with its small details more difficult. In order not to make a mistake with the choice need to be taken into account:

  • Appearance of the label (color, size, where it is sewn);
  • Label font;
  • Size range (adjusted over time);
  • Line and overcast seams;
  • Fabric structure.

With vintage jewelry, things are no easier. Fashion trendsetters have always been famous and wealthy people. They set the lifestyle of jewelry: be it watches, brooches, necklaces, earrings. The jewelry is copyrighted, permission is required to copy it, so it is unrealistic to meet several ladies with emerald earrings in the style of J. Kennedy. Vintage jewelry needs to be worn wisely, but it doesn’t mean you have to wear it once a year. The goal of vintage jewelry is to turn every day into a holiday.

Each time is characterized by unique design developments, exclusive patterns, and unique cuts. precious stones. By purchasing stylish thing from the past, you come into contact with the history of its creation, with the previous era.

If you intend to give preference to the vintage style in your interior, you should be patient. Because in order for the image of a room to turn out true, sometimes it takes quite a long time to select the necessary furniture, fabrics and decor, because vintage things are very characteristic and cannot be found in ordinary stores.

A distinctive and primary feature of the vintage style in the interior is that the objects in the decor belong to past eras: XX, XIX century, and sometimes older. At the same time, the imprint of time and long-term use of objects should be clearly felt, for example, in the form of cracks and scratches, chips, patina and unclear, faded shades.

In general, vintage, as a style for decorating rooms, may also be of interest to you because it does not require significant investment Money, unless, of course, you buy expensive antique furniture. Otherwise, the cost of purchasing finishing materials will be moderate, and some items can be purchased at thrift stores, flea markets, or simply found in a friend's attic.

Features of vintage style in the interior

When choosing a vintage style, you need to know that some modern techniques for decorating a room are completely unsuitable here. For example, you should avoid suspended or suspended ceilings, wall panels, laminate, stone or linoleum.

Easy surface finishing

Flooring V vintage interior any room should be represented by either parquet or wooden planks, or tiles. At the same time, it is important that these materials look worn, having been used for several decades. Today, many specialized stores of construction and finishing materials can offer a wide range of similar artificially aged coatings.

Walls it's best to paste over paper wallpaper light shades with floral patterns, large flowers, birds and foliage patterns, or simply paint them with neutral paint.

Ceiling it is necessary to level and paint; decoration with stucco elements is encouraged - they very characteristically reflect the meaning of the vintage furnishings.


Aged furniture

It is neutral surfaces that serve as an excellent basis for the use of unusual, retro or antique furniture. By the way, there will be tall cabinets with carved decor, patinated chests of drawers, wrought iron couches, shelves with openwork slits, coffee tables with a copper frame, massive wooden tables with cracks on the surface and elegant Viennese chairs with peeling paint here and there.

Since we live in the 21st century, iconic streamlined plastic chairs from the middle of the last century can be called vintage, as well as such retro pieces of furniture as low cabinets on thin legs, laconic sofas raised above the floor, and floor-standing shelves.

Faded colors and patterns

Throughout the vintage interior, a special harmony should be felt due to restrained color combinations. Basically it's better to use bright hues fabrics, wallpaper, wood. The colors should look faded, pale: shabby blue, light pink, unclear yellow, beige-gray.

The same applies to those designs that are present in designs, textiles, on decorative objects and surfaces: if the inscriptions are barely noticeable, the ornaments and patterns are withered, almost pastel.


For the Vintakh style, it is incredibly appropriate to use rough surfaces in the interior, deliberately aged, as if demonstrating their true nature. The tree should be used in its in kind, roughly processed with traces of knots and cracks. Wooden furniture You can paint it with neutral paint in one layer so that the pattern of the rock is clearly visible.

It’s good if the interior contains copper objects, forged lamps with patina, antique ceramic tableware, silver, crystal.

Upholstery upholstered furniture it can be deliberately worn velvet, or faded linen, and chests of drawers and sideboard shelves can be decorated with unforgettable napkins using the macrame technique.

Pay attention to mirrors: don’t buy new ones; you may have a copy with characteristic black spots on the amalgam, in a carved frame covered with a touch of patina.



Decorative objects from the past

Question decorative design in vintage style you need to be quite careful, but not to overdo it with the number of items. The room should not look like a branch of an antique shop - everything in moderation and with taste, approach the matter creatively, purchasing only those items that you like and will not clutter up the space of the room.

  1. Hang an antique cuckoo clock on the wall, place it on the floor, or attach a laconic mechanism in a round black frame to the sofa.
  2. Use dried flowers: immortelle, clematis, spikes and prickly inflorescences. Place a couple of vases with dried bouquets on the chest of drawers and coffee table.
  3. Arrange a series of family photos different generations, we are sure that there will be yellowed black and white photographs in the house.
  4. Decorate with retro posters with advertisements of old films, food products, theater posters from the 50s.
  5. The sofas can be covered with an openwork woolen bedspread, several sofa pillows of different textures can be laid out, and a carpet with a geometric pattern, similar to those that were previously customary to hang on the walls, can be laid on the floor.



Vintage items in a modern interior

Even if the interiors in your home are already completed and done in modern styles, they can be complemented favorably with vintage accent pieces to make the atmosphere of the home look more cozy and lived-in.

IN kitchen, hallway or hallway The easiest way would be to decorate the wall surface with a colorful poster - a poster in the spirit of the 40-50s, put table lamp or a floor lamp with a cone-shaped lampshade, or complement the decor with a forged wall shelf.


IN bathroom The central decoration of the interior can be a vintage dressing table or a cabinet under the sink with a characteristic patina.


It’s not always appropriate to use overtly aged items in a nursery, but you can use furniture of a certain shape in a retro spirit, for example, put a bed with an iron headboard and footboard, cover the bed with an openwork bedspread and lay a soft grandmother’s rug woven from rags on the floor.

For modern living room in a low-key elegant interior the best addition would be an antique chest of drawers, a coffee table or a massive mirror in a carved frame above the fireplace or sofa.


Image bedrooms It will become more spiritual and exotic if, for example, you complement the interior with a Chinese screen, an elegant pouf or a Windsor chair near the dressing table. Also, the corresponding message will be carried by a floor lamp on a carved wooden support, and a lampshade with a slight ruffle.


Today, old things are at the height of fashion. Of course, not spoiled, torn and unusable, but those that are well preserved remain of high quality and stylish. Vintage is a word translated from French meaning “old wine that has been stored in a cellar for a long time.” This is how the style in clothing design and interior decoration began to be called. Vintage style in the interior today is extremely popular. Vintage items preserved from the time of our grandmothers, like wine, the taste of which only improves over time, acquire greater value every year, you begin to treat them with great respect and even some trepidation, and the room decorated with them is so original that it evokes the admiration of many people.

Don't mix antiques and vintage. In the first case, these are original antique objects, and in the second, things can be created.

By choosing a vintage style interior for your apartment, you will add coziness, comfort, and warmth to it. In such a home you won’t want to break dishes and scream; it will be filled with a special calming energy. After all, as you know, the interior influences our consciousness and behavior.

The main features of the vintage style

Vintage items are furniture and interior items that are more than 20 years old. But most of all, vintage-style interiors love things from the 20s and 30s of the 20th century, when materials such as plastic and synthetics were not yet widespread.

Vintage style in the interior emphasizes antiquity and unique things.

Advice: don't use modern ones Decoration Materials and structures (laminate, linoleum, stretch ceiling) to create a vintage room, they can ruin all the charm of such an interior; allowed to use modern materials provided that they are artificially aged.

The following features of the vintage style are distinguished:

  • use of shabby furniture (chests, shelves, sideboards);
  • saturating the interior with various decorative objects of the past (vases, candlesticks, boxes), they must be intact;
  • color palette – delicate pastel shades, floral prints;
  • natural materials for finishing walls, ceilings, floors; You can’t use synthetics and plastic;
  • deliberate carelessness in the interior (a blanket thrown on the back of a chair, photographs in aged frames, tall floor vases and small table vases - all this is arranged haphazardly, without any principle, but does not create chaos, such “order” looks natural).


Color is the basis of any interior. Vintage tends towards pastel colors, but there are interiors with rich colors, which are achieved through the use of a special type of wallpaper.

Wallpaper in vintage style is characterized by patterned ornaments (flowers, intertwining branches). Vintage wallpaper looks as if it has faded slightly with age. There are three types of such wall coverings:

  • wallpapers with a contrasting pattern in the Art Nouveau style are used in addition to them;
  • wallpaper with bright Japanese motifs; such material has a background of rich color, and it depicts birds or flowers;
  • wallpaper with small or large discreet patterns, designed in pastel colors.

In a room decorated in vintage style, it is customary to cover all the walls with wallpaper, but what should catch your eye, first of all, is the furnishings, not the wallpaper.


Vintage ceilings are painted, whitewashed or wallpapered. Cracks and slight unevenness on the surface give a special charm to the interior. Stucco molding is often used in vintage style.


As flooring V living rooms use parquet or leave a simple plank floor.

A bathroom or kitchen can be decorated with antique-style floor tiles.

Furniture for a vintage room

All furniture must be made from natural materials(wood, wrought iron, copper, brass) in combination with unusual fabrics. These should be items “with history.” Small scratches, chips, and abrasions will only add zest to the vintage interior.

Furniture in a vintage room should be arranged symmetrically. Place two armchairs, place a sofa between them, near the armchairs - two identical bedside tables with identical lamps or two floor lamps, a long coffee table - near the sofa, this setting will visually lengthen the room, pastel colors will increase the area of ​​the room.

Vintage loves a large number of accessories (framed photographs, ceramic figurines, candlesticks, mirrors, shelves).

Advice: choose plain light wallpaper if you plan to decorate the room big amount accessories, the decor will simply get lost against the backdrop of bright contrasting walls.

Vintage style color palette

Vintage is a light and airy style. He doesn't like dark and bright colors. The color scheme is ashen, pearl, lavender, beige tones, the colors of young greenery or ashen rose, as well as their shades.

Decorate the walls with pink wallpaper, and use materials in the color of young grass, sky blue or ash rose as upholstery for furniture or cabinet fronts; such spring interior will fill the room with fresh energy.

Vintage textiles

All vintage style textiles should be made from natural materials (cotton, silk, chintz, calico, linen) in pleasant pastel shades.

Advice: To prevent the room from merging into a single spot, play with contrast, decorate the walls with light or small floral wallpaper, and choose textiles with large patterns in brighter colors, and, conversely, combine wallpaper with large bright flowers with plain textiles.

Vintage is a romantic, warm and cozy style. The room doesn’t have to be completely vintage, you can just add some accents. But the vintage style does not combine with high-tech, minimalism and oriental styles.

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