What tiles to choose for the kitchen on the floor - expert advice! How to choose tiles for the kitchen, what should you focus on? What tile to choose for the kitchen.

reservoirs 25.06.2019

Ceramic tiles remain the most common finishing material in Russia. Kitchen tiles are an excellent choice for many reasons: practicality, durability, moisture resistance and ease of maintenance. With all the variety of the assortment (differences in color, shape, texture and other parameters), almost all ceramic tiles are natural material safe for human health and the environment.

How to choose tiles for the kitchen

How does one kitchen tile differ from another and are there any secrets to choosing it? Of course, the diversity of the market can be confusing, so you need to act thoughtfully and measuredly.

There are several requirements for ceramic tiles for finishing the kitchen space:

  • ability to withstand frequent wet cleaning;
  • high reliability due to high cross-country ability;
  • excellent aesthetic appearance, harmoniously fitting into the style of the room.

Some buyers do not understand the difference between simple and frost-resistant tiles at first glance, so it would be useful to ask the seller about the technical characteristics of the selected article. Agree, for the hottest room in an apartment or house, a frost-resistant tile with a fifth class of protection is absolutely useless.

When choosing a kitchen tile, you should carefully read the special icons printed on the packaging. They provide basic information about the operational parameters of ceramic products. The tile in the kitchen is constantly in contact with moist air. Constant contact with a humid microclimate gradually destroys the layer of adhesive on which the tiles are laid. Therefore, the first requirement for the finishing material is a low water absorption coefficient.

In addition to steam and water, tiles in the kitchen are chemical media, namely - detergents for wet cleaning. With plain water drops of hot oil or greasy spots you won't wash it. Therefore, preference should be given to products with an AA chemical protection category. Such a finish will delight the eyes of property owners with its attractive appearance for decades.

The next test for ceramic products in kitchen space is a drastic change temperature regime: at the time of cooking - hot, at night and during the day - cool. Therefore, the tile in the kitchen should have a porous structure, richly glazed. Products with such a coating have low thermal conductivity, which allows them to save marketable condition many years.

The high passability of the kitchen preconditions the requirement for flooring - a high coefficient of abrasion. #3 will be enough, more high values relevant for public places. It is worth noting that the floor in the kitchen is very dirty, so the tiles should have a high reflection coefficient.

A dark monochromatic tile with a glossy surface brings a noble gloss to any interior, but in the kitchen such a coating will become a target - against such a background, even microcracks and chips will catch the eye of the person who enters.

Having decided on the main points of choosing a finishing material, you can proceed to the next step - how do you lay tiles on the floor in the kitchen? What do you need to know for this and what tools to stock up for work?

Perhaps you should take a look at the .

Craft Lessons: Glue Ceramic Tiles

Tiles on the wall in the kitchen - this picture is familiar to many since childhood. Even in times of terrible shortages in the Soviet Union, they glued tiles on the walls and laid them on the floor. In almost every apartment you can find a ceramic “apron” laid out over work surfaces and a sink. This protects the walls from water, dirt, oil and grease. After all, you can clean the wallpaper once, the second. And then they simply deteriorate and require replacement. And the tile is great. finishing material, which, after wet cleaning, shines like new.

About Features kitchen apron read the article " Tile on the backsplash for the kitchen«

Before tiling the vertical surfaces of the kitchen, they must be well leveled. To work, you need a dry plaster mix, which is diluted with water strictly according to the instructions (usually written on the package).

Important: the plastering solution should be of medium viscosity, the consistency of sour cream.

To plaster the walls you will need two spatulas: small - for applying the composition, large - for leveling. With a piece of profile or lath, excess plaster is removed from the wall.

When the base is ready, you can proceed to laying the tiles. By using laser level you need to draw a horizontal line. The finished glue must be diluted according to the instructions, after which immediately begin to glue the ceramics.

Important: it is unacceptable for the glue to stand idle for a long time, it loses its strength characteristics and the degree of adhesion to the surface will be greatly reduced.

A thin adhesive layer is applied to the wall, which has been previously cleaned and, if necessary, leveled. After that, ceramic tiles are taken and pressed into the applied composition, excess glue is removed with a rubber mallet. The correctness of the masonry in the vertical and horizontal planes is checked with a short level.

To fix the lower border of the tile, you can use any material at hand - pieces of packaging, wooden sticks, special lighthouses.

Important: the result of all the work of the master will depend on the evenness of gluing the first row of tiles! Therefore, the beginning must be flawless.

It does not matter how to glue the tiles in the kitchen - from right to left or vice versa, it is important to stick to the pattern. To make the wall above the cutting table, gas stove and sink look like a single whole and harmoniously fit into the design of the room.

Important: when forming an "apron" in the kitchen, it is not always possible to lay it out with whole tiles, so that it turns out from wall to wall. But cut pieces should never be inserted in the middle. Well, if such a fragment is only on one side. Used for cutting tiles manual tile cutter, turning tool or diamond glass cutter. In this case, the operation itself is performed as follows:

  • a cut line is marked on the ceramic product;
  • an incision is made with a tool, not pressing hard;
  • from the back of the tile you need to knock with a rubber mallet;
  • to break off the cut off fragment, you can break the tile on the corner of any solid base (table, workbench, bedside table, etc.).

The process of gluing tiles

If in repair estimate a tiled floor is planned in the kitchen, you need to glue the tiles correctly. The procedure has its own nuances, involves the preparation of the following working tool:

  1. spatula with teeth;
  2. sponge with hard surface;
  3. rubber spatula;
  4. special "crosses";
  5. construction roulette;
  6. ruler;
  7. water level not less than 1 m long;
  8. container for diluting glue;
  9. corner;
  10. cutting tool (glass or tile cutter).

In addition to tools, you need to prepare in advance the tile itself, glue and grout for processing joints.
The tiles on the floor in the kitchen are laid in the following sequence:

  • the floor surface is well levelled. If there are a lot of irregularities, you may have to make a concrete screed;
    Important: if the floor is not pre-leveled, the ceramic tiles laid on it may crack due to the heavy load on the places where there are voids.
  • level ground markings. You should not skip this stage, it is at this step that the master plans the place where the masonry starts, calculates the material consumption and forms the future drawing. The task of marking is to create a floor covering without numerous scraps of material. For this, a corner, ruler, tape measure and level are used;
  • cutting tiles. When the entire surface of the floor is marked, the scale of cutting the tile becomes clear. Need number of tiles with special cutting tool cut. At this stage, it is important to do everything carefully - the cuts should not have cracks and ugly chips. If notches remain on the tile, they will cling to shoes and create additional inconvenience during cleaning;
  • dilution of glue with water. Ready glue - powder with detailed instructions applications. For the manufacture of adhesive composition, you need to take a clean tap water not hot and not too cold. When mixing water and powder, it is necessary to constantly stir the glue, do not pour out the entire volume at once. This will lead to the formation of lumps, which will be difficult to dissolve in the future;
  • adhesive of a homogeneous consistency is applied either to ceramics or to the floor. More convenient - the second method, when applied, a spatula with a serrated edge is used. The application procedure is as follows: with the smooth side of the spatula, the composition is distributed over the base, after which its serrated side begins to level the layer;
  • the adhesive layer must be even, have the same thickness over the entire application surface;
  • tiling is done with some pressure, the product must be pressed into the adhesive layer. This is done to destroy air voids that reduce the hardness of the finished coating;
  • the adhesive must not protrude more than 1/3 of the height of the joints between the tiles. If there is too much of it, the excess is removed with a rubber spatula;
  • the procedure for laying tiles in the kitchen must be constantly monitored by the level so that the relief of the finished floor is perfectly even.

"Crosses" for ceramic tiles are necessary to form joints of the same width. So the result of the masonry will be more aesthetic. You need to choose plastic fixtures based on the size of the tile: larger tiles require wider ends of the “crosses”. If in doubt, you can always consult with the store manager, he must understand the essence of the issue.

You need to insert the "crosses" strictly vertically, into the tile joints. When the work is completed, and the glue has begun to dry, the plastic stops are removed.

Performing all operations in strict sequence and observing the technology, you can lay the tiles on the floor in the kitchen yourself.

After the glue has completely dried, you can proceed to the processing of seams. To do this, a special grout is purchased - a powder diluted with water in proportions according to the attached instructions. The consistency of the mixture should be similar to the appearance of the putty. Grout is applied rubber look spatula, is placed in the seams between ceramic products. Accuracy in this process is not the most important requirement; all excess composition from the tile can be removed 15-20 minutes after application. A hard sponge is used to remove dirt.

It is very important to completely fill the tile joints, the quality of work at this stage directly affects the degree of water resistance of the floor covering. After removing excess grout with a sponge, wipe the tile with a soft cotton cloth.

When laying tiles on the floor for the kitchen, you must adhere to general rules. But there are still helpful tips transmitted by masters to each other. There are not many of them, but these recommendations must be heeded:

  1. when diluting glue and grout, it is impossible to dilute powders with water. Dry mixtures are gradually poured into a container with water, constantly mixing the contents. If this rule is not observed, it may result in overflowing with liquid, the formation of lumps. Ultimately, the composition will become unusable and will have to be thrown away;
  2. tile dimensions determine the width of the tile joints. This value fluctuates in the range of 2-6 mm. If the seams are made too narrow, it will be inconvenient to fill them with grout. Wide seams after the grout has dried may crack, thereby weakening the degree of tightness of the finished floor;
  3. before cutting tiles, it is worth practicing on one tile, this will allow you to develop firmness of movements and understand the behavior of the material during the cutting process. Some ceramic products cut well, but hard, naughty ones can also be found. If the seam on the ceramic is uneven, with torn edges, it is worth trying a different tool;
  4. it is possible to glue a tiled floor at an ambient temperature of 10-35 ° C above zero. But it will be more effective to lay the material while maintaining the microclimate in the room at medium levels. This will increase the degree of adhesion of ceramics to the base, speed up the drying of the glue and make the working conditions more comfortable;
  5. when applying glue to the tile itself or to the floor, grooves can be specially formed, this will increase the bonding strength of the surfaces.

Ceramic tiles laid on the walls or floor of the kitchen will last longer if you do not use powders with abrasive ingredients when caring for them, and also take care of them. flooring from severe mechanical damage. When chips and cracks appear on small area it is possible to carry out a partial replacement of the tile, but this will significantly reduce the overall strength of the finish. Among other things, it is difficult to choose exactly the same color shade.

By the way, when buying tiles in several packages right in the store, you need to open them and compare the products with each other!

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The kitchen should be equally comfortable for receiving guests, romantic evenings with loved ones and family dinners with relatives. Flooring plays an important role in creating comfort. Tiles for the kitchen on the floor perfect option, which meets such important criteria: resistance to mechanical damage, soundproofing, wear resistance, aesthetic appearance. Each of these features is really important for the kitchen.

Types of tiles for the kitchen

For right choice flooring should always be taken into account useful information, and before the purchase, and not after it. Then you can be calm and confident in a successful repair. There are the following types of ceramic tiles:

Pressed tiles

It consists of special clay materials. The mixture undergoes transformations through compaction and formation with the help of high pressure. The pressed tile differs in special firmness and a plain surface.

Tile without enamel

glazed tiles

This option will appeal to connoisseurs of brilliance and color, which is clearly visible on the glazed surface. In addition, this type of tile is characterized by pore impermeability, hardness and density.

Clinker tiles

It consists of a variety of certain types of clay, special dyes and flux. Possesses high resistance to chemical and mechanical influences.

Metlakh tiles

Single firing, no glazed surface and high pressing process are the main characteristics metlakh tiles. It is quite popular not only because of technical properties but also thanks to its elegant appearance.

Ceramic tiles

It is made from special spars, kaolin, quartz and pressed dough. This combination creates a homogeneous mass, good strength and an appearance that resembles a glass coating.

Base for laying tiles

This is a prerequisite that must be met in order to avoid defects in the form of unevenness and heterogeneity in the structure of kitchen tiles.

One of the most reliable and simple options laying consider drywall. It does not require special alignment and is firmly attached to the floor. An equally good and frequent alternative can be old tiles(laying is done with special glue), plywood (requires special processing) and plaster (it can be relied on if the irregularities do not exceed 3 mm).

Pros and cons of floor tiles

Ceramic tiles, like any other floor surface, have their advantages and disadvantages, which you need to know about before buying.

Advantages of tiles for the kitchen:

- Fire resistance. Special fire resistance allows you to be sure that there is additional protection against fire in a room where there is constant contact with fire.

— Resistance to chemical influences. This property can be divided into several separate groups. For example, the value A is the maximum protection against different substances, and D is the absence of this guarantee.

— Low current conductivity.

- Water absorption. Most often it does not exceed 3-4%.

— Durability. The components are able to withstand a variety of attempts to change the shape of the tile. This is extremely important in the kitchen, where it is not on purpose that you can break a plate or a vase.

- Frost resistance.

Stylish design and variety of colors/patterns.

to the main ones, but minimal shortcomings tiles in the kitchen should be attributed to the higher cost (compared to other types of flooring), coldness and careful installation process. Despite this, the cold floor can be easily disposed of with the help of a built-in heating system and entrust the installation to proven professionals.

How to choose the right tiles for the kitchen

1. Image on the package. There should be a foot sign - this means that the tile is designed specifically for the floor.

2. Tile surface. It must be completely homogeneous. The presence of any cracks and irregularities indicates the marriage of the goods.

3. Type of erasure. This indicator is indicated in Latin letters. High class is responsible for good wear resistance.

4. Calculation with a margin. The number of tiles should be 10-15% more.

5. Harmonious combination with the overall design. Tiles can perfectly complement the style of the room or create interesting contrasts against the backdrop of a kitchen set.

6. Texture. A matte surface is great for a small kitchen, and a glazed surface is great for a large room.

7. Thickness. Optimal dimensions thickness is 9-12 mm. A thinner version will not be as durable, and dense tiles over 12 mm are ideal for utility rooms, but not for the kitchen.

8. Marking the box. It indicates the type of tile in accordance with international standards. The highest quality is grade 1, the lowest is grade 3.

9. A simple snowflake sign is responsible for frost resistance.

10. The foot, which is on the shaded background, means high wear resistance of the material.

How to choose grout color for tiles

This is one of the most important questions when choosing flooring. The color scheme is able to add up the overall impression or complement it. One of the most popular and proven options is mosaic. She is able to create abstract elements, bright patterns or drawings. The color of the fugue and grout can merge, or it can contrast, highlighting or shading some elements with others. To get the effect of a solid coating, it is enough to create a grout that will match the shade of the tile (or 1-2 tones lighter), for lovers of extravagance and brightness, surface zoning options using two or more colors are perfect. In the case of the need to highlight each tile, you need to look at the grout of darker shades. The selection criterion should depend on the type of tile, its size, as well as the desired effect.

Tiles for the kitchen on the floor - photo

We have a collection interesting photos tiles in kitchen design that show how harmonious, safe and stylish this proven flooring can look. Happy viewing!

Despite the variety of finishing materials on the market, certain rooms in our house are equipped in accordance with the laws of functionality and practicality. First of all, we are talking about the kitchen, which is the most visited place in the house. According to statistics, most women spend a decent part of their lives there. Just for this reason, both stylistically and functionally, the kitchen should be thought out to the smallest detail. Fortunately, there are more than enough ways and tools to achieve such perfection at the moment.

Functional qualities

Everyone who set out to make a beautiful and comfortable kitchen already at the initial stage, he is trying to figure out which tile to choose for the kitchen is best.

After all, undoubtedly, a more perfect wall and floor covering for this room cannot be found. First of all good tile high operational characteristics and must be stable.

  • to a hot humid environment (steam);
  • to abrasion;
  • to pollution;
  • to the effects of detergents;
  • to moisture penetration.

Important! It is quite obvious that something is always boiling, boiling and splashing in the kitchen, and as a result, the walls are covered with a layer of grease. This factor must be taken into account when choosing a tile - in the working area it must have protective layer enamel.

And we must not forget that in order to clean and maintain this very tile in proper condition, housewives very often use abrasive cleaners. This is not always justified, since the tiled surface can be damaged, small scratches will appear on it and its service life will be significantly reduced.

It is also worth remembering that this finishing material must have a certain degree of impact resistance and resistance to other types of mechanical loads.

We decorate the walls

Fashion trends are characteristic of any sphere of our life. Of course, they "lead" and a large army of interior designers. If we take the kitchen room, then more and more often in design developments you can see wall decoration with small tiles.

There is no doubt: this approach brings a very strong aesthetic effect, but it should be used with extreme caution. kitchen, especially work zone- not the room where there should be a lot of grouting. It is very difficult to care for a surface finished in this way, since it is the seams that are the place where the most dirt and microorganisms accumulate.

We finish the floors

Interesting! Tiles have been used as flooring for a long time - for several centuries. Despite the triumph of technological progress, there are no fundamental changes in the manufacture of high-quality tiles. Although, of course, this type of finish in modern conditions produced using more advanced technologies and the latest equipment.

How long a tile floor will last depends largely on two indicators:

  1. Strength (hardness) of the top layer.
  2. Wear resistance, that is, the ability to resist abrasion.

Strength characteristics

If you are not strong in these specific aspects and cannot visually determine how strong and durable the tile is, then pay attention to the manufacturer's information. In fact, there is a certain classification and specially developed standards that indicate the level of strength and performance parameters of the tile. In accordance with these standards, it is easy to determine which tiles can be used for flooring, and which is suitable exclusively for wall surfaces. The classification was developed by the American Institute (Porcelein Enamel Institute) and according to it, the following tiles are offered to the consumer:

  • PEI I - exclusively for walls;
  • PEI II - floor, can be used in bathrooms or bedrooms, that is, in those rooms where they walk barefoot or in soft home shoes;
  • PEI III - used in any premises, with the exception of hallways;
  • PEI IV - relevant in any premises, and especially in hallways, corridors and stairs;
  • PEI V - has the highest wear resistance, recommended for finishing the floor surface in rooms with heavy traffic.

Based on this information, for the kitchen suitable tile III-IV classes.

Resistance to household chemicals

It is also extremely important that the chosen floor tiles for the kitchen tolerated the effects of chemicals well. When cleaning this home, detergents are constantly used, which can simply ruin a poor-quality material, and irrevocably. It is for this reason that when choosing a floor covering, it is worth giving preference to tiles characterized by resistance to chemically active substances, that is, belonging to classes "AA" or "A".


Perhaps the most important quality of floor tiles is safety, which is expressed in slip resistance. This characteristic is inextricably linked with the coefficient of friction. Today there are four safety categories of this finishing material:

The size

Large format tiles are much easier and faster to install, while smaller format tiles are more expensive and more troublesome to install. Although, from the point of view of aesthetic preference, many consumers believe that it is small tiled elements that make the room more elegant and graceful.

It is best to purchase kitchen tiles in a specialized store. Firstly, it is there that the largest assortment of this material will be offered: various styles, invoice, color palette. Secondly, it is here that you are most likely to get answers to all your questions from professional managers and consultants who know almost everything about this specific product.

Important! If you know exactly what kind of tile you need, then you can choose a specialized online store as the place of purchase.

Reading time ≈ 10 minutes

Ceramic tiles are great solution for finishing the kitchen - it is durable, environmentally friendly and has a beautiful appearance. But the design of tiles today is so diverse that it can be difficult to choose. It is important to know which tile is best for different surfaces kitchens - on the apron, floor. Indeed, in case of an unsuccessful choice, replacing the tile will be a very expensive and time-consuming task.

Floor and apron decoration ceramic tiles.


Due to its operational characteristics, ceramic tiles are objectively best material for finishing the floor in the kitchen, as well as for finishing the apron and walls. Often present in the kitchen high humidity and temperature difference, high probability of contamination - in such conditions, the ceramic coating performs very well.

It has a number of significant advantages over other materials:

  • environmentally friendly;
  • durable;
  • durable;
  • resistant to moisture, aggressive chemicals and grease, does not lose color from UV rays, resistant to temperature extremes.

Important! The tile is a cold floor covering, therefore, for a comfortable stay in the kitchen, it is necessary to equip a floor heating system.

Stylish floor tile design.

Technical characteristics of tiles may vary depending on the conditions in the room. Therefore, when choosing, it is worth considering the following points:

  1. The level of strength and wear resistance. For walls, you can choose the lowest level of PEI I, and for the floor you need a higher grade - PEI III.
  2. In order for the tile to normally endure cleaning with chemical and abrasive substances, choose products of class "A" or "AA".
  3. Friction coefficient. This indicator is critical for safety in the kitchen. For the floor, choose a rough coating, where the coefficient of friction is not lower than 0.75.
  4. The degree of water absorption. For wall decoration, tiles can be no higher than 10%; for floors, this figure should be less than 3%.
  5. Sort. This is indicatively responsible for the amount of marriage in the party. Grade 1 is the highest, highest quality and most expensive, marked in red. In such coverage, the amount of marriage does not exceed 5%. The second and third classes are of lower quality, they are marked in blue and in green, respectively. The scrap rate can be up to 15%.

Before buying, you should familiarize yourself with the main markings, so you can "read" information about the product simply by looking at the label.

Tile marking.

Directly upon purchase ceramic coating it is very important to inspect all samples for any defects - size discrepancies, chips and microcracks in the enamel and other nuances.

On this review specifications tiles can be considered complete. Another question remains - which design tile is better for the kitchen on the floor and backsplash? Everything related to the appearance of the material will be considered further.

floor tiles

When choosing a ceramic floor covering, attention should be paid to the color, size and shape of the blocks. Based on this, it is worth deciding on the installation method.

Color and design

Most often, it is on the appearance of the tile that we pay attention in the first place. The choice of tile shade will depend on many factors: the size of the kitchen, the amount of natural light, the shade of the furniture and the headset, the desired interior style.

Patterned floor tiles suggest a discreet design for other finishes and furniture.

Some design tips:

  1. The floor in a small kitchen is desirable to design in light, neutral, pastel shades. If the room is large, you can experiment with darker and more saturated tones.
  2. The larger the kitchen, the more complex the design can be, and vice versa. This means that in small spaces do not overdo it with shades, patterns and textures of the coating.
  3. A coating with a pattern, texture imitation is more practical in the kitchen - pollution and damage are less noticeable on such tiles.
  4. Floor tiles should be slightly rough, which is why you should choose matte rather than glossy varieties. By the way, the matte finish has a higher resistance to damage.
  5. The practicality of the coating is also determined by the color - on light blocks, water stains, stains, dust are not so striking. But light blocks have weak points - seams that get dirty pretty quickly and give sloppiness to the entire floor.
  6. A warm or cold shade of the coating can be selected depending on the location of the windows to the cardinal points. If the windows face east or south and a lot of sunlight, you can choose cold shades of tiles - blue, turquoise, gray and blue. Otherwise, take a closer look at the beige scale.

For example, the kitchen looks very impressive, where the floor and the lower part of the headset are decorated in the same shade.

The floor tiles echo the color of the set.

The option where the floor covering in color echoes the walls is also successful. In this case, the headset should be of a contrasting shade.

Floor tiles and walls in the same shade.

Floor tiles can be combined with a ceramic backsplash. But if the apron is colorful and expressive, then it is better to “balance” the interior with a neutral floor color and vice versa.

Figured bright floor tiles.

Tip: if the kitchen is used wooden furniture with a natural shade of wood, tiles should not be chosen with an imitation of this material, as the interior will be overloaded.

If bright, patterned tiles are used for the floor, the rest of the interior should be calm.

Layout option

There are several layout options:

Size and shape

When choosing a tile important criteria there will be not only color and pattern, but also size and shape. Today, floor tiles are sold in the most different sizes, width from 5 cm to 120 cm. The choice will depend on the characteristics of each particular kitchen.

Large tiles in the interior of the kitchen.

For a long time, the rule reigned in this matter - the more spacious the kitchen, the larger the tiles can be, and vice versa. In other words, for small kitchens suitable options are 15 * 15 cm, 20 * 20 cm. For medium-sized kitchens, you can choose tiles of about 40 * 40 cm. For spacious kitchens, large blocks are suitable. However, tiles with a seamless laying method are now being produced - that is, the joints are invisible, which means that the size of the tile is hidden from view. That's why this rule not always relevant.

Brown textured tiles for the kitchen in a classic style.

Keep in mind that smaller tiles take longer to install and cost more than larger tiles.

The shape of the tile can be classic square or rectangular. The latter option is especially successful if you choose a material with imitation wood, laminate.

Offset tiles.

But you can also experiment with tiles more unusual shape- diamond-shaped, hexagonal, rounded floor tiles look very original.

Monophonic, figured, floor tiles.

Idea: in the case of diamond-shaped or multifaceted tiles, the main part can be laid out in one color, and the inserts can be made in contrasting or patterned shades.

The dark floor is the main expressive element in the interior of the kitchen.

Apron tiles

The part of the wall between the countertop and the cabinets in the working area of ​​the countertop is called. This area is usually the most prone to contamination during cooking, so apron tiles are the most acceptable material.

It is worth deciding in advance based on the overall design of the kitchen what kind of apron will be - neutral in design or bright accent in the interior.

Bright apron and from the headset.

Unlike the floor, you can choose tiles with a beautiful glossy finish for decorating the apron. The parameters of the blocks are also determined by the dimensions of the kitchen - what less room, the smaller the tile should be. For example, blocks of 10 * 10 cm look very good. Since their laying is a long and laborious process, you can use an alternative - imitation of small tiles. These are blocks of regular sizes with recesses.

A white tile can be called a favorite in the design of an apron. This solution is great for interiors in any style and for kitchens of different sizes.

White apron in the interior of the kitchen.

The coating in the form of a brick, or a boar tile, looks especially advantageous. She fits like the classic way, but most often with an offset or herringbone, as in the photo:

White boar tile with herringbone pattern.

However, it should be borne in mind that the seams between the white tiles will be more difficult to keep clean. You will also have to change the grout more often. Alternatively, you can use a design technique - use a dark contrasting grout for light tiles. In this case, the apron will look very geometric.

White tile boar with black grout for an apron.

If the rest of the finishes and furniture in the kitchen are neutral in color, the apron can be highlighted with bright colors. To do this, you can choose a plain tile of different shades.

The accent on the apron is made with the help of plain tiles of several shades.

You can also use patterned tiles or patchwork.

Apron in patchwork style.

It is a mistake to believe that dark tiles will be easier to keep clean. On a dark apron, especially a glossy one, on the contrary, any minor dirt, fingerprints, traces of steam and grease will be very noticeable. Although a dark apron looks spectacular, it is not the most practical option.

Spectacular, but difficult to maintain dark glossy apron.

There is no single correct answer to the question, what better tiles choose for the kitchen on the floor, walls and backsplash. It is always worth starting from the features of a particular room, your vision of aesthetics and comfort. Properly selected and properly laid tiles will be the basis of the edge design of the room.

Video: how to choose tiles for the kitchen.

Ceramic tiles as facing material for the kitchen - this is an absolutely logical choice. Such a surface perfectly withstands different temperatures, humidity, resistant to household chemicals. In hardware stores, a chic assortment of tiles is presented, but not everyone is suitable for the kitchen. Before buying, arm yourself with our instructions to choose a really worthwhile option.

For the kitchen, a large load on the surface and frequent cleanings are natural. Therefore, here the materials must be of particularly high quality. According to the international PEI classification, tiles vary in strength. For kitchen walls, level III is required, and for the floor - IV-V, that is, the maximum levels. If the manufacturer indicates the strength of the product according to the GOST scale, be guided by a class not lower than the fifth. How hard ceramic is and how it resists scratches, the MOOCA scale will tell. Quality here is determined in ascending order, using marks 1-10. The kitchen requires level 5 and above. Also pay attention to the resistance indicator chemicals. The values ​​"A" and "AA" indicate a high tolerance of alkalis and acids. Resistance to pollution is identified by the numbers 1-3: less stains are formed on tiles with designations 1 or 2. Designers recommend choosing the color and style of the tile at the moment when you already clearly imagine the interior of the kitchen. It is desirable to decide on the furniture, its range and direction. Kitchen walls can be designed in a single palette with the rest of the elements, or you can create an interesting, lively contrast that will give the room a bright character.

Today, large-format glossy tiles with large-scale decorative images are in fashion. However, it will look good only in a spacious kitchen. The fact is that a shiny surface visually reduces the space, and a large drawing suggests a fairly roomy area, otherwise it will simply be “lost”. In rooms with a quadrature of 5-7 meters, it is better to put a matte tile in pastel colors.

The so-called apron is the area between the work surface and wall cabinets- requires special attention. The main problem here is tile joints, because they quickly become dirty, difficult to clean, and the grout also loses its original appearance. The conclusion is obvious: from the point of view of hygiene and practicality, such a cute, purely kitchen 10x10 tile is completely irrelevant. And in the decorated textured elements, a greasy coating is constantly collected, which only complicates the life of the hostess. If you want to decorate with ceramic tiles and countertops, the latter should be combined with an apron. That is, the entire working area will be lined with one type of tile, which will create the effect of a solid, stylistically complete object. In this case, along with aesthetic harmony, you will need periodic processing of seams. To sexual kitchen tiles submit other requirements:
  • maximum wear resistance;
  • matte surface instead of gloss;
  • slightly ribbed texture, designed to ensure the safety of the finishing material;
  • granular or variegated colors that hide small impurities.

In general, kitchen tiles should meet the basic needs of a cook: they should not cause trouble in maintenance and be sufficiently resistant to all sorts of impacts and damage. These properties will be present in samples with minimal porosity, with a dense and uniform enamel coating.

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