Where can you store things in the bedroom? Stylish and practical storage systems for the bedroom Boxes, containers, baskets, organizers.

garden equipment 23.06.2020
garden equipment

In the free space under the bed, drawers for storage will easily fit. As an option, for these purposes they build a podium, which becomes not only the basis for, but also a place to store bed linen, pillows and blankets.

1. Podium with drawers

Architect-designer Tatiana Zhivolupova, decorator Tatiana Evstratova, visualization Anastasia Yashchenko

2. Japanese multifunctional podium

Architect, designer Irina Ilyina, photo: Ivan Sorokin

3. Built podium from parquet board

Architect-designer Tatyana Zhivolupova, visualization by Anastasia Yashchenko

4. Roll-out storage section

Design studio "Cozy apartment", visualization of the authors of the project

5. Boxes in the bed frame

6. Drawers instead of a window sill...and more

Designers Irina Kozlova, Nina Shvetsova, visualization by Irina Kozlova

7. Books under the bed

8. Chest at the foot of the bed

Architect-designer Olesya Shlyakhtina, architect and visualizer Sergey Vetokhov

On the sides of the bed

Another option is to flank cabinets or bedside tables. It can be both closed structures for storing clothes, and open shelving for books.

9. Cabinets with shutter doors

Architect-designer Margarita Rasskazova, design and visualization by Totiana Shevchenko

10. Wardrobes + open shelves

Designer Julia Poteykovich, photo Egor Pyaskovsky

11. Beautiful bedside tables

Above the bed

19. Full wall composition

Design and visualization: Maria Huchua

20. Construction-house

Design and visualization by Max Zhukov, designer Viktor Stefan

Indoors is no easy task. Especially if this question concerns the bedroom. In the bedroom, you should avoid massive furniture elements that visually hide the space and make the atmosphere less comfortable.

Modern cabinets are light and roomy, and the glossy or mirror surface of the facade visually expands the space. When organizing storage space, the main rule should be taken into account - there should be twice as much storage space as things. Clothing tends to accumulate.

The most optimal storage option is the rational use of niches, columns, etc. By installing shelves, rods, hangers, drawers here, you can get a complete one. Moreover, it is quite possible to bring this idea to life even in the smallest bedroom, if there is a niche there. You can even do without a door, close the shelves from prying eyes with a light curtain, or without closing at all. Another option is doors with glass inserts or full glass doors.

If the headboard reclines, then this space can be used for any things that should be at hand - magazines, books, napkins, etc.

Boxes, plastic boxes fit perfectly into. In addition, they contain a lot of large and small items, which helps to organize the storage order.

- a great functional option.

Drawers, baskets and boxes can be hidden in cabinets or under the bed, or vice versa, placed separately. it is rational to use for storing blankets, warm blankets, bed linen, which are rarely used or seasonally, can be hidden there.

Looking for new places for things

The bedroom is not only a place to sleep and rest. It is also the place where we store most of our personal belongings: clothes, shoes, accessories. How to organize storage in the bedroom and not turn it into a warehouse - in our material. So, here they are - a few square meters of living space with a bed. Where to store things? Let's start with the classics.

Classic storage locations

Wardrobe or wardrobe

The most classic storage for clothes, underwear and other things. Cabinets convenient: dust does not get inside, everything is hidden from prying eyes. Clothes can be hung on hangers or stacked on numerous shelves. A mezzanine closet is an ideal place for seasonal things: packed and put away until the time comes. The main thing is to remove everything from the closet from time to time, ventilate the interior space and treat with moth and other pests.


No less classic storage for linen and clothes. A chest of drawers is a good solution for a small bedroom when space does not allow for a wardrobe. But also as an addition to the closet, the chest of drawers is very convenient. In addition, you can always choose a model of any shape that fits into the interior: taller or wider, with three, five or more drawers.


Many models of bedroom beds are equipped with special storage compartments. Most often this is the space under the lifting mattress. Spare sets of linen or some seasonal items are usually stored here. In addition, there are beds with drawers on sale - also a very convenient storage for things. This bed can also be made to order.

Original storage for things

Space under the bed

Let's start with the bed: if its design does not provide for drawers or a storage compartment, no one will forbid you to use the space under it for this business.
Where to store things? The ideal option is wicker baskets or plastic containers with lids. Another option is wooden drawers on small wheels.

Cabinet in front of the bed

This is both storage and at the same time an element of decor. You can put decorative pillows or a bedspread on the cabinet, and store some things inside the cabinet. For example, spare sets of bed linen and towels.
If instead of a bedside table there is a bench in front of the bed, several baskets or containers can easily fit under it.

floor hanger

For everyday clothes, the floor hanger is the ideal storage place. It can be either a vertical hanger-rack with hooks or a U-shaped design on wheels.


If for some reason you cannot or do not want to put a closet in the bedroom, put up shelving. Take some shelves for small things: books, souvenirs, jewelry, and fill the rest with containers or baskets with things. If there is a niche in the bedroom, install a rack in it, and an ordinary curtain will help hide it from prying eyes. Get a real dressing room.


The head of the bed can also be turned into storage: arrange shelves above and around the bed. Things "not essential" can be put higher, and the most necessary - at arm's length.


In addition to the fact that the chest is a great place for storage, it is also an original piece of furniture. For any interior, you can choose or order a model that will fit into high-tech, classics, and country music.
Instead of a chest, lighter visually large wicker chests and baskets can be used. They are breathable so use them to store pillows, duvets or linens.


Why should your travel suitcase be empty between vacations? Fill it with something. At least those things that you will need only on vacation: diving accessories or climbing equipment.
An old grandmother's suitcase can also serve as storage and interior decoration. A little imagination, just a little bit of restoration - and the old suitcase can easily turn into a bedside table or coffee table. Inside the suitcase we store seasonal clothes or shoes.

Small roomy bedroom

Despite the fact that the bedroom is not the largest room, you can store a lot of things in it. The main thing is to show a little imagination and turn on ingenuity. And, of course, take advantage of our advice. Live easy!

Storing things is an urgent issue and its competent solution often frees you from many everyday problems, and therefore it is so important to plan everything correctly and then by all means maintain order. And even if you don't have the space for dedicated storage systems, we have 17 simple ideas that will make the most of what you have.

1. Storage of tights, socks and underwear

Storage of underwear, socks and tights is a very delicate topic. However, more often than not, real chaos reigns in the linen closet. The best linen storage idea is a drawer organizer, which you can buy at the store or make your own.

2. Storing clothes in a chest of drawers

Instead of stacking your clothes, try rolling them into neat rolls. Such a storage system will make it easy to get the right thing without making a mess.

3. Bedside shelf

If the bedroom space does not allow you to place even the smallest bedside table, you should pay attention to a narrow shelf. You can’t put a lot of things on it, but an alarm clock, a phone and a book can easily fit.

4. Corner shelf

A plastic or wooden stand for magazines and papers can be turned into an original corner shelf. Such a simple and budget shelf will perfectly fit into the interior of a small bedroom.

5. Jewelry storage

Old saucers, cups, small bowls are ideal for storing jewelry and cosmetics. For convenience, it is better to divide accessories into groups and store them separately from each other.

6. Perfume storage

Beautiful perfume bottles and your favorite cosmetics can be beautifully placed on an ordinary cake stand.

7. Rag organizers

Attach some rag organizers to the bed, in which you can put slippers, books, magazines, a notebook and a pen, and other little things. Thus, all the necessary things will always be at hand.

8. Storage on the door

The door in the small bedroom is an extra place to store things that did not fit in the closet. Several hooks and railing will open up the widest possibilities for storing clothes and accessories on the door.

9. Reminder Board

A voluminous reminder board decorated with fabric and ribbons will allow you to beautifully place hundreds of small notes with reminders, fresh photographs and any other memorable trifles on the wall.

10. Containers under the bed

The empty space under the bed can be filled with wicker baskets or plastic containers, in which you can put a lot of rarely used things.

11. Charming shelves

Bright paper bags from your favorite stores can be turned into original shelves for storing various little things and accessories.

12. "Pocket" for the phone

A convenient stand-pocket for the phone can be made from a plastic shampoo bottle.

13. Bag storage

You can organize a place to store bags by hanging an ordinary shower spacer in the closet.

Hello my dear! Today I have a homely mood and I decided to devote the day to the house, despite the fact that the day off. And this topic belongs to the category “order in the house”.

I sometimes have to answer questions related to the organization of storage in a particular room. I have already given general answers to some topics in my posts. But we have not yet considered the bedroom. Although many for some reason do not pay close attention to this particular area. I find several reasons for this. One of which is that this room is less visited, and therefore less cluttered. But, of course, this does not apply to all houses. For example, in a one-room apartment, only one room can serve as the whole house. And I do not advise you not to neglect practical advice on its organization.

Read on the topic:

So, let's begin….

Organization of storage in the bedroom

Let's first consider what a bedroom is for you. For me personally, this is my corner where I can relax, watch TV, on the other hand, this is my workplace, the place where I gather, dress and take care of myself. That is, whatever one may say, this room is multifunctional. Who has very small children, sometimes they put a crib there.

First of all, you need to conditionally divide the room into subzones, for example, recreation, workplace, storage space, and so on. Each of them should have its own border, its purpose. And all the planned cases must be carried out strictly in the place to which subzone they correspond. When you take this simple step, organizing the storage of things and will not be difficult. After all, each little thing will lie in its place, since the thematic division of the bedroom into subzones gives a huge advantage. Even if you have each subzone in a mess, the overall picture will not be so bad. This is due to the fact that things will not leave the intended boundaries. I hope you get my point.

Storing clothes in the bedroom

Now let's go through the places where you can organize the storage of things. Well, the first in line, of course, will be a closet with clothes. How to put things together, how to get rid of unnecessary rubbish, I wrote here. Girls, this is a very necessary and important step. Without it, you will not change anything, believe me. Fold your blouses, sweaters, hang your favorite dresses on hangers, but the wardrobe will be full of things that you have not worn for a long time, and moreover, keep them like the apple of your eye, in the hope that they will come in handy someday. May they not be useful to you! Get rid of them as soon as possible. In a couple of weeks you will observe the same picture as now, when everything is lying in disorder in one big pile, and you can’t make out where and what lies. Make room for new things you need and use. Use gadgets for storage. I present a few ideas. Alternatively, you can still use beautiful suitcases, baskets instead of a mezzanine, a screen, and so on. Everything, of course, depends on your taste, imagination and possibilities.

Under bed storage

The second place in the bedroom, which is, in my opinion, the most important, is the bed. Oddly enough, it will also help us in putting things in order and organizing the storage of things. How, you ask? First, there are now beds that have built-in storage boxes. They are very comfortable and functional. For small bedrooms, this is the best solution.

But if you do not have such advantages, the issue is resolved quite simply. The first option is to hire a specialist, and they will make built-in drawers for you, and the second is to make or buy them yourself. And it is not necessary to have super golden hands. A place like the place under the bed should not go unnoticed. Take a large box, cover it with paper or cloth, decorate it, put it under the bed and store anything in it.

This budget way is very suitable for small apartments or bedrooms. What can be stored under the bed? Yes, anything, such as underwear, socks, towels, bedding, seasonal clothes, toys, and so on. Storage under the bed is a super way, and inexpensive and very convenient.

Storage in the bedroom

The third thing I would like to talk about today is the storage device - hooks. I love them very much. For me, this is an indispensable thing in the whole house. Specifically in the bedroom, they can be used with great success, for example, to attach them to the back of the door and hang up home clothes or clothes for the next day. In the dressing room, they will serve you to store accessories (belts, scarves, bags, and so on). Hooks are not expensive, but the sense from them is huge.

We've broken down the two most important spots in the bedroom, but storage doesn't end there. For these purposes, there are racks, shelves, chests of drawers, lockers, storage in which depends on their contents. The parsing principle remains the same.

It is also worth paying special attention to the storage of cosmetics, the organization of the workplace and all those subzones into which your bedroom is divided. But this is a topic for separate posts that I still have to write. So, if you don't want to miss a single new topic, subscribe to blog updates and get the latest news directly to your mail.

I kiss and hug everyone!

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