Disadvantages of paving slabs. Paving slabs: types, pros and cons, features and laying technology, installation cost

garden equipment 04.03.2020
garden equipment

About such a variety of building materials as today, a few decades ago, one could only dream of. Now you can safely purchase products without worrying about their certain qualities and performance characteristics. All materials have been tested and have already proven their practicality and suitability.

It is difficult to imagine a modern suburban area or house territory without paving slabs. It is often called paving stone blocks, which is basically the same thing. It will be discussed in this article.

For the first time, this material began to be used in countries where strong roads were required, but there was not enough stone for these needs. She laid out first the carriageways, and later the sidewalks. In our country, paving slabs began to be made only in the 70s. Then it was quite large and less durable, unlike modern paving stones. After a new tile manufacturing technology appeared in production - pressing, paving material got its usual look.

Modern production has several types of paving slab manufacturing technologies. Depending on which technology is used, this or that type of tile is obtained. Main varieties paving stones:

The first type of tile differs from others in that in the process of its production, plastic compounds. The “stuffing” of the tile is poured into special containers, the so-called “vibroforms”. It has a special appearance, imitating brick or wood flooring. Most often, this type of building material is used for individual construction. She lays out paths in garden plots and the adjacent territory of cottages and country houses.

Vibropressed tiles produced in a completely different way. The concrete mixture is poured into a mold, which is subjected to pressure with vibration. This pressure is created by a special vibropress, due to which the tile has a more strict shape and rough surface. This building material lays out roads in public places, squares, sidewalks and pavements.

A more durable tile is paving stones made of natural stone- granite. Due to the fact that it can more easily tolerate temperature changes, its service life is much longer. Plus, it does not require any additional means to protect against damage. Granite tiles will serve their owner not less than 25 years old.

There are also several types of tiles, depending on what material it is made of. The most popular are concrete products, but clay materials are no less common. Outwardly, clay paving slabs resemble roof tiles. Some manufacturers add granite chips or other binder material to the tile. The color range of paving slabs is very wide, the same can be said about the shape.

Main benefits modern paving slabs can be called the following qualities:

granite tiles also has a number of advantages over concrete:

  • it eliminates the rise of groundwater;
  • does not interfere with the natural need of green plants for gas exchange;
  • does not fade and does not lose its shade;
  • the pattern on each individual tile is unique;
  • this tile can always be lifted and shifted again;
  • she is more durable and environmentally friendly.

However, there is one significant drawback - high price. Although granite tile owners assure that the difference in price will be covered by the costs of constant repairs and alteration of the concrete pavement, not everyone can afford such a luxury. Also cons paving slabs are:

  • uneven drawdown due to improper laying;
  • during frosts, the tiles become very slippery.

Before you decide to lay paving slabs in your country house or near your house, you need to take a little time to study the technical properties of this material. All questions of interest can be asked to the sales assistant in the hardware store. Before buying, make sure that the type of tile you choose durable enough. Find out if it can support the weight of a car, or if it is only designed for the weight of a person. It is worth paying attention to the shape of the tiles. Mark for yourself whether it will be necessary to cut the tile near the curb or not, whether it is rough enough, etc.

Laying paving slabs requires answering some questions: “How will excess water go?”, “What is needed for this?”. Some homeowners install open lines, special drain grates or storm water inlets.

Before you start the process of laying out tiles, you need to calculate the amount of material needed. It is best to prepare a drawing of the territory on a small scale, according to which to proceed with the direct laying.

If you plan to lay out tiles with your own hands, then this section of the article is for you.

First of all, you need to prepare the area where the tiles will be laid out. Using a level, you need to level the area so that the slope was away from the house, and not vice versa. It is necessary to drive in small pegs throughout the territory, mark the level of the slope and pull the thread along them. Next, you need to set the curbs to the desired height. You can level the area with sand, screenings or gravel. After that, the territory is abundantly watered with water and compacted with a vibrating plate or any other similar sealing material.

After that, you need to fix curbs. First, a sand-cement mixture is prepared in the ratio of cement and sand - 1:4. The level of bedding can be different, it all depends on the height of the curb. The greater the level of backfill, the more securely the tile will be fixed. The mixture must be leveled with a conventional rake.

Particular attention should be paid laying the first row of tiles, after all, the level of slope of the remaining rows depends on it. Lay out the initial row as accurately and parallel to the planes as possible. Each tile must be tapped with a rubber mallet so that it sags.

When the entire tile is laid out, the seams are sprinkled with a dry mixture, and the remnants are swept away. Defects can also be easily repaired with a mixture of cement and sand in a 1:2 ratio.

If you decide to trust a professional in the matter of laying paving slabs, then you should know how much this type of work costs.

If the surface has already been prepared, then the price tag for laying tiles is as follows:

For the removal of asphalt or other surfaces will have to pay extra at the rate of 150-200 rubles. for 1 sq. m.

Preparing the surface of concrete with sand costs 15–20 rubles/sq.m., reinforcement 150–190 rubles/sq.m., concrete - 320–350 rubles/sq.m. The cost of these works is usually within 400 rubles / sq.m. Installation of drainage systems and borders is paid separately, on average the price varies from 120-200 rubles per sq.m.

Laying paving slabs is not an easy task. If you decide to lay out the tiles with your own hands, follow the above tips. Properly laid tiles will not have defects and won't sag, which means that it will delight its owner with a smooth and durable surface for many years.

After reading this article, you will see how the advantages of paving slabs prevail over its shortcomings. And the video materials at the end of the article are additional confirmation of what has been said.

The advantages of paving slabs or, as it is also called, paving stones over most other coatings are very numerous. It is easy to distinguish them based on the following aspects:

  • Excellent physical characteristics.
  • Insignificant surmountable shortcomings.
  • Attractive feature.
  • Wide range of applications.

It's all about strength

Determining the advantages of paving slabs, we must not forget about the methods of its manufacture. If earlier it was made from pressed concrete, now, in addition to this material, various plasticizers, clay, stone chips, and dyes are added. All this ensures that the products maintain sufficient strength even under strong mechanical loads.

And at the mention of the excellent physical properties that the material acquires during the manufacturing process, advantages of paving slabs only increase. So, products obtained by casting can withstand up to 200 freeze-thaw cycles; products that are manufactured by vibrocompression - up to 300 cycles.

Cast paving slabs have a water absorption of only 5% of the total volume of water falling on it. Its service life at maximum loads is 10 years. The vibropressed paving slabs keep durability, do not fade for 25 years. Practically does not absorb moisture.

There is also a kind of paving stone blocks - products made of natural stone (marble, granite). Paved paths made of such material practically do not wear out. In terms of strength, it exceeds concrete of the highest grade. The stone does not lose strength when exposed to acids, alkalis, which are contained in precipitation. It does not fade in the sun, does not darken and does not rot in a humid environment. The coating lasts up to 100 years. Only here the prices bite.

Cons of paving slabs from the point of view of physical characteristics, they can only be present if it is made in an artisanal way. Owners of private estates often purchase such products, attracted by a low price - but this is the only advantage of homemade paving slabs.

Unknown components, violation of manufacturing technology, imperfect pressing equipment - necessarily affects the quality and physical properties of the tile. It begins to break down shortly after installation, unable to withstand the weight of pedestrians, strongly absorbs moisture. It is very easy to distinguish handicraft products from industrial ones. To do this, lightly tap the tile on the tile. If the product is of high quality, a slight ringing will be heard.

In outline

People who doubt are always wondering how the pros and cons of paving slabs outweigh each other. Let's figure it out.

The advantages of paving slabs are as follows:

  • always available for general sale;
  • varied in color and shape;
  • does not retain moisture;
  • withstands severe frosts;
  • does not overheat in the heat;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • easy and quick to install;
  • easy care.

Cons of paving slabs:

  • ice forms on the surface in winter;
  • absorbs moisture, which, with a sharp decrease in air temperature, causes the destruction of the structure of products from the inside;
  • with dishonest laying between the tiles, grass sprouts, which also destroys their integrity;
  • with improper paving, the path to the garage soon begins to sag under the pressure of the wheels of the vehicle.

If we compare

The advantages of paving slabs are obvious when compared with other coatings. Unlike concrete, pebble, asphalt paths, sidewalk paving stones:

  • Has an aesthetic look. The garden and adjacent green areas are perceived as neat and well-groomed.
  • Thanks to the ability to combine various color and figured elements, the coating is an adornment of the garden landscape.
  • Allows you to pave small areas for arranging leisure and recreation of various configurations. Yes, and the paths on the site can be given an interesting shape with the help of tiles.
  • When heated, the product does not change shape, retains a solid structure. But it does not fade in direct sunlight. Does not crack during prolonged use.
  • After heavy rain, puddles do not form on the coating. Water seeps into the soil through the gaps between the tiles. Due to the dry layer under the tiles, moss does not grow in the gaps.
  • Too narrow gaps between the pavers ensure the cleanliness of the entire coating after a heavy downpour. The earth is not smeared on its surface.
  • The tile over time does not emit toxic substances, fumes, as it consists of natural materials.
  • If it is necessary to conduct or repair communications under the paving slab coating, it can be quickly and easily removed. After repair work, the tile is just as easy to install again.

Right place

The numerous advantages of paving slabs over other coatings created a big boom around this material among the owners of private houses and country estates. Nowadays, paving stones pave paths in the garden, yards, playgrounds in front of gazebos and playgrounds. Some homeowners lay tiles around the perimeter of the walls of the foundation, basement. It is here that the shortcomings of paving slabs are fully manifested.

After seasonal rains, all the moisture goes through the gaps between the tiles into the sand and gravel "pillow", on which it rests, and stagnates there. As a result, the foundation, the basement, gradually begins to dampen and collapse. To prevent this from happening, instead of tiles, it is better to fill the places adjacent to the house with high-quality concrete. It does not absorb moisture; streams of water flow down from its surface to a safe distance from the house.

Significant shortcomings of paving slabs are also revealed when laying it in the yard. The coating, except for moisture, absorbs all liquids, including gasoline. In hot weather, when the tile heats up, liquids begin to evaporate from the "cushion". As a result, there is such amber in the yard that it is difficult to breathe. The situation is even more aggravated if a dog lives on a tiled floor in a booth. In hot weather, the air in the yard is filled with the smell of animal feces.

If a parking lot is immediately equipped for a car, paving slabs, which have previously absorbed drops of gasoline and exhaust gases, begin to exude toxic carcinogenic vapors when heated.

Paving stone, although it has a high density, is a hygroscopic material. Therefore, it is worth laying it out in environmentally friendly places: gardens, parks, recreation areas. Being a natural material, paving stones, in the absence of unpleasantly smelling liquids, do not exude harmful fumes. This is indeed a very beautiful coating that can decorate any landscape.

Now you know all the advantages of paving slabs, and you can choose products for your site. Fortunately, there are plenty of opportunities for this. Beautiful colored paths, a paved tennis court will be an interesting design solution for the garden landscape.

Tiles are made from various natural and artificial materials, but colored concrete products such as pressed and vibrocast paving slabs have become especially interesting due to their beautiful appearance and affordable price.

For the manufacture of paving materials based on concrete mix, two main technologies are used today - vibrocasting and vibrocompression. The cost, technical characteristics and scope of application depend on the chosen tile manufacturing technology.

vibrocasting production method

The technology of manufacturing paving slabs by vibrocasting involves the use of manual loading of the concrete mixture into molds and its compaction on a special vibrating table. At the same time, for the preparation of concrete, they use:

  • coarse sand;
  • a mixture of washed crushed stone with granotsev;
  • cement brand M500;
  • to reduce the water content with increased plasticity;
  • color dyes on a mineral and natural basis.

The concrete mixture is kneaded in a closed mixer () and poured into plastic or rubber molds, which are previously lubricated from the inside with machine oil. On a special table, under the influence of vibration, the concrete in the forms is compacted for 5-10 minutes until the existing air bubbles are completely released.

After that, the blanks are placed in a warm room without access to direct sunlight and kept for a day for hardening. As a result, a colored or gray stone material of the correct shape is obtained, which is called vibrocast paving slabs. Finished products are stacked on pallets and can be stored both indoors and outdoors.

Since the forms used for the manufacture of tiles can have almost any configuration, the piece products are ultimately very diverse. Thanks to this, the paths made of vibrocast tiles are distinguished by a beautiful pattern and original laying.

The most popular forms include curly products: brick, rhombus, square, wave, clover, scales and chamomile. At the same time, the thickness of paving slabs, depending on the wishes of the customer, can be 20, 40, 60 or 80 mm. Using pigment dyes in various combinations, white cement can be turned into paving stones of any color shade.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages that vibrocast tiles have include:

  • beautiful appearance, a variety of shapes and colors;
  • high strength;
  • glossy surface, which ensures easy cleaning;
  • the lowest cost of all types of paving stones;
  • ease of installation and high maintainability.

It is good because it is affordable, beautiful, environmentally friendly and durable. It has proven itself in the construction of footpaths in private construction, where there are no heavy loads from vehicles or a large number of people.

These paving slabs allow at a relatively low cost to improve the backyard area, to provide a wide variety of shapes and colors.

However, such paving stones also have serious drawbacks. Since the concrete mixture for vibrocast paving slabs is prepared manually, there is a possibility of technological errors in the preparation of the necessary proportions of the components, as well as insufficient compaction on the vibrating table, leading to possible air residues inside the concrete mass.

Hand-made technology does not allow this type to be produced in large batches. Usually it is made in small batches to order.

A large amount of water used to prepare concrete reduces the frost resistance coefficient, and, therefore, durability. The glossy surface becomes slippery after rain and snow.

In terms of performance, vibrocasting stone paving slabs are significantly inferior to vibropressed ones. But, we should not forget that this paving stone is much cheaper.

Modern production methods

Vibropressed paving slabs are produced using the most modern equipment using a fully automated technology, which includes:

  • accurate dosing of the constituent components for cooking;
  • preparation and use of a semi-dry solution for filling figured forms, which increases the strength and frost resistance of finished piece products;
  • exceptional compliance with the thickness of the tile due to the exact dosing of the amount of concrete when filling the forms;
  • rapid compaction of the concrete mixture under excessive pressure of the vibropress;
  • lack of layer heterogeneity, which can sometimes be observed in vibrocast paving stones;
  • the possibility of in-line production with a large amount of produced piece material.

The indicators of frost resistance, strength and service life of vibropress tiles are much higher, which, according to their technical indicators, makes them better than hand-made products.

At the same time, pressed paving stones are not inferior to cast ones either in color shades or in a variety of shape configurations. Higher abrasion resistance allows this material to be used in areas of heavy pedestrian traffic, and with a thickness of 60 or 80 mm - on the carriageway of roads with passenger traffic.

In addition, the rough surface of this type of paving stone should be noted, which means that pressed tiles are better in terms of safety for pedestrians during rain and winter.

Manufacturers of building materials claim that the service life of vibropressed tiles before the first repair, if properly installed, is at least 25 years. At the same time, cast products serve up to repair, depending on the operating conditions, 5-10 years.

Both types have excellent performance. But when carrying out repairs for cast piece products, the rejection rate reaches 70-80%, and for pressed ones - only 20-30%, which allows most of the material to be reused.

The main indicator by which the vibropressed tile is inferior to the cast one is its cost. Piece materials made using vibrocasting technology are cheaper to manufacture due to lower energy consumption and the absence of high costs for the purchase and operation of equipment.

Environmental indicators

Regardless of the production technology, vibrocast or vibropressed concrete pavers are absolutely environmentally friendly. This indicator for piece products is at the highest level, making them absolutely pure in this regard.

No harmful chemicals or contaminants are used in their manufacture. This gives concrete tiles a great advantage over asphalt, polymer and rubber materials, which, when heated by sunlight, release substances harmful to health.

Vibropressed or vibrocast paving slabs?

Vibrocast tiles after operation.

In order to unequivocally decide which tile to choose for laying, it is necessary to clearly understand the conditions for its future operation. If you need to lay a walking path through the garden on the site or pave a small area near the gazebo, then there is no point in spending extra money on purchasing more expensive vibropress paving stones.

But if you want to make a beautiful passage for the car to the house or to the garage, then the use of vibrocast tiles becomes impossible. The same applies to paving sidewalks along the street near the site.

The exact answer, which paving slabs in this matter is the best, simply does not exist. These two types of materials are designed for different purposes and that is what their technical characteristics are designed for.

In cases where you have the financial ability and want to have a beautiful coating for many years, then buy an option made using vibrocompression technology.

And do not forget that the durability of the paving stone coating to a large extent depends on the correct laying technology. All other principles for choosing material for paving depend only on you.

When wondering which paving slabs are better, it is advisable to trust the professionals. How to choose the right tile? You should contact a specialized company in the catalog of which a wide range of products is presented.

Features of paving slabs

Paving slabs are a material intended for ennoblement of various territories. Its main task is landscape design and giving an attractive appearance to different areas.

Many are wondering how to choose paving slabs for a summer residence or for any other area. The most important thing that consumers usually pay attention to is the external features of the material. It is also necessary to take into account the performance characteristics of paving slabs when choosing, since it must withstand heavy loads, the impact of negative external factors and serve as long as possible.

Types of paving slabs

If you ask yourself what kind of paving slabs are, then we can distinguish several types of this material:

  • Cement-sand. The most economical tile option, which is very popular due to the fact that moisture does not linger on the surface.
  • Vibrocast. In the process of tile production, plastic compositions are used. It has a special appearance, which is similar to brick or wood flooring. Basically, such tiles are used for paving paths in garden plots and adjacent areas of country houses.
  • Vibropressed. It is made from a concrete mixture, which is poured into molds subjected to pressure with vibration. This tile has a strict shape and a rough surface. The material is most often used for paving paths in public places.
  • Granite. Such a tile made of natural stone easily tolerates temperature changes and has a long service life.
  • Rubber. A relatively new material, which is made on the basis of crumb rubber. Such a tile has softness and high elasticity. The material is most often used for installation on playgrounds, footpaths and other areas that are subject to increased safety requirements.

The choice of material depends on where it will be installed and how actively the tile will be used. The material is usually chosen for its intended purpose. For example, if cars will drive on the tile, then preference should be given to products that are produced by the vibropress method, since they can withstand heavy loads and have a long service life.

Advantages of paving slabs

The material has such positive features:

  • excellent appearance in comparison with other types of coatings used in the open air;
  • strength, reliability and durability - artificial material lasts at least 30 years, and the service life of natural stone products can be more than a hundred years;
  • tiles are made from absolutely environmentally friendly and harmless materials;
  • products perfectly tolerate low and high temperatures;
  • elementary care and ease of cleaning from pollution;
  • paving slabs are easy to transport and install;
  • the possibility of creating many styling options, thanks to a large selection of shapes, sizes and colors;
  • if necessary, the material can be removed to be reused.

Many people wonder how to choose paving slabs for a car. The main feature that it should have is high strength and withstand heavy loads. Also, the tiles should be laid on a concrete base using all the necessary standards. Only in this way can the material withstand the heavy weight of the vehicle.

Disadvantages of paving slabs

Any material has its drawbacks. Paving slabs have the following negative features:

  • extraction and processing of material is a rather long and laborious process;
  • in order for the tile to serve for many years, you need to competently and efficiently organize drainage;
  • uneven drawdown with improper installation;
  • the design of the tracks has a rather high noise level and is not always convenient when driving.

Paving slabs, with all their advantages, have some disadvantages, but for many they are insignificant, since the attractive appearance and durability of the material cover all the disadvantages.

Choice of tile thickness

Both the visual component of the coating and how successfully the material will lie on the selected area depend on the thickness of the paving slabs. This parameter defines a specific area of ​​use and is the main performance indicator that determines the choice. The following types of tiles are distinguished by thickness:

  • Pedestrian. Thickness about 30 mm. Such tiles are intended for paving garden paths, sidewalks, house adjoining areas and other areas.
  • Universal. Thickness - 50-60 mm. Designed for laying paths, parks and other recreation areas.
  • Monolithic. Thickness - 70-80 mm or more. Designed for parking lots, alleys for trucks, and for other areas with heavy loads.

The thickness of the tile affects its cost. The most budgetary is pedestrian, and the most expensive is monolithic.

Forms of paving slabs

Paving slabs vary in shape. There are several varieties:

  • pavers,
  • honeycomb,
  • gzhelka,
  • clover,
  • flower,
  • parquet,
  • wave and others.

A wide range of shapes and colors allows you to create unique material compositions. The number of styling options is limitless. You can come up with your own composition or seek help from professional designers.

Secrets of a successful purchase of paving slabs

How to choose the right paving slabs? It is necessary to pay attention to such features:

  • Color. Too bright a shade indicates that there is a lot of pigment in the material, which leads to a decrease in the strength of the tile.
  • Structure. If you break the tile, then the scrap of high-quality material should be evenly colored, without cracks, voids and chips.
  • Surface. The surface of paving slabs should not have bubbles and cracks.
  • Strength. The tile must have high strength, because then it will last as long as possible, even under heavy loads.
  • Specifications. When choosing a tile, you should ask about the availability of laboratory tests for products.
  • Moisture resistance. The tile is designed for laying outdoors, so it can withstand exposure to moisture. You should choose a material with a high level of moisture resistance.
  • Resistant to temperature extremes. The material must have maximum resistance to heat and frost.
  • Abrasion resistance. The tile must be covered with a special composition on all sides so that it does not deteriorate from mechanical stress.
  • surface feature. Glossy tiles have a more attractive appearance than matte ones, but the second material is more reliable and lasts longer.
  • Price. High-quality goods are produced on expensive equipment in compliance with technological processes. That is why the material cannot be too cheap.

Thus, paving slabs should have the following basic properties:

  • thickness required for certain tasks;
  • optimal dimensions;
  • frost resistance;
  • high quality production;
  • durability.

When purchasing paving slabs, it is imperative to calculate how much it will be needed, since getting it can be a problem, since tiles from different batches may differ in size and shade.

If you are wondering which paving slabs to choose for the yard or for any other area, it is better to trust the experts in resolving this issue. It is advisable to ask for a quality certificate, which reliable companies provide without hesitation.

High quality at a favorable price is sold by a specialized company that works with the largest factories on special terms, thanks to which customers significantly save on the purchase of decorative material. To, it is enough to contact the managers.

If you are accustomed to believing that the appearance of your favorite city depends solely on the imagination of architects and the quality of work of landscapers, you are mistaken. Imagine that old cracked paths made of asphalt or concrete run between magnificent buildings or wonderful lawns and flower beds. Agree that the aesthetics of such a picture is completely absent. It begs a comparison with a dwelling richly furnished with modern appliances, decorated with luxurious wallpaper, but having a terrible floor made of old boards.

Thus, the appearance of the city significantly depends on how well and aesthetically finished its sidewalks are. With the help of new techniques, it was possible to create a material that can pave city streets with maximum quality and beauty. This material is paving slabs. Yes, quite recently it was produced exclusively in gray and had only two or three possible forms. Now she is able to show off with amazing wealth, concerning both colors and shapes.

Let's start with such an advantage of paving slabs as durability. This material is able to last many times longer than asphalt or concrete. Continuing the conversation about the pros, we can note the ease of laying paving slabs, excellent aesthetic performance, simplicity, if necessary, repair work. In addition, puddles cannot form on such a surface, since water will simply go into small gaps between individual elements.

In recent years, landscape design has become a very fashionable trend. Shopkeepers strive to ennoble the area in front of the outlet, summer residents are engaged in their own plots. Of course, it is unlikely that someone, trying to achieve the external beauty of a personal plot, will make paths using asphalt. In many European countries, the streets are lined with just the same paving slabs, which once again speaks of its high class. When considering whether paving slabs are beneficial, take into account the fact that in very hot weather it almost does not heat up, does not soften, unlike asphalt.

The advantages of the material should be replenished with the fact that in case of need to repair underground utilities, rough dismantling is not required. A section of the track is simply carefully disassembled, while maintaining the integrity of each individual tile.

Designers will also appreciate the benefits. You can vary the shape and color, thereby creating beautiful compositions and patterns on the tracks.

Of course, in order for you to appreciate all the advantages of paving slabs, you need to responsibly approach its installation. Do not neglect the preparatory work, excavate the soil layer correctly, foresee the required slope level without errors and make drainage.

You can answer whether paving slabs are profitable by considering some of the features of its manufacture.

The production of this product is carried out:

  • By vibrocasting and the use of plasticizer additives.
  • By vibrocompression of the dry mixture.

Using these techniques, it is possible to obtain raw materials with a minimum porosity index and a minimum water content.

Due to the fact that special cement is used in the production, paving slabs have significant resistance to cold, and are able to withstand a huge amount of frost and defrosting.

To obtain the desired color solution, a number of pigments are used in production. Pigments must have good resistance to sunlight and precipitation in order to maintain color brightness for a long time.

A photo

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