I dreamed of finding lost gold stud earrings. Dream interpretation - jewelry: earrings

The buildings 29.09.2019
The buildings

In its interpretations, the dream book often uses an associative connection. Since earrings are worn in the ears, what is seen in a dream is a harbinger of what can be heard: news, useful information, gossip. What this decoration dreams about is sometimes connected with other people's secrets. In ancient interpretations, earrings symbolize the daughter and everything that happens to her. The material from which the product is made also plays its role.

Jewelry from different pairs may appear in a dream. Such a plot helps to get a more complete and multifaceted interpretation. Often a dream warns against impulsive actions, the consequences of which are not easy to correct. It is mainly about conflict situations, which can be safely avoided if you do not attach importance to phrases thrown in the heat of the moment. Earrings are not recommended.

The dream book believes that seeing earrings in a dream is a very auspicious sign. For young people, a dream promises new exciting acquaintances, a lot of romance and flirting. couples a joyful event also awaits: the birth of an heir, more often an heiress.

There is another meaning of sleep: earrings on other people portend the dreamer the opportunity to have fun at a festive event. It can be a family celebration, a mass celebration or a friendly party. If the earrings looked elegant and luxurious, the meaning of the dream is enhanced.

Trying, buying, purchasing

As the old interpretation says, if you dreamed of earrings as a gift to a pregnant woman, then a daughter would be born. If the decoration looks attractive, in this case it is a harbinger of a prosperous future.

If you had a chance to buy earrings in a dream, be prepared for new pleasant acquaintances. The interpretation promises a lot of romance and flirting. It is possible that one of these fascinating acquaintances will continue in the future.

Why dream of buying earrings is connected with the position in society. In reality, the dreamer will be happy to find that wherever he goes, a warm welcome awaits him. Acquaintances and strangers are initially friendly, officials, if they have to deal with them, readily make concessions.

When you were lucky enough to buy earrings in a dream, Tsvetkov's dream book promises that your relationship with others will noticeably improve. You will be able to make amends for the quarrel that you have long regretted.

If you are given earrings in a dream, do not rush to believe in a word in reality. The dream book advises double-checking the information received in the near future, the likelihood that it is not true is quite high.

If you gave earrings in a dream, the spring dream book of Birthdays promises considerable amazement. You will get another wonderful opportunity to see how life is multifaceted and unpredictable.

When in a dream you can find lost earring, which previously belonged to you, luck will come from where it was not expected at all. If you are lucky enough to find someone else's jewelry, wait for the news. The more precious the found earring, the more you will be pleased with the news.

If you had a chance to try on earrings in a dream that you can hardly put on, the dream book believes that the dreamer is currently experiencing difficulties in communication. At work and at home it is extremely difficult to find a common language.

Why dream of measuring earrings, the dream book explains with your curiosity. Other people's secrets haunt you, and you can't wait to unravel them. A dream can also be more general in nature, for example, reflect your new hobby or craving for knowledge in general.

Choosing earrings in a dream often happens to women who, in reality, cannot put things in order in their personal lives and choose the only one from the many admirers. The dream interpretation reminds that such a slippery situation cannot last forever.

Dream Interpretation of Pythagoras claims that wearing earrings in a dream is a good sign. A dream promises the fulfillment of desires that relate to love and romantic relationships. Lonely awaits a long-awaited acquaintance. The meaning of sleep applies to both women and men.

Loss or breakage

Why dream of a lost earring can have a completely straightforward interpretation. Beware of thefts and robberies, the dream book warns. The cause of losses is often a lack of information, so try to keep abreast of events.

If you managed to lose a golden earring in a dream, the dream is often a warning. Relationships that you value very much in real life, can be destroyed by a ridiculous quarrel. The dream interpretation recommends not to succumb to provocations and remain prudent.

What dreams of losing an earring is explained by ignorance. The dreamer can be misled or, as if by accident, withhold important facts from him. The interpretation, first of all, concerns business and production issues, however, one should be more careful during this period when surrounded by close people.

If an earring breaks in a dream, the dreamer is threatened with disappointment in someone close to him. Moreover, it is completely unreasonable, as it turns out later. The dream interpretation says that most likely you will have to deal with the usual misunderstanding.

Interpreting what a broken earring is dreaming of, the dream book reminds you that you yourself can be the object of false rumors and gossip. At the moment, it is recommended to exercise wisdom and prudence, to refrain from actions that could damage the reputation.

When you have to look for earrings in a dream, the dream reflects the state of the search in reality. Anything can be an object: a source of income, a soulmate, the meaning of life. The dream book knows one thing for sure: you are looking for something very meaningful to you.

Interpreting why one earring is dreaming, modern dream book takes into account fashion trends. Today, a piece of jewelry in a single copy, both in the female and in the male ear, is stylistic decision, not a symbol of loss or incompleteness.

If you often see gold earrings in a dream, the dream reflects your love of luxury and a beautiful life. If this piece of jewelry belongs to you, the dream book emphasizes that everything is in your hands. If you are just staring at the decoration, therefore, everything is still ahead.

Everything that silver earrings dream of will bring a whole storm of emotions into your life. Upcoming events will make you pretty worried, go through more than one ups and downs. Despite everything, the dream book claims that what you see in a dream carries a positive meaning.

When you dreamed of earrings with stones, the dream book suggests taking into account the energy properties of minerals. For example, pearls are a harbinger of tears, and a diamond promises a successful marriage or patronage.

If the earrings in the ears are made of base metal covered with gold, and gems glass is replaced, the dream book warns that in the near future the likelihood of fraud is higher than ever, so be on the lookout.

When an earring appears in a dream, the dream often promises the favor of the immediate superiors or another higher person. A favorable period for contacting various authorities.

What a lot of earrings dream of indicates your confidence in yourself and your cloudless future. And, it should be noted, it is quite justified. The dream interpretation claims that in your case this is not at all a sign of carelessness, but a feeling of solid ground under your feet.

Miller's dream book considers earrings as an unusually auspicious symbol. The dreamer expects good news, which is likely to affect work.


Dreams associated with losses and finds are related to material well-being. And, as a rule, they are given reverse interpretations. So, if you dreamed that you lost a large, expensive thing, and then found it, then you can talk about imminent sadness, deceit, unjustified expectations.

When a small and seemingly insignificant object became a loss and a find, it means that joy and success await you. However, you need to interpret such dreams, first of all, starting from the meaning of the object that you lost and then found. For example, if you dreamed that the key was lost and found, then you will be able to restore shaken family happiness and prosperity.


Dream Interpretation Gold Earrings, why dream of Gold Earrings in a dream to see

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian Why do you dream of Golden Earrings in a dream?

Seeing Golden Earrings - to obligations, perhaps to custody of someone close.

Why dream of gold earrings - if you hold them in your hands - your business will go up, to increase profits, improve your financial situation.

Also, gold earrings in a dream, if they are too heavy for you, mean that you will not be able to cope with the burden of duties that have fallen on you.

Dream Interpretation gold earrings dream of joyful events, new discoveries, success at work, good news. Seeing in a dream a pair of gold earrings whole and beautiful - in reality you will experience repeated joy, double happiness, extraordinary luck and promotion await you. Finding gold earrings in a dream is a joyful event.

Why dream of gold earrings - Give someone or lose gold earrings in a dream - in reality you will experience misfortune through no fault of your own. Beware of ill-wishers who weave intrigues behind your back.

Women's dream book

Why dream of gold earrings? If you dreamed that you were holding gold earrings in your hands - in reality you will succeed in all your endeavors, you will be happy in love.

Why dream of gold earrings - If you received gold earrings as a gift in a dream, you are going to marry out of selfish motives. Think carefully - such a marriage will not be happy and, in addition to wealth, will bring you deep frustration and mental dissatisfaction.

Why dream of gold earrings - Find gold earrings in a dream - good sign. You will receive a gift or cash reward for your work, easily solve any issue.

Why dream of gold earrings - To lose gold earrings in a dream - due to your own indiscipline, you will miss the most important chance in your life for a bright and cloudless future.

Modern dream book If you dream of Golden Earrings:

To buy or sell gold earrings in a dream - to personal problems. Perhaps you are in for a complication of family relations, unhappy love, cooling of relations with your lover. If you dreamed of gold earrings with a flaw, for example broken ones, this is a sign of falsehood, delusion and tears. Beware of problems at work - the closest people can set you up.

Dream Interpretation of psychologist G. Miller Why dream of Gold Earrings in a dream:

Gold earrings - for career growth, financial prosperity, have a happy journey.

Why dream of gold earrings - If in a dream you give someone gold earrings - in reality you have to make a person happy with your decision, which largely depends on your opinion.

To lose gold earrings in a dream or one of them - to parting with a lover, tears, failures.

If you dreamed that you were wearing gold earrings, beware of adventures and fleeting romances. Random connections can give you a lot of problems and troubles, be careful and prudent.

Why dream of gold earrings - If you dreamed of broken gold earrings, you will have an unpleasant conversation with a person in a higher position.

Gold earrings are put on you in a dream, and they are in the form of rings - to repeated mistakes. Perhaps in the near future you will suffer from the same situation from which you have already suffered.


Dream Interpretation Silver Earrings

Why dream of silver Earrings in a dream from a dream book?

The dream of silver earrings is interpreted by the dream book as a symbol of approaching important events which will be taken very close to the heart. You will be very worried and strive for the best.

No matter what, you can emerge victorious from such a predicament. Proper planning and focus on the essentials is the key to success.

How did you get silver earrings in a dream? How many silver earrings did you dream about? What did you dream about with silver earrings?

How did you get silver earrings in a dream?

If in a dream you found silver earrings

The dream in which you happened to find silver earrings is a good sign for your personal life. Relations with a loved one will be long and joyful.

How many silver earrings did you dream about?

Seeing a lot of silver earrings in a dream

If you saw a lot of silver earrings in a dream, be careful. Flattering reviews of others about you and your abilities may turn out to be fake.

What did you dream about with silver earrings?

Found silver rings and earrings in a dream

Why dream that you found silver earrings and rings? A dream can be considered very positive and encouraging. You will meet an important person, receive good news from a close friend.


lose an earring in a dream and immediately find it ... what could such a dream mean?


Elena M.

Quarrel with a friend (husband) and a quick reconciliation.

Isabella Marie

Dial in Yandex Idiomatic dream book there is no more information here
Earrings on someone's ears are a warning against false rumors.

Lose earrings - to separation.

To receive earrings as a gift is a deception.

To put on earrings is to become a victim of someone's gossip.

Eastern dream book
Earrings - dream of good news and interesting work. And for pregnant women, such a dream promises the birth of a girl.

I dreamed of broken earrings - beware of gossip spread by envious people.

Children's dream book
Earrings - soon your hearing will be attacked by unpleasant words or bad news. Only your prudence will allow you not to succumb to a panic mood and save your soul from negative emotions.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation
Earrings - for fun, wedding, gift / fuss, find out the secret.

Numerological dream book of Pythagoras
In a dream, trying on beautiful earrings in front of a mirror is only favorable for women, this dream promises them a speedy fulfillment of a love desire.

If both earrings are the same, the wish will come true in two weeks, if the earrings are different, then in two months, and if one of the two is immediately lost, then in 47 days.

A man wearing earrings in a dream is a sign that in 11 days you will be humiliated by your superiors or your spouse will leave you. For students, such a dream guarantees easy study and quick passing of exams, with only two subjects there will be a hitch, but if students repeat difficult disciplines two days before the exam, then they will succeed.

Family dream book
Earrings dream - to good news and interesting work.

If you dreamed of broken earrings, try to show wisdom and prudence. Otherwise, bad rumors and gossip can harm you.

dream interpreter
To see earrings in a dream is a sign of vanity and vanity.

Modern dream book
Seeing earrings in a dream is a harbinger of good news and interesting work.

Broken earrings are a sign that your enemies will spread evil low gossip about you.

Dream Interpretation 2012
Earring - the need for feelings, sensuality. Reflection of the state (level) of feelings, sensuality.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century
Earrings in a dream - mean a daughter and her fate, it is also a sign that you happen to learn and keep other people's secrets.

Wearing earrings - to trouble in love, low profits, gossip.

Dream Interpretation of Azar
Earrings are a love adventure, you will like it.

katya malenkova

beware of gossip spread by your envious people.

Lose earrings in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols occur Lose your earrings. By clicking on the link Interpretation of a dream under the text of a particular dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by the interpreters of dreams on our site. If you are interested in the interpretation of sleep according to the dream book, follow the link Dream Interpretation, and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, in the form in which they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream in the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams of Losing earrings mean, or what it means to see Losing earrings in a dream.

Lose earrings in a dream

For the 2nd day in a row I see that I am losing an earring. At first I accidentally sucked it into the vacuum cleaner.

Losing hours in sleep

Or rather, I didn’t lose them, but exchanged them for some kind of trick. But this exchange was so disappointing. As if orphaned. I look at my hand, it's naked. Unusual without a watch. How I betrayed a friend. Here is the attachment to material world. I’ll wake up and first of all I’ll look into the closet, I thought in a dream. This cannot be. Their husband found 11 years ago on the street, brand new Swiss. Or maybe a copy. I have not parted with them for so many years. My pride is on you too... Life has lost all meaning. I again look at the hand they are gone.

I open my eyes, it's a dream. Just a dream. I check myself and.... I look in the closet. My sun lies like for many years in the same place. Here it is attachment to the material world. Apparently, things also carry the information of their owner. I think so.

Losing a loved one in a dream

In a dream, I lose my mother (the feeling of complete loneliness did not leave me), my father was completely lost in a dream. We (dad and I) stand in the kitchen and look out the window. There is a truck in the street, and a man is walking towards it. To the question: Dad, what kind of truck is this!?

Dad replied: "And this truck takes people, like our mother, you see, someone will not have a dad!". After these words, my eyes were drawn to his hands, dad removed the watch from his wrist, and then I was horrified that he had a watch on all his fingers (instead of rings), and the watch was exactly what we had before, it was and my watch that I now wear and the damaged one I used to wear and the watch that my brother wore and still wears and my dad's old watch that was thrown away a long time ago.

All these watches were on my dad's fingers (on each finger), and he unfastened them one by one and laid them next to him when he took them off last hours I woke up. Good thing it was just a dream. In reality, of course, everything is fine.

Loss of finding a child in a dream

1. 5 years ago, sleep, I lose a 3-year-old child on the street. After 2-3 months, I find a child in a dream, then after some time I lose again and finally my wife has a dream. She is losing a child. Please help interpret-interpret the dream, I am very tormented. This topic was not discussed with my wife, but she knew about my dreams.

We will be very grateful and grateful to everyone for the interpretation of sleep Loss of finding a child!

Losing a child in a dream

Please help me understand the dream of losing a child.

I was washing dishes, and my 2-year-old daughter left the house alone in her shorts. I heard the door slam, I ran after her, but she was no longer anywhere near. She began to yell, run in search. The next morning, passing by some entrance, I saw her there. She was standing in old things, next to two old grandfathers.

I ran up, hugged her .. One of the grandfathers explained that he saw her last night, in just panties, took her home, dressed her, fed her. I was very grateful to him, asked how to thank him. I woke up with very strong emotions, and in a little fear

Lost a child in a dream

A dream, some strange and confusing ...

I KNOW that I am pregnant, so I know that my girlfriend is pregnant. I'm walking down the street and I see that my friend is leaning out of the window and doing some strange gymnastic exercises (I remember exactly that she was doing the splits) Her husband is doing gymnastic exercises from the OUTSIDE of the balcony. Girlfriend and her husband rejoice.

Then, something is not clear ...

Then I felt something in my mouth, took it out, it turned out to be a (little finger-sized) figure. Like human, but broken. And then I realized that I had lost a child. I'm not pregnant anymore...

(Actually: I am raising a daughter, a widow)

Losing relationships in a dream

It was a dream that a girl with whom I have been talking on the Internet for a very long time and whom I really value, found a guy and didn’t want to see me anymore, that is, she completely interrupted communication.

Now it’s very scary, what if this dream was prophetic?

Threat. I love this girl.

Lost my memory in my sleep

I find myself in the unknown small town and seems to have lost her memory. The city is very clean and pleasant, but there are no residents, and I guess that there was some kind of disaster and everyone left it. A teddy bear was left at the bus stop. The shop sign does not say "Kitchens", but "Kitchens".

People began to appear on the street, I understand that no one left the city, just very early. I have no money, only a few coins in my pocket. I call somewhere on the phone, I ask - where am I? They answer me - go back, we are in the gray building at number 91, we will help you.

I am kind of like in a post office, such as in the 70s, I remembered that I have 2 bank cards, I was delighted, I gave them to the girl behind the glass window along with the phone. She types something on the phone, looks at the map, then returned everything silently, like, she won’t be able to help.

I remember my address and ask how can I get home? No one knows. I ask - what is the name of your city? Nobody answers me? I start to beg - well, at least name a major city nearby, so that I can navigate and get home. Everyone is silent.

I see the sea through the window, some children frolic in the waves, I was delighted, I want to visit them. But I remember that I need to get home, because they are waiting at work. And I wake up. Thank you!

Earrings in a dream

I had a dream today that a man gave me long golden earrings with a golden loach. I looked, and they are so dim. I took out all my earrings, there were round rings and they are also dull. I began to polish these new and old ones, and they shone so much, they shone right away. Even in this dream, I dreamed that I gave birth and gave birth to a girl.

And another stage of the same dream. I was on the bus, then I got up and they took my seat. I rode standing up for a while. Then I look at the places ahead, the villages have been vacated. But it turns out. That people just left and returned to their seats. But I didn't get up. I say my place was also taken. What is all this for?

Loss theft of a wallet in a dream

Please interpret the dream about the loss, theft of the wallet!

In a dream, my son and I performed some actions, either moving, or searching for some address. While walking back and forth, I remembered that I didn’t have my bag with me. I usually buy backpack bags (women's, different colors, usually small). And in a dream, as soon as I thought about the bag, I immediately saw it. She lay on the pavement between some beams. Moreover, the bag-backpack was large, beige (the feeling that the material was jeans).

The bag was open, all things were in place, except for my wallet. I remember (in my dream) that my wallet was cute, flowered, but there was practically no cash in it, because I prefer bank cards. She began to tell her son why he left my bag and so on. We were surrounded by people who treated us kindly.

The panic from the loss was only in the first minutes of losing the wallet. Then she calmed down, others supported her. I remember that I was constantly worried about the need to block bank cards. Thank you very much in advance!

Loss of children and destruction of the house in a dream

I had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, in fact, I don’t really believe in dreams! But this one made me think for some reason! The dream seemed to me very long: it all started with the fact that I left home, I don’t know why, but I felt guilty when I returned, because my house, from which I left, collapsed! More precisely, the whole roof broke!

There was a lot of debris! There were many children in the house (relatives for me), including my son! I could not find anyone in these ruined walls, then I found everyone except for one nephew! We all ran out into the street, since the house had to be demolished to the end, all the children fled, I lost everyone, I could not find people in the crowd! It was very frustrating, I never remembered what happened to my nephew, whom I couldn't find! The fact is that today I feel lost, very irritable, constantly crying! What is it for?

It was very frustrating, I never remembered what happened to my nephew, whom I couldn't find! The fact is that today I feel lost, very irritable, constantly crying!

Why dream of losing children and destroying a house in a dream?

There were many children in the house (relatives for me), including my son! I couldn't find anyone in these broken walls, then I found all but one

We all ran out into the street, since the house had to be demolished to the end, all the children fled, I lost everyone, I could not find people in the crowd!

Losing your wallet in a dream

I dreamed the following: summer, nature, was with friends, lost my wallet in which there were money and credit cards. Soon she remembered that the wallet was lost, went to the old places of the walk, but could no longer find it. I was very upset about the loss, I even woke up.

Please help me solve my wife's dream!!! This is very important for her!

Losing a ring in a dream

I dreamed that I was going up an escalator (in a large mall where I work now) and my friends (well, not very close ones) run up to me and say that they have lost my ring (I’m on ring finger right hand I wear a silver ring "Save and Save" and never take it off), I was very upset...

Why this dream?

Lose shoes in a dream

I’ve lost my shoes and I’m looking for a sweat under the bed, but there are many, many different other shoes, not mine: some are paired, some are not, but mine are not.

Loss of consciousness in sleep

I dreamed that I was taking a bath, in the bath I was kneeling in the water. Then suddenly it becomes hot, and the feeling that now I will lose consciousness. I tried to turn on the cold water, but somehow it got very untwisted and slowly began to lie on my stomach, my hearing disappeared, I didn’t hear what I was saying. He started screaming and calling for help. Then he turned off, darkness ... I woke up already on my bed, my mother was in front of me, asking something that I couldn’t hear. I started talking, but I can't hear my own voice. Then I started screaming / talking on purpose and somehow gradually the hearing returned ..


Dream of losing earrings

For the 2nd day in a row I see that I am losing an earring. At first I accidentally sucked it into the vacuum cleaner.

In the second dream, I lost it, found it, then lost it again and finally hid it so as not to lose it again. The earrings were diamonds.

What could it mean to dream of losing earrings in a dream? By the way, it turns out that in her dream, my mother also lost the same earring.


Lost a golden earring in a dream, saw an ear without an earring, and then found it? Why do you think?



Well, most likely, a quarrel, a quarrel with a boyfriend, husband or loved one.

nikolay nikolaev

Gold dreams of deception.



measured a beautiful crimson dress. when I was dressing, I discovered that I had lost one earring, ran out into the street and found it, taking it in my arms, I realized that it was not the one. when she took her hand, it was some kind of broken part


My relatives and I came to visit a strange house, to some unknown woman, and my sisters and I began to play in this house. And I didn’t notice how I lost my golden earring, but since we were already going back, I didn’t have time to find it , and in other dreams I found it.


i dreamed that I lost a gold earring in a dream - I don’t have such earrings in my life, but they were in my gold box and I opened it to look ... and everything is in place ... chains, my earrings, and these are some new and alien , not mine .... and suddenly, when I picked up all the gold, she disappeared ... I began to look in the green grass, on the path, walked, returned, but did not find ... then I decided that perhaps she lies among all the gold and I just got out of the earring fasteners ... I wanted to look ... and woke up


The first two times I dreamed that I had lost one earring, and today I dreamed that I was looking in the mirror and I had no earrings, after I came from the street, I began to look for everything carefully in the house, but did not find it, and then woke up. and before that I dreamed about the boss from work and as if I was going to leave work and something like that, I don’t remember exactly. I'm checking soon, maybe this has something to do with it


Hello! I don’t remember the dream exactly, but I dreamed that I didn’t have a gold earring in one ear, then, it seems, I found it, and it was already in my ear, but it was broken, there was no clasp at all.


Write here your dream for interpretation ... Hello! I quarreled very strongly with my boyfriend, and the next night I had a dream that I lost one of my gold earrings, but then I shook it .. what is it for?


Hello! I dreamed that I was swimming in the pool with my husband, there were also other people. Then I unfastened my earrings to take them off before swimming, and forgot to do it. As a result, I lost one earring, at first I saw it, then someone prevented me from picking it up, in As a result, the husband began to get nervous because of the lost earring. Why was it all a dream? and should it be given much importance?


Hello, my name is Anya. I dreamed that I lost one earring. Then I found it in my shoes, but the earring was slightly bent. What does this mean?


Hello! I dreamed a week ago that I lost an earring ... I don’t remember clearly ... yes, in principle, I really don’t remember whether I lost it ... but it wasn’t on my ear ... it seems on my left ear ...


Hello! I lost in a dream an earring with alexandrite from my left ear, I was looking for it in some barn (like chicken droppings on the ground),
but didn't find


I remember I’m sort of standing with someone and discover that I don’t have an earring on my left ear, I have two earrings in my ears and I don’t have a small one, and the second one is in place


I had a dream that I saw the absence of an earring in my right ear. I realized this. But I didn’t look for it for some reason.


I have a habit of checking the earrings in my ears every morning, as they sometimes fall out, but I always find them, and in a dream I dreamed that I was standing near the window in the hall and touching my ear, but there were no earrings and I couldn’t find it later
I immediately woke up


I was at work, as if I were walking in the assembly hall. My former colleague suggested that I beautiful decoration on the head in the form of a veil white color. I have a beautiful head hairstyle and hair dark, thick, long. I like myself. Accidentally discovered that I do not have one gold earring. I began to look, I can’t find it, but I don’t get upset. I look, and on the floor lies a beautiful unusual ring with a large stone, the stone sparkles. I was delighted with the ring, but I don’t remember whether I picked it up or not. I never found the earring. What is it for?


I dreamed that I lost my right earring, and then I don’t remember what happened next.


I don’t remember exactly, but I looked at my ear and there was one earring missing. then I remember that I was looking for her and guessed where she could be. I don't remember further.


I lost one of my gold earrings, I see myself with one earring in my ear. I was very upset, I was looking, then I found my earring nearby on the floor.


There was a woman nearby with a big haircut, I saw something like a worm on her hair. She was told to remove it. She brushed it off, and it turned out to be a small snake. This snake began to rush at me, but I fought it off. Nearby there was a well with some kind of mud, when this snake fought off and fell into the well, I noticed something, as if it had fallen into the well. Then I discovered that there was no earring. I thought that the well would be cleaned and found.


I came to the hairdresser, she began to examine her hair and it turned out that there was no earring in one ear, the hairdresser said that it costs 5000 rubles to roll out such an earring, I woke up


lost her earrings in a dream, then somehow found them on the floor


I lost a gold earring in a dream. I searched for a long time but did not find it. This did not upset me very much


Hello! My name is Olga. I dreamed that I lost both gold earrings.


Hello!! I dreamed that I got on a plane, we were taking off, and during takeoff I tilted my head, and the earring fell out of my ear onto the ladder of the plane. What does it mean?


A large company on the street, one of the men collected gold jewelry from everyone in a bunch - there were a lot of all kinds of jewelry - all of gold and bright stones. Then I took the whole bunch from him and started looking for my jewelry to pick up. I found my rings and only one earring (in fact, I don’t have such earrings, they are very beautiful with blue stones) and put it on my right ear. I didn’t find the second one, I was looking for it, but then I decided that it’s okay. And so she remained with an earring in her right ear and a bunch of jewelry. We plan to replenish, maybe it is connected with this.


In the dream, I came to the hospital for physio treatment and my friend sees that I lost two gold earrings, I have two holes. Please tell me why this dream?


I lost not expensive earrings in a lake with dark water, I could not find it.

For a woman, losing a gold earring in a dream is often fraught with various troubles in reality. The dream interpretation warns: ahead of loss, major quarrels, contention with a loved one, even betrayal. Other details will indicate why such a vision is dreaming.

Financial losses, deterioration of relations

A dreaming unfortunate loss promises some kind of loss in reality. We must try to avoid hasty decisions, because you can miss something important. It's easier to mess up than it is to fix.

To see that they dropped it somewhere in a dream, but did not notice where, portends: relations between you and loved ones can worsen significantly. To fix them, you need to show patience, calmness, attention to their interests or needs.

Failed the exam, but not everything is so bad

The dream that you have lost a golden earring is interpreted by the dream book as a harbinger: everyone will soon find out your carefully hidden secret.

Why dream of such a loss on the eve of some important speech or exam? The plot means: you will fail the test.

However, to see how they dropped it, but found it, portends: when circumstances seem completely unfavorable, failure, you will find a way out of the situation.

Possible quarrel, upsetting events

Did you dream of losing one gold earring? The dream book warns: there is a high probability of a major quarrel, a scandal with a partner. Try to refrain from unreasonable reproaches and especially offensive words addressed to him.

A lost earring in a dream warns: although the sleeping woman hides her love interest from outsiders, she herself will give herself away under certain circumstances.

Why dream of grief from such a loss? The dream interpretation suggests: the larger it is, the sadder the events that will happen in reality will turn out to be.

Do not keep promises, quarrel with your loved one

Lost a gold earring in a dream? They will refuse to hire you where you planned. Instead of bitter regrets about universal injustice, try to get a job somewhere else.

The dreamed vision also indicates: the dreamer will break the promise given to someone.

The interpretation of the dream that they lost it and did not find it is unfavorable. There is a quarrel with a loved one, which can provoke a break in relations.

Beware: losses are possible

To see how, by negligence, they dropped a golden earring in a dream, but could not find it, means: something will happen that will frighten you greatly.

Had a dream of fiddling with it in your ear and eventually losing it? Dream Interpretation warns against carelessness in financial matters. Through his own fault, the dreamer may suffer losses.

What was the earring?

Remember which earring you lost:

  • with pearls - tears will be replaced by indifference;
  • emerald - they will cheat on you;
  • ruby - your feelings for your boyfriend will fade away;
  • diamond - meet an interesting man, but the relationship will be upset;
  • amber - mutual understanding in the family will be replaced by conflicts;
  • with sapphire - to widowhood.

Miller's dream book: gossips do not sleep

Why does a girl dream of losing a golden earring? This means: gossip, stupid rumors will be spread about her. We must try to avoid ambiguous situations and words that can be used against her.

Paired jewelry, such as earrings, in a dream are considered an indicator of a stable and sincere relationship. These products are harbingers of interesting information, news, gossip. The loss of jewelry is considered by dream books as a sign of negative events in the life of a sleeping person. At the same time, the interpretation of what dreams of losing an earring depends on the material from which the accessory is made and the personality of the character himself.

Miller's dream book about trouble

Dreaming about the loss of jewelry is considered an unkind sign. Miller hints at an unfavorable period in reality, during which serious steps and adventurous deeds must be abandoned. Girls who lost one earring in a dream should in reality avoid rash acts in relationships with their lover. During this period, it is likely complete break relations.

Keep your finances under control

In the General Dream Book there is an explanation of why the loss of expensive jewelry is dreamed of. So, losing gold earrings in a dream (one or more) is a hint of the dreamer's excessive wastefulness. The loss of a golden accessory, according to esotericists, indicates a frivolous attitude towards money, which will soon aggravate your financial situation.

I dreamed that they “sowed” one silver earring, which means that in reality you will find out too late important information. Losing a gold clip, and then finding it, speaks of the excessive riskiness of a sleeping person, which, even with skillful play, will bring dubious profit.

Keep calm

To see that they have lost an earring in the dark predicts a strong shock in Longo's dream book, the result of which will be parting with the right people and familiar things. To lose and then find a product - to the need to obey someone else's will, which will cause you resentment.

Important Features

The interpretation of sleep, according to dream books, depends on the place where you happened to lose the earring, as well as its type:

  • “sow” an accessory at home - promises disturbing news;
  • drop on the street - to quarrels, conflicts with others;
  • i dreamed that jewelry was missing, which means get rid of unnecessary society and empty things;
  • to lose an earring made of precious metals in a dream - to parting with dear people.

Take care of your reputation

The English dream book explains why you dream of losing the earring that you are wearing in reality. A dream situation means that in reality you have a rival who will cause a lot of trouble and provoke unpleasant situations.

Lose an earring in your jewelry box, experiencing surprise and indignation in a dream? You can be sure why such a plot is dreamed of: it means that in reality you will become a target for intrigues and evil tongues that will cast a shadow on your reputation and undermine your authority.

Earrings seen in a dream are directly related to the ears, and therefore are symbols of news, rumors, everything that can be heard. Depending on the context of the dream, you can determine what kind of news this will be - joyful or sad.

Let's figure out what the lost golden earring is dreaming of. Various dream books interpret a lost or found gold earring in different ways, especially since the interpretation largely depends on the circumstances of the dream and the dreamer himself.

Earrings in a dream

A gold earring is a sign of wealth, a happy marriage and moral and material well-being, but losing a gold earring means being in poverty, being the object of unpleasant rumors and gossip. Such a dream is especially dangerous for young people.

In ancient interpretations, earrings represent a daughter or an unmarried young girl and all the events that happen to her. In most cases, an earring predicts the loss or finding of love, a quick wedding. For family people, such a dream portends well-being, the birth of children, and the expansion of living space.

Seeing earrings from different pairs in a dream means taking the wrong steps in reality, act impulsively without thinking, thereby complicating the situation. A broken earring indicates conflicts, quarrels, problems at work.

Giving someone an earring predicts a quick walk, presence at any solemn event or holiday. The more luxurious the earrings look, the more magnificent the holiday will be. Giving earrings to a pregnant woman means either the birth of a daughter, or an early unexpected enrichment.

Purchasing an Accessory

  • If the dreamer dreamed that he was buying, then this portends new acquaintances, romantic relationship, flirting at work. It also indicates a stormy personal life, possibly a wedding or matchmaking.
  • If the dreamer is given earrings, then this indicates some kind of deception on the part of others, that someone wants to hide the truth from a person. The dream warns to be careful and not to trust anyone's word.
  • If the dreamer puts a donated earring into his ear, and it gives off with weight, this speaks of other people's secrets that a person has to keep. Also, such a plot speaks of conjectures and assumptions that torment the dreamer.
  • If this dreamer gave someone an earring found or bought (or gave his own), it speaks of imminent unexpected news, a surprise, as well as the disclosure of any secret that will cause astonishment. This event will have a huge impact on the dreamer's worldview.
  • Finding an earring on the floor or on the street in a dream portends good luck, the fulfillment of plans, the opportunity to express yourself. Trying on an earring found means trying something new, communicating with people, making friends. A person shows curiosity, behaves a little atypically, and is also drawn to new knowledge and hobbies, but because of his indecision, he rarely takes any actions leading to the desired.
  • For women, finding and trying on earrings promises pleasant acquaintances., a romantic relationship or an outbreak of romance in a marriage. If a woman finds several earrings in a dream and she has to choose from them, this means a series of admirers, from which you also need to choose only one and not delay your decision. Men are promised a long-awaited meeting, a promotion.
  • If you dream that the earring was first lost, and then found, it speaks of unintentional waste on loved one who won't even appreciate it. This waste may not be material, but also moral.


Ate in a dream I saw an earring, which in reality is lost, it indicates material losses, as well as robbery, theft, intrigues of intruders.

In most cases, the loss of an earring indicates the dreamer's ignorance, a lack of information that prevents him from navigating the situation and avoiding problems. The dreamer can be deliberately misleading, hiding facts from him. For the most part, this applies to the social and professional sphere, but it often affects the personal.

Also, a lost earring is a warning that in real life, any relationship with a loved one can be ruined because of a ridiculous quarrel or reproach.

A stolen earring portends family disagreements, empty chores. Seeing how an earring literally crumbles in your hands speaks of disappointment in someone close, as well as ridiculous rumors and speculation. A broken earring indicates that the dreamer has fallen under someone else's Negative influence which has a powerful influence on his life.

Looking for a lost earring in a dream means being on a search in real life. A gold earring indicates a desire for luxury and material well-being, recognition in society, a silver one indicates a search for new emotions and impressions, a desire for pleasure and love.

Earrings with stones indicate that a person has several goals and cannot choose one single path. Base metal earrings with glass instead natural stones point to self-deception, vicious desires and unrealizable dreams.

Meaning according to different dream books

Whatever dream a person has, its meaning can always be neutralized upon awakening with the phrase - "Everything seen will go away with the night."

A dream in which it happens to lose an earring is considered an unfavorable omen, promising trouble in love affairs. However, the loss of jewelry does not always portend negative events: in rare cases, an earring lost in a dream symbolizes success. To figure out why you dream of losing your earrings in night vision, you need to pay attention to the details.

Dream script

A dream in which a girl loses one of her earrings has a controversial meaning. When interpreting a dream, one should remember its details, because it is they who will help to understand why the loss of jewelry is dreamed of. Worth paying attention to following points:

  1. 1. To lose one of the earrings in a dream is an unpleasant change. Difficulties will arise in business, and a break is possible in relations with a loved one. It is not recommended to do anything new in the near future.
  2. 2. If a lonely person dreams about how he loses an earring, and then suddenly finds it, he is destined to find a soul mate in the near future.
  3. 3. If the sleeper already has a couple, the dream promises him happiness in love and a transition to a more serious level in relationships. Perhaps a man will have to buy an engagement ring in reality.
  4. 4. Losing one earring at home portends news that will cause the sleeper to worry.
  5. 5. If you dream that one earring is lost on the street, then in the near future the dreamer will have disagreements with his family.
  6. 6. Lose jewelry - to changes in life. The dreamer will have to change his environment and get rid of the excess in life.
  7. 7. For a girl to dream that she has lost one of the pair of earrings she wears every day, means the appearance of a rival in love affairs.
  8. 8. For a man to see in a dream that jewelry has disappeared from the ear of the chosen one, predicts difficult period in a relationship with a loved one.
  9. 9. Sometimes losing one earring means that the sleeper is slow to accept important decision. The dream interpretation recommends the dreamer to decide on intentions.
  10. 10. If you dream of losing a broken earring, the machinations of enemies will not harm the reputation of the sleeper.
  11. 11. Giving someone jewelry from an ear in a dream is a serious nuisance.
  12. 12. To receive earrings as a gift and lose one of them in a dream promises deceit. They will try to mislead the sleeper.

If in a dream a person cannot find an earring in a jewelry box and is angry because of the loss, in reality he should be careful. Among the people surrounding the sleeping person, there are ill-wishers. The dream book advises to beware of slander and gossip, otherwise you can become a victim of envious people.

What ear was the earring from?

In interpretation, the details of the dream play a huge role. To find the correct meaning of the vision, it is necessary to take into account from which ear the earring was lost.

If the earring is lost from the right ear:

  1. 1. If you dreamed that a small earring was lost, this is a favorable sign for the sleeper. Despite the difficulties and obstacles, a dream promises success in business and profit.
  2. 2. The loss of one of the paired jewelry with a blue stone portends a betrayal on the part of a person whom the dreamer treats well.
  3. 3. If the earring that was lost was with a reddish stone, the dream symbolizes love experiences in the future.

If the lost earring was from the left ear:

  1. 1. If you dream of losing an earring from your left ear, then the dream portends a struggle for your reputation and interests. To defeat the enemy, you will have to make a lot of effort.
  2. 2. The loss of an earring with a stone in a dream means that the sleeper should not rely on a lucky chance on the path to success. Luck can change the dreamer. Dream Interpretation recommends relying only on one's own strength.

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