The material world is the most important of the worlds. What everything consists of, or how this world works

Encyclopedia of Plants 25.09.2019

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Material world in which we live consists of huge amount various substances: stone, sand, clay, water, wood, minerals, ore, oil, air. Hundreds of thousands of substances have been created and are being created by people: brick, concrete, porcelain, glass, plastics, kerosene, gasoline, ink, perfume, paper, cardboard, rubber. Almost all of this huge variety of different substances, both natural and artificial, has a complex chemical composition. This means that almost all of these substances consist not of one, but of two or more chemical elements. Water is made up of two elements - oxygen and hydrogen. Iron ore consists, if we separate the waste rock from it, also of two elements - iron and oxygen.

The material world does not exist today in its original unchanging state, but is nevertheless an objective reality. Therefore, all its parts, created in the process of conscious human activity, acquire the features of objective reality.

The material world can become spiritual while retaining its material characteristics.

The material world exists in the form of certain things, processes and phenomena that are different from each other and are in a state of development. A change in quality means a radical change in this object, phenomenon or process. Quantity expresses the external certainty of things: their size, number, degree of manifestation of a particular property. Quantity is known by measurement and calculation. Any object is a unity of K. O) is already another quality - hydrogen peroxide. Changes in quantity until a certain moment do not radically change an object, phenomenon or process; however, the gradual accumulation of quantities, changes naturally leads to fundamental qualities, changes, in which the emergence of a new one occurs, movement along an ascending line, from simple to complex, from lower to higher . The transition of quantitative changes into qualitative ones. SURFACE QUALITY, properties of the surface layer of machine parts, devices, etc., necessary to perform their intended functions.

The material world is not eternal, it is created and destroyed. The connection of atoms is controlled by the world soul - Brahma, specially created by God. But God is not the creator of the universe, he only controls it. The Canadian Sutras do not mention God at all. According to Prashastapada, the process of creation and destruction of the universe has neither beginning nor end. At the will of the supreme ruler or god, individual souls, existing in the world ether on an equal footing with atoms and possessing the principle of adrishta, set the motion of air atoms.

The material world has a history of its development, in the course of which, for example, within the planet Earth, a transition has taken place from the inorganic. Matter existed before the appearance of consciousness, possessing in its foundation only a property similar to sensation, the property of reflection, and at the level of living organization, matter has the ability of irritability, sensation, perception and elementary intelligence of higher animals.

The material world, for example, within the framework of our planet, is a series of historically successive stages in the development of the forms of motion of matter, subject to both general and specific laws for each of them. All these successive forms of the motion of matter (mechanical, physical, chemical, biological and social) are arranged in the order of their complication and the transformation of a lower form into a higher one. Such a series expresses them mutual connection both structurally and historically. At the same time, the general laws of the lower standing forms of the motion of matter retain their force on each subsequent, more high level, but they are subject to laws of a higher order and do not play a leading role. Depending on how extensive the range of phenomena is covered by certain laws, the latter may be specific to k.

The material world, which quite recently was exhausted for physicists by electrons and protons, is beginning to be populated by an increasing number of particles with an ephemeral existence and a dual role of sources and transmitters of force actions. There is every reason to think that when using more powerful energy sources, physics with the help of already known particles, especially protons and electrons, will discover, or rather create, a number of new particles with different masses, mechanical and magnetic moments, and perhaps even electric charges than those possessed by particles already known to us. Some of the new particles will turn out to be unstable or radioactive, like mesons; others, like positrons, are stable in the absence of corresponding antiparticles with which they can mutually annihilate in pairs.

The material world as a unity of qualitatively different bodies and phenomena exists only in motion. Centuries of experience, observations and data natural sciences, primarily such as physics, chemistry, biology, clearly show that the whole variety of phenomena in the world, despite their qualitative difference, is only various forms moving matter. Everything in the world, everyone material body in each this moment is in any, and sometimes in several types of movement at once. Movement is the mode of existence of matter, its most basic, fundamental property, its inherent attribute. Understood in this way, the movement embraces all the phenomena and processes occurring in the Universe, starting from simple movement and ending with thinking.

The material world is reduced to the level of secondary and derivative. The material world is considered as a set of created things that acquire their existence and turn into reality by the will of God. Emphasizing the limitations, the perishability of existing finite things, neo-Thomists preach humility and admiration for deities, will. They reduce all natural causes of phenomena and events to the level of secondary in relation to the supernatural and thereby undermine the foundations of the scientific worldview. The socio-economic views of the neo-Thomists are based on the recognition of the inviolability of private property and the class division of society as eternal institutions, which was repeatedly and specifically confirmed by the epistle of the Roman popes. As preachers of anti-communism, neo-Thompists are extremely active.

Considering the material world to be a product of the devil, they condemned everything earthly, called for asceticism, and denounced the Catholics.

The material world around us is extremely diverse. Its objects differ from each other both quantitatively and qualitatively.

Since the material world is inexhaustible, there are countless forms of movement. But in the variety of specific forms of movement, a person is able to find common features, to find a really existing community of various changes and thereby determine the basic forms of motion of matter.

The reflection of God - the material world - a person can also learn through feelings (see Basic ideas about the philosophy of law. Existing in the form of private (family) and generally significant (people), it is through the state, which, according to V. Salin and others .) and has had an impact in Sweden up to now.

And since this material world is a reflection of the absolute Reality, a semblance of original beauty is also manifested in it. However, the beauty of this world is deceptive and even more useless than a mirage, and at the same time it carries a mortal danger for those careless people who trust it. Therefore, the distorted reality, as well as the distorted reflection, must be rejected. But at the same time, one cannot ignore the fact that a distorted reflection is in some way a shadow of a true substance, called unreal only in comparison with its prototype, on which its entire existence depends entirely.

Beautiful link to the Material World page

The material world is a dark jungle of doubts and delusions, where the soul receives many different bodies corresponding to one or another level of consciousness. The laws of Manu state:

Jalaj± navalaksh±ni
sth±var± laksha vimshatikḥ
krmayo rudra sankhyak±ḥ
pakshin±m dasa-lakshanam
trimshal-laksh±ṇi pashavaḥ
catur-laks±ṇi m±nus±ḥ

"There are 900,000 species of water creatures, 2,000,000 species of trees and other plants, 1,100,000 species of insects and reptiles, 1,000,000 species of birds, 3,000,000 species of tetrapods, and 400,000 species of human beings." Manu says that the trees are in such a hopeless state because of their own karma. They, like us, experience pain and pleasure - their souls are no worse. However, their own karma brought them to such a deplorable state. They have no one to blame but themselves. This is how things are in the outside world.

The material world exists in order to enable the soul, the tatastha jiva, to realize its right to error and delusion. The soul is anu cetana, the atom of consciousness. Being negligible, it has limited freedom. Therefore, she always has the danger of falling into an illusion, however, the soul remains free to choose. Any citizen is free to commit or not to commit a crime, but by breaking the law, he loses his freedom. Just as a person is not immune from disease, so there are hospitals and medicines in society, so the soul, being weak and limited, can fall into an illusion. The world of maya, where everything can be measured and counted, is needed by those who occupy a relative position. There is nothing to measure in the Absolute. Where everyone has the same interest, Maya is not needed. But when separation, differentiation and distribution begins, when individuals have separate interests, there is a need for maya.

In the world of illusion, Maya stands guard over the law. The law is designed to help the law-abiding and punish the criminals. It is the same for everyone. The same law protects the good and punishes the bad. This is an inherent property of the law - it acts in two ways, patronizes good and punishes evil. Internal energy God, svarupa-shakti, helps the good, and the outer, maya-shakti, punishes the evil.

Srila Sridhar Maharaj: It is something like the mind. Suppose consciousness wants to feel for itself what matter is. To do this, he needs to enter the material world, but first it is transformed into material consciousness. Having become material, it can feel what matter is.

And leave material world possible with the help of positive capital, which descends along the parampara. In order for the light to light up, you need positive (positive) and negative (negative) charges. If there is darkness around, we can think about what light is, and then begin to gradually get out of the world of matter.

The Vedas say that there are two worlds - spiritual and material, and they are very different from each other. The material world consists of the illusory energy of God, and, in fact, is a reflection of the spiritual world, since here everything is the opposite, everything is turned upside down.

In the material world, the soul experiences birth, illness, aging and death of the body, but in this it is not so, because there are no gross material energies, therefore there is no birth, aging, illness and death. The spiritual world is composed of the spiritual energy of God, and there is no place for the suffering of material existence.

As soon as the soul enters the material world, it immediately begins to have problems. It makes no sense to list them, because they are obvious and known to everyone.

Why does the soul leave the spiritual world and come to the material? To answer this difficult question, one must understand the nature of the soul and the nature of God, as well as their relationship. In short, it is an integral part of God, and in the spiritual world it naturally serves God (the One). This can be compared to how individual parts of the body and its organs serve the whole body - this is a natural process of service in the name of the good of the whole organism.

But for some reason, it happens that at some point the soul has a desire to live not for the good of the whole organism, that is, for God, but to live for itself - for the sake of its own pleasures and pleasures. Since this is impossible in the spiritual world, and all the desires of the soul (according to the laws of God) must be fulfilled,.

Getting into the material world, the soul forgets its true nature (eternity, knowledge and bliss), God and its relationship with Him. Thanks to this forgetfulness, she can get the desired experience - to live for herself. For the soul, it is like feeling like God, albeit in an illusory world. We get into the material world in order to get this experience, get disappointed in it, and return back to the spiritual world.

The material world itself contains a unique mechanism for getting out of it, and this mechanism is called "disappointment and suffering." We constantly get disappointed, because in the material existence there is no real happiness, which the soul so strives for, and the soul cannot be satisfied with fleeting pleasures, since its true nature is eternity, knowledge and bliss (and only this can bring satisfaction to the soul).

As far as suffering is concerned, there is also plenty of suffering in material existence, and not only the above four. Other creatures, natural disasters and cataclysms, as well as our karma (the results of past actions) can also cause us suffering.

When the soul approaches complete disappointment and loses interest in material “goods”, the material concept of life, the idea and desire to live for oneself, also disappears. This is a very favorable moment to begin to be interested in the beyond, to study esotericism and wisdom about the nature of the soul and God, and to engage in self-improvement.

In this way, a person comes to know that material existence is a disease, and spiritual practice is a treatment that ensures the return of the soul to the spiritual world.

Human life is intended for self-realization, and, knowing himself, his true nature, he gets the opportunity to return to the spiritual world, where there is no suffering, where he abides in harmony, eternity, happiness and knowledge - only this can bring complete satisfaction to the soul. Nothing in the material world can replace it.

From emptiness and particles from the spirit world.


Everything is made up of molecules. Molecules are made up of particles (nucleus and electrodes). The electrodes revolve around the nucleus. All of you remember the molecular grid from school. All elements have their own molecular structure and all quantum particles are at a great distance (at molecular level) from each other so that all objects can theoretically pass through each other through. But this cannot be done, since the particles create a large and strong magnetic field. Duck here! Attention! It turns out that the entire material world consists mainly of this magnetic field. What is a magnetic field? It's nothing, an emptiness made of energy! The particles themselves in objects are a meager part. But that's not all!!!

Now is the most important! All particles periodically disappear somewhere, and then reappear. The particles that make up the magnetic field, which makes up everything material in this material world, leave somewhere, then come back from somewhere. Anyone who believes in God and in the spiritual world understands that these particles from our material world go to the spiritual world and return back to our world, lining up in a certain order in order to serve people with spiritual energy as a magnetic field from which everything that consists exists in our world.

Now answer this question: How real is our material world, if everything material consists of less than one billionth percent of non-permanent particles, and everything else is emptiness, consisting of magnetic field energy?

At least, this proves that our material world, consisting of emptiness, depends on the spiritual world and exists due to the spiritual world, i.e. God. Theoretically, it turns out that any object is energy and can arise out of nowhere at someone's will, and this is real. Remember the story from the bible when Jesus fed ten thousand people with two fish and five loaves. This is not a miracle, Jesus just knew physics with chemistry of the seventh grade and the spiritual world is commanded to him, because. He is the Son of God. He Himself said that people can also create such miracles, and even more than that, they can do it, you just need to believe, or rather, find out the truth about the universe.

Based on this discovery, scientists are building a multi-kilometer collider. To disperse and push particles together. Only scientists theoretically fear that when particles collide, a black hole may appear in a parallel reality (universe), which will grow and our universe will fail or be drawn into this parallel universe. But only by the word of God, all the particles from our material world in an instant can pass into the spiritual world, and the material world will not exist, which does not exist anyway, because. consists of nothing, just a magnetic field. This is how the rapture or transition will take place. Whoever believes in God and the spirit world will not die. More on this later:


Let's answer the question: Where is our consciousness? Man and also his brain consists of the same particles and the same magnetic field and energy as everything else. The brain does not make decisions, it is like a computer only carries out orders. Decisions and judgment are made by consciousness, and by consciousness a person is aware of his individual personality, but the scientists searched the whole body, every cell and found nothing. Where is our consciousness? Who makes the decision? Who?!!! Which they can't find anywhere! In this unreal world, there is not a single human consciousness that can perceive the world and make decisions. Then who are we and where are we? Everything is very simple. Those who believe in God, they know that we are the spirit that God breathed into us, and we became a living soul when we were still in the womb or just born. And the brain is an antenna that receives a signal from our consciousness and only transmits our orders or commands through neurons to the whole body.

You can go crazy! I, as a person, am just a spirit that does not exist at all, and with my spirit I am in a biological mechanism, I look at the world with my eyes, hear with my ears, walk with the feet of this unreal mechanism and make decisions as a free person. We are all surrogates, avatars or holograms, or rather, living souls. We are the flesh into which God breathed from His Spirit and we became a living soul, spirit, soul and body - emptiness in emptiness. Only the spirit is from God, or rather the spiritual consciousness in God and which is from God, is real and will live forever. It turns out that the spiritual consciousness, which does not exist, is the real reality, and the body only seems real to us, which is not real. This is not even a theory, but one hundred percent proven reality.

Molecular structure we learned things at school, but they did not prove and explain them to us so deeply, because we believed and were sure that the spiritual world does not exist and cannot exist. The key word is "BELIEVE". We looked at emptiness and did not see emptiness. In the same way, we see the Sun, which gives warmth and light, but we do not see the One who hung and lit this Sun, because we do not believe. A person is priceless not because he has a mind, but because he is a particle of God. But only the one who believes and loves God is the price of his God, he is redeemed by God, therefore he is pure and priceless. And the person who does not believe and does not love God is absolutely worthless - this is sinful dirt, less (cheaper) than emptiness itself.

The material world is ¼ of the total creation of the Lord. It consists of 14 worlds (planetary systems) and is called Devi-dhama, that is, the abode where he rules Devi, or Durga- personified material nature.

small part brahmajyoti(spiritual radiance radiating Goloka Vrindavana) (SB 2.5.11) is covered by ignorance (where there is no memory of Krishna). There the Lord is in shape purusha avatar manifests material energy and innumerable universes (SB 2.5.21; 4.17.21).

Each universe is controlled by Lord Brahma, who also manifests all the varieties of material forms in the universe.

The diameter of the core of our universe is 6 billion kilometers. (SB 5.20.43). Outside, the universe is covered with a multi-layered shell that creates complete darkness inside. Therefore, in every universe there is a radiant planet - the Sun, which shines with reflected light. brahmajyoti, the radiance of the spiritual world (SB 3.26.3; 4.12.37) The shell of the universe consists of 7 layers, each of which is 10 times thicker than the previous one. The first layer is the original water. The following layers: fire, air, ether, mind, false ego and the thickest, outer, layer - a layer of unmanifested, undifferentiated material nature ( pradhanas) (SB 2.1.25; 2.2.28; 3.26.52; 3.26.10; (In other places, for example, SB 3.32.9 and 4.20.35-36, the first shell is the layer of earth)

Hell planets ( Narakaloka)

They are located between Patalaloka and ocean Garbhodaka. On them living beings serve their punishments for sinful deeds (SB 5.26.5).

There is also a planetary system nearby. Pitriloka where they live Pita, or ancestors, ruled by the god of death Yamaraj that awards punishments to sinners after death. IN Bhagavatam it is described that everything Pita are devotees of the Lord.

In the center of the universe there are 14 planetary systems (SB 2.5.38-39; 2.5.40-42), divided into 3 levels of existence: lower, middle and higher, or heavenly (SB 3.10.7-9; 3.11.26; 4.20. 35-36). The terms "lower" and "higher" refer to the predominant level of consciousness of the beings inhabiting these worlds. The more refined it is, the higher the planetary system is considered to be located.

Lower planetary systems:

1. Patala or Nagaloka . Under this planetary system, the Lord lives in his abode Ananta- a thousand-headed serpent, the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, who supports all 14 worlds. He always resides in the heart of Lord Shiva and helps him to destroy the universe.

During the destruction of the universe, flames burst out of His mouths and burn the entire creation (SB Patalu inhabited by very vicious demonic snakes - Nagas(SB 5.24.31).

2. Rasatala . The next planetary system, which is also inhabited by snake-like living beings. They possess mystical perfections, and the only thing they fear is Sudarshana Chakras- the powerful weapon of Lord Vishnu.

3. Mahatala . This planetary system is also inhabited by snakes, including Takshaku- the winged serpent that bit the king Parikshita. They also enjoy life, except when they are visited by a strong-winged Garuda that feeds on snakes.

4. Talatala - a planetary system inhabited by demons led by Maya Danava. He is famous as the most outstanding mechanic and illusionist of this universe.

5. Sutala . This planetary system is ruled by the famous Bali Maharaj who gave everything to Lord Vamana, including himself, and received pure love and devotion in return. Moreover, Lord Vamanadeva Himself gave him Sutalaloku and took up the role of gatekeeper, guarding the kingdom of His dearly devoted one.

6. Vitala . This planetary system is inhabited by Lord Shiva with his consort Bhavani.

7. Atala. And this planetary system is inhabited by materialists who are completely intoxicated with carnal pleasures.

All these planetary systems (7 levels below Earth) are called bila-svarga , an underground paradise kingdom, they are inhabited by snakes and snake-like creatures, Nagas, materialists and demons. The lowest levels of these planets are not penetrated Sun rays and they are illuminated with radiance precious stones with which hoods are decorated Nagas(SB 5.24.31). IN financially all these planets are at a high level of development of civilization, the purpose of which is one thing - sense gratification. “Even the demigods are not always free to indulge in sense gratification, but there is nothing to prevent the inhabitants of these planets from enjoying life. Therefore, they are all very much attached to illusory happiness.” (SB 5.24.8) However, the inhabitants of these planets are ignorant of devotional service and have materialistic and even demonic consciousness (SB 4.29.28).

Medium planetary systems:

8. Next planetary system - Bhurloka . From the point of view of the demigods, it is a gigantic plane divided by seven oceans into seven islands shaped like concentric rings. small plot the central island in our three-dimensional perception is the familiar Earth. In the Fifth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam, all these islands and their inhabitants are described in detail. All the inhabitants of these islands are devotees and worship various incarnations of the Lord. Also, with the exception of the Earth, all these islands are heavenly planets - that is, places of "working out" good karma. And only the Earth, or Bharata-varsha is a place of "earning" a new karma- bad or good. This is the only place in the universe where Living being earns the consequences karma) for their actions. At the same time, it is the most auspicious place for practicing devotional service, as it is free from excessive luxuries for sense gratification and unnecessary suffering, which distract the mind of the living being (SB 5 Ch.19).

Higher planetary systems:

9. Planets of the system Bhuvarloka inhabited by such living beings as siddhis, chanars, vidyadharas, kimpurushis, spirits, ghosts and others. All of them have mystical powers and can perform miracles.

10. Next planetary system - Svargaloka , the famous "Paradise". Svargaloka king reigns Indra. All the inhabitants of these planets are devotees, although they are attached to luxuries and sense gratification.

11. Behind her is Maharloka which will be inhabited by great sages and rishis, such as Bhrigu Muni. When during the partial destruction of the universe Maharloka filled with water, they rise to

12. Janaloku .

13. On Tapoloke live immersed in meditation on the Lord in their hearts four Kumarov and other ascetics who took a vow of celibacy.

14. And finally, the fourteenth planetary system is Satyaloka (Brahmaloka) , where Lord Brahma serves with his companions. Our Lord Brahma is a wonderful devotee of Sri Krishna who, after the final annihilation of the universe, along with other inhabitants Satyaloka, will return to the spirit world, on Goloka Vrindavan.

In all the higher planetary systems there are unlimited opportunities for devotional service to the Lord in this material creation, as well as for subtle sense gratification. All the inhabitants of these planets are devoted to the Lord, although in varying degrees (SB 3.25.37; 3.10.27-28; 3.5.49; 4.18.19).

There are innumerable subtle objects of material attachment on these planets. For example, Lord Brahma is in the material world because he has a taste for the material creation - he wants to serve Krishna in this way.

Therefore, a devotee needs to be completely cleansed of material desires in order not to be attracted and stuck in these subtle planes of material existence. For this, one must have a taste for pure devotional service to Lord Krishna.

Outside Satyaloka the shells of the universe begin.

On the edge of the spiritual world is Mahesh-dhama . This is the eternal abode Lord Sadashiva. Lord Shiva, or Shambhu, is a special expansion of Krishna in which He directly comes into contact with the material world, giving rise to innumerable forms of conditioned living beings. In the image Sadashiva Lord Shiva is free from his material duties. He enthusiastically serves the Lord and also accepts worship from his devotees. Since the Lord Sadashiva, even being an expansion of Krishna, is not on the same level with Him, his abode is lower Vaikuntha, or the spiritual world.

So our material universe is only a tiny part of the total creation of the Lord. There are many different planetary systems inhabited by living beings with different levels of spiritual consciousness. Having cleared our consciousness to the appropriate level, we can be transported to the desired planetary system - either after leaving the body, or in meditation. However, a pure devotee is not interested in all these material worlds. Its purpose is the spiritual planets Vaikuntha that lie above all this material manifestation.

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