After the office in free swimming: a business story about unique bags-backpacks from Nina Pavlichenko. How to make money on fashion handbags

Engineering systems 12.10.2019
Engineering systems
  • This is the easiest way to earn up to $100 a day on a simple machine.
  • You don't need a lot of equipment - grandma's typewriter is enough to get started.
  • You don't need a lot of money - I started my business with $27.
  • You also do not need special knowledge - it is enough to be able to make even lines.
  • This business, with its narrow specialization, has good development prospects.
  • This is a "home" business, but it can be developed to medium and large scale.
  • You can work in such a way as to combine this business with other activities.

Of course, such amounts of earnings as $ 100 or more per day will not come to you immediately, but for those who subscribe to this newsletter, this path will be much easier than for the author himself.

For 12 years, I have been bit by bit accumulating, creating and accumulating this valuable experience in the field of tailoring technologies, production and design of bags and cases.

These technologies work and to this day bring me a decent income and the respect of clients and colleagues.

It's also true that I don't have a special education in sewing or design, but I developed my own simple and effective technologies that have stood the test of time.

This creative selection method simple and brilliant. Snobs of all stripes will criticize him, claiming that he is too frivolous and even childish. But the method of F. Kunze, invented in 1926, is no worse than the method of six thinking hats de Bono, who became a millionaire thanks to his mind-blowing ideas.

By using MFI you can create new products and services, come up with design, music, themes for theatrical productions, scripts, games. In a word, to create everything that requires the manifestation of imagination and creativity.
Saturday, February 20, 2016

The high purchase price, the outflow of customers, the increase in the cost of rent and energy carriers - this is a market crisis that entails a decline.

After a sharp decline in profits, the question arises: "What to sacrifice in a crisis?"

First thought that comes to the mind of a negligent leader: fire; second- stop advertising. In other words, slaughter the goose that lays the golden eggs.

In the summer, such a leader says: "Sales went up, stop advertising"

In a crisis, thousands of business owners try to turn off the engine of trade and go downhill down a slope.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

As promised, in today's article I will present the conclusions that I have drawn for myself from this fascinating story.

In order not to delve into the introductory part, read the prologue (link above).


The slide below shows statistics from mobile application"Timekeeping". With which I control time. Not all categories are listed in the list, some are left behind the scenes.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

The basic rule of any fashionista is that there are never enough bags. From a small clutch to a shopping bag. There should be a lot. A bag - the color of shoes, under a dress, under a coat, of which there are 10 pieces, for an event, for something else - I haven’t thought of it yet. In general, if a girl needs a wardrobe, then the second one is for bags. Fashion bags will always be in demand. Where there is demand, there is business. Profitable business in the manufacture of bags. And not only women.

Do you know how many types of bags humanity uses? Stop. Before we know that there are more than 20 main types for women only, we should know the main advantages of bags as a business object of production.

Bag manufacturing has the following advantages:

  1. The product has no expiration date and does not deteriorate.
  2. Bags have wide geography demand, that is, the language of the layman, they buy bags anywhere in the world.
  3. They are worn at any time of the year, regardless of the season.
  4. Made from various materials from fabric to leather. Therefore, even a small production, constrained by funds, can quickly launch the production of fashionable bags from affordable materials.
  5. Having a constant flow of customers. The product is in demand not only among the female; it is also used by a strong half of humanity under a laptop; and youth - as a backpack.

And, as you will learn below, the production of bags does not require large capital investments. Any sewing and furrier association can easily master the production of all types of bags - from women's to men's.

The most popular types of women's bags for profitable production

Of course, there are a lot of men's bags, but, let's be honest, women are the main target audience of this product. And any enterprise that wants to be profitable first of all masters the production of these types. And then expands its range.

If this is the first time you see the name of certain types of bags, go up to any girl and ask her about it. You are provided with an hour lecture about the type, its pros, cons, differences and applicability. It will be interesting.

  1. Classic clutch (ladies' purse, Wristlet);
  2. Women's backpack (Backpack)- one of the most fashionable women's accessories today;
  3. Dome Bag (Home)- a pouch-like bag White bread with rounded top. The rigid framework provides high reliability of a bag;
  4. Cover bag (Envelope)- one of the types of large clutches, similar to an envelope for letters;
  5. Sling- women's backpack with one wide strap;
  6. Minaudière- hard case clutch correct form, decorated with sequins, gold embroidery or rhinestones;
  7. Belt bags (Fanny pack);
  8. Bucket bag;
  9. Messenger bag;
  10. Round women's bag (Circle);
  11. Travel case (Train case)- despite the name, it is used as a cosmetic bag;
  12. Shopper bag- one of the most capacious and comfortable women's bags;
  13. Folding clutch (Foldover clutch)- a flat clutch folded in half;
  14. Drawstring bag (Drawstring)- a canvas, less often leather, bag, pulled together from above by a drawstring. Very convenient for visiting gyms. The main advantage is cheap and practical.
  15. Rigid bag (Structured)- a business women's bag, in profile it represents the shape of a triangle;
  16. Bag on a chain (Chain strap)— instead of a strap, a stylish chain is used;
  17. "Baguette" (Baguette)- a small women's handbag elongated along the length;
  18. Pill bag (Medicine)- bag-pouch, hung around the neck. They put keys, money, medicines or a phone in it;
  19. Crescent bag- a baggy small handbag in the form of a crescent;
  20. Hobo- baggy large shapeless bag. A kind of shopper;

It is typical that one enterprise can master the production of all types of bags. A well-established sales will allow him to quickly sell the finished product.

In addition to the difference in types, as you already know, the material of manufacture also differs. By choosing one or another material, you can master various areas of production.

Leather bags: the most sought-after product at any time of the year

According to statistics, bags made of leather material are most often sold. And it does not matter: artificial or genuine leather.

To reduce costs, it is advisable to rent small room, hire people, put necessary equipment. And sell the finished batch of handbags through any points of sale, having previously agreed with the management.

Ecological bags: new trend business and fashion

Probably, many have already heard about eco-bags. As you know, polyethylene does not decompose and spoils the environment. Therefore, they have become a trend in European and American countries. AT Russian business also gradually came into vogue.

These are canvas bags made of a material containing polyester. These are such durable “string bags” that can be washed and worn again. They are not torn, and long handles are thrown over the shoulder. It is not only fashionable, but also cheap.

You just need to find similar material, hire seamstresses and stamp bags. Yes, and the implementation of such bags is a very profitable business. Since in some stores instead of a plastic bag they began to offer eco-bags. It is necessary to find such outlets, negotiate with management and sell batch after batch on an ongoing basis.

Exclusive: bags are always in price

If financial opportunities allow, some people have a need to distinguish themselves with the uniqueness of accessories. This also applies to bags. That is, connoisseurs of quality and fashion want to wear something exclusive, original. To create truly chic bags, you need experienced craftsmen who dealt with designer tailoring. However, the procedure is not so cheap.

Individual tailoring for specific person requires certain skills. But still, there are many clients in this area. They are willing to buy goods at a high cost. This segment is completely focused on the quality of tailoring. But taking into account the wishes of customers, you can create similar bags for mass sale, if the budget allows.

If the product is in demand, then there are competitors!

Every business has competitors. However, everyone knows that customers are usually lured by the low cost of products. This is especially true for deliveries from China. But, as a rule, their price is cheap, and the quality corresponds to the cost.

Many buyers know this, but they are forced to buy Chinese goods, since exclusive ones are many times more expensive. Their prices literally "bite". But there is a variant of the "golden mean". Customers would be happy to buy domestic goods, at an average price category, albeit not so cheap, but more reliable and of better quality. This applies to everything; and bag quality society; and the quality of the hardware used.

Technique: minimum set equipment needed for production

Before starting the process, you need to take care of the availability of equipment. It includes the following details:

  • sewing machine;
  • ironing installation (board, iron);
  • cutting table;
  • equipment for inserting accessories into bags.

And, of course, scissors, needles, punches. Plus, you may also need equipment designed for embossing, gluing devices, trimming and edge processing equipment. To reduce costs, you can later automate production.

It is clear that machines for home use are not even worth buying. Only factory equipment can cope with such loads. In order to avoid questions about how to fix the breakdowns, it is recommended to immediately agree with the supplier of the machines about the service. To reduce costs, you should pay attention to used machines.

Stages of bag production technology

Despite the variety of types of bags and handbags, the manufacturing process differs little. Therefore, it can be expressed in generalized stages of production:

  1. Preparation of preliminary sketches, handbag design;
  2. Making patterns with maximum precision. Special attention should be paid to this point;
  3. Make cutting material according to patterns;
  4. Sew or connect individual components;
  5. Sew on the lining of the bag, if provided;
  6. Insert fittings - buttons, locks and other necessary accessories;
  7. Quality control finished products, elimination of marriage.

It's all about the staff: good employees - good bags

Of course, it is not possible for one seamstress to observe all the above stages of production. Need to hire a few employees. The number of people depends on the volume of the conceived business idea. Can be dispensed with independent work by following a series of steps. That will be much more profitable. Then, as production grows, recruit craftsmen, expand the range and open a sales department for products.

To whom to sell the finished product?

Here is the most main question, to which you need to find the answer before the start of production. Sewing beautiful handbags is not the main task. It is important to realize them in order to make a profit. There are 2 options for the implementation of the finished product.

1. Through the website and plus open a point in any shopping center. At the same time, two more employees need to be hired. One will be promoting online via the Internet, and the second will be the seller. Suitable for small industries that can meet demand within the same region.

2. Find customers who will help sell the product. As a rule, these are handbag stores, boutiques. And there is no need to hire additional new employees. Enough time to expand production. Suitable for those factories ready to meet the demand within the whole country.

As can be seen from the article, the production of bags is a quite profitable type of business that does not require large investments. There are many types of bags, each has its own demand. And such enterprises, in addition to bags, can always master the production of a similar assortment - wallets, belts, suitcases, covers, and so on. To do this, you don’t even have to change the equipment, just change the set of patterns.

Haven't tried? Your time has come!

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Bags are an indispensable accessory that complements the image of women or men. There are solutions for every taste, from sports briefcases to classic leather ones. women's bags. There is a constant demand for this product. For example, women are ready to shell out solid money for such accessories, and, despite the fact that one bag can last several seasons, fashionistas change them with enviable regularity. Light in summer, darker in winter and autumn. Including related products in the assortment, such as carry-on luggage, wallets, leather belts, you can significantly increase sales, and such a product is not subject to seasonality at all.

In this article, we will consider a business plan for a bag store, indicate the main steps for opening it and ways to promote an outlet in your city.

The first thing I would like to highlight is the competition in this market segment. Even in the smallest towns, you can often see several handbag shops. And it is quite difficult for a novice businessman to “compete” in such an environment. Here, either the assortment or the “golden place” of the location of the outlet will play a role. In big cities, the first option will hardly work, because the choice is simply huge. In the provinces, everything is much simpler and you can focus on this, but as practice shows, your competitors will quickly copy you, and plus they will put a little lower prices. So you should not rely only on the diversity of the assortment, look for a good rental area.

The documents

To formalize the business of selling bags, you will need to obtain all permits for trading.

Here is what you need everyday:

  • open IP.
  • specify OKVED for activity. For Russia, this is the code 52.43.2. For Ukraine - code 47.72.
  • conclude a lease agreement for the premises.
  • obtain permission from the SES and the fire service.
  • recruit staff.
  • have quality certificates for the goods.
  • arrange a corner of the buyer.

To obtain more detailed information on this issue, we advise you to contact an experienced lawyer. Legislation changes frequently, so a specialist who makes money on this can definitely suggest the most accurate information.


The first thing to look for when looking for rental space is good location. The most demanded are the departments in shopping malls. They do not need to be advertised, you will immediately have customers. But often the price of renting such an area is quite high, but believe in the future it is more profitable option. With this approach, issues with inspection authorities are resolved for you, since the shopping center assumes these obligations, you are provided with a stable flow of target customers and high level business security, due to the protection of the shopping center.

Of course, you can open a bag shop in separate room, with a small rent. The main task is to collect a base of regular customers. And for this, advertising will be needed not only near the store, but throughout the city.

If we talk about the size of the room, then its area should be from 25 sq.m. and above, as a minimum, you must ensure the comfortable movement of customers on the trading floor.

Special attention pay attention to the issue of lighting and lighting glass showcases. Bags and accessories must be beautifully presented to the client, and lighting will greatly help you with this.

Trade equipment

It is worth noting that the list of equipment for opening a bag and accessories store will directly depend on the assortment offered in your department. For example, if you add hats for the winter, then you will need mannequins to demonstrate these products, or a sunglass stand for the summer.

Here is a list of the main equipment:

  • counters for arranging products (often made of metal and glass).
  • glass stand (for small accessories).
  • special hangers for bags.
  • holders for scarves and hats.
  • the walls of the department can be covered with a special “net”, on which it is convenient to hang not only bags, but also glasses, hats, gloves, etc.
  • cash machine.
  • mirrors.

What should be in the range?

To implement a business idea in the format of a bag store, you should carefully study the assortment of your competitors. We advise you not to choose any particular price segment, especially if you work in small town. Buy both expensive and cheap products. It is especially important to pay attention to the cheap segment in provincial towns Moreover, the margin for such goods is higher.

The range should include:

  • bags (leather, from a substitute, travel, sports).
  • wallets, cosmetic bags, hand luggage.
  • glasses, hats, scarves, gloves, tights.
  • umbrellas.
  • if desired, you can also include a men's line (bags, wallets, diplomats, key cases).

Most entrepreneurs purchase goods in wholesale markets. Some order goods online, or work directly with manufacturers if the location allows.

You can search for suppliers on the Internet. Contact their representatives and already agree on the wholesale price of products. Usually in wholesale markets, you can buy bags of Chinese and domestic production. Often these are replicas of famous brands. In our country, few people can afford to buy a bag for, say, 1000 euros, but everyone wants to look attractive, and fashion dictates its own terms.


For the stable operation of the bag store, you will need to hire two sellers, with a shift work schedule. These employees must understand fashion, be able to select accessories for various outfits and combine color solutions generally. Try to pay for their work in the format of a small rate and a percentage of sales, then you can motivate them to make you revenue and earn more.

You can take on the duties of an accountant and a supplier.

We would advise you to work on your own at first. You will be able to realistically assess the situation on the market and see the amount of daily revenue on weekdays and weekends. Of course, if you do not have the ability to sell, then it may be more rational to hire an employee right away.


You can also order the placement of banners in the area where you work.

Actively use online platforms. For example, the same bulletin boards. Make a text description and attach a photo, thus selling products not only for residents of your city.

A separate channel for attracting customers is an online bag store. Online business also requires certain financial investments in the development of the store and its promotion. You can also try to invest in contextual advertising, which will bring customers in the first days of the online store.

How much money do you need to start?

Even at the stage of drawing up a business plan, you need to clearly understand how much a bag store will cost and over what period of time you can return your investment and start earning.

Starting investments:

  • purchase of equipment - $2500 - $3200
  • paperwork - $250
  • initial purchase of a range of goods - $8000 - $12000
  • corporate identity (website, signboard, business cards) – $600

Monthly expenses:

  • rent of premises - $18 - $21 per 1 sq.m.
  • utility bills – from $30
  • taxes - $120
  • salary - from $ 150 +% of sales for each seller.
  • advertising - $80
  • replenishment of the range - $ 2800 - $ 3100
  • transportation costs - $60

Save start-up capital you can buy used equipment or work as a seller yourself. These approaches will help reduce the cost of maintaining a business during the promotion period. the same online store. You can do it yourself with a little time.

How much can you earn?

The margin for the cheap segment of bags and accessories is 60% - 100%.

For expensive branded items - 20% - 30%.

The payback period for a business is 12-14 months on average. With a successful location of the outlet, this period may be less.

Conclusions. The business of selling bags is quite complicated, as new competitors constantly appear on the market, which often bring down prices. If you're not sure if you can do it, it might be worth launching an online handbag store and see how things go. If successful, you can think away from the offline business.

Do you have experience in this niche? Looking forward to your feedback and recommendations below.

Alena Kalmykova - about how her small company A-Rada managed to find its place under the sun in a very competitive niche

Women know that high-quality bags made of genuine leather - even from non-premium brands - can be very expensive. Especially if they are self made. It is all the more interesting when small brands enter the market seeking to reverse this trend. Alena Kalmykova, the founder of a small Moscow company producing handbags A-Rada, told the website about how to keep an acceptable price for things made of genuine leather without sacrificing quality.

Alena Kalmykova, 26, entrepreneur, brand founder "A-Rada", under which it produces ladies handbags made of genuine leather. She graduated from Moscow State Technical University "MAMI" with a degree in "Car Designer". Prior to founding the A-Rada brand, she worked as a web designer. own business took up in 2013, investing 25 thousand rubles in it.

Business idea came up while on vacation

Alena did not plan to deal with leather bags. But one day, while on holiday in Italy, she was told that she was most likely a bag designer by profession. A random suggestion-compliment did not immediately turn into a business idea. At first, Alena wanted to start her own business selling bags purchased in Italy or Spain. But then she decided that it was too boring for her.

In 2013, Alena suggested that her mother try to make a bag “for sale”. Mom, a technologist and master of sewing production, agreed. They bought some material, Alena drew several models. Three months later, the first copies of the products were ready.

Alena did not analyze the market before the launch. “We just decided to launch the project and we did it. Then it turned out that there really are a lot of people involved in bags, and I was even a little upset that there were so many of them. But with high quality, our price is one of the lowest on the market. Some even look at the price and think that we do not sew from genuine leather. But then they receive an order and see that the skin is really natural, ”says Alena.

The initial investment in the project amounted to about 25,000 rubles. Sewing machines I didn't have to buy it, they already had it. The funds were spent on the purchase of leather and accessories. The aspiring entrepreneur then bought everything in retail, because she did not yet know where to make bulk purchases.

Part of the money was invested in the purchase of the domain. The site needed a name, and Alena came up with the A-Rada brand. With the participation of a programmer friend, a website was launched by the start of sales, but in its promotion of funds for the first initial stage almost never invested.

There was no need to look for the first clients, people came themselves “through the likes” of acquaintances in social networks.

No black anywhere

Distinctive features of products under the brand name "A-Rada" are non-standard colors, fairly simple models and low prices. The founder of the project planned to produce only colored bags, but the buyers made adjustments to these plans. Customers began to ask about black, and now almost every model has to be made "on demand" in this color. “If we lived by the sea, we would all go with bright bags, but the conditions of Moscow dictate their own rules,” Alena notes.

In the development of models, the designer tries to find a balance between the requirements of fashion and his own feelings. Particular attention is paid to the selection color combinations. If you miscalculate with the color, then the bags can be hard to sell. Sometimes a color that professionals like is not popular with customers.

“It used to happen that we ordered beautiful, in our opinion, skin. But customers did not share our enthusiastic view of the material, and simply did not buy bags made from it. Now, when choosing a color, we try to pay attention to global trends, and there are much fewer cases of “missing the color,” says Alena.

Bags under the A-Rada brand are sewn in our own small workshop. So it is better to monitor the quality, and it is easier to quickly deal with emerging difficulties.

At the initial stage, each bag model was made in 2-3 copies, now each model is sewn in quantities from 3 to 10 pieces. The quantity depends on how much leather and in what color you can buy.

If the model sells well, Alena reorders the necessary leather, if it is still available, and sews a new batch. If there is no leather (and this happens quite often), then buyers are offered a similar option in the same or similar colors.

“When you need to wait for this or that model, there is usually no negative. Of course, some are unhappy with the wait, but they are a minority. Usually people understand that we sew everything ourselves, and we do not have a warehouse with thousands of bags. If we find the material is not exactly the same as it was, we send the clients photos of the skin. If everything suits them, they place an order. In fact, we sometimes sell bags that do not yet exist, but then we sew them and deliver them to customers, ”says Alena.

Italian leather for Russian bags

Alena buys material for bags in St. Petersburg. There are several large warehouses of leather that buy it in bulk from foreign factories. If you buy material in Moscow, the price will be two to three times higher. It took about six months to find reliable suppliers.

To order a batch of leather at the factory "for yourself", you need to purchase at least 10 thousand square decimeters - that is, 100 square meters- material. This amount of one kind of skin in one color for small production Alena is redundant. At one time, she buys 8-10 thousand square decimeters different types and skin colors.

The material used is mainly Italian and Spanish production. “There is good Ryazan leather in Russia. But the plant in Ryazan only sells leather in large quantities. If we increase the volumes, then it may make sense to purchase materials in Ryazan, ”says Alena.

Do not argue with the buyer

About 20 models of bags are sold on the A-Rada brand website. The price varies depending on the type and size of the product from 2090 to 6890 rubles. The online store takes about 5-7 orders per day.

The seasonal decline in sales begins in May and continues until September. Many potential customers go on holidays and summer cottages, and it becomes inconvenient for them to accept the delivery of bags. The situation improves in the fall, and before the New Year, sales reach their maximum level. The next peak activity of buyers reaches in March-April.

Most customers are between 23 and 35 years old, but there are also older clients. The A-Rada brand has its regular customers. Employees already recognize them by voice, remember their names and preferences. Alena makes small gifts for such clients. However, they also do not remain in debt - they give sweets or cosmetics in return.

In situations related to the failure of bags, Alena always goes to meet customers. According to the rules, the warranty repair or return period is two weeks. But she accepts any of her products for repair, regardless of whether it is covered by a warranty. Once a client had a bag repaired a year after purchase.

When it is difficult to determine the reason for a customer's dissatisfaction with a product, Alena tries not to get involved in useless disputes. “Once a girl who bought a bag in our showroom decided to return it. Two days after the purchase, she said that "in terms of technical parameters, this is not a bag at all." The bag she bought was one of the hottest models that has sold more than 200 times, and no one had any doubts about it. technical parameters products. We refunded the client. In order to avoid negativity, we try not to argue with such people and not to enter into a discussion, ”recalls Alena.


At first, Alena herself delivered orders in Moscow - she did not have the opportunity to hire employees for this purpose. Now Moscow orders are brought to customers by couriers. Delivery to the regions is carried out by two courier services, with which A-Rada cooperates. In remote corners of the country where courier services do not work, parcels are sent by Russian Post.

By mail, bags are sent to customers only after 100% prepayment. Alena tried to deliver her goods through the Russian Post cash on delivery, but this method had to be abandoned. Shipping (including money transfer fees) costs twice as much as courier services In addition, there were cases of unclaimed orders. The bag could travel around the country for more than a month, the entrepreneur was losing money and time.

About 40% of orders come from Moscow buyers. From others major cities St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk are leading in terms of the number of clients. Products under the brand name "A-Rada" are ordered by buyers not only from Russia, but also from other countries.

“Periodically we have deliveries to the USA. But when sending abroad, it is impossible to predict the delivery time. Sometimes the bag takes 10 days, and sometimes 2 months, and it is not clear where to look for it. Recently I was very pleased with the delivery to Ireland. Sometimes we send bags to some country like Kuwait. Such orders are very surprising and delightful, ”Alyona admits.


Orders for products under the brand name "A-Rada" are accepted through the website. The brand also has groups in

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