Full wall screen. Overview of Digital Walls

Engineering systems 04.03.2020

No wonder the flight of imagination of designers is considered limitless, because thanks to their creativity and originality of thought, unique materials appear, in the literal sense of the word, striking with their fantastic properties. Chinese designer Shi Yuan, who constantly surprises with unusual developments, this time amazed everyone with his invention. This is a flowering wallpaper for walls, a unique kind of interior decoration.

The history of live wallpapers

You can also find other names - live wallpaper for walls, or heat-sensitive. Their feature is “blooming”, or a change in the color of the pattern, arising from the effect of positive temperature values ​​​​on the surface of the decorative coating.

For example, at an ambient temperature of + 15 ° C, small buds appear on a pattern, most often a flower. When the temperature background reaches +25°C, buds of unimaginable beauty begin to grow and bloom on the stems, and at +35°C, live wallpaper for walls replaces slightly loose buds with lush flowers.

What causes such an effect? The answer to this question lies in the ultra-sensitive reactive paint that covers the surface of the paintings.

In order for the flowering wallpaper with heat-sensitive paint to bloom in full, it is not necessary to wait for the onset of the heating season or the arrival of a hot summer. To do this, just lean your palm against the pattern or turn on the electric radiator, and the brightness and riot of colors will move you to a flower meadow.

In order for the decorative effect of the material to manifest itself to the maximum extent, it is best to stick flowering wallpaper on the wall near heating appliances or on areas subjected to periodic exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Live wallpapers on the wall, or rather, the idea of ​​their creation, arose at the turn of the 70s. It was then that mood rings were introduced to the world, which are ordinary rings that can change their shade from the effect of human body temperature.

The reactive dyes used by Shi Yuan contain crystals similar to those used in the development of mood rings.

Benefits of blooming wallpapers

Heat-sensitive wallpapers are characterized by excellent wear resistance and durability. In addition, the material is light resistant. In addition, as previously noted, it is the sun's rays that are able to "revive" the decorative base.

At the same time, ultraviolet in no way affects the visible part of the pattern, allowing you to maintain the original color and performance characteristics.

Vapor permeability is another plus in the treasury of the material. By sticking live wallpaper on the walls in the apartment, you can not be afraid for the appearance of mold and fungal microorganisms, because the finest structure and its ability to steam exchange reduces the risk of accumulation of condensate vapors on the surface to almost zero.

Along with this, it is worth noting good moisture resistance. However, it is still not recommended to decorate wet rooms with them, since there is a possibility of thinning of the heat-sensitive paint and its complete washing off, which will lead to the further impossibility of “blooming” of the canvases. In other words, they will lose their decorative properties.

You can stick flowering wallpaper on the wall yourself. Their installation is completely identical to working with ordinary wallpaper and does not require specialized skills and tools from the master. Cutting cuts is carried out using the most convenient means, most often scissors or a knife.

The most important advantage that distinguishes these articles among the entire range of wallpaper fabrics on the construction market is their decorative effect.

At the moment, there is simply no analogue of this fantastically beautiful development by a Chinese designer. Magical flowers, blooming under the influence of positive temperatures, fill the room with a feeling of constant summer and warmth.

It is especially pleasant to watch the birth of flowering, when in a matter of seconds a lush and bright flower grows from a small bud. The presentability of the canvases is in no way inferior to the now popular 3D stereoscopic wallpaper.


Alas, blooming wallpapers with heat-sensitive paint are not without flaws. The most significant of them is the possible environmental friendliness. This is primarily due to the lack of certificates indicating the safety of wall coverings.

In addition, the effect of paint is rather doubtful. It is this that causes concern among experts about the possible release of harmful substances directly during heating.

In addition, by sticking live wallpaper on the wall, it is almost impossible to achieve a 100% flowering reaction. That is, only areas located close to heating devices or in places exposed to sunlight can please with a riot of colors. Uneven flowering is unlikely to look very aesthetically pleasing.

The high cost of canvases is another minus. Their cost of which ranges from 1500 to 3000 rubles. per m 2.

As already specified, sticking live wallpaper on the walls in an apartment is quite simple, so self-assembly is the most appropriate here.

The gluing procedure begins with leveling the base - it is subjected to a double treatment with a primer. After that, the direct installation of pre-cut, in accordance with the geometry of the room, strips is carried out. Application of the adhesive composition is possible both on the plane itself and on the cut of the roll.

Unusual ideas, which from the outside seemed fabulous and unreal, thanks to the courage and eccentricity, the ideas of designers come to life.

Blooming wallpaper for walls is a very good solution for decorating a decorative panel or a separate section of the wall located near the radiator. Finishing the entire room with such material can be called unjustified.

Despite all the variety of finishing materials, in most cases the choice falls on quite ordinary wallpaper, water-based or silicone-based paint, and a simple, albeit quite attractive, laminate. Meanwhile, designers annually offer many new products that can turn any interior into something amazing and fabulous.

"Blooming" wallpaper

Such "clothing for the walls" is commonly called thermal wallpaper. The highlight of the novelty is that as the temperature in the room rises, the image on the wallpaper changes.

For example, a completely traditional pattern in the form of green shoots with tiny buds, purchased in a store, does not manifest itself in cold air, remaining the same ordinary. But in a room where at least plus 22-23 ° C, the buds begin to increase in size, and at plus 35 ° C they bloom with bright, lush flowers.

The disadvantages of such wallpapers are also enough. Firstly, it is not yet clear how thermal paint affects the human body and whether it releases harmful substances when heated into the air, so it is not worth rushing to buy new items before additional research is done.

Secondly, in order to heat the wallpaper to the right temperature, you will have to arrange a real sauna in the room, so basically the flowers appear only around the heaters, and the wallpaper on the rest of the wall will be no different from the usual ones.

Thirdly, they are quite expensive - from 600 rubles per square meter, so many designers advise purchasing a small roll and pasting the walls around the battery or on that section of the wall where the sun exactly hits.

Glowing wallpaper

It is worth noting that ordinary luminous wallpaper that flickers in the dark thanks to drawings applied with special acrylic paint that accumulates light during the day and can shine for 15-25 minutes after the light in the room is turned off will not surprise anyone.

Such wallpapers, usually with images of the starry sky, were popular a few years ago, so you can’t call them new, and they are quite inexpensive - from 120 rubles per square meter.

But the wallpaper that glows in a controlled way and becomes another source of lighting in the room is really surprising. There are several layers in this “clothes for the walls”, one of which is silver, which serves as a conductor, the inventor, the Dutch designer Jonas Samson, prefers to remain silent about all the details.

It is known that luminous wallpapers can be turned off remotely, they perfectly serve as a night light in a nursery, are durable and are not harmful to human health. But such a novelty is very expensive - from 1,500 rubles per square meter.

stone wallpaper

Yes, this is not just a stylization of natural stone - such a pattern on vinyl or paper wallpaper has already become a classic and has adorned numerous corridors, bathrooms and kitchens. This wallpaper really is the thinnest veneer of stone, which can be glued literally anywhere you want.

The advantages of such wallpapers include the fact that they are absolutely environmentally friendly and quite light - they are based on ordinary gypsum, a square meter of a layer literally 6-12 millimeters thick weighs only 10 kilograms. Such wallpapers look great, but they began to be used quite recently and it is still difficult to say how durable the material will be. Such stone wallpapers are not as expensive as controlled luminous wallpapers - “only” from 240 rubles per “square”.

Liquid wallpaper

If ordinary wallpaper is sold in rolls, then their liquid "colleagues" are offered to customers in bags that are reliably protected from moisture. They are really liquid, that is, they are applied to the walls with a plastic grater or spray gun, and when they harden, they turn into a kind of decorative plaster.

Dry mixture for liquid wallpaper is made from natural cellulose fiber, in which quartz, silk or cotton are added to achieve a decorative effect. Such a mixture is simply diluted with water and then easily applied to any surface, such as concrete, wood or plaster.

The advantages of liquid wallpaper include the use of only natural ingredients, due to which they "breathe" and easily tolerate frost and sunlight, do not fade and have a long service life.

The only drawback is that they cannot be washed with water in any case, they can simply spread over the wall and lose their original appearance.

The cost of liquid wallpaper - from 120 rubles per "square".

"Living" walls

Living plants can also be used as decoration and wall decoration - the Frenchman Patrick Blanc proved. Such "vertical gardens" are already quite common in summer cottages and adjacent territories, however, to date, it has not been customary to decorate the walls inside the building with them.

Meanwhile, the "living" wall not only radically changes the interior of the house, turning it into a real garden, but also makes the air in the room more humid and clean.

The disadvantages of this option for wall decoration include the need for an expensive irrigation system; a certain temperature and humidity must always be maintained in the room. In addition, such a "vertical garden" will have to be maintained regularly, which many homeowners employed in the service will not like.

The price of one square meter of a "living" wall starts from 4 thousand rubles.

In the interior, “living” walls made of green plants look very fresh and picturesque.

This natural stone can really be sold simply in rolls, it is flexible and has found a fairly wide application in the interior. A flexible stone is created from a cut of natural sandstone, which is millions of years old. Each cut is unique, so when purchasing a flexible stone, you can be sure that no one else will have exactly the same interior.

Flexible sheets of sandstone are attached to thin sheets based on textiles, which allows you to literally twist the stone into rolls and use it in the decoration of columns, walls, bar counters, doors and archways. True, such a stone will have to be bent under the influence of hot air, so one cannot do without the help of professionals who already have experience working with this new material.

Flexible stone can be easily wrapped around the column, making it look like a real stone sculpture

Designers attribute the advantages of flexible stone to the fact that it is not afraid of temperature extremes, moisture and sun, it can even be used to veneer fireplaces, it will not lose either durability or beauty from fire and heat.

The main drawback is that there is much more dust from such “wallpaper” than from ordinary ones.

The cost of one "square" of flexible stone is 2200 rubles.

Flexible stone is sold really in rolls and does not weigh as much as it seems

Self cleaning paint

Acrylic-latex paints are now quite popular due to their unique properties: neither dust nor dirt sticks to such paint.

Very practical, durable, attractive shades, they are most often used for painting the exterior walls of the house; acrylic-latex paints have not yet been used in interior design.

Their uniqueness is also due to the fact that the photocatalyst, that is, the accelerator of interaction processes, which is added to their composition, helps the sunlight to break down particles of dirt that have fallen on the wall. Then these small remnants are simply carried away by the wind and washed away by rain, and the wall itself remains perfectly clean.

"Washing" paint outwardly looks like quite ordinary

The only drawback of such a unique paint, durable and beautiful, designers call the high cost - at least 400 rubles will have to be paid for one liter of self-cleaning material.

"Liquid" tiles

Such a tile is also often called "live", as it reacts to touch, changing the pattern. The surface of the "liquid" tile is made of tempered glass, durable enough to be used as a floor covering or to decorate the top of the bar and dining table.

The internal capsule of the tile is under pressure, which allows the coating to immediately respond to human steps and even light touches of the hand. This flooring creates the effect of walking on water and will decorate any room.

"Liquid" tiles can be of different shades, the combination of which creates a bright, unique interior

“Liquid” tile is easy to clean, withstands temperatures up to plus 80 degrees, dampens vibration and sound, so you can walk on it almost silently, but it also has a number of disadvantages. So, a “live” tile is afraid of frost, it can crack when the temperature drops, sharp objects leave traces on it, so it’s not worth cutting food on such a countertop with a knife, just like walking on tiles with thin heels.

In addition, it is impossible to put heavy pieces of furniture on it, for example, chests of drawers or bedside tables - the “live” tile does not withstand pressure over a large area. However, who will, having paid such a lot of money, hide the beauty under the furniture!

Walking on such a tile, you can really leave "footprints on the water", which looks very impressive.

The cost of such a unique tile is also very high - from 12 thousand rubles per square meter.

3D floor

The so-called 3D floor looks even more original and attractive - a floor covering that turns the floor in a room into a sandy beach, a flowering meadow or an ocean aquarium.

When creating a 3D floor, any image you like is taken as the basis, which is pasted onto a concrete base. From above, the picture is filled with a special polymer material, which makes the coating perfectly even, seamless and creates the very unique effect of a three-dimensional image.

In addition, even voluminous objects, such as sea pebbles or shells, can be placed under the polymer material, which will enhance the effect of a “live” picture.

However, designers warn that such flooring, despite its attractiveness, has a number of disadvantages. So, the 3D floor dries out for five or six days, scratches easily remain on it, so it’s better not to walk in shoes, and over time, the coating can simply fade and lose its bright colors. True, a special washing machine and a chemical solution will help restore its former shine, but this can already be attributed to additional costs.

Bright rich colors of the self-leveling 3D floor, unfortunately, may fade over time

The cost of a 3D floor starts from 1600 rubles per square meter.

living bathroom floor

But for real, without any exaggeration, the designers created a living floor for the bathroom from pieces of oceanic and forest globular moss. Such a rug can only be used in rooms with high humidity: bathrooms or near the pool, he also does not like direct sunlight.

A rug made of different types of moss is best used in the bathroom or by the pool

The moss rug is very soft, extremely pleasant to the touch, with the right level of humidity it remains green for as long as you like, and does not require time-consuming maintenance. The only point is that it is necessary to ensure that microorganisms do not start in it.

The cost of such a living bath rug is high - from 8 thousand rubles per square meter, however, the designers note that by buying a special substrate for plants and planting forest moss, you can create such a masterpiece yourself.

If you wish, you can become a real designer and create a do-it-yourself moss rug

Of course, not all of these interior design novelties will be appropriate in an ordinary apartment. However, the fantasies of the masters who offer such unusual things and materials can only be envied, and some of them can be called not only beautiful and fashionable, but also functional.

Wall covering can be any. For better color reproduction of the image in Scam games, the white color of the wall is used, or any light, but monotonous.

Image size

On average, for example, from a distance of 2.5 m, the projector gives an image on the wall of 2.7x4.8 meters in 16:9 format. This image size is optimal, but not required. The power of the supplied projector is 3500Lm, which is enough for a dimly lit room. Other variants of projectors can be used as agreed with the customer.

An example of calculating the distance of the projector from the wall, the size of the image on the wall.

Kidalok menu. Simple and clear

Using games to develop children's reactions

The Scam software includes a set of 30 pcs. 2D 3D games for the development of user reaction, 144 educational games. Games are switched either automatically or manually on the keyboard. It is possible to create a list of games to play, according to your desire, on your own.

Number of users

There are no restrictions on the number of touches and interactions with Kidals, no matter how many users there are. The game is collective, there are no age restrictions.

Projector maintenance, lamp replacement

No maintenance is required for the Drawings to Come to Life system, other than cleaning the projector's dust filter and replacing the lamp as needed. Lamp life 4000-6000 hours of continuous operation. Any user can change the filter and lamp in the animated drawings projector. The module is removed and a new one is inserted.

Installation of an interactive wall

Installation can be done by anyone who has experience installing the projector on the ceiling. The projector is installed on the opposite side of the wall, as well as the motion detection camera is installed next to the projector. The camera and projector are connected to the supplied computer. Connecting the scanner to a computer. Starting the projector and software.

Help with setup and technical support

There is a TEAM VIEWER program on the computer desktop, these are our technical support remote access programs. Turn on this program, you will see the ID and Password, you need to transfer this data to those. support in case of difficulties with setting up the program Animated Drawings..


All components of animated drawings have GOST R certificates of conformity and declarations of conformity. All equipment is guaranteed for 1 year. Order animated drawings right now, and we will bring them to the door of your apartment or children's studio. A professional employee will assemble the equipment and explain the operation rules. Choose your favorite topic, click on the button below and fill out an online application. Or choose any other contact method.


Certificate of conformity to the Customs Union


Modern digital wallpaper is evidence that the development of technologies for the manufacture of finishing materials does not stand still. In our time, when it is difficult to surprise the owners of apartments and houses who are going to make repairs in their home, wallpapers appear that are fundamentally different from the non-woven ones we are used to, and other analogues. And not only in appearance, but also in the method of their production, which consists in applying digital files to paper from a computer, resulting in a photograph or drawing with a high resolution.

Rebel Walls digital wallpaper

Someone will remember and draw their analogy with the digital version, and this is a completely logical comparison, however, the difference between photo wallpapers and modern digital wallpapers is the same as the difference between a digital image and a regular one.

By themselves, digital wallpapers are of three types:

Printed digital wallpaper

At first glance, printed digital wallpaper does not differ from the photo wallpaper we are used to, since the pattern is applied to a paper or non-woven base, but the image application technology is different and is expressed as follows:

  • An image is applied to paper or interlining covered with photo emulsion using a printer.
  • Next, the wallpaper is fed into the processor through an opaque tray.
  • The processor is processing the picture using photochemical reagents.
  • Laminating the surface of the wallpaper is carried out.

Lamination protects the material from sunlight, moisture and mechanical stress. Thanks to the use of various lamination materials such as acetate, polypropylene or polyester, the surface acquires a glossy or matte appearance. But PVC materials are not used in view of the fact that they evaporate chlorine, which makes the picture colorless.

Printed digital wallpaper

Unlike photo wallpaper, modern digital wallpaper allows you to embody various fantasies on the material, from the image of mountains, seas, forests and ending with your own photo or the image of your loved ones and idols. In addition, the images are more realistic (believable) and allow you to increase or expand the size of any room in an apartment or house.

electronic digital wallpaper

Electronic digital wallpaper is a fundamentally different type of wall decoration that has nothing to do with rolled wallpaper. They most likely resemble large monitors, displaying both static and dynamic drawings.

glowing electronic wallpaper

The functioning of modern electronic color wallpapers is based on the projection of images onto the surface of the wall using LEDs located under the ceiling. The drawing is processed on a computer, and then it is embodied in rial according to the finished program. The main advantage of this type of digital wallpaper is that it became possible to change the look of the interior without making repairs in the room.

In addition, electronic digital wallpaper has several other advantages:

  • As noted above, if you want to change the appearance of the walls, no repairs are required.
  • The absence of building materials that in one way or another affect the physical condition of a person.
  • The ability to change the appearance of the walls depending on the situational state of the mood of the residents.
  • Electronic wallpaper in some cases can replace the lighting of the room without consuming a lot of electricity.

Interactive color wallpaper

Interactive color wallpaper is a type of digital wallpaper capable of responding to certain physical influences: touch, pressure, stroking, etc. In all cases, touch can change the lighting, pattern, and show the dynamics of interactive wallpaper.

Interactive digital wallpaper

This happens due to special sensors built into the wall that react to certain actions. Particularly interesting is the option of children's interactive digital wallpapers, which allow the child to take virtual walks through the forest, meadow, or simply create interesting drawings.

Many manufacturers occupying a certain niche in the construction and finishing industry do not expect new products from others, but develop and produce new materials for interior decoration so that they are radically different from what they used to be. Thanks to progress, digital wallpapers for walls have appeared that can radically transform the interior of any room.

Types of digital wallpaper


At a cursory examination, printed digital wallpapers practically do not differ from the photo wallpapers that have become familiar. And the manufacturing technology has something in common - the image is also applied to the base of cellulose or non-woven fabric.

But if you look closely, the quality of the drawing itself is much higher, because the technology for applying the image is significantly different. The principle of manufacturing such finishing materials consists of the following steps:

  • An image is applied to the base with a photo emulsion using a printer.
  • The canvases are passed through an opaque tray, where the image is fully processed by various photochemical means.
  • The surface is laminated.

Thanks to the last step, the wallpaper becomes a very reliable material that has good protective properties. Laminated digital wallpapers are protected from UV rays, they are resistant to moisture, and can easily withstand mechanical external influences.

Lamination also affects the appearance - thanks to this procedure, the wallpaper can get a matte or glossy pattern. It all depends on the materials used for lamination.

Thus, we can highlight several main points that determine the difference between digital and conventional photo wallpapers:

  • Presence effect based on 3D technology.
  • Image quality. The colors are more saturated, which gives the impression of realism.
  • Reliability. The material does not lose color saturation due to sunlight, they can be washed with a damp cloth.
  • The possibility of obtaining a glossy or matte surface.


Based on special sensors responsible for performing certain functions. This may be an additional ability to control temperature, light intensity. Thermal sensors are also used, which can change the appearance of the canvases under the influence of heat.

There are also unique interactive wallpapers designed specifically for children's bedrooms or playrooms. They “understand” that there is a child in the room and create an appropriate picture for him.


Another type of digital wallpaper is electronic, which has nothing in common with traditional wall coverings. Rather, they are small screens designed to display static or animated images.

In this case, a special projector is used, which, by means of LEDs, projects pictures onto the wall surface. Thus, the appearance of the walls can be changed regularly.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any finishing material, digital wallpaper has its positive and negative sides. The benefits include the following:

  1. Huge assortment. Ordinary photo wallpapers are represented by certain samples, so the consumer has to be content with what is available. In this case, it is possible to create wallpaper even from a picture that was downloaded by the client from the Internet.
  2. Possibility to correct the image. At the request of the customer, you can significantly change the appearance of the picture, thereby making it ideal for a particular interior space.
  3. Reliability. As mentioned above, the wallpaper is resistant to sunlight, water and mechanical damage.

There are practically no drawbacks to wall coverings that create a dynamic interior, the only negative is the price. The cost of digital wallpaper is higher compared to conventional photo wallpaper.

It is necessary to paste over the walls with these wallpapers in the same way as with conventional roll counterparts. The first step is to get rid of the old wallpaper and, if necessary, level the wall with putty.

After that, it is recommended to go through the primer and begin the pasting process itself. In this case, you should be especially careful, because the joints should not be visible at all, otherwise the drawing will look unnatural.

Digital wallpaper based on paper or vinyl has become very popular among homeowners who want to make their home cozy and original.

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