Status rejected by the bank. What does ABS is accepted in Sberbank Business Online

The buildings 03.07.2020
The buildings

To manage a credit institution, effective automated banking is needed by domestic and foreign specialists. The speed of information processing and customer notification on the completion of transactions depends on the quality of the system. It is it that displays the message by the type "Accepted ABS" (Sberbank). What does it mean, you will learn from this article.


ABS consists of kernel and modules. Their number depends on the needs of the bank in data processing. The main requirements that are presented to the system are reliable information protection, operational data collection, the ability to quickly make decisions.

The key element of the system is the calculation and cash service module. It contains all paid payments and assigns them the status "ABS adopted", "rejected", "delivered", etc. On the basis of this data, reports are then generated and transmitted to check in the Central Bank. The module is purchased for each individual operation. All of them can be made by different manufacturers, but must be subordinate to the same ABS.


Part of the domestic banks functions for ABS of its own development. This can afford only major organizations with a large state of IT specialists and a solid amount of such systems are 1.5-2 years. There have deficiencies in such a solution. First, the low quality of elaborations that do not allow to track the change in the future conditions. Secondly, in such abs Accounting and management is practically not integrated into separate programs. Thirdly, the creation process can greatly delay, if several specialists will work on the same project. On the other hand, such automated banking technologies are completely exclusive and prepared for one organization.

Many believe that it is better to buy a ready-made software product, and then adjust it under the characteristics of the system. The development of domestic specialists can be purchased for 15 thousand dollars, foreign - ten times more expensive.

System "Bank-Client"

A bright example of the operation of the ABS is the "personal account" of users on the website of the credit organization. All processes, starting with registration in the system and ending with watching history, are carried out in close interaction with ABS. Consider this process on the example of sending a payment order in the Sberbank-online system.

Formation of the document

First you need to create a payment order by entering it all the recipient details. Automatic banking technologies are arranged in such a way that each stage of document formation is assigned a unique status:

1. "Control error" - a formed document at the preservation stage has not passed the check for filling all fields.

2. "Imported" - the payment order was transferred from the accounting program.

3. "Created" - the document was successfully formed in the Client-Bank.

You need to highlight the optional buttons in the top column. Among them are required to choose "Signature". If several payment orders were formed at once, then it is necessary to clarify the details. Pre-verifying documents eliminates users from further errors. Cancel payment after it has been sent very hard. And if the operation passes, then money is returned for three days.

Transfer to processing

After creating the document, an electronic signature of all authorized persons should be assigned. At this stage, you must enter the password specified in SMS. The Bank-Client system assigns the status of "signed". Now the payment order can be sent to the bank. For this, a special button is provided on the application, the intermediate status "added" is provided. This means that the documents are verified. After its completion, the payment is considered accepted and sent to processing. The application can be canceled until the document is assigned the status "Accepted ABS" (Sberbank). What does it mean? Documents will be removed from the queue for conducting. Money from account is not written off. After the calculations, the document is assigned the status "executed".

Additional statuses

Documents may be at such steps:

Final statuses

  • "Deleted from the number of applications."
  • "ASP is incorrect" - the document is not signed by the bank.
  • "Error requisites.
  • "Executed" - funds are listed on the recipient's account.

New Mobile Application Version

In detail to track the statuses of payment orders will be only through the "Personal Account" on the website or through the Client-Bank. Through a mobile application, you can form and view the history of the completed applications. For individuals, other interesting opportunities are provided in this service.

In March 2015, a new version of Sberbank-online was launched for Android owners. From the main innovations it is worth noting the built-in antivirus, which checks not only the application, but also the smartphone itself. When threats are detected, the program will not start. Through the application, you can carry out all the required operations, ranging from the services and replenish the mobile phone, ending with the transfer of funds to another account in the territory of the Russian Federation. This is a real "bank on the palm".

The application is still launched after entering a unique five-digit code. The final interface allows you to pay for taxes and charges in one click. Through the program you can learn about the presence of fines in the traffic police. You only need to enter a driver's license number. If any, then right through the smartphone they can be repayed.

Another important innovation. The program automatically analyzes the version of the operating system on the smartphone. If the official firmware is installed, the application will be updated regularly, constantly expanding the set of tools used. But if a modified OS is installed on the gadget or the user has root access, the service will work in a lightweight mode, without updates and improvements.


Payment, which passes through Sberbank, at each stage of existence is assigned a certain status. According to his name, it is possible to determine at what stage is the process of translation of funds, is there any errors. Payment order must be created, then sign and send to processing. After successfully completing these processes, the document is transmitted to execution. This is what the ABS is "accepted".

What is adopted by ABS in Sberbank Business Online is a message that indicates a certain stage of the formation of a payment document. What this means how the cash flow occurs and is reflected in the automated banking system, consider in more detail.

Status adopted abs Sberbank business online

Before understanding what it means, it is necessary to clarify where there is a similar wording. Without an automated system, no bank can exist. This is a set of programs envisaged for the functioning of a banking institution where the calculated operations are carried out, accounts are opened, interest on deposits are formed, etc. From its functionality, the processing time is depends on the processing time and messages to the client about the end of the operation.

What is accepted ABS Sberbank Business Online

The assignment of this status means that the payment order after the formation passed the data reconciliation, it was delivered and unloaded into an automated system and received by a credit institution.


This system is a modular construction scheme. It consists of kernel and modules. The number of modules is determined by the needs of the banking institution itself and depends on the amount of data being processed and may differ in functionality and modifications depending on the developer.

The main module is calculated cash service. It includes all payments that are held by customers.

Procedure for processing payment orders

The creation procedure, signing, sending, reconciliation and execution are accompanied by a change in status at each stage.

The procedure takes place in such a sequence:

  • Delivered to the bank ("delivered");
  • Revision of signature;
  • reconquitance;
  • After successfully completing the previous stage, it is installed "unloaded";
  • Next stage - adoption;
  • The following is processed, in case of a positive result, the document (verification of a sufficient amount of funds on the sender's account) is sent to execution, i.e. debit;
  • When the money is written off from the account, the message "executed" appears.

Processing statuses

The status data corresponds to the stages of sending "bills" on reconciliation to the bank for further processing. List Next:

  • "Delivered" - "Recovery" is transported to the banking system.
  • "Accepted" - the check was successful.
  • "Suspended" - on the recall team, the procedure is suspended and translated into the category "Ozozon".
  • "Unloaded" - unloading "payments", after that it is automatic mode of checking or deflects the bank.
  • "ABS adopted" - a document in electronic form is allowed for further work.

If the Sberbank of the online business was installed "ABS adopted", then after a certain time for processing, in the case of a positive result, the "Refreaming" is sent to execution.

Final statuses

The name already suggests that this is the final stage, and nothing can be changed. List of final provisions and their decoding:

  • "Deleted" - the document is removed from among the current, but there is no complete elimination, it simply moves to a separate list.
  • "EP is incorrect" - the institution has not been confirmed by an electronic signature.
  • "Requisites error" is a negative result after reconciling data.
  • "Ozozl" - review on request.
  • "Rejected by the bank."
  • "Card file number 2" is not enough funds to conduct a transaction.
  • "Denied" - the check is not passed.
  • "Executed" - testifies to the successful completion of the operation.

Formation of the document

The formation occurs in this order:

  • A payment order is created, which includes all the recipient details. At this stage, the message "Control error" may appear, meaning that not all fields are correctly filled.
  • Transfer from the accounting program ("imported").
  • Formation in the "Client-Bank" ("Created").
  • The order must be allocated.
  • In the Select "Signature" menu.
  • Pre-check all details.

To the last item should be taken particularly carefully: errors in filling will lead to the fact that the payment will not go to the destination. And cancel the operation will already be impossible.


During payments in the bank automated system, each operation is assigned a separate status. His name testifies at which stage the procedure for transferring funds is also being noted, and specific errors are noted that do not allow to go to the next step. First you need to create "payment", after signing it and send it into development. At the end of the procedure, it is sent to the online bank service. So the message "Accepted ABS" is formed. Knowing what this means, the user can continue to spend all transactions in accordance with the established procedure.

In order for the Sberbank client to quickly monitor the status processing state, the status system is used.

Check the payment order status

  • open the Payments and Translations tab;
  • in the drop-down menu window, locate the Orange "All Payments" button and go to the link;
  • in the list opened in the form of a table, the extreme right column is called "statuses".

In the table, the status of work with a specific assignment is reflected in the brief version. If you visit the status and go through the link, the drop-down tab will open with more complete information about the status of work with PP, which reflects:

  • processing result;
  • the nature of processing (automatic or with the participation of the manager);
  • cause of document rejection.

Here you can see detailed information and find out what errors you can fix to achieve the expected result.

Statuses are divided

  • on the initial;
  • when signing;
  • after processing;
  • final.

At each stage, this graph contains the information necessary for the further movement of the payment order, the client learns that it is necessary to do or receive a reason to contact the manager and find out the details of further interaction.

Good day, we are glad to see you on the pages of our portal dedicated to the services of Sberbank of Russia. Today we would like to tell you in detail about how cash flows in the Sberbank of the online business and in particular the status is adopted by ABS.

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Cash are moving in this payment system in accordance with the following scheme:

  1. when transmitting any document to the Sberbank office, he is assigned the status of "delivered". A document that has such status is sent to the audit, and subsequently can change the status of "withdrawal" and "suspended". All commands pass automatically.
  2. with the failure of the verification document, the corresponding status of the document.
  3. in the event that the document successfully passes all checks, including verification of details, then receives the status "accepted". Payment operations with such status can automatically perform ABS, and can also be rejected. Upon receipt of the response, the document with the status "Accepted" can automatically be modified to the opposite - "suspended". Such an action will occur until the document is confirmed or, on the contrary, reject, while it will receive the appropriate status. If you do not pass the verification by requisites, the document is marked as an error.
  4. unloaded documents in electronic form get the mark "unloaded". They also pass automatic verification, so it can be accepted or rejected by the bank. Thus, receiving appropriate statuses.
  5. the document or documents adopted successfully receive the following status - "ABS adopted". With such status, the document is similar to check.
  6. after passing all the stages of checks, payment actions are carried out by the document. When insufficient funds are found on the client's account, the document receives a note "Card file number 2". If the customer's account is enough for payment manipulations, the system successfully fulfills the order.

We hope we fully could answer all your questions and were able to help you learn how the cash flow in the Sberbank of the online business and in particular the status adopted the ABS. If you have any other questions about the services and services of Sberbank of Russia, look for answers to them on the pages of our portal.

Today, banking activities are impossible without the use of the most modern information technologies. In recent years, they have become particularly popular in recent years, when a significant part of customers of financial organizations has moved to remote service. It is with the help of the Internet, in real time and using a variety of automated systems, the overwhelming majority of financial transactions are currently implemented. To implement them and the possibility of tracking the processes of verification and processing various payment orders, statuses are used, which are assigned to documents at different stages of their conduct.

Read more about the status "Accepted ABS"

The status "ABS adopted" is one of the latter at the document processing stage. It means that the payment order in electronic form is checked abs, that is, an automated banking system. After that, the document is sent for execution. In case of detection when checking from ABS, any problems, the payment order is assigned the status of "abandoned ABS".

What is ABS?

Under the ABS means an automated banking system, which is a large-scale complex of technical and software for the work of a credit institution. The need for its introduction is due to the fact that banking business provides for the preparation of a large amount of reporting directed to the Central Bank of Russia, as well as the need for reliable protection of the data banking data on its clients and employees.

The main objectives of implementing ABS in banking business are:

  • an increase in the performance of a credit institution, which consists in growing the number of financial transactions held;
  • accelerating the verification and processing of the obtained data;
  • reducing the number of employees of the banking institution;
  • providing the possibility of continuous client service;
  • reduction of bank expenditures by reducing the cost of fulfillment of financial transactions;
  • timely formation and disposal of reporting provided by the current legislation;
  • reliable protection of databases for clients and employees of a credit institution.

System structure

Automated banking system is a single software and technical complex. However, it can be divided into three components with some part of the convention:

  • aBS module for bank management;
  • aBS module called "Operating Day";
  • aBS module for the implementation of banking online services.

At the same time, it is necessary to understand that the current ABS today is constantly being improved and modified, with the result that any of their structuring is quite conditional and not fully accurate.

Implementation in Sberbank

Sberbank One of the first among domestic financial institutions began the introduction of ABS. This is quite logical, given its leading position in the market. The first automated systems were developed and applied in practice in 1993. First used separate ABS for each division of the credit institution. By 2006, the procedure for creating united for the entire bank ABS was completed. Today, the system operating in the bank is deservedly considered one of the most productive and reliable. At the same time, the financial institution annually allocates funds under the budget, which provides for further refinement and improvement of ABS.

System "Bank-Client"

An important part of the ABS is a popular and widespread system "Bank-Client". With regard to Sberbank, she gradually transformed into a well-known today and popular Internet service Sberbank online. It is a software package that provides the client with the possibility of remotely using the Internet to conduct various financial transactions. Today, almost all enterprises use a similar system for doing business, which is explained by its convenience, simplicity and efficiency. One of the basic principles of the "Bank-Client" work is a clearly established procedure, in which a payment document is assigned a certain status at all stages of its preparation and execution.

Formation of the document

At the payment order formation stage, the "Control error" statuses are applied (mandatory fields are incorrectly filled), "created" (the design is executed correctly, the document can be used) and "imported" (the status is equivalent to the type of document "Created"). The next stage of payment order registration is its signing. At the same time, he may be assigned the status "partially signed" or "signed". Obviously, in the first case, the presence of a part of the signatures is stated, and in the second - readiness for processing.

Transfer to processing

At this stage, statuses actually represent messages to the client about how the processing of the payment order sent to them. At the same time, the document may be assigned the following notation that do not require additional explanations: "delivered", "adopted", "suspended" and "unloaded". The last status means the departure of the payment order for testing and processing in the ABS. According to her, the document is noted either as "ABS adopted" or "ABS denied". In the first case, it goes on execution.

Additional statuses

In addition to the specified, there are several more types of statuses that can be assigned to a payment order at different stages of its inspection and processing. In most cases, their names are sufficiently eloquent and allow to obtain an idea of \u200b\u200bthe problem that has arisen, for example, the statuses of "Error of the details" or "Card file No. 2". In the first case, the client is incorrectly indicated by one or more mandatory bank details, and in the second, it is not enough to fulfill the funds for the execution of this payment order. With timely reviewing payment from the client, the status of "recalled" is assigned.

Final statuses

The final status of the document is assigned after the completion of all stages of its inspection and processing. The only type of status is indicated about the positive final result - "executed". All other options mean the availability of any problems and the impossibility of payment.

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