As I created my successful food delivery business in a provincial city. Food delivery business

Engineering systems 30.09.2019
Engineering systems

Despite the fact that time does not wait, and everyone runs and run, love for food and the desire to eat tasty does not leave the minds of even the most busy businessmen of the planet. Unfortunately, the cooking time is missing, so I need ambulance help! And you will become it when you open your own cooking.

Documents for opening cooking

To open a culinary business (if you plan to deploy activities in a rental room, and not at home), you need, first of all, register as a legal entity as a llc or an individual entrepreneur. In the next article you will learn.

Then you just need to go through "flour":

  • Request permission to conduct culinary activities in Rospotrebnadzor, presenting the necessary documents on product range, on the presence of appropriate equipment.
  • Upon receipt of permission, you need to bypass the SES and the fire inspection.
  • Take an agreement on the removal of organic garbage.
  • Make a contract for disinfection work.
  • Collect documents on all employees about medical examination.
  • If you plan to carry out the transportation of cooked dishes or semi-finished products, you must have a sanitary ship to vehicles.
  • A certificate of quality of manufactured products is required.

To calculate the taxes, it is usually used as a rule, and all the necessary questions on the documentation trust legal organizations, concluding an agreement with them for the provision of services.

Cooking: selection of space and organization

Cooking - a business that requires a thorough choice of location and not only in terms of "passing place", but also in terms of the shelf life of the premises to implement the culinary business. The room will be checked by the services that are entitled and not to give it to open at all, so here you need a special approach:

  • Is it worth saying that the room needs to choose originally with the package you need. Find and "Book now" such a room is very difficult, therefore, a version of a former store with utility room can also be seated. Remember, in all other cases, installing all components for excellent checking will rise in a large amount, so it is better to take a more or less suitable place.
  • It is desirable that the room can be divided into two zones: the store area and food zone: if you have one room, you can divide it using the plasterboard arches, and if the room is small, then just install several tables for guests to try your delights. This is optional, but preferably, especially if you want to grow up in the future.
  • The location of the cooking may be not separate, it can be "placed" in the supermarket, in a separate zone - here the permanent influx of visitors will be automatically secured.

If this is still a separate store - a great location for him:

  • Market (Consumer coverage here is very high from market workers to buyers);
  • Sleeping areas Mostly "scored" elite high-rise buildings - if you establish yourself as a manufacturer of excellent and high-quality food, then you will not have a penny in regular customers;
  • Okolov-blocks It is extremely good, since at this territory most often is not only the station itself (with his employees and regular visitors), but also buildings in which the mass of railway workers are working - one advantages for culinary business!

Before you "take" the room, even if it seems to you extremely profitable, read the closest competitors, especially if in this room there was also a culinary place. Contrary to all admonitions, do not be afraid of a supermarket nearby, for you, on the contrary, is an additional flow of people. Even if there is already a cooking department there, you can give your money to such a style and comfort, so that I wish to go to you, and not to dry, standing at the tables in the supermarket.

Equipment room cooking

Equipment, after rent, a serious item of expenses, but also one-time, so it is better to prepare everything you need in advance and deal, which will be needed at first:

  • Refrigerators for finished and raw products, semi-finished products and refrigeration equipment (refrigeration and freezer).
  • Furnaces, oven and microwave (better two). On all equipment, you can save, if you purchase used, and microwaves can be used the most simple for heat heating, without additional "lotions".
  • Small equipment as mixers and combines, vegetable cutters and grill - you can also take a used, and watch according to the degree of need and priority.
  • , scales, tables and chairs are what is necessary for a full cooking and your guests.

When you're going to open a shop-cook, then many of the listed equipment may not need, depending on your specialization: semi-finished products or ready-made dishes will be in priority.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 10 minutes


The supply of Russian citizens with ready-made dishes is a rather popular and profitable type of business in our country. Although a fair number of competitors is celebrated, it does not prevent newcomers to find their niche in this area. How to open a business for the delivery of finished food to the house or office? Where to begin? How to get around competitors and not lose customers? What experts advise? How to develop a business plan? Answers to questions in order.

What types of business for food delivery to the house exist?

The business activity under consideration has various forms:

  • . In this embodiment, the entrepreneur acts as an intermediary that delivers a restaurant product to the customer home or office. Many restaurants do not want to lose customers, and at the same time consider inappropriate spending on the organization of delivery. The benefit is mutual: the meal manufacturer expands the client base, the mediator earns on the markup.
  • With delivery service home or office.
  • Cooking at home with subsequent delivery of ready-made dishes to customers . This is a variation of a family business, where all relatives are attracted. In addition to the finished food, you can specialize in the delivery of semi-finished products (dumplings, dumplings, and so on).

How to make a business for the delivery of food to the house officially?

The so-called business legalization is mainly beginning to do after promotion when the profit and the prospect of its growth appeared. This is a risky way. Penalties are not yet canceled.

It is better to immediately take care of the required packet of documents:

  1. Register the status of the PI and get the appropriate papers.
  2. Visit the Tax Inspectorate to select the form of taxation.
  3. Get permissions of the SES and fire structure for compliance with the premises to all standards, taking into account the planned activities. Of course, this question cannot be called easy. Therefore, experts of law firms usually wake up his decision.
  4. Permits are necessarily signed in Rospotrebnadzor.
  5. Non-cash payment of services involves the presence of a bank account.
  6. Each employee should be issued a sanitary book.

In total, up to 3,000 rubles is spent on the documentary. The duration of the month and more procedure.

What needs to be purchased to organize a business for food delivery?

Work with a complete production cycle, i.e., cooking and delivery of the finished product, implies fair costs.

The value of expenses is directly dependent on some features of this business:

  • Food specifics . For example, only pies are baked or a full-fledged dinner of three dishes are prepared. Other options are possible.
  • Fashion cooking.
  • Planned profits - sales volumes.

In any case, the entrepreneur should be purchased:

  1. A variety of kitchen utensils, ranging from pan, saucepan, knives, forks, grads and ending with cutting boards.
  2. Combine with lots of functions. This immediately eliminates the need for other devices - meat grinder, blender, mixer and others.
  3. Plate (gas or electric).
  4. Microwave and steamer. This will significantly speed up the cooking process.
  5. Freezer and refrigerator - technique ensuring the safety of products.
  6. High-quality delivery will not cost without special containers, thermos and plastic dishes. By the way, they can be with the company's logo.

Transport also on the list of necessary acquisitions. Delivery can be carried out on auto, scooter, motorcycle and even by bike. By the way, the car is not always appropriate in big cities - huge traffic jams make it difficult to deliver the order to deliver.

Note . Accepting a courier with personal vehicles can be saved on the purchase of means of delivery.

Where and how can I organize production to deliver food to the house or in the office?

The organization of such business requires a systematic study of all aspects of future activities.

A businessman will need to answer the following questions:

  • Where to cook? This issue is associated with the premises. Perhaps it is already available. Then there will be no cost of buying or renting.
  • With what is cooking and where to store purchased products?
  • How to deliver? This is a solution to a transport matter.

1. Premises for production

Many begin business at home kitchen, where most of the inventory are available. Otherwise, you need to find a room that is leased. The main condition is its compliance with the requirements of the SES and Firefighters.

2. Equipment

As noted above, the equipment set depends entirely on the activities of the activity. Semi-finished products, domestic food, cakes or pizza suggest different cooking specifics. So the equipment is bought appropriate.

3. Consumables

Not all products can be bought in the future. Therefore, it is initially acquired only those, the storage period of which is quite large - vegetable oil, cereals, flour, spices, vegetables, meat (if it is stored in a frozen form) and so on.

The rest is purchased as the client base form. How it looks in practice. For example, a businessman negotiates with the leadership of any office for the delivery of dinners, stipulates the approximate menu for the week and the start of delivery. Then you can proceed to the main purchase of consumables.

Note . Tools for these costs must be in stock before starting work.

4. Grocery supply

Overly to talk about the quality of products used, confirmed by the relevant documentation. It does not matter who is the supplier of food - grandmother in the market or a solid company - the main thing to use the primitive product. From this depends on the reputation of an enterprise delivering food. And one more nuance is the timeliness of the delivery of source products. This is negotiated in advance - before the opening of the company.

5. Personnel

Professional qualities are the only criterion in the selection of personnel. At the initial stage, two people are enough: one is engaged in the preparation of food, another delivery. Main care of a businessman - promote business. And already as the scale extensions to increase the staff of the staff.

Features of business promotion on food delivery: Where and how to search for customers?

Organize a business associated with food delivery is simple enough. It is much more difficult to attract customers who will later become regular customers. Business people invest consuming considerable funds in promoting their firm.

What methods are used to promote the business under consideration - how customers are involved:

  • The easiest way is to bypass offices in the premiered time with the proposal of its products. . In this embodiment, it is appropriate not only to offer delivery of dinners and leave business cards, but also to negotiate the tasting of dishes. If it passes successfully, you can count on a large audience of customers and even for servicing corporate parties.
  • Effectiveness is distinguished by distribution of promotional products (leaflets, business cards, booklets) in crowded urban areas or distribution of advertising on offices. Do not forget about the split ads in hostels or apartment buildings. Each method is good as attracting attention to the company. In this case, a sufficiently small percentage of people who will order products with delivery.
  • Most people use an Internet resource to search for the right contacts. . That is why it is important not to create a site, but also to promote it by increasing the ranking in the search engine. This will significantly replenish the client base. Of course, special skills and knowledge will be required. However, you can always use the services of specialists in this area.

Here, the main arguments attracting customers serve:

  1. Quality service.
  2. Availability of prices.

This method begins to work after a certain time when the first satisfied customers appear. They will recommend the delivery service of their loved ones.

The profitability of the case depends on the number of applications. To increase their quantity, high-quality diverse advertising is necessary. Therefore, sorry for it follows. To use the services of a new company, you need to be at least to know. This is engaged in advertising - informs people.

Attention . The first months of the company earns a reputation. It is important that it was positive.

What promotes business success - specialist advice:

  • Compliance with delivery time is punctuality. Dining meal is very limited by a temporary framework. No one will spend the precious moments of a lunch break for a long waiting lunch.
  • Receiving orders through the site significantly increases the number of customers.
  • Continuous customers are always pleased to participate in various draws and promotions. This is a great tool for holding permanent service users.
  • You can not force clients to warm up food. If provided for by the recipe, food is better to deliver hot. About the quality and taste of dishes speak too much. The high level of these criteria is mandatory by default.

How to make a business plan for food delivery: Calculation of expenses and profitability

The amount of expenses at the start:

Outcome from 15-50%. Full sales of products brings an income in the amount of 120,000-170,000 rubles per month. Given the monthly costs:

Profit will be equal to 80,000 rubles. Business pays off 8-9 months. These are the most modest calculations. In this area, high profitability indicators. They practically do not depend on the selected direction.

Fox Food Delivery Franchise and Office: Is it so necessary independent production?

In large cities there are quite a lot of respectable catering establishments that have no own delivery service. Also in abundance, customers who want to taste high-quality food, but for one reason or another have no time for visiting a beloved restaurant or cafe.

What firms are offered:

  1. A unique business for large cities, where the demand for food delivery services is extremely high. Accordingly, the profit is considerable.
  2. Low competition. As a rule, such services covers 10-20 cuisines with a variety of dishes (up to 1000 dishes).
  3. Minimum risk. People order ready-made food even in crisis times.
  4. Located business - the work process is registered and repeatedly running in practice. Such activity is easy to lead.

Many hostesses have the opportunity to turn their culinary skills in a real business.

After all, this craft is suitable for both beginner entrepreneurs and for long-working. Everyone knows that food plays an important role in human life. And in our age, fast changes are still less time to cook dishes. You have to be limited only to fast snacks. Therefore, the culinary business is promising. The main thing is to carefully consider its structure, the plan.

Cooking will be able to bring substantial income if this occupation is clearly thought out. It is necessary to pre-calculate future costs. It is necessary to decide on the assortment of dishes, location, with whether the food at home or in the rented dining room will prepare.

Opening a buffet store

In order to open your food store, you need to make a number of documents. The design of the IP, the resolution of the SanEpidemstation, the contract with the tenant of the premises, registration in tax services is the main necessary documentation.

Despite the fact that different supermarkets and large shops offer a large range of salads, snacks, hot meals, there are many people who are fans of home cooking. So they make up the main contingent among potential customers.

Cooking can be small in the area. The advantage will be the location of the buffet next to the metro, markets, business centers and other "passable" places. A bright sign must necessarily break customers on a hot lunch or a hearty breakfast.

For the convenience of visitors, the store can be equipped with small tables with chairs. The atmosphere inside should be that customers return again and again. The interior plan can be absolutely different - from home to modern. The main thing is that the style intersects, combined with the assortment. For example, in the production of pizza will be relevant to open a cafe with a Mexican interior.

The range can be diverse - sandwiches, cold snacks, salads, soups, hot dishes. In any case, the price of food in such a cooking should be democratic. Otherwise, there is a risk that visitors will move to competing firms.

Profit from the opening of a home buffet can be seen after the six months of existence. The main part of the costs is about 60% - will go for rent a room. Therefore, to begin with, it is advantageous to select a small room. The closer the store will be to the roadway, lively places, the, respectively, the rent will be higher.

Back to the category

Development of home cooking

In order to save on rental premises, you can cook all the dishes at home. With the help of advertising, distribution of ads, the operation of its client base is made by the sale of dishes. For example, employees of various firms can be potential home cooking customers. You can agree with them either with the guidance on the delivery of food, make a schedule or plan.

Such cooperation is beneficial to both parties. Workers will always be provided with hot and diverse food. And the entrepreneur will gain regular customers. At the same time, expenses will be needed only for ingredients. A margin for dishes may vary from 30%.

I prepare food at home, you can agree with some stores about cooperation. Many of them are interested in selling salads or homemade buns. This business will significantly help the development of cooking, significantly increases revenues.

For the development of home cooking, IP registration is also required, the permission of the supervisory services, especially the SES. After all, cooking dishes is a responsible business. Open this case - the process of time consuming. But recognition of customers, income from the sale will be able to fill the costs.

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