Soft armchair with your own hands. Do-it-yourself easy chair - step by step instructions from furniture gurus How to make a foam chair

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You can buy anything in modern stores. A little imagination, a mouse and keyboard with Internet access, how it will fall on your computer great amount proposals from social networks and online stores. It also happens that the financial situation is not the most prosperous, and purchases in online stores are considered luxury items. And sometimes you just want to do something with my own hands, they itch like that. Here is a small selection of examples of how you can make some furniture with your own hands.

DIY bean bag chair

In the first example, we will see the manufacture of frameless furniture, the most popular item in stores today is a bag chair. A photo of the chair with your own hands is presented below.

Material costs for one bean bag chair are $40. This includes: polystyrene balls (filler), inner cover, outer cover.

First, the inner cover is sewn and filled with foam balls, then the outer one. Then just insert the inner cover into the outer one and you get a finished bag chair.

The most difficult thing is to collect the balls in a bag, they are trying to jump out of it, I had to use a vacuum cleaner. This short instruction how to make a bag chair with your own hands.

DIY home chair

Now consider making your own ordinary home chair. Unfortunately, there were quite a few photos, there was no time to take pictures. The main stages were fixed in a timely manner, switching from a tedious workflow.

I wanted to get just an ordinary chair, and not just some incomprehensible rookery. To make it strong and stable, like store options. I had to look on the Internet for views and drawings of chairs in order to correctly assemble my design. I suggest you immediately look at the photos of the process of assembling the chair.

At the first stage, the basis-frame for the future chair is made in the form of a semicircle. Used chipboard with timber. The base of the chair is 10 cm thick. This will just be enough to fix the walls. And at uprights the same final function.

Hardboard was perfect for the back, and plywood for the front wall. All the curves and outlines of the future chair were drawn by eye from the remaining wallpaper. For the base, children's wooden cubes were used.

In the next step, I started gluing cardboard to fill in the interior space. In the process of work, even the glue had to be changed, the initially selected PVA did not fit. The walls swelled and became like a waffle, the glue was replaced with ordinary carpentry glue. turned out to be the most the best choice from all that is offered. There was even an idea for a rocking chair with my own hands, but I will implement the idea a little later.

After looking at the photo, you can immediately easily figure out how the finished walls were obtained. For leveling, I used an ordinary knife, the material is easily cut and deformable.

At the next stage, work with glue and foam rubber, glue the entire surface with a layer of foam rubber, do not leave any bald spots and uncovered places. On a monotonous surface it is necessary to sew a cover.

Well, we have reached the final stage, when we pull the cover and get a beautiful finished chair. The product turned out to be very heavy, but it will be completely safe for children, can be attributed to the pluses. As for the fabric used, nothing was bought anywhere. The scraps available at home and the remnants of sewing were used.

We wanted to get temporary furniture, no one planned to make a chair for centuries. The sieve on the armrests, despite a good tack with glue, will peel off over time. If you say a little about the design of the chair, then it turned out to be simply indestructible.

Chair made of plastic bottles

What people don't do plastic bottles. And rafts in their youth, and bird feeders in kindergarten. This material has excellent inclinations for creativity.

Plastic bottles are a real find, in ordinary life brooches, scoops, curtains and buckets are made from them. They are used to decorate flower beds, lay them out instead of pipes, make a hanging chair.

We wanted to try to make a chair out of bottles, why not? At first it all started with great enthusiasm for collecting bottles, and then everyone unanimously realized that there was simply nowhere to store them in such quantity in a small home area of ​​​​the room.

Even at the initial stage of storage, it immediately became clear that the necks of the bottles were not needed, more precisely, half of the bottles. We decided to stack them in blocks of two bottles, carefully cutting off the throat and fastening 2 pieces to each other. One was cut off the neck, turned over and inserted into the second bottle. Of course, a wooden chair looks much more attractive and solid.

For the complete manufacture of the chair, it took about 90 bottles to collect, they were fastened together with adhesive tape, and covered with stretch film on top. It will not work to talk about the entire process of assembling the chair; at the time of writing the article, the chair was ready.

In short, we can say that you should not regret attaching bottles of scotch tape, because. during assembly, they can simply diverge from each other, you will have to spend a lot of time in order to redo the structure later. In this regard, I had to resort to stretch film and finalize the chair to the final stage.

DIY armchair photo

The vast majority of soft chairs can be divided into frame and frameless. Child seats stand apart, the manufacture of which has a number of technological differences. The question arises - is it necessary to pay big money for the finished product, if you can do something similar with your own hands?

We will tell you about the process of manufacturing soft chairs, provide drawings, photographs and videos that will allow you to successfully cope with the task. You will also find a list necessary materials and tools.

First of all, you need to decide on the material of the upholstery. There is significant differences both in the cost of the upholstery and in its physical properties Oh. Consider the most popular options:

  • Velours. Velvety and fleecy fabric. Looks like faux fur.
  • Chenille. Natural material "diluted" with synthetic fibers. Thanks to this, the surface does not roll, it is practical and durable.
  • Flock. The fabric vaguely resembles velor, but experts recommend using flock for the manufacture of child seats. The fabric is easy to clean and wash, has water-repellent and wear-resistant qualities, does not fade.
  • Jacquard. The fabric is easy to clean and highly durable, but the structure includes synthetic fibers. Therefore, loose loops can lead to puffs.
  • Faux suede. The material is fleecy and durable, does not fade and can "breathe". Ease of maintenance is an added bonus.
  • Artificial leather. The material is characterized by high wear resistance. In this case, the skin is distinguished by the presence of embossing.
  • Tapestry. This is a natural and very expensive fabric, which can be distinguished by visible weaving. Multi-colored threads, woven into the overall structure, form beautiful patterns.

At the heart of the most primitive frame structures lies a plywood template. Therefore, you will need sheets of birch plywood, self-tapping screws, nails and standard set tools:

In the case of the manufacture of a bean bag, your toolkit will be thoroughly reduced. In addition, there are simplified technologies, designed by craftsmen, which allow you to assemble an easy chair quickly and with minimum set inventory.

DIY soft chair photo

Any work cannot be started without a clear plan of action. Decide on the design of the future piece of furniture. Creating a frame chair is more difficult, but it looks more respectable.

If you decide to sew a bean bag chair, get ready to master the patterns. Your actions will lie not so much in the sphere furniture production how much in the field of sewing art. In any scenario, you will need an approximate budget and an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe consumption of materials. For example, a bean bag chair costs 1200-1300 rubles. This includes fabric for the outer (about 300-500) and inner (200-300) covers. Also, 500 rubles are laid for the purchase of a filler.

Perhaps you already have an old "grandfather's" easy chair that has lost marketable condition? Then you can drag and repair it with your own hands, as shown in the following video:

An ordinary chair requires a thorough approach and extensive preparatory phase. Consider the list of materials and tools required for the manufacture of a plywood chair with upholstery:

  • 20mm plywood;
  • electric drill;
  • emery skin;
  • screws;
  • jigsaw;
  • metal rims;
  • thin nails;
  • foam rubber;
  • wood glue;
  • artificial leather;
  • stain;
  • black glossy paint;
  • pencil;
  • masking tape;
  • roulette.

Let's get to work:

  1. After downloading one of the drawings below, proceed to large-scale work. Calculate the amount of materials and start making a template. First, cardboard templates are made, pieces of plywood are cut out from them.
  2. The side parts of a standard chair resemble a banana. You will also need cross bars. Decide on the angles of inclination, bending and dimensions of the product.
  3. Surface wooden parts cleaned and polished. Special attention give the ends - soak them with heated drying oil, flatten the fibers with a hammer (if bends are provided). Each part of the frame is cut with a jigsaw.
  4. The side parts of the chairs are painted or stained. The ends of the sidewalls are reinforced with metal rims. After that, the wrapping process begins.
  5. Electric drill is done required holes. The rims are fixed with screws. First, the back of the back is trimmed with artificial leather, then it is the turn of other fragments of the chair.
  6. To secure the fabric, you will need wallpaper nails with large hats. At the back, the upholstery is fixed along the transverse parts (along the very edge), in front it should cover the slats. It is better to process the attachment points with carpentry glue - this will increase the level of reliability.

Frameless furniture on the Russian markets appeared quite recently. But thanks to its many benefits, it quickly became popular. But the price of such a novelty is often too high.

In the meantime, making an easy chair with your own hands is not difficult at all. Such work will not take you much time. And to tailoring and decorating such original decoration your room can attract children.

Preparatory stages

Before you start doing, prepare a detailed drawing. If you do not carefully calculate all required dimensions, then you may not get the result you expected.

The easiest way is to make an easy chair in the form of a pear or an ordinary bag.

Figure 1. An example of a drawing of a simple chair.

But you can give it the shape of a pyramid or, for example, a cube. Often, ottomans are made for children's rooms in the form of a drop or a funny animal, for example, a dragon.

An example of a drawing of a chair of a rather simple form is shown in fig. 1. Naturally, you can change the dimensions given in it as you wish.

Next, choose a fabric. You will need two types of matter. For the inner cover, get a fairly thick fabric with a tight weave. Otherwise, the filler balls may eventually come out of the bag. For this purpose, satin, coarse calico, a fabric intended for sewing breastplates are well suited.

But the outer cover can be sewn from any material. Denim, artificial leather, fur or furniture velor will look good in any interior. The color of the material depends only on your taste, preferences and appearance rooms.

In order to, you need to buy a special filler. Usually frameless furniture is stuffed with polystyrene foam. It can be purchased at stores that sell furniture repair products.

Be careful when buying this product remotely (for example, from a catalog or via the Internet). This filler is very light and voluminous. To transport 10 kg of "balls" you will need a cargo gazelle, because in a normal a car he won't get in. When buying a filler, pay attention not to the weight, but to the volume of the package. For tailoring an easy chair, you need a bag with a volume of 200-250 liters.

If desired, polystyrene foam can be replaced with foam chips. It can be obtained by crushing, for example, decorative tiles used for finishing the ceiling.

Some experts advise stuffing frameless furniture with hay or buckwheat husks. But using natural materials, remember that they should be changed about 1 time in 5-6 months. Fillers of plant origin absorb moisture well, which is why mold fungi can start in them. In addition, such materials are quickly compressed, and the easy chair will lose its volume and elasticity.

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Sewing a frameless version

In order to make an easy chair of the dimensions indicated in the drawing, you will need the following materials:

  • fabric for the inner cover (with a width of 150 cm) - 3 m;
  • fabric for the outer cover (with a width of 150 cm) - 3 m;
  • zipper, 22 cm long;
  • sewing threads;
  • decoration materials (piping, braid, ribbons, inlays).

Start by cutting out all the necessary details. Don't forget to leave seam allowances! They should be 1.5-3 cm.

First you need to prepare the patterns for all the elements of the easy chair. They are usually made from paper or polyethylene film(if you want to make patterns that are reusable). When creating patterns, allowances do not need to be taken into account.

The finished pattern is placed on the wrong side of the fabric and circled around the office with chalk or a bar of soap. Between the details of the pattern leave a space equal to the allowances. If you provide the same allowances for all parts, then the elements can not be marked separately. It is enough to fold the fabric in several layers and circle the pattern 1 time.

Tailoring should begin with the manufacture of the inner cover. “Petals” are sewn to the bottom in turn. Then the sides of the long parts are sewn together. Leave a hole in one seam for stuffing. The top part is sewn on last.

Next, make a cover. It's done the same way, only one of the seams is inserted with a zipper. To do this, the seam is sewn from below, to a length of 3-5 cm. Then a pass is made equal to the length of the zipper and stitched to the end. The parts sewn in this way are turned right side out, and the allowances for the fastener are folded over and ironed. Lightning is placed under the workpiece from the inside and pinned to the allowances with pins. First, a line is laid on one side, trying to place it as close as possible to the teeth (usually special paws are used for this). sewing machines), then on the other. The fastener is finished by laying double seams at the beginning and end of the zipper.

Additional decor will make the chair a unique detail of your room. It can be decorated with embroidery, appliqués, decorative braid. This finish depends only on your personal taste.

Not only craftsmen know how to make exclusive comfortable furniture from improvised materials. The advantage of such an occupation is obvious - it is the possibility of translating into reality the most daring ideas for the diversity of living space. An additional bonus is the low cost of making homemade soft chairs with your own hands. Following the advice of designers, you can make an easy chair for a pleasant pastime in your own home. At home, you can exactly repeat all the stages of factory production of this modern and convenient attribute for decorating a nursery or living room. On the Internet, you can find both the simplest and most complex schemes.

The first step in making homemade upholstered furniture serves as a choice of fabric for external design soft parts of the structure. Each master selects upholstery depending on the physical properties and price aspects and features that different drawings have. Consider the most common fabrics for decorating chairs in our time:

  • velor - velvety to the touch, gives the furniture a certain charm;

Velor upholstered

  • flog - a distant analogue of velor, easy to clean, so designers use it to decorate children's upholstered furniture;

Flog in upholstery

  • chenille - a fabric based on a combination of natural and synthetic fibers, has a special wear resistance (a well-thought-out structure prevents the formation of pellets);

Chinille in upholstery

  • jacquard - the upholstery is considered durable, but over time, the loops turn into puffs;
  • natural tapestry - the most expensive and beautiful view upholstery fabrics;

Jacquard in upholstery

  • artificial suede - a universal option for armchairs in a sunny room, resistant to UV rays and easy to clean;

Upholstered faux suede

  • leatherette is a durable material that allows you to play with decorative embossing.

Leatherette in upholstery

Material, fittings, tools for frame attribute

Creating a frame chair from scratch presents some difficulties. But the finished product will have a more respectable appearance. You can verify this by looking at the photo. finished products home craftsmen. You can also use the old Soviet "grandmother's" chair for the base.

For the manufacture of simple frame under an upholstered chair, you need to pick up strong sheets of 20 mm plywood for cutting out parts with your own hands. Also useful is a standard repair tool kit with an electric drill, jigsaw, steel ruler, emery cloth, metal rims, masking tape, pencil, tape measure, thin nails, self-tapping screws, wood glue, stain, glossy paint. For upholstery you need: artificial leather or fabric, foam rubber (filler).

Step-by-step creation of upholstered furniture with a wooden base

  1. If you do not know how to make a drawing for the base, then look ready-made options schemes on the network. As a rule, they are transferred to a cardboard template with a pencil. Only after that proceed to perform the operations of the described algorithm. This will help save on excess material, or vice versa - do not buy the missing parts.
  2. According to the cardboard template, future constituent elements are cut out of plywood sheets:
  • banana-shaped sidewalls;
  • cross bars.

It is important to determine the desired angles of inclination, bending and dimensions of the future frame. This will help the photo of the finished chair, created according to your scheme.

  1. The next stage is the surface treatment of wooden parts by cleaning and grinding. With special care, the ends are worked out to improve the quality of the work done. Previously, these parts are impregnated with heated drying oil and only then bends are formed with a hammer, if they are provided for in the sketch. Each component is cut with an electric jigsaw.
  2. Stained or treated with varnish-stained sidewalls. The ends of the side parts are reinforced with metal rims.
  3. The next course of action is connected with the close-fitting of the frame. Using an electric drill, make the necessary holes. The rims are fixed with screws.
  4. Faux leather or fabric is covered first back backs, then ‒ other fragments of the structure, incl. and seats.
  5. The upholstery is fixed with wallpaper nails, which are characterized by large hats. In the back of the frame chair, the upholstery is fixed along the edge, along the transverse parts to better cover the slats.

Pattern of a round chair wooden frame We sheathe the frame with fiberboard cardboard

Experienced furniture makers advise the attachment points to be additionally treated with wood glue. Such a move is needed to increase the durability of the created furniture with your own hands.

Secrets of reliable upholstery: how to sew

The process of stretching the upholstery of soft chairs has its own nuances:

  1. Foam rubber is cut to the size of the seat (average thickness - 5 cm). The part is glued to the surface of the plywood sheet.
  2. Horizontal and vertical fabric straps are fixed to the back with a construction stapler. Similar belts are added to the armrests and sidewalls from the inside along the form.
  3. From a piece of foam rubber 0.1 cm thick, a part is cut off, which will be larger in size than the area of ​​​​the seat (difference by 4-5 cm). They take a flap of synthetic winterizer fabric of the same size with an elongated front part and fix it with their own hands.
  4. After the done manipulations, the upholstery is covered with furniture fabric. With the help of a stapler, textiles are fixed in all corners of the cover, the synthetic winterizer-foam layer to the seat frame of the chair.
  5. The sidewalls and armrests are also covered with synthetic winterizer, fixed with aerosol glue over the entire surface. Only after that, the parts are sheathed with a cloth, securing the flap along the staples.

We sheathe the chair with foam rubber. In addition, we put a synthetic winterizer

Frameless furniture is becoming popularbecause it has numerous advantages, different attractive view. It is presented in numerous varieties, but the most popular is the do-it-yourself bag chair, a master class of this process is described below. They do not have a specific and permanent form, they form various figures. Beskarkasny furniture differs in comfort of use , it is effectively used for a dream . At home, making a design with your own hands is not difficult. This will not only save a lot of money, but will also ensure that you get a product that fits perfectly into the interior.

The main feature of this design is the absence of a frame, which is characterized by rigidity and strength. V classical form it is presented in the form of a pear. It is a large fabric bag filled with various bulk materials. An unusual effect is created, as if a person is sitting on a water mattress. The product takes the shape of the body, so the weight is distributed evenly.

Bean bags at home are created by many people, as this makes it possible to obtain a unique product that fits perfectly into the interior. This allows you not to spend a lot of money on its purchase.

After a short period of use of this chair, complete relaxation of the back muscles is ensured, therefore, the load is relieved from it. Easy chair usually stuffed with foam or other materials with excellent thermal insulation parameters, so the design additionally has a warming effect.

Bean bags are presented in numerous types, and they differ not only in size, but also in shape. It is easy to select a product that is suitable for a child or an adult, and also has a configuration in the form of a pear or a circle, a rectangle or an unusual shape. Below are a lot of photos of these products, so when independent creation chairs are easy to choose best option.


The advantages of their use include the following factors:

  • since bulk fillers are used, it is comfortable to use the product;
  • furniture without a frame is safe, as it has no corners, so it is effectively used in a children's room;
  • a hand-made element will fit perfectly into the interior;
  • only environmentally friendly materials are used in the process of work;
  • the chair easily moves around the room, simplifying cleaning;
  • the outer removable cover can be washed periodically, so care is easy.

If the old product no longer fits into the interior, you can make a new and bright outer cover for it, which will update any room.


The choice of material for the cover

Before you sew a bag chair with your own hands, you need to decide what fabric will be used for this process. The design consists of elements:

  • outer cover, which must be resistant to dirt, durable, tight and attractive;
  • inner cover formed from durable, breathable and reliable materials;
  • filler, and it is important to first decide what the chair will be filled with.

Initially, it is decided which fabric will be used for bag chairs. For an external product, you can choose different types fabrics. It is important that they have the following parameters:

  • high strength and resistance to abrasion;
  • ease of maintenance, since the outer cover is most often exposed to various influences, and there is also a high probability of contaminating it;
  • attractiveness, since this cover determines how the whole chair will look.

An excellent choice is Oxford fabric, which is used to form awnings or tents. It is durable and easy to care for, so it is perfect for the planned work. As a rule, during production it is impregnated with special compounds that make it resistant to moisture. It is presented in numerous colors, so the best option is chosen for work. Bag chairs, the sizes of which can be different, made of this fabric, can be used not only in residential premises, but also on the street.

Other types of fabrics can be used, such as flock or micro-velvet, but products made from these materials are installed exclusively at home. It is allowed to make your element even from eco-leather, which provides an exquisite and unique model that fits perfectly into different modern styles interior.

Eco leather

The inner cover for bag chairs is usually formed from dense spunbond. It is advisable to choose a variety of it, which is equipped with small holes designed for ventilation of the product. The material has a low cost, so it is considered an excellent choice for creating an inner case. It is usually sold in rolls.

If it is not possible to choose spunbond, then any other fabric that is dense and breathable will do. If ventilation is not provided inner space, then the filler will begin to stick together quickly, so its shape and its parameters change.


Necessary tools to make a bag chair with your own hands

The process of creating a bag chair with your own hands, the master class of which is presented below, begins with the preparation of the tools and materials that are necessary for this work. These include:

  • a lot of fabric, both for the inner cover and for the outer one;
  • in order to receive sealed cases, two zippers of the optimal size are purchased;
  • scissors for cutting necessary elements from fabric;
  • threads are designed to fasten individual parts of the structure;
  • the sewing machine facilitates the work process, and also ensures smooth, beautiful and durable stitches;
  • filler to fill the inner cover.

In the absence of a sewing machine, it is allowed to do the work manually, but in order to obtain high-quality seams, you must have experience in this area.

Creating a pattern

How to make a bag chair so that it turns out to be even and of high quality? To do this, a detailed and correct pattern is preliminarily created. It is easily formed on its own, and it is also possible to see different types of patterns below. As a rule, they are all identical, but may differ in the size of the bag chair.

The whole process is divided into the following steps:

  • patterns are made, and it is desirable that they initially have the required dimensions, which will subsequently affect the dimensions of the bag chairs;
  • as a result, 4 main elements are obtained, with the help of which a bag chair is created;
  • an economical option involves imposing a pattern on the fabric itself, after which the necessary elements are cut out.

Patterns of bag chairs can be different, since they completely depend on what dimensions and other parameters the product will have after work. During the creation of the main parts of the product, it is important to follow economical use fabrics.

Armchair drop
Bean bag chair pattern - one of six wedges in adult and child sizes

Cover tailoring

After creating a cutting for both covers, their tailoring begins. To do this, it is important to decide in advance what dimensions the bag chair will have. The process is carried out in the following sequence of actions:

  • two flat blanks are created. To do this, all elements are fastened to each other with pins, after which side seams should be basted on the wedges;
  • shaped side seams are connected sewing machine or manually, after which they are smoothed, for which it is advisable to use an iron equipped with a steam mode;

Before you start stitching the parts, fasten them with needles
  • on the front side on the outer cover, side seams are sewn off;
  • extreme wedges are folded on both blanks, after which they are basted. When working with the outer cover, the remaining side seams are sewn from the bottom and top, and it is important to leave about 40 cm on either side, and this distance is necessary for sewing in the zipper. The same steps are performed for the inner cover, but no more than 35 cm is left for the zipper. All the resulting seams are ironed;

All seams must be overlocked.
  • for the remaining unsewn sections, zippers are pinned or tacked. Their middle should be in the center of the ironed seam. After fitting, the zippers are sewn;
  • as a result of the actions performed, the seams of the bag will be obtained, which have a tubular irregular shape, which taper slightly at the top;

How to sew a zipper
After the wedges are sewn together, you get such a base
  • the handle of the future chair is made, for which the prepared part is folded, and only inside out. It is sewn in a place where there is a long edge. After it is turned out on the front part and ironed;
  • the existing blanks of both covers are turned inside out. The top is sewn to the outer cover, which is swept to outer pipe, after which the handle is inserted;

For ease of use, a zipper should be sewn into the bags.
  • the bottom of both covers is ground off, and the resulting circles are attached. After the work is done, the covers are turned inside out.
Outer chair cover

After creating the covers, it is important to decide what will fill the inner element. The selected filler is loaded into the product in such a way as to completely fill it. To do this, the inner cover is inserted into the outer one, and then stuffed with the selected material. After creating a bag chair, a pillow or other similar elements are often made that ensure the comfort of using the product.

Filler selection

Before creation this product it is important to decide what it will be filled with. Most often, granules formed from expanded polystyrene are selected for these purposes. They are represented by small balls with high hygienic parameters. They do not absorb foreign odors. At the same time, they have excellent thermal insulation properties. The price of the material differs in availability.

In addition to expanded polystyrene, the following fillers can be used:

  • wood shavings;
  • down, feathers or wool;
  • different types of cereals.

How to properly fill a bag chair

Thus, the process of creating a bag chair is considered quite simple and understandable. It is only important to choose or make high-quality and correct patterns, use suitable materials and good filler. The result is a beautiful, inexpensive and durable piece of furniture.

Now you know how to sew a bag chair. It is not difficult to do this if you know what the dimensions of the chair are and choose the right materials for work.


From the video you will learn how to properly sew a bag chair.

DIY bag chair photo

In the selection you can see what the finished products look like.

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