Textured decorative plasters, materials with increased wear resistance. Production of decorative plaster Manufacturers of decorative plaster are leaders in the Russian market

reservoirs 29.08.2019

Most often found mineral decorative plasters based on white cement. The positive qualities include good vapor permeability and high level fire safety. The material is very affordable and is used in large volumes. The disadvantages include increased labor intensity due to poor elasticity and low adhesion.

basis polymer materials are acrylic resins and other similar components. Polymer plaster has a high degree of resistance to ultraviolet radiation, the coating does not change its appearance under the influence of high temperature. The material has good adhesion, vapor permeability. You can also note the excellent water-repellent properties.

The most durable materials can be safely attributed silicone plaster. This is a universal material with an extensive list of positive consumer properties. The disadvantage of this material is only one - the high price. The purchase of silicone plaster has a very significant effect on the overall estimate of repair work.

Advantages of using decorative plaster:

  1. Lets beautifully, in original style to decorate the walls.
  2. Creating a unique interior at low financial costs.
  3. A high degree of functionality of the coating, while solving the problems of leveling the walls and their insulation.
  4. A wide range of manufacturers offering interesting texture solutions. The choice of colors makes it possible to realize the most daring creative fantasies.

Features of materials offered by leading manufacturers

Products Tex-Color differs by an optimum ratio of the price and quality of the offered materials. Such plaster has a lamb texture, it is very convenient and easy to work with it, both during application and in the further painting process. The venerable brand BauMit offers lamb and bark beetle texture materials. The quality of the plaster is impeccable, but the price tag does not please consumers.

Let's go to products german brands, confidently leading the domestic market in terms of sales. it Ceresit, Caparol. It is not known how manufacturers manage to maintain such a wonderful combination of high consumer properties with reasonable prices. Maybe, competent organization the work of all structural divisions of European brands allows them to maintain the level of cost at a relatively low level. The company's policy is to earn money through the growth of sales volumes, and not a high mark-up on produced materials.

Popular brands include Rossetti. It is well known that Italians rarely offer any goods at affordable prices. This brand is no exception. The company offers an extensive selection, materials are durable, specialists are always pleased to work with them. The company's products are used for internal and external works. Among the distinguishing features can be called excellent resistance to abrasion, as well as to mechanical stress. The material showed itself well in coastal areas, it steadily endures adverse climatic conditions.

dune is also an Italian brand that produces high quality acrylic plaster. The variety of offered materials allows you to decorate the room in both classic and avant-garde style. The range of products offered makes it possible to carry out not only internal, but also external work. As practice shows, Italian-made plaster is designed for a long service life.

widely used products Caravaggio. The company's materials allow you to create an elegant velvety, velor coating. At the same time, a silky effect can be observed at the same time. Decorative plaster of this company is used to decorate not only residential premises, but also prestigious jewelry stores, status exhibition centers, elite restaurants and hotels. The material looks especially good when combined different kind highlights.

Today, more and more designers for interior decoration resort to decorative plaster. Tile and wallpapers are a thing of the past, being an ordinary interior solution. In turn, decorative plaster is not only attractive in appearance, but also a durable material, and as a result, its popularity is steadily growing day by day. Decorative plaster - a homogeneous mass with the addition of an admixture of granite, marble chips and other components, thanks to which the structure of the material becomes interesting and diverse. Plaster allows you to perfectly hide some surface defects.

Wide spectrum color solutions Such a coating allows you to imitate wood, marble, stone, metal, with its help almost any texture is applied to the wall. In addition, this material is suitable for decoration not only bearing walls, but also arches, doorways and ceiling.

) is an incredibly plastic and versatile material, interesting to use. Different effects from its use - a lot of possibilities for wall decoration and modification of the interior of the room.

Decorative plaster: varieties

Decorative plaster, including facade plaster, is not just a good decoration substance that gives the facade of the house or the interior a special look. Plaster is also protective layer from various kinds natural disasters: excessive sun exposure, moisture, frost, as well as mechanical damage. Like other finishing materials, decorative plaster is divided into types and types according to different parameters: appearance, properties and substances included in its composition. And in order to be more aware of the whole variety of categories decorative plaster Let's take a look at its advantages and disadvantages. Let's start with the composition:

  • It is a dry powder mixture that must be diluted with water and stirred regularly to prevent lumps from forming.
    Despite the low cost, this plaster is very durable, perfectly withstands prolonged exposure to wind and sun. For example, mineral plaster is almost ideal for a bathroom, since it allows water vapor to pass through. Among the shortcomings, we note its inelasticity, so over the years it can crack, subject to mechanical stress.

  • Differs in the increased resistance to pollution and possesses high strength. Silicone plaster is easy to use.
    It combines well with a variety of bases, is elastic and resistant to natural and mechanical damage. Among numerous competitors, it is distinguished by the richness of color - about 7000 color shades, however, at the same time, its cost is quite high.

  • Silicate decorative plaster
    Not bad colors, used to decorate the facade of the building.
    Its benefitslow price, resistance to natural and mechanical stress.
    To disadvantages can be attributed to the complexity of the work, since it is practically impossible for a non-professional to plaster the facade of a building with it.

  • A wide range of shades, elasticity and inexpensive price noticeably distinguish it from other coatings.
    Minus- poorly passes water vapor, and as a result, drops of water appear in the insulation layer. This is where mold and dampness come from.
    Acrylic decorative plaster is not recommended for use as the last finishing layer.

Here everything depends to a greater extent on its composition. So, if the composition contains a transparent stone no more than 4 mm in diameter, then such a plaster will be grainy. If its base is marble or sand, then right at the factory, multi-colored dye stones are added to it, which give it a certain shade (there are about 40 of them). Conventionally, according to the texture, the plaster is called “lamb” and “bark beetle”. The only difference is that the “bark beetle” is given relief with a special roller or textured spatula. Here you can achieve various relief effects: cyclic stripes, circles, and even two-color painting. "Lamb" usually comes in a standard form.

Today, there are many brands, types and types of decorative plasters on sale, but among them there are some favorites.

1) "Ruston"

The Novacolor company produces a material that imitates rust and corrosion on the wall. The result is a stylish and modern visual effect. This effect is achieved solely thanks to the particles of iron mica, ultimately creating the impression of metallic waves and overflows on the entire surface. AT modern interiors high-tech style, such decorative plaster will fit perfectly.

And in order to create a more believable effect of rust and corrosion, manufacturers recommend using 2 decorative materials at the same time and finishing in 2 stages. The first, basic stage of "RustonFondo" has the very necessary texture, and already at the final stage, the material "RustonFinish" is used. As a result, the finished texture becomes the required "rusty" color. Decorative material "RustonFinish" is available on the market in several shades.

2) "Wall2Floor Top Coat"

Wall2Floor decorative plaster with concrete imitation is a practical material for decorating a room. It is mainly used to create a kind of effect of seamless concrete.

However, unique opportunities“Wall2Floor TopCoat” doesn't stop there. Various technique application allows you to achieve the effect of blurred concrete, the effect of Roman plaster with noticeable stains, etc. Wall2Floor TopCoat is ready to offer its customers a wide range of shades of this decorative material: from green-gray to sky blue, the most delicate beige.

3) Klondike

This decorative plaster is designed for truly bold interiors. Plaster "Klondike" plays not only the role of an auxiliary finishing material, since the ceiling or walls decorated with it can later become a real gem of the interior.

Decorative plaster "Klondike" - a combination of bold colors with silver and gold splashes. Separate additives (“AdditivoGold G100” - gold and “AdditivoSilver G200” - silver) are metal impurities. The plaster has a heterogeneous composition, there are stains in the structure. Special additives-impurities can make the surface look like beautiful stone interspersed with precious metals.

4) "Sambulador"

Italian plaster "Sambulador" is used for finishing interior spaces and is distinguished by an unusually brilliant sand effect.

It is easy to apply, which allows you to create truly unique interiors. Achieving an unsurpassed "naturalness" of the coating is possible by combining quartz additives and a smooth mother-of-pearl base, which ultimately creates a "sandy" appearance of the surface. The plaster is distinguished by a rich palette of colors: sky blue, sand, gray-blue shades create a kind of “mineral” effect. No less interesting bright burgundy and pink-burgundy shades are also available to the buyer. For lovers classical style in the interior, manufacturers have created a gentle and soft variation of decorative plaster - "SambuladorSoft".

5) "CeboGlam"

Decorative plaster "CeboGlam" (known under the brand name "CEBOS") is used as a final surface finish. The color palette consists of shades of blue, beige, pale pink, purple and other pastel colors.

She is able to bring chic and sophistication to the interior. The basis of CeboGlam plaster is mineral wax, and additives in its composition give iridescence and gloss to the surface. As a "basic" basis for CeboGlam decorative plaster, manufacturers recommend using Argento plaster from the same manufacturer.

6) "Tex-Color"

The company "Tex-Color" produces plaster with a textured "lamb" feature.

With circular, transverse, longitudinal grouting with a special plastic “bark beetle” trowel, a coating with a grooved structure is obtained. The plaster has a slight smell, water-repellent, alkali-resistant, easy to apply, diluted with water.

7) BauMit

The company "BauMit" (Austria) produces decorative plaster of 2 types: "lamb" and "bark beetle". It is more expensive than the manufacturers of similar products.

Plaster is distinguished by high quality (durability) and a huge selection of color variations. In addition, it can be used for internal and external work.

Summing up the above, it should be noted that decorative plaster is the latest innovation that structurally highlights and decorates any room not only with color, but also with luxurious relief, creating stunning visual effects. On the side of such a decorative material is not only external beauty, but also durability, strength, a variety of structures, types, a large functional range (for example, washable plaster) and, of course, big choice products from the world's leading manufacturers.

The most important building material was and still is plaster. If earlier the only task of leveling walls and ceilings was assigned to it, today compositions for tiles, wallpaper, and painting have been invented. With the help of some types of plaster, you can decorate the interior and exterior bases. The self-made composition of sand, cement and lime was replaced by ready mixes. Some of them just need to be mixed with water before work, while other products are ready to be applied immediately. The choice of a suitable plaster depends on its purpose, which in turn is reflected in the recipe.

  • Plasters with gypsum bases have universal qualities. With the help of such mixtures, it is possible to perform both rough alignment of walls and ceilings, and finishing. The disadvantage of gypsum-containing materials is the fear of moisture and frost.
  • Cement-based mixtures are suitable for preliminary creation of a plaster layer inside and outside buildings. They are affordable, weather resistant and durable.
  • Plasters based on synthetic resins allow to achieve a perfectly smooth and even surface. With their help, you can create decorated surfaces of external and internal walls, facades, plinths. However, the cost of such products is quite high.

Our review includes best plasters made on different bases. The rating is based on feedback from professional plasterers and amateur finishers.

The best gypsum plasters

The most popular among builders are currently plaster compositions based on gypsum. They are easy to prepare, apply and smooth.

5 Founding Gipswell

Better vapor permeability
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.8

A high level of vapor permeability has plaster Founding Gipswell. Composition on plaster base it is recommended to apply for leveling of the bases in buildings with low humidity. Plaster is versatile, it can be used to process ceilings and walls from any materials. The manufacturer added polymer additives to the composition to increase adhesion. After drying, a flat and smooth surface is obtained. It can be applied to paintwork, wallpapering, laying tiles. Further puttying is not required for wet grouting. The plaster is easy to apply and level.

Professional plasterers speak flatteringly about such qualities of Founding Gypswell plaster as high vapor permeability, ease of application, affordable price, education smooth surface. The disadvantages of builders include the unstable quality of the composition, too fast drying solution.

4 Unis Teplon

whitest gypsum plaster
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.8

Unis Teplon gypsum plaster has a snow-white color. It is intended for finishing ceilings and walls inside rooms with a normal level of humidity for painting or wallpapering. The composition can be applied with a thickness of up to 50 mm without the use of a plaster mesh. It can be used in the bathroom or kitchen when leveling the surface under the tiles. Thanks to a special recipe, the manufacturer managed to reduce the setting time of the plaster. The use of this material allows you to reduce the cost of subsequent painting of walls or ceilings in White color. The coating creates a favorable microclimate in the room.

Domestic masters interior decoration highlight several positive qualities gypsum plaster Unis Teplon. It is plastic, affordable and moisture resistant. It dries to a white surface. The disadvantages of the material is insufficient adhesion, due to which it is necessary to pre-prime porous substrates.

3 Ceresit CT 35

The best decorative plaster
Country: Rating (2019): 4.9

Ceresit decorative plaster stands out for its high quality. It is designed for thin layer application and is available in several colors. The composition can be applied both on plastered surfaces and on concrete bases, and on a chipboard panel. The mixture can be used not only indoors, but also outside. It is recommended to use decorative plaster when installing facade thermal insulation systems in combination with expanded polystyrene boards or mineral wool. There are various modifications of the composition, for example, for painting or for winter use (up to -10°C). The material is impact resistant, UV resistant, frost resistant.

Finishers speak flatteringly about such properties of Ceresit decorative plaster as vapor permeability, frost resistance, and resistance to adverse weather events. The disadvantage of the composition is the high price.

2 Volma Canvas

Optimal combination of price and quality
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.9

Domestic plaster Volma Canvas is popular with finishers due to the optimal combination of price and technical parameters. It is made on a gypsum basis using unique chemical and mineral additives. Distinctive features of the plaster are such properties as good water-holding capacity, excellent adhesion, optimal drying time. The composition can be used to level ceilings and walls, followed by painting, tiling or wallpapering. After drying, the surface is smooth, which eliminates the operation of puttying.

Builders highlight in the reviews such strengths plaster Volma Canvas, as an affordable price, plasticity of the working solution, ease of application. Of the negative qualities, color heterogeneity is noted after complete drying.

1 Knauf Rothband

The best gypsum plaster
Country: Germany (produced in Russia)
Rating (2019): 5.0

The name of Knauf's Rotband plaster has already become a household name among builders and finishers. A gypsum-based mixture is intended for leveling surfaces inside buildings. The composition can be used for finishing walls and ceilings of residential premises, as well as in preparation for facing bathrooms and kitchens. Distinctive feature Rotband is the ability to apply to any base, from concrete to brick. Thanks to the introduction of polymer fillers and light additives into the gypsum base, it was possible to achieve high adhesion, easy application and high thickness (up to 10 mm) in one pass.

Domestic builders call Knauf Rotband the best gypsum plaster for internal works. Its advantages are environmental friendliness, fire resistance, vapor permeability, high-quality adhesion. The only downside is the high price.

The best cement plasters

Cement plasters are most often used at the stage of preparation of walls, ceilings or facades before applying top coats. Due to the affordable price, it is possible to economically correct all the shortcomings that were made during the construction of walls and ceilings.

3 Glims Velur

The lightest plaster
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.8

Lightweight plaster Glims Velur finds wide application in construction. The composition is created on a cement basis with the addition of perlite. It is designed for leveling walls, facades made of foam blocks, concrete, bricks and other materials. Due to the small mass of the plaster layer, it is possible to reduce the load on wall and ceiling structures. You can apply plaster in dry rooms, as well as in the bathroom, kitchen, outside buildings. In the process of application, a plaster mesh is not required, and the surface can be smoothed to a gloss. After drying, a weather-resistant and durable layer is formed, which is elastic and resistant to cracking.

Domestic finishers highlight such advantages cement plaster Glims Velur like easy application, easy leveling, versatility. Of the negative qualities, cracking of the dried layer, the difficulty of stirring are often indicated.

2 Prospectors

Best price
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.9

At the most attractive price, Russian plaster Prospectors are sold. Cement-based formulation designed for both manual and mechanized application plaster mortar. With this mixture, walls and ceilings inside buildings, as well as external facades, can be leveled. The plaster is able to fill cracks and recesses up to 60 mm deep. It is not suitable only for finishing surfaces that come into contact with food and drinking water. Due to good adhesion it is possible to level different types grounds ( brickwork, cellular and ordinary concrete, cement plasters). In the future, finishing putty, decorative plaster, ceramic tiles or paint.

Professional builders find cement stucco Prospectors excellent budget option finishes. It perfectly lays down on the bases, does not dust, is suitable for a bath.

1 Ceresit CT 29

The best plaster and repair putty
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.9

Align at the same time uneven surfaces and plastering allows Ceresit CT 29 (2 in 1) plaster. The composition has a cement base, to which polymer components and reinforcing additives are added. The mixture is recommended for use in the repair and leveling of concrete, cement-sand, brick foundations. With the help of plaster, it is possible to quickly repair cracks, chips, recesses and other defects. Not recommended for floor leveling. Special properties the composition was obtained due to the introduction of microfibers, which play the role of a reinforcing material. As a result, plaster with a thickness of 2...20 mm can be applied in one pass without the use of a grid.

Finishing masters speak positively about such qualities of Ceresit CT 29 cement plaster as manufacturability, convenience, and economy. Experts call the disadvantages of the composition the appearance of cracks during drying and the high price.

The best synthetic resin plasters

Plasters based on synthetic resins allow you to create ideal finish coatings. Masters are able to make luxurious finishes with their help.

2 Mapei Nivoplan

The most versatile plaster
Country: Italy
Rating (2019): 4.9

Italian plaster Mapei Nivoplan has universal properties. It can be used for leveling interior and exterior surfaces, repairing old plasters, preparing a subfloor for tiles, etc. This flexible synthetic resin compound can be used to coat ceilings up to 30mm thick. The material has very good adhesion, which allows it to be used for finishing brick, foam concrete and wood-cement substrates. In the composition of synthetic resins are perfectly combined with fine sand and cement. The solution is easily prepared by mixing the dry powder with water. The plastic mass can be applied with a spatula or a plastering machine. It is not recommended to use for leveling floors, as well as for finishing gypsum-containing bases.

Finishers note a number of advantages of Mapei Nivoplan plaster. The main one is versatility, accessibility and manufacturability. Unfortunately, not everywhere the composition can be bought.

1 Caparol Streichputz

The best facade plaster
Country: Germany
Rating (2019): 5.0

The best plaster for structural facade works is a composition from Germany Caparol Streichputz. The product is a matte plastic mass based on synthetic resin. The composition is suitable for creating thin-layer and weather-resistant coatings. Plaster has a wide range of applications. With its help, you can level rough plastered surfaces, apply a mosaic by spraying, imitate sgraffito. When using plaster indoors, it is possible to obtain very durable coating with increased resistance to mechanical stress. The composition is diluted with water, it is environmentally friendly, has a slight odor. Even with a large layer thickness, after drying, cracking of the coating does not occur.

Builders especially like the application process facade plaster Caparol Streichputz, its strength and impact resistance. The main disadvantage of this product is the high price.

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